THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1914 EVENING EDITION Make Your Dollars Count at Our fr t inu T""" JS2.A. "$ As Cot. IAfOll CClJiw'C' Men's Suits $12.50 Suits. Sale Price $ 8.85 $15.00 Suits. Sale Price $10.65 $20.00 Suits, Sale Price ....$14.15 $25.00 Suits. Sale Price $17.55 $27.50 Suits. Sale Price $19.25 $30.00 Suits. Sale Price $21.15 $35.00 Suits. Sale Price ....$23.65 Men s Overcoats $13.50 Overcoats. Sale Price $ 8.35 $16.00 Overcoats, Sale Price $11.20 $18.00 Overcoats. Sale Price $12.55 $20.00 Overcoats. Sale Price $14.15 $22,50 Overcoats, Sale Price $15.75 $25,00 Overcoats, Sale Price $17.55 $30.00 Overcoats, Sale Price $21.15 Men's Raincoats $ 8,50 Raincoats, Sale Price $ 6.80 $12,85 Raincoats, Sale Price $ 9.95 $15,00 Raincoats, Sale Price $10.65 $18,00 Raincoats, Sale Price $14.40 $20,00 Real Gabardines, Now $14.95 $25,00 Real Gabardines, Now $19.85 $14.85 Tan Cravenettes, Now $ 7.45 Boys' Suit or Overcoat $ 4.00 Boys' Suit or Overcoat $27n $ 4.50 Boys' Suit or Overcoat "K $ 5.00 Boys' Suit or Overcoat' $3 $ 6.00 Boys' Suit or Overcoat" S3 9 $ 7.00 Boys' Suit or Overcoat. $470 $ 8.00 Boys' Suit or Overcoat. "$535 $13.50 Boys' Suit or Overcoat $9 HUB CLOTHING AND SHOE CO. MYRTLE POINT. MARSHFIELD BANDON beesezeehhh vjzxxzsmsz AT 5 MD FLIES EOT FISH II WORST IEHCE PLAGE OF 1ST I I Dr. Hodneof Oregon Univer-lPortlanders Buy Substitute at Two and Three Cents Per Pound Egcjs Lower PORTLAND, Or.. .Inn. 28. Tlio Telegram nays: Tho heavy run of sity Delivers Interesting Address Here "Wo nro cduentlng generations of young iihii nnil women who can t enteh ruts," doclnrod Dr. Ilodgo In Columbia Ulvor smelt enntitiiioH nnd his lecture nt tho M. K. Church hint buoiiir to Increase ilnl.y with tho rc jilKlit. pointing to tho fnct thnt whon Hull that tho flHh aro selling nt 2 San Francisco was threatened with nnil II cuntH n pounil. Strange ns It nn Infection of liultonlc plngue, tho nuty o in, Binolt are takliiK tliu placo health offlclnlH or tho California of meat, ami sales or the former inutropollH cnllod upon tho nuirliiu aro "tho routine of tho rotall mnr hcnlth officials for nsalstniiro In tho ket. Meat Is IiIkIi In price anil extermination or the rat. Dr. C. thin cheaper food choapor In price F. Hodge Ih of tho University Ex- only In of such oxc llcnt quality toiiBlon work In Oregon, inul fonno.l thnt tho cloiimiul for It I superior na n topic In hi lecture Inst night to thnt for almost anythlnjc eUo. tho fnct that the average American Kkks have gone down In prlco van i oven (nun n rai. rue iihihoii ami aro now selling at 10 cents for oi i iu American uisrognrii ror eaten- FISH FIIH THIS WIIIER TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleaning, repairing r new platens vtork gtumintccd. Kllihous nnil carbon paper delivered. Plioiio us your rider. IMiouo 1 1. Alliance office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. With Ocean Full of Varieties, Fishermen Catoh Only Salmon in Harbor "With schools of hallhut, large nail small, grubbing away for food at tho bottom of tho Pacific nil nlong the count of Oregon, and of.. or var ieties or fine IIhIi doing tho snuie thing, there Is a fish famine In Coos county nnil has been ever since the ocean looked rough last full. Sal mon everlnstlug salmon Ik tho on ly reptile from water seen In tho local mnrkets and the public Is High lug for a change of tinny diet, ac cording to ti.u proprietors of restaur ants. Crabs itud clams lire IibIiik doctored Into all kinds of dishes to combat fresh Oreunn rancli. Smut mtiires ..... i.i.i. ....... . .. ., lug rats might be that tho people In nro quo. InY as low ns : r. cuts. : oat, nw "l ec nrol nt vim lov ho United States nro not Interested which should bo the price with the 'r"aCracl od m to be Vol irl.oi ,h ii this occu.mtlon. either as a pns- wholesale quotations ut 2 ''"l ' Co 1 i i-d nn time or n. pleasure. ,,jKKH Iiro plentiful. ,i with stor.uto .V,"' ," !, i,",'0 .'" ." !"?.8Llo,.J " Dr. Ilo. go said that tho only way Mocks wiped out. there Is no ox- '"" "."'." ', '". ' ." ".,",,"'," o oxtoriulnuf the rat Is by a com- cuso for the presence In tho untried' " , '. ' " "'"V '", H ''t1. ''"n, .' ilnod orrort, stating that the public ,r othur than strictly sin- ?,h" "'Kh to go outsldo t..o har hould at all times be nlert to stamp iios bor and catch a fow. oven at great U blued miouiii at all times be alert to stamp piles. out tne rat. ns the rut is one of tho Mutter Is also down, with every worst dlseaso breeders In tho pros- Indication that It will drop still tur- on t ng". Mo Also pointed out thnt t,.,ip. Country cromrle nnd all tlio bubonic plague Is worse In other but two or three city creameries countries than In America. dropped their print limitation to ao The nppnllng deith rule of babies cents, which placed nil brands on In tho United Slates ench year was tlu retail nwrk I nt "u tents ror a discussed by Dr. Hodge. He dwelt two-pound brick. The exceptions upon tin- subject or dHlry Inspection r Htlll causing 7ft cents to be ."wk- niui hiiuiiiiuou. iiie common nouse- ., ror their product, but It -Is profit One of the principal reusous nd vnuced for the discretion on the part of tho fishermen Is that the bur Is rough, nnd another Is that their bouts are mere cockles tells and often . patched Hffalrs picked up on tt e mud ! - nuts. Ti.ere Isn't R sen-Holug fh hottt In the I'ttibor i.nd the is that Coos county Id being fed on a 81.01) PMIt TO.V OKI-' Wllll'l'' HEDUCED FKUICIIT KATES HAX FKANCISCO TO COOS DAY S. S. HARDY SAILS FROM SAX FKANCISCO FOR COOS HAY FRIDAY, JANUARY 'Jill, AT 1:00 P. M. San FrnncKeo office, llurrlnu St. Deck, Pier 1(1. West Coast S. S. Line. K. .1. LINDEN. Aut Phone Doiii;. !I70. wiiiiiAaiirniM'AciKic .motok t-ERMOB. Cnr leaves Central nvenuo, Mnrshflehl, every thirty minutes, be ginning nt C:30 n. in., to 9:30 p. in. I.envcB North Horn ovory thirty minutes beginning CMC n. in. to 0:IG pt m. Fines: Ono wny, lCc; Hound trip, 'JCc. s S ALLIANCE KQIIPPKI) WITH WIKKMISS. SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR PORTLAND SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, AT 1 P. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50. Connection with (he Xottli lliml: Komi nt Portland. North Pacific. Steamship Company. Phone 1 1. C. I M'OKOItfii:, Agent. ri- ii til.. in in nir tin i.M.iHi iiciir.iiK. Mrteil that Actual business Is be lrf """". " hhuiumi an uu wiuier, "A fly In u pitcher or milk menus done by at least one of the trio nt ''"I1"1' th fsct that hullbut nnd other n baby In the grave," said Dr. yn cents. NewX.alud highly ro.-- 'I"1h f fish niv to be hnd at almost Hodgo. "nnd this pest, tho fly. Is on.inonded Ui guaranteed. Is 7 om'-v (,,h"' m110 Ii-t on tl.o North responsible ror tho death or f.O.- ii Pnclflc const. uuu.uuu inrtinis nnnun ly Poultry prices nt retail follow. ii u ii'i-uiri. which i niieuiiHii springers, :tl) cents; lions. Sft cents: At Newport the cutch'nit of halibut is developing Into quite nn Industry boiiio time ugo. tli- sptmkur remiirk- ducks and turkeys. lift cents; geewj. t"e people or tlmt plnce believe od In talking of Amerlcnns as the r, cents. Thor. Is still somo cold that In a row years thero will he nioro filthiest people on tho earth." It stoAige sturr being orferod. which f the lnrgo htllbut bchoonera opornt- lind ut greatly was not pleasing ror me to listen enn im to hucIi u remark nt the time, hut prices, liner some siiiuy or iiutiiorny on tlio A fow vegetable prices nre: Alex HUbJect. w aro referred to the Tact ,. tommoos. U'O cents n pound; that tho Oeriunns aro five times niiirtnu-. v. in ... "n -... u n,ii,. ulonuor than wo." Ilruswds snrouts. i.l coiiIh n noiiuil: roducod lug out of Oiogon north than nro now operating nut or I'm got Sound and In Alaska waters. The hnllhut banks of Oregon, nc cordlug to government figures, have moio rui: than tho hiulliiit banks of .,, lli'MFirn. lllif.v III. lllin llll.Y nvi, 1,1.1,1. ,f ,.,,nu. ,u..i it..iiu OF.,1 .... ..!...!. ......... ,1... ,, a aut lorltZ 1 to tho 1 h-Jliv ..7 ,.i.r ,'0,,.," a ,I0WIU,! C11,,,',0I'- SO .-onu Sound fUhoriiion nro compollod to! n hi I 'Li "hoi uli ,Tn, ,, T'U: "wuot l'""!tM,. K HoihhI for run to secure n shipload r fish. Upj niiw tn niihilt lumlTli ll.imil... uiV" SS itcnt: ,H,I1",,, r ' 10 ,,'" H'eiv they operate nil the your round. ' 0? tlio mis pi ii ! iho Colloio Wo 0I"'": M')0t f''0" ',e"K,,H' ,r' ,p,1,8 Th0 ",1 Unllbiit hnnkV nro from' inon'J Club id was net.Tl.v a ? I""""":., -'ry lu'nr s. 10 cents; firteen to twenty miles out. nnd In s tun nun wns giooioil 11 u two ror LT. con s. am L'r, confa a uimmi.u- .vl.,,.. ti... .,..., .u u...n.i. .. Hmothr1 Coos iCnJ'LwIJ. '" "''"" "". '" "": Kh-s. l,Sa number' nre caugh mo oin i io u ) t ns. ,Bll cablsige. ft cents; inushrooms, wlfoiit difficulty. With the arrival SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY' SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, AT 3:00 P. M. San PiiiiicIhco office, Hil.T Klfe llhlg., or Iwimbard St. Piers Xo. t!7. Inrcr-Oceanlc Triiiispnrtntlon Co., C. I Mcd'eorgc, Agt., Phone II. KQU1PPKI) WITH WlltKLKSS. Steamship Breakwater I'lne I.ccIiim Tho lecture delivered by Dr C. K. Hodge wns most Interesting. His subject was "Our Public School 1 1 a pound. The most ploasliiK of nil apples now siiown is tlio llyile King, grown or the winter mouth, however. Coos county Is shut off because thero nre no nn llli ut limits or truwlers In the fn I If wtil IF If u i Plui iiiii i ili t m . . ' Kducntlon with It ference to Public ,.,.i lli..,k,r ;....:' "....-LV. " ..7 ,0:"' l''r. nmi nottilng but minion 11 ...,.,. ,.. t . " ".'ii m t, 'i,i n ,wii, ,i 4, Health. Dr. Hodge Is working In connection with tho University Ux- luiiHion worn a box. Fancy Spltyouborgs are the same price by the do en. hut $."!.. " a box: inn ire nose pears, ailver wlll be fed to tho population until the mild woatlwr arrives. Miss Kva Dresser, president of the ,!,, llB le ,)t.wt , le worU, nrB Fi!I ""ii0, i.) " w M " .' lM1,,0,,,.,u"'1 four for a ijuarter while Winter Nells J)r. Hodge. I he speaker dwelt on nro 20 ,., ,,01H,n (;0O(l MBrrlu iiu muijeci or .iiuonai uenit nun ..niri,, ...... i. ...... . -. i.llnllt.. ..I.I.. 1.1... , l.... .'... ! ....- ... ....... i,.,,,.. , ,,, i'iuiukj inn. ii.ti'ii'iin. , Dr. Hodge brought out tho follow. . lug racta In his talk. , AT TU unTr. Klve hundred sixty thousand lm- I A I I Hfc HUlbLb. bles die nuutially on account of Im- pure ml IK. Three hundred thousand men ami women are constantly Incapacitated through carelessness In habits. That dairy Inspection la one ot the greatest needs In tho United States today a box. The Chandler. I ll.Itltl.(,TO WALKS I IX HIS SliKKP. Kdltor Tlme.v t .Mr. Hal Harrington of this city, proprietor of u second hand store on Krout Mioot. wns the victim of pe culiar circumstances a short time ago. Through reasons uuasslKiinhlo or unepininabie. Mr. Harrington do ALWAYS OX TIMH. SAILS KIIO.M MAIt.SliriKLI): SAT., JAN. :i, I p. in. SAT., JAN. 10, 7.SI0 n. in. SAT., .JAN. 17, V2M0 p. in. SAT., .IAN. SI I, 7.!M u. in. SAT., JAN. :tl, 10.01) ii. in. SAILS ritOM POUTLAND: TL'KSDAV, JAN. II, H p TUKSDAV, JAN 1, 8 p. m. Tl'KSDAV, JAN. SIO, H p. in. TL'KSDAV, JAN. S17, H p. in. Tickets on halo to nil Knsteni points and iuformatloii as to routes mil Kites cheerfully furnished. Phone .Main tl.VL. ji, j, jioilll, Agent I or land: V. K. Catterlln. lhindou: Btore that night. Nothing mor" xevl It. II. Hosn, Ilandon: C. P. llodgo, BOon of Mr Unrrineton until th.Tii.vr "?n? '"? JI ? W ?a! nmnili when he wns'fotd son!e '.. . . S' .'''" .:.... "' ,""V: '.., '',.. "'u;lD stranger fast nsleen under n larL-e , Tiiat the riy la tlio worst carrier "" -.. u. ..,, tree near South Slough. Mr Hnrrlne. of contagion In the country. i "tc'ci.tcl eo ' Sa 1Ih",,I,,! ton 8,iya ,,,nt w only way h . Dr. Hodge nlso spoke very strong- '"" MU-uU lie on, lea er Hill. e0lllt for his movements during the ly in favor or nn elomoutnry course' ,. 'J' Llojil. night would be through iim ro.iii i In biology the high schools or the HoihIIiir. Oak drove; P. ', " 0 Jnw 'kf " ltot , Btalo, pointing to the rnct that wo lull-.owls, Conulle; L. 1 Da- bof "Irenl1,," nn"t ". " ''8 rn0'" "V" - i.iiist educnto tlio young people in I'ortluud; O. U. Henner. Khun- XnL Z .1 tlmt lie was enLe n l" the means or nrevontlon of disease. th Falls. '. Ti "" .. ."' . .Ile. ",.K"?oJ - Abstracts, Red Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HKNIIY SENGSTACKKN, Manager FARM, COAL, TIMIIKH AND PLATTINO LANDS A SPECIALTY. OENKKAL AGENTS EASTSIDE ' MAItSIIFIELD OKFICE, PHONE Vl.J. COQUILIiE CITY OFFICE PnOXE lOl! "1-, notici:. M',. ...I, w ..iiiiiii n may ((., Pfinu tlrll llf.nllt. C.H.H.... lii . i' iiuiri t llBhcd In Janunry lOOl i rcspoiiBlble only tor the ten contracts performed or repm tloiiB mnilo by Chun .1 Droit!, Low Rates for Handling Trim wo haul trunks betrm points In Mnrshllcld fortbabl lug rntcB, delivery to le ml no nrst stories or uulldla Ino trunk Throo trunks Twolvo trunks Star Transfer and Stori(i9 Levi IIcIhikt. Prof, Phnnen 12 !)..! ?.!, l-tl FAMILY DLNXKUS lu our nuw lorntlnu, we ol pcclnlly prepared to enter toil trade. uegulnr incnls or ik-l dors. Open day nnd night. MKIU'IIANT'H CAFE. HnmilwHV Mill rmiiinrrrlnl Tiiintirs only oxi: sural THE SINGER ONLY ONE llUPHCSKnitl W. J. RITZ Phone SIH0.X. DRY FIR AMD ALDER K -AT CAMPBELL'S WOODyjll North Front Strcrt. Phone IHO-I. RIVPRT0W COAL FOR $5.00 PER TON Phone 165-X CHAS. LAPP EDISON'S LATEST A storage battery tlmt cc"1 r.iw.r. ,.nirilllir will not D" DOES NOT COItltOIlE ii TEltSHNAW rn'T,iivs VO ACW Will not Ioso Iti charje ,v htamiint; w IS GUAHANTKEI) FIVE Coos Bay Wiring Co. ln.'l Hrondivay. ... AKcnts for Port of Coo'w RTnnKiWGS. ricknnlnny StorkliiBs for W Tho Beat Wearing Stocking iMiunui. r sola a. - The Electric Shoe Stfl 180 So. KroadwMv 20 Commutation Tickets $2.00 Tho Myrtle Polnt-UoseburK stiiKO road camo in for Us share of dis cussion In his discourse. I If came in on Tuesday uftoruoon and his memory us well as his souses, wore still conscious or tho strain oucoiiii terod on tho route. The Mlaiico A,;' ' ' " ,,1,,,ie near soutn siougli. Mrs. 11. Nichols and son. Portland: .",u B"iRor who round Mr. Harrlng. Mrs. M. K. SnodBrnss. Walln Walla; to" ;8n8 Hint his attention was first Marsh flnlfl.V,,. II. ltcnd AnlO ' I a.. ptf.mfll4 virs every icn ininuicn -. to js::;io i. GOItST KIVGjPjSfis ' i. S. Cutllp. Coos Hlver. NOTICE TO Pl'PILS AMONG THE SICK. The second seuiestor In tho Marsh- field schools will begin Monday. I Feb. 2. Classes for beginners will Iho orgnuUed in both schools to which children six years of nge or called to tlio somnnnihullst bv the nioiouious strains of the "Herd Girl's Dream," played upon the violin. i With tho exception of a good ! drenching Mr. Harrington suffered no ill effects from tho trip. UEADEIt. Marshal Carter, who has roturnod over aro eligible from n visit with Mrs. Ctirt-r, who also bo organized in tho High School, is nt tho much of her brother be- For nirtlior lurornuitlon, consult Su yond Hrldge, says that she Is not got- porlnteiulont Tiodgen. tliiK along ns well na ho hnd honed I for. Sho 1b nblo to sit up only part ' NOHTII HUM) CONCEHT HANI) 4it the tlmo. j DANCE, EOKHOFF HALL, JAN. ai.1 iit CAUD OF THANKS . WO Wish to tender our linnrlfnlt New classos will thnnks to those who officiated nt i me iiiiierui ot uio late Albert wear yostorday, and aro deeply grateful ' , for tho many beautiful flowors and ' expressions or sympathy. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Bear nnd family. BANDON BY THE SEA THE CITY OF THE FUTURE A FEW TEN ACHE TRACTS FOUIt MILES SOUTH ON COUJCTY HOAI) 835 PEH ACHE; $100 CASH. ALANCF Buy One It Will Make You Money Donald M&cKktosh INSURANCE. UNIQUE PANTATORWf Under Neiv .Aranngero"1- i ,.. n. ond rW your clothes NOW. Dont' nuiua Kuasouuuiu, wrHI trtl JK)I,K .V t. " 0i - .. .. . ... ili(in'J l( i.t?iiii:ii iivir. - HEAL ESTATE Bd HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NUW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. t2ii