WjWW gUJUWIi,ilJ3r-sr THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 1914 EVENING EDITION. -" wc--jiiZiiip,i-J- r em Ell "luiiiooug I .' O Victim.? I ''. ' LrT.m,ni " pari; el '" 8'lBgMlelJ '"'1 not Eeettl ""liKtaicu tt "L'll He rA farted to 1 kept u,(;.,:o..h!! " "incnine. f 1 mis timet ' run for; 'L'lvod a dJ o the lia,jJ .Ml r Seebl n to Tnl racy lUf T1m Jan. if- tllO Hojjii g UacK f the W and oitnl iilors t'jti i of the: racr. Icholli fall 'Ibcratto; nsplncrH lasses rounf ordJ fltteJ(-J la knoiil it heir' M I" Iran:) C oro!ii d flnetr a dis'r is o( k j-palft perf catiifir-J IKlLV I et SWl in, JR i I goiRECTOSl r4 i.,,. nml Organ Fllatlng and Hepair- !?.?. "5,5 ,iucei trol J1USIU 'artv niw When Breau """"VPrld,,! "" '"in KM Bingon,(l IIICH t1; .iii mj j. '.... TC.ncr' nnd "I!';..,T. tll S"Fl,. i..l..u Mnsle fccMt". " rMiinilT. sCT'lt fca job "-nrc.L W.one ,Ji and Bpeclflcn- J;! , Huiider; roiiir"'" ,.. nd site te. . ':; f .,.. rnnuost. WJ'SioS'cr" la better rel- Is' .Mn n banlf. Llc UI1V ft am reliable 3151. Marshfleld, Or. It TOMPKINS l. T- i' DrimlcnH llcnllni?. slo-u iio-tf" ? ..i,." ": Itooin ". '-"'i '" " hrTTsiiAW fpvr'i:r, Xo'C and Throat. &: fc biiaw ,ilrnn te-VlTto m -200, 201 I P 202. irrlng niock. XjTmkxdhv DKXTIST Marbflold. Oregon. , 04-206, Coke Ilulldlng. Hence phono 2G2-X. i phono H2-J. Condensed Statement of Ti?e First, National Bank Of Coos Bay JANUARY 13, 1914. . , Resources, Loans and Bonds $485 029 23 U, S, Bonds to secure circulation "l"""m 10oooo!oO Rea Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 79,600,00 sh and Sight Exchange 249,746.61 Total .-,-rr.rr $914,375.84 n ,,,, , . . . Liabilities, Capital Stock paid in $100,000,00 Surplus and undivided profits 21251,21 Circulation, outstanding 100,000,00 Deposits 693,124,63 Total $914,375.84 COUNTY 0 T 8.55 its. FAnnixoKKi Teacher of Piano. RMldencs Studio, No. 1090, er Commercial and Elovonth Str I'liono .'IHO-.I. 1SJAMLV OSTMNIJ, ConiultliiR imgincer nn Architect. Offlftf. 20(1 Irving Block. ne 10:Mi or 'M"'i . .Marsuncni, urcgon, SKJj UILEV IIAM.INGKIt Plknlst ami Teacher Bldence-Studlo, 237 So. Broadwu. Phono 1 8-L. STATEMENT OF CONDITION FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANKS Of Marshfleld and Myrtle Point, Oregon, At the close of business Jan, 13,1914, Resources Loans and Discounts , , , , Banking Houses , , Cash and Sight Exchange , Total , ", Liabilities Capital Stock Paid in , , , , Surplus and Undivided Profits , , Deposits Total , , , , $696,758,92 61,493,17 ,291,170,72 $1,049,422,81 $75,000,00 , 67,978,80 906,444,01 $1,049,422,81 O, CHANMiKlt. . AUCHITIXT. omi 301 and 1102, (Jjke Uulldlag Mmhflcld, Oregon. rM. e. TUitrnN, AKCII1TKCT MarthflAld. Oregon. DU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS 6ur K'X'd ran nlth careful drlvcrn. For djr kcitIcv, jiIioiio 1 1 .J, I llianro iiiiianl I'arlorN. For nitfit hcnlce, I'lionu ildO-l. ItlKlit Care. D. L. F00TE. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio 111' AUTO AND TAXI 8KIIVICE A new taxlcab baa beon added to or auto service. Cnroftil drlvora. Will Eo anywhere at an tlmo. stnnd Blanco Cigar Storo. Day phono, 78 imini pnono 139-X. y I TOM COODAIj;, I'roprlctor. HAVK Barnard & Langworthy FIQUIIB ON VOUIl WiKOTltlCATi womc IWOl IX AXl) SEE THE 1S BIG GAMES TK 110WLTXG TOUItNAMKNI Chatterton's Alleys O-'mneja Pp . . J.N. Bayliss 1 kind of l,rick rf)rk ftt ,cea " AM, WORK OUARANTEED 111 .,"TI, FI"Me," Johnson Z 7 SecoI,(, Ht' vltono M. ""Bes. ij0iier Work CLEARANCE SALE JHiv. 1 4 TO 21. AT S.S .JENNINGS NOUTH iipvit - -, UNIQUE PANTIT0RIUM Liiiich X' . " .Miuiageiuent. yourUclo?ie0an,vLr,e,S3 and Repair Ratntt" NOW. Don't wait. l,entral Ave. ilone oB0.v WELCOME We invite all our friends, old and new cus tomers to call and see us at our new home at 130 No. Broadway. If only to say "How-do-you-do," we will rje glad to see you and you be glad you came. ...- I CAPE ARAG0 COFFEE Coos Bay Tea, Coffee airnd Spice Hoiuise Same phone, No. 394-J KINDLY REMEMBER AND GIVE US A TRIAL KVEUYTIIIXfl IN THE 1IAKEUY LINE MARSTTFIELD BAKING COMPANY i:i NOIITII SECOND 8T., NEAlt CENTItAL AVENUE. IMIONE 12H. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPAIITMENT LUMUER, LATH, BniNGLEfl, MOULDINGS, SASH AND D001U3, ROOFING PATER, ETC. CUT THIS FUEL DILL IN TWO DY USING OUR WOOD. PHONK 100. 189 SOUTH DROADWAY Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HENRY SENGSTAOKEN, Manager FARM. COAL, TImiJR AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS EASTSIDB MAltSnFIELD OFFICII, PnONE U-3. COQUILLB CITY OFCTCE PHONE 101. BANDON BY THE SEA THE CITY OF THE FUTURE A FEW TEN ACRE TRACTS FOUR MILES SOUTH ON COUNTY ROAD $38 PER ACRE; 8100 CASH, BALANCE TWO YEARS, NO INTEREST, NO TAXES, FINE SANDY LOAM, LEVEL BENCH LAND. Buy One It Will Make You Money Donald MacKintosh REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE. STADDEN ALL KINDS of PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK, Bromide Enlarging and Kodak Finishing. 11.10 1.70 1.70 SYNOPSIS OF COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS JANUARY, 1IM-I, TERM. Vacation Eiimisp, December, 101!t, Officers' salnrics ... .f 1,135.83 1-3 .Janitor's salary CO. 00 Indigents 232.00 Indigent Soldiers 198.00 County Dounty 19S.00 Widows' pensions .... 879.00 Circuit Court 81.00 .ItiHtleo Courts .7. P. District No. 1. A. E. Sinister. J. P. fees, re- Rciirch of Mnrsdcn's cabin, etc $ u. n. tttnory, uonat. rees, re search of Mnrsdon'o cabin, etc 12.90 .1. P. District No. Si. C. Ij. Ponnock, J. P. Foes, Stnto vs. Ityan nnd Spencer ? 17.30 W. H. Cox, Const, roes, states vs. Spencer and Ryan .... J. W. Cnrtor, witness, Stnto vs. Patrick Ryan P. M. Thurston, witness, stnto vs. Ryan SIjHc Vs. W. C. Spencer. J. W. Carter, special offi cers' fees $18.20 Wnltor IllchnrdBon, enro of prisoner Witnesses Robort Dlllnrd , $ 1.70 Howard Hrctt .' 2.10 .1. A. Matson 1.70 E. G. Perham 1.70 .7. p. niHtiict No. . J. J. Stanley, .7. P. fees, Stnto vs. Doe, Hoyt, Clark, Miller etc $10.70 Witnesses, Stnto vs. Milter. E. C. Roberts $3.30 U. F. Darklow 3.30 Jack Elwood 3.30 J. .7. Stanley, J. P. fccB, draw ing jury list for 1914 $3.00 J. I). Myers, assisting in draw ing Jury list for 1914 .... A. E. Crouch, assisting In drawing Jury Hat for 1914 T 1. Ilu( Vo .1 fVtn. Smith, a'sBlstlng in draw ing Jury list for 1914 $2.00 L. Crosby, assisting in rnw ing Jury list for 1014 ... . N. oenrnart, J. v, rees, drawing Jury list for 1914 J. P. District No. 5. A. Dodge, J. P. fees, In ro Inaucst of Rnkvosky ...:.$ 5.00 I.obIIo V. Johnson, oxnni. physician, Inquest of Rnk vosky 10.00 TliomiiB Kelly, witness, inquest of Rakvosky 1.70 P. Adnms, Const, fees, In quest of Rakvosky 1.50 D. Pratt, undortnkor, in quest of Rakvosky 15.00 P. Adams, digging grave, Inquest of Rnkvosky 5,00 Jurors, Rakvosky Inquest Chns. Adams $1.00 A. Jacobson 1.00 Walter Endlcott 1.00 J. E. Pnrrlsh 1.00 Ray D. Domont 1.00 S. C. Drndon 1.00 A. Dodge, J. P. Foes, Stnto vs. Edwards jo.ou P. Adams. Const, fees, Stnto vs. Edwards 50 C. Drown, City Marshal, Stato vo. Edwards, Borvlng warrants 1.20 Wltm'MfPH, Ktnto vh. Ec1hiu1h W. Martin $3.20 J. E. 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 O. 1.70 STOCKINGS, Pickaninny Stockings for Boys and Girls The Best Wearing Stockings on the Market, Sold at The Electric Shoe Store. 180 So. Broadway. W. A. Pugh .7. P. District No. (I. C. R. Wndo, J. P. fees, Stato vs. Simpson $ 4.20 E. M. Illnckorhy, Const, fees, Stnto vs. Simpson 2.50 Witnesses Ktnto vs. Simpson Mrs. Mary Tontos $1.70 Clara Counts 1.70 II. Sahro 1.70 Mrs. M. A. Simpson 1.70 Llnulo Counts 1.70 Mrs. A. J. Hamlin 1.70 Miss L. Simpson 1.70 S. J. Mann, M. D.. In ro death of Jns. A. Copo . . . 1.00 C. R. Wndo, J. P. Fees, In ro doath of Jns. A. Copo .... 1.00 Coroner's Inquest nnd Business. Fred Wilson. Coroner. In quests of Bnlllngor, Keat ing, Knorr, Stonor, Mattiln, Jordan $38.40 L. K. Rnllluger Inquest. Dr. E. E. Straw, examining body $10.00 W. D. Cox, serving witnesses 11.50 Witnesses Mr. Dana $2.10 Ed Lindborg 2.10 ChnB. Donobrako 1.70 H. J. McKewnn 1.70 P. A. McCloves 1.70 Earl Wlmor 1.70 H. W. Mohlmnn 2.10 II. N. Richards 2.10 Claudo Tucker 1.70 Harry Mann 1.70 B. E. Welch 1.70 Paul Crooks ,. 1.70 John F. Keating Inquest. Dr. R. V. Leop, examining body ... $10.00 R. Pomoroy, to team hire and transfer of body from Crofts Lake 100 Jurors, Chas. F. I-orenz $1.00 T. M. Wlllard 1.00 E. B. Henry 1.00 S. O. Johnson 1.00 E. M. Blackorby 1.00 Robert Johnson 1.00 Erinn Knorr, Inquest Jury. , D. L. Rood $1.00 W. T. Merchant 1.00 Mllo D. Sumner 1.00 C. II. Marsh 1.00 Alva Doll 1.00 J. W. Wilson 1.00 Witnesses. Mario Knorr $1.70 R. E. Knorr 1.70 Dr. A. L. HouBeworth, ex amination of body 10.00 John W. Motley, roportlng rnd trans, testimony 4.75 A. Stoner, Inquest. Jury. Chas. Rehfield $1.00 Ferd Painter , 1,00 A. H. Stutsman 1.00 G. h. Hall 1.00 O. W. Brlggs 1.00 Geo, DIndlnger 1.00 Witnesses IWm. Shotip $1.70 J. L, Brown 1.70 Tom T. Bennett 1.70 V. J. Hayes 1.70 W. B. lloldlmnn i . . . 1.70 Dr. A. L. HouBeworth, nu- topsy on body $25.00 J. L. Brown, work as chem ist John and 2.50 W. Motloy. reporting transcribing testimony 7.00 Victor Mnrttlln, Inquest Jury J. W. Wilson $1.00 Chas. S. Hoffman 1.00 Robort Kruoger 1.00 E. B. Jones 1.00 Geo. II. Nay 1.00 A. T. Haines . . .- 1,00 Witnesses. Hugn Tnhll $1.70 A. C. Swnnson 1.70 Ralph Nerdlum 1.70 .1. W. Chapman 1.70 II. Nordlum 1.70 Jack Sassor, reporting nnd transcribing testimony 1C.00 Chns. B. Jordou, Inquest. fury. W. II. Cavanagh $1.00 A. Horton 1.00 John Tollcfson 1.00 P. Dalton 1.00 E. A. Stonccypher 1.00 11. F. Proy 1.00 R. L. Cnvnnngh, witness ..... 1.70 Dr. G. E. Dix, examination of body 10.00 Dr. A. h. Housoworth, ex amination of body of un known, nnd Foster $20.00 Dr. Irn B. Bnrtlo, trip to Em pire, etc., In ro Mrs. Mo- cum 25.00 Dr. E. Mlngus, exam, body Mccum, exam. NordBtrom, autopsy Martllla 10.00 Juvenile Court. II. W. Dunham, ro Wnltcr Smith nml Wcssols $1G.50 District Attorney's Office. I. A. I.IIJcqvlst, money paid In ro M. Pt. bnnk robbory $10.00 J. R. Stnnnnrd, cert, copy of letters of admr. Unities, dee'd, in ro Stnto vs. Vnughn 2.50 R. T. Knufmnn, exam, books of Win. J. I.oaton 20.00 Wm. Kuchlor, labor for Dlst. Attornoy 12.50 Lockhnrt-Parsons Drug Co., 1 dlctnphono for Dlst. At tornoy . ' 1C0.00 The Dlctnphono Co., 1 set of Clarlphoncs 4.00 Circuit Court Jurors, December 101SI, Term. W. II. Morgnn $30.00 Ellis S. Domont 18.00 Geo. A. Gould 32.40 It. 'J. Holvorstott 13.80 E. C. Mnthor 7.20 R. A. Crlbblns 37.20 ThoB. II. Hnnly 19.80 J. Ira Sldwoll 25.40 John Jenkins 22.40 W. W. KIght 25.00 J. G. Leo 10.00 II. N. Loronz 21.00 Clydo Colllor 27.C0 II. J. Isaacs 23.40 N. C. Medley 21.00 B. C. Lohmanowsky 18. GO D. R. Lowls 23.00 E. A. Hnrrls 22.20 A. M. Snyder 27.00 .1. F. Fouts 21.00 O. II. Truman 23.40 Grand Jurors, Dec. IDIil Term. Goo. D. Mnndlgo $35.40 J. R. Dovnult .11.00 J. L. Crosby 34,20 II. W. Dunhnm 27.00 W. C. Roso 27.00 S. C. Johnson 37.40 O. N. Wilson 31.20 HimvIii! Venire, Dee. till!!, Term R. II. Irvlno $12.00 Mnrk Morris 12.00 Clias. Colllor G.00 II. L. Johnson 2.00 L. Hnrlockor 2.00 A. P. Miller 2.00 Chas. Lavlno 12.00 J. L. Fonts 12.00 Geo. W. 8tovonBon is.uu W. B. Phelps a oo. E. Plko Geo. E. Plko Grand Jury Witnesses, Bee. Term. Chns. St. Donnls $ 2.00 D. D. Johnson 5. GO Wm. Shoupo 5.G0 Holen Dodson 0.20 Chns. Motlln 5.00 Roy Fox 2.00 Mrs. James Conro 0.20 A. E. Gcor 7.G0 W. G. Mlllor G.80 Rubo Jerforson 7.80 Lloyd Robinson 13, GO Margaret Wilson 0.20 D. D. Johnson 5. GO Gordon Smith 5.00 Aiyrtlo Lonot 0.20 Hormnn Olson 5.00 James Conro 0.20 Holon Dodson 4.00 Albert Wymnn G.20 Wnltor Harris G.80 Fred Gilbort 13.G0 P. N. Thuston 5.G0 Robort Sturtovant 3.80 John Hnkansan G.20 William Cox 5.G0 Harry McGownn 7. GO Joo Schilling ' '3.80 N. Plylor 2.00 A. R. O'Brlon 5. GO W. U. Douglas 5. GO John Darling 2.00 Ernost Pennington 5, GO Hugh Flnloy .... 9.80 E. II. Fletcher 5.G0 Frank Mathes 3.80 O. W. Brlggs 5.C0 Wm. Schultz 2.00 S. II. Whitney 3.80 W. A. Storm 5.G0 Witnesses, Stnto vs. Jim Ross. Charles Motlln $5. GO August Frizccn 5. GO D. D. Johnson 5. GO Herman Olson 5, GO Witnesses Stato vs. Win. .1. Lenton. R. T. Kaufman $ 5. GO William HorHfall 5. GO Dolburt A. Curry 9.G0 John Forguson 5, GO Harry Winkler 5. GO William Wnrron C. GO R. T. Whltty ..; 13.G0 A. E. Halllday 7.G0 Joe Sassor ... 7. GO .7. M. Unton 7. GO I Mark Steckol 5.80 Geo. Watklns 13.20 iM. Leaton 19.80 'Thio Sallng 7.G0 8. 8. Ackles 7.G0 Ralph Williams 11.20 W. U. Douglas 5. CO Frank Parsons 5, GO Ellen B. Rudnas , . . 5. CO W. E. Butler 5.G0 2.00 ! nn 2.00 lniti, O, C. Going 7.00 .7. W. Carter 7.00 William Warren 5.G0 S. McGrlff 7.80 Wm. Loaton 13. GO F. O. Brooks 13. GO Mark Peterson 5.80 J. C. Stocket 13.GO Rubo Cavanagh 7.80 Louis Mashluo 7. GO Gcorgo Battoy 7.G0 D. A. Curroy 5.00 Edward II. Joohnk 7.G0 Mrs. Anna Wilson, grand Jury witness, September 1913, term $5. GO John ArhoB, grand Jury wit ness, iSoptomber, 1913, term 5. GO Edward Skog, grnnd Jury witness, September, 1913, torm 7.20 Thomns Howard, grand Jury witness, September, 1913, term f.G0 M. M. Young, meals for' Jurors 12.00 Frank Hoffmnn, meals for Jury and bailiff 4.G5 W. W. Gago, exponsos In conveying Lenton to Snlom..l4.14 Geo. A. Gould, work trans portation of prisoner from Loon Lake f.00 C. A. Gago, serving processes In re Circuit Court 19. G5 L. W. Oddy, serving processes In ro Circuit Court ..... 1.05 W. W. Gngo, exponsos In look ing for Dlotz 23.05 E. P. Adams, serving 5 grnnd Jury witnesses . 8.50 Elections. Aid of Chrlstlnn Church. M. Pt., for olec. bonrd, Nov. 4 $0.00 E. N. Harry, bal. duo on de livering olec. returns, Nov. 5 ... 2.20 Mrs. C. II. Mast, meals for election bd. Port of Ban don olec 3.00 Stationery nml Printing. Coos Bay Times, pub. Court proceedings, Nov. and Nov. adj. terms $G4.G0 Tho Record Publishing Co., pub. court proccodingfl, etc 04.70 Coqulllo Valloy Sentinel, printing postal cardfl, etc.. 31.03 Ross E. Moorcs & Co., Sheriff's Deeds, summons, etc 2.40 Indigent nnd Insane. In ro Charles Sneddon, Insnno Dr. E. E. Straw, examina tion nnd telegram to 8tato Asylum $"-95 Dr. C. C. Tnggart, examina tion c'00 Witnesses. Ellen Sneddon $2.20 Jcnnotto Bedford 2.20 Hnnnnh Rcoso 2.-0 J. W. Carter 2.20 Charles Sneddon, Jr 2.20 John Sneddon 2.20 OhnrlcB Sneddon 2.20 Hugh Sneddon 2.20 Nottlo Sneddon 2.20 h. J. Schmlt. 2.20 Witnesses. E. Mlngus 2.20 J. G. Mullen 2. GO E. J. Hanson 2.20 A. Robort Dnllontyno 4.40 B. E. Hnmpton, nuto hire.... 2.00 William Abol 2.20 H. O. Hoy 2.20 R. W. Emory 2. GO B. E. Hnmpton, nttendnnt. . . . G.25 Arthur Elllngson, coffin and burial of Brown, Boutin, Bradford GO. 00 N. R. Relchort, services in bringing Brndford from Mfld 5.10 Bnndon Grocery, grocorloa for Mrs. McLoud 10.00 Mrs. Joff Wilson, enro of county patients for Dec. 1913 42G.00 W. C. Lnlrd, supplies for hos pital nnd Infirmary, per contract 54 8,85 Longston Construction Co., 2000 lnth, 1 Baw (Co. In firmary.) 8.50 Longston Construction Co., septic tank, etc., loss $40. 193.00 Coqulllo Mill & Morcantllo Co., lumb'or for Infirmary 2.89 Good and Goodman, paint and labor, poor farm 22.42 II. O. Anderson, supplies for County Infirmary 29.70 County Infirmary. F. C. Truo, mdso $103.05 lieo. Robinson, mdso 47.00 Coqulllo Hnrdwaro Co.... 3.95 Dr. Waltor Culln, med. ntt. 14.50 II. 'N. Loronz, mdso 31.50 Allan McLeod, salary .... 54.1G R. S. Knowlton, drugs 15.35 C. M. Skcols & Sons, mdso. . 2G.00 D. II. Johnson & Son, meat . 28.50- Lyons & Jones, mdso 7.15 Charles Samson, labor .... 40.01 Taxation. Tho Evonlng Record, pub. tax foreclosuro cases ..,.$4,985,41 Coos Bny Times, delinquent tax lists GG8.G0 Refund of Special Road Taxes Elizabeth Ott Tyborg, No. G..$ 1.43 Louis Dubuquo, No, 8 12.83 J. V. Loop, No. 18 G.08 Margaret M. Davis, No. 18 ... 8.07 G. E. Williams, No. 18 ... 8.9G Victor Carlson, No. G 15.28 William McNeil, No. 8 13.70 Frank J. Fish. No. 18 2.9G W. A. Fish, No. 18 3.59 J. N. Summorlln, No, 31 . . . 32.30 Roads, Bridges nnd Ferries. P. M. Hall-Lowls, salnry, etc. for Dec. as Road Master. $158.04 A. N. Gould, printing map of Coos County, as Road Mas ter 4.00 Tho Coqulllo Herald, notlco of completion of imps, oto. . 15.15 Myrtlo Point Enterprise, 3 notices of completion of Imp 4.90 Coqulllo Mill & Mercantile Co,, lumbor for R. D. No. 27 8.52 Buffalo Steam Roller Co., bal. on supplies of ma chinery 11.50 Rond Roller A-c, T. W. McClosky, 9 da. work on road rollor In Dec. and Nov $36.00 uullng, Lundy & Sons, sup- pllCS t ftt 1J0 L. II. Poarco, bolt for road roller .,, 1.50 Ferries. S. S. Shtolds, salary as Bui lards ferryman for Do cembor , $90.00 J. N. McNnlr, salary and ex penses as Coqulllo ferry man, Dec 73. GO (Continued on page four) W ) m Mil. rrr t -.MJF wrl :' h"i .-'tJS Si m Tle Want ada bring resulta. if lb . . W: