Du: 'mmmm&wimmmtimmwmfamimmimmjM'm, K thei oqqs m nimmmiio, mm, Thursday, January 22, i9ievenino edition mwiww""""" H nMaaH arTffylaM,'irM,lr;'-5 Jstamis -nm UNIQUE PANTATORIUM Under Now Management, Let ub Clean, Press and Repair your clothes"NOW. Don't ffalt. Hates Reasonable. JAY DOYLE C. O. RAGGETT 230 Central Ave. Phono 250-X HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171. NOTICE. To whom It tray concorn: Coos Ray Realty syndicate, estab lished In January. 1904, will bo responsible only for t ho acts and contracts porfonncd or representa tions made by Chas. J. Druschko. CLEARANCE SALE JAN. 14 TO 21. S. S. JENNINGS NORTH REND, Send Your Laundry to, lis By Parcel Post WE FURNISH A BAG AND WILL PAY THE POBTAGB ON JTS RETURN. Coos Bay Steam Laundry Phone 57-J Marshfield 20 Commutation Tickets $2.00 MAHHIIPIELB-NOHTH IIKNI) AUTO LINK. Cunt every (en minutes from Q n. in. to 12:30 p. in. G0RST& KING, Props, DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY Complete line of Notions. SMITH'S. VARIETY STORE North Bend. LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Titlo A Trust Co. Abstracts, thoroughly dependable. Im mediate service, prompt atten tion to nil tiitcrents of our clients. Mlnlimuu cost. I. S. Kaufman (8b Co. South Coos River Boats TloKa lcarca MarshHold for lioiid of river at 8 a. m., ro turnliiK In ovonlng. Steamor Rulnuow loaves head of river at 7 a. rn. and returning leaves Marabtleld at 2 p. m. hogehs & SMITH. Low Rates for Handling Trunks Wo haul trunks between any points tu Mnrshflold tor the follow Ing rntoB, dollvory to bo tnado Id tho firat atorloH of buildings: Ono trunk .28 Threo trunks BO Twolvo trunks 1&0 Sfar Transfer and Storage Co. Levi Helsuer, Pnn Phones. 120-J: 40-L: 68-U. i .1,1, I, in 1 1 - ' ' i famjlx mNNjuna In our new location, we are es pecially prepared to cater to family trade. Regular meals or short or ders. Open dy and night. MERCHANT'S OAFK. ItroAtlwfty and Commercial MXIi. THERE'S ONLY OXK MACHINE THE SINGER ONLY ONE REPRESENTATIVE W. J. R1TZ Phono 2HO-X. DRY FIR AND ALDER WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street, Phono 1HO-J. Havo youi- Job printing dono at The Times, office. Iu The Times, Eagles' Benefit Ball At Eagles' Hall Saturday Night, Jan, 24 Keyzer's flrchestra Tickets $.1 , and proceeds will go to give a de serving young man an education to overcome the handicap of being maimed. Everybody come and dance for sweet Char ity's sake, 1 IF KIDNEYS AM BLADDER BOTHER POTATOES Wo havo Just received sorcral tons of tho very, boat potatoes that grow In' Coos County. If you havo beon getting poor qual ity, try a Back of ours and you will bo. plcaood. Also havo soma noed potatoes of tho Early Red Roso and Bur bank varieties that wo nro soiling for 1.C0 per 100 pounds. CAPK ARAGO COFFEE. Coos Bay Tea Coffee andSprce House Phono 3D4J. 180 North Broadway " TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleaning, roiwUriiiff or now platens, work guaranteed. Ribbons mid carbon paper delivered. Itiono us your order. Phono II. Alliance office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE' AND SUPPLY CO. The Bank of Personal Service BRING us your bank account and profit by. the same service "which lias made so mahy friends, for this institution. Our steady growth proves the appreciation of our rfatrofis. The First National Bank Of Coos Bay STATEMENT OF CONDITION f LANAGAN &BENNlTT BANKS Of Marshfield. and Myrtle Point. Oregon, At the close ofbusiness Jan'. 13,1914, Kpources Loans and Discounts , , , , Banking Houses , , uasn and. sight txenange , Total , , Liabilities Capital Stock Paid in , . , Surplus and Undivided Profits Deposits Total . i i $696,758,92 61,493,17 ,291,170,72 $1,049,422,81 $75,000,00 , 67,978,80 906,444,01 $1,049,422,81 C. An Smith Lumber & Mfg, Co. RBTTAIL DEPARTMENT 'i i LUMBER, LATJU, fjIUNGLKS, MOULDINGS, BASH AND DOORS, ROPFINQ PAPHI ETC. f , - CUT TIIK FUEL BILL IN TWO BY USING OUR WOOD. PHOND 10. im SOUTH BROADWAY z: Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. UENRV 8ENGSTA0KEN, Manager FARM, COAL, TIMBER, AND BLATHNO LANDS A SPECIALTY. OJCWSIftAL AGXNTS, EASTSIDE """ MARSHFIELD OFFICE, pnONE U-J. CQQUILLB- qiljy OFFICE PIIQNI? lOll All KjndsQf JqV Printing, Qone at Wio T-inics Office Take a Glass of Salts to Flush Out Your Kidneys and Neutmllzo Irritating Acids. Kidney and Bladder weakness re sult from Uric acid, says a noted nuthotlty. Tho kidneys ilUor this acid from tho blood and pas3 It on to tho bladder, whero It often ro nialns to Irrltato and Inflame, caus ing a burning, scalding sonsatlon, or setting up an Irritation at tho neck of tho bladder, obliging you to seek relief two or thrco times during the night. The sufferer Is In constant dread, tho water passes sometimes with a scalding sensation and Is very profuse; again, thero Is dlfllculty In avoiding It. Bladder weakness, most folks call It, because thoy can't control uri nation. While It Is extremely annoy ing and Bom.etlmos very painful, this Is really ono of tho most slmplo nil monts to overcome Get about four ounces of Jad SaltB from your phar macist and take n tnblcspoonful In a glnsB of water boforo breakfast1, con tlnuo this for two or threo dayB. This will noutrallzo tho acldo In tho urine so It no longor Is a source of Irrita tion to tho bladder and the urinary organs which then act normally again. Jad Salts Is InoxpcnBlvo, harmless, and Is mado from tho acid of grapes and lemon Julco, combined with llthla, and Is used by thousands of folks who aro subject to urinary dis orders caused by uric acid Irritation. Jad Salts Is splondld for kidneys and causes no bnd effects whatever. Hero you havo a pleasant, efferves cont llthla-wator drink, which quickly rcllovcs bladder trouble. NEWS OF NBAKBY TOM NKWrt OF ALLEGAN1' Do you begin to cought at night, just when you hnpa to sloop? Do you havo n tickling throat that keens yoji awako? Just tako Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, It will check tho cough and stop tho tickling sonsatlon at onco. Docs not upset the stomach, Is best for children and grown persons. Owl Prescrip tion Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposlto Chandler Hotel. Phono 7-1. I (Spoclal to Tho Times.) ALLEGANY, Or., Jan. 22. Henry Laird, who camo In from Loon Lake, says tho roads nro protty soft now. A now family, Wyatt by name, Iras movod onto tho old Hcndrlckson placo up near Golden Falls. Thoy aro rolatlves of True Snllng's wife. Mrs. J. A. Stommermnn hns Just returned from n. few days' visit to friends above Golden Falls, with Joo Schappus' and Mr. Tlburg's folks. Walter Stull camo down from his homo placo In the hills yestcrdny. "Solnh!" Wo understand thero was a chari vari party organized tho other night, but It didn't show up at tho right place. Clnrenco Gould received, a. main cnblo a short tlmo ago. It was haul od to camp on two wngoiiB by Messrs. Dnggott, Gage and Larson. A heavy load to haul over tho roads In their present condition. Wo learn that tho West Fork school Is coming along nicely. The teacher, Miss Do Armand, Is boarding with Mrs. J. R. Johnston. Thero Is some deficiency In tho school furni ture, but that will, soon he remedied. E. C. Barker hns moved onto tho Clnrenco Gould place which ho will run till next fall when Mr. Could will bo there with Ills logging contract. MYim'B I'OIXTJ COQUILLE PIONi:i:it DEAD t ' Grandma Grrvn, Aged 05, Dies at Tho Mvrfln h n.,i "...: uinitu' "imi uueni has eWiJ'" offers for the SS? Donson, president- f V president; p n J,1' ivi, ana George ? chlef.-Myrtlo pife " us,: 'Alic 'Vno Wchlerburn w merchandise to t i" conts for r,n 'nn,,?S.lt!l cheapest and .t" ', & llvared Hold DeiVfi. GOLI IHICH Cui;i-y County .SeMJ(1 Wo learn with ft Short has made Z llnrnM M 'l ",U.WI PlayBalUHome i:rr)lioily In DolnR It, Crrnl 1'iin. 1IOMD OND t.-zajz M 1KB, A Game For All Sim Unit itfuj. fons ini IMIIltit Iblthti i j rr; ulit bill lint. Close Scores and Plenty of Action Ut OHLt Bat. Mil Oire wftff tht bill It ilwifi wnoNMOAnrj Sh iso .V iu. luJl".tot fur Cumplrlf Hi-ore on ti.mt. .NOT A TOY, HUT A A.Mi:. Indorsed by All Prominent Ball Player Oiirlf. (Hpldfr) ll.um. l Vtv mi iUi4in nf Ihv inli- Club of lb Ciclflc -if llfv Ull ltitv: Mi lluin DUmonil lioiul lv tntrftli tq ti)tlj. Tli iairat thine alblr lo ml lam of ImvI.iII, mlmii I lip lucplir. Aijcro fo",l t4 ib cnw rmildn't brill IitwiIm Uiclnttnl, I wu Intert.tcJ ImuirlliUlj. CIIAflLKS 1IAU.M, Old and Young Enjoy It i:.Ti:ilT.IM.N(J AM) i:XCITi.(i Pfnt I'rfiMU br 1'irctl l'et e; 1 f n HOME DIAMOND CO, nc (Bonders' Eichanfe ViVdX" Goodrum'aGarage home ot the CADILLAC and FORD Auto Supplies for All Makes of Cars 3-17 Central Av. Phone 873-L EDISON'S LATEST A storage battery that continual ' over charging will not liurm. DOES NOT CORRODE AT TERMINALS. CONTAINS NO ACID. Will not lose Its cluirgo whllo standing Idle. IS GUARANTEED FIVE YEARS Coos Bay Wiring'Co. inn R roadway. Agents for Port of Coos Bay. FARM FOR SALE. Dairy, stock and fruit farm con elating of 518 acres, between 35 and 10 acres of rich bottom land, eight acres of bench land set to apple trees and fifty acres more that can eaBlIy bo cleared for orchard and balance good grazing land for cat- no, sneop or goais. Twelve head good dairy cows and an Rlvcrton "Grandma" Green, ono of Coos County's earliest pioneers, pnsucd away nt tho home of her daughter, Mrs. John Cheney, at Rlvcrton, last Monday at tho rlpo old ago of 05. Tho deceased was a nntlvo of Ire land and camo to this country nt nn onrly ago, Slio was notod for her sunny nnd ontortnlnlng disposition and lonvcs a host of friends. Slit! loaves two sons nnd two dnughtors to mourn her loss Mrs. John Chen ey, of Rlvorton, nnd Mrs. Win. Urow, of Conlcdo, and two sons whoso whorenbouts nro at present unknown, but who nro supposed to bo living In California. Another daughter, Mrs. Ellon Mooro, died about throb years ago, and William Green, a son, was drowned on tho Coqulllo River bar whllo employed In tho Llfo Saving Sorvlco ns a Btirf mnn on April 12, 1892, In tho accldont whero Cnpt. Ed Nelson nnd James Sumner also lost tholr lives. Bandon Surf. CURRY CIIKICSi: FACTORY. Stovo Morrill hns tho lumber on tho ground nnd Is propnrlng to build n chccsQ factory at Euchro Crock, on what Is known ns tho I). L. Mooro placo, and hopes to havo It ready for tho beginning of tho dnlry Benson; Ho expects to have the milk from about 100 cowb to bogln with. Cold Bench Globo. ROBBKRIES NEAR BANDON. Pioneer M. G. Pohl, who resldcB about threo miles south of this city, reports that potty thieving Is rampant In his section and that hardly n night passes by without somo of tho neighbors losing poultry or produce. Bnndon Surf. MYRTLE POINT GRANGE At their meotlng tho local grnngo Installed tho following officers: Mns tor, J. F. Schrocdor; Overseer, E. JonklnB; Lecturer. P. S. Roblson; Secretary, Eva Jenkins; Steward, K. II. Hanson. Assistant Steward, n J. Robinson; Lady Assistant Stow- ard, Fannlo Ray; Chaplain, Mrs. Strong; Gnto Keeper, Bornlco Rob lson; Cerls, Rowena Roberts; Po monn, Lulu Rny; Flora. Bornlco Roblson. Myrtlo Point Enterprise. CRIME AT GOLD BEACH. Frnctlcnl Joker, Not Arson Fiend, Bothers New Church. Tho Gold Boach Globo says: A report enmo to us Inst week thnt nn attempt was recently mndo to burn tho new Presbyterian Church, now almost ready for occupancy. Upon nn Investigation It was learned thnt a practical Joker had visited tho premises nnd played a prank that was nothing short of an Insult In tended at Row J. W. Hoyt. When working on tho building Row Hoyt wears, or did wear, a light checker ed pair of hlbed overalls, which was left In tho building during tho holi days. This practical jokor, who ever It was, ran a 1x6 plank through nch leg, laid them on tho floor and burned a small hole through them Just below tho lower front button. This of courso was ovl donco of a small flro but was no ovldonco of nn attempt to burn the building. Asldo from this trick, the contents of an oil can hnd been squirted around over tho building nnd a pile of finishing lumber and nulls had been thrown all over tho floor." BIG TIE BUSINESS. Tho tie, and polo Industry for the coming season will, undoubtedly bo of greater magnitude than that of 1913. Several new camps aro to ho opened up In the spring and there Is a vast accumulation of ties nni nnls now lying In tho woods which cannot be hauled out for shipment on ac count of the condition of the roads. Prices bid fair to hold nn nni mw possibly go higher, and taken all in Harold Miller. VbJII Ier, huB been suffri,.!l tnrgo weeks with m.i boy somo tlmo ng0 til. of It : partly off w., Tho nowlywcds, iI and, wlfo, of lt0 J' town ono night last t! homo a wngonload of iP ,1, " ' ' """"execptt iMInnrn nn.l ,li.. .r.1 Sfte!L,'B!,J7..iaJ .Yi! vi ' l inrNc. uijviiiiik iimi can i ifla grotindB for rnmnltl.t Tho DCOIllo iullnru.il. will, ho pleased tp kin potqnt- physician and t llnrn lnnM... .."' vlow of permanently lor, doctor's nnmo Is It. E.r, no comes highly recon&v, Cnlvln S. White, state x. WAITH TO LnJ Plans J?:tO.O()() llmlni Hutliorlln Tliti iJ nimicrnn Hob i rangomoms navo ti wmcii insure n moduli ouBincss uiock ror Sjtit tho present i-ear. tu cheerful Information dn F. B. Wnlto. The pip Biruciuro win occuot iv slto of Suthcrlln Inn ,t, of Central avenue Mk It will bo of brick. tvot nnu occupy a ground im 100 feet. Thcso ;lu changed somcwlint, ll stated that so far it Id lermino now tnoy would 1 1 ns outlined. Tho eitlw'J tho building Is 30,OOt. Tho MYRTM3 rOI.NT Ell At their annual racctoi holders of tho Uankotltrl olectcd tho following 1 tho ensuing year: J. II president: C. C. Carter. Idont: O. W. Shelly; J.1 R. L. Morris, dlrectal Point Enterprise. WEI) in coojiua A wedding that ffli vory plcnsant surprm t friends of tho contnA' wnB solemnized at the to D. H. Johnson, when ui thur Thomas, pastor o Church South, said tM ' mndn Vlrirll Wilson 1 gin Johnson man and lfr- Sontlnol. 'STARR STARS COOP nun. W. Rtflrr Was bltt qulllo tho foro part of 2 Mr. Stnrr wlion aiwa remarked: "Tho only w know Is thnt I have Ji' a good roads cnmpaljfc ' to visit Bandon, Cwa Point, Marshfield, Nortl fact ovory placo In w nnd boo nil tho good re to got them lined up toR County Judgo only ,' .tii onn, nn (aMoo oloctlon nnd declare Ws vor of good roaoi. work for and vote for " regardless of what w p tics mny bo. Myrtle H- prlso. ROGUE RIVER W Tho Randolph cape !' nnd Is loading toi nnd mining macnlneff ' River. Captain Joba J ports that ho ha"! nto this winter In hiiM' tho henvy Bnles wW,Ti much havoc in sblpP" coast. Ho also report'1" bar In better condlt?L been known for some t e dolph will probably " next week, mo wc" Bandon Surf. ACCIDENT AT DM riZ?BJm6ltaeBey' lnl1' the Fleets for a boom In this. Located on West Fork of Coos ' our leading Industry, are very bright ver, ono mile from postofflce. ! Bandon Surf. J b " Rlv school and boatlandlnsr. Buy direct from owner. For furthor information, call or Bandon Surf. Llbhy COAI. Tho kind YOU have iT.wiva Tiorn n, ,...., write: W. A. GAGE, Allegany, Ore. Livery and TranBfVr Company. Roy Holman met "u whllo working on tM Azalea park. A cave-la In tho ditch and M w broken collar bone. H the time and onlr escapeu niur " don World. CAUSE OF HAD Tho Gold Beach GloM ter weather Is o0rJ&: tho County Court b thero ever was an ubW court It Is that of Wg, can bo done, or o ., rag -VB".my or without a tween one nnd E has some matter ".fj rrtiln la nil UTOIIK -. .. , court nnu DU'"" ;. ylolt ndl This is an wru"b".tDj the court should lniWJ,d nlfled manner nesB." .,1 mi interest? Br w can4' insist i to cob