UK THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1914 EVENING EDITION. ..MWMWWIIMWWMW"iww'ww'lMW'WWWWMMiBiWBMBMMWiWiiM,wllw,M,,,MMMMMwawBlMMWMMMWMMlMWM rm ' " '" ' i" 1 k1&M .1ANTAHY TIHKS Take a peep at 'our beautiful 4S&2 furniture. MITTi II &rrii. 'i hajif I" ht: tv .VAI Ho ling ordered his stock and expects to open an office within ton days, handling new and second linnd mach ines and nil kinds of supplies. SOCIAL CALENDAR. X Mr. & Mrs. Home Folks :- You know how much better you feel and look when you have on nice new clothes out and out. Don't you think you ought to fit up YOUR HOME occasionally with new, modern furniture? You and your children and your friends will enjoy the change. We carry the newest designs, the most elegant SUBSTANTIAL line of furniture known. Come in and furnish your home from our store. We Give you also the benefit of REASONABKE PRICES. GOING & HARVEY CO. Beautiful -and artistic effects in Dining Room Buffets Tables and Chairs Many styles to select from and to match any furnishings you may have. Also wide range of prices insuring satisfaction in every respect mow Ib gfen tr.o tlmo and Uiuiit of High and low water at Mi miiflHlil. The tides aro placed u tho order of uifumMico, with their times on tlm Hist line and heights on tho second lino tf each day; a conipnr hoii on consecutive ho'.ghts will Inltinto wiiether It Is high or low wntii. i'or high wnter on tho bar fliilixtrnct 2 hours 3-1 uilnutus. L'n Mrs. . LIS 10.27 4.1! I 10.12 Ft. . . r..:i l." r.: o.:i ;10 Mrs. . 5.1 0 11.01 5. 0 11.00 Ft.. . r..i i.o r..2 o.s :n i irs. . r,.4i G.-I3 n. no rt. . . r.,5 l.r. 1.7 1.1 I LOCAL TEMPERATURE I RECORD I Tor tho 21 hours oiidliiK nt. 1:43 n. m.. January 20, by UenJ. I Ostllnd, special government tne- tcoroloRlBt: I Maximum 1C I Minimum 30 At 4:43 a. m 38 Precipitation 05 I Precipitation since Sept. 1 1913 41.S1 i Precipitation samo period I last yenr 42.70 Wind: south; cloudy. Students nt Leisure. Owing to a mishap in tho heating svBtoin nt tho North Hond High School studies linio been dlsnonscd with until flinh time as repairs aro made. This i j win arroru mo mounters oi mu classes Intone examinations nil op portunity to brush up. uoiays aro dangerous, but this Is one that came nt tho right moment. Home Damaged. Harry O. Hutler, now engineer on the Smith-Powers road beyond Myrtle Point, and his wife, had a narrow eacnpo In tho storm Sunday. They became alarmed at tho violence of tho wind und wont outside their tent house to soo wlwtt was happening. While they were out n big tree fell across tho tent-houso. crushing It and all Its contents to the ground. THURSDAY. Young Matrons' Club with Mrs. Mrs. 11. L. Coleinnn. Norwegian Lutheran Young Ladles' Aid with Miss Mnbol Mathlson. Cnrd Club with Mr and Mrs. T. W. Hlldenbrnnd. A. N. W. with Mrs. W. P. Mur phy. Mlnnle-Wls Club with Mrs. A. 55. Wowns. FRIDAY. I.ndleB' Art Club with Mrs. Chas. LaCiiapolle. Norwegian Lutheran Young People's Society. Exrelslor Club with Albert Powers. Skonnsn Club with Mrs. Mllo Sumner. .Tolly Sixteen with Mr. anil Mrs. Fred Kruso. ! i no u.. i SPAMS To Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Spade, at tholr homo at Sumner, a daughter. Hovm' Class Party. Tho boys' class of tho Methodist .lunlor Lenguo will be entertained Frltlny ovonlng from 7 to I): 30 by Mnster Donald Allen. Primary Class. Tho Primary clnsH of tho Methodist .lunlor Longuo will spend Saturday afternoon from 2 to 4:30 with Irono Woodworth. I)i- Hedge lTliiies. Dr. Hodgo delivered an InteroBtlng lecture nt Eekhoff Hall, North Ilend. last ovon lng. A band concert wns nlso given by tho North Henil Concert Hand nnd a largo crowd was present. Pinnvors limit. Frod Lnmon yes Xenrlv Seventy. Col. U. II. Uosa or Ilniidon. who returned homo todny after a pleasant visit with his ninny friends on the Hay. staled yesterday v that he was nearly seventy years old and wns growing younger HiBtend of ft , l ... . ,. ..!. I. .... Itrt I oioei'i oecuuso lie ieii uum-i mmi nu .,... .... t . .1.1. ... 1.- ...Ill ....l..,(.t I'WIfc anil in yearn, i inn no win iuii" to grow young Is tho ardent wish of his ninny frlendB on tho Hay, both young mid old. GOING (ft HARVEY CO. Tho Store That Sells for Less House Furnishing Engineers lliiskeilinll (Sunn. Tho Myrllo Point basketball team arrived on tho noon train todny. They nro schedul ed to meet tho North Pond team this evening nnd an Interesting gnmo Ib promised. Tho mombera of tho tho Myrtle Point team aro Harry Dement, Dave Rnrkloff, Hoy Spires, Alllo Hnrt lett. Paul Hrewer, Harry Miller, Le land Hncklerf nnd Allison Huberts. Thoy nro In chargo of Manager A. T. Sparks. Another Hcxruer. M. II. Mulloy Btnlod today that ono of his drlvors was tho man who rescued tho llttlo daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Har rows from tho mud fill In South Mnrshflold tho other dny. Tho driver was rotlcont nbout tlio font nnd did not wnnt his namo used. It might have been that tiro latter roscued anothor child or thoro Is some sort of n mlxiip. ub Harry Welch and Les lie Hlnnchnrd nro credited with hav ing saved tho Hurrows child. Hunker Returns. Among the col obretles nrrlvlng on tin good ship Hronlcwator today wiib Herbert Hub torud. returning from an oxtondod trip oast. Including n visit to hla 11 H WANT ADS. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY H ISN'T Two-roomed, simply furnished housekeeping buRo, $10. Phono 1493, North Uond. WANTED Voiing limn desires to rent one or two unfurnished rooms. lSnintlro Times. WANTED Nursing confinement cn' 08 speclulty. Write P. O. C4G, Mnrshllcld. FOR HISN'T Furnished front room, 1081) Centrnl nvonue, comer 11th. WAN'TISI) Special bookkeeping. Can dovoto any requisite tlmo to work. Host of Jocnl references. Hookkeopcr, enro Times. FOR HISN'T Nine room modem houso nt North Ilend, In center oC town. Apply J. It. Robertson, Pioneer Mock. WANTED terdav recovered tho second of "lis homo nt Crnokston. Mlnnesotn. "It i lnunchoB tbnt was wrested from Its nice to go East," said Mr. HiiBterud :.. ."'... .... . ... .i. a.....inv it toi nv. "lint Ch n rer to roturn west ,.. i.,,..i f.. ...itnn mi WoniiiPiV iii-1 1 did not know what a warm spot int. wimrn tlm ivimi nml lido hnil enr- Coos Hiiy In Id lu my bosom until tin i it nmi win not damnued. "tr my leaving, which was In hep- tied It. nmi wiib not HnmiiM.ii. tombor of Inst year. Tho outsldo four badge. Tho badge waa picked ProspectB nore. MMI W 1 BI1MW1 IM1 I , II niiunTOB'ara " lour inn i kl'. i iiu imhih" "" ......-. . up by Hill Smith, who brought It to l ... , r -i'nir.iPPos of tho old Tho TlmoB, nnd a alnglo Insertion of, .,,""" h ';1I "V !", 'Sthrou- tho air at great speed this morning tho nd found tho owner. Di'lnlc Too .Mui'li. .Inn Hnwinnn, WAN'TCH ttnoil farni team. Geo. L. Hurton, South Cooa Illvor. i i . - ii i- i i i ii -ii a n -. WAN'TISI) Hy young mini of A-t record and thorough busluoaa training, position as mnnagor or assistant lu general store, small town or country, with view to partnership If satisfactory. Worth Investigating. Wrlto 11., Cooa Hay Times. WAN'TISI) IJy lady employed diirlnp tho day, comfortnblo room with lunch nnd dinner In prlvnto fam ily, or rooms for light hoiiBokoon Ing; must bo cIoho In. Tho Parisian. In tho direction of tho sun when n forco of mon olovnted snvornl portions i tlmt-lui "Hi .gsssfev Glasses Ground to order Weak cyca nerfectlv fitted by t-io latest and licst methods known to I science. Should you wnnt hotter oyo E eight or need good glasses properly iiiiea, try my Bpeclal (irnuiul Com llMtlon Klnsnes. Young or old, with tMi special Klaus can rend fine print, w cioso work or suo nt n dlstanco, ill In ono lens. A glass of beauty and a Joy forevor. ISvery pair fitted vj me is warranted to bo perfect and luiranieeu to glvo satisfaction. our patronago solicited. OR. W. B. RICHARDSON Optometrist from SMiknm. Office, Front and Mnrkot Stroot, Mars'-field. Oregon. Rcxail Olive Oil Emulsion WITH- Send Jour Laundry to Us ByParcel Post N ITJINISH A HAO AND WILL wv tiii: postaois on its Itr.TLUN. "oos Bay Steam Laundry Phone 57-J MarshfiRlrl Hypophosphites A plonBant taBtlng food ton ic combining tho tonic proper ties of tho hypophosphites of tho finest quality of ollvo oil. Well adapted for administer ing to persons suffering from vastlng dlBordors, pulmonary affections, coughs, colds and during convnlosconco. Try It. Wo gunratitoo It. Tlio ItcMill Storo LockharfcParsons Drug Co. Till Phono nrsv conxisu li!)H White and Gold A new lot of the ever popular White and Gold Table Ware just in Service and Beauty 53-piece set, $5.40. ALWAYS SOMI7rilINO XISW PeoplesEi Stores Mnrslifielil llaiidon Slyitlo Point mmmmammmmmmmmmm ...! ....n j.h.I .. fnH niiunnrllii ftl nrresuii jemunuij iw. ,., ,,, v.... .,,... . . ... . t ni nr v'Vnrnonter'ar'rosted m, lm nnnillo. lIundrodB of BtlckH of A?': t-? v v tlio onpIobIvo wero planted beneath fi., tr n V i, iiri nit no walor t" 'l wreck, but sho was mint in th Is .lorn ..i l.v I Sor lor II uU when boats wore put together chargo this morning u Iteconier nm- gtnyj nm, wh0 H,10 W8 looHono, riiiilriirloi'H Leave. S. Henson. mi cniisldernblv and twisted around lu lior grnvo, sho wnB still strongly; enouu n leiiieii 10 iioiy uio ihouku Thomns Dixon, IS. V. Ilnusor and unless more dynnmlto Is used nt tno HOAIM) AND HOOM At 151 Com mercial nvonue. FOR SALE l'OU HA LIS OH THADIS Hull itoga and bull pups, for bees, chickens or seed potatoes. C. K. Shaw'8 res idence, North Houd. l-'OIt HAMS Kino lots HO by 1!18 foot In Hayvlow Addition for J2T.0 each. I. S. Kaufman & Co. Orpheum Tonight. Ij30 CRUSOE Threo-reol feature tolling tho old story of est ,.? Cni80 nd h's companion Friday. This Ib of great Inter s' to the children. bVtiiJG,RLS WILL DO Glen White appears as tho only man at a mng resort and whnt tho ,rl8 ,, to hln la tolll , ti,is comedy. "mroay nlirht ...m i, ... . in -i ..,i inni. nlinw n'lAP'Min-AlRlsourblB fonturo for Tuesday and Wednesday next week ADMISSION', TEX CENTS. ADMISSION, TEN CENTS. Who Says "Nothing Stirring? '? 15 uu omi l,0,s B0l(l In Cooston this month, not counting tho eral tnn,. ? by Jonos ' Hoseburg last week, and thoro are Bev a3 rnm3"8t "8 ,a,'B0 doal8 ow under negotiation. Thoro Is nl- VDPnn'r'.10. iuv08t I" ft,y fntr sriuaro, morltorlous proposition. ,viop- i-:1 vous uay "my al'ow this opportunity to pass u imy Wr are simply telllug you about It. COOS BAY REALTY CO., Inc. MELG DIW'CAN. Phone 264-J. E. D. JONES fB ITt nds f Job Printing Done at The Times Office Every Home Should. Have a Bender Vacuum Sweeper "Why Pay More?" J0HNS0N-GUL0VSEN COMPANY Ml'IUMlV'fi DAXCIXO ACADISMV (WIXTISIt T1SKM) Thoso deslroiiB of learning tho Wnltz, Two-step or other dancos, call at Odd Follow's Hall, this week, Tuesday or Thursday, aftor noon or evening, or telephone 295-L. Karl H. Murphy, Instructor. J. IS. Nolson, tho railroad contrac tors who hnvo bon in tno city lor Bovernl ilnyn, loft yesterday by way of (lardlnor for lSugono. Thoy will go over tho routo of tho Wlllamotto Pacific and liiBpoct condltlona fol lowing tho heavy rains and storms. Work Pi-ogiC'hlng. Tho remodel ling nnd enlarging of tho EaBtsldo mill Is progressing lu good shnpo nnd , thev nro hopoful of hnvlng It com pleted nnd rondy for operations enrly In March. Tho now bollora. which will furnish 1700 horsopowor for It, arrived on tho last Uodomlo and nro roady to bo Instnlled. Immlon Hture Sold. According to a report reaching hero today tho largo mnrrnntlln ImslllOKB of It. II. Hosn & Compnny nt Hnndon hns boon puroh nsod by Mr. Dickey, n recent arrival from Now York. Tho Rosa company hns boon conductod by Sandy Thrift nnd Hnrry Plorco and Is ono of ti'o Inrgost morcnntllo eBtnbllHhnionta In tho county. l'nvor HliiiiiMiu. Paul Dlmmlrk, the North LV.i'' 1 iinbenuan, was here todnv on buslneas. He ald that ho had Just roc Ivoil word from a San Francisco frlond who Bald that ho would contrlbuto $1100 townrds tho campaign fund of L. J. Simpson If tho lnttor would bo a candldnto for Congross. i I Not Decided. L. J. Simpson, of North Hond, wns In Mirshflold to day. Ho has not fully dccldod iwlirtlmr or not ho will lio n ean- '... . rt .!.! .... nl. (luiaio lor uoiiKie mi" vni, i though many nro urging him to do so. Cnpt. Macgonn promised him tho support of tho Progressives. To Tiiko Degico. II. L. Coleinnn, son-in-law of A. J. Savago. will bo Initiated at a mooting of Hlanco Lodgo this ovonlng. Mr. Coleman Is rnpldly recovering from his recont Injuries and will leavo on tho next Itedondo for Callfomln. whoro ho i f will spend a month or bo. Mrs. Uoiemnn and son win ruinum m Mnrshflold. next low tldo. Damages Wnter.Mnlii. Whllo driv ing piling on tho Noble lot on Fourtb street, near Central. ycBtorday after noon, Chnrlcs Noble sank a piling through tho Coob Hny Water com pnny'H big mnln wlilch supplies most of South Mnrshllold. Thto mnln wiib on tho property lino. Mr. Noble had boon driving piling for tho Mill Slough drain box but swung over to work on tho lot when tho tldo would pormlt him to work on tho latter and tho nccldont occurred whllo ho was doing tho prlvnto work. AMOXfl THIS SICK. .las. Ludwlg of Hunkor III1I. who wiib sevoroly Injured In an accident In tho c. A. Smith lath mill tho othor day. Ib roported Improving nt Marry Hospital, although his condition in still critical. C P. Keating, who has boon sick for tho Inst ten dnys, Is much Im proved ami will soon be able to bo up and a round. J. T. Hnrrlgau, w'o has boon 111 nt his home In Wost Marshllold, Ib to ported Improving. Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have ALWAYS I'SISI). Phone 7'-'. Pnclflc T ivorv nnd Trinito- foinr.nnv UMBRELLAS REPAIRED AND COVERED MARSHFIELD CYCLERY PHONE 158-R. Homo Is Huiiu'il. During tho storm fast Sunday night, tho rosl Xlonce of .1. C. Shlolds. of Handon. wns burned to tho ground. Thoro was $1800 insuraneo on tho struc ture and tho los sustained wns $2, r.uu. Ivy growing alongside the chim ney waB blown over tho sparks from the latter by the wind, starting the blazo on tho roof. TyKviIter Agency C. R. Stockln. who has been mnklng t1is territory for tho Underwood typewriter for tho last few years, has drrjlel to n. tlm llov nnil is nrranL'Inir to U..I.V Wt V..- ..J .." - - -- t - open a tjpewrlter supply house hero J WANTED: A wife to tell her husljanu that he looks best when wearinfl a fixup $3.00 Hat The classiest and best on the market The Fixup Dependable Clothes. TWO STORKS Mni'hlilleld Xortli lleiiil Phono lM:Mi. I'OH HALK I (IO iici-cn of good tint bor, t'iO per aero. O. O. Mather, Langlols, Oregon, FOR HA LIS .Vioom bungalow anil 2 choice lots on South Firm m. Hnlf cash, good terms on balance See J. C. Doano. FOR RENT I'OH ltlSXT Furnished housekcotx lug rooms. 1021 Elrod. I'OH HISN'T 7-room Itouno wllb bath, In good order, Central nvo nue and Tonth. Apply McPhor 8on, Oliisor Co., Phono 211-L. l'OIt ItlSXT Sleeping looms, reas onable by tho week. 229 South, nrondwny. I'OH HISN'T Furnished rooms, moo orn. 373 South Sixth street. Phono 295-L. FOR HISN'T'go liouso on HouUi 11th Btroot. Phono 119-L., or ser A. II Campbell. FOUND FOl'XD Lady's leather N)cketlook. Can bo had by doscrlblng proporty and paying for this nd at Times offlco. LOST LOST Silver bundled umbrella, nonr Dr. Hnrtlo'H garago In North Hond, Monday. Llbornl roward for roturn to Mrs. Hartlo. Comfortable Trusses The biggest and best solocted stock of Trussos, Elastic Hoslory, Abdominal Holts nnd Shoulder Ilraces In Coos County, Is always to bo found nt "Tho Storo for Quality Goods and Ponslar Hom ed! s." S1S KXT33d5EHIS Havo you. Job printing done nt Tho Tlmeo office. In Tho Tlmoa. i fill liYI "'liTiTJ jilil ,j