"TfWJ!p -jft-wfjny , DON'T BE AFRAID OP DOING SO WELL TODAY THAT YOU CANT BEAT IT TOMORROW (Ham Sfawa OUt MILD WEATHER WHAT'S (301X0 OX? Itciul The Tlnii's every day for tlio latest news. Head the ails foi' your own benefit. It pays to advertise In Tlio Times. kv cvcryoiio (iii Coos Iluy Ought " '.nirnv, tiMt l,u'"1 ImPPH'e"" '" ,,e ....liiod milo-M ou ro n subscriber 1 ntfi.llicd K, The Oo -'"' T,nlcS MEMIIEH OP THE ASSOCIATED Pit ESS mm ,,1, " I I I'M I ' I ' HI ,! ! ... .... f, , , Established 1H78 wxVWII Established i VOL XXaVII. aH rri,0 const MhII MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1914 EVENING EDITION. iiiTiil STANDSTILL A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mali Mn 1 Kfl mid Coos Hay Advertiser. '"" lou TRADE IS AT 1 M Dispute of Railroad Employos Lost SIB" ui " " of Trouble DRASTIC RE(3ULATI0NSm UAUollMw ounrnidu Federation Officials Barricade Themselves aim uui Police Orders ' CAPB TOWN', J?n. 14Tho proc- iMmntlon of niaruai mw uiiih..i..". IB Union of South Africa in rcs ZJ , "o ho declaration of n general II..ib 1.1. tlin Federation oi Trnucs, STRIKE IS UPJPflRTUGAL Entire Railroad Service Sus pends When General Walk out Is Declared (Mr Amoc Midi I'rrm ti Toon Iljr Tlmm. LBnr(lc,l maWnB tho !..o a L1SU0N, Jan. 14. The GtitlroTnll' WUH HUH dcchira- I, regarded as m"K'"Bn,";" nm tho road wirvlco of Portugal syilllllliiin. "" t-,l ' ov.nnntll. llu" "I general HITIKO I)' 10 Um- "Hi tcm of rapid X .n'"a Wt "lo08' A1,out ono-thlrfl of tho mil- Snknra ctle strikes. ho orlgli of tlio iiib roft(lB Jjol t to 8til& ,mvo , ERUPTIONS III LllF . ... '-n,..iii nmnlnrea ncalnet jho policy of retrenchment lntroduc- c.l by tho cmpIoyorH Iiiih boon lout, lent of in the groat ayinnnthatla labor war which has braiiRht tho trado ami commerce of tlio colony to 1 . ...tit mi. .lMnafl nl.npfinfn. I m a.niiiiniii . i iiti uuiniiij .. .... i f dm rpciilntlons -which tamo- Into effect with tho proclamation of mar tial law created contnuuruuiu hiuihibu. LAS VEGAS IS REBEL'S GOAL POUCH AHE DEFIED. inr aoiih '''" " "" " ""' imiAN'XESnUUO. Jan. 11. Sec- fflirnarofiXSabio Mexican Federal Troops Sur comrades have entrenched theiuHolvcHi TOUnded "at TOWIl OPPO . ... .1 .. I... II ! 111 ! F II I a. . III tno iniiii'B nun iiui" "v-i j iu .,ntir tn nrrost them. A dotaphmciit' of thirty iiollcu who trlofl to raid tho hall to arrest nam was unvni imun site Del Rio, Texas by a hall of mUslles from Iboh'liiH 'tho ramparts. WARE INI 1EETATBAID0N Ply Avll1 I'tm lo Cooa lly Tl.nw.,1 EL PASO, Jan. II. -.Mexican Fed eral troops stationed ml Lita Vogns, opiiiiHlto Del illo, have been sur roiinded by rebuilt nnd an nttaelc In momentarily expected, according to roports to tho border pntrol. Tho Federal garrison In hiiiiiII. ItKKL'GKIlS AUK FED. I 'our Camps mill ProvNIous Aio l'ur- iilsliWlTVllernl I'iikIIIvoh. I flit Amo litKl I'nti lo I'uo. isay Tlmml I PRESIDIO. Tox .Ian. 11. Four caiupB, unch provided with 15,000 poundH of rntloiiH, wero establlHhed MarWleld and North Tleiirt dolo- almiK tho Blxty-soven iiiIIok of moiin- vntc8 to the annual meeting of tho inni rouji iron rrw mo .o .iaria io- Cooa County Hardware ABHorlatlon miij luriinrciiniiiiuiujwiriui itu- nciu in iinmlon ycBterday returned "" ., " h-" , on tho noon train today via Conulllo ?'." iimior Biiar.i or mo uniipu ami report a very enthusiastic Kath- SJntoH nrmy to lort llllsa, near hi erln'K at tho Clty-by-tho-Sea. Every ' aH0. , . . , hanlwaro firm In tlio county wiih 't w CHtlmnted It w'lll cost UiIh represented t tlio meotliik'. I Koventiueni nioro uiaii jiuiiu a uii- Wllllnin Khiiimi. a T x'nff. Ailin ' to earo for tho IISfiL' Moxlcan soliIlorH, Sumner and E. P. lxiwls, of Mnrali-i 10 "7 women refuguos nnd 1100 child- nciu, and uoscoo 1 Inzer and Poto ren. ran oi ino reniKfos nireauy Hcberir. of North llcnd. reiircHonted . hnvo loft I'reBllIlo. All will leavo by fooa imy ai tho mooUnR, which con- rriuay. Troops and Warships Search for Victims All Americans Reported Safe tlly AttodtteJ Cmt lo Cooa liar Tlmra. TOKIO, Jan. 14. Thb latest re ports from Bouthern Japan, whero earthaimkes nnd voIcanoB caused n hoax-y loss of llfo nnd Rrent property daniiiRo, are that tho eruption of tho volcano of Sakura-.llml, which caused tho most devastation, Is abating to day. Tho loss of llfo has not yot been estimated. At Sakura, where tho heaviest loss of llfo occurred, troops and warships nro in tho vicinity, but It cnuuot bo visited wlillo tho eruption of tho vol enno continues. A Roarch of tho Is land will bo made at tho flirt opportunity. KnROBliImn, tho nearest bin city to nnd Aviilcn whb thought to Buffered great dnmngo from tho earthquake, docH not appear to have BiiRtnincd a nuvcro loss of lire. Sol (Horn aro camped in tlio squares of the city wlillo the population hau sought refuge tn tho shrines nnd temples In tho IiIIIh. AH Americans In tho vicinity nro sare. word to HUb orfect wni re ceived 'from Carl Doizclumin, Ameri can consul nt Nagasaki. IE DIE OF SE Zero Weather in East Cause of Fatalities Cold Felt in Europe ttlr Attorlatrd rrrn lo Cooa Dajr Tlmfa. NEW YORK, Jan. 14. Tho low est temperature reported Is 43 de grees below zero, at Harrlsvllle. Tho number dead In New York City is nlno. ItEMEF IS PROMISED. vened In tliu afternoon In tho rooms of tho Commercial Club of Dilution. la tlio ovenliiL' tlin vlsltlnir mer chants wero tendered an olaboiuto banquet at tho (Jnllior Hotel. A feature of tho meeting of tho naniware men was tlio optimism 'hlch provnlled over tho prospects present year ltenorts wero mnrto BEEF IMPORTS WILL K LARGE Thousands of Tons to he Brought Into United States From Outside Illy AModatfel Vim lo Cooa nay Tlmfa, NEW YORK, Jan. M. Arrango nicntH for tho Importation Into this country of thousands of tons of beef null other meat products from tho Argontlno Republic, Australia nnd Now Zealand, hnvo Just boon com pleted by a syndicate of American cupltalistH whoso Identity Iiiih not been disclosed. It becnniu known that the syndicates had leased for twenty-oiio years four largo ware houses from a dock company, giving facilities for steamship piers and rail road connections. Zero Weather Expected to Pass With in Xot Few Days. (l)y Aaioclatrt I'rraa to Cooa l!7 Tlmft.) NEW YORK, Jan. 14. RellcJ from the Intense cold, which has had tho eastern nnd Now England states Jn Its grip for two days, Is promised tonight or tomorrow. Near zero weather or bolow prevailed along tho middle nnd north Atlantic Hcnbonrd wlillo tho cold wave has been sweep ing tho country. Europe, too, has felt n drop In tomporntiiro from Norway to southern Franco. Vlonnn, Berlin nnd many other Herman cities report unpre cedented tomperntiiro drops. Cablo dispatches from Milan say that snow is falling In tho Alps. I M ED ifi-PARTiSAN VOTE EXPECTED TO PASS ALASKA RAILROAD BILL Amendment Providing for Gov ernment Vessels on Coast Is Not Opposed PLANNED TO USE 20 IN ALASKAN SERVICE ' Norris Urges Construction of Craft for Freight and Pas senger Trade tny AmopUikI prrM lo Cooa Hay Tlmra. WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. II Tlio supporotors of the Alaska rnll- ' WIlV 111 II nffnt n nnnvnaa tf 1m Onn. (Special to Tho Times.) . ale. oxpect It to pass by n non-part'lsan COQUILLE, Or., Jan. II. Tlio voto early next week. Coos county grand jury today brought Tho dobnto was continued today by In two Indictments, ono against Mrs. Sonntor Wnlsh, who contonded that CapplotiB of Mnrshllold, charging her tho bill did not In any way Involvo with assault with n dangorous wcap- government ownership of railroads on. Slio Is tho woman who Uvea on in tho common sense. Commercial nvcnuo In Mnrshllold and It was understood today Hint Sonn- who took a Bhot at waiter Parkinson tor Uurton had decided not to Bperik in tho Right Cafo. C. W. Sponcor In opposition to tho fleet of govorn- was Indicted on two cotintH, ono for monUowned freight nnd pnBsongor GBAND JURY TO RELEASE FEW Only Two Indicted Case of Miller up Today Bandon Diamond Case WTH o Negro Pugilist Gets Check for $35,000 for His Share, Opponent $1000 Illy AaaiKlalftl I'rcaa to Cooa Hay TlniM. PARIS, Jan. 14. Jnck Johnson, negro heavyweight ntmlllst. nnd i-Frnnk Mornn, a Pittsburg hciivy- wolghf, slgnod articles today for a twenty round bout for tho chnmplon sblp of tho world, to bo fought on tho day of, or boforo tho Paris (Irand Prix rnco during tho first or second week In Juno of this year. Johnson was handed n check for $:ir.,000, wlillo Moran was guaranteed $1000. DKT-.llkS OK .MATCH. GENERAL VILLA READY FOR SOUTHERN MARCH (Mr AMorlttH Vrf to Conn ny Tlmm CHIHUAHUA, Jan. 14. ncneral fo "r IncK i' ,,11, ,?i5G,5I,n!2!vn. nmrclilnB overland to Cl.lhua nrP,."0:1 b,l"i"'!! .,.l'inK...tl"iliiin with r.0()0 troops from the scene which showed that w. Tie business s f the rebel victory at OJInaga, sent oraowhat (inlet at i resent it u1 word Siindny to hnvo tho bulk of tho much better than n year 'ngo and TvUo nr,n' rcnav for tho sotl'wnrd li Improving rapidly. cnmnnlgn. The officers solccted woro as fol- v"la ,s I'r'nglng minierous flold lows: fcay .McNnlr, presldont: Tom K"ns nMl rlfleH wlll(: l,, odornl Nelleon. seeretarv nmi trpnHiirar. army abandoned In their flight to loth of Uaiiilon. the United States. The rohel gani WIRELESS CALL REVIVES HOPE FOR VESSEL By Afo Uim jrf ,0 Coo, ntr T,nwlij VAItMOl'TH. Jan. 1 .1 Tl.n Bnn,... er Cobenuid imu i10. Bi..i.. nprni.n.l n . " . -o.wu.iu mi iri nitv nilcoo son horo and tho soldiers with TIHa will make Chihuahua their baso for tho movemoiit houthwnrd. It Is understood' that as soon as tho troop trains can bo mnilo ready, tho bulk of tho forcos will movo tt ward Torreon, ns tho first stago at tho march on Mexico City. It Is ex Oil Trll.llf ln.lrrno TIia sreatcr part of her hnull la nbovo I,ci'tei1 Torreon will of for but fceblu -n nun u a bol ovod tl.n ilioBo."-'8'oi"c... "n loard arc safo. FREE WHEAT IS POLiGY URGED Manitoba Legislature Declares Unanimously for Lifting Trade Barrier (lly Aaaorlalel Trraa to Cooa Hay Tlmn, J WINNIPEG, Jan. 11. Tho Mani toba legislature declared unanimous ly for free wheat yesterday on motion of J, A. Simpson, of the Government party. Later Xoivh States Monm's Share Will ito .Sno(M). Illy AwocDtal l'n lo tuoa llay TIi.in PARIS, Jan. 11. Tho chock for $35,000 was given to Johnson by Charles MncArthy, representing a group of American sporting men wlillo Mornn was guaranteed $."000. Johnson ngreed not to fight nnybody elso boforo mooting Moran, and If ho falls to fight ho Is to forfeit nil but $5000 for training oxpensos. After signing tl:c articles Johnson nnd Moran drank to each other in goblets of champagiio. forgory nnd ono for obtaining money under fnlso pretenses, lloth will bo arraigned Friday. Two Are Discharged. Giistnf EssentlH, whom Justice ShiiBtcr of North Rend bound over to tho grand Jury on tho charge of being trc.jports. n degenerate, wob turned loose by tlio i Brand Jury. Essentia had four wit nesses to testify that ho was at an other placo when tho nllogcd offense occurred. Herbert Smith, a woodsman from Unndon who was charged with ns Hiultlug somo llttlo glrlfl there, was also discharged. Uliiniomt from Wrestler. Tho grand Jury Iibb boon investi gating a diamond niVBtOry at Unndon and a largo mimhor of witnesses have been called. MIbh SlmpBon, n well known Unndon young woman, who was bound over, hns produced cvl denco showing that tho diamond alio hail was presented to her by "Smil ing Dutch," n wrestler who wns thoro somo time ngo, It wns worth about $25. It seems assured that tho grand Jury will oxouorato her. Myrtle mint chm. vessels to operate from Alnskti to North and South American ports ns proposed In an nmendmoiit to tho railway bill by Sonntor Norris. Ton to twenty vessels would bo constructed for uso nB nrmy or navy REFUSE TO PAY it ES MAN'S DEATH iBf5i.'.s:.IM,'r kai. ST. .Tniive v r. r.. . . .. faint -""" '" ".. Jllll. H. 1 no hLr, of tl10 "8. O. S." call from nini-.i ",B sle'or Cobequld n...e'1. Hl at wjvorol points In "." 01 Hindv ht- 1ft nln,. n..,l v- " -- v i,wij tftlttl V CONFERENCE HELD ON INTERSTATE TRADE BILL lly Aaaorate4 l'rfaa to Cooa Day Tlmw, ., .on.KTnfPAKT T r Tfl. 1.1 Mil at hONOral points In tho Aflr. .. .,frm,P with tlin IrCHl. dent, monibers of tho Sonato Inter state commerce commltteo said ho vi.... . "'' "i tl i . ?.J)e r"r tll safety of tho ves -vi Mlill lift 111 , .,..,1 , , -,. -. - w. - - wireless was r.nf'oWff i "., .' l",l"d road his message nnd discussed give the Zln".lcl?nUy 8tro,lt: l? many of Its details nt length. Somo Proved tw , ,'' uv V,'" vcbbo1 " Senators lind no doubt an lntorstnio the nlEht n? , . U GX nft0r trado c'nn'IS8In w"' limited pow- vessel '""i1 lu eav3 "'".or to assist tho courts in carrying The liner rinvm n .... lout dissolution decrees would he "J' Of dlStrS hrn,7 ." f'i.'i"S. ?.. tie Ladv io.,.I "" m'mi u is inougui cenain nis.u uuiv mj,- !.. r 'lUrler ren'lvlnir. TI.OV lldotlr... r.l,II.IH.,r lm Innp1nntrlni Cobeould'1! I01" tho ,owltlou ot tho 0f directorates would bo put througn, made nn i i lVa,,ol,BO coma uo that pennltles would uo imposed in from HauVov airier wont out every cc cue an ,i H"f yest.rday to the ros-' personal today b"1 lu uo "ear tho wreck fixed RELIEVES BILL I case on guilt Individuals and that would bo distinctly It Is i.Piio n I T,,e ,nn,n Plnt '" tno (ll8CUS8,on ne of i, r ' uouequto struck wtas tlio extent to wiucn tne aner- nat (flnni t. """" icuges nim man law bikjuiu uo huw"1 Point fmP n . IIowson mistook the Tho President is understood called yeste l w n ho first noll,te'1 0,lt tliat u women was POLlfiF RRPflT SUCCESS IN CHICAGO CHlO . ' '"' ,0 Coo Vfr Tlmea, Wrtment iVan' 1 4 -bo'i "'c"lWlth won.pn nnlln. . . tBr i..... . ... . J '" " to Cooa Day Timea.l 14. Chicago's n so .,,"'" .woien ponce has prov "' -""""'" Punkh.Uccessf"1 that Mayor M. L Congress on trust of DtrrdePUtyUpeZtendent1t 'ave it out of pollen r v.. ""' superintendent "1 av ii, "us .announced that ho o emnii.?.! c"y council for funds r ' uueeP more women poljce. emented to have necessary to remove all doubt as to wnat constituted "restraint of trade," be lieving that public sentiment no longer was that restraint of trado could bo reasonable. It was said that the President HPHtnofl to feel that It would bo well to concentration tho nttentlon of legislation, so as the way by June. UAXI) DANCE, Eagles' Hall, SAT VKJMV, !m. VI. Senator Chamberlain Expects to Conclude Argument on Alaska Railroad (lly Aaaoilatetl Trraa to Cooa Day Time. WASHINGTON. I). C, Jan. 14. "I do not believe tho Alaska Rail way bill will bo delayed In passing tho Senatie," said Senator Chambor laln yesterday. "Still, the Interests opposed to 4ho opening of that terri tory by tho Government railroad are strongly represented here. I saw several familiar foces In the gallery yesterday. They nro those of the men allied with the hostile Interests and they certainly are here for a purpose." Chamberlain expected to conclude his argument yesterday. Ho express ed the opinion that no serious effort would be made to amend the bill for the mining and sale of Alaskan coal by the Government. Senators Burton and Rnnkhead are planning to oppose tho bill. COUNT ITO DEAD. (Dy Aaaoclated Frraa to Cooa Day Tlmta.J TOKIO, Jan. 14. Count .YukVo Ito, admiral of the Japanese navy, died today In his seventy-first year. FOLLOWS FIT Ed. Kasten, Found in Rear of Saloon, Succumbs in Po lice Station Apparently suffering from n fli or ptomaine poisoning, Ed Kasten, hook tender at Camp No. 1, was found In tho rear of tho Shamrock saloon last night about 8 o'clock. Ho was hur ried to tho police Btatlon and placed on a mattress and Dr. 15. E. Straw and Dr. Taggart wero called to attend tho man, who died nearly nn hour afterward without recovering con scluosness. Tho physicians wero unablo to dl ngnose the case last night, but It Is believed that Kasten hnd taken some thing which had caused convulsions. Ho was known to have been drink ing, but his companions declared ho was not drunk. Tho pulmotor was sent for as usual, and arrived from North Hend half nn hour afterward, when the man's struggles for air had grown very weak. With a mob of curious persons filling tho marshal's little office and using up most of the fresh air, tho pulmotor was op erated. Kasten had almost succumb ed, however, and tho effort was use less. Tho dead man Is said to have rela tives In tho east. Ho had been work ing In tho logging camps of this dis trict for a number of years and np pearod to be popular among the log gers, who state he was a light drink or. He was about 34 years old and of vigorous physique. The body was turned over to Cor oner Wilson and it Is probable that an autopsy will be held to discover the nature of Kasten's ailment, North Bend City Council Pro tests Slip in Street Im- , provement Contract At a meeting of tho North Ilond CMty Council Inst evening tho Council docldcd not to allow tho claim ot Porhnill X- Ollllnv for Ihn nlmin nn Tho grand Jury is now probing tho on tho contracts for tho Imnrovomont caso or Miller, tlio cook, wno la of slreots. chnrged by W. O. llorreo and Jnck EI-, when tho contracts woro lot somo wood with having confessed to tho thrco months ago tho Council undor MyrlUi Point bank robbory. No now; Bt00d that Porham & C.ldley wero to evidence In the caso has beon found bo pnld only for tho fill iiindo nnd the officials say. that tho slopo wns not a coiiBldora- Vaughan, t.io man convicted of Uon Artor ttwnr,MllS tho contracts horKO-stoa lug, who la alleged to hnvo to ierlinin & C.ldley tlio Council or told that ho know where ho money- HOr0(, Ul0 c nttoril,y t0 ,,ruw ,, tho was bur ed. will bo nut In the "sweat- - C0Mtrnc,H. Mo npti((, 'H or tIl0,'r ,. box" today and grilled ns to what ho 8U.ctlo..s, but after tlio contracts actually Knows woro BKI10I, ,t wnH ,Hcnvcr,, tlint ft "... ' .. . Sill) was nttnenml tn nnn nf tin. aH. tracts providing for a chargo of 25 cents por cublo yard to bo mado for tho slopes. Tho quostlon thou arose: "Who at tached tho slip to tho contracts?" City Attnrnoy Mulltn nt that tlmo said that ho was ordorcd to nttnch tlio "slopago" cliuiBo to tlio contracts, by the chairman of tho street com mittee it nil two coiiuclliiioii, whoso mimes he could not romombor. Dr. J!nrtle, clinlriiian of Btreot work, nd- 1 mlttcd authorizing 25 cents addition al for slopes, but tho names of tho other two coiiiicilmon could not bo ascertained. When booh yestorday rcgnrdlug tlio matter, formor City Attorney Mullln said: "I hold no public offlco at the present tlmo nnd If you wish my opinion you may on gago my services ns an attorney and 1 shall render my opinion as to tho Icgnllty of the Porham & Gldloy con tracts." At last night's meotlng sovornl protests woro filed by tho proporty ownora In which tho slopago claims U'riffi llivil trml nml ilm nni.ii.M ..! I "v.v iwitU ((( 4U VUlllll' llllb I Hi A All I ll'fi IIKlHiin niriiH utiill Txl .1 .. w Ufltltv IHiti.t-.Ji U1V1 111111 tV'I 11411 Kin n, HIT OlM'S KlKl, With tho brlngliiK lu of a vordlcl for $300 for tho plaintiff In the caso ot Crouch vs. Uostul today, tho Jury work was concluded and Judge Coko discharged tho Jury until Friday. PADEfilWWS ARM PARALYZED World's Leading Pianist Can cel's Engagement and Leaves for South (Dy AMOflateJ rrraa to Cooa Day TlniM,) SEATTLE. Jan. 14. With his loft arm practically paralyzed from mus cular rheumatism, Igunco Paderowskl pianist, cancelled his ougngemoiit horo inn! at othor const cities nnd left abruptly for southern California,! ovonlng, at which n roport will bo hoping that tho change of cllmato heard from tho commltteo ns to their may bo bonoflclnl. iiihiiukh. I Kern Ik President. IINFMPLOYED MEN ARE Jh . Korn was olectod prosldont uivuviruuicu mciy nnc of ,i,0 council by n voto of 3 to ORDERED OUTj-. It was not anticipated that tho ! question of chnlrmnn of tho Council ny Auoi UIM l'rfaa to Cooa Hay Tlmea. IwOllhl bo Settled last OVOIllllg as tllO PORTLAND, Jan. 14. Tho throng Council has been deadlocked ovor of unemployed ordered out of Salem, tho presidency for tho prior two yestorday reachod Tumor, but tho of- ninotlngs tho voto being 2 to 2 for fleers there refused them admission ,1'alKonstoln and Kern, to tho town and tho men continued I , r. Ira U. Hartlo wns appointed their southward mnrch. All but four I0'1," Officer for Iho onsuIiiK year, of the men given work by tho Gov- J)r- "artl, hn8 orea tho city prior ornor quit and followed their assocl- to this tlmo nnd his appolntmont ntes. Salem authorities aro trying.' no surprise, today to intorcept tho second do-' Tho appointment of a night po tachment of unemployed headed for 0 ",,pnwa; I0'0"011 "nt" ,tl10 the capital. They declare tho police "-t meeting of tho Council. When will not let thorn enter town. Beo" ,nst ovolB s regards tho ap- wiu not let tnoni eiuei iov,n. jpolntmont of wnothor offlcor, Chief WILLIAMS NOMINATED. !A"!l?rf,on would iiolther confirm nor ..w..j ... ,uifu,i, uiii ii id Kuuuiuiiy believed that another officer will bo appointed. (Dy Aatoclatea: Pro o Cooa Day Tlinea WASHINGTON. D. C Jan. 14. Tho nomination of John Skelton Wil liams for Comptroller of the Curren cy nnd member of the Federal Re serve Uoard was sent to tho Senate yesterday. Williams Is now assistant secretary of tho treasury In chargo WATER HECHDKS OX HA171TO. tny Awoolatea l'ra to Cooa Day Tlmea.) KOESLIN, Germany, Jan. 14. or tno nscai mireau aim oueruiary rno wator lias receded alonir tho McAdoo's first assistant In matters BnUo Bea a , , f t, of government finance. , .. ,nnirnii t.. , . 'ww"5 ...w u..nu wiuv iiii)iu4 lui'ii mo vil lages which havo heen Inundatod. Tho residents, who had taken refuge, on tho elevations, returned to their homes, which uro almost uninhabit able, while food' and fuel nro scarce." 1ILUE STEM FLOUH, HAINES.' Sl.UJ AT 1IAXD DAXCE, logics' Hall, SAT. 1'RDAY, Jan. 17. i i 1