b 8 Tiii iiMiiiiariiiiii'iii'iin 'I'Wimii wTMnrrii iTwiT ffiriiiiTi'-i'mTTn- THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1914 EVENING EDITION. Our 1st i ii iff uearance aase now in r uu awim Extra Sales People to See That You Are Served As Promptly as Possible GOODS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS GR.EATLY SACRIFICED Remember A sale at this store means a genuine, trenchant reduction from the normal price. THERE IS NO JUG GLING WITH PRICE UNDER THE WORD "VALUE." SEE DISPLAY WINDOWS. Hub Dry Goods Co. See Friday's paper for prices. CORNER CENTRAL AVE. AND BROADWAY. PHONE 3ft Gpr - CCotttiiotllrrPaKOjX Krnso. Among thoso present wcro 31 tb. J. 0. Kcndnll, Mrs. Ouy Ken dall, Miss Norn Towor, Miss Krnnros Wllllnms, MIbb Alum MelntoBh, MIbh 31ndRo Harry. Mrs. IIiiko Qnlst, Mrs. J. D. Gobs, Mrs. F. I). Colian, MIbb .Agnes Hutchison, Mrs. Hon Chnntl lor, Mtb. V. O. Chnmllor, Mrs. duo. Goodrnm, Mrs. Otto Schottor, Mtb. Jl. K. llooth anil Mls8 Genovn Wil im;wi:u, i.nTV. 1 DAXCH TONWIIT luvltntloiiR linvo been Issued for hall this ovcnlnt nt Simpson's Pa vilion In North Ilend. Mesdnmos Irn II. Ilnrtlo, h. 1 KnlkeiiBtoln and II. 13. llnrmlstor nru giving it. f ! f I YOUXO IaADIKS. MIhb Dorothy .Tohnson will enter tain tho Ladles' Aid of tho Norwegian Lutheran cluirch at tho homo of ltov. nnd Mrs. It. O. Thorpo iloxt Thursday evening. ? ' he hostesses. Those present this week woro: Mrs. II. O. Thorpo, Mrs. C. G. Mngntis, Mrs. Gnat Steen, Mrs. Ilefsland, MIbb Hefsland, Mrs. A. 11. Snow, Mrs. Frollch, Mrs. Christ Leo, Mrs. Kdwnrd HrlckBon, Mrs. K. Kr lekson, Mrs. K. Krlekson, Mrs. J. Tol lefson, Mrs. O. Larson, Mrs. J. Han son, Mtb. Thorpe, Mrs. X. Thorpo and Mtb. C. Thorwald. -I Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Reynolds gnvo a party Friday In honor of Hnv Hurna of Conulllo, and Fred Iloynolds, who leavo soon for college. About twenty live of tho younger sot woro there. All had a great tlino and stayed until 2 n. in. I KVIIXIXCJ IMItTV. - . Mrs, A. II. Imhoff wan hostess to a few friends at a llttlo Informal Catherine Thursday ovenlng. AnioiiK her RuestH woro Mrs. L. K. strut", Mr. and Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Johnson, Miss Johnson and Mr. Davis, I XAMH SOX. I SOCIAL CALKXDAU TUESDAY. Jolly Dozen with Mrs. J. rockuiuellcr. Auction Hrldge Club with Mrs. HotiBoworth. WEDNESDAY. D. M. C. Club with Mrs. Itobt. Simpson. THUItSDAY. Young Matrons' Club with Mrs. Guy Kendall. A. N. V. Club with Mrs. C. F. McKnlght. rofrcshmcntB were Hcrvod, Mrs. Ar chlo Phillips assisting tho hostess. Thoso presont woro Mrs. Paul Dlm mlck, Mrs. Geo. Stevenson, Mrs. Ar chlo Phillips. Mrs. A. E. Morton, Mrs. S. Lcnnon, Mrs. Georgo Evorltt and Mrs. L. Kinney. Tlio notx meeting place will bo announced later. DAUflllTKIt HOH.V. Coleman will probably join him and lu tho meantime will remain with her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sav age. 4 Mrs. II. G. Dutler rotumed to hor homo near Myrtle Point this week after a visit with relatives and friends on tho Buy. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Moore, who havo been visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Evortson hero and with friends nt Uaudon, loft today via ItoBcburg and Lob Angeles for their homo In Michigan. : Mr. and .Mrs. Dorsev Kroltzcr and son, William, returned this week from a tour of Oklahoma, California, and n visit with Mr. Kreltzer'B parents nt Dayton, Ohio. W. C. Fcnsler and wlfo, of Myrtle Point, woro over Sunday guests at tho homo of his brother, Chas. Feu Bier. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. F. McEldownoy are planning to leave on tho Iledondo for n short trip to California. " MIsscb Frances Williams and Nora Towor, who havo been spending tho holiday vacations at their homes here, will leavo on tho Hedondof. ... ""iiiiiu inuir conn University of California Hilton nil. I T.null.. I- Hlllllnlltu Hlnt-n r.1... i. '" l; ;t " ",au ,po . Mrs. Arthur .McKeowntiJ bo anothor three monthiid turn, in which sno is cnciwJ .1. .1 M. MIbb Mnrlo Senuinn, los iiuiiiii! v.ihihwmuh irom Slf co, whoro sho was nttcndlcii Indlnu nitiittiin.i. l.n .I..I.1. .......... ..v....,,,i,j, mm UKK( rofurn to school until ntit j5 I Marshflold friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Sullivan havo received word of tho birth of an eight pound daughter to them nt their homo nt Dandon, whoro Mr. Sullivan Is manager of tho Hub Storo. v 4 I lMXXEIt PAUTY. I YOUXd PEOPLE. Tho Norwegian Lutheran Young Pooplo's Society wnH ontertalnod' last night by ltov. and Mrs. It. O. Thorpe. ; They will meot again lu two weeks, ' when .MIbb Cora MnthlHon and Potor Thorpo will entertain Those present last night woro: llev. and Mth. Thorpo, Then Larson, Dorothy .Tuliu-i -non, Edna and Jennie Johnson. Mabel. Corn and Alice Mnthlson, K. M rainier. Ollvor Larson, E. (. Mollem. John (Lnroon, Andrew Anderson, Palmer Nelson, Peter Omit. CIiiIh and Potor Thorpo and llert Ivorsou. J James William Lowry Is tho nnmo conferred upon tho first son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. II. Lowry by tho proud parents. Tho name was given lu honor of tho two grandfathers, James II. Cox and William Lowry. Tho for mnl christening will take place later. V 3Ir. nnd Mrs. II. J. Mohr ontertnln ed a fow friends Informally at dinner Wodnosdny. Among their guestH woro MIsb Hilda Stenholm, Miss Lnndrlth', Miss Solnia Johnson, Mrs. M. C. L-iinpmnn aim usenr Gulovsen. We Aire Mow lira Our Mew Home In Tike Russell Buaildinj 2 JO CentrafAvenue and are better equipped than ever to handle your work in the line of SEU'IXG PAHTY. III.MHLE Cl.rit. AID SOCIETY. ' ( Mrs. 11. Mnthlson was hostess to' tho Norwegian Luthornii Ladles' Aid Society Thursday afternoon nt tho church parlors and was assisted In serving by Misses Cora nnd A'lco Jhith1son and Miss Stella Magnus. They will meet again tho second Thursday In February, when Mis. A. II. Snow and Mrs. Gust Stoou will Tl-o North Ilond Thlmblo Club en joyed a delightful session Friday af ternoon with1 .Mrs. Chas. Williams. A social time followed needlework and lu serving Mrs. Williams was As sisted by Mrs. .lack Wallace. Tho next meeting will bo In two weeks with Mrs. M. 0 .Coleman. Thoso presont this week woro Mrs. V. E. Walters, Mrs. II. O'Mnra, Mrs. II. J. Linden, Mrs. Gothro, Mrs. Kenuedv, Mrs. A. II. Derbyshire, Mrs. Wallace. Mrs. C. S. Kaiser, Mrs. Glazier and Mrs. It. Unzor. 4 I xoitTii HExncriLi). i Mrs. J. 1). Gobb was hostess to a fow friends nt her homo In West Mnrshllold this afternoon nt tho first of n sorles of Informnl sowing par ties. Among her gnosis woro .Mrs. E. MlngiiB, .Mrs. F. D. Cohnn, Mrs. J. W. Dennett. Mrs. C. It. Pock, Mrs. ""yd M. Itlehnrdsoii, Mrs. Eugeno () COIlllOll Mm DM.. CnlmllnH l-.. i - -" w.,w uiiiuuvii .tun. J. T. Ilnrrlgan, Mrs. E. P. Lewis, Mrs. J- W. Flanagan and Miss Agnes llUU'UISOIl. Tho North Ilend Eplscopnl Gul'd was pleasantly entertained Thursday aftornoon by Mrs. "W. G. Ingram at her homo In Plat H. Neodlowork fol lowed the business session and lator IXI'Olt.MAL CHAT f tP IF your eyes foel tirod or strained Como to us. IF you have honddchos eye-strain may cause it como to us. IF your child has trouble in reading or rnnnol see the blackboard well bring him to us. IF you arr" past forty or forty-five, you may need glasses, Come to us. We examine eyes and fit glasses, and we fit up-to-date g'asses; .big T o r i c lenses and stylish mounts. Prices Reasonable. RED CROSS DRUG STORt Drtiflfjjsts Cpticir.'s - Jr.v?!ors P.'jone 122. S Mrs. Henry Songstncken Is In receipt of n card from .Mr. nnd Mrs. E. D. Senbrook, former residents of Coos Day. but now locnted at Portland, Btntlng they nro enjoying a tour Of the SOUth. Tlmi- KIlO.ll unrnn llnir. nt Mr. Seabroolc's old homo n Charleston, s. C, and then made n (llll nf tlln Vnulnpii llfa nl . thon proceeded to Florida and will tnko lu tho Southern and Cuban tour which Mrs. Songstnckon onjoyed .a fow years ago. . ! Miss Genovlovo Sengstaeken, who has bcon quite sick tho past week, Is much Improved. i- ! Miss Anna Downs, who has been oulto III nt tho homo of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. ',. Downs, on South Drondwny. is much improved. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. IhiKiio aro ex pectod homo from tliolr California tour about February 1. Mrs. W. C. Ill'HlllBV ll.ft n,lnv fr... a visit with her daughter. Mrs. II. O. Psdtlook. nt nindstoMe. a suburb of Portland. ; : Mm. Vernon Smith, who has been ni'eiutlnir tb liollriaa lu Berkeley at the C. A. Smith home, has gone to Minneapolis to spend the balnuce of the winter with her parents there. Mr. Smith Is expected to return to tfce Uu ..ii the next Adeline Smith. Mrs. A. T. L.iva'shoni v return In N ' two ,u I,,,,,, j,0 A. gp'ps w Kort i-1-,. )i jooii v '!! rel. i's M ! , -f.,,,. ,. ., j,,, this . - alt,- s ! .,, ,i.t, ,. da; thei.. 44 'r. ai'd Mr- r'Mi 1. a!i.:nr -v-'uriuil thlp M-eek (..Mi : vlit "i Mr. Xuburg's parents. Mr', nnd ai r Dol.le at Etmene. and with trlen.Is In Albany ami Portlaud. ; 11. L. Coleman left today for Roch ester. Mluu.. where he will consult Dr. Mayo coucernlua; an iujury to his knee W-hlnh linx lalil 1.1... .... .... . ..,,. wm .r.,., ...h. ,,u 4t. sovoral months, if the treatment roipilres nn extended stay there, Mrs. i I Developiinig - Pomi PScftore Firamrniimg Rdhfeld OF! Formerly on Front St. Marshfield, Ore, Extravagant Prices no Longer Necessary Player Pianos m No longer is it necessary to invest $700 to $900 to buy an artistic and whofc satisfactory player-piano. Improvements in design, in efficiency and methods of manufacture, together with quantity construction, have made it possible for us to offer at this time players which in every respect aro superior to those which two or three years since scld at prices $200 to $300 higher, This evolution is the nat ural result of the great demand for good player-pianos at low prices and tho devo tion of the best mechanical minds of the music industry to manufacturing and me chanical problems, Today we offer a, player-piano at $490 on easy payments, which will satisfy the most exacting musician, not only in the character of the piano, but as well in the perfection of its renditions, It is beautifully cased,, simply controlled and altosetn ar desirable, At $500, $550, S600and $650 we show player piai os which we are confident are superior to any offered at their price in the West, On all convenient tens may be arranged, Besides, the buver has the cartam VrmMe that hnth r a price are right and that back of every instrument offered uy our house i Impeachable guarantee not only as to quality, but that the price is that he would pay for his piano on the floors of the manufacturer, Safeguard your own interests by Investigating tloroughly, The Wiley B AI VICTOR TALKING MACHINES Central Avenue. L. L. THOMAS, Manager. Russell Building. i no same 16H v0 KKXb'ej fcXSSS ES5J &SKi3