The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, January 28, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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law States
Rend Tho Times every ilny for tho
Intcwt news. Head Ihi' nils for your
own benefit. It pjiys (o advertise In
Tho Times.
. . . .in. everyone on Coos .liny
..iv, but ' ,ii,,,,,e8H Tno!.
I, unit-" " "le ,l Hiibscrllicr
l0 Tl.o Omih ) TIiiim.
I s&gVBl&BiWMmmLMML,'
' ttvn Established 1878
VOL XXavII. s Tho Const ainll
A Consolidation of Times, Con it Mull
niitl Coos Iluy Atlvertl'-cr.
No. 162
Prominent North Bend Banker
and Lawyer to Run for
Frederick HolllHtor, member ot tbo
North lleml City Council, lawyer,
linnker and cnpltnllat. today announc
ed that ho would ho a cnndldnto Tor
tho Democratic nomination for Con
KreHB In thla district next May.
The announcement came somewhat
aa a surprise hut met with approval
Bio Turnout at fellowship Club
Learns many ?" '"
on Subject
HIM UP unuHi in.w..
Wmcnts incica u fal
Great imuuu iui mumuiH.
and Modern System
... i.tniilrtul members ot tho
V." i.i. fiMi, and tnelr friends
c rt n vciy .lehato Inst night Hi
-r,A ninm nf tbo Lutheran
urcl. following tlio regular month
lr" banquet, nml many new Ideas jib
o mid privately owned
Jitcr systems were garnered by Uiobo
'lent Tiio subject wiih as follows:
'Itcsolvc.l. That tho Cltv of Marsh
flcM should nt once aciulro niil( op
erate a t"..m ipai wim-i njnuui.
ni-irirr'lic L. A. LHJoqVlst
and Coiincilni-n Carl L. Albrocht
were chosen to iinnuio me iuihiuu-
il... cliln nf .In. MUCHtlOll. Wllllo G. T.
TrradROltl. of llandon, and W. U.
Douglas spoke In the ncKaUve. Pres
ident Held introduced Attorney C. It.
l'ock i.3 il.iiinnnn ami iwusiniiiniui
cr t e evening hi a neat talk, and
Toastmaster l'eck made tho an
notinrenicnt that a quartet conuiosed
n imv iinrk nut. W. A. Hold. L. W.
t-,.v, n,i.i u i.. itobortHflii wished , port from Itoburt (1. Smith of (Irants
to render a diu. which they did as. Pass, who was talked of as the Horn-, Tlio district nttorney stated Hint' ho says It breeds contompt for
Shi.ii Sung Sung.
Says thr minor, to the town,
Oh. whr.tll joii have to drink?
1'cr me, n lins of soda pop;
Ti'.c voter's full of Ink.
Ozella Franklin, Freed by City,
May Have to Face the
Grand Jury
Mrs. Ozella Franklin wbb
locked up la tho Stowart
rooming house nt two
o'clock In ono of tho rooms.
When Constable Cox went to
get her nt .I: HO o'clock, tho
room wns cmnty. Tho nollcn
wero notified and tbo city waB
I combed for ,tho fugitive, who
was discovered with her hus
band In a restaurant, whero ho
had taken her for something to
eat. Hotwoen tbo husband and
tho law, CoiiBtnblo Cox Is al
most worn out over the Frnnlc-
llll CtlBO.
Freed from the city Jail on tho
payment of $50 of hor flno and so
Opposition to Movement to
Parole Woman Who Shot
at Waiter Parkinson
A movement to securo n parole for
Mrs. Walter Capplous, who wns taken
to Salem last week to begin an Inde
terminate sentenco of six month to
ton years for shooting Walter Pnrk
iiiBOn at tbo Right Cnfo here, will
probably meet with strong opposition.
District Attorney LHJeqvlst, who
wns hero today, said that tho roveln
tloiiB made by Mrs. Cnpi.lotis, who
pleaded guilty to the Indictment and
nsl'ed the clomenev of tho court weie
little Bbort of revolting. They wero
of such a naturo that .Judge Coko, In
pionounclng sentence, roundly cen
sured Mrs. Cnpplous and Parkinson.
Charges that Mrs. Capplous made
against Pnrklnsqn wero laid before
mo grand jury, nut t'.o witnesses tnnt
she named wero called and failed to
I emit v nilvimrml fnr tim rout I verify her chnrucs.
rrmn .Yir. imi.imnru nmtiv fr rwiu i .. : .. .. . :w " .... , -,. ..,., ., . , ... ..
1 Ih decision o r ,nplii.,i in... , 1 ''rn:,. Hio coiorod woman who' ii '" '" iii anerur i ago nas
lis ttec Bion was reached after lull - wnB 8fiitonrod to fifty days or $100 B'von nsslstHiice to the parolo movo-
n k with many friends and consult- f0 for Emoting hor husband, did motit for her. hut It Is understood that
lug suiM.ortei'H In l.iii.c. Dmuk i.h. Cikih ..... ..i.... i m. i . ' .... ii,.tn r......,..i. ,t. ......... im..
' "". V.-1.JIF. II. -I Illi'll3 I.I1IK IIIIU1 Mlltl ......n v .....J, .'.a,..v.l l.tiuilll!. IIIUV
and ouior counuoB in this district. iWas released yostirdny. She was qvlst and othor officials will oppose
Mr. nol istor will iimke his enm- 'arrested again this miirnliiR by Con- nny parolo for tho woman nt this
iiuiii uii nu nici nun mo roiiHi o.N-iHiaiiio cox on a warrant sworn out nine.
trict Is entitled to tho nlace. the bar
i.oiH oi uurry county, ii.uiiioii, uoos
liny, ITnipqiin. Slusinw and others In
this district ueotllug a man to repre
sent them who Is with tbo
coast and Its requirements.
He has received assurances of sup-
I Then tL fiindl took It up
And bean t lnvesilKHtn.
I TI'.c rMnm!sl(i(. too, took It up,
ITo get thins-. In better !inpo.
For J mo ii .lid a rcs-or-volr
nd j 1 iv ti wa cr main
W.Vk i Inc. ease or revouuo
Wo'iUI !)' a a a a fui sliHine.
Say t'sc impcs to the public.
This will do.ibh our wator rate,
And tM- sad new has loft our nerves
In a badly stuttered state.
Son'fMrit mh-'v im.Ht hu done.
r.ld n nib u delay.
S) do i(?sc ..'! .m now
Just ni v(u ; nu to say."
(Imiity Is Applaiidotl.
TM FoiiK .' siuik similar to a
t n ,i,( broimht down tbo house,
iaifn a.i'iiatiikMl w lid v for mora.
and tho quart t responded with the
wiwn? vci-o:
by the officer, following tho nrrlval ' Mrs. Capplous lived on Conunorclnl
of District Attorney I.IIJoqvlst In nvonuo hetwoon Third and Fourth
tbe city. j streets. Her liiisbnnd, who has been
Attorney It. O. tlrnvos for the de-, employod at tbo McDonald &
fondant. Insisted on n Irnrlng and camp, wont to Salem with her.
tbo district attorney sot tho cnHo! .Mr. Uljoqv'st Is opposed to any
for 10 o'clock tomorrow n.orn:ng( clomoncy being shown In such ngra
lli tho court of .lustlco Pennock. vntoil chroh iih tbo Cnnnlo.m cnHu. ns
hn mt'u tt lirnf.flu nnntnmnt ffii (lu
ocrntlc candldato ami who made tho "io evidence as to tbe woman hnv-law and Increases the nmoitn'- of
race a fow years ago. ,ing atiempteil to kill li t husband crlnie. He says Hint a number of off the const of Orogon wero sighted
.ludgo Hall was also talked of but .'"' "' strong ror tlio case to bo crimen are directly trnccablo to a by tho paBgongors and crow of the
decided not to enter tho rnco. John '.""idled by the city courts, and ho. Hlinotlim ease here a few years ao H'cBmor Alliance. Cnntaln Huh l.of-
Alliance Passes Throunh Large
Quantities After Storm
Sails Today
Tho steamer Itedondo, which
has been held In tho harbor since
Sunday morning, crossed out to
tlay tit 11! o'clock for San Fran
cisco. Tho steam schoonor Adelluo
Smith, which arrived In tho hnr-
I hor Monday morning, crossed
I out over tho bar today In com
l puny with tho itedondo with u
I cargo of lumber for San Frnncls
I co.
I Tho Btoninor Alliance, which
I steamed for the mouth of tho
I harbor nt 10 o'clock today, cros-
sed out at 1 o'clock for Kuroku.
j The steamer Hroakwator, duo
I to leave the Columbia for Coos
I Hay this morning, had not cros- I
I sod out for the trip down tho
I const up to noon today.
Orcnt quantities of lumber adrift
In which the woman was freed by the
Heport Ih .Scored.
Tbo report brought back by 8i
ho leal officers who nro famlllnr with
city Jail, whero alio hnd served ovorlMrs. Capplous. They say Hint sho
a week of h r sentente. Tho coI- Ono of the fow Individuals who
.run iiiHii. who was siioi uiroiiKii are not deserving of sympathy and
ho baud by his wife, bad rofusod ,h y think that hor llluoss nlong tho
n UU'aill ntlt a itlinfira nan iiul iam . . . ...
I)i?ar Opsins. Iirre. ummiiwl .,. tlilnlr
"Twculii be best to talk It ovor;
It W'OlIll 111 'll llu to ilix.liln
j Were It wise to take It ovor."
I), floss of Murs'.illeld Is also talked declared a warrant should have
of as a possible aspirant. ,tM! BWor ngalnst her In tbo first
For tho the Itopubllcan nomination ,,IH'l,u'0 "' 80m" !ot'nl tlvov.
It Is said that Congressman Hawley. Tl'-' nrro8t f "? woman todny
T) 1.1 li.iw.u nn.l li-n II IMiIiIIk urn CIIIHO nS II H.irPrlSC tO mi'lPS I Vnnli .. l.i.Mt llw. O..I.......II... II, at M,.
tho only nvowod cnndldntos, although t ''; "kiln, tho woiuan's husband, Cnpplous tried to gain nlong tho
I.J. Simpson of North Hond has been I IV'.1." .. "pn tKomy raising mif-ironto to Palom has aroused the lo-
nrged to niako tho race and Is still. 'i "i1,."" " .,0 fol,no.r "" V1 ll
considering It
to HU'BJir ntlt a I'linl'i'a nun I nut lint
The fact that the woman Iii.b been
ro-nrrested by tho county nutborltloH
has rend red his oarnest efforts to
raise funds worso than usoless. for
ho has paid nut $r,0 and Is reHiionsI-, rvii.-a
lie ror 5o more just for the iirlv-. wiion ho sentenced Mrs. Capnlous.
liege or having his wiro chaiigobG expressed rogr t that ho ahonld
vm.?, ;."". .... . IbavH to sentence a woman to the
While thoro Is llttlo sympntby penitentiary, but after hearing tho
express d for the woman, the ro- woiuan's own confession or her
markaho oxhlbltlon of a forgiving j wrong-doing, ho wild that he folt
disposition by Franklin has n roused,, rtaln that tbo ponltentlary was
tho sympathy of a large number of 'built for Individuals of her class,
people, who fool that tho hard- As to her elulm of HI health. It
earned monov put up by Franklin to In pointed oift that It she Is nlllng,
im? euj mi mo niiun iuiimib' BiiuiMii hip Btaie prison uns speciu quur
route wns feigned tbo w.iuo as her
protended nrcldeut before being tn
Iten from hor homo to Salem,
Much of tho ovldonc" alontr this
Hue has boon laid before .ludgo
Decision of U. S. Engineers on
Type of Draw to Be
Made Soon
That the decision of the United
States engineers
drawbridge that
on the class oflhe rotiirnod to him, if possible, "ters whero sho will roielvo tho best
will b" required
for Coos Hay will soon be niiuouuc
od wiib tbo opinion that Major .lay
.1. Morrow expressed to North Iloud
men horo tho other day.
Tho Southern Pacific somo tf tlio
C Simian Pnil. I In... Ii.,i-n.l..,...,l nen iiiniln innllout in rlmnue the tv.lll
Dlitrlct Attorney Mljeqvlst ns tho 'of tho brldgo from the swinging
f, - - 'rf iijvimov n iiiu
nrst speaker on the affirmative sldo
"i me nucMlon to be debated.
I.l.lfilllst Klinls I1..1,,.
''It Is with a good donl of troplda
draw to tho lift tyne. Tho Port of
Coos Irny passpd n resolution lonv
Ing tho mntt.r In tho hands of .the
nnirlnem-H. hut cxorosslnir a l.l'ofor-
tlon that I rotii.npiwn thn. ,, ;onco for the swing type out! roc-
a subject of B.irh moment to Marsh- pmiuondlng that If tho lift typo was
field." Im nM ... I il i..'V,... ...' tloelilnil ....mi that the draw bo mndo
widor nuil higher than the Southorn
Pacific proposed.
It Is said that tuts is now mo
(!.m m I "'Dmu "'"'u"i to .Mnrsu-
Bela. lift cnirt 'nn.l It .. !...
I DalC ailV BllOf Ifll lMin,...ni1..n ( 1.n
- -. -.... i,mMMuUt)U w, imj
'Wl Sltliatltll it IS lllfflnnU in ,lr.
.u.iaquesiion on such short notice
since. Justice Is going to ho meted
out to tlio woman by tho county.
District Attorney Llljo.ivlst stat
oil todny Hint ho would bo willing
to write a letter to tho city council
nsklug Hint tho sum put up by
Franklin ho rofuudod, but ho de
clared that under tho circumstnuces
the county was Justified in bringing
tho woman boforo tho grand Jury.
Ho snld from what ho bad lenrn d
on reaching here, tho ovldonco ngalnst
Mrs, Frnnklln was strongor thnn In
tho case of Mrs. Capplous, who wns
sentenced to tho stato prison.
4 4 In tlio spa. e of we.ity ,n In oh "'' tlmt J8 1,olll,,JK VnW thVr'
"'lowed It can be 1 andlo 1 i n .i?,?llnilnnry vork on tho bridge. Major
yonly inilloil In a hilef k, f , t t tho WnBh.
Th nsa. c.n.i ..,..... . ..
fiM i. ..ii ". ",""on or .Mnr8ii-
'2?ld, ,0 b0 " "ttl0 vo" 122,
J'o.ouoanlt,, city charter provides
IW'01" ot it debt of not
ui,;, "" '" V?r tent of
liiL'tnn oiiKineers somo time ago and
their final decision Pn It should bo
forthcoming soon,
of treatment.
II1U luuil
i S ft V? n,r $50'00(- which
krbS,','8.,1!"'1. t woato a lnrg.
,.. M')' Has the lmr,.,.
rte ITU. J V .. l um w" ' ino "'N
Proper v11;, 0l'lt coiiUomn the
Pany ?f lc Coos 1ay Water com-U
Street Committee Fihds Pro
test ori Assessment for
Slopes Justified .-
After having Investigated U)o
crounds for the lirotest Inado by
V?"!? ProblVu Jhas PWP !l,!
? njr.' Marshnm iIoor nn. i,n., j
IS?.U ,w,,I,."tur tho records of
indthsi.,... niuea btnte you
tho Pftiir fnrlBtrot against the special nssessmont
Ing or ovo?v ' S570'-15 for Uu? 8lopca ,u th0
it or .ooryrrirtln . ,j10 6,,s In North Tonil
.I.. ---
; ieiy gone into
""UllOn. Thn 11
system orl r roBulatlonBraa,nB of U,e 6ll"Dot8 in Nortll I?on.d'
endedlntbftcn.-taloLrg"ILulthe street commltteo reported to
i!" of onlnlfth ;. .".'." .a.l-""Vlm tho Cltv Cbuncll at Its meotlng last
!!!.-. --- . Mm iniimini imiiiAa ' . . , . ,. , ,,
I Wemi l h,,nl 0,w,ler8l"l) of water
lcnlV tm .nl: 80lutln f the
the smiremo ''Is '? tho oneliiBlon of
lS,0StCnt"!:t8 of t!o. state and
'Tk,.,.',M.Ul1 l1 IlUIKIl-tllllt.
Public hBeBlV:'lth th? health of tho
"ruction f Wo as the proper con-
firovem'er,P' pav,nB anrt other
ii. 'TProiements. n i,iti.
BQ-are the hpt il, l" 'luesuon is,
lns eoW8 ft 'nterests of tho cltl-
" t:e Baieeuarded?
bw uVkohaJL ! :.?mo t, that point
vW lu ltuvo over ine
night Juid recommended that tho as
sessment for tho slopes bo lifted
and paid by tbo city.
Connecticut aonuo, between
Sherman and Hamilton, was order
ed Improved by grading nt tho
meotlng of tho North Hend Council,
nlso Florida avenue between Sher
man and Sheridan.
The matter of establishing lights
on Meade atrest was brought up and
tho City Attorney stated that tho
powor company had Informed him
thnt the poles could not bo placed
until the curbings had been estab
lished. Tho Council decided to lower tho
grade of theClty Hall building down
City Hall building down to tho
grade of tbe street.
President Kern Objects to Pay
ing 1914 Prize Money
to Banclon
V i
Henry Kern, o7 'niih tloml. m-,,
lilont of tlio Coos County" li.iBoball
I.OngUQ '.n lOt.'l wnR limn tnilnv tn
confer with (j. l Treadgold, attor
ney, for tho llandon basoball team,
relative to awarding tho $250 piizo
Some tlmo neo tho llandon base-
Dull team secured an Injunction by
default prohibiting President Kern
from paying tbo prlzo money to any
team except Bandon. Mr. Kerfl has
taken tho matter up with A. J.
Sherwood, of Coqullle, and Is trying
to have tno caso re-openeu, saying
that Bandon Is not entitled to the
innnnv ami that ho would rather
spond It In litigation that piTy It out
wrongfully to them.
Each of tho flvo team put up $G0
guarantco. making a purso of $250
to bo divided among tbo league
leaders at the end of tbo season.
Bandon won most of tho games, but
their victories wero thrown out by
President Kern for violating tho
agreement restricting tho number of
Imported players.
Tho case will probably bo re-opened
and threshed out In court.
iox v rorxcii s.v pia.vr
is wo i mi
Georgo Laird, mnungor of tho
Bandon Wntor Company mid bis at
torney, Goo. T. Treadgold, woro In
town yesterday consulting with At
torney C. It. Pock ovor tlio Ilnndon
Wntor Company situation. Explain
ing tho situation, Mr. Laird said:
"Rnplnnnrn Cnrnv nml flntifllmprr
havo now filod their appraisement
of tho llandon water company and
thoy find tho plant Is worth over
$4 0,000. Tho company has already
offorod to sell to tho city for $19,-
fi (HI. bo tlinro is n ilirrnroncn or
'I'JiliiUU bo'tweeil olir selling prlco
i....i .,. , .,... t.n., i... ,i.
aim uiu vitiuu a a iiuiuiiuiiimi u mu
agents of tbo city,
"Tbo Idea of obtaining this np
nr.ilKomnnt was to soo Wiiethnr the
Council would bo Justified In calling
nn olectlon to vote on tho question
of purchasing at our price. Tho
matter Will como boforo tho Coun
cil next Wednesday night for decision.
"Wo had ?xpected to start pro
ceedings with tho Hallway Commis
sion asking for an Incroaso of rates
boforo this tlmo and our attorney
lias already been to Salem for that
purpose. However, in view or u.o
possibility of a purchase of tho plant
by tbo City, wo havo decided to
await tho decision of tho Council
on tho question of calling tho elec
tion. "One thing Is sure If tbe pcoplo
expect a considerable oxpondlturo In
extensions and betterments, wo must
havo higher rates, and wo bollevo
that tho Hallway Commission will
agree with us."
stodt, on her way down tho const
mid tho o videlicet were thnt more
than one steam schooner or sailing
vessel hnd lost her docklond or linn
bor during the hurricane of last
"I nover Baw so much lumbar float
ing on tbo const," snld Captain I.of
stodt, "but t' ore was no Indication
of any vorsol hnvlug got Into trouble.
Tho Btenmor Congress waa tho only
vessel wo spoke on tho way down
nud alio hnd sighted n derollcts. We
kept about ten miles off shore and
although we could see the surf qtt'to
clearly nn vessels were soon In trouble
and I don't think nny craft wiib sor
IoiinIv damaged In the storm.
"When wo passed out of tl'o Col
umbia tho tea was smooth and the
bar breakers were conspicuous by
tholr nbsenco. Tho wind wns not
blowing in ore than six miles mi hour.
Tho glass was down n llttlo. but not
enough to Indicate the storm which
wo rnu Into after passing Tillamook
Captain Lofstedt was told about
the sc'nniier Louise, which cleared
from the Fnipnua half an hour before
tho storm arrived, Inning her sn'ls
carried away. The Alllnnpo 8kt'wir
Is an oxpeiiencod selling shin navi
gator nnd hns sailed n'l over the
world, nnd theroforo knows nbout
what the Louise bud to stand. He
snld that slure she hnd not been seen
It was vory evident that she bad
made n good offing nnd was nil right.
Tho Alllanco loft hor dock nt
MarshfloM HiIb morning at 11 o'clock
for tho lower larbor to nwnlt an op
portunity to got ovor tho bnr Cor Eur
eka. She took on tho following pass
engers at this point:
W. D. HltchliiBon, W. Heltstiimnn.
George W. Smith, Joe Mntkovlot, Ed
Gillespie, Mine'. Mnrtu Sandal, J. 0.
Blnlno. Chnrlos, B. McDuffee. Miss
Lucllln Moore, Charles Jaohnlg and
it. wooirldge.
Wires Still Down from Recent
Hurricane Except at Mar-
coni Station
Reports Arrivinq From Out
side Are That Damage Along
Coast is Slight
After much confusion nnd dolny
hccniiBo of wnshouts on tho Cctoa
Bay wagon rond, and tho big task ot
, carrying m0 mnlls nnd papers
through n section of forest wlioro
bugo trees wore knockod down by
tho recent storniB, tho ontlro mall
from tho outside arrived In tho city
this morning right up to tho minute.
nioBo who havo been blaming tho
dolnyod mnll for a thotisniul nnd ono
things will bnvo to await anothor
storm, while those who rocolved tholr
delayed mall are taking n day off to
look over tho heaps nnd piles of let
ters and newspapers which camo la
mm iiiuriiiug in lingo quantities.
Wires Still Down.
Tho Wostern irnlnn itlrm - aim
cut of commission nr a lato hour thin
afternoon and the numerous brenks
, In tho line nro being gone over nml quickly as possible, .lust
how long It well bo boforo communi
cation Is ro-oBtnbllBhcil with the Un-
, Ited States Is uncertain, but bopo Is
hold out thnf It will be by tomorrow
or tho next day at tho latest.
I The long dlstiinro tolelihono wires
nro still down with tho exception
of tho lino to Ilnndon nnd largo gmgs
oi men aro wonting seeking tho
brenks nnd Joining thorn ns quickly
ns possible Tho linos may all bo
ready by tomorrow or they mrv not.
, It nil doponds on the ninount of dnm
ngo dlscovorod ns tho work pro
grosses, I Wlrelcis Is Wo.Idnir.
i The Marconi wireless stntlnn on tho
hill Is tho only moans of conimiinlcnt
tlon with the nutildn, either by way of
Capo Hlnnco or North I load. Latest
roports regarding tho nftornifith nf
tbo big storm still show that tbe dnm
ngo to shipping wns vory sninll, and
tho miraculous escnpe of tbe big fleet
of crnft operating on the const Is duo
largoly to the wireless service
Win i. lugs Save Ycsoo's.
Willi tbo arrival of the mull from
tho outsldo It hns boon loomed thnt
tho barometer and tho wlroloBS plants
woro largely responsible for tho little
damage to voaaols. The storm enmo
.' up froim tho tropica nnd struck Snnta
Barbara first on this const. The re
sort town Is near Point Conception,
; which Juts out- Into the oconn, nnd
the hiirrlcnno swept from thnt point
I cloar up the const to Tatoosh iBlnnd,
nt V o entrance to the Straits of Junn
, do Fucn. At- tho latter point It ronch
ed a velocity of not much more than
nny union nn hour.
Stints At Coiicei.Hou.
Sniltn Hurhnm Ullu nlnit mil .rnm
tho outside world similarly to Coos
Hay, but tho big seaports suffered
llttlo dainnge, because tho bnromotor
readings heralded tho hiirrlcnno nnd
ovorythlng was innde sihik for It.
Dozoiib of vobboIh ready to go to sea
stayed IiibIiIo when tho bottom drop
pod out of tbo glass, nnd this wns
also a roason for tho llttlo dnmngo
siiBtnluod to shipping.
Looking nt It from nil nnglos, tho
worst of the buriicnno wns from Capo
Blanco up to Tillamook Hoad, and
Cnpo Arago got tho full bonoflt of
tho storm contor.
Mort Miller brought to town Frl
dnv a nuantity of fresh sausago
which he quickly sold to tho hungry
town folks at a good price. uoid
Beach Globe.
PiTTSmmo. Jan. 28. Tho Pitts
hurir & Lake Erie Itallroad dis
missed 12C men for drinking, and
is said to have about GOO more on
tho list to bo dropped.
tuniuiiu JDIAIC
Will Probably Decide Tonight
Propose Absorption of
Millicoma Club
Tho Marshucia Elks Lodgo will
meet this ovoulng and will probably
tnko doflnlto action towards securing,
n hall of their own and fitting it up
with club rooms, etc. It is llkoly
that a special commltteo, which bus
been at work on tlio proposition, will !
roport on the matter.
Tho plan Is to leaso a hall for n
period of yearB, probably flvo, and fit
It uii with card, billiard and ontor
tnlnmont parlors and also liuvo a bull
room. It Is llkoly that nrrangomonts
will bo 'mndo with parties who nro
figuring on erecting now business
blocks tills summer to add a second
or third Btory for tho special qiiartors
for tho Elks.
Somo of tho men who aro mombersl
of the Elks and also members or tho
Millicoma Club aro urging thnt In
euso tho Elks decido to fit up club
rooms thnt arrangements bo malo
for absorbing tho Millicoma Club.
Tho majority of tho membors of tbo
Millicoma Club. It la said, aro ElkB
and tho one club would servo both
purposes. Whether anything deflnlto
will develop along this lino will prob
ably bo determined soon.
Manufacturers Say With Duty
Off on Tile and Clay In
crease is Unjust '
Tho bearings In tho Eastorn advauco
rnto caso by tho Interstate Commerce
Commission todny, wore confined to
tlio, brick nnd clay. Tho manufac
turers urged that with tho duty off
thoso goods they could not stand any
ndvnnco In rates,
Transfer of Calvin to Oregon Short
Lino Affects Many.
Tho Eugeno Iteglsfpr says: A gon
oral rumor exists umnng Southorn
Pacific trainmen Hint L. It. Flolds,
dlntrlct siiporlntendont, is to bo
promoted to tho pinco or u. v.
Campbell, genoral superintendent,
who In turn Is oxpected to step into
tho position of genoral mnnagor In
San Francisco. Tills position, now
hold by W. It. Scott, Is expocted
to bo mado empty whon tha latter
takes tho vice-presidency loft by 13.
13. Calvin, who goes to tuo Oregon
Short Lino.