The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 05, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Head Tlu Times every tiny for tlio
lutott neus. Head flic ads for your
own benefit. It pays to advertise In
The Times.
,.. pvcivoiio on.Coos Ray
"r bMtIel l...I.liCH C....OI 1
.twl""1 unit- 1
member of the associated press
i;tliilill'Ifl 1878
us The Coast Mull
A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall Mn IRQ
and Coos Hay Advertiser. '""
ars mm mam.
Anniino Bccrecy, nnd told them tho ndmln-
. !... Dnrltnurl
i . nMMi uinAf ni'.u u u
P- to-plat
it tlMICI'EU ui vm
jge HarrisTpxt Week to
Also Clear Up Kinney
Word -as received hero today that
,eiu ;:. .i,-i3niiii.rii orucon com-
',t John A. Davis nntl tlio otnor
a Park, New IJetlinrii uuuiupu u
len loti I" Clement lark, tlio
Ston part of Marslillelil. Tlio
.,!! of tlio settlement, wimp
rd upon, will not bo rIvoii out
HI tho final deciee la entered by
jje Harris of Ihweiio wbeii ho nt
e, here next week
n. settlement clears tho cloud on
e title of tlio law tract nntl Is ono
ereat public Intercut as tho Inntl nf-
iied li one oi wio ioi ""i1"""1"
itlons In Mnrsliliciti. mo vaiuu
the tract v.nn estiiunicti at, over
He basis of settlement Is uiulor-
,0,1 to be that tlio Davis uoirs lic
it fire blocks In Now llodford Ad
:loa north of Date Htrcot, two lotH Pnrl: mill HOIIIU OtlltT
acewlons In settlement of their
ilm of a half Interest m mo lirop-
I, li.. 'f"'lltllltlllllS.
The settlement was effected lnrgo-
ihrotiKh the efforts or w. a. iiom.
cut fur I'crham Paris. Mr. Itulil
ihfpn worklim on tho enso for ovor
;eir nml finally Hiicceetlod In got-
i; fie settlement, wiilcli oiiiiiiiiiii,h
. i nirir iif Inn ' illllwn fill t llllgn-
i3 wMch r mild have kept tho prop-
tytlcil up liuloniiltoly. Mr. Hold Is
iwj lilslny ciatcii mer m sui:-
The rns? wax n strange one. In
le early '50s Andrew J. Davis ciimo
lr-na ii v nml uii.r diliirs look nil
ibmesfcau wiilr'i Included Porhnm
Irk, New Ilctlford Addition nntl u
cs:derablo portion of tho towuslto
I M-nhllclil. Ho later left mid fin-
By located In Montana, whoro ho
a;cd In mining and apparently
his Intel, st.i on "he Hay. I.U
s if . -.iv n si a iiio othor
:M, bc!tu trans'irrcil by those In
its'.fil with Davit, but ho nover
ciineil anv of the denls or ro-
ii tnj'hhi!; out of them. Flnul
i'er rr so ao the Smitlieru Or-
oa conpany. thin hoblliiK tho
in, began salt to clear tlio title
I Oe heirs of Andrew Davis began
y-i to establish their claim to nm
wt Davis died a iiiiiltl-inllllon-
e The cato was a difficult ono.
cany of those whoso testimony
nrst ltal had died.
Will lllltll'lkl'lt 'I'tMII'f.
Mr llcltl stated today that Mr.
rhn had mudo preliminary ar-
jtaenu to ininietiinioiy improve
p tract Mr, Perham first iilanticd
Itfttlne n livilrnnlln ilrtulirn tn lnv.
lit op and fill tho lowlands, but has
puny matte arrangements with tlio
"ivscauio iu nil u uirgo jiurwuu
tbe low area hi tho Mill Slough
a. lie win also imt n steam
1 to work on tae hills, lovollng
t?1 Inil lAitltlnt. ttii...l. ulninlu
I- .- ,,ltl,.h IHIUIIhll VUl
Jcike It ono of the most dcslrublo
F-OC Qieincis.
l1ni'rl.M......I. u......
. .Miiiuhii nuvi-ii
nu plans provldo for Immediately
a Hiviviitu Dllli'l, llllivilfeM fc."
s Hch will connect up with
!tf elrlni. o ilr l,ihl I1n.nnnll
from Marshfieid to tho nortli-
w oi tlio peninsula.
iiii ii '..t,.
wwei entering tho final docreo
'-.i case, u is expected that Juugo
; " uen ne arrives noxt weoK
'1 CSVfi final n.lln.i I.. iU irinnnii
, -".- 1IIUMO 111 IliU IIIUUUJ
r'Jnlp cases. It Is expoctod tiint
Will Hill, u I- n..l . ...... .!!..
-M.y j, V, UClllllS HllUllllUil
J Mil hW .,!... ... v r. i..
r fuardtan for Major Klnuoy and
resnnnni l.. M.. '..I..
I ad jive him fall power to soil
,' c'tarln8 of tho cloud on tho
C WtheSfl (Uffornnt iron,, la rnli.
ifklHi111.081 ln'Portant development
' mttory of Coos Day real es-
i. l'initcn dkai)
?' V., Fob. 5.Dr.
tldfrV- ' ongres8man and
iBnir : " i'1Pa nv n1.8 .wln.-
"last night. CemS ,81aUU'
PEUK xfi:rkxck call.
ty Autvit.j .
J 3 OX, D, C.. Fob, 5.-
'leWMtoii i ' u oecamo Known
1 for V. u , ,. aay- had ,B8ued
conV,en ho,dlnK of tll third
Thi "Dce at The ""Buo next
:. it u. Ernment took this ac-
hn v.ii,err?od' at the request
n "Haelralna of Holland.
teVtatt? "aJntalnB nlno
"oa and .imV.r.;iu!?'?re-
--.... .ui OUUJUCIB.
Thieves Gain Entrance Through
Rear Window and Take
Rifle and Cartridnes
Thieves Inst nlKht broko Into tho
hnrdwnro Htoro of lOUblad & Son and
made u elenn Kotuwny with u rifle
and about 100 rounds of ammunition.
They uIfo took a Hinall tool grinder,
but threw this down In tho rear of tho
Kntrniico was offected by removing
a pane of kIiiss from a ronr window,
euttliiK off tho window bars and tnk
liiK out three other panes of kIiiss.
Tho thieves wcro evidently after
tho Klin as they did not molest tho
cash roKlstor, safe or desk. W. N.
ICkblnd today made a careful Investl
Rntlou nml all that ho could ascer
tain as inlmiliiK wan the '.'2-calibro
1iIk!i power Savage rlflo and tho 100
rounds of ammunition. Thcro wore
many things of value that could lmvo
been easily talcen had tho burglars
not been pnrtleulnr about the loot.
Owing to tho fact that tho rifle
ulono was taken, It Is believed that
tho burglars wore boys.
.Mr. Kkhliul today discovered that
the roomer In tho hotel above tlio
Htoro heard u nolso about 1 1 o'clock
lust night mid tills is supposed to bo
tho time tho store was robbed.
Marshal Carter stated tolny Hint
h hud found two traps that had
boon takoii from the htoro and drop
ped on tlio wharf outside. Ho thinks
that tho thoft was committed by
somuono who wns planning to go
Into tho woods to rough It for
nwhllo and does not bellevo that
boys did It.
The robbory was not dlscovorotl
until tlio Htoro was opened this
Conrnf imw nt Clnln
wwl UlUI Jf vl WlCllW til llWwO lal.nllnti nnniln.l n l.n ffnrt Init.
Against Including Them in lslntlvo ombarrnsaments in dealing
mm nnnlnn Dill Unnnn Willi 1110 BlllllUlUIl (1 1 1) Kllllll I ICU 1 1 .
llllllllljiauuil Dill nUiJCO. Spprntiirv llrran told the commit-
too that unless untoward circum
stances nroso ho hoped for n nnilc
ablo adjustment of tho Jnpnnese
tiucstlon. An agltntlon In Congress
nt this time, ho declared, would bo
most unfortunate. Representatives
Hnkcr and Hayes, of California,
wore tho only members of tho eom
mlttco Inclined to oppose the wish
of tho Secretary of State that action
in tlio matter bo indefinitely post
poned, Othors rendily agreed that
nothing should bo tlono which would
In any way embarrass tho administration.
for Settlement.
HIT Aiauililrd I'reM in Coot Pr Tltnra.
WASHIXOTON, 1). C, Feb. Ji.
Secretary of State lVrynn urged tho
hoiiBO Immigration committees today
to toko no action on tho linker
bill for tho exclusion of Asiatic Im
migration, Diplomatic negotiations
between tho United Stntes nntl Jnpan
ovor tho California alien land laws
and tho whole question of Asiatic
exclusion wns dlseiiBsed nt length
licit In tl closed doors. Dry nu bound
Republicans nntl Democrats alike to
Important Seaport of Sinola
Has Been Finally Forced
to Capitulate
Carranza's Forces Reported to
Have Woh Important Vic
tory Over Huerta
tnr AnorUtfit rrr to Coon nr TlmM 1
NOOAL12S, Ariz., Kob. l. Mnznt-
; Inn. an Important senport In the
Rtntn nf Slnnlii. fell Into the liltnds
Mtr Awnrlntnl TrrM lo Coon lUr Tlitim.l i ()f Cnrranj;a'8 rebel fotTOB today. BC-
SAN FRANCISCO, Kob. ii. For- rordlng to Information received In
mer MnVor James 1). Pliolnn of this Neignlcs Sonorn, from rebel sources,
city formally announced today , his ruigIr had b.en Investing tho city
candidacy for tho Democratic nom-'for HOmo time, having captured Cu-
Former San Francisco Mayor
Will Seek Toga in Cal-
fornia Now
Iniitlon of United States Senator.
Cuf fennnHn I norlnn PlWrme EXPCCt Senate tO Retain
Su,te lL.h ate r"esl toracy Feature of Immi
McDonough With At
tacking Her
tlljr AMOUIr.1 l'in lo Coo llr Tlmrn.l
gration Measure
HIT AMwUtnl TiTM to Coot ntr Tlmn.1
WARHIN'OTON. Feb. n. With n
CHICAGO. Kcli. r,. .losoph Mc- nrovlslon barring Illiterates, said
Donougli, a fifth wartl politician, to bo moro dniBtlc than any logls
who, according to Miss May Walsh, intlon of its kind for years, tho Hur
ono of tho women election clerks nett Immigration bill wiib boforo tho
who served 1 1 Tuesday's registration, Sennto today where final questions
nttacked and boat her Inst night while on tho literacy test will bo threshed
hIio wns cnnvnsslng tho ward, siirron- out. Many expect tho Sonnto to
tiered to the pollco totlny. Ho was pass tho bill as it stands, but Pros-
booked on tho cliargo of nssaiilt and hient WIIsoh'h attitude is subject
battery ami released on bonds.
Donougli denied ho struck her.
to much speculation, ilofon tnoi
j President signs the bill ho will give
I public hearings on It.
i I
Robt. G. Bremmer, Passaic severe Penalty Imposed on Al-
Editor and Congressman,
Dies Today
Illy w Intel 1'ri-ni lo Con Hv Tlm" 1
HALT' MOltK. Kli. Ti. Robert
leged Assassins of Yuba
County Official
Illy Ao Ills.) Vnf lo Coo )Uy Tlinr 1
Southern Pacific Said to be
Figuring on Starting
Crews in 30 Days
John D. Gobs returned home todoy
from Snlom and reports that there
Is ovory Indlcntlon of tho Coos Uay
Kukoiio lino being pushetl to complo
Hor. thlH spring. Ho talked with n
number and while nothing official
wns given out, tlio iiowb was of tho
most optimistic.
According to tho roports largo forc
es of mon will bo put to work within
thirty days on Ho lino at various
points nntl hnston Its completion.
Tho understanding Is that tho activity
will bo t nil points botweon Coos
Hay and tho Sluslnw, to wlrcro tho
grading Is now completed
Walt on llrldge.
Nothing now has been given out
concerning developments In tho Coos
Rny brldgo mnttor. Tho final decis
ion of tho United Stntos engineers as
to tho class of drawbrldpo to bo re
quired Is oxpeetod dally and upon
tho starting of the bridge hangs flro.
Plans for starting work In Mnrsh
flold to connect up tho old Terminal
lino with tho Coos Hay & Knstorn are
progressing and it is likely that thp
driving of iilllng over Mill Slough
will bo started wUliin ft few tlnyu.
Engineer Hliidmorsli will have charge
of tlio construction. Unless some
thing unexpected develops, It Is not
llkoly that t'Us link will be complet
ed for two or threo months.
t 1 ..,...... i.h niiilmll t fniiirciluil ' '
viiiiiu Dii'iiiini. iiiviiiuvi wi k' lMi'linril "Tllncldn" I.iril nml II n
from the Sovonth Now Jorsey tllstrlct "H"nra lllncKlo loid and II. I),
and editor of tho Passaic Horald, Suhr, convicted of niurdor of DIs-
tlletl today of cantor at n local sanl- trlet Attorney Mniisoll pf Yuba Cotin-
tnrliim. whoro ho has been undergo- ty during tho Whoatland hop-ynrd
lug radium treatment slnco lnsf Do- riot Inst August, woro Hontoncod to
comber. Ho wns thlrty-nlno yonrs Hfo today. Ford gops o San Quon-
old inn had siifrored from ciincor lor "
four years.
Tammany Leader Declares He
Will Retain Place as Long
As He Lives
tn AMOrltteJ rfM to Com Hr TlmM.l
K'wiHT vnnw Pnii. r. "i Intend
to stay horo as' long as I live." said
riin.i,x. vnmiii. tniiav. Rv "hero
ho meant tho leadership of Tammany
Hall. Tho statement was called
forth by an inquiry about tho report
that ho intended to retire and resign
tho leadoreshlp. to a committee of
three friends.
nonltontlnry nntl Suhr to Fob
so in. Notices or npponl wro riled,
Postpone Action on Special
Election Petitions Until
Next Wednesday
(Special to Tho Times.)
COQUILl.H, Or., Fob. n. Tho
Coos County Court totlny postponed
I tho henrlng on tho good ronds spe
cial election petitions until noxt
Wednesday. The hearing was Bchot!-
i tiled for tomorrow, but County Clork
Watson luiH boon iinablo to complete
the cnuvass of tho names and ns tho
County Court wanted to itiljoiirn, It
wns ngtoetl to postpone tho honrlng
.until noxt Wednesday morning,
President .Morrison, or tlio Oootl
RnntlH AsBoclntlon, Is nnxlous to
have ns many nH posslblo thero noxt
WedncBilny to urge tho court to call
tho special election nt tin earliest
poKsini date insieati or waning un
til tlio May primary election.
Mr. Guerin, of Langlois Beats
Letter to Salem and Gets
Valuable Water Right
(Special to Tho Times.) '
RANDON, Or., Fob. C Tno story
New York Financier Argues
Against Measure to Curb
jnjr AMotltleJ Prf lo Coot ny TlmM.l
WASHINGTON. D. C. Fob. fi.
w n Vim Antworn. Govomor of tho
Now York Stock Exchange, tojtl tho of n t. lix-J II Iiif? raco for wator rights
sonnto iianKing commiuuu iimi i near Lnnglols betweon rival elalry lu
Owon bill for Gpvornnient roguia-, toro8ts jins jBt reaclied horo.
tlon of stock exchanges would do Iox Coi,0i j,r aorlu nilU otllore
moro harm than good and tnat on-, nr,.a,lg0li t0 sta,t n crenmory and bo-
lorreii iii.ui.uii.u.. """,. '""' gsn nogotlntlng with Miller and How
Amorlca's primary market pl.ico. Th f ... , t ,.,. Inttor.H
disciplinary power of tho Now iWK fKure8 woro too i,Ki, uml fnullv
Kxchniigo over "s "loniuors w ". Copo and Gtiorln arranged to erect a
on "Just am equitablo priiiclplo of ' . , , k .
trndo" ho said, "nntt was a stronger
restraint than could bo provided for
llncan, tho stito capital, sovcrnl
weeks ngo. Cullncnn Is north of
Mntzotlnn nntl wns used by tho reb
els ns n Biipply bnso for tho nttnek
on Mazatlan.
AMKRHUX vi:ksi:i.s.
lllr Amo. 1t.l rrrt to Com Ilty Tlmit t
WASHINGTON, I). C, Fob. 5.
The President niiiiounced todry ho
would use ovory lcgltlmnto Influonce
nt his disposal to have repealed tho
provision of tlio Panama Canal net
oxniuptliiK Ainorlcan constwlao ves
Kels from tho paymout of tolls.
Tho President mntlo It clonr that
ho wns unr.lternbly opposed to ex
emption mid that his position had
been porfoctly well understood for
smut time. Ho omphnBlzeir that ho
would endeavor to have tho provision
repealed during the prosout gesslou
of Congress. This was to clear up
tho Improsslon which Honntor O'Gor
mnn of Now York, nn ndvocnto of ex
emption, gave after a Whlto Houso
conferonco yesterday to tho effect
that tho toll controversy would bo
crowded out of the legislative enlon
tlar of the nrcflcnt sosbIoh by trust
i bills nntl appropriation moiiHiiros, If
n short session were contoinplated.
by any law."
Wr Attotltted ftoiX to Coot lUr TlmM.J
WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 0.--Louis
D. nrandeiB, of Boston, prob
ably will bo chairman of tho board
of trustees to take ovor tho Boston
& Maine holdings of tho New York,
New Haven & Hartford, under tho
plan agreed to by Attorney General
Mcljeynolds and Chairman Elliott of
tho New Haven.
iirnniinls conferred with Attor
ney General McReynolds today, and
Encounters Heavy Swell
:Vs!i Conway Arrives
With Capt. Macgenn
Reporting n heavy southwesterly
swoll, Captain Macgenn nrrlvod with
'Queen or Hio Pacific," tho Hronk
wat' r, early today.
Georgo Conway, son of the lato
Walter Conway, formerly president
or tho O. II. & N. Co., arrived on
tho Brenkwutor ns tho personal guest
of Captain Macgenn. Walter Con
way and Captain Macgenn aro friends
of long standing hnvlng sailed to
gether In times long slnco gono by.
Following Is a list of tho passen
gers: Mrs. 13. K. Jones, 13. L. Carson,
Capt. O. F. Blair, Mrs. A. 13. Cnv
anaugh. Miss 13. Morgan. II. W.
Kahn, 13. W. Phillips, .1. K. Wobor,
Mrs. G. L. Tlllotson, II. 13. Ilacon,
0. Gllbertson, C. B. Homy, Mrs. 13.
Johnson, Mrs. T. W. JncobB, O. W.
Forry, Wm. Wado, II. A. Stites. J.
W. Parry, L. Stonobrcakor, A. May
er, J. . uoss, I1-, u. I'oenoy, i. w.
Hreeschon. II. W. Johnson, F. M.
Spoonor, Mrs. Spoauor, Ponii Davis,
Geo. Goodrum, Mrs. Goo. Goodrum,
new ono just across tho crook from
tho Miller and Bowman jilant, Tho g, Montgomery, Mrs. 8. Montgomery,
latter claimed to havo tlio wator h, ,. Whltnoy, Mrs. Whitney, W.
rights to tho creok but it was dls
covered that thoy had not filed on
thorn. Then Mr. Bowman mailed his
application to Snlom on Friday and
on Saturday night announced that ho
had beat Copo and Guorin to it. When
tho latter heard It, Guerin Immediate
ly hired a horso and started out to
beat tho lottor to Salom. Tho letter
should have reaclied there Sunday
bnt ho knew that the stnto offices
would bo closed for that day. So ho
started. By riding all night and all
day Sunday, ho caught tho night
train for Salom and reached thero
, vw.. ------I . . ,,!
alt,1?Ug nnrt Znt of Justice It is early Monday morning. Ho hastened
at tho Department ' J"Bt0 "J" ' i,n .tntohoiisa and was thero when
understood ho waB asked to becomo
chairman of trustees, uti or trus
tees hnvo not been selected, and It
Is posslblo that two or four moro
will bo chosen. Brandels has taken
particular interest in tho affairs of
the Now Haven road for many years
and Is thoroughly familiar with tho
details of Its acquisition of the Bos
ton & Maine.
Thero aro three bootlegging cases
scheduled for trial during thp Feb
'ruary term of court. Tho dofend-
'niD in tliPRn actions aro a. n.
"' " --- . ... .. -,!.,
Krohn, a local aruBgiBi.; w'n
Stark, of tho McClallen Hotel, and
Edward Franklin, of Gardiner.
Roseburg News.
tho State Engineer opened his office
and Immediately filed on tho water
rights, Tho mall had not been open
ed and consequently Bowman's ap
plication had not been filed, Guorin
thereby winning out.
What tho noxt development will
bo Is not known,
Hunter Ts Shot.
According to a report from Brook
ings. Georgo Myers was shot and ln-
stuntly killed by A. Ivnnhart, a
neighbor. It is understood that Iv
anhart mistook Myors In tho brush
for a bear or varmint and Ilreu, al
most instantly kllllnc mm, it is
T. Hlslop, M. J. Cnlimtcio, .mis. itoy
Maoro, It. Fosback, Albort, wenor,
Mrs, A. M. wouor, u. .m. wodui,
Mrs. II. E. Morton, E. A. woire,
Mrs. J. Klrkpatrlek, J. Klrkpatrlck,
C. W. Robblns. Mrs. uouuins, is. u.
Tabor, P. Van Camp, Mrs. C. Nel
son, Mrs, W. L. Blnko, Miss Ida
Hanson Mrs. J. wiirnnou, iv. v.
Goodalo, Mrs. Kinney, Miss Math
owb, M. Kenor. J. Agoltln. B. Bor
dlnando, J. Mlvollo, H. Benjamin,
Geo. Conway. S. W. Benson. J. Carl
son, C. F. McKnlght, W. Elliott, G.
Pamas, Chas. Goodwin, Mrs. H. L.
Brand, Mrs. Lazoporth.
Aged Commander of Puget
Sound Navy Yard Gives up
Position Today
1 11 jr Amo'UIM I'rrtt to Coot llr Tl inn,)
SEATTLE, Feb. fi. Rcnr Admiral
Vlncondon L. Cottmnn, formnlly re
tired from command of Puget Sound
navy yard today nml later In tho day
depnrtcd for Now York. On Feb
ruary 1.1 ho will bo placed on tho
rotlretl list by reason of ago. Tho
navy ynrd will bo temporarily in
cliargo of Commniider DoWItt Biam
or. Captain Charles F. Pond, who
I mm lUlUHll UIIIUIUU 11 i.uni.nih-
ton to undergo nn ox annum ion wuu
a vlow to his promotion to the rank
of Rear Admiral, will bo pormnnent
commandeut of tho yard, uccordlns
to soml-offlclnl nnnouncoinonts,
Hundreds of Thousand Rounds
of Ammunition Turned
Over to Them
Fir AMOclttod rrf.t lo Coot l!r Tlmn.1
HundrodB of thousands of rounds of
riflo and machlno gun ammunition
undor seizure nlong tho Mexican bor
der aro bolng turned ovor to tho Con
stitutionalists as fast as thoy prove
ownership. During tho last two
yearB agents of tho department of
Justlco hnvo arrested nunurcus xi
Itliotln Robinson Accused of Stmtlng
Flics In Scotland.
(nr Amoi UtM rrett lo Coot Ilr Time.)
GLASGOW, Fob. 5. A suffrag-
aiin irlvlnf Imp nnmn nn Itlioiln Rob-
"" " " . , II t .1. l.Hr..n..nH,l.((n ...ViCf
inson 'es arrested iiere- lotiay iiiiu men in mo ci oi iniimiiuuiii6 un"
taken to Dunblane, PortliBhlro, l,ti across tho bordor and seized carloads
connection with yesterday's Incond- of ammunition. In many cases tho
lary fires attributed to tho militants. Boizod ammunition was returned to
. I tlio owners after boing used as ovl-
I3LK Itl'LEIt IIKCI3IVI3I) IX STATE j deuce. Arms needed as ovidonco
COLUMBUSrno., Fob, G, Tho against porsons still undor indlct-
o..,i nvniinii piiinr nf tho Klks. Ed-' mont aro not to bo released for tlio
n...,i T.nnfi, nf Nnw York, will bo'iiresont. it was said. However tho
said that the shooting was purely entertained 'hero by the Columbus department of Justlco will probably
Afoidnntai and that Ivanheart will Lodge today, Governor Cox and not attempt to punish all cases of
be exonerated. I Mayor Karb. j arms smugglers.