" .. Mmmmmmmmmmr'- Brrr- THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1914 EVENING EDITION M BnBmtmnnftggsgraGBigS I I On Clothcraft Clothes For the next ten days we will place our entire stock of Clothcraft Suits and Overcoats on sale at 33 Per Cent Discount It s an opportunity for you to make two dollars do the work of three e Is the Story in Figures : $ 6.65 instead of . $25.00 J5.00 instead of . 22.50 $1335 instead of 235 instead of $20.00 8.50 65 instead of 10.00 instead of $17.50 15.00 $8.35 instead of 6,65 instead of $12.50 10.00 Buy your clothes here and we will keep them pressed and the buttons sewed on free of charge Woolen Mill Store ijE"3i)B7TO ilium, ji j mttjmprts?" JT-vyrwrarere wBSiMKfiilrT-ZL-rrwWtt1m3mI KT EmXZl' VKi i WmT.'JJ yy --,1Ci t JTFvT flOfaMiJWitMriaiHjragrogAwra S&k&fa&dums fr'z&smzm IRVING BLOCK chilhkc.vh coats, w.ikj. Chinchilla, Atrnl;an ami heavy wool, diagonals, coats for llttlo girls, Ingcft S, It. 10. 11. 12, t:i, 11. Shown In plain colors mill nom made. Votir rliol ratlcrni, Diittoii HiitiKly under tlio chin and tiro neatly l' yj s v (IIII.DItK.VS WOO 1 1 l)m:.SSi:S, 110 PER CENT DISCOUNT. Neat, serviceable sorgo dressos for school wvnr. At special, no Il'MI (TXT DISCOUNT. ALL LADIES' WAISTS, 1W PER CENT DISCOUNT Friday and Saturday. Wo Imvc n lienntiful assortment of waists In broken lots, not nil Idzcs. lint what aro loft aro JiiBt aa good iih Him first onoa that wor purchased, Materials of tlio beat, llngorlo, lliiuu, chiffon, inossnlluo land Cllfka. U.T PER CENT DISCOUNT. LADIES' AXO MISSUS' COATS AXI) SUITS. Tlio sreatcat values over nut on tlio market in .MarRhfleld. HAi.r I'liicn. oxe- A now shipment of Ln Ilea' Raincoats Just arrived Wnttli our windows Satisfaction Kuarantood JANUARY TIDES .'nlow Is gfon tr.o tl.no and If lull t nf high and low wator at Mi.rnhfleld. Tho tldcfl aro placed Ii. tlio ordor I nf oLctifcnru, with tholr times on , tlio first lino and holghtB on tho second line if each day; n compar ison on consecutive holghtB will Im! lento whether It Is high or low wutcr. cor high wnter on tho bar Hubstrnrt 2 hours 3-1 uilnutes. Urn Ft. Ilrs Ft. Ilrs Ft. Mrs Ft. .-- I 28 Ol) :io 1.20 IV 2 i.i s n.:i n.ic 5.4 5.4 1 5.5 ii.no 1.8 10.27 1.7 11.01 l.G 1 1.-4 -t 1.5 r,.is n.8 1.21 r.r r..o:i n.2 r.i:t 1.7 10.11 -0.2 10.12 0.3 n.oc 0.8 11.30 1.1 Glasses Ground to order Weak eyes nerfectlv fitted lv tlio RU and lic;t methods known to frlence. Should Vim wnnl lmtti.,- nvn. If.M or IieCll coni! i'Imkhoh nrnnnrlv re?.' tr" niy spcclnl Ground Com- nun glasses, Young or old, with HI Special clns! mil rnml flnn nrlnt. 0 close work or see nt a dlstnnco, "In one lens. A glass of beauty b Joy forever Every pair flttod 1 me Is warranted to be porfoot and -..uivcu io Rue satisfaction. "' paironare foi, cited. )R. W. B. RICHARDSON 0itnutiM from Hxriiinc. Olllce, Fnnt pn,i Market Street, Mar' fin,i Oregon. Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion -WITH end Jour Laundry to Us ByParccl Post E H'ltMsi, A HAG AXI) WILL Till: POSTAGE OX ITS RETURN. Mos Bay Steam Laundry pone 57.J Marshfield Siypophosphifccs A pleasant tasting food ton ic combining tho tonic propor tion of the hypophosphltos of tho flnost quality of ollvo oil. Woll nilaptfil for ndmlnUto'r Ing to persons sufforliiK from wnstlng dlsordors, pulmonary affoctloiiB, roughs, colds and during convnlogconco. Try It. Wo guarnntoo It. Tlio Renll Storo LockharfcParsons Drug Co. thi: nusv corner Phono Us 20H local temperature record For tho 24 hours ondlnc at 1:13 a. in., Jnnunry 28, by HunJ. Ostllnd, special government mo teorologlst: Maxliuiim -13 Minimum 3 1 At -1:13 n. in 38 Precipitation 33 Proclamation slnco Sept. 1 1913 41.7G Preeipltntlon aanio period last year -12.70 Wind: southwest; cloudy. SOCIAL CAIiKXOAIt. I WKDNKSIMY. I .Tolly Dozon with .Mrs. Clirls- I teiiHon. I THURSDAY. I Young .Matrons' Club with I .Mrs. Mrs. II. L. Colemiui. I NorwoKlnn Lutheran Young I Lndles' Aid with Miss Mabel I .MathlBon. I Card Club with Mr. and Mrs. I J. W. Hlldenbrand. I A. X. W. with Mrs. W. P. Mur- phy. Mlnnlo-Wls Club with Mrs. A. 'A. Wowns. I pnny's plant at Couulllo nnd Myrtle Point, was a .Marshfield Visitor yes tordny. Hh reports that his Coriulllu plant oRrnped damage In tho recent storm, but tho Myrtle Point system was hard hit. 'ho Couulllo Rtvor Is rising and also threatening some troublo. In Old Mexico. In a card to Tho Tlinos. P. M. Tully, who has been spending tho winter In Ban Diego, says that they aro leaving there for a llttlo trip tliroiiKh old Mexico. Ho snys that after It they will start north and It Is llkoly that they will arrive hero soon, Ants Threatened. Sponklng of dog llconsos. Marshal Cnrtcr de clares that bo will got out about 7.1 to 100 warrants this year for tho arrest of nil dog ownors who have not pntd tho fee for the 1914 tax and number. Carter says thosa warrants will bo served on Fobrunry I, nnd that besides paying tho l(censo feo and fine, tho costs will a I ho be attached to tho rest of the amount. Given Medal. Mr. nnd Mrs. M. P. nurrows nro having F. W. Uortrnm proporo n locket for Harry Wolch which they will presont him as a llttlo token of appreciation for bis roscuo of tholr llttlo dnuglitor from Welch Rack lu February. Mossrs. Dixon, Housor and Denson, tho railroad constructors, loft on tho Drain stago thin monilnir. Mr. Housor said tho mud flat tho other dny. that tlioy oxpoctod to roturn hero was very moilost about Ills act but noxt month. Konnoth Housor Is ox- Mr. nnd Mrs. Rurrows arranged to poctod to roturn hero about the same liavo a loekot with a picture of tho time. j child and suitably engraved prosent- To Fimei-al. Many Catching Inlet rtt0 l11"1- .... ,, and Sumner pooplo enmo to Marsh-' '" " '" ,7, '' '0 been field today to attend tho funeral or j' " J,"!1"', X tl 0 Rando Henry Kalno. The Odd Follows turn- 'y.'7',lllnt ? c osIuk down tho ed out woll for the services, which f11' 'f '"" . l l(J "K , 'l00rnl " wore held from tho Swedish t- J. n falv' hduri a "dny an'.l Uiore errn Cliurcn, . ., M much grler i :.r. the consumers Dlv N Retter. Friends of Dr. Qt olectrlcty there. The company Goo. E. Dlx ytstordny recolvod cards lfl(1 nrrnnged to got slnb wood from stating that ho was gottlng along tJle Moore mill, but the big storm flno at Paso Roblos, California, j,ow down sonio of Its sinokostacks, whoro ho wont for a rost. Ho says closing tho mill and lenvlng tho ho Is gottlng lots of sunshlno and roim,tu,y without n source of sup- IOOIB mucn uonur, uui ;io u nut . ply. say wn n lie win rumm thrco mouths. He returned to the city on tho Express today. CAPT. .IAS. MAGUIJ, of Empire, Is n Marshfield visitor today. MRS. WALTER SPADE, of Sumnor, Is n Marshfield shopper today. C K. PERRY will leave tomorrow for San Francisco on a few weeks' bus iness trip. MRS. MARY KRICIC, of Chlco, Cal ifornia, arrived In Mnrshfleld on a short business trip. CAPT. W. A. MAGEE returned on tho Alllanco yesterday from a trip to Portland nnd othor northern points. J. D. HEM.MIXGWAY and wife, of Oakland, California, arrived In Marshflold yesterday by way of Drain, and expect to locate hero. JOEL OSTLIXD returned today from . n two-weeks' trip to Raudon, whoro ho was doing somo ornamental con crete work on tho now Hank llulld ing. R. .1. MOXTGQMERY enmo In todny from his much near llrldgo to look after mntters horo. Mrs. Mont gomery and tho children nro well and ho likes tho ranch llfo. JULIUS KRUSE wns In from his Isthmus Inlot ranch yesterday showing somo samples of clay that aro considered to bo especial ly vnlunblo for brick and tlio manufacture. GEO. E. LAIRD, ono of tho ownors of tho Randon Water Company, which Is having a controversy with tho city over tho plant nnd sorvlco, camo ovor last night to hoar tho dobnto at the Fellowship Club. lie roports that tho Co uulllo Rlvor Is up pretty woll, but Is not doing any dnmngo. Ho says that tho many drnlnago ditches put In along tho Couulllo tho Inst fow years havo reduced tho liability of froshots llko thoso of old days as thoy keop tho swamps drained out and glvo tho high wntor room to spread. WANT ADS. : TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I FOR RIvXT r, i-ooin modern flat. Enqulro 424 2nd St. North. WANTED Uy young mini of A-l record nnd thorough business training, position ns mnnagor or nsslstnnt lu general store, small town or country, with vlow to partnership If satisfactory. Worth Investigating. Wrlto II., Coos Ray Times. .NORTH IlKXI) NEWS. I 'I' OrpSieum Tonight tonIghtCORPSE Thls 'owr-reol featuro will be repeated again PRcS rnn1, PP,KUT AXD WIFE will render somo special s lections WiWfreS hJl'h wU1 b0 leasing to all. la i t- , FOLLOW IIUSDAND Will bo our extra rcol and It GLt rx' t0Inedy. FIVE TiiLHn,T ot reading our nds. " TIiOT VXD FEET OF PICTURES. ADMISSION' TEX CTS. i1' orrov night we will glvo you another throe-reel ' l r , "Let 119 Ilnno fnr Vino Wonthor." Flno Present. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas.lc Fouslor purchased a nno pacnaru Piano 'of L. L. TJiomns yostorday ns n birthday presJat for tholr llttlo daughter, Maxlno. It wns hor ninth birthday and a happlor llttlo ihIbs Is hard to imagine than Is Miss Mnxlne today ovor hor handsomo now instrument. I Llttlo Danmgo. F. E. McKenna, mannger of tho Oregon Power Com- PERSONAL NOTES IMRR1TI V A Q I REPAIRED AND COviRED """riNELD CYCLERY pH0NE 158-R. MURPHY'S DANCING ACADEMY (WINTER TERM) Those desirous of learning the Waltz, Two-sttn or othor dances, call at Odd Fellow's Hall, this week, Tuesday or Thursday, after noon or evening, or telephone 295-L. Earl H. Murphy, Instructor. The R.oya! TONIGHT ' Two vaudovlllo nets. I Miss Louis Powoll In two songs. Miss Xorma Roardmnn contlnuos I to plonso hor audloncos, tho best I proof of hT ability. I "Robinson Crusoe." Tho crown- !!.,.. nlimml In fontiira films. A i:"f....i.. ti.a ,-oi rimniitiutinn P. D. FLETCHER, the flour man- lof Daniel Defoo's famous talo of; nate. Is making a trip to Coqullle ...i ...- Vallflv nolnts. Bumumin. .. . . '; i.V.,;. .. t,...i.. I.. -n,..ll.,, "What Girls will Do." A roaring --" uw, 01 ", -!. comedy a f8W da'8 on th ny- reetl,,g VdmiMlon, lower floor, 15c; bal- his many friends here, cony 10c GEORGE MASS of Havne. !' "P Tomorrow night, Klnemacolor pic- a passenger on the good ship Mob tuns. Thes- pictures aro beautiful' senpi r tn M .rslittol.i t d to the extreme, being In their natural GEO. Gl'ERlX of Marshfield has been colors. 1 out at his homestead for tho past t ! MRS. RYRD LATTIX of Allegany Is a visitor In Mnrshllold today. CARL JOIIXSOX of Allegany Is In Marshfield today on business. V. JUMPER of Haynos Inlet Is a busi ness visitor In Mnrshllold today. CHARLES PETERSON' of Haynos In let Is in Mars', ilold today on bus iness, WILLUS CHAMRERLAIX of Haynos Inlet Is a business visitor In Marsh flehl today. J. E. XOAII of AHogany was a pas songer on tho Expross from tl.nt place today. W. H. HARRISON' of Haynos Inlot was a passenger on the Mossongor to Marshflo'd today. DR. L. G. JOIIXSOX and wlfo, of Myrtlo Point, wore Marshfl Id vis itors last nlgut Tho Xorth Rond Concort lrnnd will glvo a froo concert nt Eckhoff Hall Wednesday ovonlng. A spoclal progrnm has boon arrangod, and the concort Is to be ono of tho host the baud lias played. It Is reported that Kruso & Ranks hnvn taken a contract from Henry Potnrson, tho San Francisco Ray boat magnate, to build two boats sixty feet long with 10-foot bonm, for u' nt tho Goldou Gato. L. J. Simpson nnd ('apt. Edaar Simpson will leave whoi tly for San Francisco to attend tho annual moot ing of tho Simpson Lumbor Co. Owing to tho lucloniont wonthcr Contractor Horn has boon oonipollod to unit work on tho brldgo across tho big cut lu Simpson park. Ho built ono approach but tho cost of tho work was prohibit I vo and ho hns deoldod to hold up tho balance un til tho wonthor Is more fnvorablo. FOR SALE OR TRADE Hull dogs and bull pups, for bees, elilckous or seed potatoes. C. K. Shaw's res idence, Xorth Rend. I-'Olt SALE Fine lotM HO by 1!1H feet lu Rnyvlow Addition for 2!i0 each. I. S. Kaufman & Co. WANTED (J I nn-iii team. Geo. L. Rurton, South Coos Rlvor. FOR KALE 1(10 iicivn of good tim ber, $20 por aero. G. O. Mather, Langlols, Oregon, ii -i i FOR RENT Furnished lioiiNekeop Ing rooms. 1024 Elrod, r' WANtId f WANTED A M)hltlon by Kood tailor, ess, skirt mnker and holpor on coat. Speaks Fliinluh language Postorflco box 81G. WAN'Ti:i Ry lady cmiiloyed durlnc tho day, comfortable room wltii lunch and dinner in prlvnto fam ily, or rooms for light housekeep ing; must bo close In. Tlio I'nr-Islnn, HOAIM) AXD ROOM At li Com- morclnl nvenuo. FOR SALE f O . FOR SALIC I Kl-li.p. gnsolliio en gine, nt a sacriflee. Phono C-J. II I Mil I. II IMI I FOR SALE 3.1'oniu biiiignlow nnd 2 choice lots on South Fifth St. Half cash, good t rms on balance. Seo J. C. Donno. I-'OU SALE High ki-ikIo Jerscr holfor, frosh in few wooks; prlco $50 cash. Anyouo wanting flno family cow got busy. Iuqulro of John Yonknm, uoar Ronver Hill Junction. FOR REIIT I'OR RENT 7-rooui liouso wi bath, in good ordor, Contrnl nve nuo and Tenth. Apply McPlior son, Glusor Co., Phono 211-L. Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have, ALWAYS USED, rnone Ti. racuic Livery and Transfer comr.nny Comfortable Trusses Tho blggost and best soloctod stock of Trusses, Elastic Hostory. Abdominal Rolls and Shouldor Braces ln Coos County, Is always to be found at "The Storo for Quality Goods and Pe.isl.ir Rem odl s." FOR REXT Sleeping rooms, roas onablo by tho wcok. 229 South Droadway. I'OR RENT Furnished rooms, mod ern. 373 South Sixth street. Phono 295-L. FOR REXT Largo liouso on South' 11th street. Phono 119-L., or io A. R Campboll. FOUND FOUN'D Lady's leather poeketlmoU. Can be had by describing property and liaylng for this ad at Times office. 1 (i M) Pin mounted with bril liants in Coke bldg. Cull at Times off le and pay for this ad. LOST . - LOST Silver handled unibrelln, near Dr Hurtle's garage ln Xorth I lend, Monday L'be'al reward for roturn to Mrs. Ilartlo.