The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, January 15, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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Pony Inlot. would recommend Mint
tho sidewalks on lioth sides of Vir
ginia street bo 14 feet In width. I
wond also ml thnt na soon ns
Shorldnn nvonuo Is graded and the
fills hnvo had a siifflclont tlmo In
which to settle, thnt this street be
hard surfaced from tho north lino of
Washington street to tho north end of
tho street, and that the sldewnlks on
onch sldo of the street be 1 1 feet In
Ktm't to Marshlleld.
In the nnmml message of tho Mayor
of Marshfiold to tho City Council of
that city, he recommended tho open
ing of olio of soveral streets from
Commercial avenue through I'crhnm
Park to Fcrndnle. As the continua
tion of Sherman avenue south toward
Marshflold connects with Eleventh
street in Marshlleld. I would recom
mend that a committee bo appointed
to Intercede with the Marshlleld City
Council to decide upon the opening
of Klevonth street. I would further
recommend thnt ns soon ns tho en
tanglements In tho Kinney properties
are adjusted, that stops ho taken by
tho City Council of North Hend to
Interest tho City Council of Marsh
field In opening up Shcrmnn avenue
in North Ilcnd and Eleventh street
North In Mnrshllcld. if this can be
dono, It will provide practically a
north and south Btreet from Com
mercial street in Mnrshllcld to the
husluosB center of North Ilond, and
would bo practically a continuation
of Sherman nvcntio from North Hend
to tho Junction of Klevonth street
and Commercial street In tho City of
Marshllold. I am informed by engi
neers that a good grndo can bo pro
cured over tho entire length of this
1'or Clly Hull.
It is very ovldont to tho momborp
of tho City Council that the present
city hnll is iiolthor a credit to tho
city In appearance or up to tho stand
ard of necessity. Tho tlmo hns come
when tho city must hnvo n suitable
building for tho enro of tho firc
flghtlug apparatus, and one In which
enn bo constructed a fire-proof vault
for tho caro and snfo keeping of Its
records, plats, profiles, plans, specifi
cations, etc., one In which suitable
offices can bo provided for tho city
engineer, recorder nnd police depart
ment, and one In which cnu ho cou
nlrueted a suitable Jail. At tho time
of tho IsHtianco of bonds against the
city of North Ilond, Impartial men
npprnlsed tho property of tho city of
North Hend iih being worth ?1 a.r.OO.
which property comprises tho follow
ing: Lot C in mock 20, upon which
now stands tho present city ball, tho
north 20 feet of Lot fi. lots 0, 7, 20,
21, 22 and 2:i In Ulock IS, which tire
now used ns an approach from Sher
man nvonuo to tho waterfront road
' way leading to tho Old Town mill.
With tho rogrndlng of Sl.orinnn nvo
iiiio nnd Florida nvonuo this approach
will not bo necessary, and as the
prosont city hall Is not ndequnto to
tho needs of tho city, I would recom
mend thnt if It bo pnsBihlo the above
roforred to property bo sold by the
city of North Hend at tho appraised
vnluntlnnB, or nt ns much greater
flguro ns can be ohtuiuod, uud that
this sum, which should not In any
ease, bo loss than $111,500, bo used ns
tho nucleus of a fund for tho con
struction of n prcBontnblo city hnll
which will moot tho presont require
ments of tho city. I would suggest
thnt this building bo built with the
mnln body of tho building In tho cen
ter, allowing a inter construction nnd
nddltlnn of two wings, ono on tho
north nnd ono on the south of tlio
central building. Those two wings
will hike enro of the addltlonnl needs
of tho city In tho yenrs to come. 1
would recommend thnt this now city
hnll bo locnted and constructed In
prepared n map or plat, showing my
recommendations In regard to tho
Improvement of this strip of land. I
would recommend that the present
( city whnrf bo nnrrowed up to CO feet
, in width, nnd thnt Instead of this be
ing tho city wtinrf It bo used for street
purposes. I would recommend thnt
Washington, Virginia and California
tjinrifcf lt ntftniiiliiil 1rt nnn, i n .l.n '
proposed now harbor lino and that
duo east of tho CO foot street just
suggested, tlors of lots bo platted be
tween Washington and Virginia, and
Virglnln nnd California, each lot with
a GO foo frontage, 8.1.8 foot In depth,
nnd that adjoining and due east of
these lots i street 80 feet In width bo
constructed, and thnt adjoining nnd
duo cast of th's street a city 'wharf
bo constructed 80 feet in width. 1080
feet long, from tho south line of
Washington street to tho north lino
of California Btreet. I would also
recommend thnt reservation bo mndo
on tins wnarf for two warehouses,
each CO feet wide and 400 feet long,
11"- east lino of tho wnrohouso to bo
20 feet west of tho proposed now
hnrbor lino, or fnco of the proposed
dock. I would also recommend that
tho first warohouse, 00x400 foot, be
tween Virginia and California streets,
bo constructed t onco. It will bo
seen from the plat that such an ar
rangement of tho city's property will
create 1C lots 00x83.8, and I would
recommend thnt theso lots ho Im
mediately placed upon tho mnrkct nt
nn nverngo soiling price of $2500
onch. From the snlo of Uicbo lots
tho city would rcnllzo $10,000, and I
would recommend thnt this money
bo expended by tho city In tho con
struction of tho whnrf and wnrohouso
as shown on tho plat nnd In extending
Washington, Virginia nnd Cnllfornln
3treot from the front of tho .esont
dock to tho proposed now hnrbor lino
or fnco of tho proposed now dock. If
elthor I or tho Simpson Lumber com
pany hnvo nny title or clnlm in nnd
to this property, wo will cheorfully
qultclnlm tho sanio to tho city. Such
nn improvement of tho city front
vould plnco tho city entirely In con
trol of nil tho revenues received from
ho same, which would Includo 20
ponts por ton for nil freight
Council socuro ri aultablo dumping
ground for garbago and wnsto of nil
kinds, and thnt nn ordinance bo
passed remilrlng nil garbage, refuso
and waste to bo deposited on this
dumping ground, and that this dump
ing ground bo locnted far enough
nwny from tho city so as to keop
It from becoming a nuisance.
Flro Protection.
I would recommend thnt tho city
furnish the volunteer flro depart
ment with ns much necessary appar
atus as possible, and ns Is required
by thnt department for tho proper
protection of property from loss by
flro. I will nlso recommend thnt
fire limits bo established with proper
building restrictions within theso
limits, and that nn electricnl wiring
ordlnnnco bo passed Immediately re
quiring nil olectrlcnl wiring to ho
instnlled In nccordnnco with tho un
derwriters' rules nnd Bpcclflcntlons.
I would nlso recommend that a build
ing Inspector bo appointed who shnll
also net ns wiring Inspector, nnd
thnt his salnry bo proportioned nc
cordlng to tho nmount of work re
quired of him.
In order to safeguard tho public
health, I would recommend thnt a
plumbing ordinance bo passed nnd
thnt a plumbing inspector bo ap
pointed. I see no renson why ono
liinn rnnnot occupy tho position of
building, wiring and plumbing in
sector. I would suggest thnt the Council
seo thnt nil of tho improved streets
hnvo sidewalks properly laid.
I would recomniond that w sot of
rules and regulations for tho gov
erning of tho police department bo
Immediately prepared, and that the
pollco force of tho city bo forced to
llvo up to tho same.
I would recommend thnt no nddi
tlonnl licenses for snloons bo grnnt
od for tho presont, nnd thnt tho li
censes for tho snmo remnln nt tho
present figure, $800 por yenr.
Clty'H Finance.
Hy referring to tho nnnunl stnto
ment of tho Recorder of tho city
of North Hend for tho yenr 1013.
it will bo scon thnt tho total expen
diture of tho city for tho yenr
amounted to $20,180.85. Tho two
largest Items of this expenditure
woro tho following: Btreet Improve
ments, $7340.15; sewors, $5805. 22;
or n total of $13,211.37. Theso
two Items woro emergency expendi
tures necessitated by tho construc
tion of the Wlllnmotto Pnclflc Ry.
Tho Item,
Is Inrgely
Expert Piano, Player and Or,.
luinug, Koguinting and n '
Vr . . '"caul,
Orders may ho loft ,,t tho Wn"
11. Alien Music Sh.r. '
Iiiiio 'rimer utnl llcnnii..-
IIR U LM.JI. ... , ... ""I
...i .i. niun nii-iTl, . I'lll,(t
ijuiivu onier.s in u. II. Iliihu
" Music
m. wuitiirr,
lluilill"ir Coiitiiulni.
Estimates furnished on iiiupHt
An honest Job KiinrniitciMl. pi.'
y Contractor ami Itulhhr.
iOstlmatcs, drawing and speclfici
Uoiib furnished on request
A. satisfied customer Is both,.' ...
cronco thnn a bank. Look nn
ono of my 1 C up and teo If
I am rellnble.
Phono ttlfil. Slnrsliricld, Or,
DruglcNs Healing.
I'lioue ill (!!;. Hours 1) to H, 1 (
Office Itoom ii, litll, N. Iliomhur'
rvlt. II. M. SHAW
-' Eye, Far, Noso nnd Thront.
Diseases of women and MMrcn
Olllco phone 330. Rooms liOO. 201
202. Irving lllock. '
It. A., 1. HENDRY
Mnrshllold, Oregon,
(looms 204-206, Colco Hulldltig.
ItcBldeucu phono 252-X.
Olllco phono 112-J.
Tho wardrobe of tho young girl la
not comploto without nt least ono nft
crnoon sown, This Is usually slmplu
and Is fashioned of a supplo silk or
ono of tho new silk crepes.
Egyptian crcpo Is perhaps ono of
tho most effoctlvo materials for this
purpose and requires very llttlo trim
ming", as It Is ducoratlvo In Its Itself.
It Is somuthlng IIUo thu Shantung
crcpo, but of a somowhut roarsur
No 7843 Is developed In n dark blue
Egyptian crepe with n tiny vest of
brightly colored silk and a chemi
sette of laco. The frock closes In back,
has nn utlmw sleeve and n most attrac
tive skirt, which Is slightly fulled
Into n deep ynku. This design may u
made In slzu 16 with 4 VI yards of 36
Inch material.
A rather quaint ono sided olTcct Is
brought out lu No 8073 The under
bndlco Is of net, nnd tin ovvnlrcHM Is
or crepo do Chine with a huM tdue
ground and u contrasting tlguni. In
which there aro mingling of red.
brown nnd green The sash Is of red
satin. A narrow band of fur outline
tho onesided overbloiiso.
This dress limy bo copied In slzo 30
with 3 yards nt 42 Inch material nnd
li yards ot net or laco for the under
blouse. No 7813 nixes 10. 17 nnd 18.
No. S07D sixes 31 to -IS.
Eaeh pattern l& cents.
Handled over tho dock nnd tho through North Hend,
rentB derived from leasing spneo In .street Improvements,
tho wnrohouso, for dockngo nnd other , composed of tho cost of plunk, which
w.mrfngo ehnrges. This In Itself, I tho city hnd to purchnso for tho
m satisfied, would nmount- to a con- j Improvement of tho streets upon
sldernhlo sum In n very short tlmo, which tho rnllroad ronunny furnlsh
Riul more thnn pay Interest on tho od tho lnbor nnd did tho grading.
elty'B Investment, besides furnishing Tho expenditure for sowors wns for
in additional rovenuo for tho city, j tho mnln sower outlet from Connoc
Wlth tho completion of tho vnrlous tlout Btreet ncross tho rnllrond prop
onrraets for street grading It will ho 'ry Into tho bay north of tho Coob
necossary for tho city to Ittsuo n groat 1Jn' Manufacturing Co. plnnt. It
ninny Improvement bonds, nnd I w1ns necessary to construct this
To obtain till k: r pattern Illustrated (111
out this coupon and enclono IS cents In
'tamps or coin lie mire, to xtnto number
of pnttcrn uml size, iiicimurlnu over tho
fulli-nt part of tho hunt Address Pattern
Department, care of HiIh pipor
Tt t , n
Nnmo ,.
1V1 Tenclior of Piano.
RcBldouco Studio, No. 1096,
Corner Commercial and Klevonth Mi,
Phone ilHO.J.
ConstiltliiK Kngineer Ant
Offices, 10(1 Irving lllock.
Phono HKMj or UII7-.1.
Miiisliflcld, OrrKon.
Plunlst nd Teacher
Koildenco-Studlo, 237 So. Brotdwij
Phono 18-L.
Rooms 301 nnd 802, Coke Hulldlii
MrHlifleld, Oregon.
Mnrshfleld. Ornrnn
tho center of what Is known ns Orant
Circle, with nn oast nnd wont front
age. If the sum renlixed from the
Bnlo of this proporty boforo men
tioned Is not sufficient to build n
Biiltnblo brick, Btone or re-lnforcod
concreto building, such ns tho city
reqtilros, I would recommend thnt
nddltlonnl funds ho npproprluted out
ot tho gonornl fund of tho city to com
iploto hucIi n bulldlii'i.
Wntei Trout Plan.
T'o nrc-oi't elty whnrf Is In n de-
plorablo condition and there Is no
question but that considerable monoy
should bo oxponded upon this whnrf
in ropnlrB. Hut boforo any lnrgo ox
pondituro of monoy Is mndo for this
puriioso. I would llko to reconimond
tho following plnn of Improvement
tor tho wnter front. The city of
North nend If nppllod to tho Port
of Coos liny f.r pormlBslon to extend
tho harbor line 223.8 foot oast of and
parallel to tho prosont face of tho
city whnrf, Tho present width of
tho city wharf is 80 feot. If per
mission wero granted to tho city to districts to
oxtond tho harbor lino as requested,
thoro would bo n strip 303.8 feot
iwldo, nnd 10SO foot long, which
would Tovert to and be tho property
of tho city of North Hend I have
would reconimond thnt tho entire nm
ount of tho sinking fund for tho re
tirement of tho clty'H bond Issue bo
Invested In tho Improvement bonds of
tho city nt tho same purchase prlco
that theso bonds nro soiling for In tho
open market.
Would KupiMiit Hand.
I would reconimond thnt tho city
continue to conrrlhuto $50 per month
toward the Bupport of tho North Hend
Concert Hand, provided the band
furnishes tho peoplo of tho city with
eccaslonnl fro public concerts.
I would recommend that- tho city bo
very llboral in its policy of supply
ing ndequnto nnd propor Btreot light
ing for nil portions of tho city, par
ticularly tho outlying nnd somowhnt
Innccosslblo portions of tho city with
in rensonublo hounds. I would par
ticularly recoininoiid thnt iib booh ns
Shormnn nvonuo Is paved, tho City
Council uso thler best ondenvors to
porsunde the property holders to
place cluster lights along thoso streets
nnd abandon tho prosont arc lights.
I would recommend thnt tho
hnuis of duty of tho pollco forco
of tho city of North Ilond bo reduced
to eight hours per dny, nnd thnt
nn nddltlonnl pollco officer bo" em
ployed at a salary or $70 por month.
I would nlso recommend that the
City Council during tho year revlso
tho city chartor In ordor to facilitate
tho workings of tho City Council
and tho officers of tho elty.
sower boforo tho drodgo Senttlo
mndo tho fill for tho Wlllnmotto
Pnclflc Rnllwny Company's dopot
grounds to Bnvo In tho coat of con
struction. It was tho Intention of
tho Council to assess this sowor
cost to ono of tho Bowor districts
which It proposed to form, and this
money should thoreforo bo returned
to tho city trnsury. Theso two
ItoniB will not nppoar In tho oxpon
dlturo of tho city for tho yoar 1014.
Figuring on n basis of tho present
snlnrloB of tho different city officers
nnd tho fixed charges against tho
elty, tho disbursements of tho city
for tho prosont yenr will bo ns follows:
City Attorney $ 500.00
City Kngineer 1,800.00
I'ollco 1.800.00
Recorder 900.00
Whnrflngor 180.00
Wntchmnn for wntorfront C00.00
North nond Concert Ilnnd 000.00
Water nt $4 1 por mo... 528.00
Lighting nt $250 por mo. 3,000.00
Allowing for salnry on nd
dltlonnl pollcomon, bldg.
plumbing and wiring
inspector. Incidentals of
$5 per month, nnd
other oxpondlturo .... 2,512.00
Sewage. Systems,
I would reconimond thnt ns soon
ns tho street grndlng now contract
ed for Is comploted, or sooner, If
nocossnry, thnt the sewer system ns
planned nnd Inld out by Stnnnnrd
. Richardson, bo Installed upon nil
the streets upon which thoro nro lin.
provcinouts enough to justify such
Installation, and that this sower Im
provement ho made under the dis
trict plan, and that tho Council nt
tholr earliest opportunity establish
and definitely locnto ono or moro
definite sowor districts, nnd that tho
cost of Improvements In tho sowor
districts bo nssossod equally among
all of the property embraced In tno
ho crontod. I would
suggost that tho city health officer
mnke n roport to tho Council at to
whero ho considers It is most Impor
tant to instnll sowor systoms.
I would recommond that tho City
Total $12,000.00
Hased upon last yonr's rovonues.
for tho yenr 1011 tho revenues
should ho ns follows:
Tnxes, estimated 10 mills $11,000.00
Saloon llconsos, C nt $S00 4.800.00
Rocoipta from city whnrf
estlmnted 500.00
Finos, ostlmnted 350.00
Dog tnxes, ostlmnted .... 75.00
Theater llconsos. two at
$C0 nor yoar 120.00
Mazda Electric Lighting
Saves Money in Every Industry
Volume of light at small cost, Pure, whito light with a
steady daylight softness, That is MAZDA electric light
that is modernized light,
MAZDA electric light is most efficient, most convenient
finr! onnnnmionl fnr nfflno. Iinmn. fnrfrm. Anrnlirmcn clinncl
....v. www, ,...,. ,W, V,W MVMlw, IllwlUIJJ MUlUIIUUwwJ wlU0
or schools, i
Nearly three times as much light for the same current
cost as carbon incandescent lamps deliver,
Factories equipped with electric liflhtinn
turn out more work and better work.
Spoilage is reduced to a minimum accidents
vented workmen are safe and contented,
Telephone 178 and have us plan an economical
lighting installation for you, A cost estimate will
you in no way,
Marshfield PAINT and
KstlinntCH Furnished,
Phono :i)-J. Mnrshlleld, OrfRon.
Low Rates for
Handling Trunks
Wo haul trunks botweon inj
points In Mnrshflold for tho follow
Ing rates, delivery to be made In
tho first stories of buildings:
Ono trunk M
Threo trunks 80
Twolvo trunks 1.60
Star Transfer and Storage Co.
Levi Helsner, Prop,
Phnnoa 120-J 40-L: 08-R.
are pro
i efficient
Opposite The Blanco Hotel
TODD The Tailor
Xorth Front Street,
Phono 180-J.
Oregon Power Co.
Total ?1C,S45.00
Unless Bomo unusual expenditure
should bo mmdo during tho year,
this would lenvo an unoxpended bal
nnco of $4SI5 for tho rodoniptlon
of outstanding warrants. The In
terest on tho bond issuo and tho
rodoniptlon fund linvlnc boen taken
caro of by the four-mill tax lovlod
in addition to tho ton mills. I
would rocommond thnt tho necessary
nmount bo transform! from tho Kon-
oral fund to tho special fund nt
onco, and that hereafter nothing
but labor claims against tho city
bo paid out of tho speclnl fund.
Established 1880.
Capital, Surplus and Undivided
Profits, $11 0,000
Interest paid on Tluia Deposits.
J. V. Dennett, President.
J. II. Flanagan, Vice-President.
It. F. Williams, Cashier.
(leo, F. Winchester, Assistant Cashier.
Phono 280-X.
In our now location, we are e
peclally prepared to cater to faralb;
trade. Regular meala or short cr
iers. Open day nnd night.
Broadway and Commercial BIfl
Phone 3171.
All Kinds of Job Printing Dono at The 2Jimcs Officel
Pickaninny Stockings for Hoys and
The Best Wearing Stockings on tne
Sold at
The Electric Shoe Store.
180 So. Broadway,