I NEARLY ALL PRACTICE EASIER WAYS INSTEAD Of THE BETTER ONES OInna OUt MILD WEATHER SttttflS WHAT'S GOING OX? Rend The Times every liny fur tho Intent newt. Itciul the nils for your nun benefit. It pays to advertise In Tito Times. .am , PitflU ftll 2i '" ,,lc"1 ,,,"",,ness T"! , MEMUKU OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1914 EVENING EDITION. SIX PAGES. A Consolidation of Timet, Count Mull antl Coot Itity Advertiser. No. 155 VOL XXXVII. iS TllO Const Alllll if WILSON ENGINEER IS ELEGTRGGUTED BEN KILLED WHEN GORVICTS ATTEiPT TO BREAK FROM M a DELIVERS Euac LAW DECLRBED VOID TRUST LEGISL ATI MESSAGE bounds of Applause Delay Heaoinuu ",u -"" inierrupuuii (ADVISES TEARING UP flUV,.7TiiiMn DV TUP RnfVTS Ku l nnvj " "- "-- ISuqgestion of Penalties for In- 1" j:!j..i C mrlc Cmnr With aiviauitia i Hiuo . .. His Hearers. M AuofUl"! Pitm to Coo. Day TlmM.1 uMSitiNTITOX. D. 0., Jan. 20. President Wilson left tho Whlto House nt ten o'clock to dollvor his message to tho Joint bobbIoii of tho iiaiim nf KcnresentntlvoB nml Sen ate. Tlio pillories were pncT.od, Mn. Wilson nml others or tno rros M.n'f fnmlly occupied pruitilnuiit places nml tlio diplomatic eorpH was well represented. The scene wns a colorful one. A round of applause bognn when 1 . .........n.1 n.t.l ll'nil .lllft, tno rrcsiueiu eiiu-ii.-u, uuu .. .....j itllleil by Mr Wilson's evident de sire to proceed with his roudlng. He was frequently Interrupted with lone Minimise ns ho delivered IiIh message of business penco nnd In dustrial freedom iib ndnilnlBtriitlon mnnortcrs rnll It. Ills reference to tho Interlocking or (llrorlorntcB was received without domonBtrntlon j but when ho referred to tho pro posal to nuthorlr-o tho Intoratnto Commerro Commission to regulnto the financial operations of railroads, a burst of applause halted tho read ing and tlio President hnd to wnlt for It to subside. Ilia (lcclnrnttou that "laws should I tear nothing up by tho roots," nnd ("that no sweeping or novol change III necessary," wore received with I attentive bIIoiico. Another round of nnnlnuso ffrcot- M tlio stntcinent "that tho IiuhIiicbs ot production must hn separated (rom tlr business of transportation." Ills deelnrntlon for tho InturHtnto Trade Cninml'-Klon was received In (Hence, but nnnlauiio mooted tho tlatcmcnt tlint "pi unities of pun- iinmcnt sliould rail, not on tho busl nest Itself, but on tho Individual!) ho uso tho liiBtriiMwiiitnlltlpH nf llllclnAii In Mmcn fltl...... 1..1.I..1. ...,. t "".. i ,tvjiu iiiuiKn 1111 11, ,uii- ne policy and sound business condemn." 1.011(1 nnnlnilRn tM-nntml llm cnn. elusion of th" Prcsldont'a message tt 12:51. 1 RULER REPORTED ILL Unconfirmed Rumor That Em peror Suffers Stroke Causes Stock Flurry lir Aaaoclated I'rrm lo Coon IMy Time".) LONDON, .Inn. 20. -An uncon flrnied riininr that Emperor William had Buffered n paralytic stroke caused n nionientnry scare on the Loudon Block exchange Consols dropped a half point, hut soon recovered three eighths of tho fall. H I F Expert Says Only Difference is to Give Them Chance to Import Meat Ily AiodatM Vmt In Coo Hay Tlmm.J DENVER, Colo., .Inn. 20. That tho liieut producing Industry of tho United States has hoen perninucntly placed on n freo tradu hasls, without any benefit of cheaper prices to tho consumer and that the removal of tlio tariff will not appreciably Injiiro the llvestoulc Industry, woro eoticliislnns expressed by President II. A. .Instro, addressing tho Amor tenn National Livestock Association today. The removal of the duty on moats ho said was u distinct advantage to packers, especially those with plants In South America and Australia. Wisconsin's Measure Turned Down in Test Case Will be Appealed. Ily Akmi isir.l I'rrn to coon Day Tlmot.l MILWAUKEE, Wis., Jan. 20. Tho Wisconsin eugenic law, which provided for tho Issuance of iniir rlago llceiiBus only on certificate of a clean bill of health Including tho Wasscrmnn tcBt from a physlclnn, was declared unconstitutional today by JuiIbo P. C. Kschweller of tho Circuit Court, In allowing a writ of mandnnniH. Tho case ib to go to tliu Supremo Court. I IS G IS NIGHT SR FT IS DISCHARGED BIFF RAS 4 PRISONERS i rrmoiiiis, nonsi: tiiikk axd .'i.. ACCl'SICI) OP AT TOI1TIJI) ML'ItlUnt IIKIIK. Brlnglnp four prlsonors eontoncod o ipend terms of from six months . iny years in the stnto prison nt "lew. Sherirr nnt. ni,.,..i i n, from Coquliio on the noon train "4 Placed his charBes In tho city ll to await the dopnrturo of tho "se for Gardiner and Drain tomor row morning at 10 o'clock. . Sh'rlff Gaqo will sociiro asslstnnco ke tho four prisoners to Snlom, "our in charso of ono man aro we to taUo advantago of any op (ortunity to r5Mn. Te prisoners aro: wm'' C',I,a',Pn- Rullty of forgory, 'tenoe,l from ono ,0 fvo yoftJ.B. w . .' fort!t,rv' fro' 2 to 20 "; I rank Vnughnn, horso stoal .! : mono to flvo years; Mrs. ue Cappious. attempted murder, nonthi to t.-n years. SBentfe,7,aClllB hls I'rlsonors In Jail, to k. 80 eseorte'1 Mw. Cappious currr. u So U,nt Bho c01,I(l B0- th i i ,nB u,11 othor articles for ,ne trip to saif.m. i:iKlt.S TO ATTACK. MeZ 5 T?,C' Jn- 20.-1000 toda? f iornl3 left Nuevo Larodo tensibu-? Gfnernl Artro Alvarez, rebeul bfU,, ,0 attac a lmnl f Rlot?"rahPvcralni03vnth0 SSS0, II ' "W that tho N alteS.Jr?0ps ,,lau tlnatoly to roinu i B !"al forcQS trom ter Uct nrthoa8tern Mexico for an CpoLV a'n0ra8' on th boor visile Brownsville, Willett & Burr's Extra Crew Dropped Because of Un favorable Weather Tho ontlro nlghr gang at Wlllott & llurr's construction camp nt Myrtlo Point was discharged on account of tho unfavorablo weather conditions that liavo prevailed foMho past weok. Il Is expected that operations will ho resumed as soon as weather condi tions will permit. ARBRITRATiQN IS SUGGESTED International Peace Union Has Original Plan to End Strug gle in Mexico (lly AHlalea l'ri lo Com Hy Tlinw I imUSSBLS, Jan. 20. Tho Inter national peaeo union horo Is arrang ing to ask all penco societies of tho world to sond telegrams on tho samo dav to Provisional Presdlont Huorta nnd to Vonustlano Carranza, Constitutionalist leader, asking thorn to ngreo to an armistice, ponding which tho rival claims will bo sub mitted to arbitration. OltO.CO XOT DKAD. Itcpoited to lx nt Head of Snmll Itand of Kolloweis jny Auocute4 rr to coo nr tiojm j ALPINE, Tox., Jan. 20. Oenoral Ornznn. Mexican Federal commandor who oscnpod from 011naa whon it was captured by rebels, Is noar san Carlos with a smnll band of follow ers, according to Amorlcans from thoro. Orozco Is bolloved to bo at tempting to reach the Federal gar rison opposite Del Rio, Texas.- City Court Takes up Shooting Case and Sentences Her To Fifty Days Ozellu Franklin, the young colored woman who shot hor husband, Chas. Franklin, the colorod portor nf the Chandler barber shop, through the left hand on Friday night, nppenred boforo City Itecordor liutlor this morning under Instructions given her by Marshal Carter and' entered t plea of guilty. She was given the maximum penalty on rccommondiitlou of Acting City Attorney Kondnll, which was a $100 flue or fifty days In Jail for sliuplo assault. Tho penalty Is said to be tho first tlmo tho maximum souteuco for sliu plo assault has been given In 'tho City Uecordor's court, and was due to the fact that no action was taken by the county officials In the matter, al thoiiKh the tostlmony this niornliiK showed that tho woman did her host to kill her husband, following n quar rel over nor into return uoiiio on Friday night. The young woinnn npponrod In court with her husband and appeared to rogaid tho whole affair as of llttlo consequence. Her hushund, who hnd been persunded to drop chargos ngnlnst her, appeared with hor and tho two appeared to ho on frloudly terms again, although tholr testimony clashed on several points. When Mrs. Franklin was sworn In and asked If whlit sho wns about to stato to tho court wns going to bo "tho wholo truth and nothing but tho truth," sho nnswored Indignant ly, saying to tho Judge: "In co'so Ali'H toll do truth. How could nh keep from tollln' nnythln'' olso?" Attorney Kendnll questioned hor elnsolv aa to tho facts loading 111! to tho shooting on hor arrival at tho Franklin homo on North Front atreot pistols In tho enso woro presonted pistols In tho case woro prosonotod nnd identified, ono bolng a small, choap 32-cnllher gun and tho other n regular ll-callbor cannon, ownod by Franklin. Tlio young womnn doclnred that tho causo of tho fracas was that hor husband called her vllo iiamos when sho arrived homo nnd accused hor of having been somowhoro In a tnxl cab. Sho had denied tho charge, stat ing that sho had boon to a rostauront nftor attending a plcturo show. Ho had tried to strlko her, sho said, and sho had grabbed hor small pistol from under somo fancy work nud ho had cnuglit tho bullot with IiIb loft hand. Sho admitted aiming at his fore head and statod that tho gun hnd snapped three times when sho en deavored to shoot him. Franklin had leached tho door by this tlmo, sho said, and exclaimed: "Baby, don't shoot no mo ." - Sho had replied by demand that ho hand over his own gun. which sho declared ho had in his overcoat poek- ot. Ho had complied, while begging hor not to shoot. Sho declared sho had shot at him as ho ran up tlio alleyway to oscapo, but sho had miss ed him. Franklin, on testifying, doclnrod ho had not trlod to strlko hor, but said ho had grabbed hor hat from her head and upbraided hor for bolng out so Into and in a tnxicab, as he thought. Ho declared tho second pis tol was secured from under his pillow GKOItHK SCllL'liTZ, OP ASTOIIIA, IXSTAXTLV KlliliHD HV C'O.M IX IX CONTACT WITH WIIMIH CAHItVINfl 1000 VOLTS. Ily AmocIhIcJ Pitm lo Coo Hay Tlmw.J ASTORIA, Or., Jnn. 20. George Schultz, fifty, nBBlstant engineer of tho power plant of Hammond mills hero, wns electrocuted In tho dynamo room of tho plnnt, last night when his shoulders enmo in' contnet with tho switchboard from which two conduits, onch carrying -1000 volts, led. STEAMER RAS IRE TROUBLE AXCIIOIt AXD IIIIAVV CHAIN" OP VIILLOWKTOXi: IJItPAK M)OSI3 AXD SLIP OVIimiOAItll MAK IN'G SLOW PHOGHKSS. The steamer Wllllnm Clintham. which Is towing tho damaged steam schooner Yellowstone to San Fran cisco, reported to Wireless Operator Williamson this morning that nil wns well and Blow but stondy progress wns being nindo down tho const to Snn Francisco. Tho Clintham lost hor tow early th In morning whon tho Jumping of the Yollowstono worked ono. of hor heavy anchors loose. Iloforo tho pawl could ho sot on tho lingo anchor chain It ran overboard with ti tromondous roar and toro things looso on tho fo' ('iistlo head. Attempts to save tho many fathoms of chnlu nud tho anch or woro made and nfter sovoral hours of hard work tho winch brought it up, tho anchor was pulled tight In Co linwso hole, and the Chatham re sumed tho tow nftor another lino had been passed aboard tho stoamor. Tho Chatham and hor tow had reached n point n few miles south ot Cnpo lllnnco this afternoon nud It Is understood thnt from flvo to six mllos an hour Is being uiudo southward. An Indication or the trying tlmo tho Yellowstone and hor crew havo gouo through may ho Imagined whon it has taken her from Saturday morn ing until this afternoon to pass be yond Capo nianco. by his wife, and nt this statement his wife looked "daggers" at him. Hut whllo It could ho scon that ho waB try ing not to antagonize her, ho wanted to toll tho truth and ho mado a good Impression on the court, whllo tho woman's statements woro not receiv ed with much credonco by tho prose cuting attorney. At tho end of tho trial, Attorney Kendall declared that thoro was too much shooting going on In tho city limits, and that In vlow of tho fact that Mrs. Cappious had boon sontonc ed to from two to twolvo years for merely shooting at n man, without hitting him, Justlco domnnded that nt least tho maximum ponnlty of tho city court should ho applied In this case, whoro tho woman hnd shot hor husband nnd used two gnus In trying to finish tho Job with attempted mur der. Tho woman rocelvod hor sontonco with a contemptuous sneer, whllo hor husband looked worried. Ho asked tho court for tlmo In which to raise tho sum required to freo his spouse, but had to bo refused and tho young womnn was taken to tho city Jail. During tho trial Franklin stated thnt ho had boon married to tho girl in Montana and had llvod in Tilla mook boforo coming horo. STRIKE WON Bl WORKERS Delaware & Hudson Acceeds to All Demands Made by 5000 Employes tny AMorUIrd I'rrti to Cool liny Tlmrf.) ALBANY, N. Y.. Jnn. 20. Opera tions nro normal today on tho Dela ware & Hudson railway after tho six teen hours' strlko, which wns won by the men when tho company acceded to all their demands. M HIT BT AUTO Sam Center's Foot is Run Ov er and Slightly Injured by Machine Sam Center, tho crlpplo, who has appeared In pollco court a number of times on charges of druiikonncss, hnd his foot run over by tho auto mobllo of Ilnlph Ncrdrum, superin tendent of tho pulp mill, Inst night nt tho comer of Fourth nnd Curtis streets. The Injury wns qulto painful nud Center rollod nround tho ground and at first Mr. Nordrum thought ho had fatally Injured tho mnn. Nlghtwntch mnn Doano on finding that Center's foot hnd boon run ovor, picked up tho Injured mnn nud placed him In tho nuto and Nordrum rushed him to tho company doctor for treatment. It Is not expected thnt tho Injury will prove serious. Coutor wns standing at tho side of Fourth stioot near his horses' bond whon tho nuto mine nlong nnd struck him. Whothnr ho swung out Into tho rond of tho machine, or was unnoticed by tho chauffeur Is not known. Visiting Judge, Deputy Warden of Oklahoma Prison and Others Shot THREE DESPERADOES LYING IN MORGUE Telephone Operator Turnkey and Guard Wounded in Shower of Bullets iny AMo'lato.1 Prrra to Com Day -Inim, McALHSTKIl, Okln., Jan. 20. Qulot prevailed today at tho state penltentlnry, where seven lives woro lost Inst night during n battle be tween guards and thrco convicts who attempted to escape. Tho bodies of II. H. Drover, head ot the llcrtlllon department, Patrick Oakos, deputy wnrdon, and V. C. Godfrey, a guard, and those of tlio thrco convicts, Charles Koontr., Tom Lane nnd China Itccd, aro In tho prison morgue. I Tho body of Judge John S. Thonins 'of Muskogeo, n visitor to tho prison ' hilled by tho convicts, awaited prep aration for shipment to lolatlvcs. Suffering from bullet wounds in tho Federal prison aro MIbs Mary Foster, the prison tolophono opera tor, John Martin, turnkey, nud C. L. Wood, guard. A searching Investiga tion was started today to ascertain tho manner in which tho woapons wero smuggled In to tho thrco who tried to escape FINO SNEDDON 13 Mil IIIMNt To ItKlirci-: tho HIGH COST of LIVING, tho STF.AMKH HAIIDV un til further notlco will CAHKV MtPIGHT nt u HFJH'CTIOX of $1 l'F.K TOX. SAILS from SAN PHAXCISCO FRIDAY, Jan. 23 at 3 P. M. JURY FRKPS MARSHPII:LD PIO- XKKIl WHO WAS ORDKRKD COMMITTED TO ASYLUM TO TAKI3 I'P KQIUTY CASKS (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLR, Or., Jnn. 20. Tho Jury In tho enso of Chas. Sneddon today brought In a verdict, declaring him not to ho Insane. Snoddou, who Is u Marshflold plonoor, was do- clarod Insiino by tho bonrd of In sanity commissioners, composed of Dr. Straw, Dr. Taggart and Judgo Hall. Ho npponlcd for a Jury trial. Tho Jury was out only about an hour nftor W. T. Stoll, who ropro sontod Mr. Snoddou, and II. G. Roy, who opposed him, finished tholr pleas to tho Jury. Tho jurors wero mostly Coquliio Vnlloy mon, Geo. N. Dolt bolng tho only Marshflold man. Tho othors woro Ellis Doniont, R. J. Holvorstott, N. C. Medley, II. C. Lomnnosky, R. A, Crlbblus, II, R. Snyder, E. W. Sturdlvunt, C. M. Loo,, 'Eugono Hnmbloclc and M. If. Pres W. I Immediately on conclusion of the 'Sneddon caso, Judge Coko dismissed tho Jury nnd will tnko up oqulty 'cases which will probably tnko three or four days. T IIP A MEETING Representative and Attorney Use Fists Southerner Calls for His Gun Ily Amo, lalM I'rrM lo Coo Hay Tlmrfl WASHINGTON, I). C, Jnn. 20. A fist fight between Roprcsontntlvo Johnson of Kentucky, nud John R. Shiolds, n WusMiiKtoii attorney, broko I up today tho mooting of tho IIouso j Committee on tho District of Colum bia. Aftor the two men hnd clashed and sovoral blows had been struck, Johnson broko away, shouting "Get mo my pistol, I'll kill htm." Shields was knocked down boforo tho clerks nnd spectators could qulot tho combatants. Tho clorkB trlod to hold tho K ntiieklan, but ho 'dashed off to his room, shouting for a rovolvor. When Johnson returned only tho clorks remained. Ho bo rated them for lntorferrliig, Tho clash followed n hearing on tho bill to Increaso tho snlarlos ot pollcomon, whom Shields represent ed. Johnson declared "ho hoard that Shiolds had collected largo lob byists fcos and thnt to voto tho proposed Inert nso might bo voting somebody four or flvo thousand dollars in lobby fees," ShleldH demanded an opportunity to roply to these "falso statomontB" and at that Johnson struck him. TI REBELS W A BATTLE MM K. SANDAL'S COXCKRT horo last night was cortalnly tho SUC CESS of tho season In tho MUSICAL lino. Chicago Tribune. Tho LADIKS of tho MI?rilOlilST CHURCH will hold tholr rogular TAMALK SALE nt tho church par lors WKDXKSDAY ufternoon. Last until March. Leave orders, Phono 12 5-J. GARREO NOMINATED. Illy AiwacUKkl l'fM lo Coot Ily Tlmiw.) WASHINGTON, I). C, Jan. 20. Tho Prosldont today nominated Fran els E. Gnrreo as United State Attor noy for tho Eastern District of Washington. Times Want ads bring results. Government Troops Are Over whelmed and Minister of War Makes Get-away Dy AaaocUled I'rfia to Ccoa Day Tlmw, CAPE HAITI EN, HAITI, Jan. 20. Tho Haitian govornmont troops woro overwholmlngly dofoated by rebels and flod In disorder nftor a torrific battlo today two miles rrom tho city. Tho Minister of War took rofugo on tho stoamor Quebec. WORKERS HOLD CONVENTION. Dy AxoelatM Crcaa to Com Day Tlmta. INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 20 The twenty-fourth convention of tho Unit ed Mlno Workers of America assem bled horo today.