The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, January 26, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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nmilit to make evcryono on Coos Hay
...... i.nt Ideal hnpplncNS cannot 1)0
Item! The Tliiu'K- eery ilny for tlio
latest news. Iti'iul the mis for your,
own benefit. It pays to mheitlso in
'Iho Times.
Zilncu nlew ou nro u subscriber
to TllC UCMtl IM.J '
i on: mild wEATiiKii
!. VVll KSlUlIINIICU 10"..
VOL XXXVII. IIS Tiio cqmm mii"
A Consolidation of Times, Ctmht Mnll ln IfiO
and Coos Buy Advertiser.
. ,...i eniim Primps With
Frignuui oiuiM. ."u-- -
Cyclonic roruu aim oM
MUCH uumauw
SCAHthCUDI vviuuo
h.mito nnri Linhtnina. Storm
and Rain Cause Terror and
Hurling twt northward
llehtful power. Ill mo riuu ui !"
Ilgnuui i' I.,,.,,. t,i worst
rflranc experlcne A by tlio oldest
.u..i. nr i 'linn nay nuiit "
11111111 " --- .,.- , f, ,1..
iclfc coast yrsienni -i.
inn and flood in ItH wnko. T ho
oarnful nioini nml screaming or mo
Ind" led with tl BliakhiB of bulhl
e bcnilltiB of trees nml scurryltiK
lr ...:"-v.i..- iii.foro the
clonic force of the wind, whirl
me In sreni gusts which readied
,iin,ii of ov t 120 iiillea an
t.iuu it 1 Double
rhn trees of tlio fuiuHts woro nl-
oit bent doiililo mid many a inon-
ih retell on ns "inn "
urea Bhlftcd from thulr fotimln-
ns, doors were torn on, nikiih
m torn down. pedestrians woro
rled from tlicir fo t and to fuco
hurricane anil iiueiiiiu iu u i
Impossible. Ulnek southerly
itialls of rain darkened tlio Buy
d laused a lienv gloom 10 somo
cr both Jiitmnn in ami nnn
nd and terror i-tnllteu aiiroan aim
Itod ninny n homo and lis appro
isHe Inmates,
DNitMn reined
All dar long eager (iuohIIoiih worn
ied as to tlio vessels at nea and
apf-rcil mnrveloiiB Hint no (Us
ers were rejiortr I. Ah tin iiIkIiI
tied down and the wind Incro.isod
olumo there w:'s a general fool-
of k en synipnthy for those at
during the Mom. hvoh in coin
Burns' Anniversary Celebra
tion in North Bend is
Well Attended.
Tho anniversary or tlio birth of
Robert Hums was fittingly colc
brnted by tho local clansmen, on
Saturday evening, January 23, at
Logglo Halt, North Ilcnil. Tho
gathering was without a doubt tho
largest of tho season. It Is esti
mated that the nttonilnnco was in
ixccss of three hundred.
Tlio nblo master of eoromonlcs,
Dan McUonnld, In tho absonco of D.
A. McLcod, who was unavoidably de
tain1, d, called on Duncan McArthitr
for tho opening address. Mr. Me
Arthur'H nddrosa wns oxtoinpornne
ous, but possessed of a witty verna
cular, such as would havo been cred
ited to Hobby Hums himself. Mr.
McArthur rovl wod tho history of
tho life of Hums and his works,
touching upon several of his poams.
"Harry Lauder," tho eminent
Scotch comedian, wns on tho bill
In tho person of "Hobby" McLnln.
His rendition of Scotch songs anil
dances was by far tho that has
boon seen on Coos Hay for some
William Stewart rondcrod sovernl
Scotch selections on the bngnlirr,
and was encorod until his tunes ran
Mrs. J. Drown, of Eastsldo, start
ed out with the Intention to slug
onco, but so well woro her boIoc-
4 fritiu l ttilncit.l lm 1ri (if nl liitirwi
Hay was so rough that tlio Areata.',,.,..,.! n,n uin,,,. n u. iw.. .,,r.
t-o old tug and other vessels hnd to j elections. A solo was very well
run up to .North Ilond Tor shelter. rondcrod by Mrs. Noll Hanks. A
Iho Hertha, the Cckim and tho Satel-iScotch song and danco woh staged
Yesterday's Gale Reminds Old
Residents of Severe Gale
Years Acjo
Yesterday and Inst night's Htorni
was tl.o worst slnco 1S.S0, according
io mo omer icBiuontB or tlio Hn.
That storm was more severe while It
lasted, but tho gnlo prevailed only
for an hour or so.
Capt. Alec Hall and Judge John I
Hull recalled that storm iiilto vividly.
It was on January 8, 1S.NU. It camo
up suddenly and Its nppicach could
bo heard In tho distance, being simi
lar to a cyclone or tornado. Tho two
were nt tho ranch and stated that It
roomed to level nil the trees heforo
It. It was unite noticeable along
f'oos lilvor, as there were many
trees stantlliiK from tho big fire of
yenrs provlous. TIibbo wmt down
with n crash.
hi Marslillold, North Ilond nud
Empire mnny houses wore unroofoil
by tho gnlo. At Empire tho lowor
Railway Measure to Open up
Country Passes by a Large
(Ur AnfodilfJ I'rcH to Coof Ilajr TlmM.
Tho Alaska Hallway bill was
passed by the Senate Saturday
ovcnlng, -1G to 10.
lite woro uiinhlo to copo with the
storm and one boat was blown rar
up North Inlet.
Capt. Dave Iloldeu and other re
by Hen (Hlmrii, and E. I,, ilobinsou
i' miorctl a solo.
After tho entertainment dancing
was tho principal form of diversion,
tn AMoclatrd I'rrai in Coon nr Tlinm.
An amendment wns agreed to accord
tug employes nml others Injured on
tho railroad tho right of trlnl by Jury
In damago hiiIIh.
Senator Sutherland suggested thnt
the Federal Employers' Liability Law
of 1 DOS, limiting the dorense or rail
roads In tho Btntcs against damago
suits, should bo amended so ns to op
ply to the government railroad In
Alaska Tho suggestion wns not
The LaKollottc amondmont auth
orizing tho President to withdraw all
public lauds within nt least one mllo
or tho road was beaten without n roll
called It, but thought that it was In'mul tho merry party danced until
mo seventies. in in Kit.
Capt. Alee llnll says that so many
trees roll acrosB tl o old Coos Hay
wagon road thnt It was linpnssahlo
for iIkh for mouths Hfterwnrds. it
table hmucs there wns a fooling) t0.l' ll IkkIiik crew with the outfit
n ti terror and few turned In to'"' '" Ty ,,",,t? ,u tll'f' l" '""
P until n 1 te hour. Misery! ij"mo"H.wiiy to near snmngr..
't canipn ly and warmth, audi
mpfg at Jokln,' r irorences- to '" "'" " i,nH iiw
rcr of the winds brought foo- '"'
ninues nit' iiiciiiicif..
Tho wind continued to Incroaso
flftUH tit f lut 4J 1 1 ili I tt it fna ti ml ! it.
!,, i... . . itiBfcv-i iiiu iuhl nuMiiuu turn itini Vl"
u iiu.r une ;. jusi HiJiiiii iih Un ,. llMMjm ,.0H0 to tho
i-V... i brnkeiH near the IiobcIi. where the
hanst vj' n tln-v us storm , ...... i ,i, ...o ......1.1...1 1.1
responses and tineaslnoss.
Xi Storm (Vlnrs.
Plans were offcetod at tho gath
ering toward forming a p.Tiiinnont
orgniilzatlon among the local Scotch
rrutoruity and tho Joint commlttoo
on tho celebration wns appointed
tp servo and perfect plans for the
rormntlon or a Caledonian Club,
Tli ' commlttoo who will arrange
the periiiRiiont organization Is as
follows: chairman, Dun McDonald'
Robert If.uiks, Peter Loggle, Alan
Todd, A. II. McKay and Duncan Mc
Ears, r d cur experienced, and
rjr t' I-mpstrr in tho hirbor
t :p In 1 nci r seen anythltiE
It e'ik- it'i'"iitng tlio const.
rt?u"'.Q V1P t,')!'111 ('a,",tho way down sho
make hotter tlmo and to oscnpo
bouio or tho fury of the wind and
hobs furtlior (Ait. The tug usually
miiKofl tui miles an hour, but on
was tumble to
I. tVm n V" ,K w,' h r,"?rt" 'k0 ioro tlmti rour iiiIIob an
it tS ,nff' ' MoI1,l0,(l"0' nnd at times alio seonied to
I iVf iiT. r .Wns ?wajr ''".l''" Btoppod.
IfSin- fi i ' K', ,hP "'""f'oppnrontly opposite tin
. ,! l!"lMl,,,m" "'K'lt, nearly' an hour, but
If .H. rl I. ?WF Wi'0 80,8iVl oho to Bhoro tho GIobi
Iat.,',,R" "r"1:""".". ot tho j t0 crnwI ,,rtlwlly Into
uu nii'u uiiwiMf iiinnrv iniinni a m.... it.. .. i
I iSini,?. : '"' '"'..i !? "'"."f'oPPnrontly opposite that point rot-
by Keeping
li ,1,,. . .,',, , ," -"" ciuhu 111 hiiiiii) 1110 uiunnui iiiiuuikuii
I'r 'rat Cantnl 1 Er c kson. of iu! .. 1 1..11 ,i...
B.miln .l.l.l...i .......:.." ; : ' " IfiuinillJ imu lin nu t,
rvMMw, 14V ini ii.i, ,u luivn iiiii:n....n .. .,.,..,. ..1... !..
W fni. C.n I.-- I V. . IV.HI HIKII Wllll'll BIMIl llll IIIU
fV.l s?" IranclBco. Itoporta r0,(.o of tho atorm considerably for
nr.""".l,p:l .m ""iioutll or mlloa the coast.
Takes Solid Water.
Solid water was taken aboard by
Mlit tin' nml no niii'li hiici'DRhIvii KtPOIl
lllll-ftrillllt l'litviiiiithiil vnnv.A ... Ii.... II... ,....
0t renOrtl lnitll-Iltnil Hint tl.n I.I..I. ,.l.,,... I,n.. Tl... .... .rU
K... - ....... ...v., i,,H V.IU II, Kll (,JWU IIVI IIIIIKUI, IIIU ....w.
'line was ndvanclntr rnnlillv wmit elonr over her htirrlcnno dock
.. .. , . .. . .. . ...... . .. ....- -. ..
--......, , tllu iiiuuiii III
lOlUmbla Were tlmt tlinrn wim
llnd nnd the Imr wna Hiiinntli
Eto noon.
Mendocino nnrtii nn,i lurnrn
o'tlock It hnd reached Cnno
'. iuiro a wind of rront 100
v miles n. Iiiiiim .l..Ml.. i...
II. ..."".""'" ""K UIU
nud sprung tlio Iron stanchions or
tho railing. Tho Gloanor reached
smoothor water ns sho uonred Arn
L'o and lm (1 no trotiblo coming In
Wllg roronlril Tlin lo.l. Invnr lin l.nn Clw. cFllalonnil frnlll
a,f'ance'' like n solid wall or Jior lively wetting rrom the top or
-- ni unit tno unroinotoriiior ruanoi to nor wntonino ano
11. 1 """ l,,u iihuiiiiu
lt Only mtvnnr-n .,.,..
It l'1ft II 7-'"'"" "IVBOBIIhUI.
I . Al 'ia'1 dropped to 28.2.1.
1 schooner A, M Slmnson nut
Btonmed up tho harbor to tho Alll
nttco dock.
Mlchle Swks Surely.
rnliA !.!. ilvmltva t'lltnl. llflll
rw ra 0r,h I5fn'l for San been moored to tho dock nt Em-
ve'inif 1 v morning nnd'plro, coniiitoncod to carry nwtty tho
h . wIl0W tlio arrival , wharf and sho cast looso and steam-
tlOrtn IllnttOil linn n... nf'n.l .... tn Vnnll. Tln.,,1 mi, nf 111,, fnpv
tJI .vn (I), IU .-.UtVII .JUI1U "HI , fc,.V ..
of tho gale. Tho wators of tho
lowor harbor woro stlrrod Into n
thousand furies and ovory crnft In
tho lowor harbor was compellod to
shift to tho upper harbor.
Tim nnu-n.. rnft ltllRflnr. Cniltalll
:? w'th four otlmr vooooio r I Peterson, commonced pitching bo
..' lOWea tllO Mirnn..non.1
It frnn. ,i "'"'"i "l out Ol
? 'm tho capo Arago light-
Swr IJ!L ... .
rrfuitM- 1 """l"n mvor, the
j " "Hiiii Iiail hnon mp.
m with -"
VPd tlm 41 . . hnflU nr lint' hnrih nt Hmnlrtl thnt
nr L0111.T .'"" - 'u- "nsieii . - v "--""":.:"-."""
eed&t ,i Bua nn,i tlion""'"' lu" n" tw "ii,u,,i)" " , , , V
?er. Cantnln
j ;a 6uth ror Coos nny ntlto tno """or harbor to Marshfiold.
k he"1" Wneu tbo hurrlcano'11 wns nu ""usual sight to seo a
theiini."P'n"1. "Mtlor said
a Put on h. ' " "U(1 commonc-
one Of ho in "iu lllliu
"J llk ,3 bs went f'vlns In
horn "ciea? Jf'if ?f,'iaPe-.
I the fact tha, V b0 'ropes, de
ft I,...."1.1 lnat tllO Schonnnr wna
!!on whlchPnis!,l0.,port tack, a
liblr. n eased the strain con-
k fir'Se.11 jiw. .. .
"ore dnun ', "u '-ouiso sno
' w'ng tnaVu ;' ,Q aml orfr
wing ma,!. ;" u uiiuriB
I "WO mn fn,,i, "ii".-ui-eu 10
tls tearing ehd, atJh? throat.
outtnJ-0?,10"?" tho flying
1 t Is be ,.. Pen 8ea- ""'I
ltoValor f 8h0 8U8,alno'l
not hrtifi?? f.rm the storm.
tr She h5 ,e was ' nny
L?a...p,ety of room
paln n TJI ""'"S.
lm.. ."H.tter bst otni.t , i.
ands htevffWft and
I' The rVv ; ""1"b ullBr me
M Ink '1 .wlndward was
id th.f AnK OUt tho nlHno..
fteun"? "t was due to
" h1(J no iiBB"f Ba,e and
Q no urometer on the
craft of her slzo pitch and roll In
tho lowor harbor as though sho wero
Very High Tides.
Tho rorco or tho wind against
tho water in tho lowor harbor back
ed tho water up nt high tldo until
It wns as high aa it has ever been
this season, naclc or the railroad
depot there appeared to be another
"Inner harbor" ror several hours
and considerable damago to property
was sustained.
Wireless Oporator Williamson re
mained nt his post all day and last
night until tho power wont on tho
"blink" making his Instrument use
less ror tho time being. Tho llttlo
wireless Btatlon was rattled and
shaken to such an extont that many
times It appeared to bo on the vorgo
or being skidded off tho top of tho
No Distress Calls.
Ho called repeatedly for answers
up and down tho coast, but only a
faint call from Capo Blanco was
heard in the afternoon. No ships
sent In calls for aid nnd desplto the
hurricane, no rumors of uisasier
wero heard ovor tho wires.
About S o'clock last evening .Mr.
Williamson r celvod a mossiKe from
the steamer Alliance, Captain Lnfs
todt. HtatliiK that ho was twenty
miles south of the Columbia. The
stcBinor passed out nt noon Just be
fore the hurricane ri'ttchod tho rlvor
and the last word received rrom hor
last night - she waa milking slow
lmvo headway ngnlnst tho storm.
Wires All Down.
Tho storm put tho tologrnph wires.
long dlstnuco tolephouo wlros nnd
ovory moans or communication out or
commission yostorduy nnd It will
ho sovtrnl days boforo all ronalrs
niivo boon coinploted. Tho local
telephone servlco nlso sufforoil, tho
wlros In coining crossed or broken
nt various points.
Thoro wnB consldorablo excitement
nnd dnngor on Control nvontio last
night when tho olectrlc power wires
broko and tho llvo onds bnnged
against tho wot posts or lay on
Iho ground, spitting Nro nnd rinshoa
until tho town was lit up as though
rrom an electrical atorm. The
powor company hnd mon out watch
ing tho wlros until somo ropnlra
could bo made and tho ontlro rorco
or tho company was busy working
all night to repair damages to Its
Hues In various parts or tho city.
Working on Wires.
About two o'clock this morning
tho wind began to go down and con
sldorablo work was dono on wires
nil over this city and North Ilond.
It will be sovornl days, howovor, be
roro all wires will be In good work
ing order.
Allegany Shut Orr.
Tolonhono wlroB and nil means
of communication to Allegany worf
shut orr by tho blowing down or
tho telograplt anil loiopuono poies.
It will ho somo tlmo uororo tno sor
vlce can ho restored.
Mason Noah, engineer on tho Ex
press, lost his hat overboard Sunday
Wharves and landings all along
Coos River woro badly twisted, the
wharf at Allegany being partly
blown away.
Shipyard Afloat
Tho shipyard of Matson & HJor
nulst on Catching Inlet was swept
into the Inlet by tho high wind.
A boathouse, tho property or John
Matson, went floating down Catch
ing Inlet Sunday afternoon.
On account or tho Norco rains and
torriric storm three slides roll on
tho Coos Day wagon road. These
slides, together with the slide at
Brewster, will delay tho mall ror
tho next two days. Tho slide at
Hrowster Canyon, which fell during
tho last week, has not 'yet been re
moved and mail has to bo carried
around tho hill by daylight.
Archer's llont Sinks,
A casollne boat, tho proporty of
Tom Archer, sank off tho landing
at Eastslde,
The railing on the Kaststue ortugo
was badly torn up and parts blown
away. . , ,
The large signs arounn mo java
t.offeo House on tho dock woro en
tirely demolished.
Mrs. Catherine Forty Dies at
IVirs. Bcntz' Home in
Bunker Hill
Mrs. Cnrollno Forty died nt tho
homo or her daughter. Mrs. Lizzie
Uentz, lit Hunkor Hill, Sunday at
noon nf'er a prolonged Illness. She
wns olghty-slx years old.
Mrs. Forty was an old rosldeut of
this section, having moved to Curry
county uboiit thlrty-Tlvo yonrs ago.
Hor husband dlod about thirteen
yonrs ago, nud about nlno or ten
yenrs ago alio movod to Mnrshlleld to
mnko her homo with hor daughter,
Mrs. Houtz.
Four children survlvo ' or. Tliev
nro Jriuoh Forty nnd Mrs. Lizzie
Dent, or Hunkor Hill nud George and
Charloa Forty or Curry county.
Tjio amoral will he hold at 1:30
Tuesday aftornnon from Wilson's
Chnpol, Ilov. It. E. Drowning officiating.
Steamer Arrives in Today Af
ter Terrific Trip From
San Francisco
Tho Adeline Smith arrived In nt
0 o'clock this morning from Sun
Francisco after wentiierlng 0110 of tho
worst Btorms that her mastor, dipt.
II. W. Olson, has encountered. In his
many yenrs nt soa. The storm was
torriric and wns even worse nt sea
than anyone could Imagine, despite
the terrific gnlo hero Indicating an
awful storm.
Tho sons wore running motiutnln
high, higher thnn old mnrluors had
ovor anticipated they could roll.
Standing on the bridge or tho Adel
ine. , one had to look hoavcnwnrd to
sco tho crost or tho great sens that
camo dashing from tho southwest.
About i) o'clock Inst night, tho
wind gaugo registered n wind voloclty
or nlnoty-two mlloB per hour off t
capo iiinuco.
Cant. Olson met tho A. M. Simpson
near Capo Blanco. Sho hud got well
out nnd southward before encounter
ing tho storm.
South of Capo Blanco he mot two
cssel8 thnt wero faring badly.
Orr Coos Hay last night ho sighted
an unknown steam Fchoouer that was
headed southward with a curd, hut
tho wind and son woro taking her
backward. She was not In dlstresn.
Tho Adollno arrived orr the Coos
Bay bar Inst night, hut had to remain
outside until this morning.
Thero wero no puHSongors on tho
Adeline nud sl.o rode out the storm
In rino shape. However, thoro was
no rest ror Cnpt. Olson or bin men
and ho renced home today practical
Hurricane Appears to Havo
Been Worse Between
Blanco and Arago
Three-Masted Schooner Louise
With Jibs Carried Away is
the Only One Damaged
Threo-ninstod schooner Loulso
loft Uinpuua yesterdny half an
hour beroro htirrlcnno rcachod
rlv. r. Sails carried awny.
Stentn Bchooner Snn Gabrlol
loft lTinpiiia on Saturday for
Cnllfornln. No wlroloss aboard.
Two-mnstcd schooner J.lly
toft Umptnin ror Snn Podro on
Threo-ninstod schooner Sadlo
loft Umnqtia ror San Podro on
Stfnmcr Alllnnco loft Colum
bia Itlvor Sunday noon for Cooa
Iniy. Heading south nt last
wlroless report.
Steam schoonor A. M. Simp
son clonrod from Coos Buy for
Snn Francisco Sunday morning
nt l) o'clock. No wirolCBo
All of tho nbovo craft with
tho oxcoptlon of tho Alliance,
woro honvlly loaded with lum-
nor. '1 110 vessels arriving dur
ing tho storm wero as follows:
Steam schooner Adollno
Smith rrom San Francisco. Off
bar last night and camo In this
Stenm schoonor Hardy from
Snn Frnnclsco enmo In early
yostorduy .afternoon.
Soa-golng tug Gloanor camo
In nt I o'clock nNor la
bour run nguliiBt hiirticano
rrom tho umpqun.
Up to n Into hour this aftornoou
no roport of disaster nt son hnd
1 1
Mrs. Lola Bclieu Has Husband
Arrested for Battery
Trial Wednesday
Charging her husbnnd with assault
and bnttory, .Mrs. Lola Dollou ap
peared beroro Justlco Ponnock tit's
morning with tho right sido or hor
faco marked up whorn sho said her
other hair had struck hor, nnd sworo
to a warrant against him. Bolleu
was areBted shortly aftorwnrd by Con
stablo Cox nnd his trial was continued
until Wednosdny, when District At
torney LllJeqvlst will camo ovor from
Coqulllo to ntteud to tho enso.
Dollou Is tho bnrborshop mon who
wns arrostod and flnod sovernl weeks
ago for striking two mon who at
tempted to removo tho fixtures of a
restaurant from tho portion of the
building rented from him.
Ilclleu Pleads Guilty.
Dollou npponrod before Justlco
Ponnock this afternoon and pleaded
guilty to slapping his wUo on tho
faco. He declared, In extenuation
of his net, that sho had thrown an
alarm clock which had hit him In
tho back of tho head and raised a
largo lump. He exhibited this to
the court nnd Justlco Ponnock found
extenuating circumstances in tho
enso when ho saw tho brulso. Ho
fined Delicti $5 and costs,
llllll III! ri'UI I'll llUllin IMIIIIV pnii'iicm- Pnnlln,i r n ,l,..,.l. tri-i
InnTolsS ,0" V,K" " U,e oSTorCOW..i&;.S0l,o),r0K
stoiin t0""0'1 U8Hel- Itlrolossly with hla Invlslhlo probo
rrom his towor on tho top or tho
hill buck or Mnrshflold.
Thoro wero plenty of Btoamors
and sailing crnft at s.n yostorday
and somo or them woro right In tho
path of tho htirrlcnno, but if nny
(luningo has boon sustained by nny
Btoamors or vessel or any (Inscrip
tion It could not bo lmrnod. Steam
ers at various points along tho
coast atisworod Operator Wllllnm-
I noil mid stnted that while tho wind
w'ns torriric tho sen had no chanco
1 'in ,,() ,,0(,o'" bad until tho wind had
Lltil3,-lK"toncd. No dorellcta or nny kind
or vessels tisnoro nud heon slghtod.
I Ab tho rnngo or tho local wlro
iless station when uninterrupted by
iiiiiiur piiuiH on Bteamors or niong
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. l Burrows, or tho const ronches from Knehinn.. in
Stranger Rescues
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
M. P. Burrows
South Marshfiold. nro seeking to ns-!thn north to Run ninim in tii n,,n,
certain tho Identity or a stranger nnd Honolulu to tho southwest, U
who last Thursday snvod tho llfo any vossola woro dnmngod thoy woro
or tholr little (laughter. Aftor sav
ing tho child rrom bolug lost In
tho sort mud rill, ho wont awny nud
did not toll who ho wns.
Tho child who Is about threo
yonrs old, started out from homo
to moot hor sister, who wns on routo
from school. Doforo sho hnd gono
far. tho nlco sand on top or tho
dredirn fill nrovod ton nllurlnir nnd
nhn ciln.., ml ...! nlnM I. Httefa. Y.n '
DIIU null lull 1,1, 1, ii?i ll. 1,11,1,1 Pliu
had gono rar, sho struck tho sort
mud nnd Immediately sank,
Whon tho strangor, who wna tho
only otto to witness hor danger, Baw
her. her hond was just nbovo tho
dirt. It was up
craft without wireless aboard.
Judging from what ho loarnod
by wlrejoss, Oporator Williamson bo
llovos that tho atornu was more
sovoro botwoon Hlonco nnd Tilla
mook than at nny other point on
tho const, tho wind roachlng its
highest velocity botweon Blanco and
Capo Arago. Tho Capo Arago sta
tion roportod that tho velocity of
tho wind at that point ronchod 02
miles an hour, hut It la bollovod to
have blown hardor on this section
of tho coast.
No word was recolvod from tho
stoamor Alllnnco this morning, tho
Having undergone a thorough over
hauling during tho last rour days, and
with a now cylinder head replacing
tho ono which was cracked last weokH
tho Willamette Paclilc's motor car,
operating botweon Marshfiold and
North Bend, resumed her schedttlo
botweon the twin cities this morning.
Now parts ror tho engine, shipped
from Sacramento, whore tho Southern
Pacific's car shops on tho coast nro
located, were brought up from San
Francisco by tho stoamer Hardy,
which arrived In tho harbor yesterday
morning shortly aftor tho hurrlcano
had commenced.
Tho Hardy waa fortunate, hav
ing arrived off Arago about tho tlmo
tho first powerful gust of vIud and
rain swept up tho coast. Sho man
aged to make tho entranco desplto
to her Ol'OS WllOll'lnnt mossnL'n rnnnlvml frnm lm!. lm.
ho reached hor nnd another momontig t 8 o'clock last night, whon
or two sho would hnvo boojt com- Bn0 was 20 mllos south or tho Colum
bia itlvor. Sho Is bollovod to be
til nt nlv nut nf alfrtit Imrfrwl nTli'fi In '
rv'wj v w n,n ""
e mud nnd prounbly lost forovor.
Tin Co Hoys In Boat.
Throo boys, In 1 a small rowbont,
woro caught In yestorday'a storm.
Starting out oarly Sunday morning
boforo tho storm arose, thoy crossed
tho Hay and woro near Eastsldo when
tho hurrlcano struck Coos Hoy. Thoy
drifted about tho Hay helplessly, un
til Captain Hyrd Lattlu, of tho launch
Express, hearing tholr cries for help,
rushed his crart to rescue tho young
sters. When ho arrived on the bcoiio tho
boys had lost one oar and tho boat
was hair full of wator. Engineer
Mason Noah lifted the lads from tholr
half submerged crart to tho Express
nnd towed tho boat to tho Market
street dock. Tho bays escaped with
a 'sovoro drenching and an exciting
-orlli Inlet Flooded.
North Inlot camo In ror Its sharo
of damago, tho waters rising and
flooding tbo lowlands, tho voloclty
of tho wind tearing nwny dykes.
Several trees wero torn up on tho
ranch owned by A. Ittith on North
Inlot, the trees being torn up by tho
roots and loavlng a furrow from
threo to flvo feet, Captain Ned
Galloway pronounces the storm tho
worst In years.
tho raln-thlckcnod ntr and her mas
ter and crow congratulated them
selves on having a comfortable borth
at tho railroad dock to He to Instead
of riding out tho storm off shore.
Btonmlug down tho const, howovor,
ns bIib seldom communicates with
tho shoro whllo at Ron. Sho will
probnbly nrrlvo in tbo hnrbor to
morrow nftornnon providing tho
bar becomoa a llttlo smoothor.
Oporator Williamson roportod a
hoavy sen running In rrom tho
southwest todny nnd thlB will mnko
tho local bar bad ror Bovoral days.
Tho stoamer Itedondo wns ttnablo
to got out or tho harbor today and
romnlued nt hor berth nt the Alll
nnco dock. Sho will try to got out
tomorrow nt high tldo for San Fran
cisco. Tho gasolino schooner rtustlor,
which Ib londed with freight for
Gold Beach, will also try to got out
of tho harbor tomorrow if tho
weather improves.
A big landslide occurred this
I nftornoon Just north of tho old
Btavo mill nnd near tho J. W.
Mitchell homo. Sovornl hun
dred tons of dirt and rock camo
I off the bluff, covorlng tho wagon
I road and railroad tracks. Astdo
I from affecting troWc, no dam
I ngo was dono.
Ur Aiotllo4 l'rt'M to Coot Day Time.
Tho woman sutrrngottes mot nnothor
deront today when tho House Huloa
Committee, by a voto or rour to rour,
a tie, fniled to roport a resolution for
tho appointment of a standing suf
frage committee.
.iiA' . ."janAfcJM 1 '