KSvJfS THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 19 14- EEMING EDITION. SIGHT ALLIANCE HILL g "" E3!9MflBifKl2BI were Donnld Gldley, Wnyiio Hnrrls, Knnch Anderson, Elvln Johnson, Hoy Johnson, Harold Johnson, Thos. Cros thwnlt, I.csllo Holms, Krancls Sncchl, Jnck Sncchl, Donnld Allen ami Hov. Knotts. 1 i T I RV NsiSfM mt?w , Bnpi.ii.i.u.i.'viiAii. i gBfeiKrw MONDAY. I EJJtr- I'roRrcBS Club with Mm. V. I WSr.' I T. Stoll. I ' j" i Cpntlirucdn m ltlli Tlirco-.- wlll bIVo St. Vnlcntlno'a Tor tho MnrslUlold Public Library. Among thoso present Tuesday were Sirs. Dor Boy Kreltzer, Mrs. K. 13. Straw, Mrs. Cnrrlo DunKnn, Mrs. J. T. Hnrrlgnn, Mrs. I K. Gcttlns, Mrs. A. T. Hnlncs, Mrs. It. K. Ilooth nnd Mrs. C. K. Perry. 4 4. ' A KIMKCOPALnUlM). I Mrs. Herbert Lorkhnrt wim hostesH to tho MnrshflcM Kplscopnl Otilld nt licr homo Tuesday nftornoon. No jmrt'culnr business wns brought up except thnt tho commltteo reported Hint the rooms In tho new church building would soon bn ready so thnt tho Guild could meet there. Tho next meeting plnco will bo announced Int er. Those present this week woro Mrs. Win. Horsfnll. Mrs. W. A. Toye, Miss Kvelyn Atitlpnson, Mr Mnry McKnlght. Mrs. J. M. Upton. Mrs. W. S. Chnndlor, Mrs. IlenJ. Chnndler. Mrs. Win. Duobner. Mrs. .1. 11. Klnnn gnn, Mrs. Ii. M. Noltlo. Mrs. Knnnlo Hazard, Mrs. 13. 0. rerbntu, Mrs. Wallnce Perli'nin, Mrs. Hnrry Nns burg. Mrs. II. 13. Drowning. Mrs. Km- ma Nnsburg nnd Mrs. W. JJ. Curtis. f. 4, . I ItAPTIKT .ir.viou I'.VIO.V. ! 4 Inst n I Kht" nt the church tho boys inrt girls of tho Junior Dnptlst Konguo 'nold n buslucfs meeting nnd elec tion or officers with tho following re sults: President Lulu Ilenson. Vlco-presldent Dorothy Uassford. Secretary Kugene Kclicy. Tronsurer Howard McLnughlln. Organist Cecil LnCbnpollo. Ass't Orgnnlst Anna Downs. Games wero plnyed nnd refresl' montu norvM. Among thoso iiroseiit woro Mnrjnrlo Kullor. Anna Downs. Lulu llonson. Violet Ilnliprlsou, Uulli McLniu'li'ln, Miriam Wright. Cloni inco Wright. Vestn McMahnn. Doro thy HnsH'ord. M"vlu'llo Mcl.iiimlillii, Cnllstn Wnllor. CnMinrlno Woodruff, Cecil LnCbnnollo. llownrd McLnugh lln. Albert DasBford. Whltford Hall, I3ugono Kolloy. Monroo MeMnhon, Mrs. MoMnlibn. Mr. A. '.. Downs. Mrs. 0. I. Hnll nnd Hov. A. V. Uassford. v I i:vi:nix(; mkktixu. i Mrs. Dr Slmw will deliver n lec turo on "Tho Homl to Hell" t tho MnrBhlleld Ilnptlst church next- Tues day ovonlng undor tho auspices of tho Mnrshlleld W. T. U. MONDAY. Progress Club with Mrs. W. T. Stoll. TUESDAY. North Homl Catholic Ladles with Mrs. Itohert Banks. Dr. and Mrs. HnrsfnU's Infor mnl musical for Mr. Schmoddlng. WI3DNI3SDAY. Nowly-Wcd Club with Mrs. Carl West. North Bend Christian Sister hood with Mrs. 13. McDnnlels. Prlscllln Club with Mrs. Gnle. Bridge Club with Mrs. Blnko. Presbytorelnn Auxiliary with Mrs. A. 13. Seaman. THUHSDAY. Young Matrons' Club with Mrs. F. W. Powercs. Social Sowing Club with MrB. Del KhodcH. A. N. W. Club with Mrs. Noble. Thursday Sowing Clrclo with Mrs. J. II. Stadden. Kastsldo Sowing Club with Mrs. W. V. Bycrly. Kill DAY. Thimble Club with Mrs. A. II. Derbyshire. Lndlcs Art Club with Mrs. V. L. Sumner. N. L. Y. P. S. nt tho church parlors. Skcnnsa Club with Mrs. Mllo Sumner. next week. Present yesterday wero McsdnmcB Blntt. Coudron, Hnsuius son, Blnnchnrd, l'lye, Foley, Tolnndor, lMtnntn Lnng, Cowan, Kalkcnstoln, Vaughuu, Honglaud, Smith nnd Sum COMiKCK WOMEN'S CM'H. . . Tho Collogo Women's Club will meet with Mrs. J. Wright Wilson next Wcdnesdny evening, February !. at 8 o'clock. Mrs. M. C. Muloney and Miss Immel will Imvo churgo of tho program. Mrs. Muloney will rend a paper on tho Oregon Stnto University. I K.Y.IOV SOCIAL. I t Lust owning at tlm homo or Mr. nnd Mrs. S. .1. Immel, iiioinlit'rn or llio livnl Christian Women and their ImihIiiiihIh and rrlends enloved ti most xlelluhtrul social. Musical hpIpcMoiih by Mrs. J. W. Motley, rhnrnilcH nnd other dlvernlons nrecodod rerrosh monts. Among IIiokc uroMiit wero Hov. nnd Mrs. .Samuel Gregg. Mr. nnd Mrs. Myrlck. Mr. and Mrs. .1. J. Mor row, Mr. and Mrs. lIondrK. Mr. and Mrs. Ynles Mr. nnd Mrs. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hold. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. 13. Powers. Mr. nnd Mrs. .1. W. Motloy. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II. Cow Mr. nnd Mrs. Stovnll. Mrs, 1). (. McCurty. Mrs. Blnlu mid Mrs. Gregg. I ItlltTIIDAY PAIITV. 0 A children's pnrty nt the homo or Mr. nnd Mrs. D. A. Jones In Kerndnlo Is being given thin nftornoon celobrnt Ing the ninth blrthduv of Miss Ellzn hoth Jones. Among thu llttlu guestM nru MIhkos l.nvluu nnd Dorothy Pain ter. Ell.nliotli Flanngnu, Frances nnd Phyllis Holm, Dorothy Ferguson. 131 slo lllllstrom. Muxlno Feuslcr, Uuth Corey. lMnu Kronholin, Frances Hnll. Marian Wilson, Aldouo Smith, Segrod llongal, Eleanor HutiHoii, Collsta Walters and Maxim- Jones, and Mus ter Warren Painter and Baby Dnvld Jones. Mrs. G. L. Hall Is helping Mrs. Jones servo at tho prottv table laid with Dutch place cards for tho little maids, and n big birthday enko lu red. white and blue, with nine white cm nd It's on It! MISS flit ECU) EXTEItTAINS A vnrv nloiiR.'int comnllmnotnrv party was given by Miss Mnrlo Gregg at Iter homo on North Eleventh street Inst Friday night. About ton couple were present and hugely enjoyed tho evening. Music, games, taffy pulling nnd pleasant conversation provided entertainment. Tho following program wiw a part of tho evening's diversion: Miss Anna Coxln In catchy rag times. "Tho Greatest Speech on Ilccord," by L?o Byorly. MIrk Fnthnr Nelson nrcscntlmr world's famous music. "Tho Joys of n Son Voyngc," Hugh Copple. Tho Nnturnl Songster, as he snug bororo the crowned heads of Eu rope, Lolloy Hobcrtson. DobntP, Hcsolved that womon Bhould not nuirrv until rftcr tho ago or twenty-rive. Affirmative, Miss B'csste Immel and Miss Rllla Boss; negative, 13d HlchardB and R. P. Watson. Thoso present wore Mlsso Carrie and Hllln Hobs, Vivian Craig and Mlnorva Mccum, Anna Cox, Bobs Im mol, Belva Flunncnn nnd Dessn Plnnntrim l.'allmr NTnlsnn. M. Cnrl- son, Mnrlo Gresg, Messrs. Loo Bycr ly, IiOlloy Robertson, Frank Howe, Ira Howo, 11. P. Wntson, nnd tho Messrs. Carlsons, : 4 IIOXOU .Mlt. SrilMKDIMXG. I Dr. nnd Mrs. Win. Horsfnll will en tertain Tuesday evening In honor of Mr. Woirrnni Schmeddlng, who leaves soon to live In Portland. The even ing will be an Informal ono of inuolc. . "MONTANA" PAIITV. 1 4 Dr. nnd Mrs. Win. Horsfnll, Jr., were hosts Inst evening nt a most de lightful Informal "Montnna" party, their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Wallaco Pcrham nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. S. C. Smnll, having been residents of Miles City, Montana, whoro Dr. llorsfall's ramlly lived for many years. Tho acquaint ance was renewed In tho charming evening of chat and music. : I 'Oil MHS. WAIXACK PCHHAM. I Mrs. Wnllaco Perhain was guest or honor at cards Friday afternoon when Mrs, W. S. Turpen entertained nt two Inblcs of miction bridge. Other guests wore Mrs. Henry Sougstnckon, MIrh Oonovlovo Sengstacken, MrB. C. M. Byler, Mrs. L. J. Simpson. Mrs. F. M. Parsons nnd Mrs. Ciaudo Nasburg. .;. 4. .). TAKE OUT PULP First Big Shipment Being Ta-' ken on the Portland boat Sunday Afternoon i Held back b veral hours by a stiff nor'wester which blew nil day yestcrdoy, tho steamer Alliance, Cap-; tnln Ous I.ofstedt. arrived In tho. harbor from 13ureka today at 11; o'clock and borthed at Mnrshflehl Ishortly nftor 12 o'clock. She will' jtak? on ovor 100 tonB of pulp from1 'tho local mill and a big shipment' 1 of cedar ties, which will prevent her 'sailing todny nnd she will depart j tomorrow nt 1 o'clock In tho nftor noon for Portlnnd. Cnptnln I.ofstedt reported thnt the recent hurrlcnno wns severe nt the .Cnllfornln port, but no grent dam age was done. Tho bar was quite j smooth when lie caino In this morn-. Ing, and ho passed tho lighthouse I tenner Mnnznnna, which is gems 'over th" rnnge lights nt tho enlrnnco 1 to tho bay. Tho Manzanltn arrived from Portland 11 dny or so ogo to place lights of extra power In tho plnco of the rnnge lights, which cimnnt bo kept burning during high winds. I Tho pulp being tnken out by tho Alllnuco Is the first shlpimnt of any slzo sent from hero slnco the new 'mill commenced operntlons. It Is consigned to l.obnnon, Oregon, nnd in eouplo of other points where It will be mndo Into snniplo pnpor for the Portlnnd Chanibor of Commerce nnd other orgnnlzntlons which will boost the muuufncturo of tho pulp jln Oregon. I Tho passengers arriving on the Al llnuco from I3urckn nro as follows: Mrs. H. Bnlrd. Mnbol Bnlrd, Ollvo Final Clean-Up LADIES' SUITS. DRESSES COATS RAINCOATS DRESS SKIRTS See advertised list of prices the lowest of this entire event. Hub Dry Goods Co. Cor. Central Ave. and Broadway. Phone 361. STEAMER SAILS FOR PORTLAND Captain Mactjcnn's Packet Leaves Marshfield on Schedule Today With n small quantity or freight and a considerable list of pnsson- EMERY BILKED BI TELE1I North Bend Officer ReporlJ 10 nave uome uver lo Identify "Body." VltTlltlt.flt.ll..M, ' I1..1.M t. ...... 1.. ..1. ....Mm imiii r.mtrj, i North Bend, wns cruelly "bnnl .win. i. utiiiti. .Mtiiiui uttiiiit uiiiu ... .... 1 .. ' nilrd, Floyd Bnlrd, II. M. Gnrd-'Brfl. nuBinontcu "V nuoxn iweivo nt tho unenrthly hour of Jj .. t T !... ft l II. ...1.. ., ...I... linHilfi.l ImH n. Nftrll. 11.1, til ..I..1....1. H.l . .... . nur, 11. 11. udiiiiiiiiy, it. .ii. i'hi'u-ni ii uif.iniv" "Hi ...., 11 u kick iiiin iiiuriung uy Boat m t.M. II. winery, r run .Hiiuri'. .11. ur- mu nivmnui iiiuinniinii, ... ...... M..ni loKor who win iinfaib i.. r T,... n it..H.ln..nl n.i.l Miiimmiii unll.wl fnf tlw, nnlrllllrn In l,v"' J'"4-1 " wag UHfc W.'s Pohlcr. ' ' the hurlior on hor regulnr schedulo enough to s.jjd hlni on a wIM-iw ... .j. ......i... ......... .,., , i 11.. ..l.n... 1.. M -l.rl..i 1 1.. . I 0' II) 1 ' I ) T 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( I IIUS II1UIIIIUK BIIUIIIJT III- VI11IDU III .U I OH I I L'l II III IjUCIl 1 t -i i i.i.. i.. in ii.. tor ton o'cock. "(lend man." I.VII1UI..I1, IB wniinm III MIllllllJ "Mil m ,,, .,. ,,,.. ...i,tl ,, n... K,,,,,... ,..,, ntf.l .v,, , 1IIU HUlllliri l!in Illicit i II . .... v . MU'IHVU ItMt I .i.itlni.l ijl l...ltfh ..jt tl'Jtr1 mm t ii i.'Tb1h.i. ,.f QnimrinM i Htoiuiior sillied down the harbor and was wnntoii in Mnrsuileld BnonmiiB ii few weeks wit her lir" ''lt " ''o'1 wlt" ": ?wn l"""5y 'f not loci nt r nnd ir r ii Mail I dlcnlloiiB or n strong southeast wind Ib unknown. At any into he lib M'r V T I nJ??rn Im li vUlt UiV ll0r l,'i" "I' tl10 C0"Ht- A,,0,Ul1 ,0 ,,llV n,,0,, f"r "" aU,0B I J rlll'v V.? n otoi . In.L - ,rft WOrO MrH- Wminill ChUIld- With tl.O 8p. (Ml Cr tllO llri I lug rolnthes In I.os Angeles, plnnso . .. , .. . s cbaudlor. came across from North Ilccd n SlUI'ltlSi: I'AUTV. KKIiWSA ci.m. I 4 Mrs. M. I). Sumner iiostpoueil this week's meeting of tho Skenusa Club nt her homo until next Friday, on .arcouut or the parly given yesterday ly Mrs, Howard .Savage. I. - liADIKS' AKT (XI'll, A number or friends of Mr. and Mrs. Percv Poet united In u delightful surprise nt their homo lu Knstslde last Siituidny evening. Tho occasion was .Mr. Poet's birthday, (lames and mus ic made th "veiling u most happy one and cloned with n bountiful lun cheon. Among those present wero Messrs. and Mesdaiues It. T. Whltty, Frank Prey, C. Wallaco, Frank Her mann, H. Cassldy, A. Simpson, K. Vineyard, Mcl.aggau and Mrs. J. I). McKay. lllltTIIDAV PAIITV. I uurriiMAY itKMK.MnuAxei:. Mrs. Howard Savago entortnlned Friday In honor or tho birthday or her mother. Mrs. M. 11. Brown, num bering among her guests Mrs. J. O. l.angwort'iv. Mrs. Unhskopr. Mrs. Harvey Smith, Mrs. August Isaacson. Mrs. I.udwlg Larson, Mrs. .1. l.eo Brown, Mrs. .1. N. Ilutcblus, Mrs. M. I). Sunnier and Mrs. M. It. Brown. Miss Greeley and MUh Born Brown assisted In serving. ivroit.M.u, (hat. Mrs. ('has. l.uChnpollo entertnluod the Art Club Friday al sewing, with; Mth. A. ' Downs ami .Mrs. W. S. i Brown as guests or the club. Plans ' for Valentine Day were discussed and tho regulnr yearly valentine exchange and card party will probnbl" be held, i Mrs. F. I . Sumner will bo hostess . I Today Is the first birthday or Miss Francos Bnrker, daughter of Mr- and Mrs. A. 1 1. Barkor, and Mrs. Barker Is entertaining n few friends this nf tornoon lu honor of the event. I .irXIOH UIAGl'K PAItTV. . 4 The boys of tho Junior F.pworth League were delightfully eutertnlued at the homo or Donald Allen on Frl da evening of this week. Various gimes for ho were heartily enjoyed, after which Mis. F. K Allen served a splendid luncheon. Those present Miss Uuth Allen, following a sev eral months' stay with relntlvoH t remnin tuero tureo or lour nooks .., ,,,.., .. f.i,,,iu i),.H,iini n nmii iimt innin Pnni nl n nw 1111 iiv;i insulin in inmim v hmi t i t-L' ,r . a m i nnd lonvo for Ilonoiulu for a couple historical rldo look Ilko a fitf i .. B. .u.iiw.i niiii... ii.i m ii... f . onl . 0 ..,, ,,,. t ,0 si,nBta procession. vismng ner pnrenis in .Minneapolis. Uinlt0(, nI Hnn Francisco. ; Bursting Into tho police itttl ni uiiii ii iu inu iihj iiuiiiH ..in, I, T1() .,llHSongor list wns ub rol- limery ileiunniieii according to present phuiB. ' ,.... . -wiiero Is tho body'" Miss oonovii Wilcox left today for ()lm Knovan. Frank Fnrroll,! Fire Hnglneer Gordon Sraltktl nur iiomo in iiuioiiciMioneo. urorfon. j.i0Vl, icoltli. Francis I.avln. C. F. cd for more particulars m to i' .after a few monlbs visit with her Johnson, Mrs. Johnson, C. F. Poter- body, why anil when, nnd the Nx j sister. Mrs. BenJ. Chandler. S"o won HOn, O. C. Jacobs, M. A. 'Mel.aiigh- Bond officer staled Hint be b i iiiniiy inuniis on ino nny wuo win no . i, Aubel. u. II. Pace. Mrs. been called by 'piwno to romew . glad to welcome tho charming young i,.,.. n. 11. Gov. Kd Grlbblo. Mrs. to Identify a dead body. pw I lady back hero again. jj. Brnyton. Jack Francis, Chas. to bo n man whom he wni loct ; ..ir. mihi .irs. v. h. unmiier icir i.con. A. Chow, K. M. Uosontnail, Tor wnon over Here n nny or hv Indnv Tor Portland, where Ihny will .1 n. Cookson. Carl SiiL'er. Sam. On rlndlnir thnt ho had te .meet their dnughter, Mrs. Hurry Tie- Nnss, Bill Iteynolds, Tom Ynles. "bilked" Ofricer Km ry mVed fit limine, and proceed on n two months' Gust Docos, Joe Natbony, K. I.. Do- tho dolnlls bo kept from tlioprf trip to Honolulu. Mrs. 'rvomnlno Is Kater. Chus. Fellows, Sr., Cbas. F(d- but tho news leaked out. coming from her homo nt Vnucouver, lows, Jr., Mm. C. M. Goodinuii, Miss Artor tho orricer hnd rotund' B. C, to moot them. Followlnir their Wheeler. Mrs. K. J. Hood. K. J. North Bond In tho nutonott , Honolulu trip, thoy expect to snend Reed, W. K. Wllklns, O. S. Mlsh, which w-nt nt n slower Bpeed.fi some tlmo In Cnlirornln. Mrs. Win. .Mrs. II. Flshor, B.n FlBher. Mrs. ,Mnrshriold police station telepe 0. Chnndler also left with them and Win, Chnndlor, W. S. Chnndlor, rnng and Gordon Smith -will nlso lunko tho Honolulu trip. Mrs. W. 8. Chnndlor, A. Hniison, L. It.. Ho hoard a feminine molten i Mrs. A. I.. Barker Is entertaining Ituimusseu, II. Copple, Chns.Vnugbii, tho 'phono wnd wns nuked ti Informnllv a number or vn-uig tun- John Barns, Stovo Pains, Tom didn't "string" lb North Beti; nous tt tit i uioir nuiiies mis artor- t.lolinn. J. Abrens, Geo. lurllln. Gus fleer. Gordon stated uiaiiu noon. Krlckson. Geo. llurner. U. MacLeod, partinent w.is not kept "P'0'1 Mrs. .1. A. Lamb was over rroin.Joo Provkh. Joo Dollar. 'porpotrntlon of Joltra nnd tnM- Coqulllo on busInoHs "Vldny and ling "live ones" In Mnrshflei was a giicsi ai um j. m. ions- nmiie; ()HTII BKXD COXCIKT BAND qulto siifflCient wnnoui iuum over ilium. im'. KCKHOFF IIAIili. ,l.. t tor tho "Ur.id onis. mwiEvsrEamx -vv- (?MmT , tSSSSSTff v lEAUTIFUL GEMS (SEE OUR WINDOW) We liavo on display about fifty kinds of rare stones collected from every part of the earth. They are cut and polished for Scarf Pins, Brooches, and Charms, Mako your selection and we will mount them up ac cording to your wish, Msi m WX. .1-N f.4.1 j- - -,r4i5iiii..iFJ iimi. i M l$rrM 'yw" i ' nv t'l2 Red Cross Jewelry Dept. Red Cross Drug Store Manufacturincj Jewelers and Opticians. ! r JPs wonderful how the little tots au icproauce tne great masterpieces upon the Packard Interpreter. It's so simple and the results are so beautiful that you wonder how you could have gone along so long without it CfThe Packard Interpreter is the culmination of forty-one years of piano making and is, among players, what the Packard .is among pianos. Players and pianos may be purchased on terms from VICTROLA XVI, $200.00 Mahogany, Contain 14 Victor record alubums for 231 records, Size, 49 & Inches high, 24 inches wide, 20 1-4 indies deep, 12 -inch turn table, Gold-plated Ex hibition sound box, Victor tapering tone arm and "goose neck" sound-box tube, brake, speed regulator and indicator, Nlckfl plated, extra heavy, triple spring, spiral drive motor (can bo wound while playing,) , All metal parts 24-karat gold plated, Other Vic trolas at $15, $25, $40, $75, $100, $150. J New records for February, 1914, now on sale at nlln ctnrn Act fnr nnm An'fnlnnii. Konnrln If unit i..i uw ii. nui iui niiVY UCUCUUIJUU Ul I CUUI U3. II J" are thinking of buying a Vlctrola or Edison Diamond uisc macnine, eitner aropm or drop us a line anu we will mail catalogue. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD Phone 134-J or J5-L V'Ji 7 ffiJ&y? as 'jfli f& tl. . rm i ms-j. .um-r Jttm tM vn Kj4&s4LAMzfi&GS&4f-P L. L. THOMAS, Manager. fcfc 2J8 Central Avenue Marshfield I HK3a Ei2kiLM!iCT E5S3