TH7S WieW V1K ! w- GOETHALS 1Y BE A GOVERNOR Garrison Submits Plan for Permanent Government in Panama Canal Zone inr AModitKi rr to coos rr Tim.l WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 17. Secretary Garrison haB Bubmlttod to the President Ills plan lor me per nianunt government of tho Canal Zone. While tho secretary would not disclose Its features, It Is under stood It contemplated making Colonel George W. Goothnls tho first Gover nor of tho zone with plenary powers and would crwato from retiring mem bers of tho Cnnal Commission a now commission to take chargo of tiic ceremonies' of tho opening of tho canal In Jnnunry, 191 G. At the Churches (Ministers and othors nro request nd to hand In tho Sunday church no tices not later than Friday evening to Insuro Insertion Saturday.) EPISCOPAL CHURCH. I III mid Market. Regular services will bo V.eld In tho Episcopal church tomorrow In Mnrshtteld nt 8 a. in., 11 a. m., nnd 7:30 p. m., nnd at North Uond nt 2 p. in. . METHODIST CHURCH I North Dend. 4 The sorvlccs Sunday will bo ns fol lows: Sunday school 10 a. m. Voopor Clrclo and Epworth Longu 7 p. m. SormonB by tho pastor 11 . n and 8 p. m. ' CHRISTIAN CHURCH I , Sninuol Gregg. Pastor. Rcsldonce 280 Kortu Elovonth A largo nudlonco attended tho ovimlng service last Sunday. Some thing now every Sunday. Illlile School, 10 a. in. Preaching II n. m. nnd 7:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor, C:30 p. m. Sermon for Sunday night, "Ro llglotm Hobblo SklrtB." Music by molo nuartotte. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTI8TS. I . Seventh Day AdvontlBt sorvlcui aro conducted ovory Saturday at follows: Snbbath School, 10 a. m. Rlblo study, 11 n. in. Young Pcoplo's Socloty, 3 p. m. Prnyor meeting, Wednesday, .7:30 V' ilocal Eldor, J. E. Quails. , I FIIISY 1IAPTIST CHURCH. I Alborl F. Dassford, M. A., Pastor. Resldonco 845 South Fourth st. Phono 1G0-X. . , Dlblo School at 10, with graded classcB and competoni toacners. ISSCB mm CUIIII'UIUHI iui;iiuio, ..- - .., - - - Morning worship nt 11 with ser-.nnd grown persona. Owl Prescrlp on by Pustor Bassford. t0n Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Juniors moot nt 3:00 with Mrs. G. ,.,., nhnmilor Hotel. Phono 74. mon L. Hall, South Sixth street. 1 Vniimr I'ooiiIo'h sorvlco at C:30 ' - for ono hour. A speclnl lnvltntlon l ' oxtondod to nil young mon utid wo- men. ' Sunday evening Bcrmon nt 7:30 Special miiBle by a largo chonif choir undor Profosaor Georgo Ayro. A cordial wolcomo Is extended to I all. Coitio with us and wo will do you good. PRESIJYTERIAN CHURCH. I J. E. Burkhnrt, Pastor. Dlblo School nt 10 a. in. YotniK People's mooting at C:30 A DIFFERENCE IN WORK1NCJ HOURS A mini's working dny Is olght hours. HIh body organs must work perfectly 24 hours to keep him fit for eight hours' work. Weak, sore, lunctivo kidneys cannot do It. Thoy must bo uouud and healthily active nil tho tlmo. Foley Kidney Pills will mnko them so. You cannot tako them Into your system without good results following. Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Opposite Chandler Ho le). Frank D. Cohan. Phono 74. ' Sundny bcIiooI 12 m Wednesday Goodrum's.Garage home of tho CADILLAC and T0RD Auto Supplies for All Makes of Cars a 17 Con (ml A v. Phono U7U-L Quatermass Studio Opens About Jan. 15 IN FOR.MER RICIC9 STUDIO. OPPOSITE ROYAL THEATER. Llbhy COAL. The kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phono 72. Pacific Livery nud Trnusfer Company. p. m. Regular morning and evening ser vices by Rev. J. B. Burkhart. Prayer meeting on Thursday eve ning at 7:30. Everyono 1b pordlally Invited to attend these services. CATHOLIC CHURCH. I Marshflold. Rev. A. R. Munro. Mass will be celebrated at 8 and 10 o'clock Sunday morning by the Rev. Father A. R. Munro. NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. R. O. Thorpe, Pastor. Services will bo held In tho Nor wegian Lutheran chapel at Marsh field Sunday at 7:1G p. m. Sunday school meeto Saturdays at 10:30. , , x, Sorvlccs will be held In the 2or weglan Lutheran chapel at North Bond Sunday at 11 a. m. Sunday school nt 10. SWEDISH EVANGELICAL I Tiirriii.M!.v ritnitmt. Rev. J. V. Benson, Pastor. Resldenco 337 Commercial ave. I nuo West. Phono 193-J. - Sunday School, 0:40. Morning service, 11 n. m., In Swe dish. English service nt 7:30 p. m. At North Bend Services at 3 p. m. in addition to tho regular 8er vlco there will be installation of tho newly-clertod church officers. A cordial welcome to all. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. I Christian Science hall, 237 Third streot north. Serxices at 11 a. m., Sunday and 8 p. m., Wednesday. Sundny bcIiooI at 12 Sunday. Subject, "Life." Rending room open every day ex cept Sundays and holidays from 1 to 4 p. m. 4 I METHODIST EPISCOPAL 4 Joseph Knous, l'nBior Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning sorvlco at 11 ni. Epworth Leaguo at 0:30. Junior Loagtio sonlci Thursdaj afternoon at 3:45. Prnyor meotlng Thursday ovonlm nt 7:30 o'clock. Morning subject, "Life's Scnrch." Evonlng Btibjcct, "BlrthrlghtB De spised in Marshflold." 4 I PRESIJYTERIAN CHURCH I North Bond Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Christian Endeavor at 7. ProacJ Ing sorvlccs at 7:30 ... m. by Rev. D. A. McLcod. CATHOLIC CHURCH I North Bond. Rov. Father McDovltt. Mass will bo celebrated at eight o'clock Sundny morning by the Rov. Father McDovltt. - - I UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH I North Bond. 4 Mrs. R. N. Lewis, Paster. Sabbath school, 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. Preaching 11 a. in. unci 8 p. m. Prayor meeting Wodncsdar ovod ing nt 8 o'clock. Do you begin to cought ntnlglit, just when you hope to sleep? Do you havo a tickling throat that keeps you awako? Just tako Foloy's Honey and Tar Compound, It will check tho cough and stop tho tickling rntnHnn nt nntn Dnna nnt unnnt I the stomach, Is best for children Opposite Chnndlor Hotel. Phono 74, PlayBallatHome i;crliml- In Ilolnjr II, (Jrrnl Pun, IfeMOND &r XT! 3J1 IfBUIIIUJ. Ileal ind ttuillinj Nadkn it t rcg iilir bill f Jmr. Close Scores and Plenty $3 ol Action OKtV Biif. tim v bill Ctmt wecfC fiPMr - " " " " 'n1' KvnoNW av .. l,L i... IMI'itoti liir I vini'ctt Hcorf on (nuif. NOT A TOV, Ill'T A UA.MI Indorsed by All Prominent Dili Fliyer (1i lie. (liilr llM'ia sll kli' hii I'lliiirt 'f lll nle t'lul) tit II l'.cl(li' t'iMfl IUe t mil lici'v, )" llm? lnunjnl .haul l H tnrtiuu l ticoUil) liv irarwl tilth; .ilUr tu a rval t,4Dir if WeUUI icumt tlic luii'l', Aiju.f fi'xl ! Ili oni iMdMa't lirlu Itfiximluf ftM-lnitH. I tu Imuixilitcly, CII.MU.KS HAI l. Old nnd Younfr Enjoy It K,TiiitTiNiMi .m i:xcrnxu Mtl(li. ii cr Maurr Hick ? W U J -w . .- .-. UOUS DIAMOND CO, Ins ittciKlif I'.rinc ti H Btildeis' bebanu "a,"! s - - I 1CI Ulir I'BCinc ui oti"j ABrniB. iriru.iin 7.I., I'rarrlKti. Ct. COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY OWNERS TELL OP PLANS JONES BROTHERS WISH TO MAKE MARSHFIELD INSTITUTION REST THAT CAN BE CONDUCTED PLANS FOR NEW MA CHINERY AND NEW HOME. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS. SASH AND DOORS, ROOFING PAPER, ETC. CUT THE FUEL BILL IN TWO UY USINO OUR WOOD. PHONE tOO. 18 SOUTH BROADWAY FIRST ADDITION TO MARSHFIELD HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. FAMILY DINNERS In our now location, wo nro ei ooclally prepared to cater to fumllj trade. Regular moals or short or dors. Open day nnd night. MERCHANTS CAFE. flroalwuy nd Conmicrclal Mfld DRY FIR AND ALDER WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street, Phono 180-.T. YOUR LINEN If proporly laundered will bo spot Iokb snowy white, and your collars and cuffs will not bo Ironed out of shnpo or frayed at tho edges. AT THIS LAUNDRY all tho clothes nro proporly washed and Ironed, Insuring satisfaction to nil customers, COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY Phono Mnlu A7-J. DEPARTMENT i ? JNi ijOdi we will during the summer ope improve several more streets Addition, making more property sible to home Better let building sites that you may make your the new home T 1 f 1 L L I. 50x120 or larger. full information. Reynolds Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HENRY BENGSTAGKEN, Mnnngor FARM, COAL, TIMRER AND PLAITING LANDS A SPECIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS EA8TSIDE MARSHFIELD OI-'KIOE, PHONE M-J. COQUILLE CITX OFFICE PHONE 101. EANDON BY THE SEA THE CITY OF THE FUTURE A FEW TEN ACRE TRACTS FOUR MILES SOUTH O.N COUNTY ROAD 35 PER ACRE; 100 CASH. RALANCK TWO YEARS. NO INTEREST. NO TAXES, FINE SANDY LOAM, LEVEL RENCH LAND. Buy One It Will Make You Money Donald MacKimitoslhi REAL ESTATE and WILLAMETTE.PAC1FIO MOTOR frEnVICE. Our leaven Central avenuo, MnrslifloUI, ovory thirty minutes, be ginning at C:30 a. m., to 9:30 p. m. Leaves North Rend ovory thirty minutes beginning CMC a. in, to 9MC p. ni. Fares: Ono way, lCc; Round trip, 2Gc. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD: SAT., JAN. i, 1 . in. SAT., JAN. 10, 7.H0 a. m. SAT., JAN. 17, lao p. in. SAT., JAN. 24, 7.!JO ii, lit. SAT., JAN. SI, 10.00 n. in. Tlcketa on eulo to nil Eastern points nnd Information ns to route nnd r:tc cheerfully furnished. Phono Muln S3-L. S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR PORTLAND MONDAY, JANUARY 19, AT 3:00 P. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50. Connection with tho North Rank Road nt Portland. North Pacific Steamship Company. Phono -i 1. S. S. REDONDO SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY MONDAY, JANUARY 19, AT 3:30 P. M. San Francisco office, 805 Fife Rldg., or Lombard St. Piers No. 27. Tntcr-Oceanlc Transportation Co., C. F. McGeorge, Agt., Phone 44. Improvements Following out our usual builders. us show you some ol rnces ngnr ana ierms to suit you, Call at our office for Development Co, (OWNER) ITS Central Ave. Phone 1G0. INSURANCE. ON TIME. SAILS FROM PORTLAND: TUESDAY, JAN. , S p. in. TUESDAY, JAN IS, 8 p. m. TUESDAY, JAN. 20, 8 p. m. TUESDAY, JAN. 27, 8 p. m. If. J. MOHR, Agent -' C. V. M'GEORGE, Agent. 1 9&I (hii Till tft Ittl res! HI 111 tkil u . ,maush1 Com ew The V ABM- -' ' 3 t-3k - Jw ?.&' I