nmsisBBSfmsim p Amw'titi'immrxmxmwma W1 ir,'OTtffflI vuxjrBrTfriMii-Uf mij-ii lt:" !1j jtti "j:ii.. -j m nEiJ pnwwi.'Wif"WM OTED WRITER REACHES Cm COOS BAY TIMES i M. O. MALO.VKY l'dltor mid Pull DAN K. .MAI.ONKV Svn UMor m ' "i ' '- " Official I'lijicr of Coos County. Entered nt tho no?tofflre nt Mnrh Hold, Oregon. for transmission . through the mulls as second clas , I I1"111 nmttor- 'David Swincj Ricker and Wife, Former Marshfield Man Sue- Address ail comtnntilcntions to qnw JAV DAIIjV TIMKS. Mnrsliflcld :: :: :: : OrcRo.. S. C. BROWN IS DEAD AT SALEM TELLS ABOUT nPnfll rifl Trlin '1' Ctnst tor tiio Krowtn or mini- 811 I H I JIIJIiH'fls nud populntlon exported to fol- rirnlBiii !i In If How tin oponliiK of tho I'nminm lILUuilUU lll'l lnnnl. nrrlvcd In Mnrsliflcld Inst Tramping Coast, Pleased With Marshfield. Dnvld Swing Hlritor, nrroihpnnlod ly Mrs. Writer, who lire walking from Vnnronv.r, 11. C, to Son Diego, Cut., for tho pnrposo of gathering dntn on tho preparedness of tho Pa cific Coist for the growtli of mini (Continued from I'ngo Ono.) the power of tho Uodrndo's blj? oti rIiics, boliiK ltaruly h!o to hold our own against thu howling gate. Cuptiilti Kricusnii Stunned In nddltlon to wind and wnv, wo nlso oncountoied u terrific storm of thunder mid lightning and rain nnd hall. On l-'rldny night n holt of lightning fliiHlicil ncrocH tho how of tho bunt h.i rlose to Cniitnln Krlrkson, who was on tho bridge, tbnt It Btunii"i and blinded blm. In tolling mo of It Inter, h wild tbnt Immediately after the blinding flash tho whole world turned blink for soveral nilnutoa and ho gropod wild ly for a tlmo fearful tbnt h Imd been blinded by tho stroke. Gradual ly ho recovered, but ho never men tioned the mutt r until two diiyn later. An Kfrirleiit Ciiplnlu mill Crew To tho eternal credit of Cnptoln Krlckson and his gallnnt mil effi cient crew, be It told that r1! through tlmt nwful Friday night, with the lightning playing In fitful flnitifs iroimd the vess I nnd the howling gale locking the big Iron ship like n cork on the blllow. thev lielined like true sailors mid boh nicn. Neier fop n moment was tjn re n hint of pnnlc smong Hie pin u Hirers, although many of them renlli'd the dangerous coudltl'ins The Iteinndo, ton, proved her entire senwortblness nud the stHiiiichness of h r eoititnif t'on. vor wis ves sel '"-en a more severe test. N'ever did shin mere successfully rldo tho roaring bronkers. .Mem Wie-ks A belt r understanding of the terrific storm nnd its luivoc nnd our own good fortune was forced upon iih Sundnv mnrnlim wlion we passed tlueo wrecks blown mil broken on the rock, Including the fotir-miiHted schooner Polaris, built nnd Inline! id mi Coos IIrv, wlibb wont nshor nenr Point itoyes. Not u single coist essol of the muy diio on Sntiirdny nrrlvod In Sin l'Vunclsro port. Worst In Tneiity-flvo Yenrs Captain IJrlcksou stnted that ho never knew IiIh bnrometor to li ns low a It wiih during this storm mid nt least two members of tho crow Hinted Mint In twouty-flo ycirs e perlenc snlllug tlie north Pacific tuey never knew ns bad a storm u the one no encountered. Another peril added to our dan ger was that during the worst of tho storm I' wan linposslhl' ti send nut dlstroHS signals becmise of the excessive lightning lutorrerriui' with the operation of the wireless. It wns told that one of the wlr less nporntors attempted to get i fire well message to h' mother nnd wiih preparing for n final ulunge as b felt It would be Impossible to launch the boats. Ml'lopcd Miihv Seie During the worst of tho storm I'll day iilgln the lled'uidn slilppe 1 maiiv Iionvy sens. We occupied stateroom C on t'o sensldo of M'o toss I About r n'clfk Saturday mornli' n tromeiidoiiH sen struck us nnd n Bolld we 1 of wn'er rushed Miroir-b our open wlmbv , romnlotely In linde 'ne M,r ,r"' "r liortli. occupbc' liy Iilttle I.ndy l.ou, who promptly uttered an Indignant protest nt the unexpected and Involiintnry bath She screnmed to her mother: "Mummy ' Muinmjtf the wnter la getting me!" l-'.M'ltiui! Mvtierli'iice. I lenned from the upper bortli leio six or eight tin lies of sn water lb t was flnddliiK tho stateroom nnd 1 1 which our shoes siocklim, niRgn- slnes, pniK" en I eervl'lng rm -1 nbl whs flnn,,nir tironnd. Ilistllt i HiinlrliiiM' tho llti'e ulrl'e from tle wntor-drci'cli berth gnve her to liepj iMiitber w'll'o I fiix'eiie 1 Hie Inflow ngni'isi rurtner iiiiiieiuion. nut it continued to nour In lb- erni-k nrouiul 'he door, but fortuniitelv did not scM'loua I'nmngu heyond snt uratlim 'Ml the clothing In our sult rnses nnd grltis. A lUMo lattr some Cnllforuhi man, evidently a rancher, with true op timism, remurked Mint "th rain would lie good for the oat eroo M'NI year," There Imnnoned to be u lull, in Mio storm nnd we could hear Mini wop's rather falntlv In our cabin. "There." said II r Montlones. ex-1 rlleillv "did von hear Mint Michael' That man snld 'lower tlw limit here:i they me tiuncblng t lio lift boats llurrv nnd dross!" I .lust nt Mils Inopportune but psv choloulcnl inoiueiit the belt on the electric dynuino slipped and tho lights flickered. , "There," Her (loutleiies oxclaini- od, "the lights aio going out: do hurry!" I Just Mien the rook was ovldentlv dimming some garbs1 oxer the rail which lie struck rather hardly with tho dlshnan, and It did make a iU M'ne noW, rather d'scoucertlng. 1 inns' idmit. "Oh' Oil!" r OonMe'iom e w od, "there K0 the hollers; "ie lost we're li", mil no c'he on1' Vv Imi't fist 1 nt like n woioan Think'ne about i lollies when wee Just iihout to lie 1'iuiiihed into eter nlu I v is Just figuring that what w needed most at that particular , time ai pair of wines. T!iere were many other Interest-' lng incidents of tUls rewarhable vne. but that, at Ki)lltt( MV8: , "is anothr tr" Jl. C. M. night nfter wnlklng nn far ns Myr- Mo Point and finishing the trip by tr.iin. Dnvld Swing Wcker wns Sunday editor of tho Chicago Tribune nnd hns boon ongnged in writing on In dustrial nnd general conditions nil over tho Unit d Slntos nnd Cnnndn. His present trip in cnnipnny with Mrs. Wcker. who Is nlso a writer of more than ordinary tnlont. Is to furnish his impressions of the const for tho Portland Orogonlnn. Senttlo Sun. Tacoma Trlbuno and tho Oppor tunity Mngnzlne. Mr. Wck r Is the niithor of "Tho Now Industrialism" nnd Is well known In the ISnst ns nn niithor under the notn de pliimo of 'Ste phen Wontwortli." Ho has spe cialized In writing up tho cities nnd towns of the continent, how h finds them and nftor ho Investigates them, what their futuro will bo. lie was n guost of tho Mllllconin Club last night ut tho smoker ten dered to Major Morrow nnd tho Im pulsion lie hns gnlnod of tho en ergy nnd ginger of tho citizens or this section filled him with tho greatest enthusiasm. Ho dechir d today that ho met tho "llvest bunch" he has encountered since he started cut on h's pros ut trip. Mr. ltd ker wns Comnilps'oncr of Publicity in IlrlMsh Columbia dur ing the helghth of the boom In the Ciiindlnn province and since en gaging In his present task, has plac ed a number of towns nud cities "on tho mill. He d clnrecl todny that the Coos liny region looked to him at first glance as a. flue field In v 1 1 1 f -1 1 to secure big Impressions of the future and with Ids enmern to Illustrate his communications to tho various publlcutloiiH ho r presents, he started In this afternoon to throw a lino on all the Impressions to be gathered at Mils point. Tho LADII'S of tho IMIKMIVTI-'lt-I.W ClU'ltCII will hold n COOKI'I) FOOD SAI.K, K.VITItDAV, JAN. ill, beginning nt I o'clock, nt the I'Klt-HV-NK IIOI.SOX STOIti:. Don't forget IJAtJM'.'S IM'.XKI-'IT IIA1.I. nt Hnglos Hall TOXKHIT. cumbs There Held Much Local Property S. C. Urown, n woll-known pio neer of Coos Uny nnd Port Orford, died nt Snlom nfter a long Illness, according to n telegram received to day from Ills son, Wesley Drown, bv I A. MrClees. Mr. Drown reach ed Snlem Just a short tlmo prior to his fathers death. The funeral will be hold nt Salem. Mr. Drown spent n number of years nt Port Orford In his boyhood unci then wont Knst and flnnlly re turned here iihout twenty yonrs ngo. Ho wns born noor D'lolt, Wis., nnd spent innnv years nt Charles City, lown, whore he wa engaged in tho mnnufneture of gloves nnd mittens. On tho buy he followed the vocation of enrpentor nnd housemover. Ho owned much alunblo property hero Including tlie old home nt Third ntH Commercial. , , Ho Is survived uy n who mm children. Ono son, Giiancs, ne in Iowa. Tho otner tnrco aru " by a second mnrriago and nre es ley Drown, of Mnrshflold, Mrs. Geo. Thomnson, form, ny or .Mnrsnueiii, but now of Pnloni, nnd Opnl, nged 1J- j lie was well liked nnd news of His , clonth will come ns n great. bu. Ho wns about seventy yenrs old. OI'TICKIt SIIOl'l'IJ IS HCltT IX Ill'XAWW rfnn "inn" Rbonne Biiffored n severe Injury to the tendons In tho cnlf of his right leg last night wh o In tho perforinnce cf his duty unci Is confined to his homo today. mil" was walking his bent on Front street lrnt night when the Coos Day Laundry horse and wagon came tearing up the street. The officer made a Jump to grab the horroB i...il nnd In doing bo stumbled so Mint the muscles of his leg split, or separ ated and lamed him. Tho runaway horse turned up Mnr ket street and finally stopped with out doing uny ditmnge. while tho of ficer wns taken to the Turkish in h houso mid had tho log steamed to seo If It would Improve M e Injiirv The extent of the injury to the log will not bo known for a time. Don't forget HACJI.K'S ItKXKKIT HM. nt I'.nmos nnu iw.imn IRVING BLOCK y&ud&m, OUR FINAL CLEARANCE SALE $11,25 ': $18.75 :".':. $22.b0 $10.00 :. $16.85 s. $r.oo qq 7: alo price . . . .$Uii U ..$6.00 Men's Suits. ?1& lies. Snlo Price . Men's Suits. $25 ues. Snlo price . Men's Suits, $110 vnl ues. Snlo price Men's Overcoats, $15 values. Sale price Men's Overcoats. $25 (M P CK values. Salo price ..) I UiUfJ Hoys' Sulls values. S; Hoys' Suits. $3.00 values. Snlo prico Hoys' Ovorconts, $3 00 vnlucs, Snlo prlco Hoys' Ovorconts. $C 00 values. Snlo price Ladles nnd Misses' ('oats I three. quarter nnd full length, 0NP IIAbK PWCK. V. One lot of ladles' suits, ,., i. ....... 1. 1...I. I.,... i,... w iMuuuiiuiii, imiduui weaves, ties to $!10.00. Snlo prlco Lnules, Mlsse8 and Chllitr' raincoats nnd cnpe.i Ti;viy l-'IVH I'KIt CKXT IHSCOUXT. ' 1 1 lli Here, Now, Is the Place Where Values Will Increase Most in Next Two Months The section that will enjoy the greatest increase in the next two months lies between Fourth and Tenth streets, on the marsh which will be filled. The improvement will bring this properly into actual u'se, while heretofore it lias been almost im possible to do anything with it. Streets will be im proved in the near future; houses built, and a sec tion which has been idle, waste land, will be prof itably developed. Most of this property has gone well up in price since the fill was assured. However, we have one or two parcels that can still be had at former prices. They are money-makers beyond question, and will be available at' present prices for only a short time. !. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front Street. i'.t:!.;uv,ij33aagiiJrarViT';wr.ri S33Braea3aiai.yr:.v;iaaBi The PRICE wa3 so low. i,vTin..'nigsmEmffi,H-M3t 1 iSJI&& r NOTICE !! To Money Savers "" vxxsraKmusczs& Mr. Business Man:- Thls Is the month when we give you bar gains In furniture. Though our high-grade furniture Is cheap for this one month, It will give you pleasure and service for many, many months. Why not take this season when prices are so low, to buy all that new furniture your wife has been want ing so long? It will SAVE YOU MONEY to buy right now. Remember that, though our prices are lower now, our furniture Is the same standard line we sell all the time. GOING & HARVEY CO. $11.65 now on sale at ' GOING HAR VEY C 0 The Store That Sells for Less House Furnishing Engineers Coquille River Cod 2 ! 00 Pounds Clean Coal to the Ton Guaranteed Price, $5.50 COOS COUNTY FUEL CO. Phono 181-1. GEO. A. BA1NES, orncu open until : ! in. 1K(1 Itiondnnjsa: mSESmaiBHEEX3)fl N iW Glugeams ajaiiasaasij'xsa tJCSKKWJ71S2n3riu!ASP2'ira3 A choice assortment of tlie new Spring Dress Ginghams at this store. P T- TO FAST COLORS. PRETTY NEW URXS AND A ,WK STOCK CirOOSE FROM. AVe have the hiirivest and best stock of Hie new WOOL dress goods in town. See our windows. IKe Golden Rule FIRST XATfOXAL HANK BUTLDTXG wxszsxszm'mscvsn&jazzx: SCANDINAVIAN DRUG STORE ImslH of kiioiI nowK KcJMts a sluiri of yoni' patninno on Hie ifiiM)nul)Io vkv inul hiilHrnttoo tri'iitnu'iil. TIIK SCA.VDINAVIA.V IMtUCJ ri'iitml Avciiiio. STO ltl. Itiissill Hid;. 9x12 Tapistry Brussels Rugs for g Cutlery of Quality AVE GUARANTEE EVERY PIECE PRICES MOST REASONABLE We make u'oort anv p possible detect hS4KffaBteifc KAZOBS THE LINE IS COIPLETE PABTXCr KNIVES POCKET KNIVES BUTCHER KNIVES --gjSb SCTSSORS THIS BEST FOB THE ONEY