THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1914 EVENING EDITION. XHREE MTWltH .' ,- ! OlncCPS i IJIUww Crouiw a order l i i..r nTe lBel!.ni better eyp- o V..m nrorcriy Bfss-A !?,; Irs- Ic" rV. rtlstanco jPre Batlsractlon Incite-' ICIIARDSON ,oiu !""" o:tb llroaaww lance Sale ion at Shoe Store. F Broadway. laundry Parcel Post ua and will STAGE ON ITS WW. earn Laundry Marshfield ROOF FIXED OW Irthell 53171. i YOUR u I'liixcnssi: hSKTS AT- ENNINGS nKXii. es for ig Trunks IUI coiwcen an; dd tit the follow irj to !e mado li bulitiiagtK ' ind Storage Co. luer, Prop. M- 4M,: OR-n tin: Laogworlliy ni: o.v tiniCAL WORK AD SEE THE ;ames SO TOW.VAMKNJ an's Alleys gXT STftEET 1NTAT0RIUM )Uagement. UfMi and Hepnlr Ott. Don't wait. C 0, DAGGETT ' I'liono 1M0-X OXE MACHINE pINGER ffBESEXTATlVK . RITZ ie 280-X. D ALDER Wnnn S WOODYARD oi Street, 180J. TON mm 0 PER TON e Irr.y . LAPP s latest Ruiha' con""ml te0,,E AT K,Xo ci H FVE YRARS firing Co. feL. nay. Why Waste Plant your .trees With HERCULES POWDER Stop tint year lout' Spml up development SO to 100 per cent' 10 nP ! RESULT OF i riANTINO M I J STADE-DUG a Improve the quantity, color I I-- U and quality Iri .. .i h flirn1vn1IUJiFi.liJyM.LJAH IIBIHHWWII1P'""""'" THE itcompmrlni llluitritlont jliow two fruit tint, both Ui. taint in and ptiotil thi he iij, ui list thi tilitlii spread if thi roett el tfim trill, oil pUntid la a ipadi dui boll and thi tthir In j Jntamltid boll. DON'T WASTE TIME HIM. VUCULES POKDCI CAN S3 TOR TOV. lujsa raS When you buySjn spDuy the bestjBr Coquille River Coal GUARANTEED FREE OF SLACK AND DIRT AND NOT TO CLINKER FULL WEIGHT AND PROMPT SERVICE COOS COUNTY FUEL CO. GEO. A'. BAINES. Phone 181-L 186 Broadway South, DINNER SETS Up-to-date Shapes, Embossed edfjes, Larrje floral and leaf nold stamped Beautiful 42-piece floral and rjold-stamped dinner sets, $4.98. Ten per cent discount on Granite, Glass & Tinware. Smith's Variety Store NORTH BEND S .sn ni i.n Willamette-Pacific Motor Service Cnr loaves Contral nvonuo, MarBiifleld, ovory thirty minutes, begin ning nt G:30 n. in., to 9:30 p. in. Leaves North Bond ovory thirty minutes beginning G:-IG a. in., to 9:45 p. m, Twenty trip commutation tickets can bo secured from conductor for $2.00. EQUIPPED Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS SAILS FHOM MAItSliriELI): SAT., FED. 7, 7:00 n. in. SAT., FED. II, 1:00 ji. in. SAT., FED. 21, 7:!10 n. in. SAT., FED. 28, 1():!J0 n. in. Tickets ou sulo to nil Knfetern points mid luforiimtlou tut to routes nnd mtes cheerfully furnished. I'liono Mnln OB-L. H. J. M0III1, Agent S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH AVIKELESS. Sails From Portland for Coos Bay Thursday, February 5, at 6:00 P. JYl. ROUND TRIP, $18.50. Connection with the North llnnk Ilond ut rortlnnd. North Pacific Stoumahlp Comimny. Phono 44. C. K. M'OEOnOE. Agent. S. S. REDONDO SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, AT 3:00 P. M. San Francisco office, 805 Fife Illdg., or Lombard St. Piers No. 27. Inter-Occnnle Transportation Co., C. F. McGeorge, Agt., Phono 44. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Manager FAHM, COAL, TIMBER AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS EAST-SIDE MARSHFIELD OFFICE, PHONE MJ. COQUILLE CITY OFFICE PHONE 101. Time? p,ft"r- . I I I I huuLT or i rLANTlNQI t DTNAMtTtO I iioir. . of fruit tiflIWlHilnlMfair, ' YOU SEC WHAT I WITH WIRELESS. ON TIME. SAILS FHOM PORTLAND: TUESDAY, TED. .'J, H p. in. TUESDAY, KKII. 10, 8 p. in. TUKSDAY, KKII. 17, 8 p. in. TUESDAY, KKII. 21, 8 p. in. JllJUfflfthtfllnllijl SH WW DIRECT I FACTORY ( C. GOING OF GOING HARVEY LEAVES TODAY FOR PORTLAND TO CM)SK CONTRACTS FOR DIG Fl'RNITUUK STOCKS FOR THE COMING YEAR SYSTEM OF HUVING KMMINATES JOItltKUS' PHOI-MTS AND DEDUCES RE TAIL PRICK. C. C. Going of tho Going & Hnrvoy company loft via Drnln for Portland today on a two wcoks' trip to closo tho nnnual purchasing contracts of tho firm with tho manufacturers. Tlio firm somo tlmo ago adopted tho' poucy or buying direct from tho man ufacturers, thoroby eliminating tnc Jobber's profit and reducing tho re tail Belling price of furnlturo that much. On this trip Mr. Going will closo up rontracts with Boveral factories where practically all of tholr lines will bo shipped direct from tho factory to Marshllold. In addition to tho sav ing which enables them to soil that much cheaper than the ordlnnry re tall furnlturo dealer, they aro thus enabled to got exclusive lines of tho best furnishings. Thoy aim to buy from specialists In tho various lines, thoroby gottlng tho best and latest to bo secured, "I feel certain that Coos Day Is going to hhvo tho most proBporous year In her history and wo aro going to prepare for It with tho biggest and best stock wo hnvo over carried. On this trip I expect to contract for be tween forty and fifty carloads of fur niture to bo delivered at stilted por lods during tho year and oven then I think wo aro ordering conservative ly. "I bavo found that tho pooplo of Coos Day npprcclato our efforts to reduce tho high cost of living by eliminating unnecessary expenses that n ro allowed bo generally to fix tho ictnll price, fly buying direct from tho factory and shipping In largo lots, wo save a largo pcrcontago on tho cost If bought In tho ordinary way and that Ib t..o reason why 'Go ing & Harvey soil It for loss.' " BAND CONCERT NEXT SUNDAY AT MASONIC Director U. N. Fcnton, of tho Coos Hay Concert Hand, today an nounced tho following program for tho concert to' bo given at tho Ma sonic Opora Ho'ubo next Sunday af ternoon at 2:30: March, Flag Day, (now) Carl Schramm Overture Morning, Noon and Night In Volutin Suppo Humoresnuo Dvorak Comot Solo, Oh, Dry Thoso Tears, Dol Rolgo (by request.) ... H. G. Howard Wobor'B Invitation to tho Waltz (First tlmo hero) Wobor Itag, Artful Artlo (Complimen tary to Dob Graves) .... Pryor Selection, Songs of tho Old Folks, (now) , M. L. Lako March, National ISmblom .. Wngloy Star-Spnnglcd Dnnnor. Times Want nfls bring results. XOTICI3 TO PKOPKItTV OWNKH8 Notlco Is horoby glvon that nil nnmnno niunlnff nrnnnrtv nn fitmota IUIRUIU UKIHIIQ jrwwa - ... that nro proposod to bo Improved during mo year iuh, uy piiviug with hnrd surt.tco pavement, aro ro- nimatn,! tn tu. trnfinnt nt n mentlne of tho Common Council to bo hold on Monday, tho 9th day or February, mi.l nt tlm hnnr nf 7;30 n. 111.. In tho Council Chamber In tho City Hall of said city, to discuss tho dlfforont clnsses or naru aurinco pavomum, and nlso to oxpress their proforonco nr Mm llml nf hnnl surfacn nave- mont to bo adopted for tho yenr 1914. , Tho following streets aro proposod to bo improved with hard surface pavomont: Front sircoi norm irom mo uuiu lino of Elm avonuo to tho north linn nf TlnmlnMr nvnnua: IlroadwnV street from nbrth line of Curtis avonuo to tho south lino or nan avo nuo; Curtis avonuo from tho west linn nt TlrnnillVflV tn tllft WOSt llflQ Of Socond strcotj Ninth stroet from tho north lino oi uomrai nvonuo io inn north lino of Commorclal avonuo; Tn-nlftli Hnnrt from thn north lino of Flanagan avonuo to tho Bouth Uno of Golden avonuo. JOHN W. BUTLER. Recorder. NOTICE Notlco Is horoby given that tho partnership heretofore oxlstlng be tween David J. Rees and Hugh D. Sneddon, doing business at what Ib commonly known aa Eaglo Saloon, was on tho 4th day of Fobruary, 1014, dissolved. All bills owing by said firm aro to bo paid by tho said Hugh D. Sneddon, and all per sons indebted to said firm aro also directed to pay to tho said Hugh n. Sneddon. Dated at Marshfield, Oregon, this 5th day of February, 1914. DAVID J. REES. HUGH D. SNEDDON. Commutation Tickets $2.00 20 Munjifleld-Nortli Dend Auto Lino, Cars every ten minutes from O u. in.. ( to i2:uu.p. in. GORST & KING, Props. $1.00 PER TON OFF TARIFF REDUCED FREIGHT RATES SAN FRANCISCO TO COOS DAY S. S. SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS DAY FRIDAY, FED. (I AND KKII. 20, AT 1(00 P. M. Snn Frnnclbco office, llnrrl.son St. Dock, Pier 10, West Coast 8. S. Line. E. J. LINDEN, Agt., Phono Doug. 2070. TO LAY Government Department Gives Suggestions How to Evade Grades in Hilly Country WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb. C Tho cost of hauling over country roads Is largely determined by the size of tho load that can bo hnulcd, the number of trips that can be made In a dny nnd tho wenr and tear on teams and equipment, nc cdrdlng to tho Office of Public Roads, Department of Agriculture. Steep grad s as well as ruts and mudholcs servo to decrease both tho Bpccd and tho load. On tho prlnclplo that the chain Is no stronger than Its weakest link, tho maximum load that a team can draw Is tho load that It can draw up tho steepest hill or through tho deepest mudholo on that road. Wherovor possible, roadB should bo located on Btralght lines between terminal points. In hilly or moun tainous country howover, tho at tempts to keep roads straight be tween terminals often leads to tho serious error of heavy grades, otralghtnoss nnd grado must there foro be hnndlcd together. Tho best location Js one which is straight In gonoral direction, Is free from Btecp grades, Is located on solid ground and s rves tho lnrgest posslblo num ber of pcoplo, Roads should bo lo cated for tho henoflt of tho public as woll as tho prlvato land owner. Tho elimination of one or two steep hills on a lino of road will frequently onnblo horses to draw three or four times ne much as they could draw An tho old road. It takes npproxlmatoly four times ns much power to draw loads up 10 por cent grades (ton feet vertical In 100 feet horizontal) ns on a lovcl, but on n four or fivo per cont grado a horso can usually draw (for n short tlmo) as much as he can draw on a lovol. A four por cent grndo Is thoroforo considered tho maximum on roads subject to heavy hauling. Many stoop grades may bo nvoldcd by locating tho road nround Instead of ovor tho lillt tho handlo of tho bucket Is no longer when ueld In n horlzonnl position than In n vertical, Dy go ing around wo avoid two steep hills. If tho road must pass up n steep hill or mountain sides, the steep ness of tho grado may bo decrease'' by Increasing tho length of thu rond. In other words, ollmlnnte stoep grndes by locating tho road on curved nr zigzag lines, nnd not In u straight lino from tho bottom to tho top of tho hill. Tlicso curvos should bo cnrofully plotted and tho straight stretches located with an Instrument. This Improves the looks of tho road and does, not add materially to its cost. In Htudylng tho relation of grado to distance, tho following calculation Is Interesting: To lift n ton ope foot high requires 2000 foot pounds of energy; on n rond tho surface of which offers 100 pounds of trac tive reslstnnco per ton tho snmo qn orgy would roll tho ton a horizon tal dlstnnco of twonty foot. To snvp ono foot of grado tho rond may thoroforo bo ltngthonod twenty foot. Roads should novor bo located bo closo to stream beds, as to bo sub Joct to overflow, or on ground which Is constantly damp nnd mnrshy. Tho earth roads should hnvo at toast six hours of sunshlno each day. This can bo socured either ,by locating tho road with southern or wostorn exposure or. by having such brush and trees ns Impede tho drying nctlon of tho sun nnd wind romovod. With grnvel nnd stono roads this Is not so neces sary, as n certain amount of $ols turo Is needed on such roads, es pecially In tho summer tlmo. Relocating roads Is not an on gfncorlng problem alono. Ono must also consldor tho offoct of tho road on those who now llvo upon It. Many farmers dislike to hnvo tho road placed back of their houso or out of sight of it. It requires tact and good Judgment to secure a suit ablo location without nrouslng hnrsh antagonism. THE COOS BAY TIMES has the LARGEST CIRCULATION. of any newspaper published in COOS, CURRY OR DOUGLAS COUNTIES PROVED BY GOVERNMENT REPORT . AND OFFICIAL LIST ON FILE WITH COUNTY CLERK HARDY W LUMBER TRADE OF COOS BAY Supplies More for San Fran cisco Market Than Any Other Point Tho following figures from tho Pioneer Westorn Lumberman show that Coos Hoy far exceeded other coast points In lumber shipments to tho San FrnnclBco mnrkots dur ing tho lntter hnlf of .Tnnunry: Kir mid Spruce Aberdeen 4,790,000 Unntlon 1,31.0,000 Rolllnghani 500,000 Columbia River 3,170,000 Coos Hay C.000,000 Evorott ,. 1,770,000 lloqulam 700,000 Mukllteo CC0, 000 Seattle 400,000 Wlllnpn l.OCG.OOO Totnl ,....20,280,000 Redwood. Eurokn 3,805,000 Albion 320,000 Cnspur 907,000 Fort Hrugg 1.G88.000 Greenwood 888,000 Mendocino 320,000 Point Aronn 200,000 Crescent City 200,000 Totnl 8,383,000 TO GET CANAL POPULACE Florida Wnutx Pnniiiiiii Ciinnl Dig gors to Iiocnto There. JACKSONVILLE. Fin., Fob. C Stato Managor of tho Southern Set tlement nnd Development Organiza tion II, II. Richardson returned from tho Pntinmn Cnnnl zono today, whoro ho wont for tho purpoBo of putting boforo tho number of Americans thoro tho attractions of Florida as a residence state. Camp breaking In tho canal zono lias started, and many AmorlcaiiB havo conio to Ilka tho southern climate. Mr. Richard son believes Flqrlda Is tho logical stato for theso men to como to, nnd In tho Interests of furthering the work of tho Southern Settlement Organization mado tho trip. AT -THE ., TOTHLS 3W Chandler. W. II. Hrovorth, Portland; T. M. Wolff, A. P. RubboII. Portland: L. H. Gardiner, Fred W. Davis, D. Vanco, F. J. Kahlor, Portland; W. S. .Tonkins, San Francisco; V. S. JonktuB, San Francisco; J. S. Dub son, Capo Arngo; 8. S. Reed, Myrtlo Point; J. J. Whlttlngton, Myrtlo Point: J. 8. Snwyar, Mcdford; R. S. Wright. San Francisco; P. E. Larson, Allegany; G. F. Illalr, Port land: W. T, Illfllop, Portland; Dr. C. W. Robbing, Port Orford; H. M. Wobbln; 8onttIo; E. A. Wolfe, Port laud; Mrs. L. F. Johnson, Myrtlo Point; C. M, Johnson, Portland; F. D. Layton, Portland; I L. Lan dcs8. Soattlo; S. M. Noslor, Coqulllo; J. E. Paulson, Coqulllo: Jus. Mc Cutcheon, Denver Hill; Win, Cnnd nlln, Coqulllo; W. dowdy, Onkland; C. D. Thomas, Portlnnd. Lloyd. L. W. Hncshon, IOB Angeles; E. R. Tabor, Salem; II. Soafort, Port land; A. W, Snyder, Coalodo; John Stlra, Handou; Jos. McCullom, Marshfield. Illauco. H. E. Morton nnd wlfo, Portland; M. J. Carnlckad, Portland; a. W. Trncy, Handou; D. II. Mann, Sail Francisco; Oscar Carlson, Portland: Miss Avorlll, Gold Roach: L. C. Smith, Myrtlo Point; Chas, Rackloff, Myrtlo Point: O. A. Gourloy, Myrtlo Point; O. Wnrnor, Elkton; J. I). Davis, Capo Itlnnco; C, A. Clinton, Coqulllo. SECOND-HAND WIFE ASKED. Httrkc, Idaho, Miner AhUh Wulln Paper to Find Companion. WALLA WALLA, Wash., Fob. C -Enoch Shoppord wants a socond-haiwV wcOnaii between 25 and 45 who Is not a crank or a flirt" as n wlfo, and has written his wants ro n locnl paper. Shoppord Is at proscnt staying nt tho Tiger hotol, IJurko, Idaho, according to his lottor. Ho says ho Id a minor, but owiib a homestead near Kottlo Falls on tho first bonch abovo tho Columbia River and ho wants a "conrpnnlon" to Join him In April or May. Shoppord describes himself as 50 years old, of Irish descent, dark brown hnlr, light bluo. eyes, light comploxlon, flvo feet eight Inches In holght and 175 pounds In weight. Ho says ho will answer any lettora oxcopt thoso from flirts nnd cranks. Ho admits ho Isn't much of n farm er, bub Implies ho Is "somo shucks" as a miner, RAISE SALOON LICENSE. Astoria Adopts Now Regulations for Saloons, ASTORIA, Or., Feb. C With ono amondment. tho proposod liquor reg ulating ordlnanco passed final read ing and will becomo a law boforo tho end of tho month. Tho now ordl nanro places tho llconso feo at $1000 and makes all licenses expire on tho 1 Otto of Novembor, Licenses granted up to that tlmo will bo at tho ratio of ?500 por year. After that dato tho feo will ho $1000. Bonds of $1, 000 aro required, and cortnln pro visions guard against browory owned saloons. No retail liquor house can uo owned or partly ownoa by whole I salors. noforo n llconso enn bo grant ! ed tho applicant must tuko an oath I that ho has never bocn convicted of felony, oi n breaking a city ordl nanco In regard to tho regulation of ' saloons. Times Want ads bring results, i JiatSMr.. , . Jat.t , 1 lLtli"J -- -fc-a-ita- lUtubvlAih