r-,.,-w wvr "? ifnr' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22) 1914 EVENING EDITION. BffiKUU COOS BAY TIMES I. O. MALOVKY Killlof i. nil Pull. DAN E. MALOXKY News Ktlltor Official Paper of Coos Count)'. Entered at the postofflce at Marin field, Oregon, for transmission through the malls as second class mall matter. HOLDS HEAPJNG FDR EXTENSION Every Coos Hay woman knows I alio could run the house for what I her husband spends for cigars I and drinks. I The strength of an advertising ap propriation lies In the well spending of It not In the size alone. v I After a Coos Hay bride has I been trotting in double harness for a few weeks she begins to say of her husband: "Oh, well, he I iBii't any worse than lots of other I men." I And some Coos Hny men would never think of falling if somebody didn't tempt them. I FERRIS SC0BE3 RAILROAD PLAN ttijr AimiIUM t'r, m in ('004 Iltv Timi-a I WASHINGTON. I). C .Inn. 22. Consideration of the Alaska railroad 1)111 was resumed In the House nud thu tlnio for general dubate was fixed at thirteen hours. Under that program tlio consideration of the inenHtiru, which Is only on Wednes days In the House, will be concluded by March I. Representative Forrfs, of Oklahoma, denounced the govern ment railroad plan as a grab." "This plan wiib proposed," he said, "by the Seattle Chamber of Com merce and the commercial bodies or thu Northwest. Tlio Ouggonholm In tercuts nro In favor of It." North Bend's Plan for Straight ening Harbor Line Before Major Morrow Major Jay Morrow, United Statet Knglncor nt Portland, who arrive! on the government dredge Col. P. S. Mlchle this morning from the Colum bia Klvcr, is presiding at the hearing of the arguments being presented by North Haul for extending the har bor line at the foot of Virginia nvenuo east for a distance of ITS feet, so ns to Hlmlnnto the angle In tlio line of the waterfront nt this point. Tlio members of tl 0 Port of Cons Hay Commission nre attending the hearing, which was tlio prlncjpal reason for the visit of Malor Morrow, who will return to PoTIlnnd on the steamor Hrenkwnter on Saturdny. The proposed extension of the har bor line at Xorth Bend has found favor with the Port Commission, ns It will prevent soil from being de posited along the waterfront by the current. It Is believed Hint Major Morrow will decide favorably at the hearing. BUTTER AND EGOS SCARCE HE. RANDAL ADVKItTISKD LICTTKItS. List of unclaimed letters remain ing In the Mnrshflold, Oregon, Post offlco for tho week ondlng .Tniiunry 20. 1914. Persons calling for the same will please sny advertised, niul tiny one cent for each lettor called for. Hrowu. Mrs. William .T.. 2: Club Rooming llouso: Cognnu, Anton: r.lllott. Mrs. Lllllo; Hvnns, Lon: ''nucott. Theodore: Forrell, floorge. It.. 2; Ooodlenncn. Mrs. Ruth; Hat f'cl'l Harry; lloniinnson, John L.: llolndny. Hart: Jurvls. Harry. .Inch nig, Charles: Kur'z. Clarence; L' w Is, Minnie: I ewls. Morris; Parks, ll 2: Pol'nff. Mrs. Annn: Pln- iIoh, Francisco Duiwi: Hedflcld, Mrs. iKtta; Itublo. Manuel; Pehnlltt. C.has.: Thompron, A. 1).: Wl'ninrllt. F. !'.; Williams, Miss Nina: Wilson. Jnllns Arvld; Wood. Mrs. Agnes. W. II. CIMITIS, P. M. FKHKIIAItS ItKPl'LHKD. Illy Ami Mm! I'pfii in Co IX v Tlm 1 CULIACAN. Mlnlilon. .run. 22. Tho Federal column of about 2000 was repulsed today north of hore, ac cording to official reports. Tho Fed orals attempted a sortie against tho Constitutionalist!) Investing Guaymns, the gulf port or Slnnlon. If was as sorted that while tho Constitutional ists had but a few men wounded, the Kedornls retreated with threo wngon Io:u1h or dead and wounded. STOItV OX .MACOKXX. TALKIXd ADOPT WKATHKIt Attorney 0. T. Trendgold stepped Into tho Recorder of fice yesterday morning with a houu.net of roses mid violets which ho had just picked In his garden. How's that for Ore gon weaher In January. Han don Recorder. FAMIXK IX l-Ult.M PHODUCK UX- kklikvkd hkcausi: or had WKATIIKU OX TIIK COAST. Unless more water Is pumped Into some of the butter hnndled In Marsh field thero Is n fnlr chance that the present fnmlno In the product win uccontc acute. nutter, wat ARRIVES HERE TAKES Offlf Ttf HIS KlfE "IToiw XOTKD XOHWKOIAX puima pox- XA II Kill-: FOH ItKHTAL SUF- ri:ns fhomskasickxkss ox TMP. Mme. Mnrta Sandal, the noted Norwegian prima donna, arrived here on tho Hioakwnter today to "III IJUUUHIU Ul-UlU. IIIIllUI, Will- , , ,, , . ,,, ttl....lol. It.,11 ored or otherwise, is being sought I ?,'; hr rec m it ho iilsli 1 1 eagerlv on Coos Hnv unit for Bev.rnl Friday evening u tder the auspices enttri on loos nj and for seurai , MarshfleUl Norweglnu Luther- Sho Is suffering somo- The Oregonlan says: "Tho frank ness of Honfiirliig men Ih nrovirlil:tl null of all tho men who have gone down to tin sim In shins Chief Clerk Farmer, of tho Perkins, be lieves thor ha vo been none moro bluntly outspoken than IiIh friend Captain .Macgeuu, who commnuds tho sttmmer Hreakwater. plying be tween Portland and Cooh Hay points. "About u year ago a young wo man came to tho hotel who wanted to go to Mnrslifl.'ld," said Mr. Far mer, "and asked which was tho bust wny to go. I told hor that the sen trip would be much more cnirfort nliln than the trip overland from Itosoburg, owing to tho dospornto conditions or tho roads In w'n.or. " 'Hut won't I g-1 sanslcl;'." aim nuked. "Just then Captain Macueiiu camo Into tho lobby and Mr. Farmer In troduced thu young woman, so that slut might get expert Information nt first hand. "She stated hor case, saying that she luul nowr taktu a sea trip nud , ...,,, w i r i tin. iU0stlou: Will I 1 1. .iwHlck?' 'U'ro damned right you will," . .il.l Captain Macgenn. "'Oil'' said the young womnn. and went to Mm-Hlifleld by wny of ROHUllUlg " iARLOADS OF OWN OU f. k. now kkckivks mo ship. MKXT TODAY I'O.MPOSKD ONK TIIIICII OF TIIK HltKAKWAT KlfS 'A I t(i(). F. S. Dow, local agent mid distri butor or the famous Crown Flour, to day received one or tho biggest ship ments or flour ever brought to tie Hay. Tno shipment composed one t hi id of the entire Incoming freight cargo ot the llroakwater. Tho big shipment Is to bo distri buted among the local dealers. Since Introducing Crown Flour In the Coos Hay country, the demand for It has IncroaMUl by leaps and hounds and Mr. How says It Is going to continue to Increase nt this pace. In order to guard against any shortage mid against retailers huvlug to substitute other brands on the steady customers, he will hnve mi ample supply with large regular shipments to keop up his stock of It. Times Want ads bring results. nays me goou oiu creamery icinu, nn church. mndo from tho butter fat of "really, truly" cows, has been nbsent from the local market. The stormy weather, which has de layed tho San Francisco steamers is blamed for tlio famine, as a large portion of the butter used hero Is shipped from California. It Is ex pected that tho famine will bo re lieved with tho arrival of the Uc- dnndo. Tho local creameries mid the Coqullle Vnlley creameries nro doing their best to keep up with the de mand, but Mnrshlleld mid North Hetid use largo quantities of tlio product and the best qualities nro snapped up as quickly ns they arrive hero. The egg market Is also tight In Coos county, although the prlco re mains stationary, and every hen of ago Is being watched with suspicion by her owner. Tho bofenthcrcd tribe roruses to work overtime and has es tablished union hours, so that a regu lar supply or eggs Is coming in with no chnncc to pile n billion or so Into MMK. MAItTA SAXDAL. cold storage. Local pooplo nro on- vwwwvwwwwwwwwx Joying rrcsh eggs when they enn get what today from the tffects of her them, boennso as fast ns' the hens La trip. got ofr or them they nro being allot" ?,'on11,. "''Wnlloiis hnve been ...to town ns rap.d.y ns possible. j" &,?, 'ffKfiS Vn 1 i In irri n mil nnn will tii1rtiitt tiit j fyV til V U 1 WIIIVJ tHJt lib the Finnish hall tomorrow night. Concerning her recent appenranco In Portlnntl. Tho Oregonlnu says: Miidnmo Mnrta Siindnl, tho Nor wegian prima donnn, or nrtlstlc ex cellence, appear, d In recital at the United Norweglnu Lutheran Church. Tho recital taking plnco In a church prevented the nuillenco rrom express- lug Its appr elation In tlio custom- jury applause, but deep, heart-felt (approbation wns evident. MudnniOi , , , .. bnniliira voice Is Hint of a mezzo! Expert Savs Reckless Man- prnno or bonutirui quality, ami nor nf WInrlntinn I nmhc tho simplicity ami sincerity with 01 lyiarKeiinn LamiJS which sho stnmps her solos are add-1 Will DC CailSe M nt'ractlons. So much wnB lieri imiill nee pleased with her singing inr a.m utM Prrt. m Cm. iiar Tim 1 that Madmiio Saiidnl has been asked SALT LAKH CITV. Jan. 22. A to appoar In n second rqcltnl soon. I niution rniuino wns predicted bore by J. 1-:. Poole, editor of the Chlcairo . Ifues liivlliilloiis. Mra. L. V rf 2 . W He -ir W!H BaBBBKBBBBlBBBBiaHfi wmmJmMM Franklin, Who Was Shot by His Wife, Tries to Cheer I Her Jail Sentence ! Thnt tho gallnntry of man Is un failing In the protection of tho gent ler sex, or thnt tho wives or some men have enthused their husbands In tho surrrngo movement to such an extent .thnt they have captured their "goat" Is proven by the kind ness which Is being bestowed upon Mrs. Franklin, colored, who shot her huBbnnd In tho hniul n few dnys ago. ' I's goln' out o' hore with th' penco o' Cod In mail soul." the sharp-shooting chocolate soldier Is nlluged to have said, when sho wns leaving tho Justice court after the first chnrgo was dropped, "but If that nigger bothers mo nnn" mor' I II conio back heiih with his ear betwfcn mall teeth." lmnio'llatoly nfter sho was re-arrested by the tocnl officials her spouco wns on hand, and .undo n plea thnt ho ho itilowed time In which to earn tho hundred dollar fine which Ills spouse had been fined, or servo fiO dnys In tho city Jail. She wns very gontly removed to tho city bnstllo to servo her fifty days, but she had not b' en there ten minutes when n chocolate drop In tho person of hor husband was seen coming In the direction of the "coop." Under his arm wns tucked n pnckngo of tho choicest choc olates. "Well, bless yn' olo heart." burst out the colored lady. Her hubby wiib very much down In tho mouth, mid she, 'noticing the look of toy nbsent from his face, peeked through tho bnrs and snld: "Whn's tlio ninttnir lion, don' yo' love yo' bnby no mo'?" "Cos' Ah do," enme tho reply, "hut ror Onwd's Biike. womnn. don' currn' a small cannon to bo suali of mnli arrectlon!" XOTICK TO cm.- In tho matter or the ; ., out of tho llnrdwim.i im, ' . .'"mug C (a corporation) To tho creditors of tin. t, ..Illllng Co., a corporation. N You and onch of sm are . notified that The Hardwood Co.. a eornnrntlnn t,n. ... . ''-tl slgnn.ont for tho benef it- . ... ' tors, niul thnt tin. ,,.i ,,rll - - iBifinediii duly selected, qualified n.i u nBslgnco In tho mntter of salj, , ' innnt. niul vnn nm ,...,' "! meiit, and you aro rorther noun to present .your clnlnm n i... . vlded, to mo, the tinderoiRne(j ,JJ three months from tho date here r Hated nt MnrBhilold. Oregon Sth day of Jannnry v ) 191.' U!l aisoiiais w wELSTEu ASSIgQu First publication, Jan s. 19 Last publication, Feb 10, lgn' BUY THE VERY BEST Marslifield RIlTTPn UHLIl Creamery MADK UN UK It SAXITAItY COXDITIOXS IX A CLKAX AXI) MOHKItX rwcroiiY. Of STKltlLI.KII .MILK AM) CltKAM. , PURE ICf Kieo delivery, 8 11. 111. mid 2 p. J 1'IIIIIIU Til 110 FM E IS I To HKIH'CK the IIICII COST of, C W VIERS 1.1 VINCI .the STKAMKIt II llllY un-' ,..,". '..d i)m.i., til further notice will CAItltVl Wll ,,,, ,, mM iiu.iunr ni m.miiMu 111 ?. ilcB,onco P,ono 40.x 1 ' Hhop Phono JHll I !17 X. I'roiit Street PKIt TOX. HAILS rrom SAX l'HAXCISCO FltlDAY, Jan. 2!l at :i p. m. Travsr has Issued Invltutlons ror nn "At Homo" Wodnesdny, Jnnunry Livestock World, In nn nddress hefnru t' e National Wool Growers' Assocln- 28 Hon. mooting In nnnunl sosslon. In" tho next- flvo years ho said the seme1 To "KHrci: tTio IIIOII COST of Itv would beconio ncnto. I.IVIXCI. the STKAMKIt IIAIIItV un Mr. Pocle tn'd ta for "-o m- o " further notlco w'll CAIUtV yonrs the West 1ms bon marketln-: ,;l)ti:,(,M .:,t " ,,n':,,ltT,o:v cf s owo Inmbs In tho Bame reckless man- ,,,', 'Vi)X SAILS from SAX nor ns It sent heifer calves to the ''It-WSCO FltlDAY, Jnn. 2.1 at butc'-er from 1H00 to 1010. Rood 3 Pl M' authorities, he said, estimate thnt SO per cont or tl-o owo Hocks or tho west nro ovor-ngod mid Hint a bnd winter would scntter their cnrcusjcH WOItKIXO L DII'KKItKXCi: IX nouns A man's working day la eight over tho ranges, thus preclpltntlng n hours. Ills body organs must work mutton scnrclty Hint. In any event, perfectly 2-1 hours to keop him fit cannot long bo delayed. Lamb a Delicacy. for eight hours' work. Weak, sore, Inactive kidneys ennnot do It. Thoy "One sliqrt lamb crop." snld Mr. ( nmst bo sound mid healthily active Ponlo. "would put both lamb and all tho tlnio. Foley Kidney Pills will mutton In tN snnio category n loh-l""" them so. You ennnot tnko ster and terrapin. jtl't-m Into your system without good "A prediction not opon to serious .results following. Owl Prescription "smito Is thnf the mutton supply Is jl'hnrmncy. Opposite Clinudlor Ho- Are Yo tWef? iir Fee ;' NO REASON WHY THEY SHOULD BE. No nit cliihing nut miiiic I." 11(1 pahs of slim's at ridlciiloii'.ly low pi-lies. TliOk sin in 11 i-i- iiuliiiriiicil, but the Hues 1111' liioKcn niul we must cliisi. ilieiu out. Conii' In niul look llicm ner. Wo may luuo the ei-y slioc yuu want mill nt 11 pi Ice oAliciut'ly low for Hie iiiulil.v. .MUX'S SIIOKS. Men's double-sole Kangaro Shoe, logulnr $..00. Now . .S;t,()ll Men's iloublo-solo, tun calf, bal.. legular ? I. DO. Now . ...SU.ur. Moii's double solo, box calf, bal., regular $I.M). Now , , .S-J.85 Mou's doublo-solkt kld-liiiul bin., regular $1.00. Now ...S.II5 A few odd lots fiom .'Hi- to $2.R0, Ill-cuts In tnu mid blk, at cost. 1 WO.MK.VS SIIOKS. Womon's kid tip. low hcol, vlcl button, rog. $1.50. Now S'J.d.t Womou's pit. tip, vlel kid, turn bin., regular 5X.,",0. Now !-'.:t5 Womim's imt. nud gun moul strap pumps, regular $3: now .sum Ulaek sutln and ulvt pumps. Regular $8.00 mid lU.SO. Now t.D.n mid .:5 1 m - (MIII.DItKN'S SIIOKS. Our slock of clillilriMi's slinis Is pretty well liroKoii up, hut vo xtlll liino Mime !4"il iiuiubeis for ililldien fi-oiii li to 1) )t'ar nt' ago. A full Un; of Mint', Women's hiiiI Clilblien's I.uIiIumi. ami KiiIiIhi- lUmts, wlilili v( att i-loslMic out t cos;, XOW Is tho (lint- l.AXIM'S tlio plnco. Prices Aro Cash LAN DO'S & O'COXXKLL IH'ILDIXO .MAItlvKT AVK.NT 'mlulshiiiK and cnnsiimptlou Incrons lug all tho world over. For years, tlio process of liquidation lies been In full swing both In North and South America. "In the t'nlted States n production condition has been roached where the Fast Is dependent for nt least nine months of the year either on sheep or Umhs finished west or the Missouri Illvor or bred thore mid finished on a short grain feed in the corn belt. Is Ou How 11 (initio. "Outside Kentucky. Tennessee mid Virginia the nntlvo sheep Industry. In contradistinction to western bred stock. In no single slate Is capable or furnishing the country with mutton a single day. Hetwcon disease, dogs and tho tree trade theorists, the nnt lvo sheop Industry, a term popularly usod east or the Missouri Klver. has been crlpplod. with sennt prospect or early recuperation. ''During tho Inst year espoclnlly n gratirylng liicrense In consumption of ngod mutton wbs notlcod. The cost has, Increased ttto world oer. In such great restaurant- centers ns New York and Chicago, this comparatively choap and excellent food has boon In troduced with signal success by the method of preparlug It In palatable form. The Knjsllsh mutton chop it now a standard article on restaurant menu card, where Ir was unknown but recently. Already t' e effect of Im teased demand Is seen in a narrow ing of distinction between sheep ant' l&iiib and recent dras-.lc liquidation of the wether flock of the west will have the effect of eiuphafirtng this." tol. Frank I). Cohan. Phono 71. Put Yourself in Our Clothes and see how much better you feel and look, You will be surprised how lit tie it costs, Suits 88,50 to $30, the same price all the time, Put Yourself in Our Shoes and see how much better your feet feel. They are a joy and comfort. Shoes from $3.50 to $8.50 The Fixup Dependable Clothes, TWO STOltKS Miu-hliflold Xorth Ileiul Phono Sitil.Ii, 9a46tam ALL XKW MKItCIIAXDISK Our Final Cleanup Sale Men. A swoll brown Suit, box-back. "' wo-l. Va'uo ir..OO. C4 a or B.ile price $ ' ' "3 Homo beautiful blue, brown, gray nnd Tnn box-buck mid soml- Kng ll8h. Vnlues $2r..OO. MQ7C Salo price 4HO.1J Kovoral lots broken sizes, Men's Ovorconts; bolt bnck, shawl col lar; tho best or materials. Sir, to S-ir. OXK-TIIIIII) OFF. A good stock or men's nnd boys' Trousors, OXK-FOinmi OFF. A largo stock of Sultcnses. Trav eling ILigs and Lunch lloxos, OXK-FOl'UTH OFF. llo.Vs. Hults. All wool, well mndo. $.".00 values. ) i-jr BtHo prlco Ipj.D Women niul Clilldien. Lndlos' nnd Misses' Coats, Hire quarter and full length, (M HALF I'ltiCK. One lot of Ladles' Suits, Sew. broadcloth and basket (T-fnflA weaves. Values to :iu. J) ltUU A beautiful lino, all-wool Nor tolks, full pog pants, iihio sergo rnlts. $10.00 value. (t-rj r-. t'lle price .p'3" A Inrgo stock of Ladles' and Mlssoa Italiu'oats, (loud assort mont. TWKXTV PKIt CII.NT DISCOUNT. We have Children's CoH la b'trgnlh lota, nges 8 to ( QQ 1 1. VnluoB to SO.uO, .. J)J.J0 Children's wnsh nnd wool ilrM. I'WK.NTY PKIt Ci:XT IHSl'OVM. Knox nnd Atchison Hats. 0n lot vnluod lit ?2C.r.0. .50.W Ono lot vnluod nt $17 ."0. .0)s Wo hnvo u good stock of lulf switches at OXIM'Ol'ltTII Oil'. K.VCKITIOXAL II lt(, VIS'S ALL OVKIt TIIK HOI SI.' More New Pianos and More New Late Records Tho Hrenkwnter today brought us four fine now pianos. Two of theso hnvo alrondy been sold one Ludwlg to Cojulllo part lei. nnd ono to Mnrshtleld partes but the other two. n fine MlUoa and n Prlco & Teeplo plujor, nre to replenish our stock. Wo nlso received another consignment of now" records tho ft mous Victors with the- latest music nnd tho most popular selec tions. January 2S, nt S o'clock In the morning, Hid Fobrunry rocorJi will bo placed on sale that same day that thoy nro first phued on salo In tho largest cities. If you want a musical Instrument of any kind, come In and talk It over with us. If you aro not thinking of buying now, u'liie " and try some of our Instruments or the Vlctrola. W'e'ro never too busy to talk muslo with you. L. L. THOMAS, Manager. 218 Central Avenue. Phone 134-J or 15-L. ! Tho Tlmoa want ads gat what they go after.