B EIGHT ' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1914 EVENING EDITION. I nUU5llJLrliJ I Must be Watchful For great efforts are being made in this vicinity to sell baking powders of inferior class, made from alum acids and lime phosphates, both undesir able to those who require high-grade cream of tartar baking powder to make clean and healthful food. The official Government tests have shown Royal Baking Powder to be a pure, healthful, grape cream of tartar baking powder, of highest strength, and care should be taken to prevent the substitution of any other brand in its place. Royal Baking Powder costs only a fair price per pound, and is cheaper and better at its price than any other baking powder in the world. , n chnrmlng little Informal party on ThiiBdny evening at the Craig homo , on Hunker Hill. The evening was spent In music and games nftcr which dainty refreshments w'oro served. Those present were Esther nml Myrtle , Nelson. Lillian nud Mlno Dnlglc, Lil lian Ilrenimcr, Laura Dubny, Itllln, Carrie and Velmo Uoss. Slgna Lar son and the hostesses. HVKXIXfl PA I IT Y. Miss Mamie Mnhbiio" entertained Miss May Dennett, Miss Genevieve ' Songstncken and Mrs. It. K.'Hooth In formally at her nomo Wednesday , evening. G. Mellom road a socloty paper. Ho fresh'tnents were served by Miss Cora Mathlson and Pctcv Thorpe. The noxt meeting will ho held In two weeks 1 and Chris Thorpe nnd .Miss Jennie Johnson will servo. Those present I Inst night were Uev. and Mrs. It. O. Thorpe, l)orot..y JohiiHon, Then Lar son, Scnnlo Kufflaml, Jennlo John son, ICIsie Larson, Mabel, Cora and Allie Mnthlson, K. Hrnnner, Alfred Jnri'ii, Hurt Ivoruon, Oliver Larson, Mr. Sandstrom, Clins. Dwcssut, An drew Anderson, l'eter Omll, Chris Thorpe, Peter Thorpe, Jnlnier iteff laud, Ole Oleson and 10. G. Mellem. ItAKKKT SOCIAIi. ST. VALKXTIXK'S ItAlili. Phe lloyol Auction Hrldgo Club i this week Issued InvltatloiiB for the St. Valentino's ball which they will I glvo Saturday evening, Folirtitiry II, j as a benefit for the Marshfleld Pub lic library. It promises to be one of tho lending functions of the senson nnd one of tho largest assemblages that has attended a ball this reason Is expected. 'Pro Kngles' hall will bo handsomely decorated for tho occa sion. j. .j. . I HKWI.NG PAKTY I Tho Norweglon Luthcrnn Young People will hold n basket social nt tho church parlors a week from to night. I "i 1 YOl'XO LADIUS' All). , Tho Norwegian Lutheran Young ' Ladles' Aid Society will meet next Thursday with Miss Hlslo Larson nt her homo In Fcrndalo. IXKOIOIALSKWINtJ. I Mrs. Henry Dlcrs wns hostess nt a dojlghtftil little sowing parly and lu irheon nt her homo In North Deiul this wiek. Her guests in cluded Miss Henrietta Hear and Mesdnmes Henry llneck, W. II. Richards. Win. Hoeck. C. 11. Farlss, J. A. Allen nnd Mrs. I loin.. v ISKl'KK IXVITATIOXS. Mr. mid Mrs. J. W. Illiildenbrnnd hnve Issued Invitations for enrds next Tuesday evening nt their home In i South Marshlleld. Mrs. Illldenlirniul ! has also lssuod Invitations fop sowing next Wednesday niternoon. fr (Will) PAItTIKS (ML, SI '1 wml vu l ! Mrs. F. W. Powers was hostess at two of tho most delightful card parties of tho Reason at her Home In South Marshfleld Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. St. Valen tine's was reflected In tho iTocorn tlons which were cleverly and ar tistically arranged. Wednesdoy af ternoon tlin prize wns won by Mrs. W. F. Mlllor and Thursday after noon Mrs. George F. Murcli secured tho honors. Mrs. Powers was assist ed In serving th two nfternoons by Misses Lucy nnd Florenco Powers. Her guests were: Wednesday Mrs. A. 'P. Unities, Mrs. C F. MeKnlght. Mrs. n. K. Ilniltli I,.u f'nil-l.. Iliimm,. M ,. I.' ...wo,,., .... . . .u Wl(tpsll. ..lie. , . K. Straw. Mrs. .1. T. llnrrlgnn. Mrs. Horsey Kreltxor, Mrs. A. L. Houso woili. Mrs. F. K. Gonitis. Mrs. I). Y. Stafford. Mrs. A. K. Neff Mrs. G o. G lrimi. Mrs. W. A. Held. I Mrs Ktiiroiie Crosthwalto, Mrs. K. S. llarKelt. Mrs. W. G. Chandler. Mrs. F. I) Cohan. Mrs. W. F. Mil ler. Mrs. K. I). McArtliur. Mrs. Guy i Kendall. Mrs. J. C. Kondull. Mrs. ,F. L. Gi'hiiiiIh. Mrs. C. K. Perry. Mrs. W. M. Scott, of lliiiidon. Mrs. Phono iirosont W. J. HIM, Mrs. II. J. McKeown h tiiirt'iiil liv lliii litiafdiju ' Conllnued from pnliu Throe woro (,rn A,,t )on)l,y ufoid, J .J. Dus hnoy. Mrs. Fnrrlngor. , I Lois Hnssford, GludyH Harrows. Alice All"1 Sl" '' Hokiiii mill Mi. Tally. sontoil to .Mrs. Ihtlslgor as a llttln HurrowH. Ilelun Lecocii. Gladys Scott, ' """'lay Mrs. J. S. Cokn. Mrs. tokeo of esteem. Among thoso Hose McGlnnos. Ijllxuhotli McGIiiiiuh. XN "' "orHrnll. Jr.. Mrs. A. 1. Lag present wore Mrs. H. J. Arms, Mrs. . HorfniHii. I.oroim Hoffman. ''" "'i". -Mrs K . Pnyno. Mrs. H. C. Mather, Mrs. Ilopson. Mrs. Hnhy Dorothy Hoffman and Augustus I:i'yi,,,r1 Mn 8on' J1'8.- ' J Woodbury, Mrs. C. H. WIIboii, Mrs. iioff,,,,,,,. i,,, ..i,,., will h n.iter- ?Jur:":. V- ""K" iilst. Mrs. W. A. X. W. F. McFldowney, Mrs. Q. O. Sillier Innd. .Mrs. J. II. Flnnngnn. Mrs. W. P. Murnhy. .Mrs. W. S. Nlchol con. Mrs. W. S. 'Purlieu. Mrs. F M. Parsons. Mrs. Ward M. ".lake. Mrs. A. K. Adelsperger. Mrs. Walter Cluvbuimh. Mrs. It H. Irwin. Mrs. 4... v n.. r....,,.... Z ' K. Jones. Mrs. Ilovd M. Itlehnrd- "??jr?..""V!,,'.?'' !i!!ii,;!!:..'!"?SM.,v;iy h',s wmrviVs:;: .: ?!,n,iM!T;,,,K,Tr ,P'n,,,;":. Noble. Mrs A. V. llowhay. Mrs. L. W. Mr- ,.: K,' MorrlwoV Mrs A ll! Pruveraiid Mrs. Ksthor Convorso bo- (;(ey. Miss Sadie Hognn and Mrs. INK llllll Kiicnin, .urn. .Mini" wiin iib- 1'n(y slsted throiigout tho afternoon lif.' Mrs. llowhay. The meinbers present wore Mrs, Allen, Mrs. Dennett, Mrs. i IMmaii, Mrs. KvertKon. Mrs. Hazard. . .mis. nytie. .mis. .Maiouo). .mis. .miii- Mik1, j,.nrft ,.-,, ...na i,H,aj , w. u. cnnpeiie, .Mrs. .iiiiin .-sow- m,,, K,,n .'rday. February I'll. kirk. Mrs. Win. Nielsen, Mrs. . , v mmi3H (jndys and Alice llur- B. Wllsnii, Mrs. Ilisey. Mrs. .1. W. roWH Grout, Mrs, II. J. Isaacs, Mrs. It. . ' .;. .;, .. O. llrnlnard, Mrs. A. L. Gubser, . Mrn. Perkins, Mrs. A. G. Itaab, Mrs II. N. Ktiiory, Mrs. Mlllor, Mrs. F, V. Woods. Mrs. K, Woods, r.frs flurnoa, MIhs Anus, Miss ltlley and jllss Dayton. .. , , 1 IIIUTIID.W PAHTV I Tho birthday of Thomas Itnnku n'nB niado tho occasion of a pleas ant gathering at the llooko homo In North Iloud the other evening. Music, games and other diversions ivero llJIIIHVCil ny ll niiiiiiiiiuiin niii-( per. Among those prosent were Mlns Charlotte Itooke. Miss Lilly KcKhoff. Mrs. Cbas. WclGioff. Mi nn Mrs, llorhor Olms IXIOItMAL PAKTV. Ikiih, Mrs MeKiilKlit and Mrs. Stauff. (,0i,,.f, ttlo llf,orilooll nt B0WnK , Mrs. Hyde will be hostess next week. Thursday at the homo of her sister. PUISCILLAS. Mrs. J. Albert Mntson. In West Mnrshllold. Light refrnslimeiits were served. Among her guests wore Miss .May Uennett. Mrs. It. K. Ilooth. Mrs. .1 Mrs, C A. Painter. Mr. audi I lie ; Prlsclllas me I'dnesday with , ,, chandler. Miss Geneva Wlleow rs. Win. Forrost, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Win. Gale, with Mrs. Itourke. MrH, K ,, (.0mI ,, Mni u irlmrt lleutley, Mr. and Mrs. Chits. .Mrs. Hunk. Mrs. Scott. Mrs. (Irlnulils. nenuuit or Mvrtlo Point ms. Kclchoff, Jr. .Mrs. Chrlstenson. Mrs. Ilobluson and " . v 1 TIIK JOLLY WOKKKKS. -a 'Mrs. Andrew OIhou of North Uend, I profceut. Mrs. Kiiud ICrieksuu will - . entertiiiu two weeks from last SKKXXSA ci.rn. Tho Jolly Workers were entertain- WediiewlMy at her lionio in Hunker , Trldny nfteriioon by Misses l.eona Hill, pud Uiroun Iloffninn at tho home f I their parents on South Fourth street. - - - -- Tho ufteruoon wn spent In playing IUWKKU HILL ("Ll'll. Kiimrs. Prizes were given. Miss ..."" Clnrn Abel won first prize and Doro- Mlsi-es Vivian Craig and Minerva thy llimsford wns awarded the booby Meciiin entertained the feminine prize. Dainty refreshments were members of the Hunker Hill Club at You'll Never Miss a Train or Boat - SVV A !" oasflf J If you wear one of our watches and rely on it. Trains may behind time, but our watches never are. They are regulat ed and guaranteed, no matt r what grade you solect. Uven our lowest priced time pieces will he found accurate nnd trustworthy. Fine Watch Repairing rrf f. 3-yi - (g&ar RED CROSS JEWELRY DEPT. RED CROSS DRUG STORE Mrs. Mllo D. Sunnier entertained besides tho members of the Skennsn Club Friday. Mrs. Hoyd. Mrs. F. C Weaver. Mrs. .1. Lee Hrown nil J Mrs F. J. Howe The club meinbers pres ent were Mrs. W. W Lang worthy, wltlt wNiin the club will meet ne.t week. .Mrs. Donald Chnrlsoii. Mrs. J. X. Hutchlns and Mrs. Howard Savage. ! ! AUoDAV grilPIXG PAIITV. . Mrs. II. W. Painter will entertain tho ladles of the Christian church' n xt Tuesday nt an all-day nulltlng bee and lunch. ; . X. II, CimiSTlAX SISTICHIIOOD. ' Tho North Hend Christian Sister hood met Wednesday at the home of Mrs Kilgnr McDanlols with eleven meinbers present. Plans were made for holding a cooked food and apron sale lu the Wiseman & Martin furnl-J tare store windows soon Thoso present were Mrs. L. v. Tope. Mrs. F i S Httcule. Mrs. H. P. Guinea. Mrs, I V II Derbyshire Mrs. T. Osborne. Vrs. W Llvengood. Mrs McKa,Mrs, MeMurtle. Mrs. It. C Gladmon, Miss Fll.i Guinea and Mrs. Mi Daniels Mrs. Guinea will be hostess u week fioui net Wednesd.i. 4 . . KX.IOY SOCIAL. Final Clean-Up LADIES' SUITS. DRESSES COATS RAINCOATS DRESS SKIRTS See advertised list of prices the lowest of this entire event. Hub Dry Goods Co. Cor. Central Ave. nnd Broadway. Phone aoi. Mrs. K. A. Anderson cntertnlned nt sowing on Tuesday nfteriioon. Mrs. 12. L. itohliiBou entertnlned tho guests with several Scotch songs. Delicious rt f reshinents wero served by the host ess, nsslsted by Mrs. McGce. Those present wero Mesdnmes Falconer Itohlnsou, Itolnndsoii, Walters, Ayer, Hlntt, MeGeo, Curtis, Cowan, Sr and Miss Hear. l .j. .;. Klltl'ltlSi: PAUTY. A delightful surprise party was tendered Mr. Ilorninn Illllyer th's week nt tho new homo on Hlrod n ve nue, tho occnslon being Mr. Hillyer's birthday. There wero between fif teen and twenty guests present. Whist wns played at several tables and nfterwnrd dancing was Indulged In until a late hour. A sumptuous supper was served, Mrs. Illllyer being nsslBted lu serving by Mrs. Oiilmetto and Mrs. Hlrchum. The table was beautiful with Its decorations of polnsettns and the birthday enke with caudles. Tho guests all pro nounced the evening u very enjoyuble one and congratulated Mr. mid Mrs. Illllyer on tholr handsome now home. Why Waste Time? Plant your trees with HERCULES POWDER Slop first )Cf loiirt' Sprril up development .VI lu too per crnt Improve the quantity, color nnil minllfv nf fruit mmixm ' ' THE iccompanirlni Illustrations tbow two frttlt tiiet, boli thi Jim ii and pintle! thi Jirai da, and alt) tha talatlii tpnad cl thi roots ol tfim tnii, oni planted In a spadi du( hell and thi ottir In DON! WASTE TIME WHIN YOU SEE WHAT i Tl A f 1 1 16f ! RUCLT OF J 1 rtANTINC IN I tl'ADCDUC H ! ,KKJl U viifniuiviVrnmnuvM m l dmamltld bolt. HtRCUltS rOWOER CAN DO FOR TOU. i i:astsidi: kkwino cli'ii. i . 4 'Pile Knstshlo Sewing Club wns en tertained this week by Mrs. W. F. Hyerly. At the business session, Mrs. Frank Prey wns elected president. Mrs. M. A. McLiiKKnn, vlco president and Mrs. Fred Moore secretary nnd treasurer. At tho cIoho of the nfter iioon refreshments were served. Mlsf-e- Wllhi Hyurly and Marie McLalii nsslstlng her. The next meeting will be held in two weeks with Mrs. F. Cnssldy. TMnso present this week wore Mesdnmos Itobort Kittson, W. Itohertsoii, FrunJ llernmun. .1. ('. Swnnson, .1. I). McKuy. W. Steckle. F. Prey. 0. Wallace. F. Gilbert. A. Ilorton, M. A. McLaggau and M. K. Thurston. mtunv wStr S3 pa HUULT Of ! I UlNAMniD I IIOLt ! JiwrJiAiliMimw WtllWIHllWlliirit vf J In 7 l( I hh t-rn m& When you WWm "Buy the bestK kpiscopal tin i.i). . Tho Mnrshllold Kplscopul Guild wns entertnlned this week by Mrs. George F. Murcli nt her home lu South Marshlleld. Further plans Tor com pleting the kitchen nnd dub rooms in tho new church weio mndo. The next meeting will be with Miss Nettle MIhs Genovlovo Songstncken nnd Rcr, nud Mrs. Drowning. . 1 I .jolly si.ti:i:.v. I Snvngo at tho A. J. Savugo homo, Thoso present this week were Mrs. L. M. Xoble, .Mrs. Fannie Hazard, Mrs. c. F. McKnight. Mrs. .1. A. Mntt son. Mrs. .Ins. Forty. Mrs. .1. M. Up ton. Mrs. F. A. Sncchl, Mrs. Otto Tho ladlos of tho .Ioli Sixteen will Schotter, Mrs. It. U. Irwin, Mrs. liar- ho ontertnlned noxt Friday nftcrDW ry Hrndflold, Miss Mnudo Heed, Mrs. by Mrs. Ira I). Hurtle nt her homo la Hugo Qulat. Mrs. Cliuido Xnsbiirg. ' Xorth Hend. , I I Tho Norwegian Lutheran Young people Inst ovenlng enjoyed their bi weekly social nt the church. Follow ing tho business session, Miss Jennlo Johnson rendered a piano solo and E. The Victrola Satisfies Your Love of Music The love of music is born in every one of us, and we naturally come to love the kind of music we hear the most. In this day of the Victrola it is. easy for every one to hear the world's best music and not only to hear it, but to understand and en-joy it, for this wonder instru ment gives to you a thorough appreciation of the masterworks of music. The Victrola opens to you a new and ever-increasing vista of musical delight, as elevating as it is enter taining, and completely satisfies your longing for mu sical recreation. ft L. L. THOMAS, Manager. 218 Central Avenue. Phone 134-J or 15-L mM6BJmi$K WA ESti