THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, AT THE :ESSI0NAL DIRECTORY frr-- 'am . C. JLW ftnd Organ orl ' ,BenKult& and Ropalr Mining. ,lcgl" 1M10110 U05-L. Mazda Electric Lighting Saves Money in Every Industry nS- ,. 1,0 left at tlio wnoy ffllVuii Store, Central ,venuc. js4? UL ftlULLKw. AX 7 T.ft imy &mMmmkJ t lir.s::-v , g;ff, in)' l"- ...itwlllT. I1, " ..nti-m'tol'. T " on request. LmnlM. r,i , nriiiitcl. Phone Loin-" ';,,, h. fl()S.''" ,. rmrnctor niil i. "'fiHflM. I.i. drawing """'':, i'0!.1 f nuBlonier Is bottcr rof tWeA.cUBBl hink. Look any ,nrou.. - d 8C0 ,t bneof my '"rniinblo. ', .MiimliflcW. Or. , 3151. . fTjoMPKlXS. S' T' I ' i..UJ ilcaliiiir. I .r".. ... ! i t r. , aio-U ",' nJondwny. UlMIIII - - r. ...i nv "' V. : v... .....1 Throat. ? JblH"A children. fc "r .'Vn ""llnoii fl 200. 201. 'P"1?...!,. mock. SUS, i. o -- .A..1.M',,,,V DENTIST .....i.tinl.t nrncon. ... 9n4.206. Coko IlulUHng. JonPH nliono 252-X. c phono "W' ns. IWHItlNi:it. Teacher of rinno. Ileilitcnra Studio, No. 1096, i.l .....I Hlnvntltll SIR icr Conimcniin ' --- - IUI1..I. I'llllUU """' EvJAMlN OSTLINR. (.UIIMiiiih '"" ArcnniHi. , mi It i Inn Illock. no ! ,1...Mi1fi.,i,i Oii-L'on. I ,iiiiniiiM till, UILKT BALLIXGER II'l.nlNt snd Teacher idoDCe-Studlo, 237 So. Uroftdw Phono 18-L. n rII Vlll.Vll. ' AHCIIITKCT. inn SOI nd 802, Coke ItulMlmi Mihfleld, Oregon. TU. 8. TUHI'EN, ARCHITECT Murnhflelrt Drornn low Rates for Handling Trunks IVe haul trunks botwoon nnj nts In Mnrshflold for tlio follow. rates, delivery to 'jo mndo lu tint stories of buildings: i trunk S ."A eo trunks nc five trunks I .HO Star Transfer and Storage Co. U'vl HelNiier, Prop. Phono. 120..I- CM.: (ir.R REMOVED Eppositc The Blanco Hotel ODD The Tailor 'irst Class Weaving rromptly done At Gardiner's Rag Carpet factory Sherman avenue between Callfor. nlu mill I 'iiiiiiu'tl.'it. iione 174. North Bend. Or. RY FIR AND j ALDER WOOD J - AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Trow Street, , riionu 1HO..T. THKItrs ONLY ONE MACHINE THE SINGER. 0XIA OX1) REPRESENTATIVE W. J. RITZ Phono 280.X. HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See CORTHELL Phone3171. STOCKINGS, tho ,cknlnny StorkliiM for l.oys nml he Best Wearing Stockings on 'iniKtH, Sold aw The Electric Shoe Store. Jo. llrondivny. SCAIFB $ A. H. HODGINS 'larshfield pant and DECORATING CO. hnn ':stlm"tes Furnished. h0ne 3"-J. Marshtleld, Oregon. Volume of light at small cost, Pure, white light with a steady daylight softness, That is MAZDA electric light that is modernized light, MAZDA electric light is most efficient, most convenient and economical for office, home, factory, warehouse, shops or schools, Nearly three times as much light for the same current cost as carbon incandescent lamps deliver, Factories equipped with electric licjhtinfl turn out more work and better work. Spoilage is reduced to a minimum accidents are . pre ventedworkmen are safe and contented, Telephone 178 and have us plan an economical, efficient lighting installation for you, A cost estimate will obligate you in no way, Oregon Power Co. At the Churches (Ministers and othors aro request ed to hand In tho Sunday church no tices not Inter thnn Friday ovonlng to Insure InBortlon Hnturdny.) PUW liHUKIiH NORTN BEND TSe New Leaf: "WHBKEAS, ns I Imve In tho jinst boon n regular contributor to the bnnk nccountH of others, through my expenditures, and have rogularly paid my obligations to evoryono but mysolf, and "INASMUCH as I must provldo for tho futuro wolfnro of mysolf and those dependent upon me, thoroforo, "UK IT RHSOLiVICI), that I will henceforth, onch week, owo my self a certain sum, whleh I will pny to my hank account ns promptly nnd regulnrly iih I meet my other obligations." Ol'HX A "XICW liKAK" ACCOUNT IIKUK TODAY. The First National Bank Of Coos Bay Let It flH you with cheer fulness and exalted feeling that God Is leading you on, girding you for a work, preparing you for n good that Is worthy of JIls dlvlno munificence. If Cod Is really proparlng us all to bo como that which Is the very highest and best thing possible thoro ought never to bo a dis couraged or uncheerful being In tho world. Horaco DubIi-ncll. The Woman's Corner IMItctl Under the Auspices of tlio Women's Christian Temperance- Union of Mnralillcld. I METHODIST CHUltCH I North Bond. Tho services Sunaay will bo as fol lows: Sunday school 10 a. ni. Vesper Clrclo and Epworth I.ongut 7 p. m. Sermons by tho pastor 11 . m and S p. in. . I ClIltlSTlAX CHUltCH I HEY. K ATI! EH M'DEVITT HE TUHNS l-'HOM CONKEHENCE WITH AHCIIHISIIOP CHHIST1E AT l()HTIi.XD. llnv. li'nflmr Mctlnvltt. nf North iHcnd, has Just returned from a trip to Portland, where no conrorreu wun Archbishop Christie of Portland rel ative to erecting n now uatnouc Church In North Uond. Unless somo unexpected obstacle Is encoun tered, It Is hoped to get tho new odlflco underway tho coming year. Tlicy now have consiuerauio prop erty In North Hond and tho growth of tho congregation thoro necessi tates larger quarters than tho chapel nt Mercy Hospital provides. Father MeDcvltt lB also organiz ing n new congregation at Coqullle and will bo kept very busy. Ho mndo tho trip via Myrtle Point nnd Hosoburg returning vln Drain nfter n three-days' stay In the Hobo City. Samuol Gregg, Pastor. Hesldcura 2fl0 Norm Eleventh Strangers In tho city aro especially welcome to worship with us. Plhlo school, 10 a. in. Preaching service nt 1 1 a. in. nnd 7:. '10 p. in. Chrlstlnn Endcnvor nt 0:.10 p. in. Tln evenlim service will consist In a atoreontlcon lecturo on tho Btib- Ject, "From tho Mnngor to tho Throne." North Hond ScrvleoM. Tho monibors of tho Chrlstlnn SCHOOL ifyNoTEs I SOUTH .'MAHSHI'IEI.D .SCHOOL I Eighth (Jnule. Oonorn Arciier, of San Frnncl'sco, nml PnllinrliiK f'nliinilwi nf Knxt- o uicmuors oi mo uiiiihuuu , :-...""."'.."..-".;.. Church will moot at tho homo of,J". onieroa uio grnoo on .uomm-. II I auiicn In North I lend on' Hnrold Oourley. n member of the Sunday afternoon nt 2 . n i. Itov. olBlith grade, will leave next week s 3 CmwII nrcac h with his parents to make his homo "" " a In f 'nil Tnv Ml n SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS. ' ,, Tho following pupils i mndo .tho - lllKlll'ni filuiltB III liiu ntunij o' FLANAGAN & BENNEH BANK OLDEST HANK IX COOS COUNTY. Established 1881). Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $110,000 Interest paid on Tlmo Deposits. Officers: 'j. W. Dennett. President. .1. II. I'lamigan, Vlce-PrenUlent. It. !'. Williams, Cashier. fJeo. F. Wlnclienter, Assistant Cashier. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. HKTAIL DEPARTMENT LUMItER, LATH, SHIXOLES, MOULDINOS, SAHn AND DOOItfl. ROOFING PAPER. ETC. OUT THE FUEL HILL IN TWO HY USING OUR WOOD. phone loo. ia sourn RROADWAY WILiaMiriTE-PACIFIO MOTOR SERVICE. Car loaves Central avenue, Marshfleld, ovory thirty minutes, be ginning at 0:30 a. m., to 9:30 p. m. Leaves North Bond ovory thirty minutes beginning C:4G n. m. to 9:4C p. m. Fares: One way, 15c; Round trip, 25c. Seventh Day Advontlst Horvlcostest: Hazel .Cook. 100; Helen Itees aro conducted ovory Saturday as follows: Sabbath school nt 10 n. m. niblq study nt 11 a. in. , I FIRST HAPTIST CHURCH. I DO; Esmond Olossop, l)G; Gladys Crawford, 90; Helen Iininol. 90; Hnrold Gourloy, 90; Ruby Cooloy, 9G; Ernest Ilurrows, 98. Second (iiiulc. PtipllB who misspelled no words In tho oral spoiling contoBt wore: Mark Doono, Jarl Nordruin, Loulso Conner. Vrciin uosney. rain .lonu Albert F. Ilassford, M. A., Pastor. Resldonco 84 G South Fourth Bt. niblo School nt 10. with gradod son was the best speller In tho 11 7o?nln?hCff iT'S-Ber-l Those receiving 100 In tho writ- Tuninrnninnt nt n:00 with Mrs. Q. Klnla Gosnoy, Anna., Ogron, Ell L. Hull. South Sixth street. ,8?p',,!!!., W"on, extended to all young men und wo-1 AJrf nS? Sunday ovonlng Bormon nt 7:30.;dniiu, Ell Sampson, Gordon Noff. Special music by a largo chorus Anna Ogr en has niovejUo Call r i...i i- n.nfn. n,.nP..n Avrn 'nln. Lllllo onkoy has also left 'nun iiiiiiin ii iiiiianui iilui hu m j u ti A cordial wclcomo 1b oxtouded to all. Conio with us and wo will do you cood. PHESHYTEHIAN CHURCH. I J. E. IJurkhart, Pastor. Dlhlo School nt 10 a. m. Young Pooplo's meotliig nt C:30 p. in. RegDlar morning nnd evening ser vices by Row J. E. Hurkhart. Prayer meeting on Thursday eve ning at 7:30. Everyone Is cordially Invited to attend theso sorvlces. CATHOLIC CHURCH. Mnrshflold. Rov. A. R Munro. Mnss will bo colohrntod nt 8 nnd 10 o'clock Sunday morning by tho Rev. Fnthor A. R. Munro. . I NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. I . school to roturn to hor homo In Missouri. Myrtle Johnson Is In school ngaln nfter sovoral wcckH' absence on iu count of nil nceldoiit. . .j. 'Ill lid Grade. Tim fnllowlnc nunlls hnvo had 100 In spoiling nil tho weok: Ralph Mtinunu. Wnllnen I.nncworthv. Steen Mngnus. Myrtle Conklln. Cecil Dol C.raco MrKirny. waiter neuuon. n. O. Thome. Pastor. SorvlceB will be hold In tho Nor wegian Liithornn chnpol at Marsh riold Sunday nt 11 n. in. Sunday school nioota Saturdays at 10:30. Services will bo held In tho Nor wegian Lutheran chnpol at North Bond Sunday at 7:45 p. m. Sunday school nt 10. . 4 I SWI'DISH EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH. Rov. J. V. llonBon, l'nator. Rosldnnce 337 Commercial nvo. nuo West. Phono 1U3-J. Sunday School. 9:45. .Morning service, 1 1 n. in., in Swe dish. in addition to the morning ser vice thoro will bo Instnllntlon of tho nowly-olectod church officers. HupIIhIi Hftrt'lrn at 7::!0 1). ill. A cordial wolcomo to all. . I CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. I Christian Sclonco hall, 237 Third street north. Subject, "Sacrament." Sunday school 12 m.. Wednesday THE THE CITY OF THE FUTURE w i ji IEA A FEW TEN ACRE TRACTS FOUR MILES SOUTH ON COUNTY ROAD !W PER ACRE; MOO CASH, BALANCE TWO T YEARS; NO INTEREST, NO TAXES, FINE SANDY LOAM, LEVEL BENCH LAND. Buy One It Will Make You Money Dooald MacKimifcosIhi REAL ESTATE nd INSURANCE. COLDS TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY Intelligent peoplo realize that common colds should bo trontod promptly. If thoro Is snoozing nnd chilliness with hoarsonoss, tickling throat and coughing, bogln promptly tho uso of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. It is offoctlvo, pleasant to take, chocks a cold nnd stops tho couch, which causoa loss of 8 p. in. I). in M, if rnnm nnnn nvnrv llnv ex cept Sundnys nnd holidays from 1 to 4 p. in. I METHODIST EPISCOPAL I Joseph Knotts, Pastor Sunday school nt 10 a. in. Morning Borvico at 11 a. in. Epworth Longuo at fi:30. Junior Lengun sorvlej Thursday aftornoon at 3:45. Prnyor meotlng Thursday ovonlng nt 7:30 o'clock. . 4 I PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH I North Bond Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Christian Endonvor at 7. Prone? lug services at 7:30 ... in. by Rov. D. A. McLood. 4 . "f CATIIOLIO CHURCH I North Bond. Rov. Fnthor McDovltt. MnR will 1m folohrnted at eight o'clock Sundny morning by the Rov. Father Mcitovitt. , The PiTvcntlvo Ounces, or Truth Stranger Tha Fiction. I will state only fncts that hnvo como undor my personnl knowledge, tho most pathetic side of somo that novor was manifest to tho world, and which I may omit In this story. When I was n young gin, a neign bor, n young married woman n proB pectlvo mother enmo to our home and asked my mother to give libr some Bowing to do, for which sho would gladly receive 'for payment somo necessary nutritious articles of food. Her husband, a largo ablo-bodlcd man, commanded good wages nnd could find plenty or work to do, but ho was n slave to the demon of tho still, and oblivious of nil tho do mands of affection and duty of tho sacred vow given at tho marrlngo al tar scarco a twelvemonth before wns squandering nil his earnings nt tho shrlno of Bncchus. The woo strangor oponcd Its Bwcot bnby eyes and looked upon the things of earth only a few brief months nnd never know tho anguish of a sorrow ing mother or tho Bins of tho fnthor, for they closed to open In a brighter, liintilnn iilnnn wlinrn thorn Is Till ROr- row or sinning. Though my mother needed no help (for alio had largo girls of her own) but hor tender henrt readily gavo the wished for work and the food plentifully. Oh, If lawmakers only hnd a tender mothor'H heart, how much Biifforlng and sin might bo avoided; tho ounces of prevention would save many pounds of cure. Later anothor swoot Httlo boy caino to cheer and bless tho sorrowing, broken-hearted mother. It had ar rived at tho ago when It could first toddlo about and lisp cunning words, so dear to tho loving mother, when ono day as It was playfng with tho bricks that woro used In place of a missing leg of tho old brokon stove, and some way loosonlng one a trlflo, tho Btovo tilted and sont tho contents of n kcttlo of boiling wator on tho tondor, Innocent bnby, nnd aftor mnny hours of IntoiiBO nngiilsh, ho, too, wnH "Snfo .In tho Arms of Jesus." Wo will hero drop tho curtain on tho romnlnlng chnntors of tragedies of thttt woman's story and speak of nnothor. A fnrmcr wont to town for a load of wood. Ho was cordially Invited by a friend to stop Into a saloon for n drink and to wnrm up. as It was a cold day. Tho annko In tho glass aroused tho ilomon of nppotlto nnd several drinks followed, nnd tlmo, which novor wnltn, pnssod Into night boforo ho stnrtod homo. In his mnud lln condition tho tonm was driven Into tho ditch, tho lnnd upset nnd tho limn wns found tho noxt morning frozen to death, gone to n drunkard's doom! Soqnol: BIIIh for fuol nnd supplies for a noody family drawn on tho public treasury orphnns nnd n widow I now mnny pounuB or euro wnn necessary? Ono inoro: Tho wife of an hahlt unl toper enmo to my rooms ono morning (tho fnmlly, husband, wifo nnd one Httlo elrl occupied rooms In tho snino building) and with fright and grent ngllntlon expressed In ovory fenturo, bogged mo to como to their rooniB, hor "mnn" was acting so had sho wan "awfully afraid." I found tho mnn In n sovoro nt tack of dollrlum tromens, with scarce ly any flro, no fuol and not n pnrtlclo of food, hut n fow spoonsful of rof fno nnd a pnrt of n raw cabbauo. Tho man had lost Ills Job somo days boforo for pilfering from his em ployer's till to gratify his Intolerable thirst for drink. Of courso I notified tho "powers thnt bo" and holn wns soon obtnlned. Sequel: In three wooks time, tho wife, unnhlo to hoar ni) undor her henvy hiirdens (bolnjr naturally dollcnln) Biiccuiubod nnd hills for living exponsos, nurse, doctor and funornl oxponsos woro drawn on Undo Sam's credit. But worso than nil wnB tho fate of tho mothorloss Httlo girl loft behind. Oh, how precious, nlwayH, am and might bo. tho preventive mincw. I UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH I North Bond. Mrs. R. N. Lewis, Pastor. Snbbnth school, 10 n. m. Chrlstlnn Endeavor, 7 p. m. Preaching 11 n. m. urn. 8 p. ni. Prnyor meotlng Wednesday oven ing nt 8 o'clock. 4 4 EPISCOPAL CHURCH. I I th and Market. I rtncnlnp kiii'vIpoh will lin resumed in the Episcopal church tomorrow in Marshfleld nt 8 n. m., II n. in., and 7:30 p. in., nnd nt North Rend at 2 p. m. NOTICE. Will not bo rosponstblo for nny bills contracted by my son, Edward G. Dyor, without a written order. Mrs. isaw. is, uyer. nun II wA T Wf i BLUE STEM FLOUR, $1,511 HAINES.' AT Hard to see SOCIAL DANCE glwu by LODGE l.IVHA. SATI'IIIIAV EVE.. JAN. 10. sleep and lowors the vital resistance. Ilt kin.MSH HALL. TielcetK, VHc; Owl Proscription Pharmaoy. Frank jadies free. n. Cohan. Onnoslte Chandler Hotel. Phono 74. I WHEAT $1.80 AT HAINES Any other way it's simply the perfect roofing made in a great western factory, where all the raw materials arc close by made by skilled men who were the original manufacturers of ready roofing. Years and years of practical , experience are behind this wonderful roofing. We bank on it. C. K. NICHOLSON Coos County Repiesentntlvo 10110 Front street. Phono 7J MnndiUcld, Oregon -4