fe&-d THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 1914 EVENING EDITION. SOCIAL CALENDAR PERSONAL NOTES TUESDAY. Jolly Dozen with Mrs. J. Brocktnueller. Auction Bridge Club with Mrs. Ilouseworth. READ? WALTER SINCLAIR, ot Co(Ullle, Is a Marshflcld visitor. pnwir" Tin lim M.4. jr I YOUTH TAKEN WWfm MALI W Iff to Wear J when you put them on no breaking in if you select 2To-SC7 "VV for That Cough Try Rcxall Now Cherry Bark Cough Ju jubes is an effectual, ex ceptionally pleasant and convenient preparation. It is an effectual treat ment for simple coughs, sore throats, hoarseness, tickling and irritation of the throat and respiratory tract and also an excep tionally peasant remedy for clearing the voice. ONLY TEN CENTS LockhartParsons Drug Co. THE IH'.SV COIIXKH The Itevall Store l'lmne I'm 2H pHe Royal TONIGHT DAVIS & LOW. 'Clin lin.llnlala LOIS roWKLL III two protty songs. I XEW lll'l'lx oi, .iwvr.Tin.'t: ESCAPED FROM THE ASYLUM n uiuniHuc sensation in two reels. MUTUAL WEEKLY 17 of tho most Interesting si.iiirto TWO MEN ANU A MULE Foatur- 's me lamous Hippodrome mulo, "Pete." ADMISSION: tower fhH.,-, i n(. iiaicoi, v. 1 oc. WEDNESDAY NIGHT: .... t GOVERNOR'S DAUGHTER, In three reels. UMBRELLAS "tr-AIKED AND COVERED MARSHFIELD CYCLERY IHONE 158-R. SendjYour Laundry $ to Us By Parcel Post WVv"XlS" A UAG AXD WILL ' mi; POSTAGE OX ITS RETURN. cos Bay Steam Laundry fhone 57-j Marshfield liitHHvl &rpymw3-n or VvA J vy-"- I X !?. yl 3Hl & JmmWEZt&M Tho Speed Datt Velvet or.Tan Ru$tla Catf. KaifdtottinJIiiel $5,00 iic MaTt rl I JTral 1 1 fw" ty Lhir TTHiTiT"" iTii " " ''""" '"i""11;""1"' I y2py It's not what you pay but what you get. awwiwuwinwniHiurtw t iiiyiihiiMtiinimiimiiHimiinmi. m I Woolen Mill Store apparel specialists koii .mux and hoys OrpheumJTonighL PLAYMATES- Mnjestlc. A film brim full of Interest and npp"iM7 I11B especially to children. MYSTERY OP TUSA Something worth scolng. Deep mystery abounds throughout the reel and keeps one In n tremor of ex citement MISSING WITNESS A two-reol feature. Llfo or death, and nil depending upon tho arrival of the nil-Important witness. IS William, of Germany, Takes to Manual Labor on Advice 1 of Physicians I Illy AmihIiiIisI rma to (Vim liar Tlmisi I POTSDAM.' Germany, .'any. 12. Emperor William has joined his day InbnrurH for several days past In hawing and splitting wood on the Imperial estate surrounding San Souci palace. Ho was advised by physicians to tnko n course of man ual labor. Accordingly ho spends his fore noons working zealously with tho laborers. Ho Is said to tnko prldo In piling. fuol Into uent hoaps which he then presonts to tho laborers for us In their homes. SiriTLIXCJ rfllUCItlA. Muslims Vhi- Amerlniu .lethoils lo Fill ViiKt Area. (.1. A"Orl.) 1'rr.i to Ton. DT TlDIM 1 I ST PETERSBURG. Jan. 12. Tho nt renin or coionlzallon in hinerin is productlvo of rosults In Western Am orlcnn fashion. M. Treguboff, dur ing his recent Journoy found that throo and n half million colonists settled there between 190S nnd 1012. Freight motor cars now fncilltnto traffic on strolches up lo 100 miles off tho trunk line. On what was baro Bteppo only three years ago when tho Into M. Stolypln toured Sl borln, prosperous towns, such as Slav gorod, lravo nrlsen, with electrical stations and power houses, veterinary and sanitary Institutions, and other establishments of a permanent na ture DEBATE IS OX ALASKA ROADS. tny AModiie.1 I'rrw la Cooi n Tlmwi.l WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 12. Tho debato on tho Alnskn Railroad bill for government construction of a lino 733 miles long has begun In tho Senato. The rimes want nds aro tho keys to tho door of opportunity. DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY Complete line of Notions. SMITH'S VARIETY STORE North Bend. BUY YOUR Henderson ami La Princess Corsets AT S. S. JENNINGS NORTH BEXD, 1 Wl w .JANUARY TIRES clow ih Ri"M tr.e iLno and i tight of tilt;li and low water at Mi retinoid. I The tides aro placed Ih the order J of oiciir-enro, with their times on the (list lltiu and heights on tho second line uf each day; n compar I ison on consecutive heights will , Indicate whether It Is high or low water. i'or high water on tho bar sulistrnct 2 hours 34 minutes. 12 Mrs. . ,",.1(J 8.12 2.24 0.11 Ft. . . l.!l 2.1 C.7 0.1) lyiiirs. . :t . r. r. 8.ro u.oo 11.40 Kti. . . r.:i 2.1 0.7 0.9 14 lire. . i.:i;i 11.40 :!.n4 10.2c Ft. .. n.i 1.9 0.5 o.s A I WEATHER FORECAST , I Il Anorlt'M I'tifi lo Coos lliy TIiiim 1 j OREGON Rnln west, ruin j op biiow East; Houthoastcrly winds, high along const, .. j .. . 4 I LOCAL TEMPERATURE I RECORD Tor the 24 hours endlnt; at 4:43 a. in., Jan. 12, by IJonJ. Ostllnd, special government me- I teorologlst: Mnxlmuui 4 8 I Minimum .17 At 4:43 n. m 50 ; Precipitation 12 i Preclnliatlon slncu Sept. 1 1913 29.10 , Precipitation same period i last venr 34.43 I I Wind: Southeast, cloudy. j i. i. i..,.i,.,rRiniii..v ivil. lnr, one of tho heads of the Dollar tho wIo Ml" Sl010' xirtB to Lumber Company, Is expected on tfio ,mvo 1,ls ow 8,oro nt Nor,, nm Couulllo this week to look after af-,,c",1' ,0 l,l' Saturday. Iris Klrod, fairs there. It Is understood tlintwl." " ,,ou wlt1' " Mnrshfleld I.Ir .l,i Ih Ii. rminootlmi will. hu BorO '"I B0" ,ll. wl" ',0 ln ro-orgnnlzntlon of the several luin- ber companies on the Coiiullle In which the company Is Interested. For PavingPlans to put In hard paving on South Broadway from Mill Slough to tho end ot tho fill near Hall uvenuo aro being made. It Is likely that tho Council will tako It up soon so that tho contract can bo let nnd tho work started as soon as tho weather will permit In tho spring. i !iK Hcslnn. Tho W. O. W. nnd tho Women of Woodcraft will havo u Joint Inslnllnllon of officers to- night and this will bo followed by n bniKiuet nnd program. Elaborate preparations havo been mnilo for tho nvont mill it la cxnecieu uiui uieru , will bo nn unusually largo nttend- anco for It. ... win- :,-,.t-riil. flow Why. whoso building nt tho corner of sentlng rapacity being ovortnxed and Commercial and Broadwny caught 1,0t 10 standing. C. S. Kaiser's fire about two weeks ago and wero hoIo and "William Tell" received tho saved from destruction by tho Mnrsh-1 'eatest applnuse. but the whole bnnd field flro department, has forward-, "' Director Fenton received many od n eheck for $r.O to bo divided compliments. Mr. Gabrlolson, for niuong tho members of tho depart- secretary of the Oregon Slnto moiit as nn expression ot his grata- nlr. win especially loud In his fulness for saving the structure. I'ralso of tho Mnrshfleld band. P.openy ChgTSonator I. S. ' .L P. PorMV 'oml..g.-yord was Smith has purchased tho Alva Doll locolved hero this morning that John losldonco property on South Twelfth ''rtor. of Porte,- Brothers, wns street and Mr. Doll has purchased expected hero today after a trip of tho W F. Miller property nt Seventh ' '""portion down over tho lino. Ho nnd Eirod nnd Is moving there. Mr 'llB t llcro "I" the steam ,l)oll hns also taken over Snnntor . "liovol was moved ncross tho bay. It iD.......... ....o..a. i m, ...mw.riv'ls understood Hint no orders hnvo owned by them on Broadway near Elrod. i Ret urns Here. Louis Doll return- ordorod soon, tho work to stnrt as od this week from Portland, wliero soon as tho wonthor will pormlt In ho went lo meet his mother. Mrs. tho spring. Allco Doll, who is returning 'rom 'nn extended Enstorn trip. Mrs. Fined ror Assault, James Rob Doll was accompanied by hor &ls- orts was nrrestod by Officer Walter tor, Mrs. Hattlo H. Andursnn. of .Richardson this nfternoon on tho I Missouri, who will mnko hor homo jehargo or assault, prcforred by W. noro II. Lingo. Roberts pleaded guilty I ' . and wns fined $r'''"3fciro Justlno Pun- I Bouts Bar Bound. Floyd Por-.nock. Lingo stated In his complaint kins, of Gardiner, who has been that ho was tnlklng to Pnt Colnmnn signed up by Judge McCredlo or on tho streot. Roborts passed and tho Bonvers, was n visitor In Mnrsh- Lingo said "there goes n ninn who Held yesterdny. Ho reports that tho Bailing ships Loulso, Sndl'o nnd Lily, nnd tho steam schooner San Gabriel, havo been bar bound at tho Unipqun for tho last two weeks nnd aro unablo to go to sea. Ho expects to leave shortly for Southern Cal-Jnot iromla to work out with tho base- ball team in tho South. Ducks Flying High. Tom James, J. W. Conrad. Ray Kaufman, Arthur (Peek and Jnck Kendall returned last ovenlng from their lhst duck hunt of tho season. The season closes on tho fifteenth of tho month nnd some of the hunters among tho party de clared they wore mlghtly glad over it. James and Kaufman got most 'or tho ton or twelvo ducks secured by tho party. It was reported that tho ducks wero vory unsettled in Ilaynes Slough nnd rorusod to wnit until tho Hunters got Into rango. Tho unreasonable lowl would fly boforo the Huntors got within two hundred yards, owing to tho numor ous relatives they had mlssod olso where on smelling gunpowder. Times Want ads bring results. PRESBYTERIAN LADIES' All). 4 The Presbyterian Ladles' Aid of North Bond held a social afternoon at the church on Thursday. Delicious refreshments were served and the af ternoon spent socially and In sow ing. Those present were: Mcsdames .1. Monde. II. C. Holm. A. II. Imhoff. George Hazer, Geo. Mandlgo, V. E. Walters, Henry O'Mnrn, Win. Vnugh nn, Hlnzy, Win. Hoeck. Henry Iloeck, Strate. Georgle Vnughan, Robert Hazer, Raymond O'Mara and Billy WMjcoXj Moot Wednesday. Tho Mnrshfleld M. E. Brotherhood will be entertain ed Wednesday night by David Nelson at his home on South Sixth street. New lloific. 13d Erlckson of Bun ker Hill Is having Fred Mngnusson prepare plans for n six room bunga low to bo erected near tho Erlrkson boarding house In Bunker Hill. Plan Social. Tho young people of Baptist Church wllPhold a business meeting and nodal nt tho church on Friday ovenlng nt 8 o'clock. All members aro urged to be present. Council ToiiIkIiI. Tho Mnrshfleld City Council will meet tonight. Steps may bo taken to provldo for tho flro marshal. It Is likely that tho flr) chief will act as fire marshal also, as tho two positions go together well. To Store. Geo. Ilotnor. of ,,"",B of tl10 N'ortl1 1,ol", B,oro' (Jlvo l'nivwcll. A farowcll re coptlou will bo given nt tho North "' ' ' ,,l",',11Tl,0",,ny1 "' j for I ov A. M. Williams and wife. " ' ' peeled that many will "" to, V " tribute to them. Rev. nn,, Mr8' W Hlloms will go from tho "' "oburg. ut plnn to return ncro lnto i Libels llmil. A Porllnnd imr says: "Kruso &. Bnnks, of North Bend Or., hnvo sued the owners of tho "Phnonor Oakland, now undergoing repairs at tho plant of the St. Ileleim Shipbuilding company, to recover n ""m uiicgeu 10 no due ror worn on t'u vessel. Sho wns libeled yester- . Fine OonccrC Tho band concert at tho Masonic Sunday drow tho ""Rest auuionco or nny neiu yei, tno been glvon yet concerning tho start ing of tho bridge across Cons Bay, but It Is expected thnt this will bo owes mo 120. Ho declnred that Roborts turned back and cursed him, following his words with a blow on tho Jaw. Lingo exhibited his features, which showed ho had boon struck, and stated that he had ofrered to right bnck becauso ho was nrrald, both ho and Rob- brts would bo arrested - 1 XORTH HEXD XEWS. i- Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Johanueson of Emplro nro shopping In Mnrshfleld today nnd visiting friends. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. George Smith had tlolr littlo son, Robert McCnnn Smith, iclirlstoned at tho Robert 'McCann borne yosterdnv, Rev. D. A. MacLeod conducting tho ceromony. Those present at tho christening and dinner following were; Rev. D. A. Mac Leod, Mr, and Mrs. E. Georgo Smith, Mrs. E. R, Hodsou, Misses Erma and Irono Hodson and Mr, and Mrs. Itobt. McCcnn. , Cut flowers formed th'o decorations of the house, Mrs. O, Peterson of Eastsldo is quite 111 at Her Home. SHERIFF W. W. GAGE came over on the noon train from Coiiullle. FRED LEEKLEY, .of Coaledo, arriv ed In the city today 011 a business visit. 1 HANK UOGI3US left on tho morn ing train to attend court at the county sent. J. K. PAULSON, of Coiiullle, arrived in the city on the noon train for a brlof visit. J. M. BAYLISS returned today from Coqtilllo where lie has been a few days on business. NEIL WATSON, of Coos City, (Mine in from tho much today on busi ness and 'pleasure, GEORGE JONES was among tho witnesses leaving for Coiiullle on tho morning train. JUDGE JOHN F. HALL left on tho morning train to preside at an ad journed session of tho County Court. ATTORNEY R. O. GRAVES wiib among tho legal lights heading for the county seat on the morn ing train. MRS. REBECCA LUSH STUMP and daughter, Catherine, hnvo roltirn ed from a visit with relatives on Coos River. DEPUTY SHERIFF FRED GAGE, of Alleguny, wns among the wit nesses bound for Coiiullle on tho morning train. 'ATTORNEY TOM MALL wns among I tho pnssengerH aboard tha Rt- dondo when sho left for San Fraii I clnco tills moculug. ALBERT MATSON H'H on the iiinn- j lug train to bo a witness before tho grnnd Jury In tho Charier. Spencer forgery case. JACK CARTER. City Marshal. loft on the morning train for Coiiullle as n witness In tho Spencer case boforo tho grand Jury. DR. GEO. E. 1)IX left today for Pnso Robles, California, where he will spend some tlmo recuperating from his recent Illness. ELMER PARKINSON wnH ninong those going on tho morning train who will be n witness before tho epcclnl session of tho grnnd Jury. A. M. COOK, tho prescription dork who hns boon omployod by Ilnrry Wlnklor during tho holiday per iod, left for his homo In Portland. MISS BESSIE COKE loft todny to resume lior course nt Berkoloy after spending tho holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Coko. J. S. BROWN, auditor of tho C. . .Smith Company, loft today on the Adollne Smith fop Sail Francisco aftor checking up tho locnl of fices. W. G. RORREO, who was Biibpoonod In tho caso of Miller, Hold ror im plication In the Myrtle Point bank robbery, left on tho morning train for Conulllo. J. K. SMITH, of North Bond, nnd who hns Intorosts nt Rlverton, Jeft on tho morning train for the South accompanied by Josoph Du mnnt, of Los Angeles. J. D. MILLS, tho gonial rhlor or tho Gnlller Hotel, or Baudon, who spent tho week ond visiting In Mnrshriold nnd North Bond, left on tho morning train ror tho Clty-by-tho-Sea. J. R. DUMONT, who has boon with tho North Bend Sash & Door rae tory, returned on tho last Redondo rrom Cnlirornln, but expects lo leave ror Kansns City, Mo., whoro Ho Hub accepted' a porninnont posi tion with " largo hotel company. MRS. ARTHUR ELDREDOE loft on tho Drain stngo today for her home in Seattle In response to a messago frou. Mr. Eldredgo flut ing that their little son wns ill, Sho Has boon staying with hor mother, Mrs. Anson Rogers, aluco tho death or her rather. FRED LAMP! loft on tho Redondo ror Borkoloy, Cnlirornln today,, at tor visiting his frlond. F. .1. Holmes, Mr. Laiupl wns fnvor ably ImprosKod by tho Cons Bay country nnd lutonds to return bhortly with his family to make his Home In Marshflold. If you have nnytlmg to sell, rent trado, or want Help, try a Want Ad In Tho Times. Merle Reynolds Sentenced to County Jail for Theft of Shovels Constnblo Cox left on the nfternoon train for Coqullle, having in custody Merle Reynolds, eighteen years old, who was fined $2 or twelve and a. half days In tho county Jail for steal ing shovels from W. A. Storm a few days ago. Storm rooms at tho Snyder Hotel nnd Reynolds has been stopping nt the same nlaco. Tho former mlssod j Ills shovels Inst week and found them. in Wiseman's Bccond hand store. While In tho store ho asked Wiseman j who sold him the shovels. Reynolds was passing tho place at the time and J Wiseman pointed him out. Storm had (Reynolds arrested and placed In t"0 , city Jail. ' Ji ' Ho sworo out a warrant In Jubuco Pennock's court, tho warrant bolne ' served' by Constnblo Cox. Tho trial iwns hold this morning and Reynolds broko down nnd ndmlttod Dio theft. Ho declared ho "was up agaliiBt it" nnd had to havo money and took tho shovolB and Bold thorn. ' H Ib said that a.numbor of Bmnll articles, Including Bmnll buhib ot money, have been mlsBod from 'tho- rooniR In tho Snyder Hotel from tlmo to tlmo, nnd that suspicion rested on Reynolds. No ovldonco wns found against him, howovor, bo when ho wns held for tho theft of tho shovels, Mr. Storm prosecuted tho case against the youth as a warning to him. Not having thu funds to pny his Him, Reynolds will servo his sen tence In tho county Jail. I WANT ADS. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I'Olt ltlCNT 7-room funilsliwl lioiiBO. Call 107-X. I'OH 1IICXT PlwiHiiiit room with bnth. 371 North First Street. I'Olt SALIC Irgo wif formerly In iibo In old postofflco. First class condition. Will Boll for 130 IC tnkon promptly. Apply ("Safa," enro Times office I'Olt SAM J Olio sou- U TH. old, will farrow about March 1. Ono boar 2 1-2 yours old. Chester Whites. Noll Watson, MnrshJleld. WANTED Huff Orpington cockerel nbout 1 yenr old. Must bo good slzo. Phono 308-X. WANTED Information of wltcre nbouts of Yoo Gulllon. J. C. Donno, Phono 3U1-R. FOR RENT I'Olt HEXT FiiiiiInIunI houseltcop Ing rooms. 229 S. Broadway. FOIt HEXT Stores ami offices by tho Tltlo Guarnnteo nnd Abstract Company, I'Olt RENT Sleeping rooms, mis onablo by tho week. 220 South Broadway. FOR HUNT Flve-room modern cot tago on Elrod Avonuo. Apply W. B. Curtis. KOU REXT Furnished rooms, mod ern. 373 South Sixth street. Phono 29G-L. FOR REXT Largo house-on South 11th streot. Phono 119-L., or se A. B Campbell. FOR SALE FOR SALE 1 3-ln. Bain wagon In good shape ?I0. 00. Addrebs Box 210, Marsh flold. FOR SALE Four Sicilian Buttercup uocKorois, one lzn-egg uicuuntor. Address Box 838, Marshflold, or T. F. Miller, Forndnlo. FOR SAM') Handsomely illustrated story of the Panama Canal for tea cents. Address care Times office. Hess' Poultry PAN-A-CE-A Is not n stimulant, but a nu tritious tonic, which produces oggs In nuturo's way. In Win ter keop your lions warm, feed Pan-a-co-a; If you don't got more oggs; nnd lots of thorn, return tho ompty pnekago and your money will bo rofiinded cheorrully. Ttm, MAXUFACURIVG ( IIE1IIST8- The Quality Slor Phono 1 1 1 Market uvenuo. . : i jm -urvaM .jUi-L.&tW.,titftt- ..jfc.-. tki' -- ,-S-l-- .,-;;, &u