mnr rj THE OOPS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1914 EVENING EDITION. 3 ess a wwi'miu. reat Economy Sale! ..iMiTiqKMKNTOJCIjV CONVKYB AM INKLING OF THE POSSIBILITIES OF TUB 3 AIIJ.,,r iVoit YOU. CO.MH WITH TUB EXPECTATION OK GETTING AT LEAST DOU S" MONK'S WORTH.' ., , These Prices Are for Saturday, Monday and Tuesday Only , best spool cotton now ,eDt just received. larg0 .lie. best oil : formerly 10. En thry mat " foX'vintr Coats a K rest ot material; ,, $5 and C Sizes year.. Will bo M) OQ bile they last ntipiUd aMe oil cloth, now lot KtheJ. Formerly 4 yl ,,. 25c. Now, yd. ItU Ono lot Ladles' Tan Raincoats, rormerly $.00. rtn fJP While thoy last )Zi,U Ono lot Ladles' Halncoats. Formerly $8 to $10. ffii nn Whllo thoy last . ...JPtiDu Dlankot Robes, 58x70 Inches. Bultablo for cduch coverB or bath robes, variety of colors. Values to $2.50. M 1 E Now P 1 1 1 0 Ono lot Hoys' Suspondors. Formerly 20c. n Now JO Children's plcturo chlefB, fast colorB. Each handkor- ....lib Ladles' White- Waists, beauti fully embroidered In colors! tho $1.50 and $2.00 kinds at tho unheard of 10 prlco rOC Ladles' Colored Waists of por catcs, ginghams and sateens; variety of colors and patterns. Formerly 75c and 8Cc. Now 29c THE FAIR G BLOCK, Next to Chandler Hotel. CENTRAL AVENUE. SATISFACTION ALWAYS OR MONEY REFUNDED. tiiiv YOUR (v & A 1'ItlXCKSSB cousins -AT L JENNINGS Itii hkn. I tates for ling Trunks trunka botwoon any MhflMd for tho follow- UiiTcrr to ho mado It Hei ot bulldlogK I ,'M no ii "" tht and Storage Co. ElltUncr, Prop. llfl-J' OL: 98-R. vt dinners locatlou. we aro et- pred to cater to family tlir mesli or ihort or- Ids; and night. HAXT'8 CAFK. Commercial Mfld M,Y OXK MACHINE SINGER. RKl'ltiaBNTATlVK J. R1TZ one 280.X. ND ALDER WOOD l-AT lc unnnvADn Front Street, loot 1804, RTON COAL .00 PER TON ne 165-X AS. LAPP 1'S LATEST ittcr; jt continual H will not harm. ..oonnoDB AT UHXALS. PS NO ACID. IU charge whllo tin n !. iaC nVB YEARS 'WirlngCo. ot Coos Ray. SflNGS, '&f.CklD68 n th0 ,wia ., p Shoe Store. -iTawav. Nutation nn Is $2.00 L!?:VAu w. io p."'" .. JiiTrops. SjATORiuivr W Maim-, . Kcimmr 'SOW1 ,rwI,.Ro,pa'f Hie. ' n l wn,t. C' O. nAGGRTT 1'Iln.m nwA . ..v. ou..y NoOFPIVcn NOW pOBTHELL ne3l7i. Get Our Prices 30-40 Fancy Italian Prunes boforo buying olsowhoro. Wo bought thorn when tho price was right and so aro giving our customers tho benefit or our deal. ISO North Broadway. Phono 394-J. Coos Bay Tea Coffee and Spice House CAPE A It AGO COFFEE $1.00 PER TON OFF TARIFF REDUCED FREIGHT HATES SAN FRANCISCO TO COOH RAY S. S. HARDY HAILS FROM HAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS RAY FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, AT 1:00 P. M. Him Frnnclhco office, Harrison St. Rock, Pier 10. Went Coiwt H. S. Line. E. J. LINDEN. Ant., l'liono Doug. 2070. WILLAMHTTE-PACTFIO .MOTOR feBRYICB. Cnr leaves Central avenuo, Marshfleld, ovory thirty minutes, be ginning at 6:30 a. rn., to 9:30 p. m. Leaves North Bond ovory thirty minutes beginning 6:45 a. in. to 9:45 p. ru. Fares: Ons way, lGc; Round trip, 2Cc. S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR PORTLAND SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, AT 1 P. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50. Connection with (lie North Rank Rood nt Portland. North Pacific Steamship Company. Phono 44. C. F. M'GEORGE, Agent. S. S. REDONDO SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, AT 3:00 P. M. Han Francisco office, 80S Fife Bldg., or Lombard St. Piers No. 27. Iuter-Oceunlc Transportation Co., C. F. McGcorge, Agt., Phone 44. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD: SAILS FRO.M PORTLAND: HAT., JAN. 8, 1 p. m. TUESDAY, JAN. O, 8 p. in. SAT., JAN. 10, 7.89 n. in. TitrmiAV UN ii H n m SAT., JAN. 17, 12.80 p. in. TU1,SDA, JAN 1.1, 8 p. in. SAT., JAN. 24, 7.80 a. ,,,. , TUESDAY, JAN. 20, 8 p. in. SAT., JAN. 31, 10.00 . til. TUESDAY', JAN. 27, 8 p. in. Tickets on sale to all Ea&tern points and Information as to routes and rates cheerfully furnished. Phone Main Sfl-L. H. J. M01IR, Agent Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. nENRY SENG8TAOKEN, Manager FARM, COAL, TIMnER AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS EASTSIDE MARStlFIELD OFFICE, PHONE M-J. COQUILLE CITY OFFICE PHONE 101. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, HASH AND DOOltS. ROOFING PAPER, ETC, OUT THB FUEL BILL IN TWO BY USING OUR WOOD. PHONK 10. 18 SOUTH BROADWAY BOMB l'lONKntl fc'KWS (Prom tho Coofl Day News, pub lished at Marshfleld, Jail. 2G, 1881. --Slglln & Bennett, publishers. No malls glnco tho flood. Tho well on IMiio street has been filled up, by order of tho Town ttonrd. Tho damage throughout tho stato by tho flood is immense; but ns wo get no mail, wo cannot pnrtlcularlzc. Died, nt Marshfleld, on the 22nd day of January, 1881, Clara Ethel, only child of S. S. mid Jennie Ilnlloy. Clara was born In Marshfleld, Do cembor 20, 1875. Thero ore lodges of tho following Bccret societies in Mnrshfluld: Ma sons, Odd Fellows, Improved Order of Red Men, KulghtB of I'ythlns and Good Templars. Mr. Darrctt reports tho wntor on the Sluslaw very high, coming tip Into n number of Iioubcs. Ono dny ns tho mall carrier was crossing Ulg Ton Mile, tho current proved too strong, and ho and his horso washed out Into tho breakers, whoro thoy got separated, both striking for shoro, and making It on opposite sides of tho creek, minus tho mall sack of course. . Wo aro pleased to learn that tho damngo dono to tho Cociutllo coun try by tho high wntcr Is not as gront lis herotoforo reported, al though tho losses arc great and fall upon many persons who can 111 af ford thorn, Ono man told us that ovorythlng but tho mortgage was washed off his farm. Died, at MarBhflcld, January 2.1, 1881, of lung fovor, Emma Anno Lawo, wlfo of R. Thompson Lowo, aged 78 years. MrB. Lowe, or as sho was usually called "Aunt Emma," was born at Darthmouth, Novn Sco tia, in tho year 1802, nnd was mnr rled to R. Thompson Lowo In 1848 nt Now Orleans City, Louisiana, and moved to this county, settling at tho mouth of tho Coqulllo rlvor in 1852, Sho was tho first whlto woman to sottio In that locality, and was com- 1 polled to lenvn hor homo with her husband for tlio Tort nt Port or ford twlco In tho spring of '62 on account of tho hostility of the In- dlans. Sho hnd lived in Mnrshfleld for sovon years. Raiidon Items. Groat changes at tho mouth of tho Coqulllo within tho Inst ton days; tho river Is now within two hun dred yards of tho old channel on tho eastern or Inside and within a quarter of a mllo on tho westoru, or outside. When tho tug wont out Thursday, January 20, thero was 12 foot of water In tho now channel, and tho place whoro thoy sailed through has neon lined up since 18G2. A largo warehouse Is nbout being erected nt Handon by Joins- Lewis, for tho accommodation or tne pco plo living on tho coast. Tho upper nortlon will bo mainly for grain nnd wool and tho basoment for barreled beef, buttor, etc. Tho Marv llutno is expected hero about tho first of next month. There nro two cargoes of fish, beof, hides, etc., horo now nwaltlng hor nrrlvnl. Tho rainfall on tho 11th of this month woh 5.39 Inches. Wo doubt If this has been equalled hero since 18C2. PORTERS BUY SIM LOBS Try this tefct in a "Wear-Ever" Aluminum Utensil hbhBSppmswkjp' Jfo a calt oftkocolatt In a "IVor.rH taactpan without grating. Without adding uatir mtlt out a hit Utt, iritAoul itirrinf. Cnocolali will not turn. BECAUSB aluminum hetti quloker and retalat heal longer than other material of which cooking utenilU are made, you can lave at least five mlnutei in cooking each meal. 90 boura oif your year't fuel bill. "WEAR.EVER" Aluminum Cooking UtenilU lave food too, and cxpeme for replacing utemilt worn out or burnt out. Thty at practically inititractiblt, "WEAR-EVER" ware, cannot ruit, ! unaffected by burning, it atrong, light to handle and most durable. With aluminum there is no danger oi poisonous compounds forming with acid fruits or foods. Rfnincf utensils that wear oof with utensils that "Wtar-Ever." Let u supply you with the one-quart sauce pan advertised in tho women's publication and show you other utensils bearing thai "Wear-Ever" trademark. 4'woul-tvn:, T.A.C.U.Ca OTBADCUASt 18 When you WmM Buy the tesyMfi saWsa1 fSlls Kr TIDEWATER MILL COMPANY COMPANY PURCHASES SjtttlO, OOO WORTH FROM WENDLING COMPANY. Tho TIdo Water Mill company, of Floronco, recently purchased an enor mous nmotint of logs from Wendllng JolniBon company, tho purchnso prlco amounting In tho neighborhood of $100,000. Theso logs nro now In holding booms on the Sluslaw and will be convenient for sawing when tho mill starts up. Tuesday tho mill company closed a lcaso with Jacob Schrouders and wife for tho lodging houso property Just north of the mill. Tho company will tnko charge of It on tho first of March. Tho old bam, which has stood on tho rear end of tho Funko lot recently bought by tho company has been torn down. Tho old house Is being moved by D. W. Rcesmnn to Mr. Funko's lots nt tho corner of Front and Lin coln streets. Tho lots bought front Just bnck of tho Lano County State and Savings bank aro nearly levelled. A Torco of millwrights Is making repairs and getting ready for tho In stallation of new machinery. Flor ence Pilot. AT THE , TTELS 8 5f- w ..... . nt. -. -. -1. . J ,i no i iiuimier iimoi. F. I). Lnyton, Eureka; Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Scott, Portland; C. M. Eborharr, Portland; II, A. Drook, Portland; W. II. Rrovorth, Portlnnd; II. Ilustorud, Portland; A. It. Russell, Portlnnd; W. K. Wllklns, Portlnnd; E. M. Ros enthal. Portland; V. U. Monroe, Port land; Wnlt Holms, Heaver Hill; C. II. Coy. Portland, F. J. Fecnoy, nandon; S. M. Mosk, Coqulllo. Tho Rliinro Hntel. O. W. Morris, Myrtlo Point; F. C. Stanton, Minnesota; John Stowart, Portland; Mrs. Walt Anderson, Gnr dlncr; II. McGnw, San Francisco. Tho Lloyd Hotel. Mr. nnd Mrs. James Wilson, Hills horo; J. Clark, Myrtlo Point; W. F. McDanlol, Los Angoles; V. P. Snn ford, Leo. PARIS STYLES HOLDER YET. Brick Red Ilnlr, Given Contw nnd Cnilo-omv SklrtH Proper Mwle. NEW YORK. .Inn. .10. Brick red hnlr, to ho worn profornbly with green coats and corkscrew sklrlH, Is what tho ladles of Paris aro wearing, ac cording to Charles C. Kurzman, a man milliner who has been nbroad stylo-hunting. Ho arrived homo on tho Lusltnula. Tho corkBcrow skirt can only ho donned by tho fair wonror of tho gar ment whirling round and round llko a music mnd Dervish. Onco safo In sldo It, sho drnpos n few yards of loco around It corkscrew stylo, nnd thoro you aro. With tho brick red hnlr of tho women nnd tho sky bluo locks of tho moro nesthotlc of tho Parisian dan dles, Mr. Kurzmnn snld that fashion able Paris lookod llko a futurist plc turo of a railroad yard on n rnlny night. REAL ESTATE SCHEMES The Coqulllo Hornld says: "It Is ovldont that tho wild-cat real estate schemes which will glvo a black oyo to this snctlon with tho advent of tho railroad nro already begin ning to bob up. Wo nnto In the Portland Tologrnm a display ad vortlsomont of lots In "Coos Bay City" from $50 up nnd on terms of $n to $5 por month. Did nnyono In Coos County ovor hoar of "Coos Bay City?" Don't all spoalc nt onco." COOS VETERAN DEAD. Shadrnch Hudson Dies In Rosehurc; Soldier' Home. ROSEBUIta. Or.. Jan. HO. Shad rnch Hudson, for C5 years a resident of Oregon, n veteran of tho Indian wars of 1855 and 1850, died at tho Soldiers' Homo In this city, nged 82 years. Ho crossed tho plains to Ore gon when 14 yenrs old, and llvod al most' all his llfo In Douglas and Coos counties. Ho has lived at tho Sol diers' Homo slnco 1904. LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co. Abstract, thoroughly dependable. Im mediate Hervlco, prompt ntten tion to all Interests of our clients. Minimum cost. I. S. Kaufman (Sb Co. South Coos River Boats Tioga leaves Marshflold for head of rlvor at 8 a. m re turning in evening. Steamer Rainbow leaves head of rlvor at 7 a. m. and returning loaves Marshfleld at 2 p. m. ROGERS & SMITH. W ANDERSON MEETS WATSON PUGILIST WILL TRY Td "CUMti BACK" AT SAN FRANCISCO FEBRUARY 2()I 188 POUNDS THE .MINIMUM LIMIT. BUI) ANDERSON SUED. OREGON CITY, Jan. 30. Al leging that tho pugilist alienat ed tho affections of his wife, Guy II. Pace, a harbor, brought suit against Bud Anderson for $5000. In August, 1913, Pnco Bccurcd a dlvorco on tho samo nl legntlonB now mndo In this nllon atlon suit. PORTLAND, Jan. 30. Bud An derson received a wire from his mana ger, Dick Donnld, Informing him that tho inntch with Frank Barrlcau had been cancelled nnd ono with Red Wnt Bon hnd been substituted, Anderson was to havo mot Barrlcau In n in-round bout on n pcrcontago basis on February 17. Bud hnd a match with Watson for February 20 at San Frnuclsco. Consequently Bud was at a loss to know whoro ho wnB to appear, as It uns Imposslblo to kcop both engage ments. Evidently Donnld considered that thoro was moro money in thto San Frnuclsco match with Wfttson, which will ho for 20 rounds and will mark Anderson's first npponranco in tho Bay City. Tho men will meet nt 138 pounds, which will bo tho low cat weight Antlorson will try to mnko In tho future. Word wnB sent tho Vancouver promoters declaring tho bout off. News of Nearby Towns CULLINGS OF COQUILLE. Coos County Sent Ncwh nn Told by Tho Herald. Mrs. W. II. Schroodor Is still bo vorcly 111 nnd suffering greatly. It cannot bo said that sho Is Improving. Mrs. Wm. Vnughnn nnd Miss Evolyn Vineyard, of North Bond, visited friends In this city for a short tlmo Saturday. From all accounts tho Into fresh et has mado n good clonn-up of all logs abovo tide-water on nil forks of tho rlvor. Thoso from tho south fork havo been coming out nnd down tho rlvor, to bo boomed far ther down, whllo tho north fork lot Is bolng hold, to bo rolcnscd later. Tho local pollco officers woro on tho hunt Inst Saturday night for a girl who hnd loft hor homo on tho North Fork without tho consent of her pnronts. Thoy wcro nccompnn lod by tho girl's father, and bIio wn finnlly located at ono of tho plcturo shows. Tho young lady Is Just olghtcon yenrs of ago, and her caso will como beforo tho Juvonllo court lntor. Jason F. Miller, of Rlvorton, was In town Thursday. Aftor nbout flvo years' resldonco on tho rlvor, Mr. M tier Is preparing to go to Tormina County, Cnllfornln, whoro ho will try forming In thnt vicinity. COUNTY EXAMINATIONS Results of Eighth Grade Ti'Htn nrc Announced. Tho county eighth grndo examin ing bonrd finished oxnmlnlng tho pnpors for tho January oxnmlnatlon Inst Friday ovonlng. In addition to tho regular eighth gradors, all sixth grado puplla had heon por mlttod to wrlto on physiology whllo tho seventh grndo pupils had trlod tholr hand nt geography. This mado an extra hoavy group of papers for tho oxamlnors to hnndlo. Each of tho towns of tho county had a largo class of applicants for dlplomno with tho oxcoptlon of Marshflold. North Bond hnd twolvo puplla in tho oxnmlnntion nnd all passed without condition; nlnoteon wroto nt Myrtlo Point nnd thirteen passed. Handon hnd olghteon applicants and two passod; Coqulllo, ton appllcanta and oight passed. Tho succosBful pupils from tho lo cal school woro Pearl WHIord, Vlo lot Painter, Stanley Emery, Curry, Pearl Long, Zolmn StrnnB, Jnck Leach .and Edna. Roblson. All of theso pupils are planning to onroll In high bcIiooI nt onco. In addition to tho regular eighth gradors, Coqulllo had fifty-eight pu pils who wroto on ono or two Bub JectB. Each of thoso pupils passed In tho subjects tnkon. Coqulllo Herald. . ' BASKETBALL SCORES. Tho Coqulllo High School basket ball team mado a trip to Myrtlo Point last Friday night and defeated tho High School tonm thoro by a score of 25 to 19. At Norway Saturday evening th Rlvorton High School boys took tho Norway Athlotlc Club boys down to dofent on their own floor by a scoto of 18 to 7, In n fast rough game. This makes three consocutlvo wlno for tho Rlvorton High boys, ns thoy had won from Bandon, 24 to 10, at Handon, nnd had beaten Norway 14 to 19 on tho homo floor. Coqulllo Hornld. CLUB BARS LIQUOR. Kokeel OrganlntHm Will Not Toler. nto Drink. A largo and enthusiastic meeting of tho Ko Keel Klub was hold Mon day ovonlng at tho club rooms. Tho by-law banishing intoxicating liquors In ovory shape and form from tho club rooms was unanimously ad opted. Thoro was not a single dis senting vote Thoro woro a number of now ap plications for momborshlp. Those who hnd boon posted a sufficient length of tlmo and who woro voted on and elected woro John W. Miller, Harry Oerdlng, Perry Lawronco and Walter Oordlng. Coqulllo Herald, i 9 3 1 i L Rr