y wpjmfippwwwffff " THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 1914-EVEN1NQ EDITION. mm SOCIETY NEWS SOCIAL CALENDAR. TUESDAY Royal Neighbors' Installation of officers. Noith lcnd Catholic Ladles with Airs. Nell Ranks. Wl3LNESDA. PrlscHla Club with Mrs. L. CliTlstciiBon. Nowly-Wed Club with Miss HHdur West. flunkor Hill club danco nt Finnish Hall. Urldgo Club with Mrs. 11. M. lllchardson, J. o. Y. Club with Mr. and Mrs. Otis. Eastsltlo Sowing Club with Mrs. A. Horton. 1'rcsbyterlan Silver Tea at tho homo of Mrs. J. B. Uurk hart. THURSDAY. Young Matrons' Club with Mrs. Herbert I Coloman. Social Sowing Club with Mrs. J. C. Swanson. A. N. W. Club with Mrs.Mary McKnlght. Thursday Club with Mra. J. W. Mltcholl. HAND DANCE. I COUNTY COURT EE in.no nnn nf thn most lnrclv nttoilded dances of tho season was glvon by! tho Coos Hay Concort Hand nt wagicr Hall Snturdny ovonlng, January 17 The affair was enjoyed by many of tho youngor sot. Among othors pros, out woro: MoBdames Charles A. John son, Art Mnnch'nrd, John D. Gobs Roy Ruffnor, Edward Howntt, C. C Going, Alfred llowhny, D. Pratt, L O. Lang, S. Jones, L. if). Den ning; Earl Savago and Earl Ralston: and Misses Ruby Wat kins, Lola Ritchie, Ruth Mnt thews, Mnybollo Lang, Mndgo Harry Ftorenco Alkon, Flossie Lattln, Mar tha llernltt, Jnnotto Escott, Edltl Mouro find Adn Griffin; and Messrs Charles A. Johnnon. Art Hlanchnrd W. J. Conrad, Jack Moreen, Rny Lor lng, Roy Ruffnor. A. Sollg, C. Din dinger, Roy Abbott, E. 0. Smith, Ar nlo Peterson, Jos, Williams, Sylvoc tor Jones, Goorgo Sollg, Enrl Savnge Arthur Peck, Cornell Lagorstrom ant' Clnrcnco Lordon. 4 CARD PARTY. A dollghtful ovonlng nt fiOO wn enjoyed Thurndny nt th'o A. J. Savag' homo. At tho conclusion of cards nt which Mrs. Campholl nnd Dr. Mor row won tho first prizes nnd Mrr Colcmnn nnd W. A. Reld rocolvod thr consolntlon prlzos, rofrcshmontR ware served by Mrs. Enrl Savage, MIbb Net tle Savago nnd Mrs. Morrow. Those presont woro Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A Reld, Mr. nnd Mrs. Enrl Savage Mr. nnd Mrs. II. L. Coleman, Mr. nm' Mrs. R. W. Morrow, Mr. nnd Mrs. A R. Cnmpboll, Mr. nnd Mrs. Davit' Vaughnn, Mr. nnd Mrs. L. L. Thomnp Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Q. Jnrvls, Mr. anr Mm. Guy Kendall, Miss Nottlo Sav ngo, Goorgo Gottlngs nnd Mr. nm' Mrs. E. W. Smith. fContlnucd from Pago Tbreo.) F. A. Jameson, salnry as Rlv crton ferryman, Dee 25.00 F. A. Jameson, salary ns Rlv erton ferryman, Novombor 11.10 Cotiulllo River Transportation Co., freight on coll of wlro ropo 7fi W. F. Rogers Foundry Co., 3 wenches for Rlvorton forry Wymnn Albco, salnry ns South Slough bridge tender, Dec. 00.00 East Mm-sliflolil Ferry C. C. llrldgcs, 1 dn. running for forry $ .1.00 M. L. Curry, rc-eharglng bat tery, etc 2. 95 V. II. Cnvnnagh, work on ferry slip, otc 8.70 Alex Hall, cash advanced to Imperial Englno Factory for casting IS. 00 Mnrshfleld Hnrdwnro Co., mop rag, lamp wicks, etc Nelson Iron Wdrks, repair ing dynamos, otc Pioneer Hnrdwnro Co., coal oil, packing, ropo, etc.... Pacific Launch Works, ront for launch Dolph 1.05 1.00 7.11 9.00 1.10 Sumner Hardwaro Co., check valves, Boldorlng two lnn terns, etc jmitii & wane, testing ox haust pipes, grand valves, etc 08.0". Icorgo L. Wheeler, carrying pnsscngerB In place of Tran sit 7.00 Vlox Hall, Balary ns enptntn for Dccombor 75.00 Jhnrlcs Huusnckcr, 21 days ns engineer In Dccombor. , Icorgo Elliott, 0V days as onglnoer In Dccombor .... Icorgo Rhodn, salnry ns deck hnnd for December Surveying and Laying Out 50.82 25.11 15.00 HontN I NORTH IIK.NI SOCIETY. . - .. Tho Ilnptlst Lndlos' Aid Socloty of North Iltind was orgnnlsscd nt n moot ing Thursdny nt tho homo of Mrs V. E. Glazier. A number woro pres ont from tho IlnptlBt Lndlos' Aid So cloty. Tho now sorloty starts with twenty momborR nnd tho following woro elected officers: President Mrs. F. V. Wood; vlco president Mrs. Clnrk; secretary, Mra. F. K Olnzlor; tronsuror, Mrs. E, Holison At tho cnnrluslnn nf thn buslucR' session, light rofroshmentB worr sorvod, Mrs. Glazier bolng assisted by Mrs. Gothro nnd Mrs. ICanuody Among thoso Invited woro Rov. an-' Mrs. A. F. Rnssford. Mrs. C. V Marsh, MIbr Mnmlo Gulnvsen. Mrs Nnglo nnd Mrs. Dnnuo of Mnrshriold nnd Mrs. F. W. Woods. Rov. nnd Mrs WIlllaniH, Mrs. Anderson. Mrs. Gur nen, Mrs. Mnrkol, Mrs. Clnrko, Mrs Konnedy, Mrs. Frnzlor, Mrs. Holison Mrs. Gothro nnd Mrs. Olnzlor. A I J. O. Y. CLUII. - Wednesday ovonlng tho J. O. Y Club onjoyed n pleasant scission n t'o homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Nowlln In North nond. Refreshments wore sorvod nt tho conclusion of tho ovon lng nt enrda nnd nrrnngomonts wore mndo to hold tho next mooting with Mr. nnd Mrs. Otis next Wcduesduj night. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Kom woro Hpeclnl guests and tho members present woro Messrs. nnd Mpsdnmos J. R, Nowlln. Stunrt McDonald, John Hill nnd A. Muscus. N..V; 4 I NARCISSUS CLl'll. Miss Tnleono Wlldo wns hostcfis nt n Jolly session of tho Narcissus Club nt hor homo In Enstsldo Wednesday nftornoon. Neodlowork nnd conver sation woro, followed by delicious re freshments, tlio hostess being assists) In sorvlng by Miss Peterson, The noxt mooting will bo Jnuunry 28 with Miss McKay. Thoso present thl? week wero Misses Thorn Lund. Mag gie Roberfson, HPiln West, Hnttlc McKay, NiVllo Olson nnd IRanche Tellofson. I INFORMAL CHAT. O. F. Skorritt nnd 11. Knox plan to Klvo nnothor of n sorles nf dnncos nt tho Finnish Hnll Wednesday ovonlng. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. W. Woods ten dered n faro 11 party nt tholr homo In North' Rend for Rov. nnd Mrs. A M. Wllllnms, who loavo this wcok for Rosohurg following n series of suc cessful revivals nt North Rem! nnd Enstsldo. Mr. nnd Mrs. Guy Kendall and Arthur K. Peck woro guests of Mr. nnd Mra. J. C, Kendall at n duck din nor Thursday ovonlng, Mrs. Milo Sumner leaves this wook for a short visit nt tho Mclntyro homo Jii tho Caqulllo Valley. N. Gould, County Survoyor Daniels Creek, Cotiulllo, Hnll street south to Colliers bridge, Mfld., Roulovnrd 1Mb., surveying, mllongo, otc 191.00 Mnrlon CiiBtor, deputy Co. Sur veyor, Daniels Creok-Co-qulllo, Hall street south to Colliers Urldgo, Mfld. boule vard Rds leveling, etc.. 112.00 V. S. Hodge, Deputy Co. Sur voyor, Daniels Creok-Co-dulllo, Unit strcot south to Colliers bridge, Mfld. lVoulovard Rds trnuslt man. ote 1-15.00 I. K. Hodge, chnlnmnn, Dnn lcls Crcok-Co(iilllo ltd., otc 05.00 'tnlph Cllnkonbenrd, nxmnu, Dnnlols Creek - Co(iilllo Rd 13.75 lay Cllnkcnbeard, nxmnu, Dnn lols Croek-C(iulll(i rd ... -13.75 ',. D. Smith, flngmnu, Dnnlols Creek-Cociiilllo Rd -10.25 5. W. Edwnrds, chalnmnn, otc. Daniels Creek-Coiulllo rond 27.00 u A. CnWp, nxmnu, Dnnlols Crook-Cofiulllo rond 11.25 loyd Spire, roil'inan, Daniels Crcok-Co(ulllo rond, etc. . 03.00 Mr. Hcnden, nxmnn, Dnnlols Crook-Conulllo rond 15.00 Tnylor Slgllu, viewing D.mlols Crcck-CoiUlllo road, Hnll stroot south to Colliers Urldgo, etc 80.00 .dnnloy Arnoson, labor with team In R. I). No. 23. ... 7.50 Vxol Ruth, supervising work on North Slough road 15.00 xol Ruth, amount paid for work In It. D. No. 8. Doc. 1013 173.75 Itix-lc Quarry Account. toy Eachus, labor I9.S5 'som Clinton 55.12 riKio. Clinton 50.19 True Baling 11.55 rank Cook 57.75 nl Rny 3.12 aimer Hell 51.25 Walter Rulo C3.12 t'oos liny Homo Tolophono Company 75 L. II. Pearco. supplies -1.50 Norway Store, matches, otc. . .05 Sandy Ellis, labor -15.02 llort Clinton -15.91 Illll NoldolKh 15.02 I. I). Clinton 85.15 I'heo. Clinton CIS onrgo Houghton -19.75 Sandy Ellis 5.00 Guy Eachus 5.00 Hilling, Lundy & Sour 55.20 Klmo & You Pogort, bolts.. 0.50 I'mrt llros., conl 1.00 E. N. Harry, ninount allow ed on flnnnclnl report ....0S9.05 IjiIkii- In It. D. .No. HI. Rlton HrlggH SIG.S5 C. D. Hudson 20.00 F. H. Goodman W. L. Klstner Coiiulllo Hardwaro Co. Hnrry Tozler Win. Goldtrlp R. II. irvlno 7.50 7.50 3.75 25.00 11.25 I.S5 Chns. Strang 50.00 C. H. R. & H. R. R. & Nav. Company 20.00 MrB. J. T. Whlttlngton, dam ages on Whlttlngton-Her-niniin mad , CO, 00 Dlngor Herman, damages on Whlttlngton-Hermniln road. 80.00 T. M. Hermann, dnmngos on Whlttlngton-Hermnnn road 72.00 Ezra Kinney, for dredging on North Slough $407.00 C. II. R. & E. R. R. & Nav. Co., freight on 1 enr rock, 12, 23, 13 10.00 C. H. It. & E. R. R. & Nav. Co., freight on 1 car rock, 1, 13, 14 10.00 MtscellancoiiM RUN W. C. Laird, furniture, otc. for Court House $08.75 Harry E. CloUBcr, mnklng fil ing cabinets for clone b or- flco 17.00 Mark Morris, work on bill board, lumber, etc 4.80 Coqulllo Valley Tolophono Co., rentals to Feb. 1914.. 24.00 Coos Ray Homo Tolophono . Co., rentals for Jan., tolls for December 05.30 R. S. Knowlton, supplies for officers 7.05 Coqulllo Hardwaro Co., hnrd wnro frr Court Houbo .... 13.80 Jnmcs Wntson, cxpressngc, freight, otc 20.00 Loquillo Laundry & ico Co., laundry for Dccombor .... 9.40 Fuhrninn'8 Pharmacy, bup- PIIcb for Court Houso, etc. 33.25 A. N. Gould, map for County Clerk 4.00 John F. Stauff, mnklng doors nnd lockers, etc., Court Houbo $ 49.85 Oregon Power Compnny, lights for Court Houbo, 11-25 to 12-23 25.85 F. C. True, mdso for Court Houso 2.05 Ohlhclscr & Edgorton, hop point nlr heator for Clerk's offlco 9.50 OhlholBor & Edgorton, mntorlnl nnd lnbor In wiring Court Houbo 207.55 P. D. Cunningham Co., paper scnl for Co. Scaler 4.07 A. F. Llncgnr, 500 No. 13 2c onvolopcs for Supt 10.08 Myrtlo Point EntorprlBC, printing notlco of tenchors' examination 1.90 W. II. Mnttoon, tronsuror, dues of Coos County for 1913, Stnto Conv. Judges nnd CommlBslonorB 10.00 In R .Tall II. N. Loronz, mdso for pris oners G.50 M. M. Young, bonrd for pris oners by ordor of Shorlff . . 49.50 Dr. Jnmcs Richmond, mod. ntt. on prisoners 22.00 W. W. Gnge. bonrd of pris oners for Dccombor 122.07 OfflrciV Rills. Clerk's Office. M. O. Hnwklns, lnbor $130.00 Dorothy Wntson, lnbor .... 03.00 Uxor. F. Hunch, labor 03.00 Evn L. Sehroedor 25.00 Sheriff's Office. Goo. O. Lench, lnbor $78.00 W. F. Oordlng, lnbor 70.50 ANsosxor'N Office. Dennis McCnrhty, cruising ll.i27.SS acres $2,107.04 Frank Thrift, lnbor 81.00 T. 11. Currlo. labor 34.50 Daniel L. Dlmmlck, lnbor Jn Trcnsurer'a offlco $72.00 Dr. Wnltor Culln, snlnry for December ns Health officer 20.90 I). L. Rood, salary for Do combor ns County Senior.. 25.00 Siipi'rliituudctit'N Offlco. Raymond E. Hakor, expenses for December 21.15 F. A. Golden, 4 dn. oxnmlnntlon of teachers 12.00 Mrs. L. A. Rohorts, oxponses of trip to Coqulllo In Ro. Educ. Rd 2.00 Z. T. Johnson, services ns Truant officer, DlBt. No. 41 39.00 Frank llnrrlah, Att. School Hoard Convention 2.00 P. M. Hnll-Lowls, Fruit Inspector for Novomber, loss $0.00 . . .19.37 Count v Omit. John F. Hnll. salary us Co. Judge, etc., for Dec 90.50 W. T. Dement, nttendnnco on Court Dee. l dn. .Inn. 5 dnys, otc. . .40.10 G. J. Armstrong. Att. on Court, Dec. 1 dn.. Jan. 5 days, etc... 55. CO Illll of E. E. Strnw, for $17.05. or dered returned to bo Itomlzcd; Hill of Hellor llros., for $225.72 for lumber In R. D. No. 30 continued. Stnto of Oregon, County of Coos. bs. I, James Wntaon, County Clork of Coos County, Stnto of Orogon, ex offlclo Clork of tho Count)' Court for said County and Stnto, custodian of i no records, nrchlvcs nnd flies of said County, do heroby certify that tho foregoing Is n true and corroct statement of tho amounts of tho bills allowed, continued or not nllowod, on tho vnrloua funds of tho County ns nudltod by tho County Court of snld County nnd Stnto nt tho regulnr Jan uary, 1914, Term thereof, ns the samo npponrs In tho Journnla of snld Court now In my offlco nnd custody. Witness my hand nnd tho seal of tho County Court nfflxed this 14th day of January. A. D. 1914. JAMES WATSON. County Clerk. Coquille River Coal 2100 PoundsIClean Coal to the Ton Guaranteed Price, $5.50 COOS COUNTY FUEL CO. Phono 1NI-L, Offlco open until GEO. A. BA1NES, 8:00 p. m. 180 H road way So. $1.00 KU TON OFF TARIFF KKIH'CKI) FREIGHT RATES SAN FRANCISCO TO COOS RAY S. S. HARDY SAILS PROM SN FRANCISCO FOR COOS HAY FRIDAY, JANUARY 2:1, AT 1:00 P. M. Sun lVanclMO office, Harrison St. Dock, Pier 1(1. West Coast S. S. Line. H. .1. LINDEN, Agt., Phono Doug. "070. Times Want Ads. Bring; Results' mif Hfl it illi !KSifcrt'rti? uiiv liffl 4j Jw Ci3ft sju' " '.WJijsfa t iflHlA7 X cvVimo Q v ,U'n fHi limit Um. JE"I 11 WwkmWWW. xfiffs VSrtn ill J ' 1 li II B I H Jl AHkH fwrw iftiffi ISi 0094 1 Q)p 0100-0002 SHORT COAT BLOUSES SMART WITH THE MODISH TIERED SKIRTS Wo liavo had nothing moro fascinat ing and tocomlng- than tho contrasting Ulnuflo and skirt for nomo tlmo. Tho Ihturcd silks with their quaint printed doslKiia ura especially suited to com binations of this description. An ex cellent Illustration of n figured blouso and plain skirt Is glvon In 80S1. Rus sian green duvetyn fashions tho skirt and tho panel on the front of tho blouso. Tho blouso Itself Is mndo or a llgurod stlk surgo In which thoro aro mlngllngs of green, bluo nnd red. A French bluo velvet glrdlo Is cffcctlvo. To maho this frock In slzo 3C It requires 3U yards of 30 Inch material for tho skirt nnd 3U yards of contrasting silk for tho bod ice, Tho short coats nnd coat blouses aro particularly smart with tho now two and three tiered skirts. An extremely smart tittle coat blouse Is, shown In 8109 happily combined with a two tlored skirt. Tho'sklrt Is of plnld velvet, which la ono of tliu very ihwuhI materials, and tho coat Is of plain black velveteen with rovers of tho plaid. The blouso la cut all In ono piece. To copy this costumo In slzo 30 It will reaulro M ynrds of 30 Inch ma terial for tho blousu nnd 2 yarda of 30 Inch for tho sk'lrt In slzo 24. No. 8094nlzcB 31 to 44. No. 8109-tilzcft 32 to 42. No. 8002 sizes 22 to 32. Each pattern IS cents. To obtain cither pattorn Illustrated till out thla coupon and enclose IS cents In stamps or coin. Do suro to itato number of pnttrrn nnd slzo, measuring over tho fullest pnrt of tho buit Address pattern J Department, caro of this paper. No. Slzo .. .i r.amo ..................................... i Address ......... ................. TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleimhitf, repairing or new platens, work cunrimtceri. Ribbons nnd carbon paper delivered. Pliono iisymir order. Phono -II. Alliance offlco. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. WHihAMirrnM'AClFIO MOTOR SERVICE. Onr leaves Central avenue, Mnrshfleld, ovory thirty minutes, bo ulnnlng nt C:30 n. m., to 9:30 p. in. Loaves North Rond ovory thirty minutes beginning CMC n. m. to 9MG p. m. Fares: Ono wny, lCc; Round trip, 2Cc. KQUIPPKR WITH WIRKLKSS. Sigqrcgkfr Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD: SAT., JAN. H, 1 p. in. SAT., JAN. 10, 7.H0 n. in. SAT., JAN. 17, 12.! JO p. m. SAT., JAN. 2-1, 7.a0 n. m. SAT., JAN. til, 10.00 a. in. SAILS FROM PORTLAND: TUESDAY, JAN. O, 8 p. in. TUESDAY, JAN la, 8 p. in. TUESDAY, JAN. 20, 8 p. in. TUESDAY, JAN. 27, 8 p. in. Tickets on sale to nil EnMern olntfl nnd Information iw to routes nml r;tes cheerfully furnished. Phono Main HS-Ju 11. J. MOIIR, Aent 5. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR PORTLAND TUESDAY, JANUARY 20th, AT 3:00 P. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50. Connection with tho North Rnnk Rond nt Tortlnnd. JSorth Pacific Steamship Company. I rll0" ' C. F. M'OEORGE, AKent. I Laundry Send Your to Us By Parcel f WH FURNISH A Ml .Vli 1 PAY THE l'O.STAG1j0J RETIIliv 0NlHI r. rr7 uww m r'none o(-) . fe HAVE THAT ROOF NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171, fixed! FAMILY niNNKrtii In our now Ini-nfi,., poclnlly propared to cater Vi!l trade. RoRular muni. . .. "if , - . . ,8(,nJ Open day and night. MERCHANT'S CAk iiroiuiwajr and Comuicrrl.J THERE'S ONLY ONK jUcy THE SINGERl SLY ONE REPRIMKXTA11tlH ulil Uflli HKPH -MKVrir,..! W. J. R1TZ l'liono 2H0.X. DRY FIR AND ALDER WOK AT CAMPBELL'S WOODYARol iVirm I'ront Street, Phono 1KO..I. T. J. SCAIFU g A. II. IIODGinl MarQhfiplil PAINT AND IH: DECORATING (a Estiiuates FiirnMicd. Phono aoiKI. Mnrshllcld, Ortttl REMOVED Opposite The Blanco Hold TODD The Tailor MN-m. Om- Low Rates for HaEidUfng Trunks I Wo haul trunks liiieen it) points In Mnic'itluld fo no folloi- lnc rates, dollvrry to o midt ti tho Urst storlcii uf huinilugi: Ono trunk a Throe trnnhs Twolvo trunks IM Star Tiarsfc n.d Storage Co. Levi Hi'lMior, Prop. Phones 12I-.I i-T. B8-U. EDISON'S LATEST A storngo battery that continail over cliiirKlne will not harm. 1)0138 NOT CORRODE AT TERMINALS. CONTAINS NO ACID. Will not lone Itn charge ululi standing Idle. IS GUARANTEED FIVE YUAM Coos Bay WiringCo. IBa Ilroadwnv. I Agents for Port of Coos Hay. South Coos River Boats Tioga loaves Marsbfleld for lioad of rlvor nt 8 a. ta re turning in ovonlng. Steamer Rainbow learcs head of river at 7 a. m. and returning leaves Marshflcld at 2 p. m. ROGERS & SMITH. S. S. REDONDO SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY MONDAY, JANUARY 19, AT 3:30 P. M. Snn Francisco office, 05 Fife Hldg., or Lombard St. Piers No. 27. Inter-Ocennlc Transportation Co., O. F. McGeorge, Agt., Piione 41. LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Titlo & Trust Co. Abstracts, thoroughly dependable. In mediate service, prompt tten (ion to all interests of our clients. Minimum cost. I. S. Kaufman Co. 20 Commutation Tickets $2.00 You? Jlb Rribtiia Dome at Times' Office MARSIIFIELD-NORTH UENI) AUTO LINE. Cars every ten minutes from 0 . w. to 12:30 i, in. GORST & KING, Props, DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY Complete line of Notions. SMITH'S VARIETY STORE North Bend. e!!? -t iUft LEatUifl