- r1fr' t1 f THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1914 EVENING EDITION. i THE CAPTAIN r Rf SHOT A' MPORTS Mini CLEAR UK W NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS Wc arc moving into our new store nt the corner of Central avenue and Broadway, opposite the First National Bank and the Irving Block. The Stephen Rogers Block is heing remodelled to furnish us finer and more commodious quarters. AVe expect to be ready for business in the new location between February 5th and 10th,' and cordially invite all to visit the new store and inspect the new and larger stock. Tli! nking you for your past courtesies and trusting that we will be able to serve you better than ever in the new location, we are Very Truly Yours, MARSHFIELD HARDWARE CO. Low Rates for Handling Trunks Wo haul trunks botwoon any points In Mnrshflold (or tlio follow ing rates, dallTory to 'jo tnado Id tho first stories or bulldlnga; Ono trunk S .2ft Throe trunks no Twolro trunks . . . l.ao Star Transfer and Storage Co. Levi IIolNiicr, Prop. Phonos. 120-J: 40-Tj: 98-Tl. ti HAVE Barnard & Langworlhy figure ON YOUIl ELECTRICAL WORK DROP IN AND SKIS THE BIG GAMES IN THE HOWLLNO TOU1LVAMJINT Chatterton's Alleys NORTH FRONT STREET UNIQUE PANTATORIUM Under Now Management. Lot us Clean, Press and Ropnlr yonr clothes NOW. Don't wait. Hates Reasonable. .TAY DOYLE Ji C. O. DAGGETT iWO Central Ave. Phono IWO-X THERE'S ONLY ONI3 MACHINE THE SINGER. ONLY ONK REPRESENTATIVE W. J. RITZ Phono 2HO-X. DRY FIR AND ALDER WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street, Phono 1HO-1. RIVERTON COAL FOR $5.00 PER TON Phone 165-X CHAS. LAPP EDISON'S LATEST A Btorage battery that continual over charging v 111 not hurin. DOES NOT CORRODE AT TERMINALS. CONTAINS NO ACID. Will not loso Its chnrgo whllo ntnudlng idle. 18 GUA1LINTEED FIVE YEARS Coos Day WiringXo. in:t Itrondwny. Agvntfi for Port of Coos liny. NOTICE. To whom It may concern: Coos liny lleolty Syndlento, oatab. llshcd In Jununry, 1904, will bo responsible only for tho acta nnd contracts performed or representa tions niado by Chas. J. BrtiBchko. Commutation Tickets $2.00 20 Marshfleld-North Rend Auto Line. Cars every ten minutes from (I n. in. to lilsao p. in. GOltST KINO. Props. YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Four good oars with careful drivers. For (lay hitvIco, phono 14 1-J, lllaueo Rillard Parlors. For night fccrvlce. Phono 2(K)-L Right Cafo. D. L. FOOTE. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio DINNER SETS Up-to-date Shapes, Embossed edges, Large Floral and leaf gold stamped Beautiful 42-plece floral and gold-stamped dinner sets, $4.98. Ten per cent discount on Granite, Glass & Tinware. Smith's Variety Store NORTH BEND Coquille River Coal GUARANTEED FREE OF SLACK AND DIRT AND NOT TO CLINKER FULL WEIGHT AND PROMPT SERVICE COOS COUNTY FUEL CO. GEO. A. BAINES. Phone 181-L 186 Broadway South. $!.()() PEE TON OFF TARIFF REDUCED FREIGHT HATES HAN FRANCISCO TO COOS lAV S. S. HARDY HAILS FROM HAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS RAY FRIDAY, FED. l AND FED. 20, AT 1:00 P. M. San I'YamiHcn office, HarrlHon St. Dock, Pier 10. West Coast H. H. Line. E. J. TilNDKN. Agt.. Phono Dour. U70. TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleaning, repairing or now plateiiH, work guaranteed. HlhbouN and carbon paper delivered, Phone us your order. Phono 44. Alllaucu office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. Willamette-Pacific Motor Service Car loaves Central avonuo, Mnrsnflold, ovary thirty minutes, begin ning nt C:U0 a. m to 9:30 p. in. Leaves North Ilond every thirty minutes beginning G:4n a. m., to 9 : -I r p, in. Twenty trip commutation tickets can bo secured from conductor for 2.00. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. HAILS FItOM MARSHFIELD: HAII.S FROM POltTLANI): HAT., FED. 7, 7:00 n, ill. TUESDAY, VEIL ,1, 8 p. in, SAT., VEIL 11. 1:00 n. in. TUESDAY. VEIL 10, 8 p. in. HAT., VEIL 21, 7:!I0 n. in. TUESDAY, VEIL 17, 8 p. in. HAT., VEIL 28, 10:UO a. in. TUESDAY, VEIL 21, 8 p. in. Tickets on sale to all EnMem points nnd Information na to routes and rates cheerfully furnlnbed. Phono Slain 3.Ij. II. J. MOIIR, Agent S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIltELKSS. Sails From Portland for Coos Bay Thursday, February 5, at 6:00 P. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50. Connection with tho North Hank llond nt Portland. North Paclfle Steamship Company. Phono 44. C. V. M'OEORGE, Agent. S. S. REDONDO SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, AT 3:00 P. M. Han Francisco office, 80S Vife Rldg., or Lombard St. Piers No. 27. Inter-Oceanic Transportation Co., C. V. McGeorge, Agt., Phone 41. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HENRY BENGSTACKEN, Manager PAILM, COAL, T1M11ICII AND PLAITING LANDS A SPECIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS EAST-SIDE MARSnFIELD OFFICE, PnONE U-J. COQUILLE CITY OFFICE PHONE 101. IMPORTATIONS OF FRESH 11EEF AND REEF CATTLE FAR EX CEEDE LAST YEAR'S. EX POUTS DECREASING. WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 4. Food Importation In November allow ed n marked IncreaBO over tho cor responding month of tho preceding year nnd n material Increnso over tho figures for Octobor. This Is especially apparent In fresh beef nnd beef cattle. Importation of fresh beef, which amounted to C.CGC.CCC pounds In October, woro practically double tho quantity In November, tho figures for Novem ber bolng 10,8fiG,51C pounds, valu ed at $000,290. Of pork the Im portations during Novombor woro 110,000 pounds nnd of mutton 32, 000 pounds. Moro than one-half of tho beef Imports camo direct from England; 3,250,000 pounds having been received at Now York and 2,250,000 pounds nt lloston, whllo Canada sent 2,CC6,CCC pounds to Chicago, n half million pounds to Now York nnd n quarter of a mil lion pounds to lloston. At tho Pa cific CoaBt ports tho Imports woro 580,000 pounds, chiefly from Aus tralia. Englnud'H Reef Imported As to tho origin of tho practical ly 0,000,000 pounds of fresh beef Imported from England, tho records supplied to tho Ilurenu of Foreign nnd Domestic Commerce innlco no specific stntomont, though tho fnct that thoro wero practically no arri vals or rrcsu ucoi uircci irom iirKuu tlna suggests thnt at leaBt a portion of tho beef coming from England mny havo originated In Argentina, which country Is now England's chief sourco of supply of foreign grown hoof. IiiiK)itH on Increase. Cnttlo Importations In Novombor also show a vory largo IncroaBo over those of tho corresponding month Of 1912, having been 12.1,118 bend, valued at $3,300,723, against 43. 758 head, valued at $829,358, In Novombor, 1912. Tho totnl number r Miltln Imtinrtnil In Ortnlinr 1111(1 Novombor, undor tho operations of . . t n m r i tno now tnrirr iaw, wn -o.i.uu hoad, valued nt $0,704,790. Tho valuo of cattle Imports In Octo ber and Novombor was greater thnn that of all tho earlier months of tho yenr, whllo tho quantity of buof Im ported was also much In excess of that of tho cnrllor months of tho yonr. Tho valuo of cattlo Imports in rtntnluip nml Nnvnmlior wns Creat or than thnt of nil tho carllor months of tho year, whllo tno quantity 01 beef Imported was nlso much In ex cess of that of tho earllor months of tho yonr. Tho vnluo of cnttlo Im- nnrlo fnp tlin full rlllnlldnr VCAr Will npproxlmnto $15,000,000, whllo tho exports or cnuio win niiiouni 10 iu than $1,000,000 valuo, against $3, 500,000 In 1912, $14,000,000 In 1911. $21,000,000 In 1908 nnd $11,000,000 In 1905. Wheat Importations Tho Importations of wheat during the month of Novombor wero 127. 000 bushels, against 2000 bushels In Novombor. 1912: and of flour, 10,824 bnrrola, ngnlnst 0,190 bar rels In tho samo mouth of 1912. Importations of oats In November woro 5,132,208 bushels, ngnlnst 4, 2GC buahols In Novombor of tho pro coding yenr. Tho Importations of potatoes during Novombor woro 7C4, 8C3 bushels, against 10,008 bush els In Novombor. 1912. ORRINE FOR DRINK HABIT So uniformly successful hns OR RINE bo n In restoring tho victims of tho "Drink Habit" Into sober nnd useful citizens, nod so strong Is our confidence In Its curntlvo powers, thnt wo wnnt to emphasize tho fnct thnt ORRINE ts Bold undor this posltivo gunrnnteo. If, nftor a trial, you got no benefit, your money will bo refundod. ORRINE costs only $1.00 per box. Ask for Freo Hooklot. Owl Prescription Phnrmncy. Frank D. Cohan. Oppo site Chandler Hotel. Phono 71. FAMILY DINNERS In our now location, we are ei pecliilly prepared to cator to fanillj trado. Regular mealB or short or ders. Open day and night. MERCHANT'S CAFE. Rrnadway and Commercial MflA. T. J. SOA1FE g A. II. HODGINS Marshfield PA,N and lYitiiannuu DK0RATNG co Estlmnres Furnished. Phone 300-J. Marshfleld, Oregon. Chimneys Vlro Places, J. N. Bayliss Any kind of brick work at prices thnt arc right. AND ALL WORK GUARANTEED Call at "The Fireside," Johnson Hldg., 1J17 Second St. Phono 18-J, French Range. Holler Wo rk NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP We. tho undersigned, heretofore i doing business as co-partners undor the firm nana? or I. H. Kaufman & Co., hereby give notice to the pub lic that wo have this day, by mutual consent, dissolved partnership, and thnt tho business of said firm will bo continued by I. S. Kaufman and a. W. Kaufman, under the name of I. S. Kaufman & Co. I Dated at Marshfleld, Oregon, this 1 2d day of February. 1914. 1. o. j-tnur uii-. G. W. KAUFMAN, ALVA DOLL. Aberdeen Mariner Tost Willi Schoon w'n Dwkloiul. SAN FRANCISCO, Fob. 4. Its captain swept overboard In ono of a Berles of gnlcs that all but wrecked It, tho four-masted schooner Edward R. WeBt inndo port. 33 days from Eurckn. Leaking, tho vcssol wns taken In tow by n tug off tho Golden Captain Strcnm's fntthful Great Dano dog wnB nt Its mnstor's heels nnd tho Bamo wuvo which carried tho well-known Bklppor to his death swept his dog overboard. In nddltlon to tho lost captain, Cnp taln Thomas F. Stream, of Aberdeen, WnBh., tho West carried 12 men nnd officers n.id M. W. Strong, n San Frnnclsco nuthor, who was making tho trip from Eureka to Peru to got local color. "I got enough," was Strong s sum mary of tho trip. Tho West, brought In undor First Officer Rosschlld, wnB five days out of Eurckn for Peru nnd 150 miles off Eurokn when tho galo struck. Stream was carried overboard with part of the decklond of lutnbor of 300,000 feet. William Frlckc, sea man, was Injured by tho anmo wave. Four seamen wero Imprisoned and nearly drowned when wnvca broko In to tho donkey houso. They woro Btiv ed when another wnvo broko through tho other Hide, giving mom Krj. Seamen iiIbo woro nearly drowned In i. i.., in, I fnfnnnHtliv Tim crow worked tho pumps night nnd day for four days. Captain Stream leaves n widow nnd boh nt Abordecn. LAND CASE TO HeToUGHT. Attorney Say Henry Hewitt, Jr., Will Appeal t High Court. PORTLAND, Or., Feb. 4. "Tho Howltt land enflo will bo tnkon to tho Circuit Court of Appcnls at San Frnnclsco, nnd It necessnry to tho United States Supremo Court, Bald Robert G. Smith, of Grants Pass, at torney for Henry Howltt, Jr., of So- A recent derision In tho United States Dlstr'ct Court nt Portland de clared tho patents to tho Hewitt tlm bor lands, comprising 20 claims In enBtorn Oregon, nonr Sumptor, for feited to tho Govornmont, as having been obtained Irregularly. It was churged by tho Government thnt How ltt supplied money which wns paid to people to locnto on tho clnlniB, nnd then again supplied money to buy tho relinquishments. Tho lands nro estimated by Gov ernment nttorneys to bo worth $75,-000. News From Nearby Towns WEATHER YEARS AGO. An Qxnmlnntlon or n file of tho Gold Ileoch Gazette for tho year 1880 shows that tho month of January, 188C, was vory slmllnr to tho present January, 1914. Tho month of Janu ary '80 was almost a continuous wind nnd rnln storm from beglnulng to ond, with nn occasional hurricane. Tho trails wero badly blockaded and tho malls dolnycd on Bovornl occa sions. Port Orford Tribune. LIBRARY AT COQUILLE. Moves Into Quartern In New City Hull There. Tho Coqulllo Sentinel says: Tho formal opening of tho library in tho now city hnll h'cro last Saturday nf tornoon nnd evening was nn event of greater significance and importnnco than ninny which nro moro wldoly heralded nnd acclaimed with much greater demonstrations. For it marks n distinct stop in tho oducntlonnl nnd literary llfo of this city and tho sur rounding country a mjlestono In tho pathway of progress towards tho things that nro highest nnd host nnd most worth whllo In tho community. Tho reception committee, consist ing of Mrs. F. Bollonl, Mrs. C. It. narrow, Mrs. Emma Lyons, Mrs. J. S. Lawrenco, Mrs. W. J. Longston and Mrs. A. J. Robertson, inndo tho visi tors nt homo, nnd furnished, in nddl tlon to tho refreshments provided, all desired information. Tho history tho ladles gavo of their efforts and struggles, tholr successes nnd fail ures, In tho years past, In trying to build up nnd maintain a library hero, Including the purchase of two busi ness lots for a library building, -was of special Interest to tho writer, who hnd beon familiar with similar un selfish work for tho public welfare in other cities Hko this. Tho bequest made last year of tho prlvato library of tho lato Hon. E. G. D. Holden comprises botween 400 and 500 books, and forms tho major part of tho collection. This is contained in n sot of shelves at tho northwest corner of the room: whllo the 250 books of tho old library do not go vory far towards filling the capacious racks. GOLD BEACH GROWING. The growth of this town is being greatly retarded for tho want of hous es for people to live in. Every old shack within reach of tho town Is oc cupied by a family and some of the houses In town have two families In them. If some one that has the money would build cottages to rent, ti uuui uy us kuuu mi iiiYesuiteiil as could be made and would sure be a great benefit to the town. Gold Reach Globe. Llbby COAL. The kind YOU have ALAVAYS USED. Phone 72. Pacific Livery and Transfer Company, Times Want ads bring results. ni$Y:. IMWsnv ffl,s&ca Benson In .."'cl1. ttl paten nmo g ''H " wuliuiluM church iii.ii-.i i. i'c M l!!MV"t!" IB of tho congL'Si of Jnniinrv iMYe!Wr souuent iiuwti.. .:. to Rev. Benson, ft1 ., i t,.n , ,:.s '?? ,!iJ"Sy I n L,u' gust Carlson, Com v- bnr lllll U K Rev. ilenson m . IllOHIl U'lwilii II,. . ' roiifMi mill u-1tnA. . .' bor to whom th ti been presented by cT. rninniltlnr. Great Interest U l, 11 1111)11 ir Din n,n..l.. pnlgn and tho desire tt burden or debt h c", I'llHHflll 'niv Ik. i. -'. bo in nil it nml H. ......' offnclng of every !ti Kflttlf, lltlin lifinl. 11.. J firntiilati.l I.. mmi.lL bo thoro In but ISO) ; Hunuuu iiiHi a part cl. rnmli. tlrninlu.i.l Fk. -k a.. ...j i-.ui.i.ovii, IU5 ci rifit'tirntl In llm ma-i , nil subscriptions mutt l tiiui iiiiin iiiu urn m i Plan IIIr JuM, Ti inn i In it ItL i in vuiiiiuvviuii nuu u(i Hon of tho present elm, mouB, Rov. Benson li : .lll.ll.... .. nit 11. .1. iviiiiiuii in tin me ima have been connrmed lit- rrn tit n t Inn f lli l.-i WUIMUU lll HUB VUQl t. jiiuiiuu vuiuuimiuu o ui or tho church debt. Tto mi ulilliii iinb!is tti h faced. Let each racmbttfj ins or nor snnro ana u ilui.lflllliliaiiv.-.i. tiio BoiicitorB mil Un In lin flllnil III ntiil llrniJv BiibHcrlblng. Now juit c effort and tho work Is da "AT." W going of You1 oioui $16.i J5.i $13. 12. rin. ( handler. If. rt rtnnnliv. l'ortlsnd. 1 Mrs. J.'o. Stommclor, Pordj U. Munroo. Portland; JirtJj loy, Conlodo; A. J. Shun! fiuiiin! n 'P. Treaiuoio. V f!. niinsn. Conulllo: II. Prvrtlniul- Mr. nml it li Giles, Myrtle Point; Mrs. Ifl. L noueru. i nni... in iv A. PnlfH. Mm!1 Frod 'W. Davis, Mlnnespolli, Shorwood, Coquille. n't... Until. w n PntrlcW. Port!:! Tlnllnv. Coalcdo: II. W11K8.I way; C. CnrlBon, nosrtun; Mlllnp Pnrtlnnd! II. P. McV Conlodo; Peter Ross, Besm lltmirn. Ai- n.i M n V. BUM.1 n.in. ni.ni.lflu l'Atnrftnn. P0T4 John Olson, Portland; Roi'l AI)VERTISi:D1LCTrEJ uxai or unciaiiiitu ""- . .. . w i.ftA1.1 Cirtt ftft. ? ing in tno .MarBiujvi. Y.pTvJ office for tho week end dj mi .. n.n ...-... .o null nr (CI I snmo will ploaso Bay adie l pay ono cum ior v itortul. H.: Dobbic , Tob:! BUll, IIIIIUlllj vim.--"- uampuoii, hu), ".""xi " , John; Fletcher. Ml.. . FWW i-'orris, rorcy '"'.'"-.i! ILMInrtlmo.Geo.R.lH'. uunurn, jj. u.. "",""' JJ.i7a jomiBo.i, Auoiuv.t, --.,. Nish. Hnlph. 2; m If ren; kiiouuh, jwi - ,:, i inggori as v-o.; v. once; Young. ItarWi-JK LiUIU. . ' c SEN 7; s.v un Til WI A Al' FI There's no rubber in n.. .u u..:u-r whn rubber! cv , fully before he selects his roofet will invariably choose it. Malthoid makes eood, we WoW from practical experience. C. E. NICHOLSON Coos County RepresenUtW no i.--..t axt r"" 1UU 'HJfc o-- MaMUQeld, OrfW r-'.--v-3 --trasfrac:-'