THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1914 EVENING EDITION. FIVE Last Week of Sale ARE you one of the men who smile when you see the word "bargains?" We're only going to say, we are closing out oui: entirejjstock of Clothcraft Suits and Overcoats One-Third off the regular price You can judge for yourself whether or not this "cleaningup" of ours is a value giving occasion. $16.65 J5.00 $1335 J2.35 instead of $25.00 nstead of . 22,50 nstead of $20.00 instead of J 8.50 $iU 65 instead of . $17.50 10.00 instead of . 15.00 $8.35 instead of . $12.50 6.65 instead of . 10.00 Suits purchased iu this .store will be kept pressed free of charije Woolen Mill Store Apparel Specialists For Mkx axi Boys 8 Special Bargains For Saturday Monday and Tuesday Only Dotted Swiss Curtulns; lengths, ruffled edges, tncrly up to $2.00 .N'jtr, per pair . . full for- $1,25 or Boyi' Waists; tnn, black pretty stripes, formerly OCJ 35c and 40c. Now ..DC Arctic Sox nnrt Slumber Slip- pen; excellent quullly. All (Ires. a n i Per pair IZC LnilloH' WiibIi Pottleoats In Btrlpos niul plnln chnnibrnyB. Vnlucs ip to 75c. Now 40c Indies' Dri'BB Skirts, Intost stylos; nimlo In serges nnil whipcords. $0 nntl (JJQ QE $0 lclndB. Now tpjiJU Ladles' nuiT Children's Knit ted Caps; vnrloty of colors Wero 70o nnd 51.2.' Now ...50 Mui'a IleHt Corduroy PnntB In brown nnd tnn. Forinorly $3.00 nnd $1.00. Now .$2.90 Children's Flnnnolotto Gowns In whlto ami utrlpcs, henvy grade. .10c niul up. Wo 4i ro still Belling our blnn kets nnd comfortors at reduc ed prlcos. THE FAIR IRVING BLOCK, Next to Chandler Hotel. CENTRAL AVENUE. SATISFACTION ALWAYS OR MONEY REFUNDED. Orpfoei&m Tonight AS J.N' A WOKING GLASS Throo-rocl foaturo of great Intonst d a good our. TE SCAPE GOVT Two-reel feature 51.39 FEET OF PICTURES. ADMISSION TEN CENTS WedS " fpatlro la DACK TO LIFE noxt Tuesday and He Royal f ITONIGHT 't ' " I" two beautiful 1?&LK" - SS,aw'B till. irn gowns K 80mo ot " A Wen ,..i a of Frlontl MBre of - Sby oyo leaa8 t !mrade man wl'o robbed tkeeer. K'"f Ma wife as ve' fan thPng friends lay taterM.iVWy." Ton innii of th su,)Jects. e ,pe QMaen West." A ; " a ''ugh n every i 1,7"' ,0V floor. 15C; bal- "ure in four pe'Urofcbe.PrlntlnB dona at Valentines Just in, a beautiful line of VALENTINES of all kinds. VALENTINES ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW Peoples Ei Stores Murshfield Rnndon Myrtle Point CAT (JIVES HOT BATTLE. Policeman ami Tubby Have It Warm mid Heavy. PORTLAND, Feb. 0. Having a l.nrd fight with a big black cat was tho unusual oxporlonco of Patrolman "Jack" Hold, who had to ongngo In a spoctacular hand to hand battlo with a foroclous tabby In tho rabbit warron of Clnyton Wenthorly of this city. When the policeman got hold or a heavy buovoi no laid tno cat low and won tho fight. Tho cat had beon stealing young rabbits for somo time, ami this morn ing a child saw tho animal start from tho warren with n rabbit In Its mouth. Reld lives nearby, nnd ho, too, saw tho theft. Reld gathered a handful of rocks mid tho cat was forced to drop its prey and seek refugo In tho warren. TIDES FOR FEBRUARY. i'oiow 1b gven tr.e and (.tight of high and low wator at Mi retinoid. The tides nro placed ti. tho order of occurrence, with their times on the first lino and heights on the second lino of each day; a compnr .'son on consecutive ho'ghts will Indlcnto whether It Is high or low water. i'or high water on tho bar substract 2 hours 34 minutes. CHrs.. 3.43 10.38 fi.BG 0.0 Ft... 3.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 7 lira. . 0.4 5 0.10 11.41 CIO FU. . . 4.0 3.0 CO 0.1 WEATHER FORECAST Dr Aiiocla1 rrcti la Coot nr Times. OREGON Fair In south and oast; cloudy In northwest, prob ably light rain or sonw flurries. Southeasterly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For tho 24 hours ondlnc at 4:43 n. in., February 0, by llenj. Ostliud, special government me teorologist: Mnxlmum 47 Minimum 20 At 4:13 n. in 20 Precipitation 01 Precipitation slnco Sept. 1 1IH3 42.01 Precipitation snino period last year 42.72 last year b Na shtlrdr Wind: northwest; clear. I I - Plans Trip. Tom Howard Is mnklng nrrnngemtutB for an extend ed Eastern trip and plans to spend a month or so with two brothers In Illinois, whom ho has not seen In over twenty years. Vi'i-y 111. P. N. Flagg. of tho Coos Ray Wiring Company wan ta ken suddenly III at his homo enrly yesterday morning of genornl peri tonitis mid was taken to Mercy Hos pital. Ho Is reported to be In n rather critical condition. To ()kii Soon. Photographer Quatcrmnss is arranging to havo his studio In tho rebuilt Montgomery building opened about February in. Ho will havo the quarters fixed up oven better than before nnd Is glad to bo able to greet his patrons at tho old location. Rup Luurimuilc Win. SnuudorB Is having the old Lockhnrt hotel at Empire, a landmark of tho Coos liny section, razed. It was built about 1870 and It Is said that much of tho timber Is as solid as when It was put Into tho building. la Vflnn Ml ir 1lrtli ntn Wn I ImnuMi iiituviii, uu i. ii mi; i i;ii ivuiiti ii and will have the best wishes of many menus in me new uusiness. Mfo lcasc. Under his settlement with I ho Fletcher heirs. A. E. Sea man received $3000 for the money lip had expended and Is given pos session of the nous and lot under tno life of Mrs. Young, the widow of tho Into Mr. Fletcher. Tho sot-1 tleineiit was on tho basis that Sea man simply bought Mrs. Young's equity lu the property. Mrs. Young t is a sister of Mrs. Hob. rt McCann, of North Hend. SOCIAL CALENDAR. FRIDAY. Thimble Club wjth Mrs. A. II. Derbyshire. Ladles Art Club with Mrs. F. I L. Sumner. J N. L. Y. P. S. at the church l parlors. I Skcnusa Club with Mrs. MUo Sumner. I A. - A PERSONAL NOTES 13. L. ROBINSON went to llnndon today on business. MRS. J. LANDRITH of Allegany Is n visitor in Mnrslitlcld. JOHN PRICE of Allegany Is In tho city today on business. W. E. REST Is hero from Ilandon on business nnd pleasure. JAS. M'CUTCHEON, of Reaver Hill Is a Murshfield business visitor. WM. CANDLIN, of Coiiulllo. Is a i.iarslifleld business visitor today. FRANK SMITH, of Coos River, Is a Marslillold visitor today on business. FRANK NORMAN, of Camp 4, Is visiting friends at Marshflold today. T. .1. KOLSTAD of Coos River Is n business visitor nt Marslillold today. C. I. 110NERRAKE loft yesterday for Ilandon on business nnd pleasure. E. F. MORRISSEY Is spending a few days In tho Coqtilllo Vnlley on buslnrss. ANSON ROGERS, of Coos River. Is a business visitor nt Marsh field today. WARREN ELLIOTT, of South In let, returned homo yesterday from Astoria mid Portlnnd. .1. E. PAULSON nnd S. M. Nosier, woii-icnown Coqtilllo men, nro Marshflold visitors today. MRS. L. C. REYNOLDS, or North Rend, passod through horo today en routo to Conulllo for n abort visit. E. It. RRYSON, of Eugono, Is ex pected horo tho first or next wiok on Kluney receivership mnt-ters. Firm RNmiIvo. D. F. Unrnnrd has sold his Interest In th Coos Ray Wiring Compnny to IiIb pnrt ner. C. A. Langworthy, who will continue tho business nloue. For tho presont Mr. Unrnnrd will ro mnlu with tho firm, but will ongngo In other bushiest Inter. MISS FLOSSIE LATTIN returned to tiny on the Alert fr m a visit nt tho homo of Mrs. J. McDonald on Coos River. E. W. FRANKLIN, who Is horo from Gnrdluer, BtateH that It Is rather quiet there now. The mill was running tin eight-hour shift when ho loft. Cii'l Out Logs. About 7C000 reot or logB cut orr tho Pnrhnm tract woro floated out MIR Slough today. Tnoy wero Bold by Rocolver Wel stoad of tho Hardwood Milling Com- nnny to tho North Rond Lunibor Compnny. They wore tho first log drivo out of Mill Slough In ninny yenrs. StraiiiPi' HiHt" Hoiluntl, August Frlzcon Is In receipt of ndvlces from the big steamship companies an nouncing n big reduction lu iinssen gor rates from Now York to Gorman nnd French ports. As n result of tho war in rates tickets to nnd from Now York to foreign ports nro sold for $22.00. Open March 1. J. W. Hlldon brnnd nnd Win. Schroedcr expect to open tholr plumbing, hnrdwaro and liullilorB supplies storo nbout Mnrcii 1. They will occupy tno qunriera which tho Mnrshriold Hnrdwaro Co. D. RICE, tho woll-known Cntehlng ; i mot rnnclior, wiih a Marslirield business visitor yestordav. Ho roported thnt rnncliorB there nro planning to ship nbout 1000 sacks of potatocB to California soon. MR. AND MRS. HERRERT E. MOR . TEN left on tho morning train for I Ilandon, nftor an onjoynbln trip on I tho Rronkwntor from Portlnnd, ' whoro they woro recently mnrrled. Mr. Morten Is a prominent busi ness man of Ilandon. Save Money on Your Groceries GOOD POTATOES 01 jf Per IOO pounds vj) i4U CHOICE LEMONS n Per do.en JUu CHOICE ORANGES. jn Per UUlf Portland Grocery Store Phono ordei'H to 1D2-.T. Nel iliHtr to PoMtofflco itOT South Rromhvny WANT ADS. I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I - 'Oil HALF Two fov terrier pup pies; good ones, $fi each. Enquire F. E. Allen. FOR HALE Lunch counter outfit. Chcnp If taken nt once. Phono 1 10-.!. FOR KALI' Furniture of 10-room house. 409 North' llroadway. Phono 100-X. I'OH RENT Four room furnished flnt In tho Hlack house. Phono-2S10-J. FOUND Angorn kitten. Enquirer iiiiiuh uiiicu ami pay lor huh mi. FOR RENT a fiiiiilhhed housekeep ing rooms, jo i uommorcini. I'OH RENT HoiiM'Ucoplnj: nnd sleeping rooms. 3!)r So. tth St. I wantId . 4, WANTED Posltloii by Monographer. Phono nC-.T. WANTED Ten tleiniikerH, Norlli Rend ICmploymout office. Wnro- house, foot of Virginia at., North Rond. WANTED An expert celery gnrden or. J. E. Fitzgerald. Phono 3151. WANTED Girl for general hotisc- wori(. tzv bouin itn Bt. U'ANTKI) Ti earn fm rlill.Ii-.-t. niul I l.l.. ...111. !... i. n... ni. uuii nun iiuiinuntii n. mix lit. Mnrshriold, Oregon. A. MERTZ of Rosoburg wnB a pas senger on tho Sunrlso rrom North Ilond todnv. Mr. Mnrfr Ih n fni-ninr j resident of Coos Rny, having real I estnto holdings at North Rend. Ho Is cnntninplntlng mnklng Coos liny his futuro homo nnd this togethor with his real ostato lutorost nt North Rend Is tho ronson for his visit horo. NOTICE. Tho monthly meeting of tho Chamber of Commerce will bo held in Its room at tho cornor of Com mercial and Second streot Fridny evening nt eight o'clock. Strang ers and visitors Invited, Shorts, 81. 20 nt HALVES'. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. C6SEQJ3 UMBRELLAS REPAIRED AND COVERED MARSHFIELD CYCLERY PHONE 158-R. Notice Is heroby given that tho partnership horotoforo existing bo tweon D. F. Barnard and C. A. Langworthy, under tho firm name and style of Unrnnrd & LHiigworthy. was dlssolvod by mutual agreement on tho 4th day of February, A. D., 1014, so fnr as relates to D. F. Rarunrd. All debts duo to tho said partnership are to be paid, and the debts due from said partnership aro to be paid at the same old place of business, No. 148 North Broad way, where the business will bo continued by the said C. A, Lang worthy. D. F. BARNARD. C. A. LANGWORTHY. I. X. L Clothing and Shoe Company Next to llhiuco Hotel. Our Saturday Specials being a success, wo havo decided to hold them euch week. Watch mi specials for bar gains. A low Items for (his Satur day: Rogular 20c Ties. n Saturday only J j Men's work gloves, worth 1.25 to $1.D0. Saturday flO- only OUU Men's dress gloves; worth $1.00. npn Saturday only JJU Men's work shoes; worth $3,00. Saturday fj fQ only piiOU Men's Fine leather bolts. 70c valuos. OH-, Saturday only db Men's $1.20 dross shirts. Special for -Jf Saturday IUU One-third off on nil Suits Sat urday only, 'Watch our Windows." I. X. L. Clothing and Shoe Co. Next to Blanco Hotel A. J. KIRKPATRICK nnd wire nr rlvod hero yostorday from Ann conda, Mont., whoro ho has hon engaged In tho printing business for somo tlmo. Thoy enino with n vlow of locntlnx horo, bolng attracted by the boosting which his brother, who Is em ployed iiy tim Orogon Powor Com pany, wrote to him. FOR SALE I I'OH HALE Team, 10.10 lbs. each; heavy spring wngon with top, nIo harness; all In good condition. C. L, Cool, owner. Inquire nt Bear livery barn, Mnrshflold, or Por hnm and Gldloy, North Bond. FOR SALE Rhode Inland Rod egg for sotting nnd day-old chicks. C. M. Conner. FOR SALE Duck eggs 'for setting-. Phono 31 C.X. FOR RENT I-'()!l RENT .1 room modern flnt. Enquire 424 2nd St. North. AMONG THE SICK FOR RENT .Modern a-rooni fur nlshod housekeeping suite, $13. Phono 14 03 North Bond. Cyhlo Elliott, of Llbby. who wns recently oporatod on nt Morey Hos pltnl, Ih roportod Improving nicely nnd expects to bo nolo to return homo noxt weok. ('apt. John Lapp, of tho Kid, is able to bo around again nftor n rather severe Illness, Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Pnyno, both of whom havo boon, ill, nro rap idly recuperating, Mrs. W. II, Leach, who was critical ly ill, was Improved todny, Mr. Leach, who Is janitor at tho Masonic Hall, on his return homo found her uncon scious and for n tlmo it was foarod ' sho could n bo resuscitated. They live on South Marshflold olllghts. Jesse Ott of Allegany Is In Marsh' field receiving treutmont for blood poisoning In his hand. Dr. House worth, who Ib attending him, reports thnt ho Is doing nicely. I Mrs. R. G. Ilornndn of Bunkor IUU. whoso husband Is engineer at tho Smith mill, undorwont an operation today nt Morcy hospital and is ro ported to be doing nicoly. E. W. Franklin la Hero from tinr dlner to receive modlcal treatment. I .Just received on BREAKWATER fresh SHIPMENT of nil kinds if fresh FRUITS uml VEGETXRLES. Phono 11)11. OLLIVANT .V WEAVER. FOR RENT (I room houso lu Fern- dnlo. Phono 174-11 nftor C p. m. ''" . FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, rcon onablo by tho weok. 229 South Broadway. I'OH RENT Furnished rooms, mod-' orn. 373 South Sixth street. Phono 295-L. FOB RENT Largo house on SoutJr , 11th Btroot. Phono 119-L., or ie A. B Campbell. FOUND Pearl eardrop; can ho hnl at Timos offlco by paying for tills nd. Llbbv COAL. Tho kind YOU have LWYS USED. Phon 72. Pacific! Livery and Transfer Comi.any. Times Want ads bring results. Trunsses and Abdominal Bolts aro fitted by an oxpert. Wo carry tho larg est and host equipped stock of Trusses In Southern Orogon. Of nil tho different stylos wo hnn dlo wo havo proved tho Truform Truss to givo the lst satisfaction, Romombor, It Is absolutely nec essary to havo your truss flttod right, or else you nro bound to bo lu dmiger of strangulated lier nla and misery during tho tlmo you w nr P, Swuntn will seo that yon p' ill pet the best truss fop our casf I Ml i r