THECOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1914 EVENING EDITION. RE you one of the men who smile when you see the word "bargains?" We're only going to say, we are closing out our entire stock of Clothcraft Suits and Overcoats One-Third off the regular price You can judge for yourself whether or not this "cleaning up" of ours is a value giving occasion. .lAXl'AHY TIDKS $ J 6.65 instead of $25.00 J5.00lnstead of . 22.50 JJ3.35 instead of . $20.00 J2.35 instead ot J8.50 $U.65 instead of J0.00 instead of $8.35 instead of 6.65 instead of $17.50 15.00 $12.50 10.00 j'olow la Rfen tt'.o and Ulplif of high uud low wutor nl Mi.rflh(lol(l. The tides aro placed It. tho order of occtir'onre. with tholr times on tho II rat lino and heights on tho second lino of each day; n compar ison on eoiiBocutlvo heights will Indlrnto whether It Is high or low water. Kor high wntcr on tho bar substrnct 2 hours 34 minutes. His. Ft.., Mrs. Ft. . , fi.lG 5.1 5,. 14 r.r. 11.01 l.G 11.11 1.5 r.03 5.2 n.i:i 4.7 lt.OC 0.8 l.i .- SOCIAL CAMCXDAK. Mrs. Sit Us purchased in litis store. will he Ice pi pressed free of char (jo Woolen Mil! Sto2e Al'PAHKf, Sl'KCIAMSTS Foil MlCX AND BOYS LOCAL THMPF.ItATUHK ItlCCOItl) For tho 24 hours ending nt 4:43 n. m., .Innunry 30, by HcnJ. Ostllnd, special governmont me toorologlst: Maximum 49 Minimum 3G At 4:43 n. m 40 ' Precipitation 20 I Precipitation since Sept. 1 1013 42.01 Precipitation samo period I Inst year 42.70 Wind: southwest; cloudy. I HOItX. I BCAIFK To Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Senlfe, nt tholr homo on Central nvonuo. Thursdny, .Tnnunry 28, a son. Mother and child aro doing nlcoly and Mr. Scalfe's pralso of tho now arrival forms "a picture no nrtlet can paint." Vestry Meeting. Tho Vestry Board of tho Kplscopnl church will meet this evening nt 7:30 In tho rector's study. Choir Itchcni-snl. There will bo n cnolr rehonrsat this evening at 7:30 In the Guild room of tho Kplscopnl church. Doth junior and sonlor mom borH of tho choir nro onrnostly asked to bo present. .Mother Demi. Henntor I. s. held boforo Justice Ponnock, probablv tomorrow, when It will be decided whtother ho will be bound over to the grand Jury. Kxtoiislou Work. Tho Normal Srhnol extriinlon work In Oregon w'll be represented at North llend. on February 2 with the iipprMrnnr nf M. S. Plttmnn. head of the ex tension dopartnient of tho Oregon Normal school. The North Ilond Teachers' Institute will hold n nioel Ing In the C6ntral llulldlng on tho afternoon of February 2. An In vitation to all Interested in Normal School work Is extended. In the evening Mr. Plttmnn will deliver a lecture nt the High School to which the public Is cordially Invited. Mr. Plttmnn Is represented as an ex cellent speaker and thoso hearing him will onjoy his discourse. Illlil Close Cull. Parties frnm tlin Conulllo report that J. L. Hcnn, living near Lamiia Crmdc. mui finn- Ily, had a narrow escape from boing erusneu to death tho other night. A monster trco was blown over on tho hlllsldo and rolled down to within n foot or two of tho II0..111 homo. Had tho log gone n fow foot fur ther, tho homo and Its occupants would undoubtedly havn been crnnli. od. Near Uullnrds, a tree was blown fll'n,. nil n turtmtn.itiiti'rt 1. ...... .! (.. w.w i.l U llUUUnillllll D IIUIUU 111111 I1U had a log broken In tho accident. Hood Mull Service. .lens llnnson , says that ovory Coos llaylto should tnko his hat off to C. P. Dnrnnrd and glvo him a voto of thnnks for tho' efficient ninll sorvlco. Mr. Hanson says there havo been fewer dolnys WAXTHI) Xtiislng confinement crin thnn In yenrs and tho first of thoj os Bpeclnlty. Wrlto P. O. 046, week, when tho big storm Interfered Mnrshflold. so much, tho mnll was only delayed j- Fill DAY. Ladles' Art Club with Chas. LaChnpollo. Norwegian Lutheran Young Pcoplo's Society. Rxcelslor Club with Albert Powers. Skennsa Club with Mrs. Mllo Sumner. I .Tolly Sixteen with Mr. and I Mrs. Fred Kritso. WANT ADS. I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I , FOIt HUNT Fiinihlicd sleeping room, wnrm. 305 So. 4th at. WAXTKH (llrl at U-wls'. roil ItKXT Centiiil nvciiuo store room. Apply Tho Gunnery. AVAXTF.I) llj- lvspoiisllilo jmrty, a hoiiBo with 0 to 8 rooms, contrally located. Address Times. WANTED for a dny or two nnd tho ontlro lot begnn coming in schedulo tlmo sevor nl days boforo oven tho most hopeful had anticipated. riMiiwii 'lara littlefrclish now and then is relished by all men It will make the meal taste better, build up the appe- ite, and make the dinner what it should be, It is eood housekeeping: to serve these little clelica- ies with luncheon and dinner and the cost is trivial, ut when you do, be sure you got tho best, Uive us your order and you won't tako any chances, k have the best obtainable, Among them now we ill mention: INE RIPE OLIVES IN BULK FAMOUS TRIPLE STUFFED SPANISH OLIVES HEINZ BOTTLED GOODS 57 VARIETIES Nasburg's Grocery "The Homo of (odd Things to Fast. orner Commercial and Second St. Phone 213-J. Glasses Ground to order Jk eye perfectly fitted by tJio uesi ineuiocia Known to b&ould you want hotter cyo- ftp ran, it ' . - v.u Boui pinrses proporly My mv snodiil nviiimi rm. !D glaBSeS. YnilllL' nr nl.l ..III. Jtttal glass can nad flno print, ,.... or Kr al a rtistanco, one len,, A K-nKii of ,)0nul oy forrver l.vrry pair fitted fi warrant! i-, ,,r. .,u.r,i,a ...,,i ltCd tO rvr cntlufontl,,.. iPitroaago Eol.tito l W. B. RICHARDSON Plomehlst r.i.. c...... iJ2ft!S3E?. r--mimu. urei'nn Rcxall Olive Oil Emulsion -WITH Your Laundry to By'Parcel Post EX' l! "AG akd w U. ITS fey Steam Laundrv V 57-J . MfinehfSoM Hypophosphites A plonsont tnstlng food ton ic combining tho tonic proper tloa of tho hypophoaphlte'ii of tho finost qimllty of ollvo oil. Well adapted for ndmlnistor Inc to porsons Buffering from wasting dlsordors, pulmonary nffocttons, coughs, colds and during couvnlesconco. Try It. Wo guarnntoo It. ' Tho ItOMiU Stnro LockhartParsons Drug Co. thi: nusv conxKit Phono . Us 208 !. A. L Clothing and Shoe Co. X't to Illniico Hold. SIMvCIAli UKOLVTIO.VS KOIt SATl'IMMV Mcn'B NokIIrco Shirts, worth Si.2r to $ i.r.o. nr Saturday only oJJQ Moii'b ?.t.00 Hats. m rr Saturdny only (PlitlO Men's flno Kroncli Flannel PhlrtH, worth $1.2r. n Saturdny only .' OUC Mou'b medium wool hose, rog ular SBc, Saturday nr "ly 2 for 4JJC Mon'H fiOc Buspondors. np Saturdny only QQ Men's flno wool Underwear, worth $:i.00 n suit. Sat- nn urdny only, por garment jJJC WATCH OUK WINDOWS I'OIl HAUOA1XS I. X. L.'Clothing and Shoe Co. Fiont hti-oot, net Hotel. to Itlunco I AMONG THE SICK I - f MIbs Mny .Myron Ib rocuporntliiK from 11 Bevoro IIIhobs of two wo-ls, Mrs. Olo rcterson. of KnutHldn. wlm hns boon 111 for several weeks, Is re ported to bo Improving. Mrs. A. K. Morton, who ban boon qulto sick nt North Hond, Ib re ported much Improved. A. J. SwniiHon, of Knstslde, Ih ro liortcd qulto 111 ut his homo In Unst able. Ho wns first nf flirted with u B'vero cold nnd pleurisy and other nninitllnnllrttkit Imun .l..,.l...... i .. .1 jitw ill tikiuiin iuiti in viiiiiiiiiii iiiiii 1 Smith bus received a card stating I two operations hnvo had In bo re-1 mni v. !-. hiiuiros miiiuor men 111 sorted to In ordor to dra 11 his sldo San Jose. California. January 20. Judgo I), h. Watson, of Coos City. .in. nun .un. oiiuiiu iimu uum in jP roporiiMi to no rather poorly iniirnrnia lor a row wookb. Kiiiinorson Ferry, of tho Illnnco One Imbiber Fined. Fred llnunjs. Hotel, who has been laid up for ennrgou wun uoing iirunic nnu uib- somo time. Is reported Improving, WAXTICI) Can devnto nny rcqulslto tlmo work. Dost of local rcforonccs, Wookkcepor, enro Times. Special bookkeeping. to WAXTFI) GiNiil fann team. Cloo. L. Dtirton, South Coos Klvor. . i ! mbi i i a i, a M . M 0 WAXTICI) Hy young mnii of A-l record nnd thorough business training, position as mnnngor or assistant In general store, small town or country, with view to partnership If satisfactory. Worth Investigating. Wrlto II., Coos Uny Times. HOAItl) AXI) ItOOM At -1.11 Com- morclnl avenue. FOR SALE orderly on tho streets, was arrested last night by Officers Smith and Si'nupo. nnd on being brought boforo City Recorder Ilutlor this morning was nsscsHCd tho usual $r. lleroveis IIi-hocIi. Through n Times found ad, Mrs, J. II. Tower recovered a valuablo brooch Bet with brilliants which sho dropped on tho stroet the other dny. It wns found b.v Irving Chandler, who brought It to Tho Times -office and , W. II. DlndiiiKor. of tho Hunker mil Uppartmont Storo, has heon confined to his homo for a fow days by "Job's Comforters," but was nblo to get over to tho storo louay. 1'ltAIKK nitlVKII. Kdltor Coos nay Times: A Ilttlo Incident enmo to my notlco this ii single Insertion of tho nil In thoj !!,"r"!"':. ..n,nt . '... t,,'1...w"rtll' of Times found tho owner. """ '" (,,rD co'""- nis morn- Is Hound Over Clarence II. Mc- "ft""1 ,3B "." "' ,w.n',, " , ' Lnughlln. charged by his wlfo with';"'1 " '" ' ff,,?$ll?."rt J ''" wJ,r failuro to support horsolf and tin Ir Sf . nn"Jr,J'l2 ".Y" ,S"( " ,r' children, was bound over to tho grand ,N,r ?" gnl 'i0 i'Zl " 2 jury tlHs morning by Justleo Ponnock n'B "" 'whoi tlioy asked how In tho sum of $100. Ho guaranteed n ft'1 tho faro was tho driver .ton. his appearance boforo tho grand jury J ".'l vh HtllnK . pop hir .no Just and If the enso goes to trial thoro 'onB o o, Jht o say'-DnV oJ' promlHcs to bo a lively contest. ., luo. nilrt'wll0n yo rIt)o Woilc In Quiiiry. W. J. nomnr, wlth mo you don't need nny faro." who Is now employed nt tho Coos i didn't know that drlvor. Xover itivor siono quarry, was in .Mnrsn flold yesterdny. Ho states that Mc Lnlu and McLnln will soon hnvo n big fore of inon emiiloyed thoro within a fow dnys gottlng out rock for rlp-rnnplng tho big fill of tho Southern Pacific at North llond. Crew Mild orr. on account or mo miss oenhva wilcov. wim imn .- .-.-- -' -- - -.. saw him bororo, but wo need morn mon llko him. A STItANOKIt. PERSONAL OVERFLOW Hnvo you Job printing done nt rii Times nfflon recont storniB all tho crow working on tho railroad construction work nt Myrtlo Point hnvo been lnld off. A short tlmo since tho night gang wns dismissed on account of tho difficul ties encountered during tho wot wenthnr nnd It was thought at that tlmo that tho mon would bo working in a fow days if tho woathor Improv ed. Howovor, with tho storms of tho last wcok all operations hnvo conned. Information Filed. An Informa tion was filed In Justleo Pennock's court by Mrs. Holon McLnughltn against hot husband, Clnronco Mc Lnughlln, this aftornoou, charging lilin with falling to provide for hor and tho cl.lldron. Constnblo Cox was over In Conulllo, where ho took Ozolla Franklin to tho county Jail, and on his return ho will plnco tho dofendnnt under arrest. Ills hearing will ho boen spondlng a fow months with hor sister, Mrs. PonJ. Chnndlor. will lonvo tomorrow for hop homo at indopondonco, Oregon. II. W. SMiTII, who recently returned from Washington, tins acquired n ranch on Cntchlm; Inlet. Mr. Smith Is a son of l.ovl Smith nf tho Marsh Hold pollco department, Is n former coos unyllo nnd a boostor for tho Hay. Pioneer Himhvnro Co., Plitmhliii; and Heating Specialists, Phono 101. XOIITII IlKXI) COVCIIItT IIAXI) DAXCK. IXKMOI-I',. JAX. 111. i eTBmrssKrrrrtssrjTSTTJxriKrvjr i For Good Things to Eat, Phone Bunker Hill Dept. Store Throe ilellverles tlally to Maisbricld to Insure prompt service anil tho quality nail prices will ho a pleasing surprise to you, Tho iict tlmo you order Phono ilU and note (he service and quality you get. Just a few specials. Not.e these prices. pheum Tonkht rhl0 Sl"L- TM9 fM.,r l,oc . .1 .1 . l-... " 'merest to all ---v iun duuhu til'illl uiiu guuu iiniuiu lBerp. ilI3 feel Is not fit tho linsK Imh woll nnipil nnrl mnv llves dn VnJlr x comedy, where threo Sherlock Holmes do- ,ra5lclaT si. rKrtai work. ,pac. teIHn"ofV r"iidny Matinee and livening. AVatch this Golden Pacific Yellow Freo Peaches, per can 1.1c Golden Pacific Apricots, per can 1.1c Golden Pacific Poars, threo cans for .10c Palnco Plneapplo, threo cans for fiOc Columbus Tomatoes, three cans for 2.1c Goldon Wost Hominy, two cans for ...!tfc Wo sell WI11TK IILKXD FLOL'H. SPIIAV, WHITi: IMVKIt and FISIIKIt'H Bunker Hill Department Store KaKEcsjsoojcitfJKaaiuccaisnnsas' n White ami Gold A now lot of tho ever- popular White and Gold Talile Ware just in Service and Beauty 53-piece set, $5.40. A1AVAYS KOMirrillXO XKW I Peoples "two stores Itandon Marshrield Myitlo Point FOIt HAI.K Olt TltADIC Hull (log and bull pups, for bees, chickens or seed potatoes. C. IC. Shaw's res idence, North Pond. FOIt SAMv Fine lots HO by 1HH feet In Pnyvlow Addition for $2G0 each. I. S. Kaufman & Co. FOIt SAM': HIO ncivN of good tim ber, $l0 por aero. a. O. Mnther, Langlols, Oregon. FOR RENT FOK HNXT ,1 iixmi modern flat. i:n(iulro 124 2nd St. North. FOIt HUNT Xiao room modern houso at North llond, In center of town. Apply J. It. Robertson, Plonror Illock. FOIt HKXT Furnished front room. 1089 Continl nvonuo, corner 11th. FOR Hi;.T Two-iiMiiiKMl, simply furnished housokeoplng Biilto, $10. Phono M!i:i, North Uoud. I'Olt lli:XT 7-rooni house with bath, In good ordor, Central nvo nuo and Tonth. Apply MePher sou, Glnsor Co., Phono 211-L. VOll 1U3XT Sleeping rooms, reas onable by tho wcok. 229 South Ilrondway. l-It HKXT Ftirnlshcd nioms, mod. orn. .173 South Sixth streot. Phono 29G-L. FOIt HICNT Lnrgo houso on SoatK 11th street. Phono 119-L., or e A. I) Caiupboll, UMBRELLAS REPAIRED AND COVERED MARSHFIELD CYCI.ERY PHONE 153-R. Comfortable Trusses Tho biggest and host soloctcd stock of TrussoB, Klnstlc Hosiery, Abdominal Holts nnd Shouldor Ilraccs In Coos County, Is always to bo found nt "Tho Storo for Quality Goods nnd Ponslar Item- OllllB." iWVaWB 01 rl licVw In Portalnd- A most pleasing high-grade hotel that is uniquely "dif ferent" and homelike. Equally pleasing are the economical prices, In tho heart of Portland's interesting and essential points of business and social life, European plan from $1,00, American plan from $2,00, 11th just off Washinaton St. Send for illustrated folder "i W. H. DINDINGER & CO., Bunker Hill. P'KKTopiy.,.,. ' .. Phone 32. -Nortonia Hotel ..n.nxiAU 1'IUTUKIiS. ADMISSIOX, 10c. i-ww.