THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 19U.-EVENINaEDITI0W l 1 TwiWumii ill 1 1 hi frl'm M Mflrt'atiiiMw INI TO ENTER SIM LAND Report That 25 Marshfield Families Have Made Application WASHINGTON, Jan. 27. Twon-ty-flvo fainllica nt Mnrshflold havo submitted through Representative Ilawloy (i plon for pornilsslon to s:t tlo on burnt over lnmlu In the southern part of tho Sluslaw National forest. LONDON HAS HUGE SHE Wr AMOrlMfd Vmt to Cool nil TIpm.1 LONDON, Jnn. 27. Two hundred thousand union men employed in tho building trades In London quit their Inbor for tho week-end holi days Saturday an snld thoy would not return to work until tho em ployers withdrew their demand for tho open shop principle S E llr AwocUti-.l I'rrM lo Coo llf .lnir.) WASHINGTON, I). C., Jnn. 27. Tho I'oHtoffivo appropriation hill, car ry In tho record-breaking total of $:iori,000,000, was piiBHed by tho Hoiiho. It Includes an amendment which extends to 1'ostofflcu clerks, letter carriers, rural free delivery arritrH, mounted letter carriers and pOHtofflco messengers, for Injuries re ceived on duty, full sulary for ouo year If uocctmury, and $l!000 lump mini payment In case of death. ' AT THE - - HOTELS The Chandler. K. V. HmiHiMi. St. Paul; S. Hon hoii, l'ortlnnd; Th o. Dixon, Kiigeno: F I Hunhott. Myrtlo Point; T. iinlvosKcn, Myrtlo Point; F. 10. Mr Kouiin, Coiiulllo; J. S. Iliirton, Co iiulllo; K. Kinney, North Ifoiul; J. K. Smith, Hlvorton; CharleH Hunt, Empire; (). S. Mltsli, Empire, 'i'lio Lloyd. ('. H.irry. Myrtlo Point; Mrs. R. Jackson, North Dead; Minn Sarah Miller, Cnqulllo; MrH. Maudroy, North Ilond; A. (1. Hunch. Cons River. Tho llluiuo. .IrH. Doinpsey. Ilandon; T. M. Wood, liiiKoiip; W. A. Ilutton. Hun don: Hurt Harrison, Myrtlo Point; C. A. TnngllH, Ilandon. i ill ztvst TM J V I W wmJ V n mWi X, J i 'I f . jP I J I ' r i oL .JI28-7207 Z JftLlr ((C ihwiiTT tammtmtmMMA 1' """'''' ''' r'iTv i l ! i : ; I tisv'"nHi A SMART SPORTS COAT MODEL Tho sports coat has evidently como to stay. Woman for all her lovo of fluffy. Impractical clothes Is quick to granp a stylo that Is useful and becom ing at tho en mo tlmo. Tho sports coat Is usually made of the lightest and woollest of materials and Is warm and hnndy to slip on over tho ono-plcco frock for a morning's uhopplns or for n 'gamo of Rolf. Tho bright colors, vivid Itrucns. reds and blues arc popular and rather bright plaids. Tweed mixtures In somewhat quieter grays and browns will appeal to tho more conservative and are quite ns smart. Kmnrald green bouclf Is used with 8128. Tho Skirt Is u brown twaod mlx turo. This coat Is cut with body and slecvo In one and may bo worn closed over the sldu front with tho collar In high turn down effect or may tinve tho fronts turned back to form rovers and tho collar turned down to foim u point on cither shoulder. It requires V4 yards of 42 Inch ma terial to mako this coat In size 3C. No. 7207 Is a thrco-ploco skirt closing In front with Just n suggestion of fullness ut tho belt In back. It may bo mado In slzo 24 with 2 yards or 42 Inch ma terial. Every day new designs for tho ono plcco frock npprnr. In this modol of roBO colored epongu wo havo tho drop shoulder, a blouso that closes surplice fashion and a smart yoked skirt Ulack satin collar and cuffs glvo tho necessary relief. This dress may be copied In slzo 3C with 4 yards of 30 Inch material. No. 8128 nlzes 32 to 44. No. 7207-slzes 22 to 32. No. 8098 -sizes 34 to 42. Kadi pattern IS cents. to omain eiinor pniicrn mummied im N BZ0 out this coupon nnd cnclono 15 cents In " stamps or coin. Ho sure to stnto number Namo of pattern and size, menaurlng over tho Adilrcis fullest part of tho butt. Address Pattern Department, euro or (Ills paper. E IS A MARVEL (iOODItOADS fiOODHU.M'S SKIN via: ii:paut.mi:nt wouthv )!' SPECIAL l.NHPKCTIOX . m:w lMers ahout rouns. You oui;ht to take n trip to tho floodruni (InrnKo today or tomor row nnd ni'o tho sorvlro department that is IhiIiik mnlutnluod thero for the houoflt of Coos County nutolsts. All the nutolsts know the extent nnd value of thin Borvlce, hut the Konernl public doosn't and If you nro the least lntorosted In mochnulrs, it will bo an hour well spent. Incldontnlly It will j;lvo you n llttlo Insight Just now Into the won tlorful simplicity of tho Ford enrs. Ouo of tho machines was taken apart ruceutly, strlppod comploto ly. You may have neon other nu tos. high priced machines, with their numerous parts and Intricate works and marvelled that they did not k t out of "whack" more ofton than they do. When you bco tho Ford apart, your misgivings about tho likelihood of troubles with nu nuto will ilisapponr. Mmpllclty and accuracy in tho first construction arc the prime features of the Ford. lloth aro money savers for the mnkora nnd inoney-savorH for tho ownors, not to speak of th ellmluntlon of tho troubles Hint mnrkod tho llfo of tho nutomoblllst boforo Ford took the field. Tho following statement from tho Ford factory gives n llt tlo Insight Into the inothods they iiho which enahlu thorn to put n thoroughly rellnblo car on tho mar ket nt tho price thoy do: Havo Precious Time. Tho work of turning out Ford cnrS' nboundH In minute details of production which save precious minutes. A unlquo method Is used to test cylinders to nscortnln If thoy havo boen bored accurately lo n thous andth of an Inch, this simply al lowing for tho movement of tho piston head. Iry old mncliluo shop mothoda tho cylinder was bored out nnd tho pis ton bond turned nnd then one wns fitted to tho othor. Whon Ford production ran up Into tho hundreds of motor enrs por day It wns ob viously Impossible to tost In this way, oh cylinders woro bored In one portion of tho plnnt, while tho pistons woro being turned n great dlfitnnco nwny. A dovlco was therefor workod out In which an electric globo Is used to mnko tho test. When n cylinder bus boon bored to tho cor rect size It Ih slid over nn electric globe. A piston gungo of tho exact slz of a piston head Is thon slid Into tho cylinder and tho testor ex amines It enrcfully to ascortaln If any light leaks around tho gunge. If thoro Is no sign of light It menus that tho cyllnd r has boon bored properly, but If light shows, tho cylinder Is rejected as defective. 'IVMh or Motor. No matter how cnrofully n motor has been tested boforo assembly, it Is always hard to start when tho assembling is finished. This has always nioaut laborious cranking or tho spinning of tho motor by a solf starter in tho plants whoso prod uct Is eoulppod with a starter. Tho difficulty was solved nt tho Ford plant at Detroit in n unlnuo manner. Pulloy wheels rovolvlng nt high snood woro sunk flush with tho floor In tho assembly room. When n cur has boon sot up (and In tho rush season thoy nro going through nt tho rato of 1000 por day) no effort Is spout on turning tho engine liy ordinary means, but tho rear wheels nro placod on tho floor pulleys, after tho genrs have been nieslud. This soon warms tho motor nnd when tho first puff of tho exhaust announces thnt tho englno lis working Itself, tho car is re leased from tlio pulleys ami runs out on the loading platform. COLDS TO UK TAKKN' BKHIOl'.SLY Intelligent people realize that common colds should bo treated promptly. If thoro Is sneezing mid chilliness with hoarseness, tickling thront and coughing, bogln promptly tho uso of Foloy's Honey and Tar Compound. It Is effective, pleasant to take, chocks n cold and stops tho rough, which causes loss of sloop tuid lowors the vltnl resistance. Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan.' Opposlto Cbnmller Hotel. Phono 74. Othor things being equal, tho man soils tho most goods who most fro- quontly nnd most persuasively asks pooplo to buy. it pays to usk. QUI! MEAT WHEN KIDNEYSBDTHER like n (3 lass of Sails lief ore IlrcnkfiiHt If Your Hack Hurts or lllnddcr is troubling you. No in a n or woman who eajs moat regularly can mnko a inlstnko by Hushing tho kidneys occasionally, says a well-known authority. Meat forms uric acid which excites tho kid neys, thoy becomo ovorworked from the strnln, got sluggish and fall to ill tor tho wnsto and poisons from tho blood, then wo get sick. Noarly all rhoumntlsm, headaches, liver troublo, norvousuess, dizziness, sleeplessness nnd urinary disorders como from slug glBh kidneys. Tho moment you feel n dull ncho In tho kidneys or your back hurts or If tho urine Is cloudy, offonslvo, full of sediment, Irregular of passago or attended by a sensation of scalding, stop eating moat and got about four ounces of Jnd Salts from any phar macy; take a tablespoonful In a glass of water boforo breakfast and in n fow days your kldnoys will act flno. This famous salts Is mado from tho neld of grapes and loinon Julco, com bined with llthln, nnd has boon used for generations to flush nnd stimu late tho klndoys, also to noutrnllzo tho acids in urine so It no longor causes Irritation, thus ending uladdor weak ness. Jnd Salts Is inoxponslvo and can not injure; mnkes a dollghtful effer vescent llthia-water drink which ov eryono should tnko now nnd thon to keep tho kidneys clean and active and the blood pure, thoroby avoiding ser ious klduoy complications. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HKNRY SEXQSTACKKX, Manager FAIIM, COAL, TIMHKK AND PLATTIXa LAXDS A SPECIALTY. GKXKKAL AOEXTS EASTSIDE MAUSHFIKLD OFFICK, PHOXB tl-J. COQUILLU CITY OFFICK PHONE 101. THIS CASSEROLE FREE FOR 300 BAK T -r.rmT nOTTDnMfl CMtcrole with hcarlly nickel ptnlrd Ut.nrtC' l j. - frames whlto lined drown polli'rv dish, In CVeiV PQ.CK Ot UJjt-Iv hotds3plnti. free for 3W OUAfc cou- All Vf1? i :c n podb. moutlipiccc cigfarcttcs is a valuable coupon, put there to express our ap preciation of your patronage. THIS COFFEE PERCOLATOR FREE FOR 300 OBAK CIGARETTE COUPONS Ideal Store Coffee. IYrcolator! blup enamel oultldti. while enamel Intldcs aluminum trimmings! doldt 8 cupil Ireo for 30U OllAK coupons. In every pack of OBAK mouth piece cigarettes is a blend of pure tobaccos that will make OBAK your ,, OBAK Coupon! can bo used lo pro- dLJctl CLLU, cure nunurciis oi ouier usciui unities. Wtitcfor Catalog. Address OBAK PREMIUM DEPARTMENT 333 Dattcry Street SAN FRANCISCO V':Mw"A'wwiW'M As Si x Miif mimuu ' 'K&'4V'iMf i .-sfcr.ff ma L W&&MU 1 XJ mMmlSyl1 -'d FOR SALE BY Blanco Cigar Store The Old Popular Stand EANDOM BY THE SEA THE CITY OF THE FUTURE A FEW TEX ACHE TUACTS FOUIt MILKS SOUTH ON COUNTY IIOAI) ?!W l'KK ACItK; 9100 CASH, UALANCJC TWO YKAUS, NO INTEUEST. NO TAXES, FINE SANDY LOAM, LEVEL UENCH LAND. Buy One It Will Make You Money Donald MacKibtosh REAL ESTATE nd INSUIIANCE. TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. CIcmiliiKt iTimlriiiK or now plateiiN, work nuiinmU-eO. IUIiIioiih and curliou paper ilellvcred. Plimio imyoiir order. Phono II. Allliiuco office TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. NV1LLAMETTK.PACIFIO .MOTOIt fEItVIOE. Car leaves Contral avonuo, Marsliflold, ovory thirty minutes, bo Klnnlng at C:30 a. m., to 9: 30 i. tn. Leaves North Hond ovory thirty minutes beginning G:4G a. in. to 9:1C p. m. Faros: Ono way, lGc; Roitnd trip, 2Cc. S. S. ALLIANCE JSffMtWT" EQUIPPED AVITII WIHELESS. SAILS FROM PORTLAND FOR COOS BAY SATURDAY. JANUARY 24, AT 6:00 P. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50. Connection with tho North llunlc Ilond nt Portland. North Pacific Stwmushlp Company. Phono H. C. K. .H'OEOnaB, Agent. EQUIPPED WITH WIHELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FItOM MAUSIIF1ELD: SAILS FIIOM POHTLAND: SAT., JAN. SI, 1 p. in. titi.'ch - Tx t. SAT., JAN. 10, 7.SU) . in. 1UI,SDA, JAN. , 8 p. ,. SAT., JAN. 17, lil.SM) p. in. TUKSDA, JAN 1SI, 8 p. in. SAT., JAN. 2-1, 7.SI0 ii. in. TUESDAY, JAN. 20, 8 p. in. SAT., JAN. 511, 10.00 n. in. TUESDAY, JAN. 27, 8 p. in. Tickets on sulo to nil Eastern points and Information ns to routes and rates cheerfully furnished. Phono Mnln 33-L. II. J. MOIIR, Agent S. S. REDONDO SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR SAN FRANCISCO TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, AT 10 A. M. San Francisco office, 805 Fife Jlldg., or Lombard St. Piers No. 27. luter-Ocennle Transportation Co., C. F. McGoorge, Agt., Phone 41. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT LUMHER, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS. BASn AND DOORS, ROOFING PAPER, ETO. CUT THE FUEL DILL IN TWO DY USING OUR WOOD. PHONX 1BO. 181 SOUTH BROADWAY Low Rates for Handling Try Wo haul trunks kn... points In Marshfield htVr. InK rates, ilollvnr,. r."MoKl !.,. (traf .lnln. ..i T . ...." til". .1 vuu .u uiunuo Ul UIIIMIi... "Il Onn trunk ut W-.W .......... l'hreo trunks .... ""'.Ij Twdlvo trunka 'i i Star Transfer and Stomirl Levi Ilclsncr. V,J' Phonoa 120-J' 4.1.I.. ,j. FAMILY niNNPiio In our" now location, . . noclnlly nronnroil n o.J.." "! trndo. Regular mealg or bon'tl Open dny nnd nc,L MERCHANT'S CAP tlmmlwny wnd Comniorcltl u.1 THERE'S ONLY 0.I JHn,,h THE SINGER! ONLY ONE REPItESKXTAtinl W. J. R1TZ Phono 2HQ.X. DRY FIR AND ALDER V& AT CAMPBELL'S WOODYJUS North Front StrctL I rnone iso-T. RIVERTON COAL FOR $5.00 PER TOM Phone 165-X CHAS. LAPP EDISON'S LATEST A ntorngc battery thnt eontltul over vluirgliiK will not hira. DOES NOT CORRODE j TERMINALS. CONTAINS NO ACID. Will not loso Hh chnrge ibh Ntiindlng Idle. IS GUARANTEED FIVB YFJIU Coos Day WiringCo, lh:t Itroiuhviir. Agentn for Port of Cool DijjI STOCKINGS. Pickaninny Stocking for Ilojn Glrl Tho Dcst Wearing Stockings oil MarKct. Sold a. The Electric Shoe Store. 180 So. Ilrondiritr. Commutation Tickets $2.00 MAHSIIFIELD-NORTH IIKXD ilf LINE. Cr every ten nilnutcs from Ou to 12SUU p. III. G0RST& KING, Prop UNIQUE PANTATOBIUM 1T...1..U ... IfmiM a.a..imF Lot ua Cloan, Press and llP .. ..nil. rnn' f your ciomea fuv. um -Rates Rcaeonablo. JAY DOYLE & C. O. DAGCEfl 250 Ccu tral Ave. l'liune S HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. South Coos River BoaU Tioga leaves Marsbfleld W head of river at 8 a. .. w turning In ovenlng. Steamer Rainbow lef" head of river at, 7 a. m. roturnlng loaves Marsnntw 9. n m. ROGERS & SMITH. 0 LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co. Abstrt Uioroughly clepenuuuie. -. mediate service, prompt J clients. Mlulmnm cost. I. S. Kaufman ' DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY own in o vhiiiui . i North Bend-Jjlj J-" -.- "- BwRSW EsiiJ