i" vi" - Kaa,B'aHaBBMBHBBHBJBBjHBJBJBJBJBBBBM . ' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1914 EVENING EDITION. 'US, J!i:jt, ak till!, 'reot n- Oil u, TEtjl 'net, I, 4. fil kt n !& flb M OF HI1IID oo Attornoy- rjawford ha '"n- I w .. .,i. lin Ltlon for Oowrnor. bakes ippiit""-" - . .u- kind Off CO f 0 HID l"C" -" W . ... dirt tio nt- le taie. - - .,he public b"'" it or i jit eenis u.m -.---i i iintlcs as M- i)i; ---- Fk.r BlVCn 1110 tllO lll- L of tho needs of tlio Innouncing my Ulnatlon on tho lit if, nnvernor of urG I., iii nf tho voters lowing as making for Bent of Oregon: lid 1'itvow. .1 every effort be the forfeited 0. & C. the state, ana niunu)-B from lo use"1 r i" hard surface roads. Qonnl amendment pro tie household and npllon from tnxnuoi m tffotcct and aiil- ire of women and chll- Ed efficient- admlnlstrn Li iiinnort of Bchoolt End the nlnclng of nl folflcers under tho Ren Ixi of tho stato. light hour day law foi of tax laws so tlia' arment Is extended tc i reduction In penult) i of stnclo tax propo M afid regulation o and consolidation o Percled by nimioroiu i Interest of ocononu jdinlnlttratlon. Bent of laws to nromoti pplncsa and HbertloHO I to meet changing eco i." ucral Crawford Is r SYork, although n rcsl late slnco 1880. H field Immediately nftei to the- bar In Uliin- York, and practiced 5 ten )cars, later mov- h, tthcroho lived nntl' I to his present office Runs a member of the Kld-up legislature ol receiver of tho Ted let at Rosoburg from Ho Is tho only man been elected attorney- logon for threo conso-. , 4h m, :0 bflfMEFORlTl I v&& VwEiMr . h r-j wmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmssi ess&SF J K -,, ' rfvV.r1 S-VaVTI1 ?& Ww jk U Cigarette couponsMw i m i i i i i t vWixS Jm MM M S y l vV i jfiiL iW l Llli 6085 7677 a fuil (uoJIt knll UirH tUal, Cf 4 HUtr lrin Inn- lor 1M O B A K C.upoat. CIGARETTE COUPONS Smoke OBAK Cigarettes mtf wi U Pocktt Vi.lln lout btidMi nn bi"( aiap ruDaji,or W IV ro CI14U Get the best tobacco that ever went into a 5-cent cigarette Enjoy the clever mouthpiece that cools the smoke Note the thin mais paper that makes your "smoke" ALL tobacco. Get the downright satisfaction mat a good cigarette can give. SaVC the V.llunhlf enimnn that comes in every pack. ThiA L-f... .1.. . .. . .d: for 25 "d hudV.";VhiV:,Vlc'.'.8ch.ker OBAK .PCoCupeon.,r"h UAK C""-couDom II rilt for frti llluitratid tattler. AA.1r... """ fKM"" UEPT., 333 Battery St., SAN FRANCISCO Clraretta Llrht er clcVel pti mtMJLu XI lew t2i SMtf JB fofaf MB!? hTIiW 1- -w'-' KJ 11 HERE AN UNUSUAL VEST IMPARTS DISTINCTION FOR SALE BY Blanco Cigar Store The Old Popular Stand An tho vest and tunlo aro favored In Brown up modca bo do thor also appear aa smart features on tho frock or suit of tho youngor iflrl. Tho Uttlo dress of dark sorgo la wondorfully brightened by a vest of colored tapestry or bro cado. No. 7877 tfl a school or Htrent IrnrU nf dark brown vpongo with a nurpllco vest of brown nnd sold flgurod ratine. Tho tabs extending below tho glrdlo aro an effcctlvo touch, and tho band of tho samo lH;ured material at tho bottom of tho tunlo In anothor. Tho bodlco shown a sot-In slcovo with a deep cuff. Tho skirt Is a twoplcco model. TO Obtain rltllAP nntlnpn IHllatrntA.l fill OUt thlM POtlnOn nn.l ni.lnin 1 .nt. In stamps or coin. Do suro to stato number oi puiicrn nu buo, mcaBuring over tho fullest part of the buit Address Pattern Department, enru of this paper. To copy this frock In alzo 18 It r quires t yards of 30 Inch material, with 1 yard of 30 Inch material for tho vest and cuffs. Tho waist-lino for children Is almost entirely dono away with this season. Damo Fashion allows them all tho caso of movement Dosslllio. nnd dnnlirnn irnln rather than loso In attractiveness. No. 8005 In a straight Uttlo dress for a child from 4 to 12 years. It Is horo fashlonod of cDonco In dark rod with a folded sash of satin. In slzo 8 It mav bo tnado wblth 9! yards of 36 Inch material. No. 7877 sizes 10. 17 and 18. No. 8090 Hires 4 to 12. Each pattern 1C cents. No Name Address Size other candidates for itpubllran. alck, of Oregon City. I Carter of Portland. fa, of Oregon City. probability that Mr. pthdraw from tho Ro- m roll and run ns nn mocrat. Miller, of Portlnntl. t, of Portland. !' Candidate. publican. '. of Portland. . of Salem. I'lltycombe, Corvallls. !r. of Portland. ratio. Pendlcton-Port- f Portland. BU, of Tho Dalles. lie. :o. of Salem. '. Of La OmiwIa N Candidate. ' declared that ho Is "r United States ' "e Is loyal to Bona- 'r United States Coquille River Coal 2100 Pounds Clean Coal to the Ton Guaranteed Price, $5.50 COOS COUNTY FUEL CO. GEO. A. BA1NES, riiouo iHi-L. Office open until 8:00 p. in. 180 Ilrondwny So. " T W V IHMilHBliMStlBlllBllBlllHSBlliaHIBSMSBM vLlrJJi aBILTW I X x 220 0 X-, , . Central Ave. Russell Building Glasses Ground to order Wenk ovpb linrfortlv flftoil hv Mm lntest nnd best mothoda known to Bcienco. Should you want bolter eye sight or need good glnsses proporly fitted, try my upeclal Ground Com bination glasses. Young or old, with tills special glass can read flno print, do closo work or boo at a distance, nil In ono lens. A glass of beauty nnd n Joy forever. Kvory pair fitted by mo la warranted to bo perfect and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Your patronngo solicited. DR. W. B. RICHARDSON Optometrist from Sh)juic. Office, Front and Market Street, Mnrahllold, Oregon. PROFESSIONAL OjBEgOJY Dlt. W. II. REYNOLDS, fill twin t fin tni Suite 213-14-14 Cnko nidg.) Offlco hours, 10 to 4. Phono 112-L Marshflold, Or. ,EO. C. MURPHY, Expert Piano, Player and Organ Tuning, Regulating and Repair ing. Phono 2U5-L. Ordors may bo left at tho Wiley I). Allen Music Store, Central avenue. TOEIj ostlind. ) PJnno Tuner nntl Repairer 1 15 8. Sixth Htrcct. .Phono IO.'1-L. Lonvo orders nt V. It. Haines Music Company. J M. WRIGHT, Itullitlllir f!(intrnrti)p. ICstliiuttea fiiriilshed on rotiucst. An honest Job Riiariiiiteed. l'hone 18-R. CO. GOSXISY, Pitif vnri ill ntiil Itntlfli Estltnntes, drawing nnd specifica tions furnished on request. A satisfied customer is bottor ref erence than n hank. Look any ono or ray lu up nnd soo It ronanio. SCANDINAVIAN DRUG STORE HollcltM II Nllliri! Ilf -IIIP imlnninim .... .1... I. ....I. ... ........ .1.. reasionnhlo prices and nntlNriictoiy trcntmciit. THE SCAXI)IXAVLX DRUG STORE. Central Avenue. Russell IlldC. BANDON BY THE SEA THE CITY OF THE FUTURE o.JEJ?W TEN ACIlB T"AOT8 FOUR MILES SOUTH ON S?.HM,Y,.ROAD 35 rKU ACRE; $100 CASH, HALANCE ffi?gSLNSiSS?lffSKN0 TA' PINB 8AN,,Y Buy OneIt Will Make You Money Donald MacKintosh REAL ESTATH and INSURANCE. I am Phono !U 51. Mnrnh field, Or. WT. TOMPKINS, 1). 8. T. Druglcs Healing. Phono 210-L. IlourN 0 to li!, 1 to 0. Offlco Room 2, 1.1(1, N. Rroadwar. DR. H. M. SHAW I:ri. ICiir. Snun nml Throat. DR. MATTIE II. SIIAAV DIhchncs of uonu-ii nnd clilldres. Offlco phono 330. Uionis 200, 201, 202, Irving Dlock. DR. A. .1. IIKNimV DENTIST Marshflold, Oregon. Rooms 204-205, Coko llulldlng. Residence phopo 2B2-X. Offlco phono 112-J. lnS to soil, ront. -ilLLAVnnt Ad :TAKKX8EIJ0U8M i& VJn lhro i ireaieu I'8 Bncez"8 nd H begln Promptl)6 , J Honey and Tar u :: Z TL ?' 'Wen r "n" b,opb i (V ""' IOSS of the Vital ... u n Pu. "' 'distance. dVerS. l3rf Ol aw mmm h Jan. 15 hSTiffiSHS- r.u. Goods Well Displayed SELL THEMSELVES The majority of stores are poorly equipped for good, natural lighting. Usually they aro deep and narrow and cannot have side windows, Good illumination in stores requires artificial lighting, No other form of artificial lighting equals ELEC TRICITY for efficiency, economy, safety, conven ience, cleanliness and hygiene, Mazda lamps have solved the expense problem, They reduce lighting bills give the finest results, THE LIVEST BUSINESS IS USUALLY THE BEST LIGHTED. Telephone 178 and let us help you plan an effi cient, economical electric lighting installation, A cost estimate will obligate you in no way, OREGON POWER CO. MARSHFiELD, OREGON WILLAMETTE-PACIFIC MOTOR SERVICE. Oar leaves Central avonuo, Marshflold, ovory thirty minutes, bo glnnlng nt C:30 n. m., to D:30 p. m. Loaves North Rond overy thirty minutes hoglnnlng fl:4C n. in. to 9:4G p. m. Fares: Ono way, l5o; Round trip, 2Ec. K1TRS. PARRINGER, 1V1 Teacher of Piano." Residence Studio, No. 1006, Corner Commercial and Elovonth BU, Phono U80-J. S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRKLESS. SAILS FROM PORTLAND FOR COOS BAY SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, AT 6:00 P. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50. Connection with the North Hunk Roud nt Portland. North Pacific Steamship Company. r'lono l- O. F. SPGEORGE, Agent. BENJAMIN OSTLTND, Consulting Engineer aaA Architect. Offices, SOO Irving Block. Phono 103-L or S07-J. Mnrshfield, Oregon. PERL RILBY BAIiLINGKR Pianist and Tfcher Rldonco-Studlo, 237 So. BroadwM Phone 18-L. W. G. CHANDLER. ARCHITECT. Rooma 801 and 80S, Coko BaJlfUa Marshfleld, OrfgoH. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Stgamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD: SAILS FROM PORTLAND: SAT., JAN. ii, 1 p. in. tiip5Iiv iv .. u SAT., JAN. 10, 7.:i0 n. in. -TULSDA1, JAN. , 8 p. m. SAT., JAN. 17, 12.JJ0 p. in. TUESDAY, JAN 13, 8 p. in. SAT., JAN. 24, 7.SJ0 u. in. TUESDAY, JAN. 20, 8 p. m. SAT., JAN. 31, 10.00 u. in. TUESDAY, JAN. 27, 8 p. m. TIcketa on sale to nil Ea&teni points nnd information as to routes and rotes cheerfully furnished. Phono Main 3ftVL. jr. j. MOHR, Agent W M. S. TUTtPER, AitcnrrEOT Marshflold. Oreroa. YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Four good cars with careful drivers. i'or tiuy service, pnono 144-J, Hlanro Rlllnrd Pari on. Fop nlglit service, Phono 200-L Right Cnfe. D. L. F00TE. RTnrwiNfis. Pickaninny Stockings for noys and Girls The Best Wearing Stockings on the Market. Sold a. The Electric Shoe Store. 180 So. Broadway. Chimneys Firo Places. J. N. Bayliss Any kind of brick work at prices that are right. AND ALL WORK GUARANTEED null at "Tli ft Fireside." Johnson HIdg., 137 Second St. Phono 18-J. French Ranges. Roller Work. I S. S. REDONDO SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY TUESDAY, JANUARY 20th, AT 3:00 P. M. San Fraucisco office, 805 Fife Rldg., or Lomhnrd St. Piers No. 27. Inter-Oceanic Transportation Co., C. F. McGeorgo, Agt., Phono 41. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio CITY AUTO AND TAW SERVIGK A now taxlcab has boon added to my auto aorvico. Careful drivers. Will go anywhere at any time. Stand Dlanco Cigar Store. Day phono, 78. Night phone 139-JC. TOM GOODALE, Proprietor. T. J. SOAIFE Jjg A. II. HODOINB Marshfield PA,NT AND muiiiit-iu DEC0RATING co Estthiatca Furnished, Phone 300-J. Marshfield, Oregon. REMOVED llnnnsifA Tho Rlann Uxt.l TODD The Tailor Chatterton's Alleys A WIS A 1IC A OllUl NORTH FRONT 8TREBT HAVE Barnard & Langworthy FIGURE ON YOUR ELEOTRICAL WORK DROP IN AND BEE THE BIG GAMES IN THE BOWLING TOURNAMENT 1 - '-' .--,