'U THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 1974 EVENIMG EDITION. MAI GIFIS TO CITY L liriiP If ME REQUIRED . votiirs wishino noon roads . . ........ ! t li.rii - just ok donors to m rsi av j ""VJ"", rm.w vast yhahsis Loxci ;moxi- iiy hixix petition. .MANY YALl'AIILH (SIFTS. r.i n,n Inst two weeks names . .. ..... ...ill. Ill l.. I.,,,,., nmnltlir In fdnWlv Oil tllO has received ninny gifts in money, petitions nsklnp the county to enu books, mngnzlncs and book cases n special election for tho Isauanco or (luring tho past year. The library, bonds for good roads and for t ho which Is now a municipal Institution disposition of tho funds .hie nnd nrrnnglng for tho erection of ni there wns tho greatest pntliusinsm hSSdsomo CSrncglo building ns alshown at tho BOl roadB mco ting homo, had Its nucleus In books col-Micro over a month ago, there docs lectod by tho Progress Club. Among'not appear to be any rush on tie tho guts mat navo ueun received .pari 01 uuuio iu "!''' 7,',i " " ilHrlnif Mm innt vnnr wnl n Artistic Notdlo Workers. $12.0; Mrs. Rose Arrlngton, books; A. L. Uarker, four bookcases; Mrs. W. C. Dradley, boks; .Mrs. J, W, Hen- 1 1 til I, Ul MUUID .,.... ,,, - - mil n.,,l in nlifn Hin tintlUOIlB President A. T. Morrison, of tho Coos County Good Roads Associa tion, of Conulllo, has written to Jus- tlco Pennock urging cuuris iu C. urauiey, uoks; .Mrs. i, . wen- uco rennuw u-bb .: ,i." ,7 nCll, llUili 11BV. IV. E. UlWWIIlllKl UIUIIDU iiiuic ...v. v "- "I,,I books; Mrs. n. II. Corey, magazine; on of Marshflcld Tho .refi .storing -W. S. Chandler. $100; Hev. Uass- places aro at .lustlco l'onnotK a or- ford, books; Geo. 8. Cnpps, mag- flco nnd at the Chjjnibop of Co m- zincs; Mrs. F. H. Clarko, books; morco, and in vlow of the fot that . S. Cooloy, two bookcases; II. A. nutomobllo, owned In M u .field CortiiPii, iKHiKcas.a; .mfh. .v. .. ,..... "V ...i-7. t agazlnes; Duncan R-,wou.r y. i"ur , town tlmi'ltd tn son, free transfer; Episcopal Guild, Stoddard's Lectures; J. II. Flanagan. $2G nnd mngas'liio; Mrs. I2. II. Gohrke. books; Goorgo Goodruin, tin. I ti rinna. nitiL'iizlim: flow Why, $2i"; I). C. Green, nngnzrnes; I, ... .,..! III.. inllflnnu nf either tOWll becnuso of the bnd condition of tho loads, It Is believed tlint moro Inter est should bo taken or else tho plans for good roads may fall through. .... i. The following is mo loner m- Androw Hanson, rr o naming; vio-. no ""'""" VJ "'," ' let Henderson, books; Dr. Roy Hon- ten by President Morrison .lew Init.lni" At C Hoi'lOII. Slid: I S. kniifiunn, magazines nnd books; 1 n.ll.u' Art PI 111 1 innifirliin: niniH. Lando, ?:i; Mrs. Kate I.nndo. booT.s: it. ..1.... D...1M.1..V Mm mil field. Ore- .jiiiiku 1 nil''"' -. :. , gon: Dear Kir Would It bo posstble r .,.,1 tin. Miruhflold voters to get lu and register and sign up tlio road -K Invest Your Rent Money "Plan to save the money you are now monthly paying out for a place to live. Invest it in a home of your own during the coming vear. -, ..iVy ' FIRST ADDITION TO MARSHFIELD Buy n homesite buy it on the installment plan if necessary and build yourself a home. Your rent money will take care of the payments while every dollar iuvested will be a dollar saved. Buy Now .,......,., T . ...... . , .. ,.. i..,.i ,,niiii,,.. miv fiiHtnr? I am Sirs, lierill'tl l.OCKIIIiri, 91. uu; 1 iiu uiiiiii iutiiui.n "" , ",, Longslioremnirs Union $10 and mug-1 anxious that wo have a large 1 pot nzlncs; Mrs. nnd Dr. J. T. McCor-, tlon from Marshflcld for the iiwm mac $100 and several pictures and. that wo hnp not had mi iiirgo books; Mrs. MclJwnn. books; Mlss'niimbur of Blgners heretofore from Fnnnlo Mcl.nln, $1.C0; K. llnndol, there. I know- tl.nt tho ' "lo Ji! films. II. Mnrsh. books, mngn- thoro must bo ns miith Intciosted ns 7lm8 nnd imperii; Mrs. .1. A. Mat-, wo aro over hero n tno huccoss son. ninnnrlna: Kdwnrd Marsh, of our road proposition, books; Men's Fellowship Club, $3; "I wm wrlto to somu f tho I ob, Mrs. k. Mliigus. HMgnzfiio; Minnie-1 over tliero to get In nnd do 11 Ht WIs Club, iniigitzlno; Mrs. Nolllo.tlo hustling and nsk tho puoplo to Montgomery, $5 and bookH; Mrs register nnd sign up. Mm so sen I (Ico. Murch. books nnd mngnznios; tho petitions to moon tho lust Hat Mrs. A. It. OMIrlen. miigni'lnoH; Mrs. 'urdny lu this month. Also Beta 13. O'ConnoI. mngnzlne; Chns. Ouln- your registration to tho C iiingnilniw! P. C. l-ovnr, books; C. Cloik so ho will ho il 0 'lieck nzlnes; Mrs. A. II. Powers. ;2; ,up the nnines on tho pot Itlon, , If 1'rogiesH Club: books nnd iiinKn.,ihoao ilro not turned In 1 tl 0 i.ork zincs: Hoynl Auction llrl.Ue Clnli. IU not ho nVm S... S 1 ronort inngnzlne; Doris Seimsn.-ken. -ooks; chuck up tho potltlona nnd report MrH. Henry Senmtacken. $10 nnd to tho court so that thoy will lm nnd there wero not ninny proso.it. nblji , to tnlt- action on he '!' A. 8111IH1. $l"; .1. K. Snovor. TmoKa: "Wo do not want to fall dm n on FT HpoIo. or llpooklyn. N. V.lho matter from miy cause. '1 in -library of about nn voliiin : P. Injc you ror tho 11 tore. o hio C. Squire, books; Mrs. II. S. Towar, takliiK In the natter I 1pk to re- jr, boons and inimHyincs: .mis. .utn-1 immiii. ij ;. " MILS. WIUSO.V IX CONTIUVr CASK. When Spring opens you will have the building site. Look over our properly. Let us show you some of these beautiful 00x120 foot lots where the streets are improved and the water mains laid. You can buy on terms that will meet your income. "You'll like FIRST ADDITION." Call at our office for a plat; gel our prices and terms and make an early start toward owning your own home. Reynolds Development Co. (OWNER) ITS Central Ave. Phone 1G0. ma SlulHiimn. books; Mrs. Tnvo, liiagnzini'ir. Jin, a, u. rrnor, uoims; J. W. Watt, imperii: Ihrry Winkler, books; W. K. Wiseman, bookcases; Mrs. Averlll, mtiKiilnc. This list docs not Include tho various socletlos mid clubs that Vld of I'ichIiIciiI Ono of PnrtloN In Uiiulorrice Caw. lif Aim. IIiI 1'r.M lu Cunt tl TlmM I i no ivni.i ic tun 1 Mrs. vnrious Bocieiii'M nun I'liion mini i.vr n.imKnm ....... .. - -- liavo glvin mora tlnm money lu Woodrow WIIhoii. wiro of th Preyl- navo givtn mora until money in wouiiruw hihuii. m ...-.-- holding entortalnnionts and doing dent. Is a party In a rnntwt In tho nctual work lu building up tho II- Pulled Staten l.niulofflco hero ovor lirnry, nor U It posslblo oven to HlNty ncios of bind In the Coacholla .m..... nil iiwimi u-ii.. inn-., fr.mi iimn 'iiii.n- i.iiin 'iv Kliiir lu said to havo to tlmo bo wIllliiKly lent a helpliiK acquired tho tract with laud script. band. BRYAN IELLS OF leni At Democratic Dinner Throws Bomb Into Politicians as To His Desires (Ilf AMntlntM I'rrM lit I'ooa llt TlmM I WASHINGTON, I). C. .Inn. 1 l. Tho Deiuocruts luive been KOSslpliiK over whether Secretary Hrynn iiionnt to launch a senatorial boom when, at n dinner Thursday iiIkIK ho drclnrod It hud boon his ambition filuctt boyhood to sit lu tho United States Somite. Ills own career, Ho said, all through tho oarlltM' jears, bad been based on the hope that ho would eventually ko to tho Somite. but did not perfect lilt tltlo. Ho sold to Mix. axhiiii kuiou, smmr 01 .i". Wilson, for l!ion, accordliiK to tho iccords. mid Mrs. KUIott nold It to Mis. Wilson for $:i000. It Is said. In tho lueantlmo Mm. Maud lluuwlo of l.os AiiKi'les filed on the land as n homeslend and later passed her rlnlits to It on ti lloincr Ooddnid. athletic Instructor lu the l.os Anodes lilxh school. FARM FOR SALE. Dairy, stock and fruit farm con sIstlnB of r.18 acres, between 30 and 40 acres or rich bottom laud, eight acres of bench land set to npplo trees and llfty ncres more that cun easily bo clenred for orchard anil balan'o good KmsltiK land for cat tle, shoop or KontH. Twolvo head good dairy cows and nil farniliiB Implonients necessary. Locitcd on Wost Fork of Coos Itlvor. ono mllo from postoulce, school and boatlandliiK. Iluy direct from owner. For further Info.-mntlon, cnll or wrlto: W A nAOK. Alb'irnnv Ore. mnl 4 WS m M m m MwwMtaBBiMMrw ps mmm I 220 Central Ave. Russell Building I " - -"" CLEARANCE SALE JAN. 14 TO 21. AT S. S. JENNINGS NOItTII m:.i. .j NI'.WS OF AI.I.IXSAXV IMtA.VKS Ol' liKi'llTMNC. Seienil IIiiiim's N'our l''ou'iice Mi-ucK DuiliiK Heicnt Sturm. The Floience West sa.u: "Sewirnl Bharp peals of thuiidcr nuoko the people of rioroiU'O from their fcluin bers earl Tui'mlii iiiornliiK. Tho IIt;hhiliiK struck the roof of .lolm Snr ley's house In (ileiinda. spllnterluK tho bIiIiikU's over a space Hbout l foot Ioiik nnd throe feet wide oxer nil olectrlc UrIii. The olectrlclt then evidently followed the IIkIiIIiik flit's away fioin tho bulldliiK. The llxht nliiK struck (he khiiiikI between John Safloy's residence uml Unit of Mis. linnet t, IoiuIiik up u lui'Ko hole lu tho earth. Some window uluss was biokeu in the residence of Frank Fo in Ulenada and that of Wm. Safloy in Florence. t Special to Tin TlmotO AM.KOANV. Or.. .Ian. Sl.Tliore wns n nolKhborhood dnnco at .lohn Porter's home last Sntiirdny nlKlit. It was nrriiiiKiHlkoii short nothe and theio was not ninny present. John Poller Is quite sick with Krlp at present, lie was some bet-lit- Iwiuiunr n lint accounts. Ills daiiKliter. Maude, and her husband. l.uther Paco, are MsltiiiK nt tne oiu homo now. They expect to return to their homo nenr Portland Satur day. Mrs. K. C. llarkor. who lives on tho (Jould pluott near Allomiuy, Ktve a birthday -party for her sister. Mis. Oeo. Terry, lust Tuesday. The ladles present weie Mrs. .Tamos Knowlln. Mrs. Frank and Vernon IKioil, Mis. Myers, of Mamlifleld. Mrs. (Maude Piper. Mrs. .1. H. Noah. Mrs. Larson. Mrs. KtUaids, Mis IIIIIIiiks. Mrs. Stiiiimormau and Muriel SlomnieriiiHU. Mrs. O. A. (iiiiild. Mrs. .1. II. Price mid Mis (Son. Terry. Miss Muriel Stonuner. man and Mis. Tony helped to seno the luncheon. i:uilil'u limn aro comlnir slowly. iTho Jam at the rollway Is broken so that there Is loom for more llllK Mr. Pert Oray eame up Ttuwdiiy with his launch mid brought n niKed load and lau up tho Hast Fork with the load aboo Uould's (June, to Ills ranch. iiavi: Barnard & Langworthy FKIL'Iti: ON VOL'lt IJMICTItlCAI WOIIIC EANDON BY THE SEA THE CITY OF THE FUTURE A FKW TK.N ACHK TltAfTS FOUlt MIIiKS SOUTH O.N COUN.TV ItOAl) i?!W Vl'M AC'ltK; $100 CASH, llAIjAXCtf TWO YKAKS. NO INTI'.ltKST. NO TAXUS, FINH SANDY I.OAM, LKVKIj IIKXCII hAXI). Buy One It Vill Make You Money BoHi&ldl MacKiimtoslhi IU:AIj KSTATli and INBUHANOK. T. J. 8CAIFH X A. II. IlOf MnrshfiPlrl PAINT AM ULUJUHIIHll INtlimitcs FuniMicil Phono ttlllKI. MiimliflrlUl l-'l-iUFhbblUNAL UlKtClJ D It. W II UKYN0LDS. Chiropractor Suite 2U-1I-H Coke I Of flco hours, 10 to i. Phono 112-1.. MantMl HO. C. Ml'ItPIIY, llxnort Piano. Plnieri Tuning, lteKiilatlng mill Iiik. ni Ordors mnv bo left sttiil H. Allen .Mine Store. t avonue DHOP IN AND SF.UTHi: BIG GAMES IN TIIIJ HOWLTNCJ 'JOUHNAMKXT Chattcrton's Alleys NORTH FRONT RTRKKT COI.DS TO IMC TAKi:. SHIHOUSI.Y PLANS XOI" K.NOWN. (iOOI'iiiIn Slated for (lOieiiioe of Pan auia, Or To Ituilil Itoail, IIIC MU.Ull rrva. la Coo. Ur Tlmr. 1 WASHINGTON. D. C . Jan. -' I -If t'ol. (loetlmls Intends to resign from the army to become police com-ii-Usloner of New York Ills plans itre unknown at the White IIoiik," and 'nr lktiiartiiiont. It is enerall, un ileratuod that the President iuteiuls to make Cloetliftls the first Oovernor of the Canal Zone. "It seems Incredible," said Secie tnry Harrison at the siiKttestiou that Col. OoetliaU uilKht resiKU. "We wnut him to build the new j;ooii)ivnt iRlliOMd in Alaaku," said Seeiehiry l.auu of tho Interior department. No Intimation of tho Colonel's plans has roachod the Isthmian Canal Commission's office. Intelligent people reallo that loiuiuon colds should bo treatod promptly. If there Is snoexlni; and chilliness with hoarseness, tickling throat and eoimliiinr. begin promptly jtho use of Foley's Houey and Tar Compound. It Is ffetle. pleasHiu to take, checks a cold and stops the cuiikIi. which causes loss of kleep and lower the ttnl resistance. Owl Piesdlptlon Pharmacy Frank D. Cohan Opposite Chandler Hotel Phone 7 1. Times Want Ads Bring Results YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Four Koi fni's ltli cniefill tlrUers. I'"or liny service, phone I I l-.l, lllaiico Itllhuil Pallors. l-'or nlnlit senice, Phono aillM. ItlKht Cafe. D. L. FOOTE. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio WlUa.MnTTIM'ACIFlO MOTOR MSHVIGI3. Car lonvoa Conlral uvenuo, Marshflcld, every thirty minutes, bo KlnnlnK at 0:30 a. in., to 9:30 p. m. Lenves North Uond ovory thirty minutes boKluiilug C: IC n. in. to 9:15 p, in. Fnres: Ono wny, ldc;" Round trip, U5c. S. S. ALLIANCE KQUIPPKI) WITH WIUHIiKSS. SAILS FROM PORTLAND FOR COOS BAY SATURDAY. JANUARY 24, AT 6:00 P. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50. Connection with the Noitli Hunk Road nt Portland. North Pacific Steamship Company. Phono II. C. F. M'fiKOROK, Aitent. CITY AL'TO AND TAXI SHUYICK A now taxlcab lias been added to my auto service. Careful drivers. Will go anywhere at any time. Stnud fllnnco Clpar Storo. Day phone, 78 Nlh'ht phono I39-X. TOM ROODAI.i:, Proprietor. i:ql'ippi:d with whu:m:ss. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIMK, SAILS FROM MARSHFIF.I.D: SAT., JAN. !J, 1 p. in. SAT., JAN. 10, 7.SI0 it. in. SAT., JAN. 17, 12.S10 p. m. SAT., JAN. 21, 7.SIO a. in. SAT., JAN. ill, 10.00 n. in. SAILS FROM PORTLAND: TUESDAY, JAN. (I, 8 p. in. TL'HSDAY, JAN in, 8 p. in. TUHSDAY, JAN. 20, 8 p. in. TUIISDAY, JAX. 27, 8 p. m. Tickets on sale to all Kastern points and information as to routes itud rates cheerfully furnished. , Phono Main :i."-L. II. J. MOHR, Agent TOKL OSTLIXD. J Piano Tuner and Hfr ll.l S. SKlli street. I'lioM' l.oito ortlcrx at . It. Hil Company. J .M. U'ltKIIIT, lliilltll"K Contractor. i.uiIi.imi.u riii'iilsliiil ua RC An honest Job Kunrantlfl iiih-k. i n finsvnv. t . "' ' . ....n..y v- Contractor ami I"" ,..ni... .... .iMn...l.iiv nnd m u.Bii(iiaiun, iu "inn - lions niriiiBiicu u i A satisfied customer U !... linnlf. LKI1 ono of my 1G P"1W1 j mix -. Plionn ill.1l. '"' n rrnMl'KlVS. P. S. M W ' ' Driiclc-s llMjftl liono 2MI-L. Hours 0 to IjJ W ritoiio -lo-i. !"- " T Office Room 2, liW. DR. II. SI. SHAW Kyi-. Kar. Xowf& DR. MATTIH II. SH.IW Dlscasei of woincii , Oinco phono 3.10. Roon. u, .. ."-o - T-Vll. A. .1. llli.1"' U DFNTIST .. i.noi.i fireeoi Rooms 204-206. Coke Bull" . .- nrH.V I Residence pnone .'- . . . n T otiico pnono j i---" wn mnlMVnnR. M "" ,... nfrw Resldenco Studio, WjjJ Corner Commercial anu ... naUI. 1'lionu u- - Cliltniiejs l'lre Places. J. N. Bayliss Any kind of brick oik at prices that aie right. WD LL AORK UV R NTF.ri) Oil I at "The I u i Mile." J luison lllilK., '" Ciiniil hi. Plume 1H..I. I'lonili RiimiCx Hitler Wml, "removed"; Opposite The Blanco Hotel TODD The Tailor! SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR SAN FRANCISCO SUNDAY. JANUARY 25, AT 9:00 A. M. San Francisco office, 805 Fife IJIilg., or Lombard St. Piers No. 27. Intcr-Oceanlc Transportation Co., C. F. SlcCIeorge, Agt., rhono 11. BENJAMIN OSTMSR , Coiisiiltlng EngU' Archltec- .m Offices, 20.1 in0! Phono loa-l. or - fe,4 i DBRL RILKY DAUjS Rildonco-Stud!o. 237 ('U"UO - w. G. OTANIiLm, AIK1HTEC1, TZZ7 ftoit' Rooms 301 nn "' MarshfleUi " w M. S. TURPE. Hanbfleld, 0r