Jl TfSfwejjWwwT' 'wiWPm'UWULIiliippf ppiipppiiflMJJII i rr THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 1914 EVENING EDITION. nMMmniRM uammmufmmammmmmmmmmammmmmm- I . -5j COOS BAY TIMES K. O. MAI.ONKY Keillor nnd Pub. DAN K. MAI.OXKV .Noun Kdltor wniered at the poatoHtce at Mann Mold, Oregon, for transmission through tlio malls ns second cl.i9 iuaII matter. , - Gfflrtal Paper of Coos Comity. I PERSONAL NOTES Dedicated to tlio service of the people, tlint no Rood cause shall lac n champion, ami that evil shall hoc thrlvo unopn ised. srnscinrnoN ratks. DAILY. One year $G.0O Per month 0 WKKKItY. Ono year J 1.150 NVhon paid strictly In advnnco the Jubecrlntlou price of tho Coos Cay Times Is $G.OO per year or $2.50 for Iz months. Address all communications to COOS HAY DAIIiY TIMKS. Mnrshflold :: :: :: : OrcRo. (.'ODD ItOADS TMH Salem Commercial Club ha gone on record In favor of a bond Ihsuo In that county to build $800,000 worth of permanent roads, and an wtlvo campaign has been launched to liulmo the voters to puss tiprii the ptnpiised bond Is sue. Many other communities In Oregon aro showing rlmlliir Interest In this Important subject. JL'DGK HALL left this morning for Coiiullle to attend county court. .JACK IJKDKIiL, of Coos River, was a visitor In MnralUlcId today. SI IBS AMQI-: CHURCH was a visitor to friends In tl.u city this morning. EWIONE ; TOWED SOUTH YVYMAN ALHHH was up from South Inlet toda uit a business trip. I.. D. SMITH, of Coos River, was a visitor In the city today on business. A. A. SHOHRSTKN, of Coaledo, was a visitor In Mnrshllold this morn ing. CIKORdK DYVYKR, of Conlodo, was among tho the visitors In tho city today. MRS. II. KAIN'O was a shopper In Marshllcld today from Catching Inlet. SWAM IMS OFF ARA(.'0. In tow of the William Chnt 1mm, the Injured steam schooner, Yellowstone, owned by Swain & Hoyt of San Francisco, had reached a point opposite Cape Arago this afternoon at :i o' clock. She was about eighteen miles offshore. Her northerly position was caused by tho tow she received by the Hrcnkvvator last night. This morning tho Chatham and her tow wore mak ing six miles an hour toward San Francisco, but this afternoon she Bho was making but four miles tho slower speed being caused by engine trouble. ft TER 0MWER8 GRAFT rSBOE OF ALLIICE I RM S. I.. WILLIAMS of Ilandon Is spend ing a few days In tho city with friends. I LOCAL OVERFLOW. I . . . .. . Allium OvoMiio. The steamer Alliance, which waH to have arrived hero this morning from Kiirekn, had not boon heard from up to n Into hour this afternoon and It Is pre RUtuotl thnt sho has been unablo to got over tho bar at Kureku. Tho wireless operator aboard the craft noldom gets In communication with tho shore, however, and It Is not expected thnt sho will bo heard from until sho arrlvos In tho harbor. Capo Illauco reported no Htenmcr Iinsslng up tho const from Kurokn Tcsombllug tho Alllnuro today. a. . .. ... .... S. .. t.. 1. la... Iiilni iMVi'i w iiiiitij, ui uiui'iinm iii.ui.il viRiieu n tonus in .viiirsiiuuiii hub inorulug. CARL CMNKL'NHHARIl of Daniels Creek, Is a business visitor In the city today. MR. AN'D MRS. .JAY DOAK, of linn don, wero visitors In Mnrshflold yesterday. MRS. WILLIAM OlUHITOX. of Iloav er Hill, visited friends in this city yesterday. WILLIAM KIM.LON'D, of Umpire, was a visitor In Mnrshllold on busi iiosh today. MRS. CARL M'CULLOUGH of llnynetr Inlet was nmoug tho visitors In Mnrshflold today. Filet Attachment. An nttarh mont haH bi"n served on the nu tomobllo of A. II. StulHinnn by Con stable Cox for Heorgo (ioodrurn. who rhnru'S the defendants with non payment of n bill of SIIO.S." for re-p:il-a and storage. Tom Hall Kick .Indue .lohn F. Hnll today receive I a telogr.im Hint ing thnt his brother, Tom Hall, who went to San Francisco on tho Heilondo, was very III. The telo grnm was from MrH. Fred Cnttrnl), formerly Miss Mav Ht.iuff, who snld tlint Mr litill'u Illness wnu similar to the IViciikdown he suffered Inst. Hummer. .Itidgo Hnll has wired Dr.' Mi'f'oiMimi. to tn1n rnrn nf 111 m nnd oiIvIho him of developments. I AMONG THE SICK I . The children of ".Tack" Davis, who have been suffering from tho croup, aro reported to be lecovorlng. Leonard Mauey Is nursing a bad ly cut Initial finger todav as tho re nult of lauding on tho digit with a hatchet while cutting wood. Tho member wax dressed and bound up tightly, ami It U expected thnt ho will not lose It. NORTH HI.ND NI.WS John .Kiino, employed on tho For lorn. & (lldley construction work nt North Rend, wan hit by tho stonm shovel last Saturday and thrown ngulnst t' e embankment, lie wna re moved to the offices of Dr. L. II. Moll, where he was found to bo suf fering from a broken left shoulder. Later he was transferred to Mercy Itil. w'tc be was examined and i thou d'i' Imiiim was found to be i e i..' across. Dr. Mott 1 t' i 'u luied man and opornt- u the InJurv. placing a nlate In tl -v shoulder, It Is rtot expected that i'..t Injured man will full.v recover for n mouth. (Jeorgo HiinytM. a InlMirer iiploed by I'orhuiu . tlldl suffered a slight sprain and wrench of the left knee on SmiiiiiIh.v. wIhmi an Hinlruik nient on which he wax working eHed. burying him for ten minute, until loscued b member of the ati'Mil Hhovel crew, lie mm treated by Dr. L. II. Mott or North Rend. At the benefit dance given In North llend Mat Thursday night by A. II. llraali and other as a beiieftl for the t II. Vtt lamll. $55 was netted to iitd the fHnill.v. Muor and Mr. I.. .1 Slinpaon leave aeon for Ann Francisco, where they will spend some time. On their return, the will ie accompanied by Mrs. Simpson's daughter. Miss Steam, who will spend the summer on the Buy. Friend of Mr and Mrs II K Smith will be grieved to leuin of t'ie loss of their little elght-v ear-old daughter, Loulae, who paused to her reward at their realdetuo In North llend on Siindav. January 17th. Tho cause of death was tubercular incnln Kill. She had been ill for tho pnbt month, and had been expected to ro coer until Sunday forenoon when nil hope fur the lecovery of the little one was abandoned. The fuueial will be held from Mr. and Mr. Smith's realdeuce Tuesduv afternoon at 2 o'clook. Mm. R .1. Coke, a former North Rend resilient, arrived here Saturday to visit at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Ira It. Hnrtle. Dr. liartle. who I as been very 111. la reported much improved. HOWARD CULVKR. or Catching In-i let-, was a v'sltor to friends In Mnrshllold today. ,,f) nnma f It.m.'V ..no n.tinnt, llio I....,- rn...l.l.... I..UI .,. .l.rt' arnvaiH irum V...HMU.K iiiivi. uii in" Wnh-ta-Wnso lodny. OHOROK lll.AKU was amonie tho business visitors In tho city today from Catching Inlet. T. M. CULVlHt was down rrom Catching Inlet todny, having ar rived on tho Wnh-tu-Wnso. IHCNRY HinOINS. of North Coos River, wna u pnssenger on tho Rnlnbow to Mnrshllold todny. ARNIK I'lrrnitSON, tho genlnl fnles tnnn nt tho Suinnor llnrdwnro compnny. hns been slightly 111 for the pnst fow dnys. MR. AND MRS. C. M. RIIORF.S. of South Inlet, woro nmong the visi tors In tho city todny. hnvlng nr rlved on the launch Vega. H. C. WALLIN. of the Scnndlnnvlan Drug companv returned Sntuidny from I'orilnnd. whore he took the Oregon Stato Pharmaceutical ex amination. I R. A roi'l'Lr.. of the Golden Rule.! left this morning for Chlcngo. St. Louis and Now York, on his sonil auuual buying trip nnd expects to bo absent ubout a mouth or six, weeks. j JOHN D. (-OSS la expected heme from Portland and Salem this week, where he went to nrtcuo tlio Coos liny Water eases before the Railroad Commission. He had n little touch or la grippe more whli h delayed him some. Informed tho captntn thnt the stenm er bnd .insufficient fuel to tnko hor to Snn Francisco, ns tho the result or t! o long rlcht nualnst tho storm, and ns tho Yellowstone was not In any .1 ah (tut I7nl nnlra utl.nt11f.il tfl Coos Hay tor fuel and to secure aid for tho Yellowstone. Reports HxuguiM-iitcri. Reports woro evnggornted In Mnrshflold as usunl tlmt n ship hnd bcon wrecked near Capo Arago nnd thoro was a wild scramblo Tor Inunch 08 on tho wntorfront. Tho Kid. Stnn dnrd, Honltn. Rig Chler and hn'f n doen others stnrted ror t' e entrance to tho harbor, each crowded with non nlo, but on getting to the lower hnr hor nnd nicotine tho Fair Oaks com ing In, most or thoin returned. llonH'i tlreakx Dimmi. Tho Ilonl'n hroltn down n counlo r times on the way down tho Inr bor and arrived as the Fair Op'' was rinlsMng her trln through the bronkers Into tho hnrbor. She had about eighteen pnsengers nboard and nrter tho lstter lunl seen the I'febnnt roturn nnd the Rrenkwater dlsainienr on tho stormy horizon, she stnrted on the voyngo hack. "S. (). S." bv WlieleM. The Ilonlta broke down again n'tor nfsslnu: nlmiit n tiuartor of a inllo be-v-d tle life snv'ng ntlnn. hor lg dtlon coll hnvltii' lnld down on tho .I'll. Skipper Kellv talked gently to the engine, hut wns or no use nnd the Inunch drifted on the mud flnts or tho north i-'ioro. "S. O. S." cn'ls Tor help wero sent by wireless to the lire saving station bv ooonlng the whistle to the Inst notch, nnd In n remnrknblv s'tort time Cnptnlu Hrltt and ono or his men appeared on 'he scono In tho llttlo Inunch Three Sis tors. Cnt'tahi Hrltt on dob. lie towed tho Rrtnlta almost over to Hniplro after she had been pulled off the mud. In the mcnutlmo Dr. Kelly hnd ninnnged to rn'so a spark from the Ignition coll. Tho cloud of gloom which had seltlod over the eighteen passengers lifted slightly, and In a row minutes the Honltn was driving throug'i the water nunln or hor own accord. Captain Hrltt a lino beliiK enst off. If It had not been ror the prompt work or Cantalit Hrltt. the entire pnrty would l-nve snent tho night en tee umim flats. Is Know i' Here. Cnptnlu Adolph Alilln. who brought the stonm schooner l-'alr Oaks to Not lb Rend ror fuel oil. Is well known on Coos Hay. as ho sailed In and out or the local harbor on the ste"in pchnonois A. M. Simpson and He dondo. On tl e arrlvnl of tho steamer at North llend last evening he was given a warm greeting by many old rrlends here. This Is said to be tho rirst visit or the Fair Oaks In tho local Imihor. Oretjon Corporation Commis sioner to Sue North Pacifis Steamship Co., for Fees SALHM. Or.. Jan. 1!'. Corpora tion Commissioner Wntson has re quested District vtornoy Evans to Multnomah count, to bring suit against the Nor'h Pacific Steamship company ror railing to comply with tho corporation laws or the state, lie said tlio compui'v Is a California cor poration, but has been doing business In tVIs state Tor many enrs. It op erates the steamship Alliance between Portland and Coos Ray, and also the steamships Yucatan and Roanoke In December. Commissioner Wat son said, tho attorney ror the com pnny advised him that the company would comply with the laws b paving the reunited license roes, but nothing further hns bcon heard from the company. Ho said the conipnir- was Hiibjcct to n penalty or $100 for each year It hns operated In this state nnd for delinquent license fees Mark:t Inspect Joe Singer Is Indicted on Charrje of Extortion Illy ,mo, litcM Vrm to t'non liny TlmM l PORTLAND. Or., .Inn. 111. .The Slngor, market Inspector under tho administration or Ma.vor Rushlight, has been Indicted by the grand Jury on tho charge or extortion, tho sped fie charge being thnt he. In his offi cial capacity, lorcod Pearson, Page ft Co., a commission firm, to pav him nionev to avoid prosecution. Singer has been a politician In Portland ror ninny jours, and his name has been connected with political scandals, but never bororo has ho been charged with orrielal misconduct. AUTO OBI! IN TEN 1 Gorst & Kinn Partv GiwJ vcre Duckini) When BreaM ui niio HlilumODlle An auto party en nmtp i p via Ten Mllo were r0 Mc,J nilshnp ut Ten Mile creek Ti' I'Tiduy ovonlng. resulting inp.' ," ne ott ERUPTIONS OF KO INDICATION OF SUBMARINE! I 10 I Destroyers Dran Weighted Ca bles for Sunken Craft Without Success tit Amo-IVH rrfft lo Coo llnr TImM.l PORTSMOl'TH. .Inn. 1!). Sweep ing operntlons wero begun nt day break and covered n wldo nreu In the search for the missing boat nnd her crew, but no Indications of hor whore about was found. A destroyer wntched through tho night over the spot whero tho tiny submarine was shown to have dis appeared nftor her dlvo during the maneuvers yostordny. When the rirst streak or light appeared nt dawn a number or destroyers with weighted cables stretched between them steam ed up and down the hay, sweeping the bottom or tho son, but encoun tered no obstnclcs. The lifting crnrt, espec'n'lv filled for raising sunken submarines, could not reach the scono or the disaster bo roro yostordny nnd nuthorltlcs sny thoro Is small chance of raising tho boat boforo tonight, oven If sho can he located. ARK ACCOMPANIKD IIY F.ARTII QCAKF.S AND VIOI.KNT St'll TKRHAXKAN NOISKH - STILL SHOWS ACTIVITY. Illy AMniliUftl I'rfM lo Cocm liar Tlnr 1 KAKOSHIMA. .I.ipiin, .Inn. lit. Fresh eruptions or the volcano Sa kiiralliiia. which caused such wlde- atireii'l deviiBtntlon recently, occurred , todnv. They were accompanied by i earthquakes nnd violent subtoran lonn noises. I (Jovemor or Hokkaido estlmntol todny that about lino.nno peop' living on the Island or Klushlii will need roller and that nhuut $:i.r.00. (! will bo needed. tlll'llllll' II f tllllll' inn, .1.1,... - . ' tlrenchliig to Vein. n Gorst 1 Klnnoy and Percy IMiilli8l Jv'T jioboiI tho pnrtj. r Tho part. luft tin- liny pfy., routi to Flomnee Kimm.. i" driving, suggested a rew mlnnihi foro the accident that tho uart,. Tor tho nlg.it. (hirst Rimgcsted they contlnuoil until nftor th? piiBsed Ton Mile Creek nnd Kh liroceoded. "A donso rog was iiiitieinp ... beach," said Klnnoy in gpeakli, tho mishap and I could not seett I huh iiiivuiK. i Hiiggcstca tot (lorst thnt ho loll me which , mo, wiui'ii no oio wiien ertv ....... till,. r...l. , ..,.. ."" it'll .ui.u vitcii, i muriCU tD 05 when we were hit hi a lnn. which covered the car 1 W,". on, going until we were hit bit cither wavu, larger than the b which overturned tho machlnt. t rog was so thick ut this tlmii Percy Phillips nuido a run fori ocean, thinking he wns liealtji i no iieacii, nun received a ducking." Kinney returned to the Ilirfcl liny morning. IYER'S IB BEING U FORD GAR IS DR. REYfJOLDS LOCATES HERE A. M. SI'MNFU. or llHiidon. Is spend ing u few days hore as the guost of his sons. MPo Sumner nnd F. L. Sunnier, lie reports RhuiIoii ver prosneroiiH. althoiiKh the hnd wimlhor has Interfered with tVe bullilliiK operations nnd street work. DR. IRA IIARTLK. of North Rend. U rwmirted ImpiovliiK from hi late IIIiiom. Dr. Mott liHti been trying to entire hU usunelnte to tke a Utile wijoiiru throiiich southern Callfornlu. but nil Coos lUyllos Vunw very well that Dr. Hurtle will not lwive dear old Coo Hay, oven to recuperate. MISt f'L.HF. SIIHRWOOD. or Co iiullle. has been the miet of Mrs. Nerl Jensen or Marshlleld ror the past row dus The MUfcM Sher wood and Sperry left on the Rln bew this .fternoon for Coo Rler. where thev will be the miosis of Mrs. nson Rogers. SNEDDON CASE IS OS TODS f ERST 101 FOR JULiA MARLOWE, VOTHOX HAIIAVY I1ILLSOO.Y. Illy uti'l H.i to cow Dr Tlnw. WASHIXOTON. 11. C. Jan. 19. The 8ena:e toduy a reed to vol on tie Alaska Railway hill on tho legln l.itho da . f Thursday, January 32. I ' b ( ()l The kli'il YOl hn s I si D, 1' on' 7-' Parfte y mid Ti.msfc Comiany, Actress Leaves for New York to Underdo Treatment for Appendicitis lllv .i Uirl I'km to Coos IUy Tim 1 LOS AXDHLL'S. .Ian. 19. MU Julia Marlowe, who U mifferlug from, a alight attack or appeudleltln. will , glxe tin the st.ige for u tew wek ' and leave toda lor Xew Yrk to un dergo treatment and podMk- r.n op-eratlon INSANITY ( HAWiRS AHH HIIINfi HARD CONTHSTKD FORHKRY CASH WILL UK TRIKIl TO.MtlR. ROW. The insanity case of Chns. Sned don, the aged Mnishfleld pioneer, who Is fighting the charge of men tal woHkuess. la still on lu Circuit Court nt Coqullle. It may not be concluded today. A largo number of witnesses are being heard. Among thopo going over on the morning train wore It O. (Haves. II. O. Hoy. W. T. Stall. .1 M. I'pton. Dr. C. C Tngnart. J 11. Sneddon. Will Sneddon. Mrs. Da vid A. Roes, Mrs. Harry Hodford, Mrs Sneddon. Judge Hall and this nfieruoon Dr. Straw was called as ti witness, Hugh Sneddon and his sister-in-law, Mrs. Allco Sneddon, nro the principal witnesses for Mr. Sneddon. Tomorrow, or ns soon as the Sneddon case is concluded, the ense of W. C. Spencer, tha alleged for ger, will bo taken up. Cleo. X. Rolt is the only Marshfleld unn on the jury in the Sneddon case. WuiiN Khliwins, ra.l. . ........ - .1... IIIVHIIi.llliVil I ne i.mii'n oi hip .uivi iitiuirx ( III IUI1 will hold their regular TIMVI.H SIF at t'. , 'Mir. h par- ' i- WIDMsDW ifi.iii.i.ui Last i i nfi' M.irih. I.cio ouler3, Phone i 12 .-J. l . Mr. Thomas round that a number of small dama had been put iu on (he South Fork without flshways be ing provided. He Immediately took the matter up with the parties build ing the dams and ordered fUhway urovlded aud unlets they comply, he will tait prosecution. He also found Indications of a few violation of the deer law and will probably file complaints against some If you have niu thing to sell, rent trade or wnet help, try a Wnnt Ad In The Tlmos. i IIM'MPir Vi'Olt I'OR.MF.RLY AT ASIILWD ISTAIILISIIFS OI'FIC- F.S IN COKIJ RLIKi H.YPLAINS TRKAT.MKNT AND RKSFLTS. Dr. W. II Reynolds. Chiropractor, formerly locate j In Ashland, Oregon, for three yens. detlroB to nnnoiinco that ho hns limited lu Mnrshfleld por mnuently. Clilroprnd'c Is too well and widely known as n inonns of removing the caue of iIIfmso to require any In troduction. The two fundamental facts aro: rirst, that the physical causo or dl seao Is . with fow exceptions, duo to snni(, form nf vertebral subluxations, :i"d srccn.l. Hint tho cause can he re niove.l by ad lusting tho vertebra Into normal position. Such stubborn afflictions as nnpen licit lw. goitre, bronchitis, diabetes, denfnoi's. Iteailnc' e. honrt disease, lunibngo, pnrnlvsls nnd 1nn1.1v other forms of so-called Incurable dlsensos have their onuses removed by sclen tiric spinal aiHustineiit, and health must necessarily follow. Hut n mnn's worth In n profession always depends upon whnt ho can do. I wish to an neal to nil sufferers who huvo n di sease pronounced Incurable Of rice hours 10 a. m to I n m Other hours bv appointment orflceg Rooms 213-1 Mli Coke building, tel-ophonoll2-L. Consultation nnd examination freo DR. W. II. RRYXOLDS. MARVEL OF ALL cp.okhk (joodrl'm dk.moxstrat i:d simplicity of mf.chaxism with captain machknn as a j PASSKNf.'F.R. Ooorge floodriim gnvo n clever demonstrntloii of tho simplicity of I tho Ford Touring Car Saturday thnt nttrncted much attention. I He took the running gears of n Ford, minus the hotly, and drove It around town with Cnptnlu Mii'-"onn r-r tho Rronkwntor ns n iiiissougor The gnsollno ttiuk wns utilized as u sent mid It took some coaxing to get the (hiring cnptnlu to ride, hut ho went and wns so enthused ovr R h r"i or getting u Ford Mr hliuseir nnd fnnilly. The simplicity or tho Ford Is n mnr vol. Tho running gonrs, strlppod, showed It plainly. After seeing tho niechnnlciil pun of tho car nnd com pnrlng It with other machines, ono could readily understand whv there Is less rroulilo In operentlng n Ford, loss weight mid loss prlco. Thoro Is nothing compllcnted lo be getting out of "whack." Snecial Prosscutor Seeks , Bring Labor Men to Tni for Conspiracy Mr AMorUtM I'rwi to Coot IlirTlnl HOUGHTON. Mich . Jan. II- offort mny bo mndo by tlio IIocVl county off Rials to bring back Ol II. Mo.ver, president of the Vtrrl Federation or Miners, and oimi tho Indicted union lenders tun beyond tho Jurisdiction of tied to stand trial for conspiracy. Special prosecutor Xlcholli feil oil today ho was ueiiucrawn point iih to whether eoiuplracrM oxtrndltnblo offense. jSs8. rv . Jm. H" If you hnvo nnyOiltig to anil, rent !ide, or wnnt help, trv n Wnnt Glasses Grounl to orde 'inl.- oi'i'H nirferllv fltteJ bT lntest and best methods knotj I science Should yim want licit" night or nc n ford i: ici l",1 fitted, try my spcla) (Iroundi I l.lnntlim iflnwuoH Vmillir Or 0l4' tlitH snnxlnl I'lnua run rend tiMV do close work or 3ee nt a di nil In ono lens. A glass ot nnd a Joy forovor. Hvery pslft liv tun lu M.nrrniltnil tn l.rt lientv. i Buarnnteed to glvo sstlitf- Your natronngo solicited. DR. W. B. RICHARDS OptoinetilM fntm S'' Ofrico, Front nnd Market SW 1. it 1.1 rwsann .wansiuiuMi, unhv mnieo Jiwairtima aimoaji CONCERT FINNISH HALL Friday Evening, January 23 ADMISSION 5oc fiw iiimijimi wfumwiKiw i Hi i i . i s a aiMiMa ' "7 , AaaufM lsagmKlSSjh0 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IRVING BLOCK WATCH OUR WINDOWS' Cleanup Sale Continues All This Week Men's and Boys' Overcoats All good, new garments of the best materials nnd workmanship and latest of patterns at Thirty-three and One-third Percent Off Men's and Boys' Suits A good stoik of Men's and Roys' Sults well tailored, all wool nnd beautiful patterns. ' Twenty-five percent Discount Men's and Boys' Odd Pants A good assortment of patterns to chooio; what ou want; not all sizes, but ono for ciir iboke for Twenty-five per cent Discount4 Juit you. m... i ,... ..... ,.,.. ita lnft: tv lime jiibi it low itiuiua pun --. honutlful sergos, broadcloth nnd basket e Values $22.50 to 17.50 nt , One-half price Udlot and Misses Coats, In novelty 3t Values from $7.50 to ?45.00, at One-half price UadUs nnd Misses Rnlnconts. A good stoC!e sllac ftlwl n u.An1 neenrtninnt nf COlOTS tO V I from. Twenty per cent discount miuiren s uaiucouis anu vjiuo. - pi stock to select from. Just what you " little fellow. Twenty per cent discount "V-iAL, &i"h 9QB1 wtsm