timsmwi THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 1:2, 191 4 EVEMIMG EDITION.' COOS BAY TIMES pflfll CV UCI U J w' tr Ml La I II i El M. O. MALONEY Ediloi iiikI I'ult ' 'V v M,OM'V New T-'ilitnri emtered nt the postofflce nt Maria told, uregou. iui transmission tnrough tliu malls ns second ci.in OJftll tllilttet UHD ftBIBBOND official Paper of rim County. I Dedicated to the service of tho people, that no good cause shall lad champion, and that evil shall no; thrive unopp mod. .1 Address ail communications to COOS HAV DAILY TIMES. MurflhNelil OreRo SUHSCRIPIiON HATES. DAILY. One year J6.cn Per month r,n weekly. Ono year 11.50 When paid strictly In advance tti tutmcrlptlon price of the Coos ftjy Tim Is $5 00 per year or $2.60 foi lz months. (Special to Tho Times) GOLD MUCH, Or.. Jan. 12. A. It. Cooley was held to j answer to the grand Jury In $50,000 honds. COOS CD. Wl COOS COUNTY IN LEAD FOR I AND OFFICES 1 FARMERS 0 NOT PAY RATES COUNTY MEET! GIVEN CHANGE Delegates From Four Unions Guy W. Talbot Asks foi Surj- Hold Convention and Or- j gestions on Part c pation nani7P at Conuillc in Rose Festival Delegates returning fro... tho an- Guy W. alhot Hujlrnu... of tho County Officers Notices Scin to All Papers With Charges Restricted The last Issue of the .Vortii Hon.l , Delegates returning . i- , - - m ,.(Wiporil j Harhor called attention to tho action nl convention of the Coos Count, l""' i.-0htlvnl to he held In I Portland fioni .Tune ! to 12 next .iiir. imu written lo The Times EDISON'S LATEST A .storage, battery time comln,, me.- charging "HI imt ImJ DOES NOT COItltoili: r TERMINALS. l CONTAINS NO cili lose Its clinrco .i. ulllllllln.r i,ii h" "hl( IH GUARANTEED Mv'lJ YRu, Coos Bay wiring Co. I nit Hrondvrny. Agentu f"' I'ort "f Com i., Will not lose IU ! splendid sentiment. TIE TIMES hits heretofore hlid or riislou to refer to the good work Hint itiiir.it iu (Inn. lii this com munity by the ine.nborB of tho l-'el- lownV.lp Clul) The practical manner In which they arc tnlt'ng up the proj ect or providing am tor me nceiiy Indicates that sn.nc of the Ideals of that organization i.usy he realized. If there could be n more general dif fusion of this spirit of service to our follows thero would he n largo de crease In the sor.ow and suffering of thin old worlld. In IiIm poem, "Consecration." In wirlch he defines the particular realm of his Interest, the poet Mnselleld I.uh declared : "Not of the princes nnd prelates with ,,iitlii-.ti.jw1 f'linrlritnoi'R Riding triumphantly laureled to lap the fat of the years Ilntlinr the scorned the rejected' tins men hemmed In with the Hpenrs." Kor llii'so hw sings anil for these 1.o frolH the most stirring sympathy and brothcrllucss. Tho Nontlinent so forcefully ex pressed Is a beautiful one that Is at the name time practical and slmplo nm! of imlvHi-xul iinHHlhllltv of con ception. It Is u feeling, a sympathy which well might Inspire us nil In the nuirch or the thing we call life. 'Jo little comer or the world but has I tn portion of the men hemmed In will. Hpenrs. In streets and byways nnd homes and churches theso scorn ed nnd rejected offer their mute np pcnl for hiii'Ii help as wo mny offer. An yet too often the eyes of thoso who might servo are for the princes nnd prelates. T..uro Is Ignoble hotn ngo 'or tho fortunate, selfish court ing of the favorlto and tragic lack of the clear high courage that Is willing to champion the man who Is down. It Is n lofty chivalry, worthy of tho best In everyone, the spirit that re Hponds to tlio actual need of a fellow being, the sentiment that discovers the human In the rejected scum of tho earth. ' J. M. Upton and W. J. Con rad Said to Be in Line for Roseburg Places WASHINGTON. 1). C. .Inn. 12. While geographical considerations will weigh In the selection of land office officials, making It likely that Marshllelil will be given prior con sideration, It Is believed Secretary l,imu favors nnnolntlng a lawyer, so that J. M. Upton, of Mnrshfield, looks like the choice for register or the Rosobnrg office. The most prominent candidate In Portland seems to bo George I. Smith, president of the Wilson-Marshall club. W. .1. Conrad, or Marshllelil, Is considered a strong candldnte for tho receivership at Itosohurg. The candidates for reglstershlp nt Rosobnrg are It. T. Ashworth, J. L. lloyle. .1. M. GUney. W. C. Guerln, C. I.. Hamilton, 1 V. Stowart, J. M. Upton. Douglas Wnlto; ror receiver ship at Rosobnrg. W. II. Canon, W. .1. Carlton, W. .1. Conrad, It. K. Craw ford. W. A. Mellargue. S. A. San- ford and It. R. Turner. WITH THE TOAST ! AND THE TEA COOl) EYEXIXO. To got tho leal help or a treat tlimiKlit you nitiHt trust 't, you ' I must llvo It.- Porcy C. A In ! wortb. ; : Unit PRKKEREXCE. We were sitting III the "iilo.-. And talked or Ibis and that. S'n nsked me ir I'd been nu. And how I liked l.er hat. - .'-nti(l rim 'nrloMS tilings, i H i ' t.ie weather: , on almost every theme. Vi tlero rouwrved together. 1 nidtml wbat paper she pro fen ml: Sue iiwUMIimi iiue. WVIUi thru the dark nround we hoard Tho unto homeward bum. Hbe moved a little closer tlien, And nnsworod. In good rhymes, "Why. the one or all that suits mo most Is tho Dally Coos Day Times. At the City Council meeting I tlio other night thev were liu twoniing In tho m ity l' i inls. It Is honed tin t Inter the 1 Unockers will not be b earing at them. I -tr-n-COUOIKT'S I.OVKSOXC. A l the mint sauce to the lnn.b. Ar Ib the fried egg to the ham. As Is tho possum to the yam. Are ou to mo! TAke tlie pork without the apple sauco I.Ike tint cro buns without the cross, "WDboui von. love, a total loss My life would be! l.tUo apple plo without tho cheose. Or Juicy lamb without tlio pwi. Or lonion Ice that will not friwie. Would be my lire. Yon me the syrup to my cake. You me tho i.iwili rooms to my teU. And bo 1 bog for both our wow, Ob, 1)0 my lf! r inve von with my re'rt und oul. tore tlinu y oi.hk m8U 0U cawerole RAILWAY GETS AN INJUNCT ON .M'DfJK IlKAX ItUSTItAIXS I'OUT I.AXI) KltO.M KXKOKCIXC SIX I'oit a M'AUTi:u TicKirr uati:. Iljr AMoclitr.) l'rrii to Coot I)r Tlnioi.) l'OHTIiAND. .Inn. 12. lutlgo Henn of tho Federal District Court Issued a rcatrnlului; order today restraining tho city council from enforcing tho ordinance recently enacted providing for tho sale of street car tlckots by tho company nt the rate or six ror a iiuarter. or the County Commissioners In offer lug tec different papers Just one-half the regular rato for jiubllslifng- coun ty officers' notices. The Times Is a believer In the square deal and has refused to act opt or publish these notices at such a price. Tho Times' !nl0 hid for publishing these notices was i" cents per line tho Bame ns paid for publishing tho proceedings which tho county court a warded to Tho Thnes because of Its larger circulation. The following Is the article that appears In the North Hend paper: "Coos County Is evidently too poor to nnv the newspapers of the county their regular advertising rates, If the. rollowing Is to bo nccepted ns a criterion. "TIIb orrico (Iiob l-epeatA'dly Ire celvcd notices for publication or t'. Is kind, which havo In every Instnnce been thrown In tho wnsto bnBket. Heretofore- wo did not think enough about the mntter to give It any pub licity but- since our renders wl'l bo doprlved or the publicity which they are Justly entitled to. make this ex planation ns well as criticism. "We this week received the rol lowing: " 'Unclosed please rind notice to tnxpayerfl wMch I wish you would run ror rour Issues or your paper. " Mt Ib possible that l may wish tn make some change In the notice later on. I would stnte. however, that the County Court niiulo a standing order some time r.go to tho errect that they would not Btnntl ror more than 2 1-2 cents a line for printings orricerB' notices. ir you do not reel Inclined to pub- llsh the notice ror those riguros, slm plv pass the matter un. T. M. DI.MMICIC, Co. Trons. " Tlio notlco has been "passed up" and with this explanation wo hope the taxpayers will understand our position. No paper In th'e county ruiiB local advertising ror less than fie per line, nnd in many cases the rate Is 7c to 10c. .lust why Coos Co. will spend thousandH or dollars In publishing delinquent tnx lists and then say to tho newspapers that ir n few short ofriclal notices sent out by the county treasurer and of or orricors must bo accepted at a rate fiO per rent below the loweBt rate charged by any unper In the c'i.tv or not published nt nil. Is a position wo believe Is not well taken. "If jou .will the notice t-ent eut Fiirinere' Union held In Coqullte o:- c. t.. ..,.,.,.( n vi. iv niitbiiHlnstle nuuiiii.ij ...(.un i. ...., - - Buiniiiui, iiiiH "i- session, over one hundred niemiiyts 8tntB tmt the committee Is anxious o: tho various unions In the county t,mt Cm)8 cunty ahould state what being present. - tj10 restlvnl committee ran do to 1 M.ilniu n.l.l IfllUU (llWII'lie . . il... I... (r, ,. f tlllu HlW'tlOll It. VI. iiiuniuin, uvv,. ....-, .. Kipwuril llie llliuiunio ' l,rv ntwl PlllltllV AlfrllMlltlirlSt .1. ........ .1... f..llvn1 u-llKII It IS OX- I.. Smith, represented the Coos liny J(tll,tuil tl,ut .joo.ooo people from all Union at the gathering and two ut .g ()f 10 uitud Slates will be In the local mon were selected ns or- ,,or.inn,ji flelols of the county organization. TuUot cttur statea thnt the fes Uoports were read or the, work t(V(i (B not ony for the boncflt of done and the growth of the move- j,ort.an,i( ut for the whole of Ore nient among tho Tanners In Coni Run nm, t,)0 columbln Hlver basin. County aroused much Interest. Those .. nH(8 tmt BUKBo8tloii8 he sent In nttendnnco were treated to a ulg . , (lln i.r.B niethod to help banquet, over ono hundred sitting , . rton nmi place Kb advan .... ...i.i... ...1.1..1. ..... . .. . .. ..i..i down to two ing iiiuiuB, mi H ... tnaci, heroro tlio tuoiisanus m "- Miallv groaned with the weight of . ,. ...m ,, . .j,0 Hose City. good things grown on Coos County Tlllhot im8 appointed Tom Richard- YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S Aim Four nooil cms with fateful drl,.. l-'or day Kervlce, phon,. ir lllntico Ullbitil I'atlnr, ' 10. niglit service, l'ltune "(id. Itlgl.t Cafe. Wl D. L. FOOTE. Miirpliy'H Dancing Ainilcmf, llCKlnugors' elnss clmnged ti Tuesday ovenlng until furUa notice. Private lessons by . polntmont. Phono Karl II, M phy, Instructor. 20fi-l, Hcildest, 73 Sixth Btreet South farms and served by the wives or tho farmers present. The ofrirerB elected at the gath ering were as follows: President Georgo Honnlnger. Vice-president deorgo IIosh. Scuctnry and- treasurer K. A. Howey. Conductor Nick Johnson. 'loorkeepor h. C. Masters. The convention adjourned after an all-day session Snturdny. subject to the call of the president. President J. M. Culley, of the lo cal union, was unable to Attend tro convention, owing to the Illness of Jin Culley. Tho unions represented were from son, or the Oregon Development League, and C. C. Chapman, or tho Portlnnd Commercial Club, to nerve with him as a committee. A rlne exhibit of Coos County produclB Is suggested by Talbot, who states, however, that bo Is open for sug gestions by the boosters of this section. I Somotl.nes a man's sense or I humor will help him over a rough place when his piety Isn't J I equnl to the Btraln. ' i...,. ...i..... .. Pniiu llnv man Cooiillle. Myrtlo Point. Flshtrap Ani , tj,r(iwn bH own resources he nf Commutation U Tickets $2.00 MAItKIIFIKIiD-XOItTil linMiinv LINK. Curs every ten minutes fmiiiOii to lt!::io p. m. G0RST& KING, Prop Coob Uny flnilrt thoy nrw t there, VflD'IMT IM.'Vli VI.Ml'C I '.1 ! .hj .Mr. niiiiiiilclc, imi will know tlml 'IM it imlmi rovli'fil mnotluiii In llo' It ..... kiltllwlinl ii nut itiiiw. ittntimt I ttt. i-t , , . . ., , ,...,-,,, ... ... t l1( III"IMMII M Mill - ia ,!' Noitb llend M. K. church undor the are tliorefoiv In-a posllon to tleiiiiiuil I II.... 1 Atll1l no. I I .... . I .. I...tl .. tt uusplces of Itev. A. M. WIIIIiiiuh and Itev. A. S. Hlsey were the scene of great Interest. Many have been con verted, crowds Increased and as sistance among the workors Is maul rest. A large orchestra ami good singing nre rentures or the meetings. Rev. Williams. Hnptlst missionary, has not railed In his untiring effort of a month's work In our midst to nccoiupllsh gioat good. All denomi nations here praise his work and are horry he Is to leave us so soon. l)lli:.l(V IX CHICAGO llnxc lli.il III Minutes Siiublne In Tliieo Weeks CHICAGO. III.. .Inn. 12. For the first time In nearly three weeks. ami for one or the few times since November 1. Chlmgoans Saturday saw real sunshine for just sixteen minutes, according to the records of the Chicago weather bureau. Hoay logs and low-hanglng clouds have darkened tho the city ror more than two-thirds or the daylight hours during the last two and a hair months. Since December 22 the dnrknohs has been continuous. with tho exception or tho sixteen of Hint puhllxhcr a similar rate." You will not rend these notices In The Times or any other seir-respect- Ing uewspr.per until the county com mlssloueis ngiee to be fair and pay an 1 onest wage for an honest servlro. INCREASE IN rg " II Look Up 136 North Broadway AND SECURE YOUR HOME SITES IN New Bedford Addition We have high-grade income property for Ypu to con sider Good home-hill sites on improved street, $2000. Farms, all sizes and prices. Stock ranges, timber. But do not forget your future homesite in NEW BEDFORD ADDITION, at Stutsman & Co. I BHflaMBHHHHBaMHHnBMnHBBaHHB KINDLY M3.MEMIU3U AND C11VI3 lS A TUIAL I'.VF.UYTIIIXG IX Till: HAKKUV LINK UAKSIIFIELD DAKINCi COMPANY .::. NOI I'll SF.COND ST.. XHA1I CIINTHAI. AVK.M'K. PIIOXH IUH. 1913 PERMITS Sale! 33 2 Sale! Building Inspector Estimates Valuation for 1913 is About $250,000 llulldlng Inspector Trlhbev esti mator that the building pern.its for tlio year 101:1 in MtMslilleld bad a total valuation In tho iielgbboil-.ood of $20 000, a considerable amount over the f I suit's ost 'muted ror last year. Tho actual figures wore not rvnll- nl.ln fur Riinia iunKfiii fir ill lull lint minutes rosplte. On fie illfferent lU,, rpdpts turned over to th Ity days tho rog8 and clouds wero so L(,nier indlcnted that the pern-its 1 1 Per Cent 3 Discount MUX'S AND HOYS' OYHIU'OATS Remember, that an Owrront Inns three seasons or more, and that thoro Is plenty or sharp weather coming this wlntor and next. With these thoughts In mind co.no In today and select any Oveicoat in the house nt ONtt-TlIIkM) U2SK THAN REGULAR PRICE Dig, roomy. Ulster coats, with convertible collnrs, three-quarter length coats and full length, belted hack coats. Oood weather tight fabrlis in rich mixtures, solid grays nnd browns, blues nnd black. All guaranteed to bo worth the original price. As llstod. lionvv thnt It became necessary to turn on street lights nt tho noon hour. HOYS' OYIMtCOATS, A to II). J .1. 00, Sale prlco S -!.(( $ ti.00, Sale price s I. on $ 7.00, Salo price S 1.(1.1 $ S.00, Sale prlco s .v.n $ 0.00, Sale prlco stl.no $10.00. Salo price $0.11.1 $1 1. 00. Sale price S 7,:.l $l2.ri0. Sale prlco $ 8.:n $1.1.00, Snle prlco . . tfUt.no .MUX'S OVHM'OATS $IS.00, Salo prlco siu.oo $25.00, Sale prlco $10.05 $27.fi0, Salo prlco .$IK.:J.1 $;0.00, Salo prlco Siio.oo $:t2.!i0. Salo prlco SUI.O.1 Sa&lOO, galo prlco ss.-il.T $40. CO, Salo price .. ,$UO.O."5 $45.00, Sale price Sto.oo THAW .MAY CO -INTO Ul'SIXKSS. in, MwUt.. rrv.. lo Com t' T.niM PITTSHCRCi. Jan. 12. Roger O' Mura, trustee ror tho estate or Harry Thaw and his conridontlnl adviser ror 'Dill building totalled $l'i.eOi. Thb was exclusive of pi.mbliti; an 1 j lir-atim plants oieoted. whhb wiuld rni'io the ninouni to app-'ovhinteb i $J.10.000. Inspector 1 'ibbey s"Hi that th v.iiention placed on tb.' tr-'cMirea at tin- tlmo the peruilts -no emrud by t Cii h ilU'ers nre nlmosi mvirlablv ' .s-.mIU'i than the actual eon vbcel the structures are coniplotml. and until tiiilui- Hint u-blto un definite plann had been for mod for Thaw If for this reason It Is difficult to se- ho i uileiuiMl nil ball, ho would pron- cure the actual va.ue or me .irm ably iiuiie to Pittsburg and o Intoi.nw erect oil. More tlinn French dressing lu the busl.iew. Kor this reason, while the fltftire, Alllltl ....... I ... ,..l.ll.,l. -Ml,nii.a .....I nllii.i' ni a.. ,.l(tntlli.il vn!i..l- . --1'OUll aCllO.l 10 eS-llMlll I 111." - MJl-lliril till"" " Bll ..'.". .....- . . ...... 411111 V 111 lMllllhV ailli Will OB l-Bl- .IIOII Ol ..ll'.UU. II I? t"ltUinr.U . u; r- . ,lil ,, IIIIIIH. i.Itf ....------- - C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. HETAIL DKPAHTMENT IiUMUKU. LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDIXOS, SASH AXI) HOOKS. noopixo iapi:ii, irrc. Cl'T THV2 FUKL HILIi IN TWO HY USIXG OUU WOOD. I'HOXK 1BO. 188 BOOTH HROADWY .lit ..1.1 A'M....,i TIji 111) j 1ki rt ll I. Wbkf No? My futur thu you em " .uii.. .. .. ' 8M,iu ty to mart and niulutuln n uccful v.y mlatl you tleprlv of oil! bimluo and will do It." ,r,.Well' Hat still the pot will boll. jf ,---.,. t0" sell, rent. ' go to link'' trad" or want help, try a Want Ad Hxihan:- ' , Tlle tiu.3 the real aluution Is $2.10. otto over for the year is 13. Have you. Job printing done at Tho Tlmoa office. Times Wain ads bring results. FREIGHT S. S. HARDY Carrying freight only. Hetm'oii Coos Day and San l-'ranclsco. Sails from Coos Hay, .Ian. 12. HI, .10, February lit anil 27. Sails from San Francisco Jan. I), 2:J, Feb. (I and 2(1. 1 S. DOW, Agent. Ocean Dock. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio CITY AUTO AXD TAXI HKlim A now tnxlcab litis boon adMt my auto Borvlco. Cnrerul drlm Will go anywhero at any time.! Illnnco Cigar Store Day phoaOl Night phono 1.19-X. TOM fiOODAI.H. Pmiirlflor. IIAVK Barnard & Langworllj FIGURE OX YOU II ELECTRICAL W01U DROP IX AXI) SKI-: THE BIG GAMES IX THE HOWLIXO TOUH.VAM Uiatterton's Alleys NORTH FRONT RTRKKT ClilmiieVN Fire fU' J. N. Bayliss Any kind of brick work t that are right. AXI) ALL WORK (iL'AHAVtB Cull nt "The- Fireside," Ji Midi!.. I!!7 .Second St. Pl.oM Freiu-li ltnui'i-H. Ilollfr CALL A X DAY OR NIGHT PHONE 310 Piii-tv nmi ti-nln calls a Si1 .MAIISIIKIELU TAXICAII C South Coos River Boats rrin..a Iahvao TnrflhfleM bend of river at 8 a. n.. f tttrnlna In evening. Stonmer Rainbow W" i . i.. . i f. m. 15' iiuuii in river in ".... ,i returning leaves Marsbfleun 2 P. im. .,. 110GERS & smitb- LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Tltln Trust CO. A"5" .. ... ...ilnltlp. iiioroiiguiy iici'i.-'" - i meillate service, iuii" , t .1 II l..l..r..fitS of IIUII III llll l.l...". . clients. .Mliilmiiin roi- I. S. Kaufman & STADDES ALL KINDS of PHOTOOU- WORK, Hromldo Enlarj, Kotltik Finishing. If you bave anything to M In Tte Times. ftXfc!rfc A-?Wi Ji cs3 " i'yi'