The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 04, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page TWO, Image 2

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SC TD A 7 T'TH 1TT70 ist
V-VVAj DjTI X 1 IIVICO elementary and axiomatic In attempt
Ing solution of tho problem. Ho
211. V. 2MAI.OXKY
IMIfor nnil I'uli. flu-Is confirmation for this simple
Xi'us Killtor faith in tho fact thnt a cointnlttoe
,. "T thirty expom from every tnnrl-
hntorcdnt tho Postofflco at Marsh- time nation acccptH thlB principle,
flohl, Oregon, for transmission To the London international confer
through til- malls as second-class .,. on safety at sen It has roeom-
nuill ninttor. i mended tint a law of marine travel
,,,,, i . ., , ,, , 'l)o hoats for all. This Is tiallfled
offld"' '' f (""s Coiiiny wltll tll0 mVS() timt, wloro ,,,.
Official Paper ('II v f Muishflolil fo,r fitting davits haa been used to
' - -- tin utmost, pontoon rnfts for a
Dedicated to tho service of tho fourth of those ahonrd inny he sub
peoplo, thnt no good cause shnll atltuted for hoats. Lifeboats may also
lark a chnmplon. and that ovll shall Include a given number of tnotor-
not thrlvo unopposed. nonts.
Tho recommendation nml tho pro-
SCHSCItimTOX ItATKS. vlso are steps In the right direction.
DAILY. If adopted and enforced, thoy should
Ono year $0.00 less n tho risks of oceanic travel.
Tor month r.O nut they do not dltnlnsh tho duty
WKKKI.V. (lf building unslnkahlc ships. Theso
Ono yonr ?l.riO can bo made. Tho public will reBt
Wli n paid strictly In advance, content with nothing less.
tho Subscription price of the Coos
Hay Times Is $ per year or A
- - '" " , i WITH THE TOAST
Address nil communications to
Mat lificld :: :: :: :: Oregon
COOS 15 A V.
WMETHIJIl the Bnllttic vessel. VlVlBTll'Sf whiIch11
fflS' comparatively''" Hi". " PhoKapl,
. .-....! . " .."i'.u."n '..-.V .. '. And never changes tunes.
Ill) lllllir, is IIKHill 111 i-lllliu liliu H'-'ll- PlimlnniiM I.'
urnl hum la n iilioul Inn Hint la ainr- ... y lilt lllllllll 1.
............ ... ' ...'.... ,... ... ... iti.r.. There Is n innirln our town.
Kumuii ny mi" milliner in viiiiiiik '
When the winter storms aro drifting
from across the sunset ninln
And the champagne sands aro shift
ing all along the coastal plain.
With a cncerful fire before me, 1 am
wrapped in pleasant dreams,
Soon forgetting things that b'ore mo
In this land of tolgnnd schemes.
Kor I'm dreaming of tho ocean and
Its rolling billows wide;
With Its evor restlesB motion, nml Its
ebbing, swelling tide.
1 enn hear Its voices calling whero
tuo angry breakers roar,
And tho rolling surf is falling In wild
rhythins on the shore.
Whore the great Pacific surges on
our Country a westorn strand,
Drain I'i'okii'ssin. City Engineer
Hucklnghatn stated to'lny that the
Mill Slough Drain was ready to haw
the water turned in as far ns Seventh
street nnd If the weather remains
fair they will have It done In nmple
time for the dieduo Seattle to start
Woman Says That Their Mar- .''"-Vi,0 Ml" Hl0MRh fm ,,y ''"'"-'Roselwrfl Merchants
riacje Was Void Owing to Wii. no...i Kigi.t. w. .lones and Chance to Build ud Rnrl
DlVOrCG RPStrmtinn ' Welshelmor were nrrested In .North nCSS UV finnrl D-j
uivuiOU nLMIIUUUIl uend Inst night after a fistic encoun- noua uy UO0CI Roads
'PtiM . il. ti.tll... ...lit I ii( ivtil 111 tntit t llu trill ft dm (tut A fnfll inn 1. ..
which wore nlfod n vonr or ho iiko. of iho ordinary white hopo. Thoy interest to all uood rnn.i 1W fce of
and which nunc tip In Justice Pen- were arraigned today before .Mulge wag received by s(. rotnrv 8 14
nock's court a few weeks ago when Mnybee and pieadoil extenunting cir- "i mo .Marsiiriold ciinniimi. ,. r
.Mr. jieneu pnui n fine for attacking cuinsianccs, Alter ineir pica .niuge mun-o i
his wife after, ho nlleged, alio had .Mayhee siiBpended sentence and told Hosobut
--"-i UI l'
rum inn I) Sh.iunmkprM.r
g Auxiliary ,f .fftt.
,..,i w.v !,,,.,,, mutura ii" nouncod an alarm clock off his head, mom to go tueir way nun ugni no y"""1. viouu noans gj0ci.n: ,IU
across a fertile Intnl. huvo renched n now stngo. more. ''"J'-...,.1 lm Iottu1, r-.ntla a. T ta
Where tho mighty Irs and spruces , Mra. n0Heu n published notice .v .vHI-NtT I.Kri'l'UI.' WVi" y?" "loas,, r,,'"' u ft
tower ninety motors high. . toilny declares that they tuo not man AN l'NIMIIMI'Vl N.Ullli.. nn cRtlmnto or tho value o tl.I"1
tVIMfrTncht S'tho ,kv ?."',' w,fo nn,J t,mt tho" nrc " ,,,,,ur Dr. M"He ... Slunv Tells of the Pouer "jft."''"' ' a M
t.ielr branches to tho skj. uvIlIB together. ,.r Cleanliness roi- Health. K S. i,i)ro,ll,,'Il8 '" your
I can seo a laud-locked harbor whore 3,h"'r llr: J "r-1 . At tho Itaptl.t church lnt ..I5.1t 1'' '-' - taij,
.. ........ ,,, imioui lunula, uh'kuii. ur. .1a111e 11. anaw iiiiuiuHseii u k"h- n,..,..,.ri. n :.: . " l"l'i rnon't
Our goat for sure bo's got:
Ho dumps all sort of rubbish on
Ills vacant comer lot.
Mlontown Democrat.
vosfoIs which have been recently en
gaged to enrrv grain from the Pa
cific Coast to foreign ports, to which
lir tt it A . .1 imiinHiit liififn ttlt t ULt
"I.L..,.'"" ' "..:,. K ".' ' i . ,.".'.'.. There Is a man in our town.
rf,?"',. . lo n, "' ,'n8t l" ,ort8H" owns a world of vacant lots
111 1 liu i'iiiivii tniut-n. 1
It will depend, of course, upon
whether the sailing vcrhoIh In com
Anil never cuts n wood
Houston Post.
mi....... 1.. 1
tlal. 1,1. .1.., 1 ,ij iiu'iu in 11 iiiiiii 111 mil umvii,
can bo 'nuulo to pay a mlfflrlrnl proN ' uS .ISlnS'lfn
It on their ventures to warrant their """ lc" K,1,,""hn "'", "l; )n
!,arr?lnr,rar,,0r",,y '" lh0 ' Chicago KtiofflSlornW.
onrrymg irnoe. 'ri.,. la ,. ...... ,.-
Tho rise In freight rates Miring ..", "''",.,.,;,'' ;,.",.'
1... ri....unM t. iFi-ni j imi in uiMiiiii iiii
tin- dny brings forth
I told you so."
I.ouisvlllo Herald.
tho past two yrars and the figures . ' " '
ruling at tho present time would ' ,"'" ,"..'.,' ,
He says:
snein to favor this movement, snvs
11... fct..... ' t. II....II I... ll...l..lnM I
1IIU tu I ui n .iui irenma, 'Plii.t-i. lu n mini III mil. tnli'ii
For cerlaln kinds or enrgo. partlcu- ' "I,"' '" " '""" !" " t(Jw"'
lnrly that carried In hulk, and whero ... :rJ f , A '" ." . ! 'nd:...
tho time of voyagi- Is not an Impor
tant consideration. Hailing vessols In
point of economy might apparently
bo ubciI with advantage.
Kneli night ho ties lu his back yard
Ills ensued, howling hound.
Often a Coos Hay man strains
Mis Intellect trying to butt In.
A sort-himrtod man always
gels the worst of It when ho has
occasion to transact business
with a hard-headed one.
1 A sngo Is a man who will sit
! up all night and worry over
things a fool never oven heard of.
A3 WAS TO be expect d. the year
I '.) HI showed a considerable In
crease lu tho number of dentin
duo to neroplano nccldents. Many
moro nlrnien than over before inado
flights during tho year; many moro
miles were covered. As against 110
aviation fatalities In 1!HL'. thorn
wero Ill'J In ISMII. In all tho years
li-foru 1!ML'. since tho WrlghlH nuulo
tho first public flights lu a hoavlor-than-alr
machine, there had been hut
111 deaths- 1 In I lu 1000,
:i lu 1010 nnd 77 In 1011.
Twenty-six or the deaths or 101.1
occurred In the I'nlted SMtes, IS
In (Iront Hrltalu. 01 lu (lerinany,
Til In Kranie. and :id In various -a man may he able to mnko mon
other couutrl s. Twelve airmen worot,y Wih n common school education
drowned.' ir.7 wore killed by. the, 1M, hH H011 llllUt hllV0 (.ii0Ko cdu
Impact or rail ng to uirtli: 0 wore, ,,,,, t0 Ull()w ,,mv t() Hpo,(, ..
hurncd to death and I I met death lu 1 jj5j
various wnyH, 0 of these being Hpec- Till': l,IMIT
tutors who wore killed whll wulch-l . '
lug the nlrnien. One hundred and I can stand for. the man with a cute
forty-six of those killed wero pilot-1 little bow.
lug their uinchluoH at the time; !" On the hack of his green-colored
the gods themselves might dwell
Hut for rear thnt some bold devil,
who'd escnped tho fires of holt.
Might Invade, the vacant heaven
while thoy motored on tho Hay
Might tear up tho golden pnvomenr,
enrry crowns nnd harps away.
There I see tho gns-bonts gliding on
tho sunl't waters clear,
O'er tho gontlo ripples riding from
tho Inlets far nnd near.
Houndless ocean, placid harbor, green
hills resting In tho sun,
Thoro we'll reap tho golden hnrvest
when tho grent canal Is done.
And those voices, still persistent,
murmur gently unto mo
Thnt tho day Is not rar distant when
our friends beyond tho sea
Shall enjoy our luscious berries, rip
ening every autumn day.
Where the flowers bloom all winter
lu the cities by tho Hay.
I can see tho white caps playing nnd
ran hear the gontlo rain
Ah It softly mni'inurs, saying, "Muton
to tho seas refrain;
. . . vwiin.j, uih"" UI. .Mllllll' It. Ollliw iiiiuiunai-ii ii ,uuu- llirillll'li lli, ....... . "-" lUOaS
rrom his first wife, who wns a Salem sired audlonco under tho auspices of ''VI1( ,. ..?""' b Wft, irt-T
woman, and n few months later she i.,0 local W. C. T. V. on "Tho Komi .','"," ; !;,... , ,,M; iJRltatlnj u,
and he wont to Vancouver. Wash., to Health." Tho Informing lecture ' "H .' .'J ,n "V." . '"R'wny to ,
where they went through some sort of was clothed In such chaste diction "" J .I1,i1Ip,"ul ' '"' nl,,e to brlt,
u ceremony which slio thou thought IUul expressed lu such a pleasant and ,, IrHor 11 ml In I. 11 1 ' l?.r "
was valid. Some time ago she says ,.frectlvo manner as to hold t" 0 listen- ,v water freli-'.t ''mm tl
Ilolleu informed her thnt the ullogod er's nttentlon from beginning to ond. -Tho liifonin I on uiil 1
L( 1 fiiiwiM jik mil viiiiii 11 mi fin nii'a Mntiii Miufioiriiiii tiiiif ir rwiiiui itftr niivn At t 1 . . "- uiru 11
Ing hor nttornoy, C. I. Itelgnrd. look i.oen longer and had a much larger . ,i ',",, "' , ." ,r.'?.","cnt 'or ft
It up round that because he did not hearing. sum -lent reasons ,1 .?W w
wait ror six mouths that the Van- TllB Htnte.l that Iho main h oul'l bo cons rictcd 1,,. 1 1 m
Pllltvnr rnl'nliumv ivna vnlil i.... ...... .... .1... 1. 1 ... 11....I11. 1....1 . . "11011 111 11 11. 1)111 We lr
,.. ,,,, ' " , '""",, niBii-iiusi uii iiu iiu.ui ui iimuiii iwu ui niaic" use or all the rpnunni-
.Mi 8. Helen says her inuldon name written on It the word "cleanliness." Secretary Motlov forwnrihS .
was Haldwln and that her first hits- icmphnsls wiib placed upon tho nbso- mtiiilrnllnii with the ncrcaun S
bnud dlod. She has cons ilernli e 1..1. ,..,uuii.. im. ...,... ni,. i i..i.mi.,i. ..,.ii.i .. 1.. ... 1.... ... .u.r'
....u... ...... . --- - . . ..... .... ... nil) I VI. I
property but tho Income from It Is clean water to drink, a clean skin expressed his
er anil htirM
feeling on th i
UOt available ns It lltlS to UO to edll- nn.l ..Inn,, llmm-titu A i.Iumm tnlllil fiinu-iitliiii nvl n.ln.l 1... 11.. ir ?
cnto her children by her rlrst innr- nnd pure soul nre very Important fm- County flood Heads Asuocla ilm I
HOI' nronort.V Is Snlll to he l..i-u ....iiIhIIimI.H'i. In inwnl li.mltll luiu li.w.n Hut fit... nt .1.- n... . 'I
locatPd I11 or near Holse, Idnlio nnd , needed warning wiib sounded tv (iood Itoaila Assoriminn fll
ii "tVii ' against tho menace of tho drug hah- should Iho county build a pcraw
..... uuicii ciiiiuiit'in 11 immur ii"i it, 'iiio seductive anil iiestructivo pow- niguway hi too udiigins Countr 1I
.North I-rout street. L.r 0f tipltim. morphine nnd cocnlno that tho Douglas County road tj
was fullv dwelt upon. Sho dwelt nt not build to meet the Coos Co.
1 .1. ..I .1... ..... .I...1 ..I....I...I l.lrrtio.nt. l.ll.. ..... -.. .
nilHUl Iiimi iipiill mi' mri nun iiiiniiwi, " .'. 11 u.v inn uii unnnij
tends to create a habit for Its con- of t Ito Countv Court or a eujm.
XRW YORK. Koh. I Mrs. Slnv. Hiimptlon and thus becomes n menace ''' Hio neople. the letter lo lil
vesant Fish will bond the reception to health and steadily breaks down Marshrield Cbnnihcr of ConrarJ
committee ror tho "bal chnntant" to C'e will and resisting power or Its hihiwh tiuu mo iioiiginn Comitr pel
ho given at the HaltUnore. bv victim. "' nro ""tt'resteil In a road lotel
Ila ...l.-lll.. .i,l lu ullli.4llf alllir. '110 glVCU tOII Ittitt lit t IK Illlltl
I." iii.f...j ......v .n .....r-. ..p. "'J'n At ,. . 1 . .-......., ..(. ......... ......
Ing all the livelong day UI" uirrciorB or tuo Schnia Cantor- The doctor depleted In moving "
Yes, Its loudest tones nre ringing "'" r,u' "Ht of Patronesses Includes words the awful menace to racial
with the praises of Coob Hay. I Mines, (leorgo .1. Oould. Wllllnni A'- conservation and well being or the
i-auiiiiui. .iiiiiii .menu asior. .inmes u. two great social uisensos wnicn issue
Wli,, ninrnnl vnnlnrn Vmini! vnn nml Clows, Archer M. 1 1 tin t Inut nil. Willi, fl mil Immoral habits. She said that f!oo. W. Shellev VlRltPll atMlktt.
wltll an evor pleasnnt ellino; ,rt J'- 'Ivlngston, Chnrles Mn'hr rrom forty to fifty per cent of the nt Xorth Hend rrom Krlilay till Tt
Wltll tho fruitful InndB that bound MiicNolll, W. Starr Mlllor. Iliinthnc- cases of blindness could he prevented lay. Mr. Shelley expected to l
you. soon we'll see the busy time, I"1!. Norton, Hurko I.ocho. Ouden by cleun and moral living. W He It ror Portland on tho last Ilreikii'
When tho coininerce nnd tho treasure ;nilH '"" '' A. C. Smith, William Is a splendid benevolence that pro- hut the reservations wero all p
or the nntlons rnr away I ;'." s"L'rm,in Ormoiul I,, smith, vltlos homes ror the blind like the beioro Ve got In his onler ft
Shall bo brought In nmplo measure to '' (1 " y,"",,'r,,lt. Marshall Ornie state Institution at Salom and teaches week, having got wise to antklpiti
Tin: oi.D (.'itorcii
tho cities on Coos Hay
Tllla P. Taylor,
Cottngo Grove, Ore.
Most or the trouble lu this world
Wilson, Illchnrd (lainhrll and Stnv- tin. children useriil trades, vet. how a ruBh for accoinuiodatloni oj tl
vesant Fish. iniicli better It would bo If this great Hrenkwntor each trip, lio matel!
lio objects or this school nro to Hiifrorlug and loss wero prevented by reservation lu advance. Prom Perl
give the hlghoBi types or chonil mus- clean living and high thinking. Sure- land ho expects to go to Abertal
le n Ainoiicn nnd ror the oducntlon iv wo see hero a veritable slang- tor Washington, to visit his partta-l
is due to Hi., fact that about onn-hnlf i ?", , ",,vu"'niont of deserving voIcoh of the Infants wVon It Is lenionihered Myrtle Point' Kntcrirlse,
t'o neonlo In It nro men and tho'.V..'.." i , ,r, IH0 n,,B"1 ""l recolvo that a very largo percentage of tho
other hair women
proper trnlnlng.
children born blind owe their doom to HMMJA.N l-Oll SUHKUI.
nernetiial darknohs to the Immoral Tho Sluslaw Couiinerclal Cil
habits or their pi.ronts whereby the will pny $n to tho person ofltl
III t!G Btnteu lllnrn urn ulnl f...
. . .. . . . ' -""-w ....i nui,
A woman neer una coin ieoi wneii esters who co-oporato with nrim .. u,.,u ,.r ti... r..ii... ,.r viait..,! ........ n... i...,.i nloean U I
f.r!! .'J!!.1,'..1'1 0U'llL'ra ' solving forest the children oven unto tho third and used for advertising purposci.-lfel
j. u.'tino, rn.i. ...mitixitl 11 ..niM llll(t
iwtu UI Kvi1 l ' cut i' I nut
sho Is wearing a now hat.
ii ii
wero iiiecbaniclauH nml -'- wero
pnss ngois.
Kepteinber nrodmeil the lomiest
list or casualties. :!:! fatal acchlonlH
occurring In that mouth. There
wore -- lu April and an eiiual uiim
lnr In .Inly, while December wan
the safest mouth, with but 0 d uths.
--Popular mechanics.
a i)ui:ikji:i POKT.
Kor thme aro a lot of good follows
I know
Who Bonn times have fallou ror
The rodora or plush Is a lid I don't
It's a fml that will never ba
Hut somehow I've always an Itching
to strike
The man with the watch on his
WHY debate over the practica
bility rr drcdulug?
w Tho case Is proven. T o j
whole w 'rlil Is n '' record. The (
porleiu'e or ihe h-mhi Is lu i'io titl-,
niony. v hii v -mi -p,
Hullt ai .mi Is the gre-i
nlen''sil1i iui in. She will miou
ho ready ror h inalden voyitKC
AVIien completed she will take her
place as C e Ihikohi ship In the world.
Hut tho untnhle fuel lu tho tuple
Ih that this piemler ship Is built In a
port where once ihere wan not water
enough to flo..t a Willamette river
utoumhonc. I'lnirieen miles below
(llnMKow, within a Koueratlon, the
Clyde could bo forded with a team ' woman mle!
nnd wnuou. .Now ililn same Clyde Is. -:t--
navlgable for the lai'Koitt vewMds1 Helun good looking Is a duty ovory
nflont. The tiansrorniallon Is tho v,oman owes hemeir.
product of dredging, a diiululng that -::-::-
We wouldn't iiilud being uwkwnrd
enough to fall Into a good thing.
You can knock the girls all you
wnut to. hut none of thorn tiro as ug-
ly ns their elbows.
A man brags that he Is boss In his
own bonne. Hut wo all know that
the best silverware nnd tho host table
lluon and tho best towels aro uhvay?
saved ror Coniinv.
When a man gets rich enough so
he doesn't 1 avo to lie about his in
come, his wire Is usually so old that
he has to lie about her ago.
The inarrlago tie Is supposed to
Include everything but her tongue.
A woman sighs with rogrot. A
. . ... ' llll.M ulwliu ...III. ..nllnf
grow neevisii nt union with tuo, "" "" '";
ladylike man . . . 7"""". .
Who says "Mercy me!" and "O ..A.B10"1. "0Rl w' Pa tor
And tli chnp in tho ballroom who
useti a fan
I Is n cIihp I could swat on the ear.
I The swell with tho cane lu the crotch
of his arm
Isn't human, I often Insist.
I dignity with some Coos liny men U '
ni'i. iiik inn genuine lazinevs,
--- I
When n woman auks a man how .
old he thinks she Is, It's up to him to
Ho like n gontlonuui.
Hut some day somebody Is going to If I 'ouIt! make your caloiiduv
I'he man with the watch op his
wrist. Kxcliange.
rhluk what a donf nnd dumb
has opened a great' channel all the
way from (ilasgow to the open ocean.
I know Just what I'd do:
I'd fill the y m- with happy day.
And wild them all to you.
A tight wniI husband In one who
expects a wife to save more out of
her allowance than he gives her.
"Upon my lap she tried to sit.
biio was all bone and Joints;
It Is a common mistake for a ninn Site wns r al thin, hut I'll admit
mt ai.Ii
TI1IC problem of securing safety
at sea for uaxluators and trav
elers Is no easy one to solve.
It Iimh many factors that the I mi (Is
mail Is Ignorant of and would hardly
know how to handle If I).' tiled to
deal with them It has to be ap
proached from many angles or oh-
nervation anil opoiionu'
to think himself a lady killer.
ir a man doesn't know when he Is
well orr the chances are he Isn't.
Cut out the unnecessary talk nnd
you will be surprised nt tho little
you have to say.
A man gives a party to entertnln
his friends. A woman gives a jmr
t to snub her enemies.
It Isn't necessary for a man to have
To tho landlubber, however, the
principle of boats enough and rafts money to burn lu order to keep tho
i noiiKli for all aboard lu case of ills- not holUnc
Viiiii- choice of our entliv Murk of men's iSUO.OI), i'J'J.ntl, .Slio.OO,
ami !SU7..0 Suits nml Owi-routs. Ml waul, well maile, lio ami Semi
Ivllglibll Cuts.
lllg I'l'ilui'iimis nil Slinis, I mlc'iicnr, Sweaters. In Mrokeu Lots,
ski: windows.
We (iiaiauloe Satisfaction
That she has some good points.
II. W. Hultiuan.
thk.v am. cax.
"Has your wire a good momory?"
"Splendid. Sho can remember
everything I've dono wrong since wo
wero married."
The world Is growing hottor. but
shorter ongagoiuents and longer
marriages would liolp some.
When a woman is homely she nl
ways clnlms It la bocause sho can't
get a hat thnt becomes hor.
hooks ok Tin: vi:i:k.
"Olorln Mundl."
".loan Thursday."
"Krldny the Kith."
"The Man Who Was Tlmrsdnv."
"The Cottor's Saturday Night."
Hilly Sunday's Sermons.
Xew llunlwniv. it Is roported
uiai ,i. w. iiuuennrand and W. K.
Sohrooder. two well-known Marsh
Held men. will open a hardwnve stor0
lu the quarter which will soon he
vacated by the Marshrteld Hardware
TOItOXTO Out.. KeJi 4. The
ftuoit lot or Scotch shorthorns ever
orrered for sale has been collected
for tho annual market hel.d at I'nlou
Stoik Yards today Hreedors from
all parts of Ontario are here to secure
the prizes
T A CiLAXCIS ono might say thoro is no difference in
furniture e.rrepf us hu price.
All pictures look nliko and it' you take first impression
for your guide you are likely to find out tho truth later which
moans too late I'or you.
Tf you aro buying a chair compare a Kinycruft with any oth
er and note the ditToi-ence in construction.'
Likewise a ftohhius' Dhrinrj Tulle.
If you are technical and discriminating we know your ver
dict. Our stock at this time is complete, clean and desirable.
Our prices aro low and terms liberal and our name and reputa
tion for fair dealing n safeguard to our patrons.