jiU'iuiaiiLiwju,muMiiiuiituiiM4ag. k wrwnpr fl POUR THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1914 EVENING EDITION. rrin- - tlllir,,..-,.1! I1IC. I.,!"' U no ,: "ftl HOSE AND HEAD STOPPED UP FRDM COLD 00 CATARRH, OPEN AT ONCE L I MORNING DRESS FOR DANCING 1 ..;":-'- w wis ..i .' r, Terpsichorean Craze Causes Dame Fashion to Bow to Light Fantastic NEW YORK, Fob. G. Every frock that Booms to bo designed these days in created with 11 view of being suit able for a dnnsanto of some kind. Tho simplest morning dress may bo compelled to do duty at a morning (lniiBnnto, for tho rnrro for pleasures terpsichorean lias grown so alarming ly that Bomo of tho most fashionable tea rooms aro holding breakfast dnn Bantes. Hero ono goes for a bit of lunch about noon, and then a little danco follows. Iiotwcon this and tea tlmo thoro comes a brief period of shopping or a visit to the matinee, then back for tea and more dancing. Tho Furnoja Is going to bo the rago. Although It Is less than a week slnco tho graceful danco was recom mended by an authority as high as tho Popo of Homo, dancing teachers have gotten busy and advertised In Htructions In this latest step. It may overshadow tho tango; also it may not. Thoro Is graco In nbundnnco to tlio Kurnala, but tho action Is rather slow for enthusiasts who rovel In tan going and trotting. Dresses for theso affairs, however, aro exceedingly Interesting. Tho em phasis tniiBt Btlll bo put upon striped materials, for they aro exceedingly stylish' and In tho spring showings a prominent pluco is given to stripes of all widths and arrangements. Tho Blonder woman can wear effects Hint wind around tho figure, but there are novelties for tho stout slatcrliood that aro exceedingly effective when mnde up nlono or In combination with plain fabrics. Tho dressmaker who Is clev er can do much for a dress by mani pulating her stripes artistically. A pretty idea 's alwayB to have a bIiouI der scam for thb waist with the stripes running crosswise or straight down tho shouldor line, wltn the bIcovos cut In quo with tho yoke Unless ono Is very slondor, dlngonn' effoctB and stripes that run around tho body should bo nvolded. These luiwovor, may obtain In tho skirt, for much of tho beauty of tho now B'rirtp lies In tho fact that they aro cut bo that tho Btrlpes run In two or three directions. With panel effects, floun ces below tho knees nnd draperies this Is not so difficult as It ooundf at first. Tho ubo of tunics and ovordreBf on sklrtB Is quite unique for hot) the Bllin nnd tho fl.shy. Naturall; tho bIIiu girl can wear anything. Quito n charming model Been re rontly had a full overdress of taf feta, while tho bodice was cut on tho straight kimono stylo. The tu ulc stnrted In the renter of t lie bark with a narrow box plait run nlng toward tho front with plnltF turned toward tho bnck. This reach ed to just abovo tho knees and was thon drawn to n double ruffle with small corded bending, Tblr gnvo tho wonrer tho modcof tho mo ment without Increasing her size. Tho Furnnln Is going to bo thr rago. Tnffeta Is easily tho most fashionable. It will bo equally pop ular for 8tro"t and houso gowns Street rostumos of taffota have whorl, oddly shaped bolero Jackets elaborately trimmed with narrow gathered frills, bauds of shirring, Bilk frlngo and braiding. Tho Bklrts nro two, threo or four tlorrd, onrh section cut circular to prnduro tho rippling fullness at thr lower edges, bo desirable at prosont or thoy aro drnpod townrd tho back to produco tho bustle offect. Tho ubo of tnffota will not be confined to gowns alone, for tho lat wt millinery is developed from P.r offortlvo silk. Draped turbans o, small proportions, as well as hatt of medium bIzo, nro made of taffeta. Tho matorlal Is shirred or flttcc smoothly over tho foundations, and the trimming consists of taffota. flowors, plumago fantasies or wired lnnlliu'B. y 6043 M COM THE PLAIN FROCK OF VELVETEEN IS OFTEN RELIEVED WITH A TOUCH OF BROCADE Wlda waists, shoulders and hips con tlnuu modish. Tho drop-shoulder, tho Blrdlo' and tho pcK-top sldrt aro tho means employed to bring about this offect, with often n rover to add a bit of extra breadth. This Ilgure la far noro graceful than tho pinched waists and wldo foot-llncs of nomo acniions iKo. Vclour do lnlno, old blue, Is used for tho first costume Illustrated hero (8054). The sash, cuffs, collar nnd re fern aro of u pastel tinted tirochfi Milk In which thcro nro touches of old rose und gold. The vest that peep forth Is if a softly tucked cream colored bn tlsto. Tho wldo shoulders und rovers add to Its effectiveness. This design may bo copied In size 31 with 4 Hi yards of 3C Inch mutcrlul. llluck velveteen Is hero touched to brlKhtneas by the handings of brocade showing several rich (diodes. This frock gulns distinction through sim plicity. It closes strnlght down tho back nnd has an Inset yoko of tho sheerest net. A wldo clrdlo of black grosgruln ribbon pusses through slashes on tho gown and adds a smart touch. This frock may bo inndo In slsso 30 with 3i yards of 36 Inch material, with 1 yards of brocado for trimming. No. 80r.4 sizes 34 to 42. No. 8045 sizes 34 to 42. Knch pattern If, cents. - - To obtain diner pattern Illustrated llll out this coupon and enclose 16 cents In stamps or coin, lie suro to itnto number of pattern and size, measuring over tho fullest part of the bust. Address Pattern Department, en re of this paper. No Namo .. Address Size GRAHAM'S laTKST SCHEME. runner Coos liny Promoter Now In South America. A Portland paper says: Shipping mon nro interested In a report from tho Botith thnt It. A. (Irnlinm, who promoted n Btenmshlp lino hero oven ten yenrB ago, nnd chartered five' carriers, iwlth tho old Moninouth Bhlro ns flagship, Is engaged In the construction of n railroad in South America. Ho wns tho promoter also of tho Coob liny, Itoscburg nnd East ern, Tho Btenmshlp vonturo hero wnB not n howllnir mktohh thnin-li ntnrt. d nt n time whon Portland was not enjoying tho best facilities for get ting products across the Pacific to far oasturn ports. The famous Santa Clara Valley Dried Fruits This fruit is the most economical as well as the most delicious because it contains so much natural fruit sugar that it requires very little or no artificial sweetening. Our line embraces: DRIED PRUNES WHITE FIGS - BLACK FIGS PULLED FIGS DRIED PEACHES DRIED PEARS DRIED APRICOTS Line of Nice, Fresh Dates. Try, an order of these fruits. Nasburg's Grocery "The Good Housekeeping Store" Corner Commercial and Second St. Phone 213-J. WRITK UP COOS UAV Eastern Mnpilnn Sends Here for Pictures to Illustrate Article A communication received by Sec retary Motloy of the Mnrshflold Chnmbor of Commerce from tin "Llfo nnd Health" magazine, re questing thnt nn original photo graph of tho Illustrations on pages of tho recent booster booklet nnd such other photogrnphs as tho body could send bo forwarded to tho "Life and Health" magazine to be used in nn article that will appear shortly in tho mngnzlno, Tho ex ecutive committee of tho Chamber of Commerce ordered thnt tho pho togrnphs be forwarded to the mag azine. The committee also recom mended thnt an auditing committee bu npH)lntod by tho president and thnt they inert on tho first of each month and audit nil bills. BUTTER AVo have secured the exclusive sale of all butter made by a privately owned creamery near Temple ton, Oregon, and in the future will be able to serve you with STRICTLY FRESIL AND PURE butter any time. Try a 2-pound square for SO cents and save from five cents to ten cents per pound over what you pay for butter of similar quality. "We be lieve in patronizing home industry to the extent of handling COOS 13 A V products whenever possible. CAPE AKAOO COFFEE. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee and Spice House i The House of Taste. 130 North Broadwav. Phone 39-l-J. TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleaning, repairing or new platens, work guaranteed, Ribbons, nnd carbon paper delivered. Phono us your order. Phono -II. Alliance office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO, READY FOR HOOFIXO. I nm bnck on thoJob again nnd rontly to put that now roof or ropnlr lUO OUI out IU1 Jim, ;tiK liiwoi mi one If Brlco's roofs aren't tho best over. Phono S9-J or drop mo a lino. J. h. BRICK. KINDLY PUMEMBEP AND GIVE US A TRTAL EVKRYTHIXO IX Till: BAKERY LINK MAPSIIPIE17D BAKING COMPANY lil.l XOUTH SECOND ST., XEAH CENTRAL AVENUE. PHONE 128. .My Cleansing, Healing Halm Instantly Clears Nose, Head nnd Throat Slops Xnsty Cntniilinl Dltcliarges. Dull Headaches does. Try "Ely's Cream Hnlin." Get a stnnll bottle anywny, Just to try it Apply n little In tho nos trils nnd Instantly your clogged noso nnd stopped-up air passages of the hdad will open; you will breathe freely; dullness nnd hendaeho disap pear. l)y morning! the catarrh, cold-In-hend or catarrhal sore throat will 1)0 none. End such misery now! Out tho sinnll bottlo of "Ely's Cream Balm" nt any drug store. This sweet, fra grant bnlm dissolves by tho heat of tho nostrils; penetrates nnd bonis tho Inflamed, swollen inombrnno which lines tho nose, hend and throat, clears the air passages; stops nasty dis charges nnd a fooling of cleansing, soothing rollof comes immediately. Don't Iny nwako tonight struggling for breath, with head stuffed; nos trils closed, hawking and blowing Cntnrrh or a cold, with Its running nose, foul mucous dropping into the throat, and raw dryness is distressing but truly needless. Put your fnlth -- Just onco In "Ely's Cream Balm" und your cold or cntarrh will Hitrely disappear. K The Union Market In Its now dross, entirely romodolled and ronovnted, Is now ready to receive i.nd wolcomv its customers Into ono of tho moBt modern, model and snnltary meat marltots fln Coos Bay. In addition to a model shop It serves tho best ment on Coos liny. Prlmo beef steers that wero formerly driven to Roso liurG mnrkots, aro now butchorcd nnd served to tho peoplo on tho blocks of tno Union shop, , Union Meat Market Ford .M Hotkey, Proprietors. Ml South Brondwny. Phono C8. SBKsV C. A. Smith 'Lumber & Mfg. Co. ..." l I witnu, 1 S. Kaufc South i Rivd t . "AIUCSI ... , steamef t 1'ead of rite, - P. tn. itocu CITV AUiol A now ti..t my auto !,, Will go anytr, Illnnco rir... s. Night phone m: " nooni. YOU AUTO Ci FOR f lour goodt,,,, I'ur day cro Illanto IE lor nlRlit m lift D.LI RKTAIfi DKPAHTMENT S liUMBKH, IUTU, SHINGLES, .MOULDIXflS, SASH AND DOOHS. ROOFING PAPKH, KtC. OUT TIIK FUEL HILL IN TWO IIY USING OUlt WOOD. PHOXK 1UO. i 188 SOUTH HROADWAT EANDON BY THE SEA THEj'.ClTY OF THE FUTURE A FEW TEX ACHE TltACTB FOUR MILES SOUTH O.N COUNTY ROA1) 9!W PER ACHE; 100 CASH, HALAXC1? TWO YEARS, XO INTEREST, NO TAXES, FINK SANDY LOAM, LEVEL HUNCH LAND. Buy One It Will Make You Money Doimaldl MacKiBtodh REAL ESTATE nd INSURANCE. FA5U11 In our net J pocmily prtpirtij trndo. Retn'uj lorg. I Opoi it I MEItC llroMlwT M rJ T. J. SC.1HE J Marslifield! IMImitnj I'liono JlfMhJ, Cliltmiejs J.N.I Any kind o( bnl tluti AM) ALIj M Cull at "T!i ll Hldg., 1117 Sml French Itinm PROFESSION wJ VVT T, TOVIM w (Wfi Every Itnon without drufi no North Dm Pliiiuo i-'Kl-K Money Won't Grow unless It Is added to by Thrift nnd Economy, and thon Invested wisely. , You cannot easily mnko monoy without monoy. If yon' spond nil you earn you hnvo nothing with which to meet opportunity for profitable investment. Ho on the fiafo Sido. Snvo at least a sinnll part of your Income. Opon a Savings Account In This Hank nnd regularly mako n do poslt every week or month. . KO. C. JICEii Expert Plwl Tuning, Eifl Ing. Order di U. Allen M avenue. TOEL OSTlJXTl J Piano Tun I lift K. Shtli tn Lento (mleriit'l Company. Ihe First National Bank Of Coos Bay J M. wmen t IlulIUtOf I EhtiiiintM t"v An honest Wl U' ( O. GOSXET. V- Coiitrwl"'1 l.altifitnt drll- tloni furn'J-' A satisfied cm-; orence than i ' one or bj 1 IB Phono !1I5I. FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST HAXIJ IX COOS COUNTY. Entnblbdied 1H8I), Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Interest Paid on Tlmo Deposits Officers: J. W. Bennett, President. J. II, Flanagan, Vice-President. R. F. Williams, CasJiier. Geo. V, WliieJiestpr, Asst. Cashier. rvR. ! ' S1U U Kip. F4r. DR. .MATTIE V Diseases of w umco vfity n. A..1.HEXP DEP1 IWt'l nnn.l OQ4-20S. t rol,!nncu nbOCl'1 Office phone H'j D M1 Te nooidence ' Corner ComDertfj mol B .-vllUIN' OBUOWJ Office. Phone J0-L Pictures & Framing Walker Studio NOTICE. To whom it may concern? Coos Bay Realty Syndicate, estab llshed In January, 1904, will be responsible only for tho nets and contracts performed or representa tlons made by Chas. J. Bruschko. All Kinds of Job Printing Done at Tlic'Times Office Boo- 301 L 1 1) n n aM-ft i CSSKOl