THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREQON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1914 EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONEY Editor nnd DAN E. MALONEY News Kill lor i Official Paper of Coos County, t Entered nt the postofflce at Mann Hold, Oregon. for transmission through the mnils as second cl.i'i mall matter. ma FifiK Address nil rotnmnnlcntlons to COOS HAY DAILY times. Marshfield :: :: :: : Oreco. DEADLY WTEH. Tho Portland .lonrnnl says: ARE 10HD Assessor T. J. Thrift Summar izes Coos County Levies and Valuations County Assessor T. J. Thrift has Just completed tabulating the 1013 i tax for Coos County, which will he Ti.n collected this year. It Is n com- ' twelfth death from typ:-o!d fever Is prehciiBlve one nnd will he of Inter announced nt Centrnlla. Washington, est to every taxpayer. A summary 'Plw nnlilntnln Mw.rn la iIohppIIioiI na OI 11 18 us iununs the worst evr known In tho Pacific Northwest. Up to last Sunday there had been 207 cases, If! suspects, nnd 11 deaths. Another death yesterday City, raises the mortality to 12. As re sistance to t'e epidemic. 3000 persons have recclvp'l tho first Inoculation nf typhoid vncclno and the second In- ,,,am'on ' ocnlntlon hns been Riven to 000. Conulllo . Tho cause of the p'lldenilc Is the EaBtsldo , city water supnlv. The city water i'',,nnvf, ,,' was used bv nil but sl of the vie- Marshfield llmo t In iiimmoil from n u-nll MTtlO Pt wtilnl. In vary nntii Rlnnlfllni PlmMr NOTtll Hutlll creek, n stream w Ich Is polluted byj tho f 11 tli from harei. rn'iics nnd other I sources of KPrtns that line Its banks. Cltle- Valuation. v. a c $ 800,4 to 8 $ ti,so;;.r.i; 01 i.100'10' 0.114.00 171,:!2u22 150,2051. . 2,002,25010 .'J.7C0.15 Total :tG4.500 1,207.273 .$5,810,287 Ports, 20,022.50 3,045.00 10,001.82 $03,280.98 Tho epidemic has already cost the! c c ncnnln 11 f the town mill cmintv morel thnn would havi Ijppu the entire costl of n Rrnvlty water yvstom. A twentv-1 "5 threo mile pipe Hpp would hrlnc to tho place the purest watpr from tho Pnndon . .$0,140, !I31 strenms In n forest reservp. Coos liny 0,110,840 Tf- Is ImnnssllitP fnr rnninitinltlna Co. Hlvor 0,307.070 to Innirer icnnro or dlsDiite tho tirov- I Totnl $21,504,S50. en facts of mcnerlenre. It 's tomnt- Coinhlned City Levies. Ing fate nnd Inviting pestllpnco for Jam',,in "' nny community to bo satisfied with p,0''1"1;0 '' nn "urertnln water supply. hnstsldo fj-J. Water and milk nre the cM0r k'nplro . . ) mnnnu fnr ItifnnHn,, n-lHi IviilmM .MarSlirlOlll 4ll. Tho 12 deaths, tho 207 fever patients. Ivrtle Point 11.5 mills tho loss of time, the suffering, the '' ' .;. r'n- ,nlU8 anxiety. Hip bereavements nnd all tho .. . oencrni Mimnmr. o c en T$TsT4"0.703 3. I 27.422.547 1.51 0.100.005 $55,323,045 mills mills mills mills miiis PERSONAL OVERFLOW AIINO MEREEN, general superin tendent of the C. A. Smith Com pany, will nrrivo hero on tho next Adeline nfter spending n few weeks at Herkeloy. TIM SKELKIt, the boss logger of tho Coqulllc, Is a Mnrshflold busi ness visitor. His oye, which wns Injured somotlmo ngo by n steel splinter, Is practically well. rountleis Ills incident- to Centrales 1,,or. ,n,V "r0808. per epidemic cannot bo stated In term'! ,,.", v.- '..'.'. '..'"'I ' of dollars I ' "r " " ' "uipu'eH. Thoy nVo far costlier thnn pure' ? ",''r ,,BS,,," co" wnlnr. Ttiov nni n lorrlliln wnrnlntr' I'lipun to cities nnd communities everywhere. $ 90.0S1.00 53,ICS,00 ARGUES FOR i RpnunT dm H IltLUUUI U!tf Jutlne Goss Makes Stronq Plea to Railroad Commission For City Jiulvo Jolin I). (io8H. nttormy fo1 Mnrshflpld. who left for Snleni nnd Portland nbout ten dnys ngo, re turned to the i Itv Inst night nfter ninklug h nt route fight for n reduc tion In tho atnte rallm-id coinnila nlon'n vnluatlon of the Coos Hay Water Cointmny's property, on which the ra'Mi for filing wnter to tho fOfiM ors nr based. liulm Cosrt spent two days looking Into lh records at Suluin nnd secur ing further material on which to lio iis nriMiiiM'iit.i before the Hull road Commission for n induction. Tho hem-lim wim bold lu Portland, wboro the Commission gave tho at torney but one hour In which to present his arguments. Despite tbo time limit plated on .Hidge (ions' attempt n nee lire a re duction In u re-vuliintlnn of the properly on b half of tl e c'tv of Mnmhflcld. IiIh nrgunints took over three bourn. Judge Rimm Is of tho nplnlru that very little roiliu tlon, ir nny. will be ninde by tli P. '''mil Co'ntuhtalnn. h'-wovor as tint body's syste'ii of doing husluofl doofl not rdt of off dlvo niKumeut. . u !!: (U)-1." t-ient u week lending --.. flffn.t i. .,ii, ft i'O'Iiii tlou. and t i I i night feellns ' bat' .lono bis vorv bet to airy out the whilna of the Cmihi '"1 nnd the eoiuiinir lu uu effort (o reduce the exlioibltnnt vnliintlon placed on th water loinpnny's plant. To IIKIH'CK the IIKill COST of! I.IVIXt!, th STIOMKIt IIAUDY ill'-' til further notice will CAltltY ' KHKIUIIT at li:iU'(TIOX of SI PKIt TON. S.MUS from SAN KltANCISCO I'ISIDAY, Jnn. 23 nt 3 P. M. ' Por school llbrnrv, lOe per cnpltu, 0070 pu pils 007.00 Por Indigent soldiers. 2,235. SO For roads nnd bridges, ferries, etc llMi.nn.oo For county purposos. . 124, 100.232 I .T linn pi iiiiui i,ia ... II I .i, ,nu .' Special rond tax .... 05,8D8.2S0 Special city tax 03.2S0.0S2 Special port tax 55,323.045 Fire putrol 201.45 Total tnx to be collect ed ns per 1013 roll. $708.002. 1210 PKOFICSKOHS Davis & hong liavo opened their MPSIC STt'DIO In tho (Jltl.MKS IIMXi. over the (iltANl) Theater nnd nro prepareil to give INSTItrrriONK on ll.W.IO. mndo If ii. violin and guitar. Ml'SIC fur ulHlied for JAN(,l-:s, pnrltos nnd ro ceptloiiH. ('AID) OF THANKS. We wish to thank our friends for tho kliulnefH nnd Intorest shown dur ing the sickness of our Ilttlo one nnd In death for the beautiful floral of ferlugH mid deep syiupnthy oxtended to nn, (ind kuowH your kindness and sympathy Iiiih been a great source of comfort. .MU. AND MPS. II. K. SMITH. Send Your Laundry lo Us By Parcel Post wi: rricMsu a v.mi and will pay tiii: postaoi: ON ITS ItKTLMt.V. Ccos Bay Steam Laundry Jhnnp R7-I Mnrshfinlc lommutauon nn Tickets $2.00 ZU maitsiifiki.d-noutii dknd auto i.jxi:. H. 10. DY10R, foreman for Contractor K. G. Perlinm on tils big bridge work near Grants PaBS, nrrived homo InBt ovenlng for n short vis It with his family here. MISS FLORENCE POWERS, who hns been spending tho pnst few months with her mother, Mrs. A. II. Powers, at San Diego, nrriv ed homo on tho Adcllno Smith to day. A. K. JENSEN, tho Ferndnle poul try fancier, is making n business trip to Curry County, nnd Tom Jnmcs Is scolng Hint tho chickens retire nt tho proper hour and nro early birds. HENRY HOECK. of North Pond, was i Marshflold business visitor yestordny. Ho Is planning to log nbout 100 ncrcs more timber In Sir.ith basin, which ho recently bought. W. J. n-ROWN, of tho Pnlnco Res taurant, and wire, who woro cnueu to Michigan by tho fatal illness of relntivcs will nrrlvo homo soon. They nro stopping off nt n num br of polntn on rotito west. J. E. OREN. formerly general mnn- ngor of the C. A. smith mill Here, but now head of a big plant nt Hay Point, nrrived hore today on tno Adoiine smiiiii to visit ins parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Oren, on South S'xHi Ftroct. WIMi HUTCHISON Is hero from Eureka for a week's stay. Ho brought iitt tbo I ocomoblle for E. O. Pcrbnm vostenlay and will tench Mr. nd Mrs. Porham nil of thp mvatertes of nnvlgatlng tho enr. Ho says Hint litres nro good nt Eurokn. ROY ROKEM.E. now Ip charge of tlie Government work In this sec tion, enmo over from Un"don yes tprdny to reiualn iint'l nftr Major Morrow ronclu-lps h's trii hero. Ropllo rennrts thnt owIiik to the llnr'pn tiic i -"t bpl- rerdv, n nuinbor of boatB which linv licon barhonnd there wero net able to got to sen yegtcrday. a'thonirb tho bar wn in irecd slinne. He ex pects the lmrbor mills on tho lower rlvov which lnvc been tci" nornrlly closed down to soon he In oporntlon anln. A. M. SCMNI-'lt, of Ilnndon. Is hero soiling thoMICRO KA't TELEPHONE see Iilm nt Sunnier II in (Iwiii-e Store. tffifii , 'rnr-Tijfa-rH ' '- " IRVING BLOCK AIjIj new merchandise Our Final Cleanup Sale .Men. A swell brown Suit, box-bade, all wool. Vnlue $15.00. &t 4 OC ....... .U) I I WI' Sale prico Some beautiful blue, brown, gray nnd Tan box-back nnd boiiiI- Eng lish. Values $25.00. G4 O 1C Salo price 4HO.I J Several lots broken sizes, Men's Overcoats; belt back, shawl col lar; tho best of materials. $15 to $15. ONE-THIRD OFF. A good stock of men's nnd boys' Trousers, ONE-FOURTH OFF. A largo stock of Suitcases, Trav eling Rags nnd Lunch Doxes, ONE-FOURTH OFF. I toys. Suits. All wool, well made. $5.00 values. ( re sale prico 3J.3 A beautiful lino, nil-wool Nor folks, full peg pnnttf. RIiio sorgo suits, j 1 o.OO vnlue Salo prico ...var....$7.50 Women nnd Children. Ladles' and Misses' Coats; three iiuarter nnd full length, ONE HALF PRICE. One lot of Ladles' SuitB. Sorgo, brondcloth nnd basket r f( weaves. Values to $30.)1 J.UU A largo atock of Ladles' and Misses Rnlncoata. Good assort ment. TWENTY PER CENT DISCOUNT. We lmvo Children's Conts in Imrgnln lots, nges 8 to ( QQ 14. Values to $0.50 .pj.iO Children's wash and wool dresses. TWENTY PER CENT DISCOUNT. Knox nnd Atchison Hats. Ono lot vnlued at $20.50, . .!?.T." One lot vnlued nt $17.50, $.-.lH. Wo hnvo n good stock of hair switches at ONE-FOURTH OFF. EXCEITIONA L RA RGA INS ALL OVER THE HOUSE iwzm G,W Gounj tO ftri Weak evi's iinrrnmi M latest nnd best nieilioji t. ,l sclonco. Should you want 1,h" HL'I or twinl ,r..l i.'11 bnlK fitted, try my special qZ blnntionglaHacs.' Yoiingo? ,c tills special glass can ron.i 0Jd'l llr, T"Zlr at . u Und n. joy forever Every pa guarnntood to givo m Your Diitronaco Rollcitn.i vlBtav DR. W. B. RICHARDsgJ OtttOlllHtriHt film, u. , I Office, Front nnd Market sttt , .win aiHium, urcgon ' I JJJJOFElONAUtjmtCTOW I l-YR. W. II. REYNOLDS, J-' Chlroprnctor Suite 213-11-11 CokeDldf Office hours, 10 to 4 s' Phono 112-L. MarghfleM,d(l t EO. C. MURPHY. Expert Piano, Player and Ore Tuning-, Regulating nnd Z.. Ing. Phone sou vuia iiuij uu tun m imwjv R. Alien Music Store, c utuuuv. ;s Cliltiiiieys I''lre Place- J. N. Baylisi Any Iclnd of brick work nf price ( tlmt nre I'lttht. ' AND ALL WORK GUARANTEED Cull nt "The Fireside." Johnson j ItlilK., I!17 Second St. Phono IH-.L. French llinmc. Roller Work FAMILY DINMORH In our now locution, we nre on-1 poclnlly prepared to cater to family , trade. Rogulnr meals or ehort or lers. Open day nnd night. 1 MERCHANT'S CAFE. I lrIH)lVHV K-lll i ,.i'.' tu 1l,- The Bank of Personal Service D RING us your bank account and profit 0 by the same service which has made so many friends for this institution. Our steady growth proves the appreciation of our patrons. The First,. National Bank Of Coos Bay THERE'S ONLY ONE MACHINE THE SINGER. ONLY ONE REPRESENTATIVE W. J. RITZ Phono UKO-X. DRY FIR AMD ALDER WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD .North Front Street, l Plume 1SO-.I. STATEMENT OF CONDITION flANAGAN&BENNfTT BANKS Of Marshfield and Myrtle Point, Oregon, At the close of business Jan, 13,1914, RRsniimpR Loans and Discounts , , , , Banking Houses Cash and Sight Exchange , Total , . . Liabilities Capital Stock Paid In ... . Surplus and Undivided Profits , , Deposits Total , $696,758.92 61,493.17 ,291,170.72 $1,049,422.81 $75,000,00 , 67,978,80 906,444,01 $1,049,422.81 TOEL OSTL1ND. ) I'iano Tuner and Itcnalrrr I in S. Sixth Htreet. I'lumo Kml Leave orders ul W. It. I tallies Mbl Company, I J M. WHIOIIT, RulldlUir Contractor. lOstlniates furiilsluil tin rcnnM An honest Job Kiiariuitccl. IV, I iiin-ii. CO. GOSNEY, Contrnctoi' and Itnllilpr" EstimntcB, drnwiiiR ami ( tlons furnished on request. I A satisfied customer la better r'l eronco innn n uniii; look itj ono of my I G up and see It I nm reliable Phone it I 1I. MarMiflclUl WT. TOMPKINS, D. S. T. Druuless llcallne. Phone 2 1 !!,. Hours l to IS, lull Office Room 2, lilll, N. llnuJii)! pklt. II. M. SHAW -' Eye, Ear. No-e and Throat DR. MAITIE R. SHAW Diseases of vtnmcii mid rlilldrnl Olllco phono .1.10. Rooms 200, Ml SOS, IrvliiK Ulock. Dlt. A. ,T. HENDRY DENTIST Mnrahllold, Oregon. Rooms 204-2GT, Coke Ilulldln;. Rcsldcncu phono 2S2-X. Olllco phono 112-J. MRS. FAHRINOER. Teacher of Pliino, Resldonco Studio, No. 1091, Cornor Commercial and Eleventh Ell Phone 8fl-.I. Ciws eicry ten ii-Imitcs fi-om (I n. m to IU:iSO p, in. G0RST& KING, Props. DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY Cnmpiete line of Notions. SMITH'S VARIETY STORE North Bend. r. .1. SCAIKE A. II. IIOimiNS Marshfield "PA,lNT AND iYiaaiHcm DEC0RATNG c0 i Just the roof i LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title Trust Co. AbMnicts, thoroughly ileiicudalde. lui medinto M-rvlce, piompt ntten timi in nil Interests of our clients. Minimum cost. I. S. Kaufman (Sit Co. Estimates Furnished, ' Phone :il)l)-.l. Murshlleld, Oreson. REMOVED ": Opposite The Blanco Hotel TODD The TasSor r- Low Rates for Handling Trimks Wo haul trunlcs between nn points In Marshfield for tho follow ing rnto8, delivery to he mndo In ho tlrst stories of buildliuB. One trunk $ .jn Vliroe trunlcs .in Twelve trunks Star Transfer ?.nd Slorcge Co. Lei I Helsiicr, Pri- Phono 180-.1- 4t-. .R i lawww C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL Df PARTMENT LUM1IER, LATH, SHINOLKB, MOPLDINOS, BASH AND DOORS, WOOfi'INO PPER, KTC. CUT THE r TEL HILL IN TWO HV USING OUIt WOOD. PIIONK I MO. tHa BOUTn RROADWAY BENJAMIN OSTLIND, CuunullliiK EiiKlueer " 9 Architect. , OfflceH. SOU Irvine Illwk. :lion 10:t-L or 'J07-.L Mnihhflcld, Orrjrt PERJi IULET nATJil.NOKR Plunldt and Ttuhtt Rottdonco-Studlo, 237 So. Ilroiim Phono 18-1. w. O. OHANDLEll. ARCHITEOT. Rooini 301 nnd 302, Coke IUU Mortdifleld, OrcKon. W M. B. TURPEN. ARCHITECT Mnrnhfield. Orecon. L m Abstracts, Red Estate, Fire aM Marine Fmsisrance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. IIENRV SENG.STAl'KEN. Muimuer KAIIM. rOAL, TIMRER AND PLUTINn LANDS A SPECIALTY. fil-AKRAL AGENTS EAST-SIRE MARSHFIELD OFI'K'E, PHONE ..!. COgni.LE CITY UVVlCtt PIION'E tin. Ynn AIITn HAI I FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Kour ooiI ears with careful drln I-or Iay service, pnoiic nf, I,,........ a ! ... I l.,,lnni. For nlKht t-er vice, Phone SOW RlKht Cafe. D. L. F00TE. Pictures &Praming Walker Studio M"W"l. tf. MmUMKJMBW I You can lay it vh!! tl inking about shingles. It'v t'ue rtsistiug cirries low rate of in. .iuiicc it's a wonilerful roof j ju'H agree with us and iifty tiioiujiul other dealers who know it well and guarantee it. C. 1.. NICIIOION Oxif. County ltepiuii(Miii t.i. I'ltinl ktrHH. Ptiuiiy ":i JJni'lirtjltl, Oretiui South Coos River Boats Tiopa 1mc8 Muralitti 1 1 for head nf rl ei nt S a. i .. ro tuinlnt; tu eveuliiB Steamer Rainbow leaves head of river at T a. in. aud i-eturuluu leaves Marshflvld at i u. iu. ROGICRS .M S.MITII. EDISON'S LATEST A slor.ujo hattery that continual tuer chai-Kfiitf tll not linrin. DOES NOT CORRODE AT li:HM!NAt.S. CONTAINS NO ACID. Will not Iomi It- chaiuo while htandiu Idle. IS Gl'AUANTEED MYE YEARS Coos Bay WSnn$ Co. tn;t Rronduny. AKents for Port of Coo-. Day. E ANDON BY THE SEA THE CITY OF THE FUTURE A FEW TEN ACRE TRAns FOli; MILES SOCTII ON COCN.TY ROAD .1.1 PER AC III'; SI (10 CSH. RA AnciJ Buy One It Will Make You Money Donald MacKitosh REAL ESTATE mid INSURANCE. CITY AUTO AND TAXI SVAVM A now taxlcnu has been added my auto service. Careful dri" Will go anywhere nt nny time. SUM Blanco Cigar Store. Day pbDe " Night phone 139-X. TOM GOODALE. Proprietor. HA YE Barnard & Langworlby FIGURE ON YOUR KLECTHICAL AVOHK .47 Kinds of Job Printing Dona at Tho Timos Office DROP IX AND SEE THE BIG GAMES pfl IN THE IJOWLTXG TOUR-VA Chatterton's Alleys NORTH FRONT STREET - UiiUu. Lisj&mii T1tl-T.-ll.-il rp