BfeV .-'S'rfM jm THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JAMUARY 16, 1914 EVENING EDITION. mm HHKTKZZOi THE NEW STORE .... . L. CLOTHING AND SHOE CO. NEXT DOOR. TO BLANCO HOTEL ON FRONT ST., MARSHFIELD, OREGON BUBMHESRIH&HHBHHHMflCSflHIflHHH BBEKIHMftHHHBfiSHBBBCHHEjHX2H!HH3 I THE L X, L, CLOTHING AND SHOE COMPANY has opened its doors with an up-tojate and complete stock of stylish Men's Clothing, Furnishings, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Bags, Etc. JHE I. X. L WAS DELAYED IN OPENING UP ON ACCOUNT OF REMODELING THE FRONT AND IN CONSEQUENCE WE ARE GOING TO GIVE BARGAINS TO THE PUBLIC SUCH AS MARSHFIELD HAS NEVER HAD. OUR SPRING STOCK IIS 'NOW TIN THE WAY AND WE MUST MAKE ROOM. A WHIRLWIND OF BARGAINS. MEN'S MOST STYLISH TinREDSULTSf THE EQUAL AND ARE GUARANTEED TO EXCEL ANY $22.50 SUIT. OUR PRICE $14.48. MEN'S EXTRA FINE DRESS SUITS IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES AND SHADES. EQUAL TO ANY MADE-TO-ORDER GARMENT THAT ACTUALLY SELLS FOR $30.00. OUR PRICE $18.85. MEN'S SUITS in vclour finish Cashmeres. This is positively worth $20.00. At our opening day, . $12.50 MEN'S FURNISHING DEPARTMENT MEN'S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS worth 75c and $1.00. Our price 'MEMS FANCY HIGH-GRADE BAGS AND SUIT CASES, TRUNKS OF ALL KINDS. REMEMBER THE OPENING DAY, Saturday, January 1 7 MEN'S COTTON PANTS for every-day use. Sell for $1.50. Our price at the . ' opening day 50 Cents MEN'S WOOLEN SHIRTS beautiful patterns to pick from. Actually worth $1.50 and $1.75. Our price $1.00 We carry a beautiful line of Barry Shoes at prices that will please the public $1-15 MEN'S CORDUROY PANTS that actually sell for $3.00 and $3.50. Our-price at this opening day $2.35 MEN'S HIGH GRADE PANTS Equal to any custom-made to order pants at $6.50 and $7.00. At our opening day, $4.50 IX. L. CLOTHING AND SHOE COMPANY NEXT DOOR TO BLANCO HOTEL ON FRONT STREET, MARSHFIELD, OREGON KINDLY KBMKMnEK AND CIIVW lTS A TRIAL i:vi:itYTiiiN) ix Tin: hakkiiv link MAWSIIFIUU) IJAKINf! COMPANY ISM NOICTII SIU'OXD ST., NHAU i'H.NTIUI. AVIIXIK. IMIOXH IU8. TRUSTS ILL BE 1 Sails finui FREIGHT S. S. HARDY CmilliiL' fri-Mit only. HolwiTii Cons Hay mill Him " "" ww ... .., am (.iII.j rriim Coos liny, .Ian. si. H, :, l-fiiriinry ' " - ","" San IVamlsco Jim. l, i!:l, I'i-Ii. "d ' ' "' I'raiifl-ro. Kails Ocean Dork. One or two Years Will be Al lowed for Them to Conform ! to the New Laws lllr Akkm ItIM PrM lo Coo llr TlniM. WASHINGTON. I). C, .Inn. lli.- WILLAMI-rmM'AClKIO MOTOIt t-EKVICB. Car leaven Central avonuo, Marshflcld, ovury thirty minutes, bo Blnnlng at 0:00 a. m to 9:30 p. m. Leaves North Bond eviry thirty mluutra beginning C:40 n. in. to 9:45 p. in. Faros: One way, lCc; Round trip, .'oc. KQUIPPKl) WITH WIltHLKSS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS OX TIME. SAILS rtlUOM MAUailKIKLl): SAILS FUOM POItTLAND: SAT., JAN. ij, 1 p. in. TUESDAY, JAN. . 1. SAT., .LVV. 10, 7.JJ0 u. in. TUESDAY. .IAN 111, 8 p. m. sat., .ian. it, is. p. in. ,,,';.;..: .v ., 8 ,, SAT., JAN. a I, 7.!H) .ii. in. '1UESD.U, .1AX. -, l. SAT., JAN. Ill, 10.00 41. in. TUESDAY, JAN. i!7, S p. in. Tickets on sale to all KaUorn points nut Information as to routes and r.-Ues cheerfully furnished. Phono Wjiln SJ.VK,. .L MOHK, Agent LIVE SESSION OW.WXIZATIOX OK I'ltOTKCTIVE ASSOCIATION' IIY MI2UCIIANTS OK MAKSIIKIKLD IS lMIOI'OSED AT EXTIIUSIASTIO MHiniXfl. The- -preliminary mooting townrd a movement which miiv roan It In Tlio now leghlatlon preventing Intor- tho organization of n morelmntB' locking directorates will provldo am- ,)r00ctlovo aBsoclatlon lii MnrHhflold plo tlmo and opportunity for tho ro-,wn8 llol(1 lnBt nlBlt ju tll0 chamhor adJiiBtment of business, ofrielnis m-of commorco quarters, when tho ma the confidence uf tho President said. jorjty 0f tho locnl grocers hold nn From high ndnilnlBtratlon quartern informal discussion of tho project enmo tho word that tho President had ntui enjoyed a bettor foellng with pointed out to tho congressional com- oac, othor than they linvo In somo mlttees tho necebslty for allowing one tlmo. George Cook presided at tho or two years for big business to con-'BIUil0rlng, which took no formal ne form to tho now 1wb. tlon. but which will nssomblo ngaln Another omph'ablzod essontlal In in about a month for anothor Infor- tho progrnm Is tho determination of innl discussion. Wilson to niako or tho proposod interstate trado commission not only Tho primary object of tho mooting was to discuss tho organization of an auxiliary to tho courts In carry- nn association, but tho grocers had Ing out docrees but an actunl nsslBt-Bo many thlnga of Intorost to dls- Illll IU Dig Ullallll'Bil IIOCII. UIII1UI 11U .CUBH III I'UIIIIUUIIUH Willi IIIIBIHUBa that tho meeting lasted until after 12 o'clock. S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIKELESS. SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR PORTLAND MONDAY, JANUARY 19, AT 3:00 P. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50. Connection with (Jio North Hank Itoad at Portland. North Pacific Steamship Company. PJioiio-ll. C. F. M'flEOnOE, Agent. 1 '"1 ; ., I S. S. REDONDO SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY MONDAY, JANUARY 19, AT 3:30 P. M. San Francisco office, 805 Fife Hldg., or Lombard St. Piers No. 27. Inter-Oceanlc Transportation Co., C. F. McGeorge, Agt., Phono 44. clrcumstnnccs would tho commission fix prices or exorcise powers of regu lation, but besides acting as a bur eau of Information might bo glvon .wore enthusiastic over tho roBiiIta tho function of mediation In oncour- of tho mooting, which brought tho L L wm D ALASKA GOAL NOT FOR NAVY Commander of G. A. R. in Tests Show It Is not up to 1880 Dies at Afle of 76 Expectation More Exper- in Philadelphia iments Planned llljr ,o.Ule. IT.M to (.'oo lUjr TlniM. lllr AmocUIikI I'rr.a to Cool lUy TIuim PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 1C Ocn-j WASHINGTON, D. 0., Jan. 1G. ,,,,,, . . i Preliminary testa of Alaskan coal oral Lou b Wngnor, commander ol , . ' . , , from tho Ilorlng Itlver district hnvo tho Grand Army of tho Hepubllc In ,)00 V(jry t,Hroumglng t0 tho Off0- 1SS0, died yesterday, agod sovonty. j lain, who hoped they might dovolop a new fnol hiiiiiiIv for tho navv. Hear for mutual Biirprlso mill ndmlratlon . A,llIllrn, arlfnili , 0,iar0 of ti10 )n. and nro looking forward to tho next ve8tlBnUon ,, ro,)0rtod to tho House meeting with ploaBiiro. Nttvnj AffnrH coimnUtoo that tho Tho need for bouio measures bo- orlllK ,Uvor conl teHt0i, B0 fnr ,mB Ing tnkon to protect tho grocora, , n(or CXI,cctat0llH , rnctlcal and tho morchantfl, from people B0 t0 Buch n oxtont ag ,Q ,J0 of no who run up a bill with ono H"". value, but from tho Matanuska flolda thon run up a bill with anothor, and xM oUler B0ctlonB of tho I)orlnB dUU after trying out every firm, depart ct fr0I whch t)l0 con, ,g yct t0 be for other fields, was discussed. ,lhooBtodi tho nnvy , ,,,,,,, for ,)0ttor dondboat and tho crook who Imposes , roBitH on firms In various fashions were choniIcn, toatH of tll0 llor,ng RIvor discussed and tho general opinion I c(m, lmcnt0(l ,t c0talned a higher was that tho tlmo Is rlpo for tlio J ofru.,OIU.y 0f thermal uiiIIr than tho organization If tho other merchants WoHt v,rBlll c0lU ,iut whon nilt t0 wu.n. m l0 - ran huo u ma w,. fIr t0Beg tho developed Those proson at tho gathorl g when tho next mooting la called !on, forty.thro 0 por cont of tho 8nma n win nrummy ..o uiw '"'- offlcloncy and cansod much trouble I'llUIU b (U mi i-J a n nun, uuu u mi ui- fl mniln Immnnon nllilni.U ntwt ninrnr1 . . l.i l.. f-..,l... t ,., . ...l.l. !. . .,. . ........ -.. .i. it iiiiiiiu iimiivii.u v..iinU1 uu.v.v.. aging rcurKuiiMuiiuim m t''') Bi"-' i-iuui iuuui n gnnizniiou ih uociiioci on mu inn- tl0 .rnto bnra with a auustaiico like Willi mo liuw wni, uiiiui, iiiv) uiikuiciiiu i"h NOSTRILS Ai HEAD STOPPED UP rnnwi nni nomv hav nuTtonu dm mi rnuiiiuuLUf muni UHmnniioHLm, juniy oi mo n.ui k.u..0 .. ., ,, , lla,ni)0r0(, 8UminliiB. It strongly. Tho nrgumont Is nd-i vancod that such an organization,' besides protecting tho merchants from tho non-payora of bills and others, will bo a big factor for tho progress and growth of tho city, It Is advanced that It can tnko the Initiative In pushing along legisla tion for tho bonoflt of nil buslnosH moil, nnd that anything which saves tho morchants and luminous men Instant Itellef When Xo&o ami Head nro Clogged from u Cold. Stops Nasty Catarrhal Discharges. Dull Ileadacho Vanishes. Try "Ely's Cream Balm." Got a small bottle anyway, Just to try It apply a little In tho nostrils and Instantly your clogged noso and stopped-up air passages of tho head will open; you will breatho freely; dullness and hoadacho disappear. By morning! the catarrh, cold-In-head or catarrhal soro throat will bo gon,e. End such misery now! Get tho small bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm" at any drug store. This sweet, fra grant balm dissolves by tho heat of 'generally will bo boneflclal Indirect- HUERTfl'SfAGENT HS UP JOB tho nostrils; ponetratos and heals V to tho consumor. Boosting for mMir-io Antinn Rnnnrliitinn tho Inflamed, swollon mombrano n,oro business, such nn organlza-.ul0iaiul b UIIUI nLJUUicuniij Payments Distjusts Emis sary in Paris which linos tho noso, head and tlon, It Is claimed, would do a great throat; clears tho air passages; work for tho growth of Mnrshflold stops nasty discharges and a feeling 'nsldo from protecting tho merchants of cleansing, soothing relief comes Immediately. Don't lay awako tonight strugg ling fop breath, hawking and blow ing.. Catarrh or a cold, with its running noso, foul mucous dropping Into the throat, and raw dryness Is distressing, but truly needless. Put your faith Just once In "Ely's Cream Balm" and your cold or catarrh will surely disappear. against nil Impostors. Tho gonoral opinion last night wns (Dr AMoclatol I'rfM to Csoi liar Time.. PARIS, Jan. 1C Adolfo do la that thero woro many morchantu In MaIfti Mexican Minister of Finance, tho city who aro anxious to organize who nrrjved wo recently on a mta- tho association. In tho monntlnio'g, onln connoction with tho finances tho grocers will meot togothor nnd from tho result of last night's Informal gathering it was learned by thoBO present that suoh meetings In themselves will bo profltnblo to those attending. of his country, cabled his resigna tion to Huorta yesterday as a pro test against tho action of tho pro visional presldont In repudiating tlief Interest payments on tho Internal nnn foreign debtB Qf Mexico. '