Wzmttm six THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1914 EVENING EDITION. DAY'S JIIEWS IK POLICE COURT I1IBE IS CLOSED DOWN Wm. Ferry Fined for Slapping Longer Arrested En tering Grocery Famous Forest School, Weil Known on Coos Bay, Sus pends Operations Wllllnni Ferry wns arrested nt tho Blanco bar Inst night by offi cers Shoupo and Smith nnd charged with nssault nnd battery. Ferry was Inter relonsed on Ills own roe ognlznneo nnd appeared nt tlio City Uecordor's office for trinl todny. Ho pleaded guilty to an iiiiiuiuwn lugger wuo nun iiiuiiu iln ,ii1in,i , .ii.,,.Vi.. i. T an Insulting remark about his fnm-1 J"f, drcc. 'J0.1 8ac,VTm,, i 8Cnl ily. It devoloped from tho testimony ' E L 0,i'Lomo ,n,a.?F Tho Hlltnioro Forest School, which Is so well known on Coos Unv thrniiirn 118 graduates nnd through the three or four nnnunl excursions hero of Prof. Schenck nnd his students, has I Bono out of existence. Word to tills 'olnnnini.", "' " "D tre" IIU1U lOdllJ . 8lapi)lnK I ,, . n A C1,ntlt, Btntna ll,f l. - -... . ... ww.wxuik uvV,kJ 11)111, UU that tho logger was slapped so hard that ho wns rendered unconscious by tho shipping nnd bled frcoly. In this condition ho was drugged Into n rear room of thu Ulanco Saloon to "sober up." ,. --. "If punishment is to bo meted out, wo linvo a proper sot of city officiate to do that," said Judge -Gosb, "nnd that is no rcnBon why von nr nnvntln nine nlinuld take tho law In your hands, Fnr their own' many. The news comes oh nmi Mil. lugs to Coos Hay becnuso It meant much In ninny ways to this section. Prof. Schenck's many fr'ends hero will wish him well for nil future tlmo. In announcing tho suspension of Dllt-' more, ho says: I "Wlion In 1898 tho Hlltmoro For est School entered the arena of Am-' erlcnn lumbordom, It was tho only forest school In America, . fSiihy, tilings have cHnngcd, or; MEN' s I i ".'rotectlon tho saloon men should scorn to havo changed. Today, lum ronduct their establishments In , herlng Is supposed to bo tniight. In such n manner ns to morlt no crit- wny or other, nt no less thnn 83 iclsin from tho public or the city I Amoricnn schools. Thoro seems to nnd if they fall to do this, drastic measures will result. A barkcopcr Is supposed to maintain order, but ho Is also expected to be orderly In enforcing order. 3; . ifc ' "WoU, I plead guilty," said Forry. "Ten dollars fine," said Hccordor Dutlor, Arreted Entering Oroccry be no moro need, therefore, of n un ique school like tho Hlltnioro Forest School. As n matter of fact, tho oil-' rolmeuls at tho Hlltmoro Forest School havo boon ho Binall, recently, ' that Its continuance Is not worth . while Is not In keeping with tho dignity of tho interests which I hnvo advocated Incessantly. irits, Raincoats, Hats SATURDAY (tomorrow) - YOU WILL HAVE A CHANCE TO SAVE SOME MONEY. $25.00, $27.50 AND $30.00 SUITS SIZE ASSORTMENT BROKEN. ' NAVY, GRAY, BROWN AND BLACK MIXTURES ALL MARKED TO SELL FOR $17.55 SEE THEM IN OUR DISPLAY WINDOW II. Durkeo wiih arrested last night "Tho Hlltnioro Forest School has by Officer Donna nnd charged with had nothing to support It except tho attempting to enter tho Stauff Gro- K,m wlll, froo from nny financial cory company nnor nourH. ai mu ,oiiiigutions, first of G. W. Vander- bllt's Hlltnioro Estate and thereafter of Hiich flrniH us Cummcr-Dlgglim nt Cadillac, Mich., of C. A. Smith at Marsh Mold, Or., of J. L. Ilopor at Norfolk. Vn. To theso firms wo nro Indebted deeply for their copious hos pitality nnd for tholr encouraging nolirn station Durkeo uuido a state ment thnt M. A. Sweetmnn, formorly employed by the Stauff Grocery Com pany had given him tho keys and naked him to enter the premises and got n fow packages of groceries. Officer Doano Immediately left ami picKeii Hweeimau up in '"""friendship. Had we had fifty such of tho Stauff Grocery Company. At fl.,,!11(I, 1Htcni of ,,rco, thrH Hlltnioro ho police hoodquortorB Swo tin nn ,..oroHl s ,, , , , t m , .. told n different story. Baying ho uervd," wanted a pound or cuueo ""it wur- "Tho hcu "nil viiiiuiii.'1'iuii in iiiuriuu ii" Jnvn. Officer Doano placid him un der arrest nt onco. In de fault or ball, Hal Stutsman phoned at tho request of Swcotmnn to Stauff. proprietor of tho grocery, nnd oxplaluod the clrcuinstiiiic h of tho nrrest. Stauff 'consented to furnish .ball lor Swootniun and ho wan released. After hearing tho evidence and circumstances In the polle court today, Stnuff refused to prosecuto either Sweet mini or Durkee. but recommended that Durkeo bo ordered to leave. City Hecordor Hutler gave Durkeo until four o'clock to get out of town. IIOiritXK IS WlliM.Vfl. Former Senator I toady to It'nii Again lu Oregon, POItTLAND. Or.. Fob. C Whoth or Joiintlinu llouriie will outer tho lists as a candidate for tho Republi can nomination for United StatoH Senator Ih still an opon question, and tho answer depend) upon the attitude of the. votei'H of the state, according to n letter received by C. W. Hodson. llouruo was Senator from Oregon for one term ending March :i, 1 1 1 :i conclusion Is evident tln.t such a school ns I had been planning or ns I had been developing. Is not so ' badly needed by tho lumber Interest of tho United States as I had been , supposing to bo tho enso." j "We should not attack and vllllfy those who httvo made a huccosb from j ' timely Investmentx In timber lands. I I They are In tho samo niniiner ns I Ki'rcevHfiil furuiers, minors or broken reaping tho reward of farslghted-' news. The very rarity of tho succci.8 ful timber owner In u field where thn opportunity were endless. Is proof of IiIh peculiar talents. And because ii genius tloHorvoH a reward, I beg you to bear no Kludge against those who had the tnlont or the genius wlich you or I did not possess, or not apply." -"COAL-MIX CRAVENETTE" $16.00 RAINCOATS FOR $11 .95 "CRAVENETTE GABARDINE" $20.00 RAINCOATS FOR $13:5 $25.00 ENGLISH CRAVENETTE RAINCOATS FOR $15 $3.50 STIFF BLACK HATS FOR $211 $2.00 VEL0UR HATS FOR ' $1-55 ii Money Talks" BAND0N Clothing (Sb Shoe Company MARSHFIELD Hub $3.00 TAN FELT HATS FOR $2J1 a Money Talks" MYRTLE POINT taxis of itocui:rr,i,u:it. WEST OPPOSES DISSOIA'TIOX (oici-uor Arts on Central Pacific mid Southern Pncll'lc Ciim SALEM, Or.. Feb. 0. Governor West aiiiiouuced that h will ask Vresldcut Wilson to delay tho action contemplated by the Government for tho dissolution of the Kotiin in I 'a Clctclunil Want to Collect SIU.IIDO, OIH) ironi lllin. CLEVELAND. O.. Fob. 0. .lohn D. Rockefeller was called on by tho local tax commission to pay $12.1500. 1)00 taxes on mi estimated f'.iOO.OOO. ooo of personal property. The com missioners asserted that under a new state law, the oil king has Just es tablished a legal residence In Clove laud, and rendered himself llublo to tho lux. lll'SIIAND I'Olt SAMS $1000. Wife Who'd 'Itiillier llne Cat' N'cciN Cnsll to Stmt Itnnidlni; Mouse. BOSTON. Fob. 15. "I am willing to sojl my husband for $1000 cash." wrote Mrs. Agnew Hedell. of Qulncy. to Miss Mary E. Chandler, In n lotter which Miss Chandler iiiimIo public. William Hedell. the husband. Is alleg ed to have expressed his willingness to be "sold." The letter, nfter explaining thnti Mrs. Ilodell had seen Miss Chandler's name In the newspapers, continues: "I see where you need a husband; 1 ruin vnn i.'i.ii a iimrin.ii.il? ,() ",l;" 'im r '0lir Property and be, t-illi A(iU. i-eii. ii. "Winning. rt. ,., iv m. liusbaiid Wednesday mid hereafter the central, ' lt "p. , lL m ?,', i Jn I iittutiitmrti naufiftlfirlrtn illufnnt tmwtil 1 ,n l ""M,Mf .. . -.! .;:."' . " .' i "".V'" .. "V" " " , : Iiik a family on small pay. I ers' tickets. The reason for tl.e !'''.'" ,0 "I101"1 1'nr,,,1. ,10llB0- NEWSIOF NEakBY TOWNS ItltlCI'S OF HAXDO.V. CIIAXtJi: IJV ItAIIAV.WS DACKIiKFF Ql'ITS IJAXK want Ho rifle mm Central Pacific Hallroads change Is duo to tho Tact that ni""'' until an Investigation Ih iiiade and largo number of country folk who u"' o 1 ab. As ror mo. i d riunor shlniiers and others IntoiostCHl have travel on these tlck-ts bocoine easy, ' 'IU- nu opportunity to present their con- victims of pickpockets in confidence j tentlons. This aiinotiiiceuiont fol- games. Tho principal stop-ovor lowed n conferenc.. with Chairman nolnts on such tickets were Chicago Miller mid T K. Cuiiiplmll, of tho Cincinnati. St. Paul. St. l.ouls, Kan Oregon ltallroad Commission, ami Has City and Minneapolis, others. The Governor stated that - Sleuiiier ItKDOXIH) villi luliii; ux choice Hue of California GAItDKX PltOIM'CIN loiiioii'oiv. Phone lilt). .v wi:.v Xeh tr Clty-tiy-t he-Sea As Told by Cashier of .Myrtle Point Institution . the Itoeolder. Succeled by It. A. Aiinlii Tho llttlo threo-yenr-old daughter Word from Myrtle Point Is that of Mr. and .Mrs. Asa Cornwnll or Pro- It. A. Annln for a long time agent per. foil and broko her nrin the other of tlll) lo('al railway Ih' ro, has been day. elected cashier of tho Hank of Myr- A sinnll flro broke out on tho roof ,l0 ''"'nt, HUlcoedlng Kd Uackleff, of tho U. .. K. restaurant, hut was who roslgnod. The clmngo wlll tako lniniedlntely extinguished without ,)ffu,t t once. Mr. Hnckloft has any damage. "(,t annoiinod his futuro Intontlons. A calf with two woll developed IAt nnniial meeting, .1. K. Hen heads was born nt tho Hlwood Carey H"" w" re-elected prosldont mid ranch near Cox's mill Siindav morn- V.,,('11. Carter vlco-prosldcnt. with It. Iiik. It Is cortalnlv somo freak of fMorB l- . bholly mid John Carl BANDON ASKS FEDDUL ho could see where no good could result from divorcing these two lines, whll ' the development of the Htate would probably be retarded mid OMJVAXT mi Injury result to tlio shipping in terest H. It. TlmcH Wain ads bring results. If you hnvo anything to sell, rout. rni or want help, try a Want Ad In Tho Times. msnop i-oitmns taxoo. Xew Step "Intensely Dangerous" to Franco' .Morals, Snjh Verilu". IIAIt I.K DUC. Frnnco, Feb. C The Hlshmi of Verdun has Issued a pastoral letter forbidding tho danc ing of the tnngo In Ida dlocoso. "Tlio tango Is Intensely dungor ous." he says. "It Is one of tho i greatest dissolvents of tho morality loguo's camp, of Frnncc.'1 i off yostorday. nature. II. Stublo, n recent arrival In Han don, has purchased two lots In West Handon near the hall park, and wlll commence tho erection of n homo on them In the near futuro. John Dlckoy, who recently bought tho Itnsa company's store, had tho misfortune to fall from a step-laddor, breaking his right arm Just nbovo as directors. FI.OHKXCi: CIIAItTF.U FIXISIIKD. Document An Drawn Slightly Amend ed liy Irfii'iil Commission. FI.ORKNCB, Or., Fob. C Tho Chnrtor Commission comploted Its work and hnnded In to tho city conn- ft 1 1 t lift nniniiilnil liiatHinimnl ml, I tho elbow. Tills is n vorv niifnH..nat ..,' ."r "" y""r" '""'"' . "i ...Ti.io.. .. r.i i... . .... "ii . -. " llH,,,ur "b " now BiaiKis was drawn up by D. C. Sowors of tho University accident at this time and wlll prob- amy lay .Mr. wicKoy up ror a niontli or more. A Mr. McCune, working nt Con- had his arm crushed I DIPHTIIIMtIA AT HAXDOX. Interesting Specials In Hats, Shirts, Underewar and Shoes If you are contemplating a purchase of any of the above articles, a saving of from 35 to 50 per cent should interest you. We have over 200 shirts, 200 pairs of shoes and 500 hats that we are sacri ficing far below cost. Why not save from 25c to $2.00. iiaa All colors, styles and shapes. 25c to $2.00. Shirts Underwear Shoes Cotton, woolen and silk shirts, with flat or military collars. 40c to $2.50. Schools Will Xot be Closni in, count of Scare. Ac of Oregon, nnd was but slightly am Hided by tho local commission. Tim, show charter wlll ho put beforo tho peoplo Year Tons, nt the April olectlon. M0OO 11.260 100n iw.iHu Port Commission Wai $250,000 Federal Appro priation for Harbor HANDON'. Or.. Feb. C Tte of Handon Commissioner! adopted resolutions to forwin ihn Ornann itnl L-ntlon In COT nnd tho I'nlted States Et flHldni' rnr nn niilironrlatlon 01 ) 000 to dupllcato tlio sum to t r. ed by a bond iesuo by titer jThlB will mako ?500,00 : improvement or mo rncr " qulllo nnd tho Hnnuon u ln.. la n iitCTWit most 01 " I tho bar. In support of tj 1 tor juriiiur uuiuui " ii. fii.i,r fiirnrcg nave furnished by tho m'8,!!3 i.A iKimnen in irau Uiu imuvh m.tffM i - VOTi: HOAD HOXDS. Columbia County Voters Support n s:i(ii,ooo Issue. ST. HELEN'S Or., Fob. 0. Tho Columbia county bond Issue of $3G0. V)0 for tho construction of two mnln A larqe supply of shirts, but no many drawers, to $2.00. Men's, Women's, Children's Shoes in all styles leathers. Values up to $8.00. Now 25c to $4.00. 25c and PRICES ARE CASH LANDO'S 0'Connell Bldg., Market avenue. NO GOODS EXCHANGED The Handon Hccordor says: "Th" Handon school hoard hold a meet- (lii vnotnt'ilnti nintiiitint n lflt ...j, ,v.ii,ii, iviMiiih in ,, niurii i.i i ... i. , """.; Dr. Smith J. Mnnn, tho city health """ " m"iis whs passea officer wns prosont. Tho main sub-uy npi'roximntoly 500 majority, ac Ject for discussion was whether or'conUl,R t0, a Poetically comploto not tho Ihuidon schools should closo , c01'nt ,t,l votes. Tho voto was on nccount of tho diphtheria which ' fthor light, as tho women failed to Is now on, but ns there nro ouly '"leresi memsoives. or tho total is two families in Hnndon who have tho dlsense, Dr. Mnnn thought It not necessary to closo at this tlmo. Dr. Oblln. county health officer, was down from Coqulllo yosterday to look into tho situation, having Heard tnnt tnero wero nuout sovonty bug $200,000 is to bo devoted to the Columbia Highway, making tho final link between Portland and Seattle. IIOIIOKS IX CL'HKV Tho Langlols Leader says: "Chief of Pollco Carnollu8 took a Jobless man In yesterday and dried him V.,4 W...V ..V.U .... t,UU..fc BUIVtU; ... .1, JI.OIUIIIUJ tUlU UUU 111111 cases of diphtheria hero, but when 'out good and then told him to move no Heard tno true condition no said on, as Judge Hickman was thoro was no reason HIKKItS THIS WAY. very 'might speak Governor West's name in his court. ' no causo for alarm and severe dn hoboes, or anybody io ciose mo scuoois. 1910 ''l" 1011 117,042 1012 172,028 1913 217.C1C shot axd nrxs jui n...l l 1I TnvllltCll AV0B Fockcd In Ice Clit. PORTLAND. Feh. C-- a discnargeu -.,, Bridge company oi " " Vii In tho back with o chaw oi uuu unci h""o :,a fipforff ho ran about a n. 6 .efore ovoriaKeu. u B,-W",,riiiim l suited the sister of AUJ. tls. salesman of the o' porting company. ,h. s After being captured IM tho shooting was ci - u nolmont market where no iJCACJ'L8Vndtk HUH I11CI1 Ul w- .-- Laurelhurst. to Pair, Kn Koute IVmii Portland Sn FraucNco, Keep Moving. COKNKLU'S. Or., Fob. fi Percy Hoach, ox-secretary to Klbort Hub bard, and William Guornsev. a news paperman recently located nt Med ford, passod through hero Monday on foot en routo to San Francisco. Each man carried a pack consist ing of blanket, strip of canvas, extra clothing, food and cooking utensils. They expect to follow the railroad from hero to Corvallls, from which place they will tnko tho branch lino to Toledo on Yaqutna Bay. From' nrlnln.) n. lllrtl tl 11 f rtl 1 41 Tit Hlrv Ann tm 1UICUU lCJ l lUUUtt illU UllUU W beach south to San Francisco. In Portalnd A most pleasing high-grade hotel that is um ferent" and homelike. Equally pleasing are the economical prices, In the heart" of Portland's interesting and points ot business and social lite, r l... r. .... m nn A !., lon frOlll Luiopean pian irom Jpi.uu, ttmenuttn m" 11th just off Washington St. Send for illustratea . ...ijjI iqueiy v esse" tn H .MMMMtiMMMBaaMMBaMIMBMBMMMi -Nortonw Ho lit 1 Bb. B BMWMMMMMBMnMO,amgj m--- - ,. m - llEiTI Mm i 1 "'-" ''"' ttt-fo irWri