KWSRQi THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY,. JANUARY.' 1B,. 1.91.4 EVENING EDITION HUB DRY GOO THE REAL BARGAIN EVENT EVERY DAY A BUSY DAY Everybody Knows is not the ordinary kind of a sale Our store has been literally crowded since the opening day, and contrary to the rule of usual sales, each day s business has been larger than the day preceding it A sale at this store means a genuine, trenchant reduction from the normal price.. There is no juggling with prices under the word Value ." Extra salespeople to see that you are served as promptly as possible-GOODS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS GREATLY REDUCED. New price attractions have been added. jJ Afftv J0t r tin 01 'th mli pxt U LADIES' COATS Hcgular price $10.00. CE QK Now i)iJiuU Itegnlar price $12.50. Now Hegular price $ 1S.75. Now Hegular price $20.00. Now Hofitilnr price $25. 00. Now Hcgular prlco $27.50. Now Hcgular price $30.00. Now Hegular prlco $35.00. Now , Hegular prlco $15.00. Now $7.85 $12,35 .$12.65 $16.15 .$17.55 .$18.95 .$22.45 .$28.85 LADIES' SUITS Hcgular price $1G.75. Now Hcgular price $1S.75. Now Hegular price $20.00. Now Hegular price $22.75. Now Hegular price $25.00. iow Hegular prlco $28.75. Now Hegular prlco $30.00. Now Regular prlco $33.75. Now Hcgular price $40.00. Now Hegular price $45.00. Now 49,95 $11,95 .$12,35 $12.95 .$13,15 .$15.65 .$16.35 .$19.95 .$24,50 .$26,95 LADIES' RAINCOATS One odd lot, $1.50. Q1 QT Hogulnr prlco $5.00. (Jin rr Hegular prlco $0.00. Qyj ff Regular prlco $7.00. ml nf Now $WJ Regular price $7.50. (TP n Now pU,lJ Regular prlco $S.00. (ftr Of Regular price $9.50. Now Hegular price $12.50. Now ipUilU Hegular prlco $15.00. (M O EK Now vplUiUO Regular prlco $20.00. Q"0 QE Now (PlU.uM Regular price $25.00. (M7 PC Now tpil.UJ .$6,95 7i: LADIES' WOOL DRESSES $5.25 ..$6.95 ..$8.75 $10.65 Hcgular prlco $7.50. Now Hegular prlco $10.00. Now Hcgular prlco $12.50 Now Regular price $15.00. Now Regular prlco $17.50. Now Hcgular price $18.50. (MQ QP Now pi.,JJ Regular price $20.00. TM O QC Now ipiUiJu Regular prlco $22.75. QIKflP JNOW IplUlJU Regular prlco $25.00. M 7 Now p 1 I ivIU LADIES' EVENING AND PARTY DRESSES Regular prlco $15.00. An a. Hegular prlco $17.50. m.44 q. Now p J 1 tOU $12.75 $14.75 Regular prlco $30.00. (h.17 nr 4iliOD r prlco $35.00. C1f 7C ijj 1 u 1 1 u $23,75 Regular price $20.00. Now Regular prlco $25.00. Now Now Regular prlco $35.00. Now Hegular prlco $10.00. Now Hegular price $50.00. Now Read These Farewell Prices: WE HAVE ADDED ANOTHER PRICE ATTRACTION BY MARKING all $13.50 and $13.75 all $15.00 and $16.75 Ladies' Coats $9.15 Ladies' Coats $10.15 SEE THEM IN DISPLAY WINDOW. $13.50 Silk Poplin Dresses all leading colors, sizes 34 to 46 Now $8.65 SEE THEM IN DISPLAY WINDOW. $3.50 Sweaters for men and women; sizes 32 to 46 Now $2.65 SEE THEM IN DISPLAY WINDOW. This Big Sale includes DRESS SKIRTS, PETTICOATS, WAISTS, KIMONOS, CORSETS, CHILDREN'S RAINCOATS, RAIN CAPES, GIRLS' COATS, BOYS' SUITS, , VAJJ and HATS, LADIES' FURS, LADIES AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, BOYS' SHOES, ALL UMBRELLAS, BLANKETS, BED-SPREADS, SUIT CASES and BAGS, TABLE LINENS, SILKS COTTON GOODS and many other articles too numerous to be mentioned in this space. You must visit the store and see for yourself. This is the big Money-Making, Money- Saving event of the year for you. ""y n7 B"y -7 irc BIG 9:00 O'CLOCK SPECIAL 96 Women's and Misses' Wool Dress Skirts Black and white, and tan mixtures, sizes 32 to 38 waist, 36 to 44 length. The popular two-piece skirt, side-front fastening finished with five buttons and worked button holes, They go on sale it 9 o'clock tomorrow &j AQ morning at the ridiculously low price if 4) 9 .4-37 100 Women's and Misses' All-Wool m t-wkwi Serge Dress Skirts Navy and black, sizes 22 to 38 waist, 36 to 44 length, Panel-back and stitched double box plait over hips, H gh waist line, At nine C? 1Q o'c'ock tomonow until sold .y&rtu wwwfi ni tin rvrn.m7TTnmmarm23 rrt -.rt.vrtwvnrTvr.P'Tn ,n.jaff.rtuiTrriffeinntr7TrffM Corner Central Avenue and Broadway. Hub Dry G oods Co. Phone 361, ucHxcxzjca: . , 1 wmimmmm I I m m,mmm p mm . mmm mi I I 1 1 i n mm i i mi mummtmmmmmmmmmm. DUCK H tO u JEIS DUCKING R. A. Wernich Victim of Ac cident on Last Day of Season, but Went Ahead "" u. A. Wornlth. II. M. MrKoow 1 and W. J. I llll wero three or tin last Coo liny nliniods to mull thomsolves of tlu Inst opportunity to bn n few duilf on tlio last day of tlio opon soason. whleh was yos tordny. Ineidoutally. Mr. Worulch got ono "duek" Hint neither ln nor his associates will forgot In a Ionic t lino. To innko sure of getting tlio lim it, (hoy Hturlod about flvo o'clock In tlio morning for tlio Glasgow nun Club, or rather, arranged to start. A llttlo lioforo flvo, t hoy Htartod for tholr launch. All wont woll un til (hoy ront-hud I ho dock and Mr. Wornloh started down the Inellno. All of a sudden his foot shot ou( from under him and (ho next thing McKoown and lllll realised was when Mr. Wernlch's foot were stick ing up ovor the oil go of tho slip, his icon hnvliiK caught on tho llttlo rail. Otherwise ho was under wid er. Tho two wore too dumbfoundod to grab hlni and lllll says that Mo ICeown wan so Btartled that ho wns hollering Instructions to Wernlch to what to do when rnlohV hoail was about four foot undor water and only Ida foot above. In an other Initnnt hl toe hold slipped and ho waa all under. A mntuont lntor. ho bobbed up and grabbed tho ellp ud was out. However, n Utile ducking wasn't r'.lowod to apoll the hunt and a lek return to the Ohandler fur v''oiJ dry cloUilug for liltn anil . y went .out and got the limit. OFFGALS US btllfttl; (I 20. '2G. 27. 2S. '20. Viewers Select Men for Thirty One Districts Apportion ments Made County .ludgo Hall roturnod from Coiiulllo lnat o oidng. whoro tho County Court ndjournud after fln- jiBhlug up tho biiBliuma of the hob slon. Tho Judgoa and olorka of tho lolwtlon boarda for oaoh district 'voro Molocted, also tho road supor vlaora in tho county for tho yonr. Tho board of county road vlowors coiiBlBtod of A. N. Clould. county aunoyor; Joseph Dovault. of Myrtlo Point, and 1'. M. llall-Lowls, county rondinnstor, of Coiiulllo. I Tho road supervisors for tho thlr- ty-ono road dlatricta aro as follows: 'nist. Nuino. Address. 1. W. V. Uowron .... Toinplotou 2. C. IS. lluuson Mnrshflold .'!. tl. A. rorktiiB . . . North Horn! t. .1. C. Wiloy North llond fi. 1'. P. Norton Marshflold . W. II. Stull Allegany 7. S. 11. Cutllp Marahflold vs. Axel Huth North Ihjud 1 rt. 54. T. Zlglln Marahflold 10. It. Spade Sumnor 11. II. V. Ilolvorstott .. Falrvlew 12. K. N. Horry Sltkum IS. .lolm Kabry ....Myrtle Point 1 1. IS. V. Kuhy Uullards 15. John Yoakum CoquIUo 1U. Charles Strang CoquIUo 17. (leorge Mullou .. Mitle Point IS. IS. K. Wwkley Hrldge ,1P. A. J. Counts Haudon 20. H. Daulelaon . . . Parkeraburg 21. V. W. Klght .... Klverton 28. M. 'P. CllHtou Arago 83. Henry Strong . . Myrtle Point St. 11. H, Davis ,...,,, minion Alex Snyder Norway W. !'. Nonl Myrtlo Point A. .1. KadalmiiKh .... Norway (1. T. Hermann . . Myrtlo Point C. C. Johnson Cooston 20. Sam Stout McKinley :il. Claude Waters Tho road district funds for the var 1911 woro apportioned as fol 1 us: District. 1 ... a :i t r, G i s 9 10 11 12 13 1 I 17 18 10 20 21 OO 2H 2-1 25 2(i 27 2S 1 20 ISO '80 81 a e t t e t t t e i t e i e t e ! t i a l t t fl t t t Mills. 23.r :t.r ao.r. s.r, 22.r, :io.r, 21.0 37.5 1 2.5 2C.0 2G.0 21.0 I 1.5 7.R 23.5 Sfi.O 33.5 27.0 1S.0 22.5 10.5 25.F. P.6 n.n o.s 22.5 S.K S.5 1S.S Apportionment ... $ 172.20 5S1.10 S.050.05 CGI.05 15.2GI.50 5,002.50 2,802.85 0 12.10 1.RS4.-I0 3.0G0.75 7.381.55 3,5Sl.i)0 1S3.S0 t t t I let I t t l t t a ( 2.771.10 5.43G.00 1.112.50 1,089.45 5,137.70 2,817.15 1.430.S5 1.GSJ.15 3.211.05 5 OS. or. 7SG.G5 4.001. or. 1.013.'10 2.S30.10 007.00 G07.00 I.G72.L'n 1.1S1.00 iti-:vivu at cogt'iMds. Tho Coqulllt Mtnlsterlnl Union la planning to hold a union ruvlval, to I commence about February first. Tho ' M. IS. Church, tho M. IS. South, tr.o: Presbyterian and tho Christian churches will unite In thoso meetings. ( ArrniiKomonts hnvo beon partially coinplotod to socuro tho services of Ceo. W. Taylor of I.os Angoles, who is quite u noted revivalist. He is now at Uuport, Idaho and a tologrnm was sont to him. Coiiulllo Herald. I.lbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have AIAVAYS USKI). Phone 72. Pacific Livery and Trnnsfor Company. HAND DANCK, lr.gUs' Hull, SAT VHIUY, Jan. 17. Times Want ads bring resnlts. T. .1. SCA1P1S Jg A. II. IIOUniNS Marshfipld PA,NT AND fViarSnTieq DECORATING CO. ISstluintes Furnished. Phono aOU-J, Mni-bhlleld, Oregon Condensed Statement of The First National Bank Of Coos Bay JANUARY 13, 1914. ' Resources Loans and Bonds .' $485,02&jjj U, S, Bonds to secure circulation 100,OOOJj nea! tstate. Furniture and Fixtures 79,bUP sh and Sight Exchange 249,74oil Total $914',37&M Liabilities. Capitar Stock paid in $100,OflJJ burpius and undivided profits ii Circulation, outstanding 100,00 Deposits !. .. . 693,12' Total $914,375. 8SS.0 i99.04t.2- The total valuation of the road districts was pluced at $22..ir7. 095. SB. lU'SIXKSS MK.VS M'.VCII and cooked food sale SATl'KDAY, at of fices of COOS Utv KKAIrY Co. by laDlltS of CHIUSTIAX ClutiTh. Low Rates for Handling Trunks Wo haul trunka between an; points In Mnrshflold for tho follow ing rates, delivery to be made li tho first stories of buildings: One trunk t .2." Threo trunks ft Twolvo trunks Star Transfer and Storage Co. Levi lleisner. Prop. Phnne 1VO-.I- 41-TV WW 1 WiMWWirW'JiJfh.1 ti MM REMOVED Opposite The Blanco Hotel TODD The Tailor STATEMENT OF CONDITION nf FLANAGAN 8c BENNETT BAN! Of Marshfield and Myrtle Point, Oregon, At the close of business Jan, 13,1914, Resources n.,,ai Loans and Discounts $696.5r. Banking Houses ,,,,,, 6 MS Cash and Siaht Exchange . . . .29 . i ; Total , , , , $1,049,4 . . Liabilities Ar M Capital Stock Paid in SloM burpius and Undivided Profits , , , (M uujjubitb , , , VX'f lotal , , , , WiVwz All Kinds of Job Printing Done at The Tint 'wldi iwoul of til, A!! EcB