THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFJELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 1914 EVENING EDITION. L. lift . r $$ " m i x ' -ftM V AWBWaKCft llw i13 V-Illl Ip' S sLs va HiPiHro i feff Ma Mlfl THE Store that quotes the lowest prices is not always the most eco nomical place to trade. Value is a mighty elastic term. We use it in one sense only to express the quality, the real A-1 quality of our merchandise, That's why Kuppenheimer Clothes at $18, $20, $22.50, $25, $30 arc really economical. v mr . fw mt, m Bin i ..azzr flats Mn'y j . r ; .iantaiiv tidi:s H i'oiow Is ui"on tr.o and I fight of hlt;ii and low water at Mi rshfleld. The tides nro plneed li. the order of ocriir-piico, with tliclr times on Uio first lino mid holghtB on tlio Rfrotul line i f encli day; a compar ison on consecutive lie'ghts will Indicate whether- It .Is high or low water, .-'or high wntor on Hin bar Biibstrnpt 2 hours at minutes. -ri'f. . . 2.0 1 7. no I Ft... I.f, 2.5 ar.iirs. . 2.j:i T.r.o I Ft... 1.7 2.11 I i.or.M TKMPKIIATUIIK hkcohd For tlio 21 hours cndln-r nt I: IK n. in.. Jan. 21. by llonj. OHtllnd. sneelnl government me tporoloclst: Mnxlmuin 4S Minimum II At l:i:i a. m 12 Precipitation 1.10 Prod 'I'ntlon Hlnro Sept. l' l!)i:i ns.72 Prpololtntlon snnio period last yenr -12.G9 Wind: North, cloudy. SWS55?"' whpneo ho will go to San Pedro, .v&ir California, fn takn unto himself a better half In the person of Miss Edith Porklns, of San Pedro. Tom aays he Is tired of being regnrded as n confirmed bachelor. To Open Soon. Mr. Qimterniass. whose studio was destroyed In the recent Montgomery building fire, Is getting his new equipment In nml e.-j poets to bo able to open up again i nbotit February 1. I Mas Smallpox. Tho first case rf smallpox In Marshlleld In a long time la reported today. Oeorgo K. Geo, of tho Cooa Hay Tclcphono coui pnuy, is the victim, and he Is qtinrnn ll'U'd at his 1 onio on South Socou 1 BMPct. Where ho contracted tho di sease Is n mystery. Auto Accldi'iit. A t' im collided with an auto driven by Clnudo Tuck- tor at North llond. Frldny evening, dnninglng the front tire and fender i ot too car. Tho team was coming up Shormnn nvonue nml Tuck r was driving In the opposlto direction when the team suddenly swung to wards IiIb mnchluc. Ho hud no time to turn to one sldo and tho, wagon struck tlio auto. No dnin- ,ngo was dono to tho wngon. An jnuto truck ongnged In hauling coal i from North llond was dolayed for, I several hours yesterdny when tho, uncle wneoi or tlio truck waH caught In a crevlco In tlio wharf. Tho coal j was unloaded onto another wngon and the truck was raised by menus1 of n Jnck. v v , XOHTIf I1KN1) XKWS I RECEPTION FOR 1.01 7.'0 n.i o.r. i.r.i 8.:io C.2 o.n . CHURCH VISITOR Making n very brief stny nftor a tedious trip from California via Koaehurg end the stage line, Hev. (luy C. Lainson, head of tlio llnp tlst publication Society, of Philadel phia, arrived In tho city Inst night nnd after n reception In tho llnp tlst Church shortly nftor his arrival, loft on the boat today for Portland and Seattle, as ho Is compelled to bo In tlio latter city by Tuesday morning, Hev. Mr. llnssford presided nt tho reception tendered to the distin guished visitor Inst night nnd a so cial session nt tlio church was fol lowed by the serving of dainty re freshments. Members of the Lnill s' Aid So ciety of tho Church, who assisted In serving refreshments nt tho so cial bold last night for tho visitors wero Mrs. C. II. Mnrsh, Mrs. John Nnglo, Mrs. Alva Doll and Miss Frances Fransi. Thero was a good attendnnco nnd a very enjoyable evening wnB spent. i Tho Crushed Itock & Supply com- PERSONAL NOTES ill HI J Tin Houk cl KuHnlwmr WO STORES tone 233-L OTVI ID ks riAui Marsh field. North Bend. rnTaxmjamEKamrisarrxTnrrn 1 -' ' ov V ''. i 4 If P rsj3- rm- Mtc 4ll V. Aa S5S "IO& msa -i'.-'Zl'Ki' r.v:rt?.virvint2tKtA'xrs tr am dm I-. Vtt'--, xesyr W'hSucfoeti yKce- ftftMafeote.? Do not neglect your cold. It may develop into fieumonia, pleurisy, congestion, consumption and path. When you catch cold, ''catch" your cold in ime and overtake it. You can quickly relievo your Id if you take the right kind of medicine in time. rRemembcr, we do not fill prescriptions with 1, poor drugs; we use only pure, fresh drugs, and your prescriptions exactly as prescribed by br physician. Como to OUR Drug Store. "THE BUSY .CORNER" fOckhari-Parsons DragCo, THE REXALL STORE 298 US l,olit.. AiinlvoiMarv Mvrtlo T.odiro ,mny Ih tl10 immo of n forporntlnn or- N'o !"nrKnVl"lB oMthms.ry'celc- BJ"'" ft?"), "" to "" "" brain tho firtleth anniversary of tho ""so "r 'Hstrlbutlng tho rock from n ordor, F tirunry 10. (leo. Itos. p., nnnrry on Kontjick Tnlot. Tho now P. Norton, cipo. Illack nnd n. I.. I SI11"'"11.? I" cnnltnllKurt for 150.000. Rood Imvn been appointed n connnlt-, V'0 "'w'"? Tnro. tlio orflcorH nnd tee to nrrnngo for the ovont. Hmroholdors: J. M. Kddy. !.. M. Toz- Slilp Pulp. Tho C. A. Smith pulii! 'or' K- '' HoliltiFon. 13. McArthur. mill todav shlpiied snmplos or pulp 0o"- WolHtoad nnd Chns. I. Kolgnrd. lo the Orooii City pap r mills. w,,n wl" "I8" net as attorney for tho The Uodo-ido tomorrow will take n company. number or samples, somo or which i Since tho rumor or the onlarRP wlll ko to China and .Inpnn to pros- "'out or tho North llond police force, pei'tlvo buvpiH there. n nnmbpr or cIIIzoiib hnvo applied to Don't l.'lUo P.ocr. llnl Simpson ror positions on tho of tho Flxup. was one of the first pollco deimrtment. Tho succeHsful to trv the AiiKtrallan b-of. gotfhiK nn ! cnniildntes have not boon announrod onipp tlio first of tlio week. Ho hh yor. Anionic tlionn fnvorah'y con- w It wns rinp looKinn iieer. but smoreii are v. k. covpv. m. A'oor" when It cnnie o pntlnit It. It wasn't cenrly as good nn the It.' S. prod uct. Louis Klnic. T.pb Cnlbertfton, It. C. ! HolniPH and C. IC. Shaw. i i no .uiiii upuii i nun ncuoiii ohiui Ci'ocm Soutli. J. Albert Mntson linn boon very diligently nrntmrliiK for will lonvo tomorrow on n tm dnvs'l a public npoparanco. T'-e slxteon trip to Snn Francisco, lie Is JiiHt, yoii'lifiil artists of tbo band will i.f- rpcovor!n from nn nttnek of mon-i r(i North Hond tho distinction ot sIph. Ills son, Julius, had thorn hnvlng tho only high school Iihii.1 In i rirst and then Mrs. laistm con- southwestern Orocon. I trnctod thorn ud Mr. Matson wnsi It. 11. Oardlner or North llond has .losliliiK her conslderabiv when ho jnHt returned from a weok'H ' km broke out with them. Now sh has Mrnsnor, where ho lins boon visiting tho lniiKli on him. Mh son. Mr. Onrdlner speaks In hlgh- 'I'll KtllCI' AllltKn SWPOt IlrOtllPrS, nu torina r.f Ihn Pnimlll,. I)l..r vnllnt. w;bo hnvo sold number or their ,.,, nutlrlpntoH n great mturo ror black sand gold mining nmchlups In jinndnn this BPrtlmi. nro now planning to MrH ;T M ,.,,,,, whn ,, , , hnvo tblr'y-rivo or thom built and for B0))0 (I)) , ,.01)0rto,, nH rcHtnK shipped lo Alnsku to li opornfod. CI18V nt r F01)f iiioro. bo n.i hit. upuuiuiin hi u.u- Andrew llolto or North llond Is muchlnes have m.t mndo iiiucli or ,,, now )loino nn St,ti.rlnn(, flnnniiii In ho Coos a ml C irrv ny . Mr , , , t, unLv M ii "i S-ini Bfi!, "rSJ in. Vm . w"rk " ,h0 Htmctiiro rushed nnd ox-' Alnsku will bo n good field for them. ' .., Hin, ,, ., . ,, . . t w,.i,.r lllul.. llnd It not been ror X "'",,, , n ii, ' "" " I S1 "?( Z lo nl" S nl ,T"V 0r'" Trt "'"""V -'oo,lj o'RoSllowl5t.,,iKnBinffi ,.!. ..i. . ',.'.: " n.r.iV.. i - ;....! , , Iloml, to A. J. Momtt. Tbo now o-vn- i unnvi. ill; i ivnim iik rivtiiiiuh or tho tiMcks n coupio or root, tho 3 , ",,' I ;ir B 0l wntor got up ovo,- tho rails nnd I'omo enrly In tho spring, the trnln wA, barely nblo to g-t A rc'tv trmiHror wkb mndo In through. Many logs enmo out Hi- ,N"rt' Hond recently In tho snlo or night bofor- Inst, mostly rrom tho ' noorio Wlto rPBlrtniiP,, to K'niori '"II, III" I'lM.IUI'll'lllillll .11)11. K l" 100 In cnsli nnd two lota on Union pvoiiuo. Mr. Wood expects to orcupy the now homo oon. MIhs Laura I-nwlnr or North llond, who hns been III ror somo time pnat. ! Plovod on tlio dredgo Soittlo ror tlio nns now ruiiv recovered nun hob tnu-i nnst throii months, will lonvo for on hor rormor position nt tho Goldou ' Snn Francisco on the Rodondo. from Hula bnznar nt Mnrshdold. C. S. Wlnsor loft yostordny via nraln ror l.on-r IHnch, Cal.. whoro TgTT" T r no will Join Mrs. Wlnsor nnd tlio lkir E fW&y9i R ifhlldroii. Ho Is Bhlpnlng bis auto flSfiw A? J ' Middle Fork soctlon, nnd but row woro lost. Tho daningo was smnll nnd tbo flouting nut of tbo logs mor than orfset tho III pffcctH To Ikvivi I'or South. Tom liny- ilon, or F.mnlro. who hns noon oni A. S. HAMMOND wont to Cnnulllo this nftornoon to spond Sundny. A. J. MI3NI)I3Ii, of Tho Hub Cloth ing Compnny. lort on tho Ureak wntor today for Portlnnd. KICV. O. L13HOY IIAI.Ii left vln Drnln todny for Pendleton, whoro lip will spend a couplu of weeks with his parents. C. F. M'KNKHIT loft on tho llrenk wator today for Portland whoro ho will sp ml u week .or ton dnya on business. MH. 1)0 YM3, of Spokano. who has lie .n vlHltlng horo with W. T. atoll, Dr. Toyo and othor frloiulH, left on tho llroakwator today, hut expects to rotiirn horo In tbo spring. SKYMOITH FOSI1I3I10 nnd wife nml child lort yostorday ror Shore Acres, whoro thoy will make tholr homo. Mrs. Fosborg is n slstor or Vlnco Pratt, mid thoy roc mtly enmo hero rrom Kiiiihiib. HI) M'KKOWN, Mayor or Conlodo nnd boss loggor, mul wire, wore Mnrshriuld IiusIuohs visitors yos tordny. Tho bnd weather mndo somo or tho enmps hImiI down tompornrlly. J. P. MOHUIS was In rrom Plat 11 yesterday, llo said tint Mrs. Kinney had received word from Snn FrnnclBco that Mnjor Kin ney wna soinowhnt Improved, hut ho wns not yet nblo to sleep tho normiil time, Tlry nro hoping ror his rnpld recovery. C1130. OIMIUHTSON, or tho Kklilnd Hardwnro store, left on tho Prenkwator today for Portland whoro ho will nttond tho Oregon Ilnrdwaro Dealers' Convention. 'I hlb Is his rirst vacation In four youi-H nnd In that time ho hns no? Iron nbBont from tho Htoro n nliolo lny. JOHN 1). (10SS lonvis todny ror Portlnnd nnd Snlom, whoro ho will try n coupio of enseu In tho Supremo Court. One Is tho enso or Parkor vs. tho C. A. Smith Company nnd tlio City or Marsh riold for damngos ror th" death or his hrothor who wns killed us WANT ADS. I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY . I'OH HI3XT Koi- term or yenrs, 80 acro farm, partly Improved, closo to town. Apply French Honlty Co. . l'OH HUNT two store rooms, $IB onch; r. rooms for hoiispkeoplnB for $10: 1 modorn C-ronm bun gnlow, $11 by Title Guarnntco fc Abstract Company. VOl HI3XT Cooil imstiiro for tvfO horses, good barn, plenty of liny, chnrges reasonnhlo. AddreBB "A" caro of Times office. WAXTKI) A Hinull tent, iiiiint bo reasonable. C. P. Mnson, nt Tlmca office. KOH SAliF 1 10-li.p. gn.sollno en gine, nt a sacrifice. Phono C-J. AVAXTICir-lliili'" fors Itches, prices 75c to $2.00. Mrs. A. W. Jones, 010 Central nvenuo. i i i i - - - IIOAHI) AXI) ItOOM At -IBl Com- incrclnl nvenuo. XOTICI3 Party who took niiinborliiB nlnchlno from Times offico Is ro (liiestod to return it nt onco to Tho Times. I FOR SALE I KOH HAM3 High jntt1o Jersey heifer, frcah In row wcoIcb: prlco $50 cash. Auyono wanting flno family cow get busy. Inquire of John Youknm, near Heaver 11111 Junction, - I'OH SAliK One new typewriter nt sacrifice Knqulro nt V. 13. Wnt tor's office, North Hond, I FOR RENT l'OK KF.XT 7-iooin house with bnth, In good ordor, Central nve nuo nnd Tenth. Apply McPlior son, dinner Co., Phono 211-L. FOIl HKXT llousekeeiilni; rooms, ir7 South Ilrondwny. I'OH HKXT Sleeping rooms. rn onnblo by tlio week. 220 South Ilrondwny. I 'Oil HKXT Furnished rooms, mod orn. :t"3 South Sixth stroot. Phono 2UC-U I'OH HI3XT Ijiirgc house on South 1 1 tli strcot. Phono ll'J-U, or so A. U Campboll. FOUND l'OUXH Key. near Alllnnro wnrc houtio. Call nt Times offico nnd pny for UiIh nd. 13VKHY WOSIAX SHOULD 13A11N ?'.T PKH AVKKIC. Introducing our very comploto spring lino of benu tlful wool nultlngs, wnah fabrics, raucy walstlugs, silks, liclUfs. petti coats, otc. Up to dnto N. Y. City pnttorns. Flnost lino on tho mnr kot. Donllug direct with tho mills you will find our prlcoB low. If others can mnko $10.00 to $30.00 weekly you enn nlso. Samples, full iiiHtructlaiiB In nent snniplo caso, B'llpped oxpnBB prepaid. No money n'lulrod. Kxciusivo territory, wnto a rosult of his nuto Htrlklng n f ' ,mrtcu,nr8f n0 first to apply, noy. lort this artornoon ror Co- lwt st" "'"'""""" ' -. $A THISTLE VARE '? s,ex(iuisite Thistle bloom blend, found only pff I Enameled Ware, gives a rich pottery eect,makina it attractive and appealing to those wno appreciate cleanliness in their kitchen. 'ery sultable article for a wedding present. m58,,Ial in desi8n and superior in finish to the "laiority of Enameled Wares on the market. Ip111 I?ake no niistake by selecting Thistle tnameled Wnro fnr , uuunn See Special Prices in Our Window j HWhenvoubuy TONIGHT Two big vnudovlllo nets. Thnt classy, clovor girl, Norma nonrdmnn, In n vory divorsiriod act. MUs I.bls Powoll In two lienutifnl gongs. Four now roels of pictures. "Tho Smugglor'B Slstor." A now rful lovo drnmn. "Hed Mask." A Wostorn plc turo rull of action. "A Hospltnl Homanco.'' With KoBPnrary Tlioby. "Ftinnlcug nt tho Fair." Side splitting comody. - Admission, lowor floor, 15c; bal cony, 1 Oe, Mntineo tomorrow nt 2:. '10. To morrow night, "Oliver Twist" In four rcols. on tlio Kouondo nml will tour southern Cnllfornln. His nopbow, Victor Onuntlott, who Imp boon vls IMnu hero nnd with rolatlvo In Curry County, wont out with him, golntr to Clov lnud. Ohio, to tnkn n position with tho Scrlpps-Mcllno Bvndlcnto as cartoonist, Or tho oldowt votorniiB on tho nnv, ArniHtroiiK Ilnlloy or Coogton Is prob sbly tho ponlor or nil, Mr. Ilnlloy has Borved under dUforont commnnd ers during tho civil war mid nt Us e'oso wns I.loutonnnt Cominnndor or Co. 13, -15th Pennsylvania. He cele brate! IiIb 77th blrthdny on January ?0th and is still imniv and anticipates many more bnpiiy ..thdnys. Don't fnmet K.W.'I.KN HKN'FriT HA 1,1, at Knglo'g Hall TOXK.'IIT. , Mhby COAIi. Tho kind YOI' hnvo! MAVAYS l'HI'l). P'ion- 72. Pncltlc I Ivor,, nnd Trnnsfo- Comr.nnv r.ulllo tirtor spending a day horo. Thero In no now crlmlunl busi ness ,ind nothing now In tho Myr tle Point bank robbery enso. It Is boglunliiK to look mora nnd more thnt Mlllor, tho cook, had nothing to do vlth It. Mr. 1,11 JeqvlBt enme ovor to got dntn on tho Port or Ilnudon enso nnd nlso data for his municipal ownership dobnto horo noxt wook. XOHTII HKXD COXCKHT HAND DAXCI3. KriillOFK HAIili. .IAX. :l. UMBRELLAS REPAIRED AND COVERED MARSHFIELD CYCLERY PHONE 158-R. If you hnvo anytlilnK to soil, rout, trndo. or want help, try a Want Ad Tl f Tip . MM. Ml WIII.WI lIMIW ! 11,1 mt TC r-r tMenffl wvm .".'rirj n mzijxvnx. mtrimimma -rixEEKSXBcmiFm f Juh Printing Done at The Times Office The Values We Give COMPAllKD 'ITH TIIK LOW PHICKS, IS THK TALK OF TIIK TOWX COMI3 IX AXI) SKK OUH AYOXDKUFUri HAHfJAIXS IX THK FA- 3IOUS CJOODYKAIt WKT WKATHKH (JAHMKXTS I'OH MKX, WOMKX AXI) CHILDllKX. Western Outfitting Co. HUSSKLL I1UILDINO, CKNTRAL AVE., HRT. SKCOND & THIRD. s Orpheum Tonights OF SUCH IS THK KINGDOM Seems in a minister's homo. Story of fctrong apponl. TRUTH IN THK WILDERNESS This is n two-roel drnmn with some scenes in Mexico. A CHAPTER FROM HIS LIFE Just n dandy comedy. SOME GREAT MUSIC. ADMISSION JU8T TEN CKNTS. Prepare to see a great feature oalled LIVING CORPSE next week. Wo glvo a flue program and extra nm.slo for Sunday. Matlueo and ovonlng. KANTLEEK HOT WATER BOTTLES onimot leak and aro unrautoed for two years from dato of purchase and 'l last ten uilh oi'dinary precautions. Out of 1000 Kantlcek Hot Water Bottles and lountain SyriiiKos wo have had six returned on account of slight defects, less than one per cent. The highest record for elegance and durability hns and always will ho awarded to the KANTU3T3K LTNIC of 1 Tot Water Bottles, .Fountain Syringes and Tviibbcr Sundries. W I-I Y ? Because they are the largest manufacturers of rubber sundries in the U. S. A. Thoy buy the raw material cheaper; they have made the Kantleek the leading line for quality in their big manufac turing plant; they have agencies in 15,000 LEADING DRUG STOKES each one guaranteeing the Kantlcek lino of rub ber goods Tor two years. Rememhfcr, you will find this line for sale only at THE LEADING DRUG STORE 'For Quality Goods and Penslar Remedies. B mMMmmiMM tajyTTHWiiittrai ,Wfci-tt ' -