zsssasthimm FOUR THE COOS BAY TIMgS,kMARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1914 EVENING EDITION. LOF r.cv '.? VKSHSS 1&& J It's So Easy 8ARGE TIMELY .zr i HMji 'In'roimhW , ijKw msm ctinW . rr . tawwwv UTuj YOURAi .VT'.'Tfc7'.ll KfN. "V ft'Wl Vv T l- X '5.x ftR && Mi ' :: E1 coouelle hmnos jao tons ok POWDER TO OAltDINEIt FOR TUNNEL WOIIK IX TIME TO PREVENT STOPPINO OP WORK (Special to The Times.) GARDINER. Or., Fob. 5. Tlio tun Roscoo arrived hero with tho baro Coiiuollo yesterday aftor bo ing laid ii at Newport for govern! weeks unnblo to got out. Tlio Cou.uollo brought 120 toim or powder and her nrrlval was timely as tlio supply nt tlio Porter Dros.' ramps was about exhausted and tunnel work on tho rnllway would have bron suspended In a day or two If tlio CoiiupIIo had not arrived. Tho Roscoo returned at onro to Newport to tow tho bnrgo Fredor Ick to Portland where bIio will un dergo repairs. M S 10 BE DEALERS MINNEAPOLIS, Fob. T Tho Far- nioru' drain Dealers' Association begun a three-days' session bore to plan an extension of their co-op-oratlvo plan. This organization Is formed of farmers, who deal directly with purchasers of their 'product, thus doing away with tho middlemen, flront mutual bonofit is derived from tiicHO conventions whero crops and later methods of handling their pro duce are discussed. NEWSPAPER CREDIT Wi vA , i 'i $&$& WmS J) KlA "j& 111 JMr'iM '1 k Illllii!S fiOOO-7740 flOlA TWO DISTINCTIVE GARMENTS FOR THE BOUDOIR Wo presumo some peoplo think nowspapor men are persistent dun in rs. Lot a farmer place hinisolf in a similar position and sco If he would not do the same thing. Suppose that ho ralsos 1500 bush ids of wheat and his neighbor comes and buys a bushel. Suppose the price Is only one dollar and the neighbor says, "I will pay you In a few dnys." As the farmor docs not want to bo smnll about the matter, he says all right. Another comes tho same way and another and another, and so on, (111 tho whole ir.00 bushels of wheat are trusted out to IfiOO dif ferent persons, and not one of the puiThiaors concerns himself about It thinking it Is a small amount to the farmer, and would not help him any. Don't you sco what a hardship It would work upon tho farmer If nil the purchasers failed to realize that be had frlttorul away his largo i rop of wheat and that Its value was duo In 1500 dribblets and that ho was seriously omharrnssod In business because his debtors treated It as a little matter? If all would pay him promptly, which they all could do as well as not, It would b ' a very largo amount to tbu farmer and enable him to carry on his husluuxs without diffi culty. Tho above comparison fits nil too truly tho difficulties that the newspaper man has to contend with r Ashland Ilocordor. The ncgllgeo is quite as Important to tho wurdrobu oh tbu street frock or evening gown ami ns much atten tion Ih being given it this si-uaon. The richest of silks and chiffons nro used in its making, and tho modish trim mings Include fur, innrabout and tho metal laces. Laco and innrabout nro especially smart. The brightest nnd most extravagant of silk patterns are appropriate nnd pleasing for these gar ments, providing they aro becoming. Iloudolr caps are fashioned In many (iiiulnt designs, tho butterfly nnd peas ant cap in lace or chiffon daintily trim med with a roso wreuth or a band of fur. No. SO0S is u quaint, smart mail noo developed in palo yellow chiffon cloth, collared and banded In a figured silk In which there nro mingling of several pastel shades. To obtain rltlier pattern llluitrntcd nil out this coupon nnd cncloie 15 cents la Marnp or coin. U sure to stnto number of pattern nnd ilze, incaiurlnc over tlio fullest part of tlio buit. Addresv Pattern Department, enrn of Dili paper. The petticoat (7740) Is of liberty sat in In the same soft yellow. This matlnco may ba niado In slzo 36 with 2T ynrds of 36 Inch material. Tho petticoat requires 2 Id yards of 36 Inch material for slzo 2-i. One of thoso richly colored broche silks In UNCd for 8013 with trimmings of plain satin nnd frills of metal luce finishing neck and sleeves. A pretty fad for tho boudoir Is to have stockings and cortliuncs match tho robo or matlnco or contrast effectively with them. Often It tho garment Is fur trimmed a bit of tho fur bands tho slipper or trims tho satin gnrter. Tills design (8013) may bo mndo In sire 36 with G1,, yards of 36 Inch mala rial. No. S008 sizes 32 to 44. No. 7740 sizes 23 to 36. No. 8013 sizes 32 to 44. Each pattern U cents. No Name .. Address i,....... Slzo TIIH HISS. A tholr share of this nrcumtilntlou. I Such Is I. V. WilHin. It hati'B I.KTTI.MI fi-nni nun T W. W Cnilltlll. It lmtOS IllOpOrty. It NINETV PER CENT IMVIDKXD TORONTO, Out.. Fob. fi. The Sonocn-Suporlor Mining Company declared an additional dividend of ten per cent, with a bonus or two nnd one-half per cent to the stock holders of record todny. TIiIk brings tho total dividend or this company for tho year up to iiluon per cent of tho paid-up capital stock. PACIFIC COAST III I'M-: SHOOT SAX FRANCISCO, Tob. fi. A toiirumnuet of great lutorost to marksmen opened todny on the Shell Mound Park Hlflo Rnngo. All marksmen of standing on tho Const nro In the contest, mid tho winner will bo awarded the championship of tho Pacific Const, a gold modal. TO LOWER IIKill COST OK LIVINO PITTSIU'Kd. Pa., Keb. fi. A large maiiuracturiug plant for gro-i-erv commodities wns started In luminous today. The men Interested are retail grocers of this city who plan to sell tholr output at about thirty per cont lower cost to the people This company plana to elim inate the expense of wholesale gro-i-r' credits, coinmorcinl salesmen mid tho middleman. Throughout tho Ifulted Slates those organiza tions are to bo stnrted, comprising about 20.000 retail grocers, and they will be affiliated with the Unit ed (i lowers Company of Toledo. Ohio. opposk ti:m:piioxi: company's AltltOOAXCI-J 1IORTON. Mass.. Keb. fi. The Pi bile Senho Commission hns Krnutod u hearing to the United Im provement Association today on the question of Inducing tho New Kng land T lephono Telegraph Com pany to maintain Its four and slx paily servlco. Times Wnnt ads bring results. IIACKACIIIMtllKl'MATlSM VAN ISH AWAY. Men nnd women having bnckacho, rh uinatlsm. stiff and swollen Joints are honestly glad to know that Ko 1 v Kldnoy Pills are successful every where In driving out those Ills. Thnt Is because Koley KIdnoys Pills nro a truo nndlclne and quickly offectlvo In all diseases that result from wonk. Inactive kidneys nnd urlnnry irregularities. Owl Prescription Pharmncy. Frank D, Cohan. Oppo Blto Chandler Hotol. Phono 74. to another Is nt the Governor's office In Salem. it Is Illuminating. In It, tho writer glonts over sabotage. lie delights because a youth at Kugono destroyed an employer's window- glass. It wns an act of sabonigo. Ho glorks In tho fact that this mis guided young man Is destructive of ho property of thoso who havo. Tho I. W. nt Marnhflold drovo Iron spikes Into logs so the sharp saws in tho mills would bo dulled or destroyed as tho logs wore being cut. Tho terrible propaganda of inbntago Is being taught commended and prncttccd In Oregon, It Is n gospol of hate. It Is a 'rood of destruction. It strikes like in rnttlesnnko, It Is a stealthy )low nt tho employer's plnnt In the lark. It puts dirt or decayed fruit In tho employers' canning process That Is sabotage. It Is I. W. W.'lsm. Tom Maun, Kngllsh exponent of I. W. W'.lsm. has come to this coun try. Ho mndo n Bpeech In Now York. Ho snld: Hy banding together nnd educating yoursolvos shall you Inherit tho enrtli. Wo don't preach vlolonce, but If It comes, wo don't shun It. In our fight, vlolonce cannot bo helped. Strlko ns often as you must. After nil, what we nro engag ed In, is war. Referring to tho recent unsuc cessful strlko nt Patterson, W. D Haywood, lender of I. W. W.ism In this country, said In n speoch to I V. W. recruits: Thoy hnvo gone back to tholr worn in tho mills with the ery of sabotage on their lips nnd their work will cost tholr em ployers mnny times whnt t)ioy pay in wages. Tholr cry Is sa botage Wo hao learned to hate capitalists, ami I want you to let tho spirit of hato sink deep Into your henrts, so mat you will always hato cap italists. Uso any weapon you can find until tho capitalists will hato to bo ono. It Is n brutal game. It Is a doc trlno of fury, a propaganda of ha trod, a spirit of strong nrm. I. W. W.ism Is an importation from Kuropo. Klghty per cont of tho ineinbors nro Illiterates, from tho south of Italy, from Hungary and Poland. Less than fivo per cont nro native-born Americans. Of tho forelgnors, nonrly the whole of t no oignty per cent Hnvo beon In this country loss than ten years, tin majority loss than five. Less than twenty per cont havo been natur alized, or havo evon declared their Intention to become citizens. Thoy are the most dogradod and lcloua olomonts in tho countries from which they enme. They set up tho claim to all tho wealth In this country. Thoy nro told by their manors mat no ninn has n right to nccumulato. They nro told that all tho wealth accumulated has beon by robbery and tuat tnoy must resort to sabot hates capitalists. It hates socloty. It hatos law. It bates religion. It hates morality. It hates tho church. It hates tho constitution. It bates all In authority. It hates tho flag of tho country. Its cry Is sabotage. It Is tho i. howl of tho wolf, the snarl of tho -lackal. tho hiss of tho snake. I Z It lo a bloody maw dripping with tho savagery of tho Jungle. Port land Journal. Llbhy COAT. Tho kind YOU hnvo UAVAYS rSKI). Pljon 72. Pacific Llvory nnd Transfer Company. MAI INJURIOUS 10 THE KIDNEYS Tuko a Tablespoouful of Salts if Hack Hurts or llladdci- Mothers Meat Forms Uric Acid. Wo aro a nation of meat caters and our blood Is filled with uric acid. says n woll-known nuthorlty, who warns us to bo constantly on guard igalnst kidney trouble Tlio kidneys do tholr utmost to froo tho blood of this Irritating ncld, but beeomo weak from tho overwork; thoy got sluggish; tho ollmlnntlve tis sues clog and thus tho waato Is re tained In the blood to poison tho en tire system. Whon your kldnoys ncho and feol like lumps of load, nnd you hnvo stinging pains in tho back or tho urine is cloudy, full of sediment, or, tho blnddor Is irritablo, obliging you to seok rollof during tho night; when you hnvo sevoro hoadaches, nervous and dizzy spoils, sleeplessness, ncld stomach or rheumatism in bad wenth or, got from your phnrmnclst nbour four ounces of Jnd Salts; take a ta blespoouful In n glass of wntor bo foro breakfast oach morning nnd In a fow dnys our kidneys will act flue. This famous salts Is mndo from tho ncld of grapos and lomon Julco, combined with llthln, and hns been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys, to nou- trallzo tho acids In urlno so It is no longer a sourco of Irritation, thus ending urlnnry and blnddor disor ders. Jnd Salts Is Inexpensive and can not injure; makes a delightful offor voscont llthln-wator drink, and no body can make a inistnko by taking The smooth polished surface of the Electric Plat Iron glides over the clothes with hardly an effort. Tiresome tramping back and forth from stove to ironing board is forgot ten. The rough, sooty irons that dirtied the clothes arc discarded. ELlQCTRrC FLAT IRONS ARE GLEAN AND CONVENIENT. The Electric Iron will save time, labor and money for you. No need to light a fire for it just attach to the nearest Electric Light Socket. .Being heated from inside, it stays clean and highly polished. Purchase from your dealer or- telephone H78 for ono to be sent on ten days' trial. Oregon Power Co. Second and Central C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. ItCTAIL DKPAItTMENT LUMI1KH, LATH, SHIXOLKS, MOULDINGS, BASH AM) DOOHS, nOOFINO IMPEIt, ETC. OUT THE FUEL HILL IX TWO I1Y USING OUH WOOD. PHONE 100. INS SOUTH imOADWAY BAMDON BY THE SEA THEjCITY OF THE FUTURE A FEW TEN ACHE THACTS FOUIt MILKS SOUTH ON COUNTY HOAI) 9fM PEH ACItE; $100 CASH, BALANCE TWO YEAItS, NO INTEItEST, NO TAXES, FINK HANDY LOAM, LEVEL HUNCH LAND. Buy One It Vill Make You Money DooaH MacKiimftosIhi HEAL ESTATE nnd IN8UHANCK. Money Won't Grow unless It Is ndded to by Thrift and Economy, nnd thon Invested wisoly. You rnnnot easily mako monoy without money. If you spend all you enrn you havo nothing with which to moot opportunity for profitable investment. Do on tho Snfo SIdo. Savo at least a small part of your Income Open a Savings Account In This Ilnnlc and regularly mako n do poBlt every week or month. The First National Bank Of Coos Bay MMiMMMMiMI FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST HANK IN COOS COUNTY. Established 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Interest Paid on Timo Deposits Officers: J. W. llcnnett, President. J. II. Flanagan, Vice-President. It. F. Williams, Cashier. Geo. F. Winchester, Asst, Cashier. clients, ' S. Kanfr South i Rivel Tlocn I..... bond of ,i..?! i'i"gia";: returning iM,J P. a. ItOCEftl UITV "JTOAl A now tailtiij '- uuio Berth win ., L u uuvwrih.i Ulnnco Cigar Steil Went phone in. I TOM fiOQDiJ YOU AUTO CI! FOR FO I-our Kooilrimd l'r dm- tmul lllmiro HiJ '"r niKiit Mrtfel nigH D.LI FASiltli In our new tal pocuuiy prtpirtdt trade. Renin J ion. Open ditr MKItCIlirl KrondwHr ni1 (Vfl T. J. SCAIfE i Morshfieldl IMImitu Phone :i!)l)-J, Chimneys J.N, I Any kind of Ml that ml AND AM, UOKl Call at "The ml lllilK., lit" Su! Frcnrh Itangei PROFESSIOMI sA' YT T. TOMIlTl W (WtlBdl Every knotj without ilrugim 1.1C North Brotil Phono UKI-K - KO. C. SIl'RfT, Expert Plml Tiuilne, lP Inc. Orders mtrl I). Allen U avenue. TO EL OSTLim J Plana Tun I in S. Sixth ttrrfl Leave onlrrs t -l Company, J M. WIUCBT. luIWflW IMInmtcn fariiiV An ImilFSt JMH WW r O. GOSXEV, V-u Contrtlw,'B Kstimates, uim llnna furtlttM a o,.tlufli.,l rustOV tl,n ltd ono of mr ' 1 u Phono 3151. n-."!-.?a DU. MVrTlKB. Dlcca'.es oi -. Oillco phone , J fc V " A ..l.lltWS IJ DEMI3 MartbfS Rooms 2O1-205.CS1 ResidcncBPl't"1,,,1i nmra nhons J'1 irTItS. FAHIUXa 1V1 Tf1 npaldecce StsP pnm..r nommerco!" Pbc! B ENJAMlX, nuleri. SO Phono 103-b a little occasionally to keep the kid- ago and other war on capital to set ne's clean and actlvo. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio NOTICE. To whom It may concern: Coos Day Realty Syndicate, estab llshed In January, 1904, will be responsible only for the nets and contracts performed or representa- - tlons made by Chas. J. Druschko. ...f rV 1 v-tir-iri. liii'- J"'"' PLltf A '.77 Hi ctnmO. 'J Pl!i ERL Rwldence-! W. O. .tnc Rooms 301 t tint All Kinds of Job Printing Done at The Times Office W M. S. ARC Mlrttf s3