IB MAKE UP TOR SUNSHINE EVEN WHEN THE SKIES ARE DARKEST law Ol-K MlM W1WTIIKK WHAT'S 001 N(J OXV Rend Tito Times every tiny for tl.o late.t ne. Rend I lio mli fur jour own benefit. It liny to advertise I" Tlio Tli.il. xmt ....I.. PI Willi (in Ctum '"' M '" ,....., I ,..imliif.M ......I 1.0 Irl'5'' ... .mi mo ii subscriber find in"'" ' " MEMIIKU OK THE ASSOCIATED PRESS w "" -- . .1.1. ...I IUU XXXVII. ,, Tl.o C.wt M..I1 MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 27. 1914. EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. A CmmlX!Z?nMv!$utt No. 16V flllL EUY RAILWAY REDQNOO SAILS TWO PRISONERS FOR THE SOUTH OLD OFFEIOERS n., linn I ilifilV If) be m Dtty uiiiv --w eld UP by it-Mauser ana uiauh ..w .......Miitlfiiiitnnt (if Kmai Dixon. . - -. -; ...iinti nr iivj .,.-.-- UCIIUH - .. rillfltt I!1V. Vessel :Held Back Two Days By Storm and Bad Bar Leaves Marshfield Dock Company .' "'".li0?,'"1;: tSWhil".1 i;."o of "u.o &.T K"r ,ortor lu ..'....I i. ..,. i'fiiitKrilnv on ft! lining to the railway. Kir. their visit Is of l'i- r t Rnlfliamo Just now s R.b im been onlori'il anil li rontemplntcd for tlio Imiiiu- ilurn - ... ii.mirii. linn not vet m souiiii-iii ",,:'-',,. Efl orders ror sumnm . " lon of the l" Hay bridge the bridges m-rm Hm SIuhIiiw i'.,n Tim rinil permit for ftrfdge nrroM Scliofl' Id Crook, Khe bli? tunnel, wns Issued hist tj by mo in.i.-i"'"' ;" lure Is of no particular con- ne now looks ns though tho Coos llirlilge Is going to In tlio InK point hi mi' ii" "" .7 . 1.1.. ... i. lu iwiliilitil p one uiio j-' " i"""-- lhat tin loiisiniitlon of tlio Day brlilfic will, in tlio opinion Klncera llllll ruiniruvimn, .-- nt leant nlno months stonily without 'lie usual doliyH. This mean Hint uni ns tno iiruigu irtcil soon tluit li rnnmii no oteil leforo tlio first of next why tlio Southern Pacific Ih ; back tlio bridge Ih a mystery Be nxai men mm uin ruiunu- W'lillo It was reported tun. ,,.... uniiliif. ill llin Mniullf Inlil niiu .iiiiiiiifi " -....".--- .-. i.r t..ittui ii u tut lllutml MO li(;i' in n.i ..in. ...j...-ii fiiliey .mi1!! Iimil .rushed rod; travel direct by iriln. It Ih stated Ithcro 111 lie no need for tlio II or er.islieii .oik until ui Itliree miiitlis nftor tlio ItrlilK Irtcd, Wink i n TiiiinoN. !' SninNiM Cri'iilf llllllK'l rTi '"iik nln'y nuorilliiK l'1 'In.r If ill lliv.1li 'Pllill.' fll'll about Hnn f t iinitor urounil tie r.'irtn imr'ai nmi iiihi iiioiuii :m ii-ci proLTisH rnoy up iiurIi into li' ninni'l now to tno rorrntlni. tlioy will liavo k I'roit li n:i I arc rcrtaln that hrt! ' ?r nl'stmlCH will lio on- Bpr il h!!' not bo loiii; beforo tlioy h( un Iprrrnuiul funii tlm mnitli lll t'ea bo umkliiK l.i'twGon Bbt'I 1 oo fci i proKronH on II inontn this win monn tlmt FlL' tunnel will li lomiitntnd I.1 next Ottobir Tlicro ronialna f iiOO feet of It to ilrlvo. Kt tlOW tlio fllllv tvnrlr Iti mvitf. U t!:o erew on tin IiIk tiiuunl, . ami at tunnel Xo. 0, junt I Of tlio I'ninnii'i nmi tli utiirim (1 rrcw workliiK nt Hand 1'olnt. tK on tunnel No !!. Jimt noutli -t Slllllaiv unq MmiuhiiI Hnmn to on neeoiini of tlio weatlior. lunnei naa to In lioavlly tlm I and tlio ro.iila i-iit un i.iinl.lv It as Imposslblo to haul tlm 'o do tlio work inn 1 No, c Is being driven liy Da mfin u'lm .pa nitiiiii. i.i.mii , " " ill. Illlll.lll iiiiu.iv wt proRress per mouth. (Il)llitrn til l..... ltl Ik. t '" "" '" l"UKh several Burvoys havo ".aue at Ten Mi'(. with a vlow i.t'lnK out tlio Ian tunnul known " . n is iiouiitrnl If nny 80 V 111 tin nmi.. v,,., !,., !,., .. - ........ .luiiu nun jiuuii i so far ' .. X Xi-H Woik Hauser sabl tlmt thpro wan la new In th work or In proa He tii tin., .i,. . i. i . . , . i.irm nini.r. if . ",,t m' nl0B Nort !l winter "fin Hauser biH boh. who wns hVV.0.,. !" "IJ110 uj ' "" '" -miunn. iiQiiiH . 1,Bome worlc P thoi-o. I,,. , '"ll Ullll I1UU- ."XL ,n ? ! to Gardiner. ,iJn.,0.1?u '"'o fireok and T ,.,; ,0 K S1" a,0"K Nrtii .hV?a"rr- m t?trct ih ..i. ""Cl wwiur 10 tno Ci ifa!tI "t wore unable VmnZT tm a'l B ftaM.t!,0'roi,pn wonthor thoy F 'on camp at San Point until h7iya.uf r "av recently state Th,:..,.?.IUract '"New IUWni.t.' ""u..b0"'.0 l." J ati ..... u" "le K0W vorK reone p r ,0 taklnB nhu?8&t ,,f'Mclc, of the :iX;rer0ks .fompany, la now abl.rX"'!! Br- Wed frA " u '""jeut iiiero. r there New York December Tfeman Nelson nf fee? .. .a.ra n last night from h lh I!,? barB Iawrenro L? Ven ,,V," .p ". m?nt"' h'aer n.i- ,"" " io UIKO it to The iiio,bi0 tl10 rougU weath- t "' It ,, T8, Here yester ttt w8 u',crtaln when thev i v." " as tho ?? .: . " iwwtag clMf ,VT l""'lua "nr t-ecu to m. nr0B." yesterday. remand nf1 ai'1 Severtaen - ma Lawrence. The Htoniner Hcdondo wag tin- I nhlo to eroHH out over tho liar at I noon today and returned to j North Ilend, where hIio tied up to await IiIkIi tide tomorrow about I noon, when nhe will make an- I I other attempt to luave for San I b'ranclHeo. j y , A With overy Indication of fine weather, after l.elut; held lu the Day for two dayH liy the Htorm and a had har, tho Hteamer Uoilonilo, Captain ICrlekHon, eleared rrom her dock in .MatHhllold thin uioruhiK nt to o'clock for Ban I'ranclHco. The Hteamer Ih takliiK a IiIk IIhI of paHHoUKorH Houth. nmoiiK them .Mm. .1. V. Hull. .1. A. Mntmin. ('. II. Porter and Prank C. Kllpntrlck The last named will viHlt IiIh father on IiIh ranch nt Xapa and Hieud coiiHldcrnble time lu San Francisco on IiiihIikms. The Itedomlo took out a IiIk tarKO of liimher and the followliiK list of paHHeimerH: C. II. Porter, 0. A. (loiild. A. M. Could. Mih. .1. T. Hall, Mih. I.. K. I.oiik. .1. A. HawkliiH, I.. A. Woodlior ry. .1. A. MatHon, KrneHt (JyHler, II. ('. llnrKult, S. T. Kllpntrlck. Mih. P. II. ItoKe. P. II. ltom, Krniik Shaler. Jr.. K. Shnlor. Mrn. !'. Slinli'r. !'. Wnlrnth. .1. C. Kaller, T. Ilaiden. Pit Moran. (loo. Klloek. K. .McPhci'. John lly- muii, Carl Hart. V. T. WlKlitinnn.! (iiialn Manuinnil. Hum Amlroa, P. PhotoH. A. ItodrlKUCH. Nick lt"Klck. .1. OlHtm, Ham Balm. (leu. .leveu. .lolin Plmoylc, 10. .1. Hdwr.rdH. !'. Able. M. Kaler. A. Yliara. .1. KcIIoh. Ciih llramlt, John Meh. CIiiih. I.II, Nick (eoi'Ke. (ico. PoIoh, 1). Ilowtou uud (leo. llllallle. y WELCH S10W FALLING IN I Flakes Follow Arrival of Cool Spell Letter Mail Car ried in by Men IUIXKAMi IS lllv.WV. AccordliiK to tho govornmont i recordH, tho toUtl iralnfnll on I Coos Hay duriiiK the mouth or I January up to yomerday wiih 115.79 Inchon aBaliiHt 12.(50 Inch- ! oa for the name period a year I JtRO. I Arrivals from tho IminlotH nnd ranches In tho vicinity of the moun tains roport today that tho higher hills and rannos wore covered with buow this mornliiK to n iloptli of nev eral Inches becaiiHO of tho cool spoil whlci nrrlvefl last iiIkIU In tho wnko of the storm. Captain L. 0. Mastors, of tho Inuiich Btinilse. stated that considera ble snow fell In tho vicinity of Stininor nnd AlloKiiny and that the nlKht was cooler than at any other tlmo durlim the present winter. Tho letter mall arrived at Marsh field this iiiornlnK nfter it had been carried for a couple of miles on tho worm part of tho road whoro tho horses wore iinnhlo to travel, hut tho nowspnper mail could not ho brought through because of fallon troos ami washouts. Thoro wero n largo number of treos broken off or torn out by tho roots during tho hurricane on Sunday and t'o Coos Hay wagon road Is said to bo lu a very bad stato, obstructions nnd washouts having put If Into such shapo that further delay of tho mall of all kinds is expected beforo repairs can bo made, i Vaughan and Spencer Found. lo Have served lime in The State Prison Sheriff Gage and Cy Noah, acting deputy sheriff, who took Vaughan, Spencer, Payton nud Mrs. Cnpplous to the stato penitentiary nt Salem last week, returned to Coos Hay on the Btage by way of Drain nnd Gardiner Into Inst night and report tliut both Vaughan nnd Spencer have served time in the state prison. The first inkling that tho sheriff had that Spencer wns an ex-convlct was when tho latter told him. as they stepped from the train nt Salem: "You may bo surprised when wo got to the prison, sheriff, hut 1 havo been In thoro before." When the prisoners had been plac ed Inside Sheriff Gage learned that Siicncer had been discharged from thu penitentiary on July lill last after serving a sentence for lorgory. Ho had come almost directly to Coos Hay after being released. The Cooh county officers wero nlso Informed that Vaughan, sentenced for horse stealing, had also served a number of years In tl.o stato prison, but they did not learn on what charge ho had been picvlously sentenced. Doth officers stated that Mrs. Lot tie CapploiiH, sentenced for shooting at Klmer Parkinson, suffered con siderably from Illness on the way to Salem and tlu.t a physician had to ho called to attend her both at Gardiner ami Drain. A p! yslclnu at the latter town declared that the woman was suffering seriously liom kidney trouble and appeared to be Indignant that a woman lu such a stato should ho sentenced to spoud years lu prison. Iteiweeu Scottshurguud Drain Mrs. Cnpplous had to lie lifted from the stage on numerous occasions and was unable to look after herself. Her husband, who accompanied the party to Salem as a deputy, did what ho could to aid 1 or. but she was suffer ing greatly and Cy Noah stated today that tho people of Gardluor and Drain had offered to start a petition for her parole so that she could receive proper attention. SInro tho arrival of tho officers" from Salem there Is talk of starting a petition In Mnrshlleld askliiK that Mrs. Cnpplous ho paroled. While tl ori is no (luestlon as to her net. tliero Is a reeling growing that lu view of the fact that husky male criminals nave boon puroU'd. tho wealiiions or tho woman has aroused tho belief that she should have been given an other chiiuco. She persists In l.or statement tlmt hIio fired to senre Pnr kliibon ami could havo shot him If sho had wished to. Travelers coming lu on tho Drain stage report a lively trip down tho const, stating that the high tldo swayed the vehicle lu such a manner ns to indicate that they might bo swept out to sen. Cy Noah, on being asked about the dangers of tho trip, declared that boyond the water reach ing up on tho wheolH frequently, thoro was nothing out of tho ordinary. Man Who Rescued M. P. Bur row's Dauflhter Found Boy Also Saved Harry Welch, who stays nt the Walter Hill homo at UG Hall avenue, and Leslie Hlanchnrd, wero tho men who rescued tho little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Hurrows or South Marshfield from being buried nllvo In tho mud or tho dredge Seattle's rill In South Marshfield. Itathor It was Mr. Welch who Jump ed In nnd pulled tho little girl out, although Mr. Hlnnchard wiih with him, tlio two Having miBionea to mo scone. They nro working on tho streets near tho plnco and hoard n child screaming. Tlioy thought at first that some one was ueing punisneu, hut Inter ascertained the child's pre dicament. Sho had gone down nl moBt over her bond when sho luck ily caught a pleco of lumbar and pulled herself up n llttto ways, but sho could not have kept hcrseU above the mlro much longer. After they got her out, they asked hor what lior nnnio was and whoro alio lived so that thoy could take hor home, but all tho little mlsH would say was "you don't need to know." Saved Young Hoy. G. II. McCarthy, n photographer Btaylng nt tho Dotson Hotel. yoBtor day pulled a five-year-old boy out of Mill Slough nnd Hnved him from probable drowning. Tho lnd with n nlnviiiato wnH on tho bridge irnr illntiHcn'R warehouse. Ho started I to back up nnd fell In ovor his head. McCarthy was moir and 'rushed over anil pulled him out, but no man t nsccnaiu ms uniue. W MO T IK CONGRESS Many Urge North Bend Mayor To Enter Race C. R. Peck Talks on Politics That there is much intorcst on the otitsldo as to what Coos Coun ty will do In the coming election Is tho Btnteinent of C. H. Peck, who recently returned from a trip to Portland, Salem and other points. They nro especially Internsted ns to wlint Coos County will do In the appronchlng Congressional election IMPROVEMENTS ARE DISCUSSED City Council Adopts Plans for Grading Operations on Several Streets Consideration of various stroet Im provement projects took up tho major portion or tho time or tho City Coun cil last night with .Mayor V. K. Allen, Councllmon Ferguson, Albrecht, Kv crtsen, Wilson nnd Doll, City Attor ney Goss nnd City Engineer Uuck Inghnm being present. City business wni illmmti'liiwl u'ltli uiniuitlinnRH nnd ns Coos and Curry will probably hot ndjourninont wns taken until tho ev- tho pivotal points, nnd If I.. J. Simpson should enter tho race ho would stand u very good chnnco or lindlug It. Mr. Simpson hns not announced his candidacy, but friends have been tiring him to do so. Con cerning outside politics, Mr. Peck fa Id today: "For somo tliuo I have believed that the prohibition question would overshadow all other Issues In tho approaching elections, and In order to sound tho sentiment in tlmt re gard, I talked with every ninn with whom I wns thrown in contact from tho bootblack to Supreme Court Justice. Almost without exception every mnn with whom I talked wns In favor of National prohibition. A I'irge majority wero lu favor of btato-wldo prohibition." "Another political situation IntiT oiled me. Several people in differ ent localities asked mo If I.. J cnlng of Fobrunry U. Kro.it Street (Snide. An ordinance for establishing tho grado of Front Btreet south from Cen tral avenue wns given Its first anil second reading and passed on motion of Councilman Albrecht. A petition presented by Knglneer Wheeler or tho Southern Pacific through Engineer Mucking;. am, asking thnt tho com pany bo permitted o lay Its tracks along the proposed extension or Front street south at such a grade ns would do awny with any bend lu the rnllH In connecting up with Its tracks In tho depot yards, wns read. Itall.'oail Hun llci'ticst. City Knglneer Iliicklnghain showed plans or tho company's proposal, which would place the traekH at boiuo points a root or two below tho street grade. Mr. Iliicklnghain stnted tnat by arching the roadway the mil way Simpson would consont to innko tho would not Interfere or bo IiiJuiIouh raco for Congress. Tliero b.diuh to mo trnrrie ami an tno company nsitod CAIlDWKIilj SXOWKIJ IN. According to W. H. Boron, of Want Vnrr wlin wna 111 TlOBObliri: tO- day. Attorney W. W. Cnrdwoll, A. it. uooioy ana auoui lour owium m tho party who wore en route to West Fork from Curry County by trail, havo been "snowed In" somo whero nenr tho summit of tho moun tain. A pack train left tliero this morning to break tho trail nnd as alat tho party to cross the moun tains. They are at Nino Mile Springs, thirteen miles west of V est Fork. It Is said thero is six and a half feet or Bnow In the vicinity or tho delayed party. They were re turning from Gold Heach, where was hoard the preliminaries of tho trial of Cooley, charged with tho murder of Thomas Van Polt. Rose burg Review. XOTICK. To whom it may concern: Coos nay Realty Syndlcato, estab lished In January, 1904, will be responsible only for tho acts and contracts perrormed or representa tions made by Chae. J. Druscbke. bo a demand ror a coast man lu certain localities ami people who broached tho subject to mo wero cer tain that Mr. Simpson In Congress could do a great work ror tho whole stato by tho development or the coast harbors. Southern Oregon and was the approval or tho city. Tho request way granted unanimously: North Front Plnnx. Plans nnd specifications for tlm Im provement or North Front street from Hemlock to tho north lino of tho N'ns hurg addition by rilling tho street up PRAISE BOYS run onnvcni m FO S Ml Dr. Horsfall Separates Live Wires With Mightier Wea pon Than Sword Only tho coolnoss of Dr. Win. Hors fall saved his resldenco at 318 Con trol avonuo from being burned down on Sunday night nt 12 o'clock aftor tho lights throughout tho city had gono out of commission. Tho live wires or tho power com pany which wore dropping around In tho storm crossed tho wires running Into tho residence ami flashed light ning ror somo tlmo, finally destroy ing tho olectrlo meter upstairs In tho residence nnd sotting flro to the wall. Had Dr. Horsfall started to throw water on tho flames ho would possi bly havo been electrocuted, and on looking outside tho house where tho wires wero crossed ho dared not at tempt to separate them. Ho sudden ly thought or hla fountain pen, mado of hard rubber, as a means or sep arating the wires, and quickly put tho idea into execution with porrect suc cess. Neither Dr. or Mrs. Horsfall had tlmo to send lu an alarm and they reared that ir tho department was called up the street somebody might have sustained injury from the num erous live wires littering tho streets. Tho doctor moistened a largo cloth and beat out tho flames where they were not near tho llvo wires and thus saved tho residence. Had the homo been empty, or Its Inmates asleep, it would undoubtedly have burned down in tho gale which was blowing, with tho darkness ham pering tho work of savins the residence, Henry Holm Tells of Rescue of Two From Bay Sunday by Lannigan Brothers Ulnier and Joe l.annlKnn, two Plat I) youtliH. nro real heroes and dosorv Ing or hlKh trlbuto Mr the valor they displayed Sunday lu rosculng John .Manning and nnothor man who wore In danger or lieliijc drowned by tho storm on the Hay. according to Henry Holm, w':o wltnossod tho roseue. It seems that' Manning anil his com panion were working with .some bunts on a rait near Manning's homo on Dredger Island. Tho high tldo flood ed tho Island and the wind swept tho ratt away from its moorings mid stnrtcil thorn down tlio Hay. The waves wero dashing ovor the raft and wero threatening to ovorturn It. Man ning began to rig up distress slgnnls. The Luunlgnns first saw them nnd tried to get out In n small gasollno lnunch. but tho crnft balked. Finally thoy divostad thomsolvos or nil their extra clothing, rowed out nnd got Mnnnlng and his companion orr, nHor tho latter had been thoroughly drenched. In tukl.it; them orr tho raft, tho rowboat was almost swamp ed, but thoy finally mado their way back to shoro. the ITpnor Wlllnmotto deslro a short ; tho deck of the present roadway I cm to ocenn triune nun tnero sopiiih, with dredglngs from tho liny or nny io no n .eeiiiig annum nun .Mr. , mov siiltnble material wore adopted Simpson, by experience and location. nm notices or tho proposed Improve Is especially fitted to nccomplls 1 1 ,, Woro ordered posted. It wnu os tho aid of Congress to Hint end." hlmntod that It would take (500.000 'yards of material to make tho fill nt ,1111 estimated cost of $1,25(5, Tho city engineer stnieu tnat tno grauo bad already been oKtahUshod and thnt tho port hnd secured a contract ror tho rill at thu rate or 1 cents por j n nl. .Iimlper .cliue Fill. Councilman Ferguson stated thnt property owners In Forndnlo wanted Juniper avenue filled at tho samo time down to what Is known as Wolff's Landing, ami liuckluKlmm stated that If the dredge people nro willing to rill tho street up to grade nt tho rate or ton cents a yard .It would bo n nood Idea to havo tho titl'mil fllliid. Pinny nmi miiiclflrn- . .. ... , ..-.- ; tlous ror the Improvement or .1 mil- ITS COUNTY JUOCE NO TELEGRAPH FOR TWO DAIS WlltlCK STILL DOWN. I No iiowb rrom tho otitsldo world had been recolved up to a I late hour today as the broken telegraph and tolophono wires had not been connected up. Coif I sequently Associated Press news I was conspicuous uy us unsence. -4 No less than seventeen breaks were round In the lines or tho West ern Union between Marshfield and Sumner by G. Gray, who returned on tho Sunrlso today aftor repairing all tho breaks. Should tho wires In othor territory bo aB badly twisted as those between Mnrshfleld and Sumner, tele graph service will not bo resumed Tor two days. MYUTLH POINT KLF.CTIOX. Tho City Attorney and Recorder havo been Instructed to proceed with tho necossary work of getting tho two questions that tho council de sires to refer to tho voters on tho bal lot for tho spring olectlon. Tho first, a proposed amondment to tho charter which will requlro tho payment of tho Improvement or streot Intersec tion by tho property owners on tho quarter blocks abutting; tho other Is the question or a proposed bond of $15,000 ror sewer purposes. Myrtle Point Enterprise. Rumor County Clerk May Re tire and Practice Law and Run for New Office According to rumors rlfo on the! liny, James Watson, loos County Clerk ror several terms and one of tho list known men lu the county, may outer tho raco ror County .ludgo at tho coming election. Mr. Watson wns horo last oven'ng, but could not be soon relative to the nport. The roport Ih thnt Mr. Watson Is planning to retire as Cot-nty Clork and engage lu the practice or law. In consequence, ho would he in a good position to hnndlo tho duties or tlio office, Mr. Watson, through his strvlco ns County Clork, Is probnhly moro famlllnr with Coos County's nffalro and needs In tho County Judge's office than any one else In tho coun ty. Ho hns been a very popular official and always polled a big ma jority, and would probably bo tho strongost candidate in tlio field should ho decldo to make tho change. WIXI) AT PORT OXFORD Storm Almost Kqunlllug HiiitIciiiio Does Da.imge. Tho Port Orford Tribune says: Tho sovoivHt blow or tho wlntor occurred last Saturday morning when It ronchod tho velocity or n hurricane. A groat deal of minor damage Is reported on all sides, but nothing really sorlous so far as heard. Tho roads both north nud south wero badly blocked with fal lon timber, and tolophono linos woro prostrated. Sovoral chicken houses and other small buildings wero cap sized and numbers or windows wore broken; tho warohouso on tho wharf was blown down, tho chimney to C. W. Zumwalfs residence was leveled to tho roof nnd old fences galoro succumbed to tho breezo. Tho Wil bur barn was moved nbout eight inches out of plumb, nnd tho east, or kitchen end of tho Knapp hotol was slightly moved. A wagon bod lying on tho ground fronting tho Jess blacksmith shop was lirteil up bodily and carried across a hair a block, and across an 80-root street nnd slammed against John It. Mil lor's store, causing John R. to got a movo on. REVIVAL AT COQl'ILLK. Tho Row Goorgo Taylor, a noted evangelist, rnnklng with such men as J. W. Chapman, II, A. Torry, Dan Shannon, Hilly Sunday and George It. Stowart, Is coming to Coqulllo about February 1st to hold a union revival mooting. Tho churches res ponsible ror Mr. Taylor's coming aro t e Presbyterian, the Christian, tho M, E. and tho M. E. South. Coqulllo Sentinel. per avenue by filling It up to grade wero ordered prepared. Plans for Dock, Tho plans and specifications pro pared by tho city engineer for tho construction or a dock and float at tno foot or Alder uveniio nnd for re moving tho old piling and hoards at thnt point wero read and adopted, and notices of the Improvement were ordered posted. The dock Is to bo 185 root long and tho float 10 feet. Tno estimated cost or tho Improve ment was $1801. Highland Awiiuo Work. Tho proposed improvement of Highland avenue rrom Commercial avonuo was discussed and It was stat ed by tho city onglneor to ho nn Im practicable task nt this tlmo, ns a row owners would bo required to stand tho expense or thu grado Im provement. Ho presented n profile, which Indicated that It would bo a big Job and tho matter was deferred until some future tlmo. Eighth St net Work. Tho Improvement of Eighth streot rrom Hemlock to Dato nveuiios was discussed, and It was decided that thu work to be done rrom Fir to Dato avouueu would be quite a problem because of tho high porcoutago of grado roqulrod. Tho uso of a tem porary roadway around tho root of the hill while the grading Ih lu prog ress was discussed and It was finally decided to let tho property ownors call at tho city engineer's offlco and look ovor tho profile, to see for them selves what would havo to bo under taken. Tl.o plans and specifications wero adopted and notices ordered posted. Ninth Street Plans. A motion that plans nnd specifica tions bo ordered prepared by tho City onglneor for tlio Improvement of Ninth street between Central anil Commercial avenues was carried. Inspect City Lights. Councilman Evortson, as chairman or tho light commlttco, stated that ho had driven around tho city boloro tho storm and round that tho city's lights woro all right. Ho stated thnt slnco tho storm thoro might bo somo of tho lights out or commission anil he would make another Inspection, pay ing special attention to' tho lights In tho northorn ond or tho city, Coun cilman Albrecht suggested that tho powor company bo Instructed to turn orr tho lights In tho city during a storms, as tho wires last Sunday night had formed a sorloiiB menace. Mayor Allen, however, stated that ho did not thing It was necessary, as such a storm nuKnc nevor no felt hore again. (Continued on Page Two.)