7 ?' H era (fim M ra 1 III ffl Qtv.y (iics tsE (ESS vS' I The settlement of the suit involving the title to Perfiam Park removes every cloud from the title of this most desirable residence district in the heart of the city of Marshfield and this property is now on the market. Development V US Ik yillE ill Be The city engineers are already at work establishing street grades and soon this beautiful tract will be threaded with hard surfaced streets Plans for attractive modern homes now under way and build ing operations will begin as soon as the weather will permit J New fourteen-inch water mains to be laid, extending from boundary to boundary, thus giving this tract the best water pressure in the city At, O I A FEW CHOICE BUILDING SITES still to be had within five minutes walk from the business center Any view desired, including fine views of the bay. BUY NOW The prices will go up within sixty days. Time means money to you. Lots range in value from $300 to $700; on easy terms. Make your choice now. Perham Park Marshfield's Oftly Restricted Residence District W. A. R1LID, Owner's Agent, 1 50 North Front, Street, KllH'.!M!iT J'lTTWf, V?7NK!r.H tasm have Barnard & Langworthy figure on YOL'lt ELECTRICAL WORK IHIOP IN AND Ki:iJ THIS BIG GAMES aK TIIK HOWLING TOURNAMENT Cliatterton's Alleys NORTH FRONT RTRBBT Willamette-Pacific Motor Service Cnr lonvcB Central nvonuo, MniBiifleld, every thirty minutes, bogln niitK nt 0:30 n. iii-i to 9:30 p. m. Leaves North Ucml ovory thirty minutes beginning 0:45 n. in., to 9:4.' p. in. Twenty trip commutation tlclcots can lio Bocurod from conductor for $2.00. At the Churches (Ministers and others nro request ml to hnnd In tlio Suiidny church no tices not later thnn Friday evening to Insuro Insortlon Saturday.) UNIQUE PANTAT0RIUM Under New Management, .ct us Clean, Pross nnd Ropalr your clothes NOW. Don't wait. Hates Itoneonahlu. jay ihiyle .m c. o. raggictt 23(1 Central Ave. Phono UiJO-X TIIKItIVS ONIjY ONE MACHINE THE SINGER. o.nia one representative W. J. RITZ Phono 1IHO-X. DRY FIR AND ALDER WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street, Phono 1HO-.T. RIVERT0N COAL FOR $5.00 PER TON Phone 165-X CHAS. LAPP EDISON'S LATEST A storage buttery tbnt continual over charging will not hnrm, I'OKS NOT CORRODE AT TERMINALS. CONTAINS NO ACID. "ill not lose its charge while . . standing Idle. " GUARANTEED FIVE YEARS Coos Bay Wiring Co. 1M Ilroadwny. kcius nf Port of Coos Hay. trILyou have anything to sell. rent. In tv orm.want he,P. try a Want Ad a The Times. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. S5??,il! Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD: MAILS FROM PORTLAND: SAT., FEII. 7, 7:H . m. TUESDAY, FEH. , H p. m. SAT., FEII. 11, 1:00 p. 111. TUESDAY, FEII. 10, H p. in. SAT., FEII. 21, 7:W a. in. TUESDAY, FEII. 17, H p. in. SAT., FEH. 28, 10:!IO u. ill. TUESDAY, FEH. 21, H p Ticket! on mile 10 till Eastern jMilntH mid liiforitmtlou iih iu route ami r.-rtcji cheerfully furiilnhed. Phono Main UZ-h. ' H. J. MOIIR, Agent S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Sails From Portland for Coos Bay Thursday, February 5, at 6:00 P. AT. RdUND TRIP, $18.50. Connection with tlio North Hank Road nt Portland. North Pacific Steamship Company. Phono 11. c v' M'GEOHGE, Agent. S. S. REDONDO SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, AT 3:00 P. M. Sun Francisco orflce, 805 Fife Hldg., or Lombard St. Piers No. 27. Intcr-Oceanlc TransiKirtntlon Co., C. P. McGeorgc, Agt., Phono 14. Abstracts, Red Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Munnger FARM. COAL, T1MHER AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY, l Altai. .u. GKXKKAIi AGENTS EASTSIDE MARSHFIELD OFFICE. PHONE Vl-J. COQUILLE CITY OFFICE PHONE 101. EASTERN CONGREGATIONS TAKE UP CRUSADE AND LARGER ATTENDANCE IS EXPECTED IN MANY CITIES. HOSTON. Mass., Fob. 7. Tlio Oo-To-Church Movement, started In Chi cago Inst Sunday Iiiih spread over tlio nation, nnd many cities nro starting n cnmpnlgn with tlio snino motlvo. Tomorrow will bo Go-To-Chureh Sundny for this city, and cxtenslvo publicity plans have boon followed by ovory Protestant denom ination, by Catholics and .lows. Tlio movement has sproad Into smaller towns nnd villages, where tho vory best and most permanent results may bo secured. PRESHYTERIAN CHURCH. I .1. E. Rurkhnrt. Pastor. l niblo School nt 10 a. in. Young Peoplo'a mooting nt 0:30 p. in. Rogular morning nnd evening ser vices by Rev. J. E. Hurkhart. Prayer mooting on Thursday eve ning nt 7:30. , Evoryono la cordially invited to attend thoso sorvlros, , SPECIAL SONG SERVICE At tho Presbyterian Church on Sundny ovoning, February 8, tho following progrnni, hoglnnlug nt 7:30 o'clock, will bo given: Organ Voluntary, "Adagio Ap passionato" Iroothovon Anthom, "Prnlso Yo tho Fnth- or" Gounod Hymn, "Holy. Holy, Holy." Psnltor Selection. Antliom, "It Is My Lord," Rlack Prayer. Hymn "Ilogln My Tonguo Somo Henvonly Thomo." Solo. Anthom, "Hallolujah, Praiso Johovah." Hymn. "O Could I Spenk tho Matchless Worth." Offertory, "Prayor" Flotow Anthom, "Ulessed Aro tho Mer ciful" Horrldgo Short Address. Hymn, "Tho spacious firmament on High." Doxology. , Honedlctlon. Ion." Subject Sundny ovoning, "Justi fication." - Special music morning nnd eve ning. Everybody cordially InvPml, 4 EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Ilh mid Market. 8 n. in.. Hnlv Communion. 9:30 a. m., Sunday School. 1 1 a. m., Morning prayer nnd Bormnu. 7:30 p. m., ovoning prayor nnd sermon. 2 p. in.. Borvlces in St. Mary's Episcopal Church, North llond. SWEDISH EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH. Hov. J. V. Ilonson, Pnotur. RoBldonco 337 Coiuniorclal nvo. t uiio WeHt. Phono 193-J. Sunday School at 0:45 n. in. Dlvino SorvlciB, 7:30 p. m. Divlno SorviecB nt North Iloud 1 1 n. in. I FIRSY HAPTIST CHURCH. Alliort F. Ilnsaford, M. A Pnstor. Hcfildoueo 845 South Fourth Bt. Phono 150-X. niblo School nt 10, with gradod classoa and enmpotont teachors, Morning worship at 1 1 with sor mon by Pastor IlaBsford. Juniors moot r.t 3:00 with Mrs. G. L. Hall. South Sixth streot. Young Peoplo'a Borvlco at 0:30 for one hour. A special Invitation If oxtondod to all young mon und wo men. Sundny ovoning sormnii nt 7:30. Special music by n lnrgo chorus choir under ProfoBsor floorgo Ayre. A cordial welcomo la extended to nil. Co m o with us nnd wo will do you good. CHRISTIAN CHURCH I I METHODIST EPISCOPAL ' 1 Joseph Knotta, Pastor Sunday school nt 10 n. ni. Morning sorvico at 11 a. in. Epworth League nt 0:30. Junior I.onBiie senlci Thursday afternoon at 3:40. ' Prayor mooting Thursday evening at 7:30 o'olork. Itovlval ingotlngB In progrosa. ' Subject Saturday ovoning, "Pi late's Dilemma." Subject Sunday morning, "Dijois- Samuol Orogg, Pnator. Hesldonco 280 Nonit Eleventh Special Borvlcos In tho ovoning In honor of Lincoln's birthday. Hlhlo Bchool 10 a. in. Preaching 11 n. "in. nnd 7:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor 0:30 p. m. Tho Btibject for tho ovoning dis course, "Lincoln nud Emancipation" will bo lllustrntcd with tho uso of n sterooptlcon. All soldiers of tho Rohollion and of tlio Spanlsh-Ainorlcan War as well na their frlonds, nro Invited. , I CATHOLIC CHURCH. Marshfield. Rev. A. R Munro. Mass will bo colohrated nt 8 and 10 o'clock Sundny morning by tho Row Fathor A. It. Munro. I SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS. I - Sovonth Day Adventlat service, aro conducted ovory Saturdny as follows: Sabbnth School, 10 a. in. Hlhlo study, 11 a. in. Young Pooplo'ii Soolgty, 3 p. in. Prayor mooting, Wednesday, 7:30 P, m. Local Elder, J. E. Quails. i NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. I t R. O. Tliorpo, Pastor. Services will bo held In tho Nor wegian Lutheran chapol nt Marsh field Sundny nt 11 a. m. Sunday school meets Saturdays at 10:30. Sorvlces will bo hold In tlio Nor wegian Lutheran chapol nt North Head Sundny at 7:45 p. in. Sundny school nt 10. I CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. - Christian Sclonco hail. S37 Third street north. Sorvlcos nt 11 a. m. Sundny nnd 8 p. m., Wednesday. Subject, "Spirit." . Sunday school at 12 Sunday. Roadlng room opon ovory dny ox cept Sundays and holidays from 1' to 4 p. in. I METHODIST CHURCH North noiul. Tho Borvlces Suudny wll bo as fol lows: Sunday school 10 n. m. Vespor Circlo and Epworth Loagua 7 p. in. Sermons by tho paator 11 . m. and 8 p, m. PRESHYTERIAN CHURCH I North llond Sundny school nt 10 o'clock. Christian Endeavor nt 7. . m I UNITED HRETHREN CHURCH I North Rend. Mrs. R. N. Lewis, Pnstor. Sabbath school, 10 a. in. Christian Eudonvor, 7 p. in. Preaching 1 1 u. in. uni 8 p. m. Prayor meeting Wcdnosday ovon ing at 8 o'clock. Revival startH next wook. " CATHOLIC CHURCH I North llond. Rev. Fathor McDovltt. Mass will bo colohrated nt eight o'clock Sunday morning by tho Rov. Father McDovltt. rilOTWTAMrLADY'S" APPEAL To oil knowing nufferera of rheumatism, wheth er tuuwular or of the Joint, kclatlca, IuuiUku. bcktcLf, puluH Iu the Vlilne) or urunlgl. lalua, to urltn to her fur a home treatment which liaa rt-eateUlr cured all of tliew torture, hho fecla It her duly to tend It to all nulerern l'lir.i:. You cure ouraelf at home a tbouauda will lentlfy no rhaniit' "t ellmale hclng necea nary ThU almplo illwimr lanlhen nrlc cM from the bloml, loowim the atirfened Joint, l'ur inea the tloul. and Lrlghteim the rjre. altlns rlaMlclty and tone to the whole nytem. It Uia bIoto Intereita you, fur pnf addreaa Hra. M. Bummera. Dm It. Notre Dame. lad, ""SUCCESSFUL" EVERYWHERE" Pooplo ovorywhoro nro talking of tho quick and fino r suits Foloy Kidney Pills give In backacho, rhoiimntlsm, kidney and bladder trnublos. You can not tnko thorn Into your system without good re sults. That Is bocauso Foloy Klduoy rills glvo to the Klilncj'B and bind- dor Just what naturo calls for to hoal thoso woakouod nnd inactive orgnna. Owl Prescription Phnrmncy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposite Chandlor Hotel. Phouo 71. v '. f- " ,