ram&s v3s THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1914 EVENING EDITION. FOUR ,n. e FINAL CLEAN-UP Ladies9 Suits, Coats, Dresses and Raincoats Irresistible reductions. These final reductions extend to all lines of fall and winter garments, a record-breaking use of the blue pencil creates the lowest price of this entire event It is imperative that all Suits, Coats, Raincoats and Dresses be sold at once, as" we must have additional space for advance spring goods, In order to make iorm in shortest time possible, we have made these astonishing reductions, The greatest opportunity women have had, not only, to profit for present wants, but also tor the early spring as well, Please bear in mind always that any price advertised by Hub Dry Goods Company is a straight, legitimate reduction, 1 1 LADIES' COATS $5.95 .$185 $12,35 ;iilnr prlco $20,00. (MO CC 1 M t I I I Mill M t I i Uj IfalUU $16.15 $17.55 Rogular prlcu ?I10.00. fM Q QP Now vplGiUU Regulnr prlco $3,. 00. flJQf) P Now yLCti; Regular price tu.OO. OTQ QK Now $UiUU Regular prlco $10.00 Now Regular prlco $12.G0 Now Regular prlco $18.75. Now , Rfgular prlco $20.00. Now Regular prlco $25.00. Now Rogular prlco $27.50. Now LADIES' SUITS Regular prlco $10.75. (tin np now , yj.uo Regular prlco $18.75. ffM l nr now jii.au Regular prlco $20.00. (MO E Now tplZiJU Hegular prlco $22.75. (MO QJT Now (JllijJ Rogular price $25.00. Now Regular prlco $2S.75. Now Regular prlco $.'10.00. Now Rogular prlco $:m.73. (M Q QK Rogular prlco $10.00. fnnl rn Now W4.01I Hegular prlco $15.00. (jOP flE now Qibu $13.15 "!?:... $15.65 $18.35 LADIES' RAINCOATS One odd lot, $1.50. Now Regular prlco $5.00. Now Regular prlco $G.OO. Now Regular prlco $7.00. Now Regular prlco $7.50. Now II- gular prlco $S.OO. Now Regular prlco $9.50. Now Rogular prlco $12.50. (fcn yr Regulnr prlco $15.00. Now $1.95 $3.55 $4.20 $4.90 $5.25 $5,G0 $6.95 ..$10,55 Regular prlco $20.00. M 9 QK Now l) I ill JO Regular price $25.00 Now 017 EG y 1 1 it Regular prlco $7.50. Now Regular prlco $10.00. Now Regular prlco $12.50. Now Regular prlco $15.00. Now LADIES' WOOL DRESSES .$5.25 .$6.95 ..$8.75 $10.65 Regular prlco $17.50. (Mrt OC Rr gular prlco $18.50. MQ flE Now iJ)liJu Regular prlco $20.00. (M 9 QC Now tpldiUU Regular prlco $22.75. (MCOFi Now plUiUJ Regular prlco $25.00. 017 PP tj) I I lUU R N LADIES' EVENING AND PARTY DRESSES Regular prlco $15.00. Now Regular prlco $17.50 Now Regular prlco $20.00 Now Regular prlco $25.00 Now 011 II Regular prlco $150. oo Now Regular prlco $.'15. oo Now Regulnr-prlco $10.0" Now Regular prlco $50. on Now 4l $12,15 $14,75 $17,85 $19,75 $23,75 All $15,00 and $16,75 Ladies' Coats T.". $10.15 All $13,50 Silk Poplin Drosses, now go at A full lino of Wool Dress Skirts, Tan and gray mixtures, Now tf! 1 AQ LMf A J go at All navy and black all-wool seep Dress Skirts, R2iQ Now go at iptf.qtf New showing, new sprinn line of Messaline Petticoats all colors all sizes S2.50 HUB DRY GOODS CO Corner Central Avenue and Broadway. "SMART WEAR FOR WOMEN" Phone 361. jiAWAsaaaauMJiiM i w mm i i1 superb is QUIT Bill) Former Marshfield City Engin eer Resigns When Recall is Threatened P. A. Snndborg, formerly city en gineer of Mai'Hhllold and tlio lnttor (tart of wlmxo teuuro hero Included soino Htoriny times with property owueiH, Iiiih retired an city cnglnuer of llandon. It hooiiih that ho ling boon having tumio o.perloiiron thoro Hluillnr to the oiiom ho had on Coon Day and IiIh roHlgnutlon then, now wan to prevent a threat of tho recall being carried out. It Ih wild Unit I-:. :. Dyer. K. Oaken, and II. Dufort of llaudou railed on .Muor Miihi and told him that iiuIchh Ik forthwith (Uncharged Handborg, they would Invoice the ie cull. Tho coutrovt'i'Hy, It nooium, enimv to a foctiH over moiuo of .Mr. Sandherg'H plana for it nowor, the citizens claiming Sandburg was wrong. At the iJiHt meeting of the Mnndou couniil, Mr. Saiidborg'H resignation wiih nccepted. offertl at once. Ilo naked thut (IiIh he done In order to eliminate tho poiwlhlo trouble for the city official on account of him. The council, however, retained him at n ualary of $11 per da until they could secure another engineer. iEOGE PICKS UP SEA FOOD Col. Michie Supplies Her Of ficers and Crew With Fish and Crustaceans 111, I'luur tint mwii'riHmi nf Hm iinu' bar dredge Col. I S. .Mlchlo on t'iio eutiaiiee to the harbor thlu wcul, tho officers and crew of tho craft wore able to enjoy nearly every variety of urn food available lu local water. Knoug flHh mill criiHtncoum weru olitiiliied In a few lioui'M through thu twenty-nK-lnch pipe reaeliliiK through the bottom of the vtmnol to the mhihI to liiMt thorn) aboard for a ctuiHldoru lilo period. A flounder of coiiMlderbl( Uo wan drawn through the dredger arm and lauded In one of the mind tank on tho .ill edge, whoro It wiggled ami Kicked despite ItH rough handling through tho 2ti-lnch pipe, throiigu which water and Hand are drawn by a 000 horse power pump. Members of the crew not on wuteh grabbed tho fish and hurried It to tho galley, where the steward had It ilroHMHl and later honed on the table. Dozens of fine cialm and other kludH of mm food were drawn through the pipe by tho Irresistible force of the huge pump. The principal rutchoH made by tno dredger are of the Huh which grub along tho bottom for food, such iih nolo, flounder and halibut. The dredger arm, with the large holes to the number of eighteen lu tho end, passes over the fish and they are drawn Into tho ship. The miction Ih mi Htroug that fish noverul feet away from the dredger arm are drawn up on Mhlpboard. With the amount of food taken aboard from the sea by r e dredge, the latter could remain awaj from slmiv for mouths provld- . nig a change or not was unnecessary to keep the officers and crew lu a Little Weather Pronnosticator '"' Able to See His Shadow . ," ;MnN Tuc cipk- i Any Time Today ' J AMONG THE SICK , , , .,,., , Miss I'anule Mcl.aln Is reported loday Is (iruiiiul Hogs Day and ,j, , ,,, , ()f ,, 8,8tor If the o d prophecy Is to be r - M,.H. ,11M.nil Fl,1Klll(on, ,,, Kontdnlo. gnr.ed. wo will hau at least six j. A. Swanson. of Kastslde. who has weoltB more of winter wenthor. , p .. . , niiuhtiv lnttor n .Mr, (;:i,u,,"r,,u1!:! r:;thli 8l,v'; WMn& St2 ami "ni 1 & bU , a Ultv r- lnm UttU " "," of ttn,or ',p,nB tr it If the nl In lies of l.o sha ,"K,M1 f,0,u ,I,B Mo onfl1 ,IM0- Th"r .. 11 i -v i, ,,, he will rapidly recuperate Is tho earn- How er tot as i.iuch confideuco ,st wlsl of h,,,r ,,ulv "lends. Is i Un li he n niilhoK w S Mr8' tthr ,8 "'Ported quite sick win thor i.r kuos lea or , o (,t ,,lelr ll0I" Wol MnwhtloUl. ea her prohuostnator as was rot MM CrnBi llnilB,ltop of Mr, nnrt "lur0, Mrs. Cloorgo Craig of Hunker Hill. Is MO.vrill.r KOIMAIIY I'OU recuperating from a three weeks' 111- .I.IXI'AHV. 11)11. "" of typhoid fever. Maximum toiuperature (date ItIO 0a Along tllC Waterfront. I Minimum toiuperatiiio (dato lltth, A 27tlO 31 The steamer Alert, after a thor. Mean maximum tempointure . . . Bl.S ongli overhauling, has been placml Mean minimum tomperaturo 11 on the run to North Coos Itlver In Monthly mean 10. 1 place of tho Express. The latter will Cireatest doily range 21 bo placed on a run In the vicinity of Vroolpltntlon 1S.0 1 the Hay shortly. With the Alert on OrMitesf In 2 1 hours (date 21..U the run a flue commodious passenger 1.1.1 luch'oa boat Is offored to the travelling pub- Number of days with .01 Inch or Ho. more precipitation 30 Clear days 0 XOTICK Partly cloudy days 2 Tho stockholders of tho Coos Day Cloudy days .....20 Business College are requestod to llenjamiu Ostllnd, Special Meteor- meet at tho collego rooms Thursday ologlcal Obsorvor, Marshtleld, at 7:30 p. ni. 11 y order of tho L Oregon. secrotnry, G. V. WOLCOTT. WILL REFUSE to mr m TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. (leaning, repairing or new platens work giinrnntecti carbon imiier delivered. I'lione us your older. I'liom Itlbbons ami 1 1. Alliance office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. GROUNOHHOG'S M IS TODAY Southern Pacific Holds Back on Contested Land Grants Affects Coos County It Is expected that tho Southern1 Pacific will rofuno to puy taxes on Its Oregon nnd California In nil grunt holdings In Coos county this year, as It has Just served notice in some oth er co ii nl leu whore It has holdings Hint It will not pav. The Southern Ore Ron coiiiii'Hiv Is taking the hhiiio stand and the situation U thus explained by a lCugeue paper; i IntlmntliiK that tho Southern Pac ific compnuy does not expect to win Its suit pending before thu Supremo Court over the holdings of lorge bod ies of timber In I.unv county Involved In the Oregon & California laud grants, Judge William I,. Colvlg, tax nnd light of way ugent for too Southern Pacific company. Informally notified li. R Koonoy, assessor, that tho Southorn Pacific will probably refuse to pay taxes on tho Lane comi ty property In quostlon. Tho gov ernment Is seeking to revoke tho land grants given the railroad com pany In the curlv OO's on tho claim Hint tho railroad has failed to live up to tho tonus of tho grant, by re fusing to soil for $2.r,0 an aero. Tho government won lu the lower court. and the railroad appealed to tho Su- promo Court. A decision Is not e.x pucted for ni least two years. If tho ral'rond eniupony refuses to pay Its taxes on this body of timber It means that l.imo count v will lose uioro Hun $70,000 In taxos, state, county and special. Last yenr tho state and ounty nssossiuoiit nmniint-j ml to $10,000. with $10,000 addl-i tlonnl special assessments. This yenr ! me statu and county assessments will total $i!0.000. The situation plnces tho county In a serious dilemma. If the railroad company refuses to pay tho nssess moiits. tho property can bo sold by Hie shorlff. Hut If the government wins tho suit, tho county mnv have to reimburse the purchasers nnd will in uio imiii ioso tno taxes, h tno county does not use this niothod to collect the taxos It loavos the county without .$10,000 already apportioned. The situation Is that If tho govern ment wins Its suit in 10ir, or 10 Hi the county bids fair to lose Its taxes not only for this onr. but for mxt yoar as well. The railroad will pro test tho payment If tho taxos are paid, thus making it obligatory to refund in enso tho railroad loses. Judge Colvlg suggests that tho rail road company may appear before the county court nnd ask that It be re lieved of the customary ponnltlos on this tax and bo allowed to let It run on until this suit Is decided, at six per cent, which It says It Is willing to ! (ay ii u wins. WlliLA.Mirn'IM'ACII'IC MOI'Olt i KKVICK. Car loaves Central nvenuo, Mnrahfluld, ovory thirty minutes, be ginning at 0:30 a. in., to 9:30 p. in. Loaves North Itond ovory thirty mliiutos beginning 0:15 n. in. to 0:15 p. in. Fares: Ono way. 13c; Hound trip, 23c. Twonty trip commutation tickets van bo secured from conductor for $2.00. IIIVIJ Barnard & Laiigwoftl I'K.TItlJ OX youii i:i,i:ciiticAb uorjl imop ix axi HKiniiE BIG GAMES in thu nou'Ltxo touilu Chatterton's Ailed NORTH FIIONT BTRECT $1.00 I'KIt TON OKI'' TAItlPT iti:i)i:ci:i) riti:i(;iiT katks sax i'iiaxcisco to coos hav j v5 SAILS I'ltOM SAX PltAXflSCO I'Oll COOS HAV ritiD.w, ii:it. o xi i'i:ii. uo, at ihio p. m. Sim l'raii(i.co office, lliuiison St. Dock, Pier III. West Coast S. S. Line. C, .1. LIMH'.V. Agt., Phone Doug. tillTO. UNIQUE PANTATORIl! L'mlcr Xew .MiinaRcniftt Let us Clean, Prci3 and Ki, your clothes NOW Doat ' Jtntss Ucasounhl. .iav oovli: .vv c. o. iio a.1 Central Axe. I'lione i:qi'ippi:d with wiih:li:.ss. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS OX TIMK. SAILS I'ltOM MAKSIIlli:i.l): SAIUS I'ltOM POUTLAXI): ,SAT., I'i:it. 7, 7:00 u TTKSHAY, l-'KM. !l, H p. in. SAT., I'KII. II, 1:00 TPi:SI)AY, I'lIIJ. 10, H p. m. SAT., I'lIIJ. a I, 7:00 a. in. tvi:siay, l'i:il. 17, H p. m. sat., run. '2h, 10:00 11. m. Ti'i:siAY, ki:h. 21, s p. m. Tickets on sale to till KaMcrn K)lnts and liiforiustion lis to routes nnd rotes cheerfully furnished. I'lione Main O.l-L. II. J. MOIIIt, Agent TIIKUK'SOXLY 0x1: HICE THE SINGER ONLY OXi: ltLPltlSKXTW W. J. RITZ Phone 2K0-X. S. S. ALLIANCE KQl'IPPKI) WITH WIltlCLICSS. SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR PORTLAND SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, AT 1 P. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50. Connection with the Xoitli Hank ltoad at Portland. North Pacific Steamship Company. Phono 1 1. C. V. M'OKOROi;, Aicerit. RRY FIR AND ALDER q I AT CAMPBELL'S WOODY! North Front Street. Phone lnJ S. S. REDONDO SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, AT 3:00 P. M. Sim Francisco office, 80S Fife Uldg., or Lombard St. Piers No. 27. InteriOccanlc Transportation Co., C. F. McGeorge, Agt., Phono II. RIWCRTnN fiOAL FOR $5.00 PER TON Phone 165-X CHAS. LArr HKADY 1'OU HOOPIXfJ. I am back on the Job again and roady to put that now roof or repair tho old one for you. Ask most any ono If Price's roofs aren't the best over. Phono S9-J or drop mo a lino. J. L. BRICK. Havo your Job printing done at The Times office. . Abstracts, Red Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. IIE.VRY SEXQSTACKEX, Mannger FARM, COAL, TIMUEPv AX1) PLATT1XO LAXDS A SPECIALTY. GEXEUAL AGEXTS EA.ST-SIDE LUSirFIELI) OFFICE, PHOXE tl-J. COQUILLE CITY OFFICE PJIOXE 101. EDISON'S LATESt A storage l",r,1lt.c over cliurging -- , does not connoDB! TEHMIXAW. I ..,., c n ACTft I Will not lose llsW ctiiiiillnc hue- ,d IS GUAHAXTEEP FlVE ' Coos Bay Wirwi ino uronmvny. Agents for I'nrt c Coci i To ..nn(P . U'"-S.r & to wnom h ,:.. l Cooa Bay Realty syna- llnl.n.l ! "Tnnlinl. l'v,,.ji Uonnnalhl OIllV for 'u'..j contracta performed or f ' lr.D r..O1n III' CliaS. J. ''' ItUiiO IIIHUV " CommutatiM Tirkels $2.0 Mnrshfleld-North """'Jii, Cars ovcryn .p. GORST & KIX0. IW 20 ffi trugsmi