The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, January 19, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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" . . ,
OU'LL be amazed at the values we're giving you at our
clearance sale- The prices are especially attractive but it's
the quality that should interest you most.
Hart Scliaffeer &
suits and overcoatsjta the most striking fashions are being sold
at greatly reduced prices it's a money-saving opportunity and
an extreme value-giving occasion. :.. "-
Men's $30,00 Suit, now . $22.85
Men's 25.00 Suit, now . 8.85
Men's 20.00 Suit, now J4.85
Men's 5.00 Suit, now 1J.85
Boys' 7.50 Suit, now 5.85
Boys' 6.50 Suit, now . 4.85
Boys' 5.00 and $6.00 Straight
Pants Suit, Choice .... 2.50
Dr Anioclated l'rrn (o Coos liar Tlmix 1
! OREGON Generally fnlr.
cooler extreme EnBt tonight;
southerly winds.
i.opaij temperature
For the 21 hours Gliding nt
1:13 a. in., .Inn. 10.. by HenJ.
Ostllnd. special government me
teorologist: Maximum 10
Minimum .11
At 4:43 n. in no
Preclpltiitlon 12
Precipitation since Sept. 1
ini:i an.iiO
Precipitation snnio porlod
Inst yonr 40.1)8
Wind: Southeast, cloudy.
corner of Turk and Taylor streets,
San Francisco, according to letters
received by friends hero.
Friend Niimcd. Press Dispatches
announce that Senator D. F. Moonoy
or Ohio hns been appointed Minister
to Paraguay. Sonntor Moonoy vis
ited Coos liny last fall, coming here
to visit his old friend, 13. 1). Noonnn.
Men's andxBoy's Overcoats and Gabar
dines One-Third" Off "
Men's and Boys' Sweaters andSweater
Coats 25 Per Cent. Discount
Dutchess GuaranteedTrousersj25 Per
Cent. Discount
We alter and press your clothes free of charge
Woolenl Mill Store
This store is toe home of Hart Schaffnor & Marx clothes
i jy5sy txrwVf?rn
Eagles Attention
Initiation Wednesday
C Co Going, Wo Fc
mk f&Jm
iv vaW
Jiemh, , , Certified Public Accountant
Peiinu. . 0rKon Stato Socloty of Cortlflod l'nblfc Arconntants
Phone un 0I Uxo American Association of Public AccountnntB
Accounts Audited.
Syatonis Dovlsed and Installed
Partnoi-d i , Investigations
"lersnip, Incorporated Companies and Trustee Accounts
, Income Tax Returns,
lialanco Sheets and Financial Statements.
Cortlfled Accounts.
Books oponod. closed, or written up.
Modest Charges,
Mni'Hliflnlri flrpirnn
Telcphono No. 3C2-R.
Orpheum Tonight
E TOY A g0(Mj picturo I0r children.
' nlT ,P TIIE "EATHEN Two roels. Showing tho faltliful
DnrT heBthen frle"a- MfcJliiJ:il.'i.AU.i --.--aTOR's
DILEMMA-A good comedy.
Have You f
la your faco covered with
pimples, blotches or rash? Poor
condition of your blood will
cause these facial disfigurements
at this eeason of the year. A
r;ood mcJicino for your blood
will clear your complexion like
Of tho many blood purifiers Q
wo sell Roxall Blood Tab
lots oro undoubtedly tho most
effective. We are familiar with
tho formula of this remedy and
know what it will do. It puri
fies and cnrlcliea the blood,
builds up the entire system and
imparts a healthy color to cheeks
and lips. Sold with tho Rezall
Guarantee. Per package, 50c.
If you nro afflicted with
Eczema, try tho Roxull Ec
zomn Ointment. It Is guar
nnteod by tho makers nnd
by us to glvo satisfaction or
If you aro not satisfied with
tho results of tho treatment,
wo will rofund your money.
That shows our confidence
In It.
Drug Company
The Rexall Store
"The Busy Corner"
Phone Main 208 Us
i)olow Is gl"en tno nnd
Ltlght of nigh and low wntor ui
Tho tides aro placed tu tho order
of occurence, with their times on
tho lint lino and heights on the
second lino ,t each day; n compar
ison on consecutive lioights will
Indicate whether It Is high or low
wntor. Wor high wnter on tho bar
aubstrnct 2 hours 34 mlnutos.
18Hrs.. 0.20 7.20 1.10 7.4G
IFt. 0.7 0.0 0.0 4.4
lOIHrs.. 1.12 8.11 2.r.2 9.11
Ft. .. l.II 0.0 0.9 11.2
20Ilrs..2.0S 9.09 1. 00 10. 43
IFt. .. 1.9 CO 0.ri 3.U
2i,iir8.. :i.20 r. . i r o.o
Ft... 2.4 0.1 0.0 0.0
Is Named Washington dlspatchos
nuuouiicu that Mildred I.nlnl hns
boon appointed postmlstross at Sit
k u in In placo of Mrs. .M. A. Lnlrd.
Is Miuinger. Jns. Monohnn, for
niorly of Coos Iray. Is now maunKor
of tho Orand Hotel Iluffot at tho
Relatives Remitted. Tho llandon
Surf Bays: "Dodo Faucott, of Mnrsh
flold, Is visiting his fnthor, Geo.
F.iucott, of this city. This Is tho
urm mcuiing iioiween rntin'r nnil
son In 38 years, or slnco Mr. Fau
cott, Jr., was nluo months of age.
Will Meet Tuesday.. Tho Jnpancso
social to bo given Tiiosdny evening by
tho L. T. L. nt tho Ilnptlst' church
imrlors will reflect tho flowery king
dom In refreshments nB well ns In
the program. All members nnd their
friends nro Invited.
to return to Marshrield to get out
tho back way. Ho fell a victim to
I til.. ",r,,.r.ll .,.t tt,n.. I.n ill.lnll
how long he stayed. So ho was pick
ed up by tho police and this morning
lie was fined $10 nnd flvo dnys, with
tho option of dodging both If ho only
got out of town forever bv 2 o'clock.
J. Griffith and W. T. Stephenson,
plain drunks, were assessed $5 each.
Travelers ltetmii. Ralph Hounds
and Frank Kllpntrlck, who loft a
couple of weolts ago on n tour of 1'ii'a
southern portion of tK county nnd n
portion of Curry county, hnvo return
ed. They took tho train to Myrtlo
Point nnd from thoro hiked through
forest mid along trails to Port Or
ford. On the way through the denso
growth one night thpy lost their way
In tho woods and wandered nrotind
until 1:30 n. m. seeking a trail. Thoy
finally nnv tho light In a cabin In
tho woods nnd got' their cottrso
straightened out. Hoth made a closo
Inspection of tho forest timber which
thoy pnssed through. They dcclaro
that the natives of Port Orford al
ready see tho Pullman trains operat
ing nt that point nnd nro beginning'
to figure on tho IncrenBo of populn
tlon during tho next ten years. Dig
things nro expected nt Port Orford.
All that Is needed Is energy nnd' gin
ger nnd both Rounds and Kllpntrlck
stato that with tho spirit of progress
being shown nt Port Orford thoro Is
no doubt thnt the port will hnvo 100,
000 peoplo In n fow years.
Fifteen Arc llltvil. The firm of
HoiiBor & Hoiiscr. In chnrgo of tho
work of constructing tho npproncli'es
for the Wlllamotto Pacific brldgo
which crosses the harbor nt Pony
Slough, had fifteen extra laborers
sent over to tho workH on tho north
Bldo of the harbor this morning nnd It
Is prcHiimed that tli'o construction
will be rushed.
Rider Hint. Hilly Herron. or Wil
li v, was slightly hurt Friday eve
ning when a horse which ho was
riding 8lliined on the pavement nenr
Tho Chnndlor nnd fell with him. At
first It wna feared somo Iioiicb were
broken, but Inter It was found Hint
ho was only bndly bruised. Tho
horso holonged to Ooorgo Doll and
was not hurt.
Ciiiili MiiitIc1. Justice Pennock
was called upon Sntnrdny nftomoon
lo unlto two young nnd throbbing
hnnrts nt the Illnnco Hotel, whoro
Clifford C. FnlrchlloB nnd Isnhol I.
Uriinnor wern waiting with n fow n
tlninto frlonilB. Tho bridegroom Is
nged 10 and tho hrldo 10. The. cere
mony wns satisfactorily performed
and the couple went on n abort honey
moon trip.
Xn Council Mei'dng, Un to n Into
hour todny no notlro had been Issued
thnt there would bo n council meot
dig tonight nnd (ho Indications nro
Ihnt tho ndjoiirnment tnkon n week
ngo for two woolen will ho cnrrled out
to Its limit. Tho new council linn
kept Us work well In hand nnd under
Mnyor Allen's now order of business
everything has been hnndlcd with
dlspntch, with no leftovers for tho
next mooting.
fnii.r Hcic. David Pwlllg Rlc
kor, In n letter to Tho Times, snvs
thnt ho nnd bis wlfo nre comlmr lo
Coos liny to write up this section.
Ho wis formerly Sunilny editor of
Hie CM'-ngn Record-Herald, but is
now doing sneclnl stuff for a num
ber of pnpors. His wlfo travels with
him nnd they stopped nt Rosnhiirt:.
1'iiendl'iu to leave thoro today for
Coos Jmy. They walk pnrt of tho
way on their trip nlong tho conBt.
IlniMov Rail. C. P. Haddox, n
Civil War ' Bternn, whoso fondnoss
for John Harleycorn eaiiRcd him to
mysteriously dlsnppoar sovoral llmos
whllo In tho employ of O. O. Lund
horo n few yenrs ngo, Is now "In
bad" nt RnsoburK. according to tho
following from the Rosoburg Nown:
"C. P. Haddox, who until recently
conducted n cobblor's shop In tho
Parker building on Jackson street,
Is now nt Portland, according to
Southern Pnciric tralnmon. Haddox
hnd Intendod to rotum to Rosoburg
It In said, until ho found that his
stock had boon ftttnehod by creditors."
The Cliiindlei- Hotel.
Mrs. Ii. F. Heupcnnon, Portland;
W. G. Eglcston, Oakland; J. C. Mnx
llold, Portland; J. H. Cookson, San
Francisco; Oeo. M. Lnffaw, llandon;
A. A. Scgcrstcii, Conledo; Oeo. Duyon,
Conlcdo; A. S. Hammond, North
Rend; S. L. Wllllnms, Rnndon; J. TS.
Nolson, Sprngue, Wash.; Mr. nnd Mm.
II. Gustnfrau, Portland, Arthur Por
ter, Portlnnd.
Tho Lloyd Hotel.
Mrs. Wllllnm Oughton, Denver HIM,
J. Donk nnd wlfo, llandon.
WANTED Woman to act. ns nurso
and housckcopcr for elderly In
valid. Apply Mrs. Songstnckon.
NOTICE Party who took iiiinilKriiiK
machine from Times offlco Is re
quested to return It nt onco to
Tho Times.
WANTED Middle-aged woman In
country. $30 n month, Small fam
ily. Phono 209-L or 324-R.
WANTED Chamber work by experi
enced woman. Address E. M., Dor
GC0, North Dond, Oregon.
FOR. SALE Invalid chulr. .Inquire
TlmcB offlco.
FOR SALE Twin, wnpm and Imr-
ness. jJiuiuiro u. ii. Jinnies, nay
IOIt SALi: CHEAP I'lxliiren In tho
Rogers building, comprising doors,
counters nnd tnblos. Apply Marsh
Hold Hnrdwaro or seo S. C. Rogora.
FOR SALE HO line of good hill
laud nt $10 por aero. Thoro Is
enough timber on this land to pay
for It, bosldos 2H or 30 ncreB of
good plough lnnd whon cloarcd.
This placo Is within 1-S mllo of tho
Myrtlo Polnt-Rosebtirg wagon rood
about 8 miles from Myrtlo Point,
flood tonus en n bo had. For fur
ther particulars wrlto mo,
R. J. Montgomery,
Ilrldge, Oregon.
Tn whnni It nnv rnnenni! Tho
Coos Day Renlty Syndicate, oslab.
lisnoii in Janunry, HUM, win no
lnHiionnlliln nnlv for tlio nets nnil
contract orformor or ropresontntlons
mndo by Chas. J. Druschko.
Suite 213-14-14 Coko Dldg..
Offlco hours, 10 to 4.
Phono 112-L.
Mnrshfleld, Or.
PHONE 158-R.
Ihe R.oya!
Mlss Lois Powell In two now
Four unusunlly good plcturos,
"Thirst for Gold." A wonderful
dramatic featuro In two reolg su
perbly acted by the Eclair Co.
"When Darkness Cams." Intor
estliiic Thauhousor drama,
"Tempoata." Tho story of n poor
Itnllana struggle for rlKhtooukuosti In
Admission, lowor floor, 15c; bal
cony, 10c,
New Vaudeville Wednesday.
Miss Normu Roardmnn. A well
known singer and dancer.
Hard Trip. J. Leo Rrown re
turned Hnturday from a trip to
Portland nnd Salem. Flftv took the
Oroxou Stato Phnrmncoiitlcal oxam-
Illation this time. Mr. Rrown nnys
that tho trip home was one of the
worst ho ovor mndo, Tho Drain
road Is unusunlly rough nnd tho
storm mndo travollng moro diffi
cult. Coming down the bench tho
wind blow a porfoct gnlo. Ho said
that tho Oorst & King nuto was
unsldo down uonr the mouth of Ten
Mllo Crook nnd wns complete'v In
undated by oach wavo. Ho i
that Ton Mllo Crook sands nro L -most
dangerous on tho const. J
launch, 1 tenm, 2200 lbs., wagon,
nnd hnrnoss. P. II. McDonald,
First Addition, llox 270, Marsh-flold.
FOR KALi: My cleltn stock of mil
linery mini iiuicy goons, niso nx
turos, No othor in town, A
snap for pnrty with tho inonoy,
about Jir.00. Address Mrs. W.
E. Lowollon, Myrtlo Point, Or.
FOR RENT lloiiscju'eplng rtHJina.
4R7 South Uroadway.
Likes Rnnclilng. II. A. Wells,
formerly proprietor of tho Javn Cof
feo House, but now a cblckon ranch
er at Klttyvlllo, says that tho rural
llfo lH tho only ono. Ho has 27G
chlckons now nnd Is gottlng from
oight to twolvo dozon eggs por day
which aro soiling at fifty cents. Ho
has two cows nnd those bring him
about ?2 por day, making n dally
Income of hotwoon $0 nnd $8. His
total oxnunso for food for the cows
and chickens Is about $3H pur
month, or a little over n dollar a
day. He says It is no trouble to
look 'aftor them, holug 11 tt lo choros
which he doe hofore brcnkfnst and
aftor moals.
IiMrt Ills Way. AiiKiist Rosen
xren, who left Marshfleld several
weeks ago never to return, on tho nd
vlee of the city recorder, appearm! In
the cltv court again this morning on
the charge of belinr drunk Pud ;i ei!t
to tln citizens of this bninlet Rosen
gren stitcd tl.nt his liiiintloii was
pood but that he hnd loft town In tho
wrong direction. Ho found that h's
exit was blocked by water so ho had
FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, reiis
onablo by tho weok. 229 South
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, mod
ern. 373 South Sixth streot.
Phono 29C-L.
FOR RENT liiugo houso on South
11th street. Phono 119-L., or bm
A. D Campbell.
Guaranteed to aid and Improvo
your stock or your money back.
For salo only nt
riiwif?ift ii (J'vTatfurtl iTJ
I mi'ttMnJfrrffi'T V
-;i.i i -1 ?-- - - &.