THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1914 EVENING EDITION. 6 BREAKWATER IN EARLY TODAY RUSTLER HELD MACGEi TELLS 'I""" itn i.iJi)SBVI OVER A Ml is Only Two More Days Steamer Arrives This Morning From Portland With Good Passenger List Tho Ilrenkwatcr arrived In early this morning from Portland nftcr a Rood trip down tho conBt. Sho had nbout 3fi0 tons of Incoming freight, Including a carlond of flour lor F. S. Dow. Capt. Macgonn hns been receiving many compliments on his good judg ment In not going to sea laBt Satur day, thereby escaping tho heavy storm. Tho llrcakwator will Bail nt 7:30 Saturday morning for Portland. Among thoae arriving on her Tvoro: , Mrs. A. Vcndelln, Tlova Vondolln, Anna Vondolln, Hazel Ilrlggs, C. F. Dooley, C. F. Luttroll, D. W. Trow bridge 13. Doyle, 0. .1. Lcmanakl, Edna Starr, MrB. It. F. Martin, Mrs. A. Miller, Mr8. F. Miller, Jno. ttltt iier, Jno. Segel, J. I). Honoymnn, Fred 0111, Nclllo AdnniB, S. Holm, P. J. Casey. C. H. Coy, C. Mathlo son, Mrs. Mathlcflon, Chas. Mnthlo on, Jr., ChnH. Mathlcaon, Mrs. Oantt, Mrs. C. Huntsakcr, P. A. MnclniB, Mra. Cole, J. Olson, C. 0. Hockott, W. II. Locke, C. Sundqulst. MrB. C. CroBB, Mrs. Hicks, MIbs Hicks, V. T. Porliam. Mrs. I'er lmm, C. M. CatBon, S. Nobin, O. Mntchman, H. t Snyder, Mrs. San dal, It. Fnrsborg, A. J. SamlelHon, 0. II. McCarty, Mrs. Hyde, It. 1). Uonn, II. Sutherland, T. C. Mllvln, Mrs. IlcnBon, MIbs Reason, Lucolo Moore. 0. H. Johnson, T. Hartley, Jno. Larson. Little Gasoline Schooner Ar rives After Loncj Absence on Rogue River Ilnr-bound In tho Rogue Itlver for five weokB during her last trip down the coast, tho gaBollno Bcliooner Hustler hns arrived In tho harbor once more and the captain and his crow are renowlng acquaintanceship With old friends hero after tholr long absence. The Rustier escaped tho recent hurrlcano on tho coast by force of necessity, ns tho best efforts of tho captain and crow to get out of tho Itoguo Itlver oven by bumping over tho bar were unsuccessful. The gaBollno schooner Randolph waB nl bo barbound during tho same period and came up tho coast a short dis tance ahead of tho Rustler and put Into Coqulllc. Tho Rustler brought sixty hogs from tho Roguo River up to Uan don and tho pigs nro reported to havo stood tho trip well, although they couldn't help letting out n series of combined squeals when passing ovor tho bars at tho Roguo and at Ilandon. After they wore discharged at tho latter port tho Rustler came up tho coast to Coos IVay, finding tho bar smooth and tho sea stirred with a Blight chop. Hawser Not Made Fast Prop erly on Injured Craft Part ed His Two Lines 4 I TfO TAKKS VHSHfcli. I -OF REDOIDO HAS FAST VOYAGE Arrives at Harbor at 4 O'clock This Afternoon Left San i Francisco Yesterday i Hrlnglng 000 tons of freight, In cluding big shipments of asphalt re quired for thu completion of street Improvements In Marshfleld, and u largo quantity of California butter to rullovo tho local market, tho uteamor Itodnndo will arrive off tho Coos Day entrance this afternoon at 1 o'clock front San Krnuclsco. llccauso of tho heavy shipments taken aboard' her, the Itcdoudn did not get away from tho California metropolis until yesterday morning nt 3 o'clock, and tho wireless mes sage sent by her that sho would bo hero this afternoon Indicates that she hns made record time coming up tho const before a southerly Kale. Provided bar conditions are favor able hIio will pass In Into this af ternoon. If you havo anything to null. rent, trade, or wnut help, try a Want Ad In Tho Time. Times Wnnt nrts bring results. SETTLE CASE OVER ESTATE Davis Heirs and Southern Ore gon Company to Close Negotiations Tho titles to tho Southern Oregon Company land In Marshfleld known as Perham Park and Now Iledford Addition, will bo finally ad justed nbout February fi. according to word received by V. A. Reld. Tim property was originally pur chased from tho Southern Oregon Company, by 13. O. Perham with tho understanding that a mnrkotablo ti tle was to bo furnished. Shortly after tho purchnso tho heirs to tho Davis estate came forward demand ing a share of tho property. After some montliB of legnl hobnobbing tho heirs transferred nil tholr right In tho estate to Frank Thomns, of MIsHoula. Mont., who la acting ns trustee for thorn. Tho Southern Oregon has arrang ed un agr ement with Mr. Thomns for tho settlement mill Mr. IUH believes that this mattor will be adjusted very soon. Porhom Park as tho property Is known, l one of th" choicest rosldnntlal sections In Marshfleld. 0. R. Peck, local attorney for tho DavU holra, la now In Portland. A Chicago woman got five months In Jail for throwing hot wnter on her husband. There's ninny a Coos Hay iiiun who la kept In hot wnter by his wife who can't oven get uny sympathy In court. Latest Information regarding I tho trip of tho Injured steam I schooner Yellowstone down the I coast toward San Francisco la that a powerful occan-nolng tug I I wns sent from tho I3ny City on I I Wednesday to relievo tho steam- ' or William Chatham of her I charge. The tug nrrlvcd on the ! sceno yesterdny morning nnd I plnced a regular towing cable i aboard tho Yellowstone nnd la , taking her south at greater Bpecil i than sho Ihib mnde since sho waB 1 dnmnged In tho hurrlcano off Or- I egon on Saturday. Tho William I Chatham la reported to havo I proceeded to San Frnnclaco. I . Cantnln Macgonn. of tho atcamcr Uronkwater, was naked this morn ing on his arrival from Portland, regarding his experiences with tho Injured stenm schooner Yellowstone which he picked up and towed for several hours Sunday night short ly nftcr leaving Cooa Uny for Port land. Ho stated that poor seaman ship on tho part of tho Yellow Btono'a officers had n lot to do with tho Hrcakwatcr's tow. lines pnrtlng Sunday night. "Instead of making the hnwser fast to tho anchor nnd allowing a short length of chain to run out with tho hnwser past the steam Bchoonor's bow," ho declnred, "they mndo tho lino fast on "the forecastle hoad, so that when tho rudderless stenm schooner swung around her Btom would cut through tho stout hnwsor. Hy having a abort length of chain run out beyond tho stem this would havo provonted tho lines from pnrtlng." Tho Hreakwator parted two big hawsers and tho captain said It was Just nbout ns well, ns tho Breakwat er waH not equipped for towing such a dead weight as tho Yollowstono. Ho snld her two masts wore gouo, her deckload of lumber carried over board to a point several feet below the railing and tho craft was water logged from tho amount alio had taken Into her boiler rooms. With bltta on tho Hrenkwator for towing, Captain Mncgenu snld, and tho hnwsor properly mndo fnat on tho Yellowatonp, ho wouh havo been able to yank her Into tho Co lumbia without difficulty. LOCAL HM 0 AlarmTCIocks Don't ovorsleop Get n good alarm clock of us one which is guaranteed and you will got to work on time, ' Prices $1.00, $1.25 to $2.50. Watches! Watches ! We carry a big line of Tum f s?"m ?. m,MmMm, 1 Hamiltons Howards SSO7 J . i.MPUUiKIIH'AUt. ' ",'j I ill Infl' V X t 'SJbL 1 1 K LL Vfw- jgins Walthams gY. Equity Or AMERICA. lANCASTW, PA, at the lowest prices. $5.00 to $90.00 Red Cross Jewelry Dept. Red Cross Drug Store FINE WATCH REPAIRING IS IGNORED Every Steamer Tries to Take Injured Craft Up North or Down South Sonio I'mnmont Is being nrouscd In Mnrahfleld among the leading boosters of the local harbor over tho fact that while the st-nm sc.oon er Yellowstone hns boon In fairly dospornto Btralts for four or flvo days, with hor mnsts and rudder gono nnd a prospect that sho may (corno to grlor If caught In nnothcr hurrlcnno. not even a sucuestlon hns been mndo- In shipping circles to bring tho damaged steamer to Conn Hay for safety and repairs. When tho nccldont wns -;rst lenrnod of, tho Yollowatono waa only IS miles off the ontrnnco to Coos liny hnrbor. Itnthor than attempt to bring tho Injured steamer to Coos Hay, tho Fair Oaks camo In herself nnd left tho atonmoi- outside for tlr Hrenkwator to handlo. Tho Fnlr Onks hadn't tho lonst trouble com ing Into the hnrbor herself and the Hreakwator had no troublo going out, yet not ovon the suggestion was mndo that the Yellowstone ho brought here. The Hrenkwator pro ceeded to tow hor up to tho Colum bia. Arguments hnvo been advanced that It would havo been difficult for a stoniner to tow nnothor with out her rudder ovor the bar bore', but It has been cited thut the snmo nrgumont would hold good nt the mouth of the Columbia, where the Hrenkwator ondonvored to tak tho craft. .Some Indignation Is being ex pressed bocniiBo tho steamer Chat hum, which Is towing tho Yellow stone to San Francisco for repairs', would sooner tako n chnnco with her tow on tho long run down the const than try to outer tho local harbor, desplto tho fact that tho bar has boon qulto smooth this week. The Royal TONIGHT Two vnudovillo ads. Miss -Norma Hoardmnn, a alnglng and dancing change artist. Miss I.ols l'owell. tho nrett.v clrl with the protty volco in two songs. Four new ro?ls of pictures. "Private, HoSc 2:1." Don't miss this. "In Peril of tho Son." In which a young mnn's bravery overcomes inn old sea captain's antipathy. "Animated Weekly" Tlio liveliest and most intesostlng weokly made. "Ills Priceless Treasure." Comedy par excellence. Admission, lower floor, 15c; bal cony, 10c. Coming Sunday, "Oliver Twist." Feature do luxe in four reels. OUR FIRST BIG CLEARANCE SALE GOODS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS GREATLY REDUCED THE BIG MONEY-MAKING, MONEY-SAVING EVENT OF THE YEAR FOR YOU. SEE DISPLAY WINDOWS Hub Dry Goods Co. CORNER CENTRAL AVENUE AND BROADWAY. PHONE 361. ELKS DECIDE NT TO BUILD Marshficld Lodge Defers Erec tion of New Buililincj for Another Year At n meeting of tho Mnrsnllold I.odgo of Klks Inst evening, It wns de cided to defer tho erection of the pro posed new building nt tho corner of Third and Commercial for u time until the membership of the lodge Is completed mid also until the de velopment of the town will Insure nu Income from tho lower stories which will be a fair return on tho In vestment. Tho building committee, consist ing of Tom H. .Inmes, Horsey Krolt zer, V. Q. Chnndler, J. A. lllntt and h. .1. Simpson, mndo a report on tho mnttor and It waB on their recom mendation that tho notion wns taken. The committee wns rc-nppolnted for tho purposo of conferring with parties proposing now buildings tho coming sonson with n vlow to renting the second floor and equipping It for club nnd lodge rooms. They will report at n Inter meeting. SKI.KS .MOItK PIANOS. January has brought no lull In the business of Mnnnger Thomns of tho Wiley II. Allen Company nnd so fur this mouth ho has sold twelve now pianos, Yesterdny ho sold a fine litidwlg to Dr. Wornor A. I.agus, who has Just moved his family hero from Astoria. Max Topper purchased u Hue Milton Tor his wire, nnd Andy Wilson of North Hend bought u flno organ, Tlio rimes want ads aro tho koya to tho door of opportunity. UPTON SLATE! FORIU. 8. 1 WnahliiKton vestcrdnv thm i Turner, of (Sriinlu Pima lm,l pointed receiver of public mote uoBoniirg, if is understood tit tornoy .1. M. I'pton. of thlic slated for thn lob of rpclifrr U. S. laud office lu ltoseburf, r provides a salary of $3000 in j. v. uourno, who was ipt for llm lull. Iml u-li'n llUf that it had been unsought brU: or tlio opinion t lint .1. M. Uptfl be nominated and there lji feeling In tho comniunllr tit Mnrshtlold attorney should Ui- ed tho position. The PRICE wao qo low. LiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwX. 2l t ffiraSflf BflV dviirai" Mr. Business Man:- Thls is the month when we give you bar gains in furniture. Though our high-grade furniture is cheap for this one month, it will give you pleasure and servloe for many, many months. Why not take this season when prices are so low, to buy all that new furniture your wife has been want ing so long? It will SAVE YOU MONEY to buy right now. Remember that, though our prloes are lower now, our furniture is the same standard line we sell all the time. GOING & HARVEY CO. NOTICE! To Money Savers 9x12 Taplstry Brussels Rugs ' $11.65 now on sale at GOING HARVEY CO The Store That Sells for Less House Furnishing Engineers ..i