THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1914 EVENING EDITION. Marshf feld paint LI III EFFECT """ MAManMAavasMlaatae ELY'SCREAM BALM OPENSCLDGBEO NOSTRILSAND HEAD-GATARRH GOES M1H OUR SHORTER 1)AYH AXI 11KTTEH WAGES FOR WOMEN AFTER FEURUARV 7 ORDERED HV INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION. A conBldorablo number of Coos Ray stores and business Iioubcb will bo affected by tho following notlco which, hns just been Issued: The Industrial Welfare Commis sion of tho Stato of Oregon horehy orders that: No person, firm or corporation shall employ nny experienced, adult woman In any Industry In tho Stato of Oregon, paid by time rato of pay ment, at n woekly wage rnto of less than eight dollars and twcnty-flvu ccntB ($8.25) a wcok, any lessor amount bolng hereby declared Inade (tuata to supply the necessary cost of living to such women workers and to maintain them In health. Nor shall nny porson, firm or corporation employ women In any Industry In tho Stato of Oregon for moro than fifty-four (54) hours a weak. Nor shall any such porson, firm or corp6ratlon pny lnexperlonccd, ndult women workers cmployod by time rnto of payment, at a rato of wages loss than six dollars ($6.00) u weok. And tho maximum length of time such workers niny bo con sidered lnexperlonccd In any Indus try shnll not exceed ono year. No person, firm or corporation owning or conducting any morenn tllo, manufacturing or laundry es tablishment In tho Stato of Oregon shall omploy women workers In such ostnbllRhmcuts Inter than tho hour of eight-thirty (8:30) o'clock p. m. of nny day. This hour of dismis sal docs not apply to telophono and tolrgraph companies, confectionery establishments, restaurants and ho tels, nor doos this order apply to night workers. Said order shall becomo effective from nnd after February 7, 1014. After such order Is effective, It shall bo unlawful for nny employer In tho stato of Oregon affected thereby to fall to obsorve and com ply therewith, nnd auy person who violates said order shnll bo doomed guilty of n misdemeanor nnd upon conviction thoroof, shall bo punish ed by a flno of not less than twon-ty-fivo dollars ($25) nor moro than ono hundred dollars ($100) or by Imprisonment In tho county Jail for not less than ton days nor moro than threo months, or by both such flno and Imprisonment In tho discretion of tho court. SIX BELONG TO 0 y MORE ORGANIZATIONS IX ORE (!()X JOIN ('1IAMHER OP COM MERCH OFTHE UNITED STATES 17 STATUS REPRESENTED. , WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 30. Oregon has becomo roprosonted In tho unmoor or Connnorco of tho united StnteB of America during tho past throe mouths by tho election of tho Chnmbor of Commerce of Astoria and tho Kmblom Club of Ilond. Six Oro gon organizations aro now niomhors of tho National Chamber. Thoro aro now 488 organizations constituting tho membership of tho National Chnmbor. Every stato and territory In roprosonted with tho ex ception of Now Mexico. Commercial organizations In Unwall, Porto Rico nnd tho Philippine Islands havo boon elected. Tho Amorlcnn Chnmbor of Connnorco in Pnrls, and tho American Chnmbor of Comtnorco for tho Lovant urn also membors. Tho socond annual mooting of tho Nntlonnl Chamber will bo hold In Washington from February 11 to 13. Sovornl hundred business mon, ropro Hontntlvo of rmnmorclnl organiza tions, nro exported. Fobrunry 12 will do (lovotoii to tho tironuo8t considera tion of nil that Is Involved In tho Shormnn anti-trust law nnd tho regu lation of corpornto activity by Inw. Tho annual banquet of tho Nntlonnl Chamber will bo held, on tho anniver sary of President Lincoln's birthday. On Fobrunry 11 Secretary Wilson of tho Department of Labor, will ad dress tho mooting on "Tho Relation of tho Department of Inbor to In dustries and Connnorco." MAY INCREASE WEIGHT LIMIT. Parcels Weighing 100 Pounds May Boon Ho RlilpiMsl Through Mails. WASHINGTON. D. C Jan. 30. Rocont Investigations with1 a vlow to increasing tho weight limit of tho pnrcols post havo proven so success ful that parcols weighing 100 pounds may soon bo shipped by mall. Post master General Rurlcson Is giving tno sohonio serious consideration nnd Is known to bo In favor of It. Tho weight limit of parcels at present Is 50 poundB. "Tho 100-pound wolght limit has no terrors for mo," tho Postmastor Gonornl declared. Ho oxpressod the boiler that COO million parcols would ho transported through tho malls during tho your beginning July 1, next, with n revonuo of approximately ton cents oach. 4Hr m filmfk p ' WL k fiUtttf WI WW PLAID TRIMMINGS MAKE SMALL FROCKS GAY Short conta aro favored quite as much b the longer onos, many of tho new Imported modols showInK them very; effectively. Theao contutnea are highly attractive worn with draped or tu nicked iklrta and trimmed with fur or vested with a rather brilliantly figured Ilk, dm shown In 8037-7066. Tote le negro brown duvetyn Is used no ihown here with a colored vest and bone butttnn as the only trimming aside from the drapery on the skirt. To make this costume In slse 16 It re quires 2 yards of If Inch material for the blouse (1017) nnd 2 yards of 42 inch material for the skirt (70St). Wherenn dull colored wools aro used a great deal for mnnll folks they are trimmed as In tho grownup fashions with bright plaids nnd figured silks. This effective little dress Is made of dull blue ratine, nnd the glrdlo und trimming bands are of tho gayest pos sible plaid, which should delight tho heart of nny little miss. The blouse Is In peasant effect; tho skirt Is a straight llttlo model attach ed to a slcovclcss underwalst. In size 12 3 yards of 36 Inch mate rial In required to mnkr this dress, with of a ynrd of plaid for trimming. No. 8037 sizes 32 to 42. No. 7966 sizes 22 to 30. N'o. 8042 sizes 6 to 14. Knch pattern IS cents. To obtain either pattern Illustrated nil out this coupon and enclose 16 cents In stamps or coin. He sure to state number of pattern and alze, mensurlng over the fullest part of the bust. Address rattern Depnrtmsnt, care of this paper. No Name .. Address Blze Goods Well Displayed SELL THEMSELVES Tho majority of stores are poorly equipped for good, natural lighting. Usually they are leep and narrow and cannot havo side windows, Good illumination in stores requires artificial lighting, No other form of artificial lighting equals ELEC TRICITY for efficiency, economy, safety, conven ience, cleanliness and hygiene, Mazda lamps have solved the expense problem, They reduce lighting bills give the finest results, THE LIVEST BUSINESS IS USUALLY THE BEST LIGHTED. Telephone 1 78 and let us help you plan an effi cient, economical electric lighting installation, A cost estimate will obligate you in no way, OREGON POWER CO. MARSHflELD, OREGON NOTICE. To whom It may concern: Coos Bay Itenlty Syndlcato, ostab. Halted hi January, 1904, will bo responsible only for tho acts and contracts performed or representa tions uiado by Ohas. J. IJruschko. If vnu linvn nnvMilnir to SOU. rent. trado, or want help, try a Want Ad I In TLo Tlraos. I The Union Market In Us now dress, ontlrely romodolled and renovated, Is now I reauy to recvivu mm nvn-uuiu in i-utiiuiuurs into ono or tho most modern, model and sanitary meat markets on Coos Bay, In addition to a modol shop It serves tho best meat on Cooa Bay. Prime beef steers that were formorly driven to Hoso burg markets, aro now butchered and servod to tho people on tho blocks of tno Union shop. Instantly Clears Alt- Passages; Vou Rrontlio Freely, Nasty DIscIuii'ko Stops; Head Colds und Dull Head iiicliu Vanish. Oct a small bottlo anyway, Just to try It apply a llttlo In the nostrils and Instantly your clogged noso and stopped-up air passages of tho head will open; you will breatho frooly; dullness nnd headacho disappear. By morning! tho cntarrh, cold-ln-head or catarrhal soro throat will bo gone. End such misery now I Got tho small bottlo of "Ely's Cream Halm" at any drug store This sweet, fra grant bnlm dissolves by tho heat of tho nostrils, penetrates nnd hoals tho inflamed, swollen mombrano which lines tho nose, head nnd throat, clears tho alr pasaages, stops nasty discharges nnd a feeling of cloanslug, soothing relief comes Immediately. Don't lay awako tonight struggling for breath, with head stuffed; nostrllB closod, hnwklng and blow ing. Catarrh or a cold, with 1U run ning noso, foul mucous dropping In to tho throat, and rnw dryness Is dis tressing but suroly noodless. Put your faith Just onco In "Ely's Cream Balm" nnd your cold or cntarrh will suroly disappear. cll'rpraC0, suite ai.i.JTTw Office hours, i o J fl Phono 1 1 2-1,. ., - KINDLY KEM13M13J3H AND OLVE US A TRIAL KVERYTIIINH IX THE, RAKERY LINE MAKSIIFIELD BAKING COMPANY lilil XOItTII KECOXD ST., NEAR CENTRAL AVEXUE. PJIOXE .128. TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleaning, repairing or now pin tens, work Kunrnutced. millions nnd carbon paper delivered. Phono us your order. Phono 44. Alllnnco office TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. DINNER SETS Up-to-date Shapes, Embossed edges, Large Floral and leaf gold stamped Beautiful 42-piccc floral and nold-stamped dinner sets, $4.98. Ten per cent discount on Granite, Glass & Tinware. I Smith's Variety Store NORTH BEND Wo aro now carrying A Complete Line of Staple Groceries and can fill your order for nnythlng In this lino, (llvo ub a call and wo know that wo can plcasu you. Try n pound of CAPE ARAOO COFFEE and you'll uso no othor. Coos Bay Tea Coffee and Spice House 130 North Broadwoy. Phono :I0I-J. n.KO, C. Mtmpitv Export Piano, pi'.,.. Tuning, negulati Orders mny be left TOEIi OSTMXli. ) Piano Tuner iu pj 4 IB H. Hlvll, street ""'" M. WUIGIIT. ,,. ,!U,(",I CoDtfJ V"",lm" uniiMinlnl An lioncht Job KnruJ il 18-11. J P O. (JOSXIJY, - Cniifriidni. ..j listlmatcs, drawl!, 3 iiuub lurnianeu 01 a. sausiieu customer ii J uiuino umn a bint I ono of ray 10 up itj, t ra reiiiv 1'iioue :ur,4. Mvl VjTT T. TOMPKINS, ni ,v Drucln. &J Phnnc 21(1.1). Ilouritbl Office ltoom L', 130, X rv. II. M. 8HAW Eyr, Enr, Xoenil mi. niAiTii; ii, simi Diseases of nnitirn iw Onico phono 330. Roctl 202, IrvlorEM Dn. A. .T. IIRNDIir DKNTIST Marahnold, OvM Rooms 204-20S, QoUlM Rcsldonco phone :(M. OIIlco phono 112-J, The Bank of Personal Service H RING us your bank account and profit ' by the same service which has made so many friends for this Institution. Our steady growth proves the appreciation of our patrons. MHS. PAIUU.NGEB, Tirh.f Residence Studio, U Corner Commercial i:l& Phone 3SMI DUNJAMIN OSIiml JD Consulting EiM Archltftt Office. 200 Irritll Phono lOiMi or 2Wl Mtnl rKIU HILEF DiUlfl JT riuviiinil Resldonco-Studlo. Ill I Phonillil W. G. CIIANDLW. Aitcinnai Rooms 301 nd 801 ( Msrshfltld, OnV The First National Bank Of Coos Bay W M. 8. TUhTES, AnoraiHi Marthfleld. HATE Barnard & FIQUItE Ml youn i:u:crmo fLANAGAN & BENNEn BANK OLDEST HANK l.V COOS COUXTV. IChtuhllbhed 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Interest, Paid on Tlmo Depositi Officers: J. V. IlPiuiolt, President. ' J. If. I'lanaKau, Vice-President. H. 1 Williams, Cashier. fieo. F, M'liii'liCHlpr, Asht. Cashier. DROP l.V AM) f BIGG) IN THE UOWLISO Chatterton's NORTH FR0KT YOU AUTO CALL h k ruu I Four good cars wl; .1.... CAM O. N op..V" "niiutfl llllllltw - - Kor BWil D. L Pictures Sft Walker SI" Union Meat Market Ford & Heskey, Proprietors. 1-14 South Broadway. Phono BS. I BANDOM BY THE SEA THE CITY OF THE FUTURE A FEW TEX ACHE TRACTS FOUR MILES SOUTH n COUNTY ROAI) 35 PER ACREi !100 OA8II. BALANCF Buy One It Will Make You Monev acKimitosfct INSURANCE. REAL ESTATE and CITY AUTO AND a now toxical) u ., nnrvlce. "" " ...(ll'l Will go anywne"-i . . ctnri. H UlnnOA I'IPflr iJWV" ktiv. unna 139X TOM GOOUAI' iltlmtiorQ J. N. W Any kind of .,.. .ri. wonK inu ; ri Will !" " . Illdff.. 17 deci French Ranges' REM0 Opposite The TODD The ion .t s 131 Fv .tec Ura mlKtilt&iMtStfWiw mi wymrjiim&Hmi- 'tucuM i - ... Mfc-,