nmtMtsESfltajjMM THE COOS BAT TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, EDITION. day afternoon complimentary to Miss Tlica Krtiso, wiio will becomo tho bride of J. 0. Mullen early In Fobru uary. PERRY dp CARD PARTY. -J- SCHOLSON I Want to Show Yow The best line of bedsteads at the lowest cost ever offered. This line consists of brass, walnut, ma hogany and steel bedsteads in every grade from $2.75 to $40. Unlimited selections and prices the lowest. PERRY (& NICHOLSON Want to Show You A special collection of inexpensive dressers and chiffoniers. We want you to see and to know now what excellent values we have from $8.50 to $16.50 jti ,. syQi -froT-a"' W'ilij m NICHO PERRY Want to Show You their superior line of dining tables beauties every one fresh, clean, new stock just opened. You will be delighted with the styles and surprised by Our Low Prices LSON jL'WfftSysn j". " BI Jl'1" ! II LSI vc II fil 11 I . - -11 " CJ-c-.- s . -af' PERRY fe NICHOI .SON mm mi ii '""'TiTiirrTi"Triimn H-H o X Visible Typewriters Tho 7Vu' Visible Typewriter excels all makes of visible typewriters of today. Jt lias the liyhlcsl touch of any typewriter built and is practically noiseless. Aside from this it is equipped with every labor and' time savin y device it is possible to build into a typewrit er. .It gives full visible writing-, has a back spacer, tabulator, two color ribbon with removable spools and automatic movement, in terchangeable carriages and platen, line lock, stencil cutting de vice and unlimited speed. WHY T1TTC VOX VISIBLE TYPEWRITER SHOULD 13E SELECTED The successful merchant is a very busy man he has no time to attend to those little annoying repairs so frequently necessary in other makes of typewriters. In buying a Fox Visible Typewriter you aro getting a typewriter that will give you practically a life time of satisfactory service, without any expense on your part, except for an occasional typewriter ribbon. The oscillatiny rib bon movement of the Fox Typewriter makes the life of tho ribbon four times longer. There is a loyical reason for the extreme durability of the Fox Visible Typewriter. Let us demonstrate this to you. Phono us to deliver one to your place of business or at your home. Our "Prec Trial Offer" is always open. Convince yourself of these facts by taking advantage of this offer. Sold on Easy Payment Plan TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE SUPPLY CO Phone 44. Alliance Warehouse EpF Continued from page. Two. her homo on Elrod avenue. Mrs. .Ins. Cowan was n special guest. As part of tie business that cnino up It was decided to furnish the basement of tho new church for use In social ways and to this end Mrs. F. A. Sacchl do nated n flno gas range. The Guild will meet with Mrs, Herbert Lockhart next Thursday. Present this week were McBdames I'erham, Noble, Haz ard, Coke, Travor, NaBburg, Schetter, Mu rcli, Qulst, Dennett and Upton, and Miss Anderson nud Hev. and Mrs. Drowning. .j. $. i. Ucnd, will hold their monthly eve ning social next Friday night. It wns to have been held nt the home of Mr. nud Mrs. M. 0. Coloman, but probably will bo hld at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kruse, as Mrs. Coleman wishes to havo the meeting with her later. - CAFETERIA CLl'If. I .MLNNIE-WLS CIjUII. Tho Mlnnle-Wls Club will not meet again until February fi, wnen Mrs. A. .. Downs will bo hostess. MEET FRIDAY. I The Cafeteria Club, which has tem porarily disbanded, will resume ses sions after the return of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McEldownoy, who aro spend ing a fow weokB In California. Mr. and Mrs. Hlldonbrand will bo hosts. : 4 TIll'HSDAV CLl'R. I , Mrs. .T. W. Mitchell entertained tho Thursday Sewing Club nt her homo near Klttyvlllo this week, numbering among her gucstH, In addition to tho club members. Mrs. C. C. doing, Mrs. II. Wells, Mrs. Clem Wells nnd Mrs. N'orls Jensen. Mrs. Hlldcnbrand and Mrs. Fourier will bo hostesses nt the Hlldenbrnnd homo next Thursday ev ening, wlion tho ladles will entertain their husbands at cards. Mr niwt Mru. f'nrl Wiml nlltnrtalllod nt a delightful little card party nt their homo In Enstslde Thursday ev ening. At cards, Miss Nolllo Olson won the Indies' prize nnd John Tol lofson tho gentlemen's prize. Music was also enjoyed and refreshments served. Their guests wcro MIssca Genevieve Tellefson. Elizabeth Tol lefson, Hlancho Tellefson, Magglo Hobortson, Nellie Olson, Ksthor Urodd nnd Illldn WeHt, nnd Messrs. John Johnson. Hnrry Johnson, John Tellefson, Clifford .McKay, win An derson, Victor west ami rcmu west. fr The Jolly Sixteen Club of North rkidge PARTY. Mrs. Leonard W. Travor hnB Issued InvltatloiiB for a bridge party at hor homo on North First street noxt Wednesday afternoon, January 28. IIONOItK GUEST. narcissi's ri.ru. - S:'i?'?i?iniiiwi?i?'?!:!;!i'YB i J&sl1 "fcw "lsL FOR CiOO jtfITO JSs. V$F ;SJoAIU ' Tho Narcissus Club will bo ontor tnlned no.t Wcdnesdny bv Miss Uattlo McKay at her homo In Enstslde. priscilla riA'ii. ?CIGV?ETTE COUFCT3 Ca.i.roIc ult.'i licnvllr nlfkcl phlpd framo uml n'mo lined litowii otlitr dlkli ho ! 1 plnlR Cilin lor 300 OUAU Cigarittu coupons. Mrs. L. Chrlstenson wns hostess Wcdnesdny to tho PrlsclllnH, enter taining Mrs. Hourkc, Mrs. Gale, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Grluolds, Mrs. Alheo nnd Mrs, Scott. Mrs. Heck, hor sis tor, was guest of tho afternoon. The next meeting will ho held In two weeks, February 1th, with Mrs. Gale. 4 X. II. AIjTAK guild. I Mrs. G. A. Dennett ontortalnod a fow friends nt enrds nt hor homo last Saturday afternoon compUmontary to hor daughter, Miss May Dennett, who in hero from San Francisco for a month's visit. Tho prize wns won by Miss Genevieve Songstncken. Ito freshinentH wcro served, Mrs. It. K. Dooth assisting In serving. Among those present were Mrs. Herbert Lockhnrt, Mrs. Henry SongBtuckon, Miss Genevieve Sengatackon, Mrs. IlenJ. Chandler, Mrs. W. 0. Chandler, Mrs. W. S. Chandler. Mrs. E. Mlngua, Mips Wllrojc, Miss Mnmlo Mahonoy, Mlsi Laura Kruse, Mrs. Carrlo Dun gnn, Miss Kvclyu Anderson, Mrs. 11. K. Dooth and Mrs. J. W. Dennett'. PIjAX hkuxiox I - sThe best 5 -cent cigarette on the market made with mouth piececoupon in every package. iiimilroili cf oth'r useful nrtlclci can bo procured with OHAU ClcJrctlo Coupons. 1 1 'rlttsr eatahe 'rtt en itquett, Addtin Mrs. Paul Dlmmlck, who wns to havo entertained tho Altar Guild nt her homo In North Dend Tuesday. postponed tho meeting on account of Illness among tho members. It has not been decided where or whon tho next meeting will ho held. : : LADIKK' AID. Tho Norwegian Lnthoran Ladles' Aid will moot tho second Thursdny In February with Mrs. A. H. Snow nud Mrs. Gust Stccn ns hostesses. A big Coos H'ay reunion Is being planned to bo hold nt tho homo of Dr. nnd Mrs. Hurry Simpson nt iltlvrsldo, Cnl., soma tlmo noxt 'month. Mr. nnd Mrs. L. J. Simp son plan to bo there. Capt. Kdgar I Simpson will also ho thero nnd n. number of tho coos, nnyites in Southern California, Including tho Wlnsors, Mrs. Wornlch nnd Dr. nnd Mrs. Dartlo, will probably also Join In with tho othoiH. j. .j, .j. A Ul TIIIMMLK CLUIJ. - r' a a u;iau cicarcua y M 1 Writtfsreatalcc flffflj Ifl) E 1 frtt on i equal. Ajrf5i.f II premiumA W Ms. IDEPT" hwiMl(j 1 San Francisco ,;i,' 1 ! TO (ilVK SMOWIIIt. I o Miss Gortrudo Mnndlgo has Issued Invitations for n miscellaneous Hhnwor to bo glvon nt hor home noxt Mori- Play Ball at Heme! For Sale By Blanco Cigar Store The Old Popular Stand Mwmm a rcL3r rmv)iM i v: . '. rr .Tfc f&fw &r . S' 1, iii rww WIUM i:'rliml.v h IIiiIiik II. Crrnl 1'iin. ft!W.!7 MSiVMl im mmnvvi III. (.1(1! VV NATID.NAI. CA3IK Game or ill Stmt littttlhi' (om mJ tl'itlllni tinlitits j if. Close Sri a iiii I!cl!v of A Clio n B rk. nvi v Rk. 1 tj'l Ctmt v! ntk M 111, bill ll J.,I I v. (rniiulif. H Jt rn'v rw. r.-A f ifft. nil w !' t t 'IJ rriiinlncnt Hall I'lu) crs a 'i in. hit a caui:. f i (' ui.'.l 8rr on litinr. Old nnd Younir Enjoy It liN'I'KHTUMNd ,.M) KXi'lTIXR. Hnt I'rrMld hf lUtMl l"t CI ft fl Kallftitlun or Miwj llk. Jp 1 . U U hOtt DIAMOND CO., Inc. Kicluilie I'aritle ii Main Arfnt. I).,:U...' L.,l,.n... Ih.". M'rnoii HI., in.iiutta i-Avuoug- n i,'rlDnii. d XOI I" l I I Mrs. M. K. Kverltt wns hostosH to tho North llontl Thlmblo Club nt hor homo In North Ileiul yosterdny after noon. Needlework nnd conversntlon woro tho dUerslons nnd woro follow ed by n bountiful repast, Mrs. II H. Durmlster nnslstlng In s'-rvlnr. Tho next meeting will bo hold In two weokH with Mrs. A. II. DorbjsMro. TIioho proont yoHtordny woro Mrs. II. .1. Linden, Mrs. Itoacoo Hnzer, Mrs. Fred Knife, Mm. M. G. Coloman, Mrs. II. K. IliirmUtor, Mrs. H 15. Kern, Mrs. G. S. Gothro, Mrs. Klmor Htiisoll, Mrs. V. K. Wntters. Mrs. Itobert Simpson, Mrs. K. K. Itlggs, Mrs. F. !:. Glnzlor. Mrs. C. S. Kaiser, Mrs. Ira D. Hurtle and Mrs. A. II. Derbyshire Mrs. Clarko wiih a spec ial Kiioat of tho club. .. niimiD.w PAUTY. I -4 Yosterdnv wns the fifth birthday of Master Calvin Cox, son of Mr. nnd Mrs, Wm. Cox, sud a number of his llttlo frleudM woro Invited In to help him celebrate t' o event. Various, willies woro followed by n birthday dlnnor. a feature of which was tho birthday cuke. In tho latter noma of his oldor friends participated. Those present woiv Margaret .Mu Hoy, Molvln Johnson, John KUIott, Dorothy nnd Francos Ostrow nnd George Forry. ; ; i nmiiGi: clcm. i w r "SI'UUCU UIM" EDISON'S LATEST A storage battery that continual over charging will not harm. DOES NOT CORRODE AT TERMINALS. CONTAINS NO ACID. Will not lose Its charge while standing idle. IS GUARANTEED FIVE YEARS Coos Bay WirinCo. inn Jlroadwny. Agents for l'ort of Coos liny. STOCKINGS, Plckunluny Stockings for Ilojb and Girls Tho Dest Wearing Stockings on the Market. Sold a. The Electric Shoe Store. 1Hf So. Ilrondwny. Gontlomnn. lonvn vnnr llnon In I us and wo will guaranteo you por- fit. nniloffinlln.1 ...11. ,!.. ... I& l vi.fc DuuBiiivuuit tTllj) tliu Vftiy H In lnundored. Every nrtlclo of your wardrobe that Ib usually sont to tho Laundry will look hotter nnd last longor If entrusted to our euro. Dress Shirts. Collars, Cuffs, Hund- jKorcniorfl, wiilto and Fancy vests, wo tako tho greatest enro In doing Ithoin up to pleaso tho owner and ruuuci cruuir, on oursuivus, COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY I'liouo Main r7-.I. Tho Ilililgo Club wns ontortnlnert vesterdnv nfteruoou by Mrs. Doyd M. ItlchnrdRou, tho mooting having boon postponed two dayH owing to tho 111 ncts of hor llttlo dnughtor. Mrs. L. J. Simpson won tho prlzo. Tho next mooting will ho In two wooks with Mrs. Ward M. Dlako. Thoso present yesterday woro Mrs. L. J Simpson. Mrs. W. S. Tiirpon. Mrs. 'J. Albert Matsoif, Mrs. J. S. Coko, Mrs, II. S. Towor, MrB. J. II. Flnnngnn, Mrs. E. G. Porhiini. Mrs. I. S. Kniif man, Mrs. W. A. Toyo, Mrs. W. S. Chnndler, Mrs. C. M. Dylor, Mrs. J. W. Dennett, Mrs. L. W. Travor, Mrs. Eiigono O'connell and Mrs. Wnllnco I'orliain. POSTPONE HALL. I - Mrs. L. .1. Slnipsoii. Mrs, C. M. Dylor, Mrs. Claudo Nasburg nnd Mrs. W. S. Tiirpon had arranged to glvo a ball nt Simpson's pavilion lust ovon lug, but woro compolled to Indefinite ly pospono It owing to tho reception tendorod Major Jny J, Morrow and tho offlcerH of tho dredgo Col. P. S. Mlchlo, nt tho Minimum Club. LADIES' ART CLl'R. I STADBEN ALL KINDS of .PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK, Dromido Enlarging nud Kodak Finishing. Do you begin to coiight at night, Just when you hopa to sleep? Do von Imvn a Mckllnif tlirnnl tlmt lrnanu 'you awake? Just take Foley's Ilonoy nnd Tar Compound. It will check the cough and stop the tickling sensation nt once, Dos not upsot tho BtouMich, is boat for children and grown persons. Owl Prescrip tion Pharmaoy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposlto Chandler Hotel. Phono 7-i, I Tho I.adlos' Art Club wnB ontor talnod yestorday afternoon by Mrs. N. Rasmusson nt hor homo In North Marshfleld, Greons predominated In tho homo decorations. Cards nnd noodlowork woro diversions. In serv ing, Mrs, Rnsmusseu waa assisted by hor slater, Mrs. W. II. Konnedy, Tho noxt mooting, next Frldny will bo at tho homo of Mrs. Chns. LnChapollo In South Mnrshllold. Thoso present Continued on page Eight PILES CURED AT HOME BY NEW ADSORPTION METHOD. If yi Huffcr from UnMing, IMiIng Mi.l or jiruirudiuK I'llra, huJ iuc jour uuji uwl 1 will ti'll uu liuw ti curu jriiurt.i ul li"ino lif the now absorption ircilmriil uml Mill alo M'iKl wine of tliln liuuw treuuuui fiiw fur trial, with rtervut.v frun .. ir outi locality If rviutwte. Imiuiillute ri llf ami in-nuanent lure smuivU McuU no mono, tut tll atlicm of Ibis offer. Write tolay to Urn. M. Suuuarrii. 'llox V. Notro Duic, JuJ, V f ii.iiH' i mdtktm liHrmVTY III SSSSSSJpl-JBSJBSSSjBjyjSjSBSjSJBSJBSSjB