rr' j'mwiumpwij inHpuwnjuimwip timmm.'mmrTXTw.i Wwiiwuiiiiw1" ""' l wffjwiwpw'w-'fu'jw'mwwppwpwjp TWO THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1914 EVENING EDITION. TRALIZE AND MERCHANDI TTRAL AY SE ON CEN idlo Kammereir Says: ANY $25 TO $30 SUIT OR OVERCOAT IN THE HOUSE FOR $15.00 Yours anxious to please The Toggery PLAN TO TAKE 1UNDAY DINNER AT THE ChaedHer Hotel a Good Menu The Hub of Central Avenue OI'I'.N AN ACCOUNT WITH TIIU Fibrsfc National Bank Of Coos Bay AVAII, VOtTISSKI.F OP ITS SUIMHtlOlt IWCIMTIHS. Sure tlupoult boxes In burKlnr-proof vaults for rent nt low rates. Contral Avenue. CENTRAL AVENUE looks good in this bright, February sunshine, There's a hint of spring in tlie air and the stores are already preparing for it. The crowds were out strolling and shopping to day and the street took on its usual appearance of activity and cheerfulness, Have you noticed the spirit of Central Avenue is one of optimism' and good cheer? Get the habit, Join the crowd of cheerful shoppers that economize, centralize and merchan dise on Central avenue, Serving You Right That's our film ami thut'M viliiit wo live up to. ItV a sails faction iiiul an assurance of safely when you Iraile at it store (hat not only claims to serve you right, hut actually does so. When you purchase drugstore goods purchase them of us und you will ho served right In every way. Our goods are of high quality, therefore they give satisfaction. Our prices are right, therefore you profit. This Is true of our prescription depart ment, as well as of articles of merchandise. Try us for right service. "The Owl 99 IMtKSCltlPTION 1MIAHMACV. Frank I). Cohan. Opposite CliMiillcr Hotel. Phono LOOK FOR THE "OWL" ELECTRIC SIGN. Bfe RedMcftnoim Ho k3 Foreign Steamer Rates TlllltlM'liASS TlCKirrS. XKW VOUIC TO AND tV-riry (f I'llOM SKAPOItTS IN (SKIIMANV AND W, III I KltANCi: ONI.V vPA.VV TICKKTS AND IIOOKINKK MAY UK SKCl'liKI) FIlOM Aung. Frizeemi (IK CKNTIlAli AVKXl'K. GENUINE OLD-FASHIONED eufcami Pimocfae Only 35 Cente a Pomimd SATURDAY AND SUNDAY AT 'STAFFORD'S ON CENTRAL AVENUE Balm of Gileadl FOR COUGHS SOLD UNDER A GUARANTEE AT WINKLER'S Pharmacy "DtMilselie Apolhckc." 58 Central Avenue. phone 215. SPECIAL ! ! ! ski: ont window i-oit ir, cknt spi:ciai.s ST.e AniBtol Linen Tnhlot ,. S He llox Paper J1' LT.e WIIIIiiiiih' Titlcuin Powder ...'.'.'.' ." '."' a fie Tooth UriiHliuH '-"' All 7fir Novels If s i .r.o. $ i .a,-.. $ i.ur. Novein '.'. ".'.... '. ". '. ". '. '. '. '. jjii'.oo Norton & Hansen Stationery Co. ISO CKNTHAIi AVKXL'K. TWO STOIIKM. FHONT 8TKKKT - - CKXTKAI, AVK. COOS BAY TIMES M. C. SIAI.OXKV DAN K. :iai.oxi:v Official - Official PnMT (if Paper City TIIK Tl Oil til to till Adilri'HH all coiiuniinlcntlniiB to COOS IIAV DAILY TIMKS Mniliflold :: :: :; : : Oregon CIVIC IIKAUTV HNS T I. MICS Iiiih iroqucntiy urg- I lie reHlileiitH of Coon Hay iko ailvaiitage of HiIh fruit ful soil iiiul KiilulirloiiH cllniuto by planting roHo ImihIich ami palm trm'H that thrive ho luxuriantly here. Tlio approach of Hprlng In ouco more miggoHtlvo of tlio opportuiiity of beautifying this Hi'ctlou with the ninny troea ami flowering nlirulia that grow her so luxiirlunUv. Kvnn hi ho prurt leal ami utilitar ian an object iih tlio Panama Canal, Kb surrounding beauty Is not to bo uogle.i ted. llt'iuit) as well u utility In to b foul it r of UiIh urunt pr .loci In Ms rumpled d form. Morn tlinii !".,( .1 il iouii;,o tree mid plan h will li uwod at nallioa nail oilier lent town Hlteu. Palm trees will n.(t u rally head tlio Hut. mill I hero will ho thoHo vnrlu tltw: IIUilO royal pulum, Ml Porto Jlleo royal palms. BOO coconut pnliiw r0 fun paliiiH. I no Panama hat palms, '.'I fern palniH, IS wigo PhIiiix, J I ilul p.ilniH. AmoiiK oth er trees are Hit- rnwil and dwarf poliiclaua, ginger tree and ninny fruit tree of hii'Iduh kind. Those trees. In time, alone will he worth a trip to the Utlimuw. tulle mid n qunrtor of now road be tween Sumner nnd Fnlrvlow. - : School Case. Kdltor ami Puh.! Owlhg to ohJeetloiiH or P. K. I,ar XewH Killior Hon of Allegany, final aetlon on tlio propomil to divide Hchool dlntrlct No. I f of Allegauy wiih poHtponed. .Mr. Larson protoHted ugaliiHt the lioun dnrlcH. The matter will-come- up nt iho next huhhIoii. Coos County of MiuMifleld WITH THE TOAST AND THE TEA i I Some of tlio moat ontluiHliiBtlc I t Cooh Hay hnndHliukors nre tlio I slickest log pullors. j It makeri hoiiio Cooh Hay wonion weary to do nnythlug hut vlmt. Tim flower of the family may go to noon. Place That insurance Now liy Hpcclnl nrrangcincut, I am able to adjust all Hinall flro flro losHCH Immoillatuly. I reproHent tlio following flro In Hiiranco cnuipmili. .nil million dollar corporations, the solld cst on oarth: LONDON & LANCASHIRE QUEEN ORIENT LONDON UNDERWRITERS I also represent tlio fa -nous Aetna, writing liability, bur glary, pinto glasii, Biiroty bonds, etc. E. I. CHANDLER &a46dlm; tmmSSSSm1 IRVING BLOCK SPECIAL SALE Vour choice or out Il.v Mode of inenN Ijiun.oo, 8U2..-J0 $m ""'.fff S""K "",l 0nw'- " wool, well made,' bay ami Sml! l.ngllli (uts. PERSONAL OVERFLOW CKO. PAHKKit of the Svea Baloon, who Iiiih been suffering ttanx a so-1 voro attack of rhoumatlsm, will go to ('alifiunla to seek relief. lllH wiiu nun ciiiiii win vihii in iiieau : EXPECT MUCH OF LOCAL SKK'VvixnoWS?' HI"r'N, Vn,lwwm Swenlrn. In llreken Lou. Wo (iiiarauteo .Satisfaction DCUILLIUH 10 . J PULr FOfl GOOD ROADS NEWS OF north bend , '' Aniiwortli or tlio Twin City wns d eply grateful for the muj I.uiulier Toiniinny. who hnH been I 1 klii!iinao, aiVn.,... .,JJ .. iZ inn wlillo tiA la nwnv. I Of tvnlmlil fiini n Moir it......n..i n...i j. ' . , ... a HKflOHY CANTV will leave on the Fll'St Shipment Of COOS Bay BandOn Mail BoOStS HlflllWay Tor mivoral weeks, la reported iui- SuporintoXnt T"'g next Kedomlo for San Kranelsco, whero Mr. Cnrleton, formerly .iiiiiniiuciii. mil now riii)iiiomi aii the Union Club, has promUed to koi nun a pomiiou. ue nan anour at i Product Causes Much , Improvements Between Comment In Portland Coos and Roseburcj I'liP Portland Telegram wm: Pan- HOSKHl'HO. Or.. I-'KH. C It. R ?l.-.0 from the Ragle' benefit ami -r pulp production will beconio one or J11''10'': ,jl ''"v' ohoWi.r In vnnced tho rout of will i dd to It nu J Heriire an edu- IohiIIiib lucluatrlos of Coo. Hay. to Iwnilon Woolen Mills, ami on Conimorelnl ciuh fn nlloii! I" "''' "' ! nimle tnnn f Com County, beat known real- niolltT, 1800 WOW 8 LEI CONTRAGTS vvt&ssa ASKS PENSID; MltS. AldCK TKOI.IilXtiKU WANTS All I'XHKK MOrilKltS' PKX SIOX LAW OTIIKK COPXTV KK.T XKWS OM JMILnaA0 Kamplen of the oiitnut of tho now i"tB, is upending n few days In plant ontnhllHlied there prove :itU- ilosolnirx on buslnons. fnetor.v. Two nIilpmeutK of the pulp. Incidentally. Mr. Ileilllllon Is tnlk- , (omprlalng 35 Ions, or 210 balen. m- "" K001' roa'18' ""K ospoclally In- ..i..... a,. ... .. ,. .. IfrM'nHtPfl In llm iirotannl nlmnaf l.,i IIVIIII 1IIII1I 1. OIM II IV OH IllO blBllIMUl' -" V. :" " iiii- Mllauce to the 1 l.eiianon. and the other to the Crown- """.. "," "' " "v" 'V"",MU: lins tuknn n ,iti . . nJo7J. "'. ".. mi'iii wuiiiii no u in in minions or ... : "" ""nun vu . One of them Is conalgned "nul lilKliwny connect n Hose Lebanon Pmier company, of '"'If. " " VoiM- WUlo ad i. and the other to the Crown- " "!' o 1'onunnont Iniprovo- ii company, of Orogon City. V',,'1 ."J, ., ""' ,H'U ,".l Thorough tests will bo mniJo nr the "' ' noti I iPi y't ' '.".. "J mlllH operated by these companies to "f.?h wo, m if K n. f. ,U ?, fnptrllhBt determlno the omu-I gra.le or the pulp. ",' ' ' "" ' ,f"' ' t,1' fn- Of the 'J 10 hales. 150 will be tested if.1 ,w"?,' l,) nSOurK other val- f .. i .i....k.. .. i .. 4 r nit.. -j i" no. in I, f mum u nun nu m VKifmnt v iiv. llntnlnn la n nuhirnl omnin rt More Work Between Siuslaw T.!'.0' n:',r?80,,t .,, nrst shipmoms snrl, Ziu toWie"Bn ftrn Z': "l m', " 'pnn'i S'H' '8S?U!? highway between and Coos Bay Awarded Sub -contractors ever i, i , i , ; At r ni u iitiDoiiuiu iiiKiiivay ueiween " mn iui ut- nu auo. iicn.. vl lSlniiSinr Hoseburg'nnd the Const thousand" where she will marry a promnen li -iu1 .'... if ,t.mi . , LB-f.V.aiS?i: of vnll.v ,em wol visit there oung business, man soon. It Is understood to bo n subsidiary (Special to The Times.) COQl'U.LK. Or.. l'Vli. . Mrs. Al ice Trolllnger, a colored woman of Mnrliltehl, has applied to the coun ty court tor a peimlou or 110 per month under the inothors' pension law. Her application was continued for InvoMtlgatlou. Mr. C. II. Went of .North lienil. TYa.I. rfc proving. ports that tlinrn lina' Imon n mirlfl .inn. o. rnicioii ih suiroring rrnm increase In tho enrollment of ' u wnoio injury to nor arm sustained .North Hend schools ror the in iiihii ino otner day. ;ond somostor. which bcuan tu 11'l.mn.. l 1.11. . . . iiuiBiir cc raiKuiiHie III navo nil- wee . the North Head Plnnk am! Hnrrls In in been U I om Wit to 50 per nwnnied th contrnit rur ralslnjiM ..North Hond cltv hall to the l II. li. Pillion has boon siirferlntr grnile nnd the nrleo l5 SI 10. from n severo Illness which bus uf-l At n mooting or ill executlwl rectod his oyoslght. ;conunltteo or tho North Pend CbiB-l iioruort urodorlck or Now York Is or or Commerce. M I; rv r'ii"l visiting his lirothor-In-lnw. aoo. N. oloctod presldont. V, V nuwcIMI Hlack. He rocontlv rntnuloil rnnn prosldont nnd J. II fircves tteuti- 1 lorn on the now llnor Mntsonln ami 'r. Thoro nro 11'7 nrmb n w i n hob tlnn as ass stnnt en. ' ". ciarKo Is onenui': a saw Kluoor on Mm S.in Hnhrlnl i In the CnftaH biillillntr. .T. fi. Million imn luum' n ,,i.. ..i I Mrs. .1. v nmnt ling a w: guardian or Stcvo Kas, tho North of " l"l'or printed at Klifs!,J llmi.l N)Qhiinni ... i.n . Illntnr Pnimti rlrn.lnlfl .TuDUSrf I' ..v.... (u... u. .iui lllllll, WHO Wn8 10- , "", ! contly round insnno. Kas had about ,S001 Riving an account of tw Ir 9.1RA ........ 1. - . llnPfll ff rnn-ii,n ll'nolltlllirAII. -.in worm oi proporiy. . .. "i wuuihu """"''" ., MIsh Margaret Snonrs will lnnvn Mrs. Ooorgo nolster or Nortn B tomorrow ror Lae St. Ano. Mich "n8 received a message from r0"1: nuiuiig nun nor oaugau'r, '"". vr,, I'lsner. is vorv 111 wit i a ienuiT Mrs. Holstor will leave on theDrt1, rntor for Portland tomorrow. niiriiii run Riinimnr mniifiio Tin u. 11 wnrrnu ir i m mmi.i ,xna following tho nows brought yestor- or tno u. A. hinitn l.umiior compauy. 8ay8 tho peoplo or Hnndon nro a essor f a ow Ford, which ho v uny ny .loun o. uoss time largo lorces wmen oporaies ono oi me larpesr progressive class and nro doing "ought from Cieo. Ooodrum. of workmen would bo started on the sawmills on the Pacific const at North everything possible to bring nbout Mr- ami Mrs. Wm. Korns of I, balance id the Coos llay-Kugono lino ond. n ,provoiuent or the Myrtle Point Montnnn streot, nro rojolclng 'over! T within the next sl. weeks, word was Captain Hubert Dollnr. nt the hend road. This bicbwnv. Mr nn,itnim, tho birth of n dnuuhinr Mr w,., ' a . . am r-a. . ----.. -. .,,-, -,..--, Vlf 1W1 --.- . .. '-!' . lllTl IIO I gono to oi toe uoiiar Meaiusnip company, is contends, is tho reaslble routo to omployed ns a blacksmith mhuu'ii u mjimh uiiu ii un- nun puiii nm coast, mm is tlio only rond 'larsiuioiii. enterprise at Coos Hay turns out ns worthy or uny great expenditure. Henry Rorgmnn lias well Us expoctod. HO difficulty Will The neonlo of Pons rnuntv nrn nt Vnrnnn .. i7..0i. ' be experienced In rinding n ninrkot nres nt elrcnlntlnc netltlons nntimr. . ... . .. .. ...i.,..,.. i...t.l....,,l .II...I Hi.. ..ii.,,,. ,i.if Id nil ii a Miivliiir Hint tho Cons llliv line frir Mm iiriiilnpt In fliliin ami lnnnn l-.l... .1. lac. ..,.. r i,nr..i. .. i . " a"(l .MIS, Ilari'V IllirilOS' lit- II lllinir llll.lillllil ., iiiv if,,.- ..,," .w - - '- - - '"w ' - , , ,- .", I.Hih lu leoHiilllu III UWIIIIO IUI UIIUII tn ann la rnrm'ni-liin being allowiMl ?20 pur mouth out or l to be rushed to completion as It is declared that on a recent visit roads, states Mr. Hodllllon. In tho Jnf n,,l R m n 80V0r0 tlo count v poor fund ponding notion fat iu men and nionoy can do It. or his to Coos Hay he gave out that event Uouglns County doos Its share , u ,,,,uumoma on the np'plieiitlon ror n pension for No word bn boon received from If the pulp turu our to be of n high in tho direction of improving tho ,, Jo II001'1 la clreulatlng n potl- lecelved today that n number of nil dltloual Hiilfcoutracts had been a warded. Hnlph D. Moody, nttoruey ror tho Southern Pacific In Oregon Is quot in i Along the Waterfront. her. Oeliiuiiieiit (iirl. A daughter or Sam Stout of Me Kiuhw was huled into Juvenile court but the 1 earing wui coutluued. She now has a ginal home In Conullle. Sugar l.oat Chm Juki' Mai! iuvetlguted the slide at ftuvrr l.oaf mountain and found thai n big si utch of the road had been raliiiil. Muue of It sliding entirely In to the , reek It will be repaired as coon a possible Plain for n ouarter mile of fill at Cl'lnn Creek ramp road were ordered WashlUBton yet ns to the rinnl orders standard his trans-Puciric freighters Myrtle Point road, much of tho jn urging his appointment ns tho of the r. S. Kngiuoer as to tno enar- may call tltero regularly and partly acter of the bridge to be built neroas Coo Hay. This Is expected at any time. Old Itumor licvUcd. Kdgar McHanlel or North Hend this ueek print u report that the sales ageuts of Jacob Kiel, promoter of the Crawford Point townalto project load with the material for the out ward trips. of tho North Hend spur. Mr. MeDHiilcls says this U a canard. TH story Is the revival of an old rumor that has been started every few mouth. l.oeal Southern change of money routined from the Coos Hay ' ,i "j"""01 bonds will li- spout on tho thor- ,,olloe iarc0- onghrare from Myrtle Point to tho John Newklrk is reported quite Douglas County lino. Ill at his homo. Mr. Hodllllon says a good and Hev. c h U'vii,i.q nr n..i permanent highway between Hose- Ford, and Deaconess Young, or Co- Iviihi nil,) f iiiilln Dnlnt m.f.l 1. ..111 ..... . Vw ""!, HUH the means Myrtle Point would b qullle. will conduct a series or re or stimulating an Inter- lal meetings at the North Hend comnierco. which would United Urethern Church beginning are minting the Southern Pacific en- Pacific official ay the tale is sljly total many thousands of dollars Iu next Monday ulneer a h.iyliiK that the bridge will and that the order I on for the steel a f w years, not be built across Hie Hay but that ror the big bridge nnd that arrange- He Hue will be built down the east nientg have been made ho Hint the .. , sldo of the Hay and cross over to bin structure can be completed In 1I10 "moa watu aas are tne Kers and plans made for building about a Marshlleld, leaving North Uend ou a about nine months. ' the door of opportunity. J 1 i T. V. Hlnnst. who has been 111 at Morcy Hospital, was able to lonvo this weok ror Coaledo whore ho will resumo his old position with tho. Smith Powers Company. Ho Tin,. I., I,nin I..co.!m1. kbO ' ..u,,llh UOUli lllr"'-' r-l-.llf. Kobnrts is to leave ror tne.J"uV whero she Is omployed by nerj era, Johnson & Anderson, in co Hon with Jetty work.-Peruana" goninn. j Cnpt. Poter Olson has confirm tho reports rrom Port Orford tho dostructlon of the whar : w mill oni.o l,n Mm "UllV Wal" 01 '... ...... uh; a ...i ,.w '? will U ting supplies in th'ro un"',.js wharf is robullt wil 1' l0nBitW thorn from Hnndon. The ?, Wilt? )llloiu , . jt Tho stoamer Drookbn r'vM Dnndon today from S.m Fram m. : nt from f rue apoonwen snie- -don ror San Francisco toda Tho lighthouse tender M" wnion has neon repun i,.jjt In the lower harbor saui -Portland. .fmmmmmmmi;tm mt2fimmiimmjmm -t .Ajjmjftmtmt L lUVHI