THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1914 EVENING EDITION. THREE Tuesday, February 10, Last I ' I I I L ! . I .. M ,,.f M.,M,, f! ( Ss im IVt fc .uccw ?.,,& Dav of Our Clearance Sale - Jrlvo fm vrmfself whprripr nr nnf- fliic lMi, . YOU Can uu& w , ww tlJi0 utauiug up of ours is a vuuc givuiS w $) 6.65 instead of $2500 J5.00 instead of 22,50 JJ3.35 instead of $20.00 (2.35 instead ol ioou ft $H. 65 instead of . $ J 7.50 J0.00 instead of . 15.00 $835 instead of . $12.50 6.65 instead of . 10.00 Suits purchased in this store will ho kept pressed free- of char ye Woolen Mill Store Apparel Specialists Poit Mux and Boys & JSiJjftJbw Coquille River Coal guaranteed free of slack and dirt and not iu ULiiuivtn FULL WEIGHT AND PROMPT SERVICE COOS COUNTY FUEL CO. GEO. A. BAINES. phone 181-L 186 Broadway South, WANT ADS. I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 'OR ICHXT l-slc loom, first floor, good location, I. s. Kuitfiiiiin & ' Co. e Orpheum Tonight iTHE DEATH STONE OF INDIA. This Is n groat three-reel fent- I ture of priests or mum. IfOII TIIK SIN OK ANOTHER. Drnmn, which innkes nn liitorost- Ing itory. Tomorrow nlcht wo bIiow our fonturo. RACK TO LIFE, with to other good reels, duiTcIdk this a flno show. ADMISSION TKN CENTS. Found Ladles' kill glove on Front Int. Owner can have same by claiming property and paying for HiIh nil at Times offlro. FOR SAM': Flno furniture In . room Iioiihu, down town. $225 I cash. Fr o rent. Enquire "M," i euro Times. FOR RENT Tvo rooms furnished for light housekeeping. 2S7 Coni-murclnl. WANTED Tliif ilnfii iiml j 100 day-old chicles of slnglo romh wuito i.oglioniB, about first of March, also 200-egg Incubator. nox .is .Muraliriold. lIOAItl) AM) ItOOM Mix, E. M. Johnson, 23G Market avcinu. TIRES FOR FEBRUARY. . mu ib nt"eii tie and ulgtit of nigh iiiwl low water nt Mi rnttleld. Tlio tldea aro plated U. the order of in etii-'onco, with their times on the 11 rst Hue and heights on tho second line tf each tiny; a compar ison on consecutive heights will Indicate whether It Is high or low water. inr high wnter on tho bar BUbstruct 2 hours 34 tnlnules. DIHrs. . 2.12 7.1C 1.27 S.10 I Ft. .. .1.8 2.4 C.G 0.S lOIIIrs.. 2.10 8.04 2.15 8.17 Ft. . . 5.2 1.0 CO 0.8 pnrt of old Mexico when ho received' Mrs. Levi Helsnor, plans to leave . tlio nppolntment from Judgo Coko. Monday for her homo In San Frnn- I Official Hero. Chas. Keesllne, cIsco. salesmnnnger of tho Standard Oil I AUGUST MATTSON, of Catching In- i Company, is hero from San Frnn-I 'et, was a pnssengor on the Sun olsco to confer with Mnnagcr Mont- rise for Marshflold today. igomery. They went to Dandon this MISSES HILDA AND ELEANOR SB afternoon. , LANDER, of Sumner, aro vlBltlng Court Wort.iM.lny.Ju.lKo Coko m!f '"tlinr'n!?'1''!; r, will convene tho ndjourued term of M,JS. ANFON ROGERS, of Coos Circuit Court nt Coqulllo Wednesday Jor, was a pnssonger on tlio morning. Judgo Harris Is expected . "n'"b l?rnP'U Xmtt?; to bo Hero tlrn to bear eomo cases. """" "'"""""' "l (-"""' " itH, will a msuuKur uii uiu nfleld today. In rhnr" of ,. nnnrntln., n.,.1 In .- tllC HOUSOr ti. UOUSOr Cam) Bl Hand ported to bo doing nicely. Mrs. A.I 'ol 8 5nt1?i"iiBrv11 Tinvnos II. Eddy, mothor of Mrs. Flngg. lu,MUS,' E. 13. HANSON, of llaynes expected here Wednesday from Ash- "M w9 " In8B-nppp on tho !,, Messenger for iMnrshflold today. Pit llulld licit. Mrs. Lola Hahl-.'HS .h"'"11 1-wi-ii.iiByw, oi I" IJ ttfi Kit 11 J livill CUIIIU VIIOUO) Only equity mattois will como up.i $. wa1,. n l'n"onR Has ()pera.lon.-P. N. Flagg, who W . 'f'?" has been very 111 for a few days,, CLOHOL aAHD'NLrt. li W1UTIIKK KOItKCAST tllr Amo.1'J I'rni to Coo Uajr Tltntu,) I OKEUON Kalr In south and castj rain In northwest tonight. Tuesday rain In west, probably fair In east. Southeasterly winds. liOCA L Ti:.Mri:itATUItI'3 ltDCOltl) For tho 21 hours ending at 4:-l:i a. in., Fob. '.). by UonJ. Ostllnd, special government mo torologlBt: Maxlnium 50 Minimum 28 At 4:4:1 n. m 35 Preclpltntlon 00 Precipitation Blnco Sept 1 una Precipitation snino period last year 12.72 Wind: northwest, partly cloudy IMBRELLAS EPAIRED AMD COVERED MARSHFIELD CYCLERY PHONE 158-R. RIVERTON COAL FOR $5.00 PER1 TON Phone 165-X ' CHAS. LAPP EDISON'S LATEST tongc batlcry that contlnuul ow flurclng will not harm. U0E3 NOT COKH01H3 AT II.1IMI.AIS. COXTAIXS NO ACID. Ul not loio Its chargo whllo tmnuing inio. CUARANTi:i:i FIVR VI3ARS CoosBayJWiringCo. ' uroaiiwny, g" tor Port of Coos liny. TiTe R.oyaI TONIGHT Entire chnngo of program, MIbb Lois Powell In two now songs. Miss Clco MndtBon, who playod In tho Masonic Oporn Houso mid later In this theater gained a host of ad mlnii'H hecniiBO of her excellent work uinv bo sos-n In motion pictures to night. i no Shadows of Llfo," with Phll lli8 Smnllov. Lois Wobor and Cleo , Madison In tho loading roles. Two KimiH or iovo conirnBtou maito thlo a romantic drama of nolo. "Tho Hand of Providence" A Crystal drama. "Misplaced Lovo." Featuring Mlsa Poi'il Whlto. Coining Wednesday, "Tho niack Snnko." A wondorful tolo of o Uusalnn advonturess. Coming ThurBdny and Frldny, "Tho Wattlo of aottyflhurg." ThU greatest battlo of modern times, In flv reols, Every bcoiio historically correct. WANTED Hoy H (o 'M, for Job. Apply Capo Arago Sodn Work 8. WANTlvIl A refined girl or woman to shnro room, housekeeping priv ileges; very reasonable, also nice ly furnished sleeping room, with heat. Inquire at Times offlco. I'OK HALE Tlioroiighbml lllaclc Minorca laying hens and pullets. Phono FOR HALE (MIEAP Fiiinltnie of six-room houso; can rout houso reasonable. Phono 33.1-J. WANTED HAVE prd SjLangwortliy riGuiu: ox Ollt ELKCIIIICAL WORK UNIQUE PANTATORIUM lm1 v... .. - ,. .,olv .uanagoment. orJwean'..Prosa and Repair SifiS!..W- Do't wait. JWOB C. O. HAaORTT '"' AV0' Phono 250.X Your Laundrv 10 Us By Parcel Post ; 7UV: POSTAGE ON ITS "CTl'KX. os Bay Steam Laundrv We 57-J . MnnohlmLI THEHl'VS O.NIjV ONE .MACHINE THE SINGER. ONLY ONE REPRESENTATIVE W. J. IUTZ Phono 280-X. WANTED Position by stenographer. Phono CC-J. WANTED An expert celery garden er. J. E. Fltzgornid, Phono 3101. WANTED Olrl for geneiiil house work. 720 South 4th Bt, I FOR SALE I 4 Vim HALE New, Intent model Tj. O. Smith typewriter and stand. Cheap If taken at once. Call 148 Uroadwny North or phono 158-J. FOR HALE Tho fnv tonli'i- pup ploa; good ones, $5 oach. Enquire F. E. Allon. I'OR HALF. Lunch counter outfit. Cheap If taken nt once. Phono 140-J. Do yon need any . . . Dishes? If bo, look at our window. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee and Spice House. 130 So. Broadway. Phono 304-J CAPE ARAGO COFFEE FOR SALE Fiiinltiih) of 10-rooni houso. 409 North Broadway. Phono 1C0-X. FOR SALE Rhode Island Red eggs for setting nnd day-old ohlcks. C. M. Connor. FOR SALE Duck eggs for setting. Phono 31 C.X. FOR RENT Two Furnished rooms to rent to neat couplo; light housekeeping: now house. 1074 Andorson. F. C. Stanton. Low Rates for Handling Trunks We haul trunKB between any (mint In Mnrahflsld for tho follOW- I Ing rates, delivery to So made In no urei aiorico oi uimuiub". One trunk ,22 Three trunks Br' Twelve trunks ,f5" Star Transfer and Storage Co. Levi Ilrlsncr, Prop. Phones 120-.T" 40-L: 98-Tt FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, reas onable by the week. 229 South Broadway. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, mod ern. 373 South Sixth streot Phono 295-L. FOR RENT Largo house on Soutl 11th street. Phono 119-L., or bbc A. D Campbell. LOST BolS PnttaB done at , . - - : T rg,n Gold bracelet. AVeduesday Kind nf T 7 t-. . . m. eJ" n'B" noar Market avnuo. Re-t "M of Job Pnntina Bone at The Times Office ward for return to Times. III ntlici hood Meeting. Tho Mnrsh ileld M. E. Ilrotherhood will hnvo charge of tho revival mooting nt tho M. 13. Church Wednesday night. Pay liisiirmiro. Tho A. O. U. W. lodge has paid Mrs. Carl Walker $2000, the amount of a policy which her father, Robert Krugtr, carried In her name. Call for Warrant. County Trona urcr Dlmmlck has Issued a call for all warrants Issued prior to April 1, 1013, nnd will stop Interest on thoni February 5, 1914. .More I, it. liber Tho Uandon World BnjB that tho lumbar Bhlppod rrom thoro Inst year totalled 03,271,000 IiiBtond or 51,200,909 feet, tho to tal glvon by tho Tlinbornian, Council Tonight. Tho Mnrshfl.ld City Council will moot tonight to tnko up tho paving matter. Tho Central nvenuo slip controversy Is nlso expected to como up. Flro Hum. A chimney burning out caused a flro alarm to bo turned In Into Saturday afternoon from tho homo or Hilly Smith on North Second Btroof near Highland. No dnmngo whh dono and It was not necessary Tor tho flro lopnrtniont to turn on the water. Llbby Road. A protest agalnnl tho county vacating the old Llbby road up along Coal Dank Inlet froiri Fifth street to Enstport, was filed with tho County Court. No petition iiBklng for tho vncatlon was flloil and bo tho court did not tnko any action on It; Now Garage. 11. I). Ostllnd Ms completing plana for a flno garage to bo built by J. L. Koontz nt his present location on Front nnd Al dor. It will bo nbout 75 feet Biiunro and ono story. It will bo planned especially ror garnge pur poses nnd bo most modern. Home From California. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. 11. Piper, of Coos River, returned Saturday from a wlntor'H sojourn In Lob Angeles. Mr. Plpor reports nn unusual rain fnll In that section, hut says tho pooplo woro glad to get It nftor two dry years. Ho says ho Is pleased to bo back on Coos Uny again. Mollo Pitching. A Portland pnpor Bays that "Pitcher Mollo, u big far mer boy from Marshlleld." has boon signed up by Malinger Williams or tho Portland Northwest Lenguo team. Mollo pitched ror Dandon nnd Co qulllo Inst soason and enmo from 801110 placo near Vancouver. IIo plny ed In Marshilcld n few years ago. Ruby DIch. Robert Duncan Mc Dnugald, tho slx-weeka' old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McDougnld, died at their homo In Day Park of luart trouble. Tho funeral will bo hold Tuesday nftornoon nt 2 o'clock rrom tho homo, tho Rev, A. F. nnssford officiating, Tho worthy couplo will hnvo tho sympathy of their ninny rrlonds In their brenvomont. .Many At Concert. The concort cf tho Coob Uny band yesterday wiib largoly nttonde ' n i ' pruvn.l a most onjoyahlo ono, t'.-o vcrloug iiuiuherH bolng roundly applauded. T-:e new kottlo druuiB were not tried out an tho player was at Coqulllo, Dlroctor Fontnn has four now musicians on routo horo to take various positions nnd piny In tho Imnd nnd hopes to havo tho Instruiuentntlon up to tho Torty mark hororo long, A Fine Couiplliuent. Hnrry Nos burg Is In receipt of a splendid com pliment from Good Housekeeping Magazine on Ills new calendar, in a lettor thoy sny: "Wo were tre mendously pleased with tho Goad Housekeeping calendar which you bo kindly Bent to us. It was bupIi a decidedly novel way of ualng tho Good Housekeeping window cut that wo havo Bent a page of tho calendar to each or our roprosentntlvcs In tho twelve large cities. Allow ub to thank you ror this rino work." Many Attend. A largo crowd or Marshflold citizens attended the Lin coln anniversary Borvlco nt tho Christian Church last night. Tho address was given by Rov, Samuel Gregg, who used tho Btoroqptlcon with many excellent views or Lin coln and othor prominent men, be sides views of tho rebellion. It was stated that In 1849 tho Presi dent tondored Mr. Lincoln Hie ap pointment as Governor or Oregon, which appointment ho declined to take up matters or public interest In which he and his stnti wero in terested. Now Court Reporter. A. D. Loud, the now court roportor Tor Judgo Coke's court, nnd wire, arrived Sat urday night via Randon. Thov have taken apartments in the Black houao on South Firth ' street. Mr. Loud was en routo to tho southern win, formerly Mrs. Hurt llolleu. will leave Saturday for her old home In Kentucky to sell a big farm thoro. She expects to neturn In a row months and build an npnrtmuit houso horo. I Auto to Hoaeh. F. D. Cohan nnd wire, iir. ana .Mrs. Hen unundier, MIbb Goifvlevo Wilcox and John Moreen, constituted n llttlo nuto party that wont to tho beach yester day. Tho machlno mndo the run .without difficulty. 1 Holt Wins. Geo, N. Holt has received word that bin boh, Eric, won tho oratorical contest at Wll lnmetto University Friday night. Eric nlBo delivered nn address nt nn Epworth Lenguo convention nt Van couver, Washington, Frldny. Ill edge Work. Tho Port of Coob nay wnB to havo met today but post poned the meeting, owing to tVo nb senco of a quorum, nnd adjourned' to meet tomorrow. Tho principal innttcr was to pay tho dredge Sonttlo ror last month's work, tho bill totnl Ing nbout $31,000. ' Want Inlet Improved. A delega tion or Kentuck Inlet ranchers was bcro today to urge tho Port or Coos liny Commission to Improve tho ehnn nol there. Thoy aro also to try and get aid rrom tho county. It will bo presented tomorrow. ' Iiioolclugs Man Here. Manager, Tho Hardy cumo In yesterday from Ward, of tho tlmbor department or gnn Francisco nnd will tnko on a. tho Ilrooklngs Lumber Company. I cargo or lumber at tho Portor mill, loft todny for homo ufter spending jjr, nnd Mrs. 13. 13. Rlggs, MIbb Sunday hero. Ho reports that thoy'aoldlo Rlggs and MIbb Margaret oxnect to havo ono hUIi or tho blglsimpBon wor guests nt tho Peter mill oporntlng nbout Juno 1. It .,, immn nt Mav. yesterday. will havo a capacity or 250,000 root . Mr. and Mib. E. It. Hodson nnd North llon.l. returned rrom a week-end stay at Tomploton to day. MR. PHILLIPS or tho North Bond Nows Compnny loft on tho Redon do today Tor San Francisco nnd Los Angoles to look nftor business. D. LILJROTH and S. Llljrotlr, for merly with tho Beaver Hill mines, roturnod on the Rcdondo nftor a trip to their old Scandinavian homo. JOHN SNYDER, JR.. and wlfo havo returned from San Frnnclsco, whoro thoy wont on mattors con nected with tho ostato of Mr. Sny der's first wlfo. J. W. MILLER, tho well-known Co qulllo rancher, enmo over Saturday night to tnko tho Rcdondo Ifor Snn Francisco, whoro ho will look nftor Bomo business nnd then pro ceed to Los Angoles to tnko in the yacht race. P. M. TULL13Y arrived hero on tho Rcdondo from California, whoro ho has spout tho winter, to look nftor business Interests on tho Bny. Mrs. Tulley nnd their llttlo aon re mained In Snn Frnnclstio nnd will Join hlm hero Inter. NORTH REND NEWS per day, but will not opornto nt this cupnclty until thoy got tho harbor and shipping facilities arranged. Thoy nro building nbout seven miles of logging rond. PERSONAL NOTES Fools and chlldrou tell the truth nt the wrong time. NOAH FOLIC or Allognny Is In Mnrsh llold todny on business. W. J. CONRAD left this nftornoon for Coqulllo nnd lVnudon. C. COTTLE or Isthmus Inlet Ib In Marshlleld today on IiubIuobb. .MISS LOU MAHAFFY or Allognny Is shopping in Marshflold today. A. W. SMITH, or Catching Inlet, Is at Mnrshriolil todny on business. MRS. C. 0. STADDEN, or Sumner, Is nt MurBhriold shopping todny. GEORGE OBERST, or Siimnor, Ib at Marshflold today on business. MRS. TOM LAWHORN or Allognny Is visiting rrlonds In Marshlleld to day. J. II. JOHNSTON or Allegany Ib .a business visitor In Marshllold today. L. D. KOHL, of llaynes Inlet, Is a ilniit'htnrs Krnm nnd Irene. Ot South Coos Rlvor, visited rolatlvos horo yestordny. Slg Hanson, of San Francisco, como In on ho Hardy yesterday nnd will visit his fnthcr. MIbb Hnzl Moody, of Coqulllo. was tho guest yostorday or her aunt, Mrs. Goo. Hnzor. Robert. Agors, of Oakland. Cnl Ifornln, visited rrlonds horo Satur day. Tho Porter mill closod down 1'rt day ovonlng lor ropnlrs. - I Alonrj the Waterfront. Tim ntfuimnr Const. Captain Lar son, 8Vi hours rrom tho Sluslnw, nrrlvc.1 nt Mnrshflohl today with two empty bnrges In tow. Tho Un ion Oil Company's stenmor Whlttlor nrrlvod In port todny with n enrgo or oil ror tho C. A. Smith Lumber Company. AT THE HOTELS. Chandler Hotel. Dr. Goorgo 13. Dlx. II. M. Ilnlni, Portland; Mr. nnd Mrs. V. G. lln- tn Trrtlnliil . Ml" mill MfH T. IT. huBlnoss visitor nt Mnrshriolil to-l iiroyil. Vancouver; F. E. Tuttlo, 8an ...;.. I'Pinrisco, .i. vj. kohhiiuu, dh IlENin HIGOINS or Allognny Ib a FrunclBco; W. T. Hlslop, Portland; buslnoss visitor In Jlnrshllold to- n, w. Goodnlo, Portland; 11. W. !"... , . . JohiiBon, Boston; C. J. Hownrrt, Snn OTTO HILL or Catching Inlet Is a FrnnclBco; Mr. and Mrs. II. W. business visitor In Mnrahllold to- Morgan, MlnnenpollB; Gcorgo Gnr- I'iy. dlnor, North Bond; Chns. I. Hock- rti'Utw urtinuiN, oi unyncB iiuoi, 'Uorg, Portland: J. w. Miller, uo Ib n business visitor nt Marshflold 1 today. R. D. HULL, or Catching Inlot. i Is a business visitor nt Murshflold today. I C. 13. HANSEN or Hayncs Inlot was transacting business in Mnrshllold I todny. 'WILLIAM CONKLIN, or Fatrvlow. Is a biisliifBa visitor nt Mnrshflold I today. C. J. HOWARD,' n woll-known trav eling man, arrived hero on tho Ro-doudo. W. A. LUSI3 or Allognny was n pas- i songer on tlio Alort tu .Marshllold today. MISS EDITH KA1NO, or Catching 1 lulot, U shopping at Mnrsbflold today. MRS. CAnL M'CULLOCH, of Haynoa ! Inlot, Is shopping nt Mnrtliflold today. D. D. PIERCE, tho Coqulllo lum bormnnr Is n Marshflold buslnoss 1 visitor. W. F, M'ELDOWNEY and wlfo havo roturnod from a row weeks' Btay In California. MR. AND MRS. TOM STORA, ot Coob Rlvor, aro visitors nt Marsh Held today. MRS. J. A. WARD was a passongor on tho Wnh-ta-Waso ror I.Inrsh i Hold today. MRS. C O. LEGGETT, or Templo , ton, Is nt Marshflold visiting 1 rrlonds todny. HARRY BULTMAN lolt ror the" Co- qulllo Rlvor Valley today to call I on tlio trado. CARL MATTSON. or Catching In let, Is a business visitor at j Marshflold today. J. D. ROSS or Isthmus Inlot wob a passenger on tho Bausheo lor Marshflold today. NBLS MONSON, or Tomploton, was a passenger on tho .Messoifgor ror Marshflold today. J. ALBERT MATSON roturnod on tho ; Rodondo rrom a ton days' business trip to Snn Frnnrlscn. J. S. MASTERS, or Cajchlng Inlot. I was a passongor on tho SunrJso I lor MurBhriold todny. G. W. SHELLY came ovor today rrom Myrtle Point to spend Sunday with his family at North Bond. MRS. J. LEl BY returned from a visit on Cntchlng I nl t to hor home on South Inlot today. MRS. CHARLES MAHAFFY was a paasonger on the Alert from Allo gnny to Marshlleld today. MRS. E. W, VALUERS, who has been visiting hor parents, Mr. and nullle: Edward McBHiior. Portland; C. D. Thomas, Portland; Slum Lll Jronth, Portland; D, Llljrcath, Port laud. Lloyd Hotel. Ed Tarrar, Flagstarr; L. M. Koarnoy, Portland; M. T, Bartho lomew, Empire; B. T. Hodges, Snn Fraiiolsco; Paul Rnnbonch, Lake side; E. Braller, Portland; Mr, nnd Mrs. M. Gotty. Coqulllo; Wnltor Johnson, Lakoaldo; T. M. Walker, Portland: Blanco Hotel. J, Bobnk, Camp 1; L. W. Myors, Rosoburg; G. C. Gouthlr, Coqulllo; R. Wiloy, Coqulllo: Chns. Swanson, Iilun Ridge. D. M. Gnw, Conlodo; John Snlaiuior, Loon Lnko; Ilerinan Lars'ii, Floronco. HEARD ON STREET. "All that building needs Is a llt tlo repairing" quoth C. Hlckox to dny. "Tho law roqulros that ono cannot build n honthousoon tho dock but ho cnu ropalr ono, bo I shall pro cood to Book n pormlt ror repairs on tho boatliouso." "Groat." quoth Dr. Straw, "We must placo a placard notirylng tho public that tho structure will bo orected." Thereupon a sign was painted on tho dock Inrormlng tho nr bile thoy neod not worry and to dny tho sign rendB as follows; "It will bo built." Tillies Wniic nils bring results. i at 'j.i'77 Mm w wm Wo aro m1o agents for aoiriirae aod Sylvodoira Famous THE LEADING DRIG ftl'ORE M m m ' "VaiSMittl