r"'TW p'Tj'ww THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1914 EVENING EDITION. 3 when you put them on no breaking in if you select xzolr ?n)!7(i932Sx oViywiu, sr risx2: vc " "V rt? K)! Woolen Mill Store APPAREL SPECIALISTS FOR MEN AND HOYS kMMMMMh) Coquille River Coal Guaranteed Price, $5.50 COOS COUNTY FUEL CO. IMioiic 181-L, Orph THK FLAM 15 IN THE ASHES Two-reol feature After every thing lias apparently died down and pencil r at hand, n little spirk of trouble bursts Into llaniu and rcnows old strife. (101.1) AND WATI5R Showing hnrdshlps endured In man's lust for gold. A ML'CH-WANTKI) I1AIIV A cracker-Jack, flood romedy. ADMISSION. ADULTS, 10c; CIIILDRI5N Co. Fe R.oyal TONIGHT two audi:ville .vers. aiSI'OWiai. In twosongB. sXK 15I.WYN In two chnrnctor IsonRS. 111(5 TIIRF.K-REF.L FEATURE B1K GOVERNOR'S DAUGHTER A, iiunu in ovory scone. UK STATUS A laugh per second In this excellent comedy. I EX LAI'P.ns i.'imi irv M.wwn A scries of anlmnted cartoons by America's foremost cartoonist. ADMISSION'; nw or floor, I. le. Balcony, 10c. 1 Tins Is tho only theater In tho city, Kited bv BlnniK Din null. xn .mil-' prtablo on n cold night. CLEARANCE SALE JAN. 14 TO 21. AT S. S. JENNINGS .north rhxd, UNIQUE PANTITORIUM Indrr New Management, Ei us Clean, Press and Repair our clntlTa vnw r.... ....i. Mates Reasonable. 'V lM)Yi.r. tv c. o. i).nfii.rri' P tvntiiii .w. imioho two-x EDISON'S LATEST (A btoruKe battery that continual Oll'l (lini-oli... ...in n'"t "! mil iiunu. I'OKS VftT rniiiinim m TPIHIIt r. COXTAlvo x. . ... Win " " rn.ui. "in not lose l8 cimrg0 wj,l0 ,s GURANTKKi) FIVE YEARS ! Coos Bay Wiring Co. KeiiU f,. 1.rt of CoQ8 ny Pd Your Laundry w us uy parcel Post S VavL?.?" A 'WO AM) VILL - " hi POSTAGE OX ITS HLTURX. READY aflp to Wear Jijm A 4r .iflllEH .. -ars. fp jj 7t .T" ,." JffHb TE.' TniniBtf Speed DattVtlvt or.Tan liuttla Calf. Hal fd to and h ft $5,00 iiiqiHMiinnuimitiinminimnwiiummiiiiuii yy It s not what you pay but what you get. BnmmiUHiiimtiiiii mi m uumnt i m m m mmm m n ,i 2100 Pounds Clean Coal to the Ton GEO. A. BAINES, Offlco open until N:00 p. in. 1HII Broadway So. eum Tonight t For That Cough Try Rcxall Now Cherry Bark Cough Ju jubes is an effectual, ex ceptionally pleasant and convenient preparation. It is an effect.:"1 treat ment for simple coughs, sore throats, hoarseness, tickling and ir 'tation of the throat and respiratory tract and also an excep tionally pleasant remedy for clearing the voice. ONLY TEN CENTS LockhartParsons Drug Co. . THK BUSY CORNER """ Tho ltcxiill Stoio Phono Us 208 UMBRELLAS REPAIRED AND COVERED MARSHFIELD CYCLERY PHONE 158-R. DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY Complete line of Notions. SMITH'S VARIETY STORE North Bend. Commutation Tickets $2.00 MAnSHFIELD-XOHTH DEXD AUTO LINK. g?OX .JANUARY TIDES 'olow is pi"on ttio tl.no and Ltlght of nigh and low water nt MLrshOeld Tho tides aro placed Ii. tho order of occurrence, with their times on tne llrst line and heights on tho Bocoud linear each day; a compnr-.J 'son on consecutive holghts will ...I.... ..... ... . inuicuo wnou.er it is uigu or ow. water. i'or hlch wnter on thn bar substruct 2 hours 34 minutes 14llrs. 4.:i:i 5.1 n.fi CO fi.r.2 r,.ti c.:n CO !).IG l.n io.:is 1.6 n. :u i.i 12.34 1.1 M.iVl 10.20 Ft . . , Hl'B. Ft. . , 0.5 0.S in 4. It 1 1.05 C.l 0.4 IGiIlrs. R.3C r,.o 0.39 r..o 11.4 1 0.1 0.0 0.0 I Ft,. . 17Hrs., Fti. . WKATIIEH FOIIEUAST tDr A.orla'M I'rr.i to Coo Uty Tlmrn.l OIlEdON Italn In west; rain or snow In enst; southeasterly winds, brisk near const. i.otwii ti:.mim:hatuke ItEUOUD For tho 24 hours cndlnc nt 4:43 n. in., .Inn. 1 1, by Ilcuj. Ostllnd, special Boverninont me toorologlst: Maximum 48 Minimum 40 At 4:13 n. in 43 Precipitation fiD Precipitation slnco Sept. 1 1!)13 31.10 Precipitation snmo period last year 30.00 Wind: South, cloudy. DtiMlgo Stops. The dredgo Seat tle Is shut down today for mlnoi' re pairs, but will probably operate to morrow, and tlion shut down for a couple or threo days whllo tho on gincs are overhauled. Home Hut-lied. Win. Weir was In from tho Newport mine yesterdny and reports that flro of unknown origin destroyed his house nnd all Its contents nnd his clothing the day before Dunce Tonight. The rogulnr monthly dnuclng pnrty of tho Marsh- .field lodge of Elks, visiting Klks. I nnd their wives, sisters nnd sweot . hearts, will bo held nt the Masonic Hall tonight. I Itetter Work. Tho dredgo Senttlo has been making better progress (lately and has turned out In ex cess of '.)000 yards on tno uii-nny run. The dredge Is now receiving about fourteen cents per cubic yard I for dredging. I Thire Aio Fined. John Hamlin, Jim McClregor and John Miskall, wcro each fined $5 this morning hv City Itecorder llutlor. the first two being' found guilty of appearing on tho streets In a drunken condition nnd the third prisoner bolug chnrged with vagrancy. High Tide Delays. UimrieH xoiilo reports that tho high tide Is de- Maying tno piio driving mr tno miu Slough drain. Yesterday tho tldo I flooded tho bolter and Mr. Noblo hud luckily Just extinguished tho flro and prevented an explosion. Tho other day no inndo a record of sink ing over iniriy piling in two iuhiih. Mroi Friday. Tho Pnrent-Tonch- ers' Club will moot Friday night. I Miss haudrlth will road a roport on school nurso work. Dr. Straw will 'Wilt on throat and nnsal troubles nnd Dr. White, socrotnry of tho State Itoard of Health, who Is ex poctod hero tomorrow, will probably speak. Tho musical part of thn program has not been nrrnir ' . I'uliiiotor UmmI. Mrs. J. T Jon Him nf llnlllni'lifini WiihIi who Is Ivlsltin? nftio'lmmo "at ileV sUte'r!' Mrs. John Snydor. on South Urond way, was suddenly ovorcomo bv a fainting spell lnst ovonlng. A phys ician was called mid ho Immediate ly secured tho pulmotor and rosus- cltated hor. She was reported got- tlug along nicely this morning. Delay Ituildliig. At n meeting or tho building committeo or tho Marshrield Lodgo or Elks this wook.! tho opinion wns oxpressod that they They took us by surprise onco, but had bottor delay starting tho struc- U ey will not find us unpropnrod horo turo n yonr unless arrangomontsl nftor. You hot I am going to enrry could bo mado to loaso tho loworingun. I have a rlHo and know how rioor at a good rontal. Tho lodgo to use It. I shall bo ablo to take euro will probably tako action on tho of niysoir, I do not bollovo I shnll icport nt the meeting n week rrom ),o molestod, nB thoso outlaws nro tonight. afraid." I WHEAT $1.80 AT HA1XES. mmmmmmm imi i i i i Him nn n I Flour ! Flour ! Flour ! 1 Don't blame the woman if the bread is not good, because it may be the flour is to blame. Guard against poor flour and poor batches of bread by ordering from us. Here are some of our leaders, which include the famous Eastern Oregon and Washington hard wheat flours: Marvel, per sack $1.35 The Dalles Diamond, per sack, $1.50 White River, per sack $1.50 White Spray, per sack $1.50 Fisher's Blend, per sack, $1.75 lAUnthnn it ip rirnnopinc nf nnnnpol mnrMiinrlien un VVIIblllCI II IO ll UlVil UO always give vou the best prices, i in uu ur luui umivunub uttny in ivicti&iiuuiu. Phone us your order. Bunker Hill tertment REDOHDO STILL IN THE HARBOR Steamers Unable to Depart for San Francisco Will Try Again Tomorrow Prevented wgnln from crossing ,0 "nr at tno entrance to uios nay, " 18fn"u;r, . ondo returned to Marshflcld this afternoon nnd will try , ...,,..,. ,ni. s.. V,anniBPO .0. morrow nbout noon. The bar is reported to bo heavy nnd not safe enough to risk on attempt nt going out. Tho Adeline Smith lB still an chorcd In tho lower harbor. Toinor row will make threo days that tho Btcamers hnvo been prevented going nnd It is reported that tho same condition prevails at tho Umpqua whoro thero Is a fleet awaiting n smooth bar. Alliance In Sight. Tho steamer Alliance, bound from Portland to Marshflcld, was report ed off Hecate Head this morning hnd wns sighted this afternoon nbout ten miles off tho cntrnneo to Coos Day. If tho bar rcmnlns In Its present condition, it Is probable that an attempt to como In will not he inndo until the morning, Passengers Entertained. Last evening the bar-bound passen gers, on the Hedondo nnd a number of Empire people enjoyed a dance at the Arago Hotel In Empire. Music was furnished by Leslie Isaacson and Miss Nora Tower of Mnrshlleld, two ol the passengers. Following tho dunce, Mrs. Jns. Mngco entertained a number of them at a little dinner nt her home. Among those participating were Mr. and Mrs. Ouy Chambers, .Mrs. Uello Chnmbors, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. F. MeUldowney, Miss .May Magee. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Maloney, Miss Stella Wlcklund, Miss Norn Tower, MIbs Frances Williams, Miss Eileen Getty, Miss Alpha Peterson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Getty, Mrs. Hnyden, Lesllo Is aacson, Hurley Snllng, Miss Ilessle Coke, John Wlckmnu, Cnpt. Krlcksou, Chler Knglneor Dickey, Purser Hnrry lieyuolds and Assistant Engineer Sullivan. MOIti: POLIl'EMEX. Killing lliiugs Them Under Elght llour Lau Provisions. SALEM, Or., Jan. 14. Under a re cent ruling of Labor Commissioner Hoff, nnd uphold by Attorney General A. M. Crawford, all policemen In the state aro subject to the provisions of tho eight hour law. As u result, Mr. Hoff will soon notify tho different municipalities of tho stnto that po licemen cannot ho employed more than eight hours out of twenty-four. No notlco of tho decision has yet been received In Mnrshlleld mid It Is not known as yot whether any action will Im Inl;nn In InprnnRn tlin fnrrn or whether the present force will bo shifted so as to hnvo tholr working' hours como within tho provisions of tho stnto law. PREPARE TO ItlTUHX. Evicted Family Will Defy .Molt Willi Flrcanns, (lljr Amoi UIM PriM lo Coot ll)r TlniM. AHERDUI5N. Wash., Jan. 14 Mrs. Mnrgaret Ross and two sons, Earl nnd Frank, who wero evicted Sunday night rrom their homestead on North River, Pacific county, by n mob or neighbors who burned the Ross home, lort tho homo or W. D. McCormlc yes terdny to return to tho hcouo or the trouble. Tho tlireo wero mined. Mrs. Rohb. speaking with an As- sciaie(l itckb limn uvur m riiitu tolophono from the McCormlc l.omo. liiiiu uuu was aiiuuni rciiuy iu tumi uii tho return trip to tho homestead. Thoy oxpectod to ronch Urooklyn sot tloment, about throe mllos rrom tho homestead, nt noon and planned to stop thero nt tho homo or Postmaster Vaughnn. "Do you think I nm going to ho driven rrom vnlunblo proporty?" sho asked. "I nm not afraid of tho mob Times Want ads bring results. Ul IJLilllilUI llll UllllllUIOVs, Hll in quality at most reasonable I Store PERSONAL NOTES FKANK LOW 15 Is spending a few days on tho lower Comitllc. U15N SMITH, of Coos Klcr, Is a Marshflcld business visitor today. ATTORNEY C. I. RI5IGARD was In Couulllo on court matters yester day. GEORG15 SNYDER of Daniels Creek, is In Marshflcld today on busi ness. J. DENTON, of Myrtlo Point, arrived in tho city lnst evening Tor a brief visit. JEFF HARTMAN. of North Ilend, was a Marshfleld business visitor lnst night. MR. AND MRS. HARRY HARTMAN. of Roseburg, arrived In Mnrsh- fleld last night for a brief visit. H. J. NERDRUM. of tho C. A. Smith pulp mill, left on tho Ade line Smith for San Francisco on business. MRS. DI5RT LATTIN, of Allegany, arrived In tho city this morning on tho raunch Express on a shop ping trip. JOHN HOLMES, of North Coos Riv er, arrived in tho city this morn ing on tho Inunch Express for a brief business visit. A. 15. SI5AMAN hns returned from Hrldgo, whoro ho purchased three thoroughbred Polnud China hogs for his Coos River ranch from Frod Nosier. CHARLES ZIMMERMAN, of Conle do, was In Mnrshfleld last eve ning attending tho big bobsIoii of tho Mooso lodge. Ho returned to tho enmp this morning. MR. AND MRS. RAY WILLIAMS, of North llond, were visitors In Mnrshfleld last night nnd this morning, tho former "attending tho doings of tho Mooso lodgo. ARCHIE KRUSE, of tho Prosper shlnglo mill, Is a Marshflold busi ness visitor todny. Ho reports that tho price of shingles, tho samo ns other lumber, hns slumped bnd- J. LEE DROWN Is expected homo the latter part of tho week from Salom, whore he Is on matters connected with his duties ns lnom bor of tho Stnto Hoard of Phar macy. ATTORNEY I. N. MILLER, of Marshflold, loft on tho morn'ng train to attend court In Couulllo this morning nnd returned on the noon train after attending to some civil business. ROI1I5RT AOERS, n former well known Coos Unylto nnd now own er of a fine vineyard at Napa Val ley. California. Is visiting friends nnd rolntlves horo. He was called back ns n witness In tho'Flotchor estnto cases. W. H. PIP15R nnd wlfo, or Coos River, nro expected home soon from Southern California, whero they have been spending a few months. Mr. Plpor writes thnt thero Is no place like Coos -Hay. A. JOHNSON, who Iibb been engaged In logging rnr somo tlmo hero, loft yostordnv ror iMmhor. Oregon, to resume his old position ns foro- ninn. operations having boon ro sumed thero nftor n short shut down. WALTHIt DUGOAN, who Is In from his homestoad In tho Unck CroeK section, hnd somo or his, rrlends guessing ns to who tho stranger with tho grent growth or hirsute ndornments was hut ho did not hnvo enough to concenl IiIb Iden tity. Ho expects to return thero In n row days. J. W. IIILDENDRAND returned yos torday rrom Couulllo, whoro ho wns pressed Into Jury servlco un expectedly In a dnmago suit. Ho wns on n little outing nnd wns picked up by Shorlff Gago when tho latter found ho was now a re tired capitalist and did not hnvo anything particular to do. I. It. TOWER, who Is iiMklng n trip to Eastern nuto ractorlns, has been tuklng In tho big nuto show In Now Yt.-U City. Ho will visit with his pnrontB and sister nt Monrovii. Cnlirornln, en route homo nnd reach hero about Feb ruary 1. ... . i L. T. MATTHEWS Is up rrom his South lulot ranch todny. Ho re ports thnt llauuii Pros, nro mak ing good progress with tho road thoy aro building nnd will soon bring out n tuft or about 100. 000 root and will thon dollvor logs rogulnrly. CAVFEHY OX TRIP. E. J. Cnrrory, rormor ohlor or po lice nt North llond, and holdor or many interests In lumber In this stnto, passed through horo this morn ing on his way to California, whoro ho will spend some tlmo looking af ter his business interests. Mr. Cnf fery, who has trnvolod much ovor tho Northwost, says that Rosohurg hns n distinctive roputntlon on nc tount of Its splondld cllmnto and sur roundings In many or tho distant lo calities; nnd espoclnlly In Idaho, whero ho rormorly lived, ho .-"s It was spoken or as ono or tho 1l t sections or tho stnto. Ho Is or tho opinion that Roseburg has a bright ruturo. Rosoburg Rovlow. SOCIAL ('ALEX DA It WEDNESDAY. Nnrclssus Club with Miss Tal ono Wlldo nt Eastsldo. EikB dnnco at Masonic Hall. D. M. C. Club with Mrs. Robt. Simpson. THURSDAY. Mlnnlo-Wls Club with Mrs. F. i II, Drossor. I Thursday Club with Mrs, I 15. F. Lomleux In Forndnlo. ! Norwoglnn Luthoran Young Ladles with Miss Johnson at tie i home of Rev. and Mrs. R. O. ! Thorpo. I YomiK Matrons' Club with I Mrs. Guy Kendall. I A. N. W. Club with Mrs. C. F. i McICnlght. i IP UCTED BY m JURY Charles Spencer and Mrs. Lot tie Cappious Will Plead Friday Morning Mnrshlle'd attorneys were notified this morning that Charles Spencer, charged with forgery, and Mrs. Lot tie Cappious, hold for attempting to kill Elinor Parkinson, would bo given n chnnco to plead on Friday morning nt 1(1 n'nlnnl In nlfnlilt pnlli'f nf f!n qullle. Word to tills ofofct wns sent over by Sheriff Gage and Indicates that tho grand Jury has returned In dictments in these two cases. It Is understood thnt Spencor hns been indicted on two chnrges, ono for passing forgod checks nnd tho other ror obtaining money under Talso pre tenses, so ns to covor his enso thor oughly. Elmer Parkinson, who Bworo out tho complaint' ngnliiBt Mrs. Capploua on tho charge or attempting to shoot him over n week ago In the Right Cnro, nnd who testified early this week before tho grand Jury, was noti fied to nppenr again beforo tho grand Jury this morning. Parkinson wont ovor on tho morn ing trnln TolloWlng the receipt of a tolephono messngo by Marshal Carter from tho Shorlff thnt Parkinson wns required at Coqulllo. It Is under stood that Mrs. CnpploiiB has mado chargoft against Parkinson nnd thnt ho will bo grilled by the grand Jury. Parkinson Is sufrerlng rrom n bad ly burned leg, sustained when scald ing hot coTfoo poured on him when tho bullet from Mrs. Cappious' pistol punctured tho cofreo urn. Lost Ills Suit. Tho enso or Rexford Starr, a clerk at the Hlllyor Cigar store In Marshrield, ngulnst tho Conloguo Logging Company for $10,000 dam agon for tho loes or n log found ror the defendant. It. O. Graves wns Starr's nttomey nnd In Decem ber tho Jury that tried tho case dis agreed. WANT ADS. I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I r I'OUXD longshoreman's receipt book. Call at Times oHIco and pay ror this ad. FOR SALE OR TRADE Gasoline I lunch In good repair. Oeo. Bat toy, at Curry Ilnrbor Shop. FOR SALE My clwn stock of mil llnory nd fancy goodB, also fix tures, No othor In town. A simp for pnrty with tho monoy, nbout 11500. Address Mrs. V. 15. Lowellen, Myrtlo Point, Or. WANTED t'liamltor work by oxjtcrl onccd woman. Addross 15. M., Bojc CC0, North liond, Oregon. LOTS CLEARED City lotH mid ncro tracts cleared at low rato. Esti mates froo. P. O. llox 741, North Rend, Oregon. . FOR RENT FOR KENT HoiiHekeepInt: rooms. 457 South Urondwny. FOR REXT 7-rooni furnlslietl liouso. Call 107-X. 1'OIt HUNT SltH'ping rooms, reus onablo by tho week. 229 South. Broadway. FOR REXT Five-room modern cot tage on Elrod Avonuo. Apply W. I). Curtis. VOU REXT Fiirnlslied rooms, inotl orn. 373 South Sixth street. Phono 20D-L. I'OR REXT Iargo liouso on South 11th street. Phono 119-L., or bo A. n Cnmpboll. 1 FOR SALE I ' I'OR SALIC lirgo safe foriuorly In ubo iu old postofflco. First class condition. Will Sell ror ?130 If taken promptly. Apply i''Snra," caro Times offlco. FOR SALE -One how Ii yrs. old, will rarrow about March 1. Ono boar 2 1-2 years old. Chostor Whites, Noll Watson, Mnrshlleld. I'OR SALE 1 3-ln. Bain wagon In good shnpo 540.00. Address llox 240, Marsh Hold. Penslar ' BUTTERMILK CERr AND PENSLAR VANISHING CREAM CREATES THAT PEACH BLOOM COMPLEXION For sale at the LEADING DRUG STORE ncro II fs Bay Steam Laundry Cms every ten minutes rrom fl .. in to 12:!!() p. in. W. H. DINDINGER & CO., Phone 32. Bunker Hill. Tho Times want thoy go after. ads got what Ne 57-J MnrchfiolH G0RST & KING, Props. C