Hlk'HMUl'iV"WIW'' " "" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1914. EVENING EDITION. A Pleasing Suggestion! A Fixup $15.00 Suit for Yourself Tiintn'H nothing iiisttmh at the price that the ,.,Xil".s SI. -i CLOTHES; 0( MH AND LOOK AT SOME OK Till: SI'W THINGS. lll'V 1'IIOM US THE QUAMTV AXI) PRICE ARE RIGHT The Fixup M.Mtsiin i :m. north iiexd. ' New Gingham: A choice assortment of the new Spring Dress Ginghams at this store. FAST COLORS, PKFJTTY XKW PAT KKXS AND A LAKOID STOCK TO ciiooric ynoM AW lmc llic lijwsl 'wl best si ode of the new WOOL DWKSR (JOOI)S ill iown. Sec our windows. Ihe Golden Rule FIRST NATIONAL BANK PUILl)iNG M xi Glasses Ground to order Weak eyes perfectly fitted by tko latest and best methods known to science, Shoiilil you want bottor oye tluht or need good kIiisbob uronorly fitted, try my special a round Com bination Kinases Young or old, with thli special glass can icad fine nrlnt. do tloso work or boo nt a dlatnnco, all In ono leiiH. A glnsa of bonuty and a Joy forever Hvory jmlr flttod "i iuu ib wiirruuu'd io no poriooc nno guaranteed to ulvo sntlsfnctlon. Your patronage solicited. DR. W. B. RICHARDSON Optoinctiiot fniiii Sokuno. Office, Front and Mnrlcot Street, Mnrslifleld. Oregon. Rexall Olive Emulsion -WITH - Send.Your Laundry to Us ByJParcel Post Wi: FUIIMSII A HAfl A.V1) WILL l'A the postage OX ITS RETURN. Coos Bay Steam Laundry! Phone 57-J Marshficldl Orpheiim Tonight UVING CORPSE -Four-reol feature of wonderful production. I AW.N'En ROM VNCK Comical romance with some flno photos. SPECIAL MUSIC. 4 j,J TLG!!T AND TOMOUROW Pror. Lopport and wlfo will play elections from tho nuiBlcnl comedy "Spring Maid." Watch our ad for Wednesday. " FIVE THOUSAND FEET OF PICTURES, ADMISSION TEN CTS. .IWTAHV TIDES copal Church Guild by Mrs. WmT Doubner. Through the efforts of Mesdnmes Noblo and Hazard and tho kindly Intel eat of a number of peo ple. It wns innde possible to turn them over to the Library and deep appreciation Is due both to those who Kinv and those who lihorcd. 'that the Library might be benefitted. . mow Is Rfen tf.o time and -Hght of high and low water nt UirBli field. Tho tides nro plnecd li. tho order of oi.cur'enee, with their times on tho first lino and heights on tho second lino tf ench day; a compar .'son on consecutlvo heights will Indicate whether It Is high or low water, c'or high wator on tho bar sttbstrnct 2 hours 34 minutes. ALL1CE IS ; STM OFFIfO U I Wlllll LJ 1 I IBmII' ' : i I I l SOCIAL CALENDAR. with Til IllkliMtt t.1. t)Mni1liiitD(m ' Hall-Lewis and Judge John Hall villi o-vo tomorrow morning nt s o'clock 'enu pu n,j.,.,wi a In tho launch Traveler for an in-'StaiinCll Craft UndamaCJGCl Af spect on till up the Hie North Slough. tfir WcclflinCI Hpr WnV lln.uies Inlet and Wlllaneli Slough to I pi ' Tl"n .1, !,i:nn,,n look over county road work. Tho C'G ThrOllflll HUmcailC rondinnster will arrive from Coqullloi ,,.,,. , .... ., , , on the evening tialn. . he corduroy ,,?" ?'"?.! ," ? I" . !.n Lit0 work iielng done between North '"Y ,..?., . ., ''. "'""" TUESDAY. Itoynl Auction llrldgo Mrs. D. Y. Stnfrord. Episcopal Guild with Mrs. II. Lock' art. Christian Sisterhood all day session with Mrs. II. Yv. Pnlntor. WEDNESDAY. Jolly Dozen with Mrs. Chrls-tenson. - AloriQ the Waterlront. 27 Hrs. . a.iio (i. in ' :i.io o.i i I Ft. . . r..i 2.1 o.o o.:i 28 iirs. . i.2o y.r.o n.is 10.11 Ft... r,,2 i.s r..8 0.2 2!tilrs. . LIS 10.27 1.21 10.12 I Ft... r,.:i 1.7 r..r o..i Jiontrs. . n.ic ii.oi n.on n.oc ". fi.i 1.(1 T..2 0.8 itMirs. . r..u ii.ii r..i:t n.:io I Ft. . . B.ii l.r. .1.7 l.l I LOCAL TEMI'EUATUItE I ! ItDCOItl) ' For the 21 hours cndlntr nt I 1: in n. m.. January 27, by HenJ. I Ostllnd. special government me- teorologlst: Mnxlmum II I Minimum n I At l: a n. m Ill Precipitation till i Precipitation slnco Sept. 1 I mm ii. in i Precipitation samo period last year 12.70 i "Wind: Bouthwesf, cloudy. HOItX. I NELFON To Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Nelson nt their homo In Hay Park, Tuesday, .Inn. 27, n son. Hypophosphites A ploasnut tasting food ton ic combining tho tonic proper ties of the hypophosphites of the finest quality of ollvo oil. Well adapted for administer ing to persons suffering from wasting disorders, pulmonary nffectlous, coughs, colds and during convalescence. Try It. Wo guaranteo It. Tlio IU'miII Sloro Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. THE Ill'SV CORNER PHono t's aim Po'tpouo Social. Tho congregn tlonnl social which was to have been held nt the Prettbyterlnn church on Friday evening, January noth, has been postponed for ono week. Slough and. Ten Mile, and the dredg- " ..l" ', p , n, . ". I Tho Adeline Smith will sail "5 ." ?1 "'". '.. "K .s,0,,11 or Alliance. rA , , lVk ProsV. I tomorrow for San Francisco. si ec I ' ' ' lH "' "H "0 '""I"' ver the bar from Portland C Is " 8 S "J" l '0. . 8K-CIU1, I t.,iM,i,, ( ii ...ii i .., ii. today owing to tho likelihood i . t. i i v; iiwin ttim uuui inn- tRSONAL NOTES . A. CHURCH Is a Coos River vis itor at Maishfleld today. .MASON NOAH, of the Express, Is suffering from a severe cold. JAMES LANDL.'tll, of Coos River. Ib at .Mnrslifleld on business today. GEO. A. GOULD was a passenger on the Express to Mnrshfleljl today. TOM LAWHORN. of Allegany, wns a business visitor at .Mnrslifleld today. COUNTY CLERK JAS. WATSON was a Mnrslifleld business visitor last night. GEORGE WHEELER, of tho Trav eler, made a charter trip to Em pire todny. C. SPOONER, or Sumnor, was a pas senger on the Sunrise to Marsh fl.dd today. II. A. WERNICII, of North llond, w.is a Marshrield business visi tor yesterday. . Ixn-tiiic Tonight, Dr. Ilodno of f o State University will deliver a lecture nt the Marshlleld M. E. church this evening under the aiiuplces of tho CoIIoko Women's Club. It will be a free lecture. Hi-other Leave. Through nn er ror It was stated yesterday that Pos eph Schnied'Mug was planning to leavo for Portland soon. It should have stated Wolfram Sehnioddlng. as the litter Is tho ono who Is to depart for the Rose City. oricicd Place. Rev. J. Richard Olson, formerly pastor of the Marsh lleld and North lleud Swedish Lut'..er an churches, hut now pastor of the Immauiiel Lutheran church in Port land, has been offered the superlii tendency of tho Lutheran hospltul nt Mollue, according to n Portland paper. Madly Hurt. Juntos Ludwlg, n well-known Hunker Hill man, Is In u rather critical condition nt Mer cy Hospital, lie wns wo ruing in the Hit li mill of the C. A. Smith Compnny and a lath broko and struck 111 m In tho foivhoad, penetrat ing to the brain. Ho may recover. hut his condition Is most critical. Will Oimuil.o Club. A meeting wiib hold by tho Joint committee of tho Coos liny Clansmen, for tho or ganization of n Caledonian Club, at tho office or Allan Todd nt Mars' -llo'd on Monday ovoulng and plans arranged for n permanent organiza tion. Tho commltteo will bo pleased to havo all persons wishing to ho named as members communicate with Dnu McDonald nt North llond. MR. AND MRS. S. A. DARKER, or matching Inlet, are visitors nt Mni'shflold today. HERT GOULD, of Allogany was a passeiiKur on tho Redoudo for San Francisco today. EDGAR M'DANIEL, of North Rend, patfscd through here yesterday on route to Coipilllo on business. urly Cnpt. out of weather. Ho says that on lp up their running timo bar wns Just 20 Hours, l.ti4 ittlft f- 1 lirt 1n4ifttin nfttjl rtftft f'ni.lnl,. I rl.1t ,1.,1 I .l.. .1... I"". "" "IK l l" ummiyno mill o.u.iu ...... i . . ','i , i icy had to lay outsldo all nignt. Z ,,n ,I;1, ') "'''"" In order to keep rrom IioIiir driven ng ho burr Icniu and al hong., she fur llorthi 10 hntl to tllrn lho Adc. it ?.,,R'w ' ,,,r.ccit,y ",0 l1"' ,'",h f I'no southward and steam abend nt It. theotatoronliorlognoversagg.d KOoa 8,lcu,i lo overcome tho wind onro In tho sea. but trailed out behind nlui sen ami always recorded mileage against i ' charging Height and her passengers J, TB, ,rt nt North lleud. shifted to her Marsh- lf " ln18t. ". ' Held dock this afternoon at n o'clock, i f'0,"' .. 11tf" the storm "She's n dandy." declared the cap tain. "Thero isn't a boat on tho Pacific which has anything on hor when It conies to taking lingo bcub easily." lho Alllnnro ran Into (ho hurrl NOTICE TO PUPILS Tho second semester lu tho Mnroh riold schools will begin Moudny, Feb. 2. Clnsses for beginners will bo orgnulzed In both schools to rnnn n xiinri iiin.i nfim- niw, .!,... r...i which children six years of nge or the Columbia Tor Coos Hay on Hun-'over nro eligible. Now classes will day nt noon. For about rive hours "'bo bo organized In tho High School. tho seas smashed against her and il'or further Information, consult Su- Hhoots of water were blown clear perlntenilent Tleilgen. over ! or from tho tnjis of the wnves. but never at any time was she lu the i 1 slightest triTuhlo and while she inndoi TTr7" A "R.T'T"' A T C I slow headway against tho storm, Bhol I a A lj I M I JS I was always gaining against It. j vv .4 J.J. 1 A J. ii-'w f sue Drougiit n big cargo or general ' merchandise from the Robo City and will sail tomorrow at 1 1 n. in., for Eurekn. The following pnssongcrfl from Portland disembarked at Coos Hay: W. A. Mageo. Mrs. M. E. Snod grass. L. Q. Wright. Port Wilson, Pert Hill. S. E. Lard. Mrs. Agnes Wood, Jacob I term, Roy Rhodes, llertba Niche's. Ilenodlct Nichols, 'Vil'ilH Jl'iyl'l8!'":. and they will probably motor over Into Arizona. MISS MARION YOAKAM arrived hero today rrom California, whore she has made an extcmlod stay. WILLIS VARNEY, ono of tho Smith Powers foremen from Coaledo, ac compnnlid by Mrs. Vnmey nut! children, spent Sunday with Mnrslifleld friends. JAMES PARKER, .of Loon Lnlco, had a very painful trip on tho Exnress to MarshNold today. Th tilling passenger wiih suffering with the toothache. ARNO MEREEN. or tho jb. A. Smltli Company, who was expected lioro on the last Adeline, wns detained at Oaklind and will not Im able to como to tho Ray tor a week or two. MRS. J. T. HALL will leavo on tho Rfdondo for San Francisco to look nfter Mr. Hall, who has been unite sick lu tho hospital there. Ho was Improving, according to Inst accounts. AL SMITH was down rrom his Coos River ranch yestordny and re ports tho recent storm tho most sovoro in years. It hi w his chlc kon house over and damaged his launch sonio. J. S. I1ARTON, or Coqulllo. wns in Marshrield last night on business. Ills brnther-ln-lnw purchased tho Woodburn Indopondont rrom W. II. Young, who recently purchased lho Coiiulllo Sentinel rrom Low Catcs. Enjoy Social Tho Christian En deavor Socloty or tho Christian Church, gavo a most enjoynblo eve ning pnrty nt tho homo or Rev. fenmuol Gregg and wRo on Saturday ovoulng. A largo number wore pros ont, Including members nnd their frlouds. Music and gnmes wore tin order or tho occasion nrtor which delicious refreshments wore servod. It Is oxpectod that these social t vents will bo repontod twice eacli month. Libim-y (ilft. To make right n alntoniiHir rnirni'illiitr tlwi tflfl nf n sot of Stoddard Lectures to the LI- SAM SHOOK, of tho Ivy Condon JOHN DASIINEY loir ror bis logging enmp noar, llrldgo yosterday to ro siimo operations thoro, tho recent. Iroshot having taken out many of his logs nnd enabled him to start work onco moro. THOMAS A. WILLIAMS, whom a toastmaster has wild "sells Sim mons' saws and drinks Wilson's Water." Is a now arrival lu Coos Hay on behalf of the firm of Hen ry Dillon & Sons, or Snn Fran cisco. Ho handles the logging supplies fop tho concern and Frank J. Erb, who has been Tioro several works, handles saws and supplies. MISS SADIE THO.M, or North llond. enjoys the distinction or holding tho record ror speed and accur acy in stenography at tho Coos Hay HubIiicbb Collegn. Notwith standing the fact that Miss Thorn has only boon a student nt the college for tho past four months, she writes in I words on tho type writer lu ono minute and in sec onds, this speed h lug attained with commorelnl correspondence. Miss Rolghord tokos second hon ors, writing lift words a minute on sentence writing. Prof. Slsk Is vory null pleased with the progress or all his pupllB this term. AMONG THE SICIC. 4 I Mrs. S. Lando Is confined to her homo by illness. Mr. Lando Is nlflo still quite sick. CHIROPRACTIC. Ibrnry. it Ib necessary to add that; tho books were n gift to tho Epls- Who Says "Nothing Stirring?" 15lm V, !ots so,(l ,n Cooston this month, not counting tho eral mn, ? y Joucs ,n Hosoliurg Inst week, and thoro aro s-v-wav T JU8t ns ln,"BO deals now under negotiation. Thero Is al The n? y mvC8t In ny fair, -SQuaro, merltorioiiB proposition, chooip P v0f Coos Uty lH' nl'ow h'8 opportunity to pass fr they 6e' e are simply tolling you about it. COOS BAY REALTY CO., Inc. 01 G. DUNCAN. Phono 264-J. B. JONES RK1R1D AND COVERED DuJhLD CYCLERY PHONE 158-R. .MURPHY'S DAXCIXG ACADE.MV (WINTER TERM) Thoge desirous of learning tho Waltz. Two-sttp or other dances, call at Odd Fellow's Hall, this week, Tuesday or Thursday, aftor noon or evening, or telephone 295-L. Earl H. Murphy, Instructor. tC5.rfll-j OF Ladies' Suits and Coats AND Men's, Women's and Children's Cravenettes an J Raincoats STILL ON. ni'T THESE RID ICULOUS LOW PRICES , WILL NOT ALWAYS LAST So Hurry WALK TWO BLOCKS AND SAVE $5,00. WE ARE OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT Western Outfitting Company. Ilussell Uiiildlug Penti'ul Ave. Itctween Second and Third Sts. ranch nt Allonany, which ho has onoratod lor tho past three, yonrs. rocontly purchased n ranch iiohc Myrtle Point. luiJ will take pos sewilon or his new holding In the uoar future. . E. HAGUE nrr.lvod home via Drain today from his California trip. Mrs. Haguo ronia'nod lu Sn:i Francisco and ho will prob ably return thoro soon to Join her for annthor vIbU and return with li r Intor. COUNTY SURVEYOR A. N. GOULD camo ovor from Coiiulllo yostor day to Join his rathor. Georgo Gould, or Allogany, on a California trip. Thoy 1 ft on tho Redoudo. Mr. Gould shipped his auto thoro The R.oyal TONIGHT Entire chnngo or program. Two vaudevlllo acts. Miss Norma Uoardman, In popu lar and chnractor songs and dances. Miss Lois Powoll In two now songs. "The Trail or tho Serpent." An adventuress broaks up a happy home and pays tho penalty being lucked lu a vault which she Intended to rob "The Surrender." Comoly drnmn i.lko Darby and Joan." in wbiib the easy ways of the city folk work havoc among the aimpl folk Wlfoy Must Follow Ilusbanl" A sparkling comely. Admission, lower Vnr, 15rj unl cony, 10c, RHEUMATISM. I havo boon asked how It waB pos sible to cause n euro or Rhoumntls'n by working on tlio backbone. This (mention is easily answered: Rheu matism, It Is clnlmed, Is caused by too much uric acid In tho blood. Why Is tho uric acid In tho blood? lie cniiBO tlio norvos governing tho stoip nch nro not performing tho work nat uio Intoudod thoy should do, lu some people causing nn abnormal quan tity of uric acid; lu othors, dyspepsia or various other diseases which can readily bo tracod to tho dofoctlvo dlgostlvo organs. Now tlio uric acid Is thero, why do the kidneys not ni ter it out or the blood? Thoy aro In tended to do that work or ridding t' o blood or Impurities; why do thev net do so? nocturne from ovorwork or the nerve Tone lining partially shut off, they are Inactive and cannot do their duty and lr natiuo were rroe to net lu t'-e affected parts Impurities would not lodge there. If tho verte brae of tho Bplno were all In proper position that pressure on the nerves cou'd not exlbt,, - If you nro bIcIj, no innttor what your nllmont, ncuto or chronic, cnll mid seo me. I believe I inn prove to you t! o philosophy of my statements. Consultation nnd examination free Office hours, 10 to I. DR. W. II. REYNOLDS. Suite 2 13-1 4-15 Coke Hldg. Phono 112-L. Marshflold. I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I FOUND LikIj-'m leather pocketbook. Can bo had by describing property and paying for this ad at Times office FOR SALE 'JO youiiv laying- lieim and 1 Drown Leghorn rooster. Ap ply Mrs. Annie llollnnil. :ii'2 South 5th street or phone 200-X, morning or evening. FOUND (iiniirreiir'H llccimc lindgv. Can be obtained by Identifying property and paying for this ml at Times office. WANTED A position by good tailor ess, skirt maker and helper on coat. Speaks Finnish language Postnfflco box SIC. FOUND Pin mounted with bril liants in Coke bldg. Call at Times office nnd pay for this nd. WANTED My lady employed during the day, comfortable room with lunch nnd dinner in private fam ily, or rooms for light hoiiBokeop lug; must bo closo in. The Parisian. LOST Silver liniullcil umbrella, uoar Dr. Ilnrtle's garage In North IVond, Monday. Liberal reward for return to Mrs, llnrtlo. I'OR KALI': 3-rooiii bungalow unit 2 choice lots on South Fifth St. Hair cash, good tirms on balance. Seo J. C. Donne. ItOARD AND ROOM At l.tl Com morelnl avenue. I FOR SALE FOR SALE High grade Jersey hoirer, rresh In row weeks; price $50 cash, Anyono wnntlng flno family cow got bimy. Inquire of John Yoiikam, near Ileavor Hill Junction, FOR RENT l-OR RENT two store rooms, 915 each; 5 rooms ror lious.keoplng for $10: 1 modern R-room bun golow, $11 by Title Guaranteo fir Abstract Company. FOR RENT Good pasture for two horsoB, good barn, plenty of hay, charges roasonnblo. Address "A" ca 10 or Times offlco. FOR RENT 7-ronm house ultli bath, lu good ordor, Central nvo nuo and Tenth. Apply McPhor boii, Gliisor Co., Phono 211-L. I'OR RENT Housekeeping rooms. 457 South llroadwny. I'OR ItEXT Sleeping rooms, rc-in-onnblo by tho week, 229 South Drondway. I'OR RENT Furnished rooms, mod orn. :i7.1 South Sixth street. Phono 205-L. White and Gold A new lot of the ever nopular White and Gold Table Ware just in Service and Beauty 53-piece set, $5.40. ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW Peoples s!5 Stores FOR HEXT liiii-ge house on South 11th street. Phono 119-L,, or te A. D Campboll, liaiuloii Maisbfleld Myitlo Point Comfortable Trusses Tho biggest and best solocted stock or Trusses, Elastic Hosiery, Abdominal Dolts and Shnuldor UracoB In Coos County, is always 1 to bo round at "Tho Storo fori Quality Goods and Penal ar Horn-f-dl a "