!Wur7 J'"I -; -? '"'" yi& ' '.j "r Hmpiwm.j'u.wii.11 t ci COOS BAY TIMES TAET FIGHTS At TO TAX. IHr AmoelileJ Prtm to Coos liny Tlmo NEW HAVEN', .Inn. 1C Professor U. 0. MALON'KY Eilltop mul Pub William Howard Tnft of Ynlo is dlB- DAN E. MALOXEV News Editor 8tttflfIeil wlth the tax levied on his I nutomobilo by t! o city entered nt the poatofflce at Mann field, Oregon, for transmission through the mails as second clas mntl ninttor. Oficint Paper of Coos County. Dedicnted to the service of tho peoplo, that no good cause shall lact champion, nnd that evil shall no; thrlvo unopp scd. SUIISCItll'TION HATES. DAILY. Ono year ' JG.OO Por month - . .f0 WEEKLY. Ono year .' 51.50 When paid strictly In advanco the ubscrlptlon prlco of the Coos Bay Ho received notice that the assessors had rated his machine as worth $4500. To this 10 I per cent had been added for Tnft'a fnlluro to appear within the speci fied time and swear to the tax list. That brought tho total assessment to $4050. In a letter to tho assessors today Taft Informed them ho bad purchased tho car second-handed, paying only PERSONAL NOTES Cot Quick ltcliitiiH. A Times lost ml yesterday brought Joy to Miss Times is $5.00 per year or tZ.SO for Mni-i. i.niilnn MnArthur. dauehtor of Ix mouths. I ,, , ,, .., I-, m-a-m,,.!. Tim .,11. Mill! ..io. rj. .'. .,. h.m. . w P. C MESSEULE, of Catching Inlet, was a visitor In Mnrshflold today. JUDGE HALL left today for Coqulllo on county business. ATTORNEY I. N. MILLER left on tho morning train for Coqulllo. F. D. LAYTON has returned from a business trip In tho Valley. ATTORNEY M'KNIOHT was among thoso attending court at Coqulllo fiiln V $2000 for it and fails to understand g M N0SLER was among thoso how they can rate It at assessed fig gurcB. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED te&Wt&M4V& Js&aSc0kinj0w IRVING BLOCK WATCH OUR WINDOWS Cleanup Sale Continues All This Week Address nil communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. Mnrsliflehl :: :: :: : Orcgoi -tt-K- TOO EARLY. THE TIMES has been naked If It will support R. A. Booth, of Eugene, for tho United States Benntc. Mr. Hooth has nn excellent reputation ns a citizen nnd a busi ness man, but whether or not this pnpor will support him depends upon developments and who his op ponents will bo. Tho qualifications of tho different candidates will bo carefully measured. It will bo booh enough to stzo up the field when tho rnco stnrtfl. Senator I. S. Smith Is In receipt of a lettor from .Tonnthan Dourno In which ho says ho has not def initely determined yet whether or not ho will bo n candidate. Ho states Hint ho expects to mnka n doflnlto announcement some tlmo in Februnry. from. ALLIANCE SAILS. Taking on passenger nnd cargo at Hnrahflold, tho Htenmor Alliance, whlc'i arrived In tho hnrbor yeatordny from Portland, loft MiIh afternoon for Furokn with tho following passen gers: II. A. Houtpll, R. W. Campbell, Will Whltworth, James Hopkins, J. C. Ry an, J. Wilson, II. Drown, J. W. Onr noth, Mrs. P. IC. Steele, J. O. Sim mons, Dolburt Herring, Linn Derrlng, It. M. Hnllor nnd Mrs. L. F. Herring. Tho Alliance will return from Eu returning to Coqulllo this morn ing after a visit in Mnrshfleld. MISS DELIA GOUTHER loft yester day to visit her brother at Co qulllo for a short period. MISS ROSA RARINQER, of tho Hub other dnv she lost one of n pnlr of Clothing Co., lias returned from n gloves that had been given to her trip to Portland nnd eastern points, for a birthday present. She mourn-j"- ! KIMBALL returned yesterday ed tho loss deeply nnd hunted high' on tho Alliance from a trip to nnd low for It. Finally sho appealed Portland. to her father to try a Times want nd. J. A. WARD was a business visitor Ho wns a little bit dubious nbout even in the city today from the cream n Times want ad being able to re- cry across tho Ray. storo the glove, but finally bo tried CARL MATTSO.V, of Catching Inlet, It. lust to nlense hor. and Inserted it ,,,,nn nmi rnniiostod that tho finder launch Wnh-ta-Waso. leave It nt tho Horkonsee store in JOHN MATTSON vn,s down from South Mnrshilold. His Burprlso was Catching Inlot yesterday on a bu not much greater than her Joy wliou slness trip. i. ..invn ,no rnmriiP.l tn hor. Now DANIEL FRANSON was nmong tho Rl.n Is trvlnc to ascertain who tho buyers In town from Catching harry HULTMAN returnod from U. S. Ilonds to secure clrculntlon Men's and Boys' Overcoats All good, now gnrments of the best materials and workmanship and latest of patterns at Thirty-three and One-third Percent Off i Men's and Boys' Suits A good stock of Men's nnd Roys' Suits; well tailored, all wool and beautiful patterns. Twenty-five percent Discount Men's and Boys' Odd Pants A good assortment of patterns to choose; Just whut you want; not all bIzcb, but ono for you. Your choice for Twenty-five per cent Discount WeaMi We bnvo Just a few ladles' buUb left- neauuiui serges, uroaueiotn mm basket Values $22.50 to $17.50 nt One-half price Ladles nnd Misses Conts, In novelty wcav Values from $-7.50 to $45.00, nt ' One-half price Ladles and MIbscs Raincoats. A good atock ti pls-es nnd n good nssorttnont of colors to cliooi Twenty per cent discount Children s Raincoats and Cnpcs, a Bplondid stock to select from. Just what you want for th llttlo follow. Twenty per cent discount Mm Htinclnl term of Circuit court. arrived in tho city today on tho j K NOUTON, of tho Coqulllo I llnwl " I ntl (fit n tf m1 till ' I ui t wimiiiooiun, a -n . Mrti.ulfll.l 1" !-- Ulnt,. r r -,.., .. l i ... I Ity last evening nnd left this t'", '. ' ,,,u """"' Ul w,LhU"' "l u,u U,U8 0l "'""''ess, jlaj Report of the Condition of HE FIRST NATIONAL DANK OF COOS DAY morning by atngo for Gardiner , on a brief business visit. Loans nnd Discounts overurnrtB, secured nnd unsecured Resources, fi...ir ,t.n (net tn (hunk him. Tho '"'ot yesieruay. flndor Blmply brought It In nnd left CHARLES SPOONER was among It ,,t tho storo with the remark "Hero tl10 vl8't from Catching Inlet In the lost clove." ' yostordny. is the Itwimo. , ,R M ATCms0N.t or i.rtlnd. was NOTICE OF REDEMPTION OK, nmong tho Insurnnco men nrrlv SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DONDS. ! Ing on tho Breakwater' yesterday. Notice Is hereby given that pursu- MRS. W. N. EKHLAD spent yestor- nnt to tho provisions of Chapter V of Title XXVI, L. O. L., and In' ac cordance with tho terms nnd condi tions of said bonds, tho City pt Mnrshilold will take up and cancel day ns tho guest of hor Bister, Mrs. Simpson, at North Rend. CAPT. BRITT of the Coob Bny Llfo saving station wns a Marshflold visitor yeatorduy. rokn on Monday morning nnd will of said above described bonds nro( nnll on tho return trip to Portland In hereby notified to present tho Bnmo tho special Improvement bonds of WATER BAILIFK NICHOLLS. of Hnld City of Marshflold, Coob County, I Empire, returned on the noon trnln Oregon, Issued on tho 1st day of from Coqulllo Valley points. August, lit 10. and niimbored from TOM BENNETT wns a visitor In Co- 82 to Hfi Inclusive, each for the sum qulllo this morning on legal bual- of $500 nnd all or said bonds bear-, ness. Ing Interest nt tho rate of 0 per cent' JUDGE HAMMOND wns among tho per annum nnd will on the next semi- attorneys bended for Coqulllo this nnnunl coupon period of Bald bonds, morning. to-wlt: on the first day of February. ALFRED JOHNSON, of the JohiiBon 1011, pay to tho proper owncra nnd Lumber Company, Is n guest nt holders of said bonds, face vnluo of Tho Chnndlor. each thereof with accrued Interest to 13. T. WILLIAMS returned yester- Bald dnto and tho owners nnd holdora , dny from n business trip of Bov- crnl days to Bnndou nnd Coqulllo Vnlley points. tho nftornoon nt 3 o'clock. SOCIAL CALENDAR FRIDAY. PntrotiB' nnd Teachers' Club j nt High School building. I Past Matroim with Mrs. A. I). Wolcott. Excelsior Club with Valerlnn Vnsoy. LndloH' Art Club with Mrs. E. I), MoArthur. Young Peopled Soclnl nt Bap tlst church. for payment and cnncollntlon to tho ALFRED JOHNSON, of Baudon, loft undersigned, tho Treasurer of said ( on tho morning trnin ror coqulllo, pin- nt hla office In the Flnnngnn nnd nftor Bpondlng last night In Mnrsh- in n..i, i ui.i fin,. nf Muruii. I field on business. ; uuiiui'ii. i.miiiv ,ii ,..., ..j ... .'.. field, Coob County, Oregon, on snld W. M. CANDL1N, of Coqulllo, ro- dnto for pnymont, cancellation and turned to tho county sent this ledemptlon, and nro further notified morning nfter n brief visit In tho Hint Interest thereon will ceaso nt -'Uy. innld Interest pnymont period, to-wlf. MR. AND MRS. LLOYD CUTLER nr-l I on Fohruary 1st, 1914. i rlrcil In town this ninnilng from Dated this ICth day or January, Catching Inlet on tlio munch wan-: 1011. ta-Wnso. R. K. WILLIAMS, -WM. WIEOAND, who has lieen mixed Treasurer of tho City up with Oovornor Weat In tho Cop- or Marshflold, Coob perlield affair. Ih expected hero by County, Orogou. Baudon Inst evening where he has 0t!lu.l.b.0",l8 t0 "ccuro V' S' dl,08lt8' to 8t-'c'"-o Postal beeh on business for tho pnBt jl01UB( securities, etc. '. weok. I Banking House. Furniture nnd Fixtures j Due from National Banks (not resorve ngentH) ATTORNEY ARTHUR K. PECK re turned on tho noon trnln from Co $390,9ti5, . . 3II. 100,000(1 27,500 1 6C,20. 79.600.M 12,13(1! .1.135(1 I8,632 2.17MJ 3,OC0.() Slit rr,ii$ii' 5,000 H Totnl .;.,:,, iinuwii J1IIIMIIIJU?1. Capital stock paid In $ OO.OOO.H I ......... ................. J. 500 U S.TSMi Nutionnl Bnnk NoteB outstuiidlng 1 00,000 ti Duo to other .National ininkH 28.19C!i Duo to State and Private Dunks nnd Rankers , Ill.lOSn 515,IX.( ATTORNEYS HOY nnd I. N. Miller Duo from Stnte and Private Banks nnd Bunkers, Trust Com- -.. i.. r.,.nio .!.. nMn,,,iiMf tii,. ' pnnlci, si tl SnvliigB Bunks nro In Coqu llo today attending the tfQm yoi ncBorvu AbcIiU ; enso of Motley vs. Tlmmermnn, In C,L,lkB ,uul ot,er CiibIi Houib which they represent tho plaintiff. 'Votes of other Nntlonul Blinks Frnctlonnl Pnper Currency, NIckelB, nnd Cents ATTORNEYS TOM BENNETT nnd Specie r$50,805.S0 liPttnott qwniitoti worn In Conulllo Leg.il-tender notos -1 ,11 10.00 Ilonnitt swntiton uoro in coqui no UciIompt1 fum, vvll v Si T,.t,a8ror (5 per cent of clrcu- IUIIU lUU-UlMUii IIIU BCOOIUII ... , hltlUll), cult court, ... " u .:""..".:.. Surplus run, qimiff. wncre no nuuniiwi nniii (imvded ProfllB. less Expenses nnd Taxes paid ins morning uu iukui iiuBiiieBa. R. Stanley Dollar, loft I Demand cortiricates of deposit C,27l!ll lg train for his borne. ' Jf ff i 8 ,,r ,lo,,OH,t !,0'" E. E. JOHNSON, tho Coqulllo lnm bcrmnn who was In Mnrshtleld biBt Individual deposltB subject to check night with on the morn i rnullll,ru ftllm'tu fllllullllllllllir II. O. GRAVES wns nmong tho legal, ,,0l)lal buvinii deposits .... fraternity bound for Coqulllo this morning to attend tho session of circuit court presided over by Judge Benson, of Mcdford. ) 609.11 1.CS7.I1 lD.lfiMj i STANLEY DOLLAR, or Snn Fran cisco, who bus been In Baudon for Bovcr.il days, returned to that port (hla morning nfter n meeting hold hero hist night. ?'J H,375.ll BLUE GODDELL. tho gonl.il hust ler lor Insurance, nrrlved from Portland yeatorduy for a biiBlness IhK In the county of never.' weeks. Totnl Kiiwu of Uic-ai.ii, Comity of Coos. bb. 1. Uorsoy Kroltzor, CtiBhler of tho abovo-named bnnk, do solemnly tutu Unit tho above stntemeut Is true to tho best of my knowledge and belief DORSEY KREITER, Caiblr, Subscribed nnd sworn to befoio mo this lUth day or January, l'JH. ARTHUR K. PECK. Notary Public. CORRECT ATTEST: W. S. CHANDLER, JOHN S. COKE, W. U. DOUGLAS, Director GEO. RIDOUT CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT :. ubir or t oOrogon State Socbty or Certiried Public Accountants Ftlluw or tho American Angulation or Public Accountants. II. II. Wilson this week. DR. SCIILIE.MAN or Curry county WILLIE REICHERS. n prominent I membor of tho Coob Bny Outing Club returned to Marslilleld Tues-i day after n sojourn of five lna I" Bnndou. pHsed through horo yesterday eu If,,:,.: ClAVE formerly omployed In route home from n trip to Port- nmdllold'a Imrhoi- slion. who hi" laud nnd Siilein. MISS STELLA PETERSON of Enst sldo was the guesr or friends In Mil I'H-Hold and North Bond yo terday. ,11'DGE BENSON, or Modford. who arrived In Mnrshflold vln Port land nnd tho Brenkwnter, loft on luorulug trnln tn preside nt rmzm B BffyywMqryMn'raf Sae The Fair's January After days of preparation, our GREAT JANUARY SALE is now in full swincj, offer inn unparalleled opportunities for shrewd buyers to supply personal or home needs at marvelously low prices. Read this list, better still, come and see them. Antiseptic cana . . . Talcum Powder. Full am Jumbo Knit Sweater of lleny Wool, formerly $7.50 nnd JS.fio. Now . . . . 7c $4.85 ":'.4ic Culli-cioH, now HMortiuent Just recolved dark mid Unlit colorm. Per ynrd English Ionic cloths nnd Indian linoiis. Iflo Speilnlly priced, pr yd, 20c, l.'.c. lU'H-i". IUU Lice CurtnluM, nil marked down, per pnlr, $U.50. $-'.50, ?S,00, $1.7:. mul oi on ip u Umbrollaa buo nil boon ivdmod. the good IUuls from $1.ou up, LJ Wo have LndloB Gliigbnm AproUK. lume ariety of stylo, oc 78e, ,10c and Lii Men's Groy- Cotton Sox. Now Formoily 10c. t i .7 Men's Black, Tan op Navy Sox. For moily 20e. Now, '1 pair for ...... .25c Men's lonthor working nnd dross gloves, nil at rwlucod prices. Mun's wool ovorshlrts, Groy, Brown, Q Ar Tana. Formorly L' nnd $'-.-. Now ip ft J Wo carry n full lino of lndlos' oxtrn-slo hos iery nnd undorwonr. All our Indies' Skirts, Raincoats nnd Children's Conts MARKED DOWN. T FAIR IRVING BLOCK, Next to Chandler Hotel. CENTRAL AVENUE. SATISFACTION ALWAYS OR MONEY REFUNDED. -rmir."i 'f.-r-iirtresms'S'fVKJWTmvivvcTr Vi H been omplcvod In California, wrl'c rrlonda horo that ho soon expects to return to tho Bny. MRS. ALEC HONGELL was nmong ti:e many paaseuxers alionrd th Wnh-Ta-Wuso on tho crart'a rr turn to Catching Inlet yesterdnv Sho bad boon visiting hor mother In MaiBhflold. r. P. MORRIS, who was down rrom bis home In Plat It yoitardny. said that tho Inst word ho hnd heard or Major Kinney wns that be wns Improving somowhnt, hut nothing doflnlto hnd dovclnpod ns to his condition. N J. HANSON, district mnnngor or tho Orogon Liro Insurance Com pany, loft for Baudon on tho morning train. Ho roturnod yos terday from Portlnnd, whoro tho membors of tho company had their annual session, nnd roports a lively meeting, REUBEN MATTSON, who shot bis right hnnd off while out hunting a couplo of weoks ago, was dis charged from Mercy Hospital and loft ror hla homo In Cntchlng In lot on tho Wnh-Tn-Waso. His recovory was very rapid, consid ering tho amount of blood ho hnd lost, and the marks or tho shot In his rnco had healed up. Ho was able to get about as usual and his rrlonds warmly congratulated htm on his quick recovery. MRS. W. C. DEUBNEP. ol Mnrah flold. Mrs. Robert McCnnii or North Bond, D. L. Rood, Mrs. Barbara Rolcbort and E. A. Andoraon or Mnrshflold, wont to Coqulllo todny to tostir.v In the case or John W. Motley, aa guardian for Mrs. Stick neyrto rocovop property on North First sheet which It Is clnlmod the late Mr. Stlckney Illegally willed to Mr. Tlmmormau and bis son. Mux. Mrs. Stlckney hag been nn tninnto of the Oregon Stnto Asylum for ie insane for a number of years. , fVf, J y funnily I zsTViix-iJ?Z-' 3s2KBbL Jnrv All These FREE! Present the nttnchetl coupon to ploii'p iiiinhviiro Co. for 1 25c Instruction Boole 2 lOc Dottlca Johnson's Wood Dyo 1 lOc Can Johnson's Prepared Wax Johnson's Wood Dye is unequaled for ita penetrating qunlity nnd for the rich nnd permanent color which it dyes nil wood. It dries in half an hour and will not streak, smudrjo or stick. fo.l:r. Eztra Dark i!d' Na.Jll. MouCntn .III. Light Oak . jij. lmrK cjuk ce i-y rown 1 'Var.ctT-t Xiri MalMany .Mintri K utile A'o. J. 'orll llruf fla. til. Jlrown HmilS Kt.UU CMtnOik fe Ko, m. MiuianOak, Ko.tX. Ai A'o. no. Ufa Itok No. j.-i! -, Ai. Ill, Light Mahogany No.iU. Crn h'cathtrcd Johnson's Prepared Wax a nerfect furniture nollqli nnd finMi fnr oil '.nnnrimn.u nnn nnrl fiirnl ture, including pianos can be successfully used over nil finishes, Impart- H Ing a velvety, protecting finish of lasting beauty. Fill out this coupon i and present to m for book and 10c packages of Johnson's Wood Dye ana Prepared Wax I'RKE. PRESUNT THIS COUPON AT OUR 8TOKB We will furnish the bearer, free of all expense, with 1 25c Instruction Book 2 10c Bottles Johnson's Wood Dye 1 10c Can Johnson's Prepared Wax Pioneer Hardware Co. ' . The Times Does Job Printing th mli oxt thoi ' wliU f woul of th K&S&SESOC